def update_pop_t(ret):
    This is a callback function of a process,
    purpose1: update pop_t, i.e, store the new generated offspring in pop_t
    purpose2: update best_feasible_solution, cause we need to return a best
              feasible solution when time out.
    :param ret: s_x, s_ls, lmd = ret[0], ret[1], ret[2]
    global pop_t
    global Graph
    s_x, s_ls, lmd = ret[0], ret[1], ret[2]
    if s_x is None and s_ls is None:  # only when the time is coming up, the process will directly stop and return None
    if s_ls is None:  # just do crossover, not do local search
        if not is_clone(s_x, pop_t):
            heapq.heappush(pop_t, (evaluation_solution(s_x, Graph, lmd), s_x))
    else:  # do both cross over and local search
        if not is_clone(s_ls, pop_t):
                           (evaluation_solution(s_ls, Graph, lmd), s_ls))
        elif not is_clone(s_x, pop_t):
            heapq.heappush(pop_t, (evaluation_solution(s_x, Graph, lmd), s_x))

    global best_feasible_solution
    # pop_t[0] means the heap top--> (cost,solution)
    # pop_t[0][0] means the heap top cost,
    # pop_t[0][1] means the heap top solution
    if is_feasible(pop_t[0][1],
                   Graph) and pop_t[0][0] < best_feasible_solution['cost']:
        best_feasible_solution["cost"] = pop_t[0][0]
        best_feasible_solution['solution'] = pop_t[0][1]
def ms_operators(s_x, graph, lmd):
    generated = set()
    traversed = False
    for i in range(100):
        # find two routes from current solutions
        a, b = generate_two_random(0, len(s_x) - 1)
        cnt = 0
        while (a, b) in generated:
            cnt += 1
            if cnt > 200:
                traversed = True
            a, b = generate_two_random(0, len(s_x) - 1)
        if traversed or (a, b) in generated:

        generated.add((a, b))
        parted_tasks = s_x[a] + s_x[b]
        reverse_tasks = [(item[1], item[0]) for item in parted_tasks]
        parted_tasks += reverse_tasks
        # before cost
        before_cost = evaluation_solution([s_x[a], s_x[b]], graph, lmd)
        # after cost
        s, cost = ms_operator(parted_tasks, graph, lmd)
        # update current solution
        if cost < before_cost:
            current_solutions = copy.deepcopy(s_x)
            current_solutions[a] = []
            current_solutions[b] = []
            current_solutions += s
            current_solutions = [
                item for item in current_solutions if item != []
            return current_solutions
    return None
def double_insertion(s, graph, lmd):
    s_t = copy.deepcopy(s)
    min_cost = float('inf')
    pos = (0, 0, 0, 0)
    for i, route in enumerate(s_t):
        if len(route) >= 2:
            for j in range(len(route) - 1):
                double_tasks = route[j:j + 2]
                del route[j]
                del route[j]
                for x, r in enumerate(s_t):
                    for y in range(len(r) + 1):
                        s_t[x].insert(y, double_tasks[1])
                        s_t[x].insert(y, double_tasks[0])
                        cost = evaluation_solution(s_t, graph, lmd)
                        if cost <= min_cost:
                            min_cost, pos = cost, (i, j, x, y)
                        del s_t[x][y]
                        del s_t[x][y]

                route.insert(j, double_tasks[1])
                route.insert(j, double_tasks[0])
    i, j, x, y = pos
    double_tasks = s_t[i][j:j + 2]
    del s_t[i][j]
    del s_t[i][j]
    s_t[x].insert(y, double_tasks[1])
    s_t[x].insert(y, double_tasks[0])
    if len(s_t[i]) == 0:
        del s_t[i]
    return s_t, min_cost
def init_population(graph, tasks, print_initial=False):
    current_population = []
    while len(current_population) < 2000:
        ntrail = 0
        end = False
        while 1:
            individual = path_scanning(graph=graph, tasks=tasks)
            ntrail += 1
            if not is_clone(individual, current_population):
            if ntrail == Configuration.ubtrial:  # generate a duplicated individual,count until get upper bound
                end = True
        if end:
            (evaluation_solution(individual, graph, lmd=0), individual))
    result = []
    # select p_size best individuals as initial population
    if print_initial: print("Finish initial population, only print top 3.")
    for i in range(Configuration.psize):
        item = heapq.heappop(current_population)
        if print_initial and i < 3:
    return result
def ms_operator(parted_tasks, graph, lmd):
    best = None
    min_cost = float('inf')
    for i in range(1, 6):
        s = path_scanning(graph, parted_tasks)
        # TODO Ulusoy's splitting procedure
        c = evaluation_solution(s, graph, lmd)
        if c <= min_cost:
            min_cost = c
            best = s
    return best, min_cost
def swap(s, graph, lmd):
    s_t = copy.deepcopy(s)
    min_cost = float('inf')
    pos = (0, 0, 0, 0)
    for i, route in enumerate(s_t):
        for j, task in enumerate(route):
            for x, route2 in enumerate(s_t):
                for y, task2 in enumerate(route2):
                    if x > i or (x == i and y >= j):
                        tmp = s_t[x][y]
                        s_t[x][y] = s_t[i][j]
                        s_t[i][j] = tmp
                        cost = evaluation_solution(s_t, graph, lmd)
                        if cost <= min_cost:
                            min_cost, pos = cost, (i, j, x, y)
                        s_t[i][j] = s_t[x][y]
                        s_t[x][y] = tmp
    i, j, x, y = pos
    tmp = s_t[x][y]
    s_t[x][y] = s_t[i][j]
    s_t[i][j] = tmp
    return s_t, min_cost
def single_insertion(s, graph, lmd):
    s_t = copy.deepcopy(s)
    min_cost = float('inf')
    pos = (0, 0, 0, 0)
    for i, route in enumerate(s_t):
        for j in range(len(route)):
            task = route[j]
            del route[j]
            for x, r in enumerate(s_t):
                for y in range(len(r) + 1):
                    s_t[x].insert(y, task)
                    cost = evaluation_solution(s_t, graph, lmd)
                    if cost <= min_cost:
                        min_cost, pos = cost, (i, j, x, y)
                    del s_t[x][y]
            route.insert(j, task)
    i, j, x, y = pos
    task = s_t[i][j]
    del s_t[i][j]
    s_t[x].insert(y, task)
    if len(s_t[i]) == 0:
        del s_t[i]
    return s_t, min_cost
def MAENS(start, graph, tasks, time_limit, mul_process=False):
    :param start: the start run time of this program
    :param time_limit: the run time limit of MAENS algorithms
    :param graph: is the graph read from data set, include following attributes:
            {"adjacent_matrix": the adjacent matrix presentation of the graph,
             "adjacent_table": the adjacent table presentation of the graph,
             "demand_matrix": demand_matrix,
             "dijkstra_matrix": dijkstra_matrix[i][j] store the minimum distance between node i and node j
             "basic_infor": store the basic information of this graph, e.g., depot, capacity, required edges and so on,
    :param tasks: an edge tuple list, store all the task need to be finish,
                  notice, if (i, j) in tasks, then (j, i) in it also.
    :param mul_process: run MAENS on multiprocessing or not.
    :return: a feasible solution feasible within time limits.
            s 0,(1,2),(2,3),(3,5),0,0,(1,4),(4,2),(2,9),(4,3),(5,6),0,0,(1,12),(12,6),(6,7),(7,12),0,0,(1,10),(10,9),
            q 316
    # initialization multiprocessing setting
    if mul_process:
        pool = Pool(processes=16)
        global Graph
        global pop_t
        global best_feasible_solution
        Graph = graph

    # generate a initial population by path_scanning
    # TODO support more initial population algorithms, e.g, Floyd Algorithm
    pop = init_population(graph, tasks, print_initial=True)
    stop_criterion = 0
    while stop_criterion != Configuration.generation_cnt:
        # initial an iteration
        pop_t = []
        for p in pop:  # set an intermediate population pop_t = pop notice, pop_t is a heap and pop is a list
            heapq.heappush(pop_t, (evaluation_solution(p, graph, 0), p))
        for p in pop:
            if is_feasible(p, graph):
                best_feasible_solution['cost'] = get_cost(p, graph)
                best_feasible_solution['solution'] = p
        # multi processing code
        if mul_process:
            results = []
            for i in range(Configuration.opsize):
                result = pool.apply_async(
                    args=(pop, graph, time_limit, start,
            # wait an iteration to finish
            for r in results:
            if time_limit - (time.time() - start) < 3:
                return 0
        # single processing code
            for i in range(Configuration.opsize):
                a, b = generate_two_random(0, len(pop) - 1)
                s_x = crossover(pop[a], pop[b], graph)
                r = generate_one_random(0, 1, flt=True)
                lmd = get_initial_lmd(best_feasible_solution['cost'], s_x,
                if r < Configuration.p_ls:
                    s_ls, lmd = local_search(s_x, graph, lmd)
                    if not is_clone(s_ls, pop_t):
                            (evaluation_solution(s_ls, graph, lmd), s_ls))
                    elif not is_clone(s_x, pop_t):
                            pop_t, (evaluation_solution(s_x, graph, lmd), s_x))
                elif not is_clone(s_x, pop_t):
                                   (evaluation_solution(s_x, graph, lmd), s_x))
        # update pop with pop_t
        for i in range(len(pop)):
            item = heapq.heappop(pop_t)
            pop[i] = [task for task in item[1] if task != []]
        run_time = (time.time() - start)
        print("offspring %d generate current run_time is: %f" %
              (stop_criterion + 1, run_time))
        print("current best feasible solution is:", best_feasible_solution)
        stop_criterion += 1
    print_result(best_feasible_solution['solution'], graph, paint=True)
    return 0