def deploy(): """ Deploys remotely master branch changes to production server. Returns: None """ try: print() info_print( "This script will only succeed if you have configured the " "production server ssh port to match the one in " "config/ and have proper ssh access." ) warning_print( "This process will update the production server with the " "latest master branch changes." ) option = input("Do you want to continue? (y/n)\n") if option != "y" and option != "Y": sys.exit() t0 = time.time() remote_production_task("update_project") remote_production_task("install_python_requirements") remote_production_task("collect_static_files") remote_production_task("make_migrations") remote_production_task("migrate") remote_production_task("restart_server") t1 = time.time() show_time(t0, t1) except KeyboardInterrupt: error_print("Process aborted. Bye!") sys.exit()
def test_unpack(self): """ creates test folder, archives it and tests for custom unpack to work as expected """ target_archive = "./test/test.archive" create_test_folders("test_folder") target_files = ["/file1", "/inside_dir/file4"] unpacked_files = [] no_error = True ok = True try: run_create_archive(target_archive, "./test/test_folder") run_unpack(target_archive, "./test/archived_folder", *target_files) unpacked_files = [ x.replace("\\", "/") for x in get_local_path_of_files_from_directory( "./test/archived_folder") ] except Exception as e: error_print(e) no_error = False shutil.rmtree("./test") self.assertTrue(no_error, "Runtime error") self.assertEqual(target_files, unpacked_files, "Unpacked files are not the expected ones")
def test_create_archive_from_files(self): """ creates test folder, runs create_folder on some files, full unpack and verifies equality of used files should runtime error occur, test fails """ target_archive = "./test/test.archive" create_test_folders("test_folder") # create_test_folders("archived_folder") target_files = [ "./test/test_folder/file1", "./test/test_folder/inside_dir/file4" ] no_error = True ok = True try: run_create_archive(target_archive, *target_files) run_full_unpack(target_archive, "./test/archived_folder") unpacked_files = get_files_from_directory("./test/archived_folder") if len(target_files) != len(unpacked_files): ok = False for i, j in zip(target_files, unpacked_files): if not are_files_equal(i, j): ok = False except Exception as e: error_print(e) no_error = False shutil.rmtree("./test") self.assertTrue(no_error, "Runtime error") self.assertTrue(ok, "Content of files are not equal")
def remote_development_task(task_name): """ Executes remotely a single task on the development machine. Returns: None """ try: function = getattr(development, task_name, "doesnt_exist_in_dev") if function == "doesnt_exist_in_dev": function = getattr(base, task_name) if not inspect.isfunction(function): raise AttributeError cmd = "vagrant ssh -c \"" + function(mode="dev") + "\"" os.chdir("vagrant") run(cmd) os.chdir("../") except AttributeError: error_print( "The command '" + task_name + "' you are trying to execute doesn't exist." ) except KeyboardInterrupt: error_print("Process aborted. Bye!") sys.exit()
def remote_production_task(task_name): """ Executes remotely a single task on the production server. Returns: None """ try: function = getattr(production, task_name, "doesnt_exist_in_prod") if function == "doesnt_exist_in_prod": function = getattr(base, task_name) if not inspect.isfunction(function): raise AttributeError cmd = ( "ssh root@" + ip + " -p " + port + " \"" + function(mode="prod") + "\"" ) run(cmd) except AttributeError: error_print( "The command '" + task_name + "' you are trying to execute doesn't exist." ) except KeyboardInterrupt: error_print("Process aborted. Bye!") sys.exit()
def _print_read_page_error(self, title, text, reason=""): if WikiCreator.DEBUG: after = utils.error_print("Error when reading: " + title + "." + "at: " + str(self._titles[title][0]) + " reason: "\ + reason + "\n100 chars before:\n")[title][0] - 100) utils.error_print( + "\npage: ") utils.error_print(text) utils.error_print("\n100 after:\n") utils.error_print(after + "\ndone\n")
def setup_development_machine(): """ Creates remotely a new ubuntu virtual machine ready to work on the project. Returns: None """ try: print() info_print("You need to have Vagrant installed in your host machine.") warning_print( "This process will clean all data on your previous virtual " "machine and build it again from scratch." ) option = input("Do you want to continue? (y/n)\n") if option != "y" and option != "Y": sys.exit() t0 = time.time() pretty_print("\nCleaning previous installation ...") os.chdir("vagrant") run("vagrant destroy --force") run("vagrant box update") run("vagrant up") os.chdir("../") remote_development_task("update_repositories") remote_development_task("create_app_group_and_user") remote_development_task("install_postgresql") remote_development_task("create_postgresql_user_and_db") remote_development_task("install_jpeg_libraries_for_pillow") remote_development_task("install_git") remote_development_task("download_project") remote_development_task("install_virtualenv") remote_development_task("create_virtualenv") remote_development_task("export_project_keys") remote_development_task("install_python_requirements") remote_development_task("make_migrations") remote_development_task("migrate") remote_development_task("install_npm_and_grunt") remote_development_task("install_npm_packages") remote_development_task("install_ruby_and_sass") remote_development_task("install_unity") remote_development_task("create_test_data") remote_development_task("install_pycharm") remote_development_task("configure_pycharm") os.chdir("vagrant") run("vagrant halt") os.chdir("../") local_development_task("show_last_tips") t1 = time.time() show_time(t0, t1) except KeyboardInterrupt: error_print("Process aborted. Bye!") sys.exit()
def ssh_production_server(): """ Connects remotely to the production server through ssh. Returns: None """ try: run("ssh root@" + ip + " -p " + port) except KeyboardInterrupt: error_print("Process aborted. Bye!") sys.exit()
def setup_production_server(): """ Configures remotely the production server initial setup and deployment. Returns: None """ try: print() info_print( "This script will only succeed if you have configured the " "production server ssh port to match the one in " "config/ and have proper ssh access." ) info_print( "After this setup, you should configure the admin allowed IP " "in the nginx configuration file." ) warning_print( "This process will clean all data on the production server " "and build up everything again from scratch." ) option = input("Do you want to continue? (y/n)\n") if option != "y" and option != "Y": sys.exit() t0 = time.time() remote_production_task("clean_production_server") remote_production_task("update_repositories") remote_production_task("create_app_group_and_user") remote_production_task("install_postgresql") remote_production_task("create_postgresql_user_and_db") remote_production_task("install_jpeg_libraries_for_pillow") remote_production_task("install_git") remote_production_task("download_project") remote_production_task("install_virtualenv") remote_production_task("create_virtualenv") remote_production_task("export_project_keys") remote_production_task("install_python_requirements") remote_production_task("create_runtime_files_and_dirs") remote_production_task("collect_static_files") remote_production_task("make_migrations") remote_production_task("migrate") remote_production_task("install_supervisor") remote_production_task("configure_supervisor") remote_production_task("install_nginx") remote_production_task("configure_nginx") remote_production_task("restart_server") t1 = time.time() show_time(t0, t1) except KeyboardInterrupt: error_print("Process aborted. Bye!") sys.exit()
def test(): x, y = utils.read_file(is_train=True, label_list=['人类作者', '自动摘要']) x = utils.process(x) x = utils.truncation(x) word2id, id2word, tag2id, id2tag = utils.build_vocab(x, y, min_df=10) x = utils.build_x_ids(x, word2id) y = utils.build_y_ids(y, tag2id) data = zip(x, y) train_data, dev_data = train_test_split(data, test_size=10000, random_state=24) vocab_size = len(word2id) emb_dim = 100 num_classes = len(tag2id) print "训练集数据大小:%d 验证集数据大小:%d" % (len(train_data), len(dev_data)) print "vocab_size:%d num_classes:%d" % (vocab_size, num_classes) print FLAGS.model_name model_dir = os.path.join('temp', 'nn') if not os.path.exists(model_dir): os.mkdir(model_dir) with tf.Session() as sess: model = getattr(models, FLAGS.model_name)(vocab_size, emb_dim, num_classes) saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.global_variables()) model_file = os.path.join('temp', 'nn', FLAGS.model_file) saver.restore(sess, model_file) print "Restore model from %s" % model_file dev_loss = [] labels = [] predicts = [] bar = ProgressBar(max_value=len(dev_data) // FLAGS.batch_size + 1) for batch_data in bar( utils.minibatches(dev_data, FLAGS.batch_size, True, shuffle=False)): loss, predict = model.dev_step(sess, batch_data) dev_loss.append(loss) labels.extend(batch_data[1]) predicts.extend(predict) dev_loss = np.mean(dev_loss) dev_f1 = utils.score_all(labels, predicts, tag2id) utils.error_print(predicts, labels, id2tag, zip(*dev_data)[0], id2word) print "loss:%.3f f1:%.3f" % (dev_loss, dev_f1)
def main() -> None: load_dotenv() token = os.getenv('TOKEN') raw_link = get_args().url if not raw_link: error_print('Your link is empty. Try again.') exit() try: protocol, link = raw_link.split('://') \ if 'http' in raw_link else ('http', raw_link) except ValueError: error_print('Wrong url format. Try again.') exit() try: if is_bitlink(link, token): success_print('This link has been clicked {} times.'.format( get_click_count(link, token))) else: success_print('This is your very short link: {}'.format( get_bitlink(f'{protocol}://{link}', token))) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: if e.response.status_code == 400: error_print(e.response.json()['description']) else: error_print(str(e))
def close_bid(self, cat_name, prod_name): """ Close a bid :param cat_name: category name :param prod_name: product name """ print "Closing bid " + prod_name try: cat = Category.search_category(self._auct._categories, cat_name) auct = cat.search_auction(prod_name) auct.close(self.user) cat.del_auction(auct) self.response(1) except CategoryException, e: # Not matching category error_print(e) self.response(0)
def _get_page(self, title): if title not in self._titles: return None # TODO: this is a fix for page not ending correctly as pythons read reads chars and not bytes (i.e. we were of # because of the encoding). this fix isnt good performance wise so if you have time change it.[title][0]) res =[title][1]).strip() start_line = res.splitlines()[0] end_line = res.splitlines()[-1] if (not start_line.strip().startswith(u'<page>')) or \ ((not end_line.strip().endswith(u'</page>\n')) and (not end_line.strip().endswith(u'</page>'))): utils.error_print("u'</page>\\n' is " + str(not end_line.strip().endswith(u'</page>\n'))) utils.error_print("u'<page>' is " + str((not start_line.strip().startswith(u'<page>')))) self._print_read_page_error(title, res, "bad page start or end\n start line: " + start_line + "\n end: " + end_line) return res
def data_gathering(parameters): start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(parameters['days_test_starts'], '%Y-%m-%d') end_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(parameters['days_test_ends'], '%Y-%m-%d') # check; where is the data? data_access_fail, ab_test_total, = 0, pd.DataFrame() try: if parameters['is_from_csv']: data_access_fail += 1 control, validation = pd.read_csv('control.csv'), pd.read_csv('validation.csv') data_access_fail += 0.1 control['is_control'], validation['is_control'] = 0, 1 ab_test = pd.concat([control, validation]) if not parameters['is_segmented']: data_access_fail += 0.1 metrics = parameters['metrics'] if parameters['metrics'] != [] else constants.METRICS ab_test_total = ab_test[constants.AB_TEST_DATAFRAME_KEY_COLUMS + metrics] else: data_access_fail += 0.1 metrics = parameters['metrics'] if parameters['metrics'] != [] else constants.METRICS ab_test_total = ab_test[constants.AB_TEST_DATAFRAME_KEY_COLUMS + metrics + constants.SEGMENT_DATA_COLUMN] else: data_access_fail = 2 if parameters['is_from_db']: ab_test = get_data_from_db(start_date, end_date) if not parameters['is_segmented']: data_access_fail += 0.1 metrics = parameters['metrics'] if parameters['metrics'] != [] else constants.METRICS ab_test_total = ab_test[constants.AB_TEST_DATAFRAME_KEY_COLUMS + metrics] else: data_access_fail += 0.1 ab_test = get_segments(ab_test, constants.LAST_RFM_DATE) metrics = parameters['metrics'] if parameters['metrics'] != [] else constants.METRICS ab_test_total = ab_test[constants.AB_TEST_DATAFRAME_KEY_COLUMS + metrics + constants.SEGMENT_DATA_COLUMN] else: data_access_fail = 3 if parameters['is_data_randomly_generated']: segments = pd.read_csv('segments.csv') ab_test_total = get_random_ab_test_generator(start_date, end_date, segments, parameters) data_access_fail += 1 except: utils.error_print(data_access_fail, parameters) return ab_test_total
def login(self, user, pwd): """ Log a user on the server :param user: username :param pwd: MD5 hash of the password """ username = user try: self.user = self._auct._users[username] token = "" if self.user.password == pwd: # Login effettuato self.logged = True self.response(1, token=self.gen_session()) return debug_print("Password non valida") self.response(0, "Password non valida", token="") except KeyError, e: error_print("Utente non trovato") self.response(0, "Utente non trovato", token="")
def test_create_archive_from_directory(self): """ creates test folder, runs create_archive on it and full_unpack, then verifies equality of initial and unpacked should runtime error occur, test fails """ target_archive = "./test/test.archive" create_test_folders("test_folder") # create_test_folders("archived_folder") no_error = True ok = True try: run_create_archive(target_archive, "./test/test_folder") # run_create_archive(target_archive, "./utils.rar") run_full_unpack(target_archive, "./test/archived_folder") ok = are_folders_equal("./test/archived_folder", "./test/test_folder") except Exception as e: no_error = False error_print(e) shutil.rmtree("./test") self.assertTrue(no_error, "Runtime error") self.assertTrue(ok, "Folders are not equal")
def main(): args_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Use java tool to translate wiki format to text') args_parser.add_argument('command', choices=['build', 'run', 'both'], help='command to run (build or run or both') args_parser.add_argument('--wiki_file', '-f', action='store', help='path to file of wiki dump format') args_parser.add_argument('--base', '-b', action='store', default='.', help='Base folder to work in') args_parser.add_argument('--outfile', '-o', action='store', default=None, help='file to write output too') args_parser.add_argument('--errorfile', '-e', action='store', default=None, help='file to write errors too') args = args_parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) # if len(sys.argv) < 2: # print('usage: python {build | run | build run} <params>') # print('build will compile the java class into project_folder/bin. optional param: LMBuilder_base="."') # print('run will not build before running the class on the params, params = "path_to_a_wiki_xml [LMbuilder_base]"') # print('build run will execute both one after the other with params for run') # exit() project_folder = args.base command = args.command output = None if args.outfile is not None: output = open(args.outfile, 'w', encoding='utf-8') error_out = None if args.errorfile is not None: error_out = open(args.errorfile, 'w', encoding='utf-8') if command == 'build' or command == 'both': code = build_wiki2text(project_folder=project_folder, out=output, error=error_out) if code != 0: utils.error_print('Wiki2Text: build failed\n') exit(code) if command == 'run' or command == 'both': if args.wiki_file is None: utils.error_print('Wiki2Text: cant run without a wiki file\n') exit(1) path_to_wiki = args.wiki_file code = run_wiki2text(path_to_wiki, project_folder=project_folder, out=args.outfile, error=args.errorfile) if code != 0: utils.error_print('Wiki2Text: run error (in java tool)\n') exit(code)
def local_development_task(task_name): """ Executes locally a single task on the development machine. Returns: None """ try: function = getattr(development, task_name, "doesnt_exist_in_dev") if function == "doesnt_exist_in_dev": function = getattr(base, task_name) if not inspect.isfunction(function): raise AttributeError run(function(mode="dev")) except AttributeError: error_print( "The command '" + task_name + "' you are trying to execute doesn't exist." ) except KeyboardInterrupt: error_print("Process aborted. Bye!") sys.exit()
def test_list_content(self): """ creates test folder, then archives it and verifies list_archive_content to be same as model """ target_archive = "./test/test.archive" create_test_folders("test_folder") correct_answer = ["/file1", "/file2", "/file3", "/inside_dir/file4"] list_archive_content = [] no_error = True ok = True try: run_create_archive(target_archive, "./test/test_folder") list_archive_content = [ x.replace("\\", "/") for x, y in get_archive_content(target_archive)[1] ] except Exception as e: error_print(e) no_error = False shutil.rmtree("./test") self.assertTrue(no_error, "Runtime error") self.assertEqual(correct_answer, list_archive_content, "Listed content is not the same")
exit(0) try: target_files = sys.argv[4:] except IndexError: raise CustomError("Target files not mentioned") if command == "-unpack": run_unpack(target_archive, target_folder, *target_files) exit(0) raise CustomError("Invalid first argument. Run `python --help` for help") if __name__ == "__main__": # sys.argv[1:] = ["--help"] # sys.argv[1:] = ["-create_archive", "./test.archive", "./utils"] # sys.argv[1:] = ["-list_content", "./test.archive"] # sys.argv[1:] = ["-create_archive", "./test2.archive", "./LICENSE", "./test.archive"] # sys.argv[1:] = ["-full_unpack", "./test2.archive", "./test_unpack_2"] # sys.argv[1:] = ["-unpack", "./test.archive", "./test_unpack_4", "/", "/"] if len(sys.argv) < 2: error_print("Invalid syntax. Run `python --help` for help") try: run(sys.argv[1]) except CustomError as e: error_print(f"Error: {e}") exit("Error") except Exception as e: error_print(f"Other error: {e}") exit("Error 2")
def library(library, skipnoalbum=False): for track in library: title = track["Name"] tokens = [] location = urllib.request.unquote(track["Location"][7:].replace( "%20", " ")) filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(location) utils.notice_print(title) if os.path.exists(location): if file_extension == ".mp3": audio = MP3(location, ID3=EasyID3) audio["artistsort"] = [''] audio["titlesort"] = [''] audio["albumsort"] = [''] if "title" in audio.keys(): if audio["title"][0] != title: utils.warning_print('different titles\n\tTitle: ' + str(audio["title"][0]) + "\n" + '\tName: ' + title) title_selection = utils.prompt( 'Which one would you like to keep? ', ["1", "2", "s"], 0) if title_selection == "2": audio["title"] = [title] elif title_selection == "1": title = audio["title"][0] else: utils.warning_print("no title") title_duplication = utils.prompt( 'Would you like to clone the name? ', ["1", "2"], 0) if title_duplication == "1": audio["title"] = [title] elif title_duplication == "2": audio["title"] = [] if "artist" in audio.keys(): if "albumartist" in audio.keys(): if audio["artist"] != audio["albumartist"]: utils.warning_print( 'different artists\n\tArtist: ' + str(audio["artist"]) + "\n" + '\tAlbum artist: ' + str(audio["albumartist"])) artist_selection = utils.prompt( 'Which one would you like to keep? ', ["1", "2", "s"], 2) if artist_selection == "1": audio["albumartist"] = audio["artist"] elif artist_selection == "2": audio["artist"] = audio["albumartist"] else: utils.warning_print("no album artist") if skipnoalbum is False: artist_duplication = utils.prompt( 'Would you like to substitute < no album artist > with < ' + audio["artist"][0] + ' >? ', ["1", "2", "s"], 1) if artist_duplication == "1": audio["albumartist"] = audio["artist"] elif artist_duplication == "2": audio["albumartist"] = [] else: utils.warning_print("no artist") title_components = title.split("-") title_components_dir = {} i = 0 noconflicts = {"title": False, "artist": False} if len(title_components) > 1: utils.warning_print("splittable name") for comp in title_components: comp = comp.strip() title_components_dir[i] = comp if "title" in audio.keys() and len( audio["title"]) > 0 and comp.lower( ) == audio["title"][0].lower(): noconflicts["title"] = comp del title_components_dir[i] if "artist" in audio.keys() and len( audio["artist"]) > 0 and comp.lower( ) == audio["artist"][0].lower(): noconflicts["artist"] = comp del title_components_dir[i] print("\t" + str(i + 1) + " - " + comp) i += 1 # print (len(title_components_dir)) title_components_keys = list(title_components_dir.keys()) if len(title_components_keys) == 1: suggestion = 0 else: suggestion = False if noconflicts["title"] is False: newtitle = utils.prompt( 'Which term is the title? ', [str(val + 1) for val in title_components_keys] + ["s"], suggestion) if newtitle != "s": audio["title"] = title_components[int(newtitle) - 1].strip() title_components_keys.remove(int(newtitle) - 1) if len(title_components_keys) == 1: suggestion = 0 else: suggestion = False if noconflicts["artist"] is False: newartist = utils.prompt( 'Which term is the artist? ', [str(val + 1) for val in title_components_keys] + ["s"], suggestion) if newartist != "s": audio["artist"] = title_components[int(newartist) - 1].strip() else: utils.error_print("Wrong file extension. Extension: " + file_extension) else: utils.error_print("File not found. Location: " + location) utils.notice_print("All done.\n\n")
else: # try: if len(sys.argv) < 3: raise CustomError( "Script does not have enough arguments. Run `python --help` for help" ) input_file = sys.argv[1] similarity_function = sys.argv[2] if similarity_function not in similarity_functions: raise CustomError( f"Second argument should be one of the following: {', '.join(similarity_functions)}" ) all_solutions = False try: if sys.argv[3] == "--all-solutions": all_solutions = True except IndexError: pass prepare_clustering(input_file, similarity_function, all_solutions) # except CustomError as e: # error_print(f"Error: {e}") # except Exception as e: # error_print(f"Other error: {e}") if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) < 2: error_print( "Run the program as following for help:\npython --help") run()
:param prod_name: product name """ print "Closing bid " + prod_name try: cat = Category.search_category(self._auct._categories, cat_name) auct = cat.search_auction(prod_name) auct.close(self.user) cat.del_auction(auct) self.response(1) except CategoryException, e: # Not matching category error_print(e) self.response(0) except AuctionException, e: # No Winner error_print(e) self.response(8) except ExistingAuctionException, e: #No auction error_print(e) self.response(5) except UserException, e: #User not allowed to close error_print(e) self.response(7) def response(self, response, res_msg="", token={}): """Compose a generic response :param response: response code :param res_msg: response message :param token: optional, token of the session