def train(rank, args, T, shared_model, shared_average_model, optimiser): torch.manual_seed(args.seed + rank) env = gym.make(args.env) env.seed(args.seed + rank) action_size = env.action_space.n model = ActorCritic(env.observation_space, env.action_space, args.hidden_size) model.train() if not args.on_policy: memory = EpisodicReplayMemory(args.memory_capacity, args.max_episode_length) t = 1 # Thread step counter done = True # Start new episode while T.value() <= args.T_max: # On-policy episode loop while True: # Sync with shared model at least every t_max steps model.load_state_dict(shared_model.state_dict()) # Get starting timestep t_start = t # Reset or pass on hidden state if done: hx, avg_hx = Variable(torch.zeros(1, args.hidden_size)), Variable( torch.zeros( 1, args.hidden_size)) cx, avg_cx = Variable(torch.zeros(1, args.hidden_size)), Variable( torch.zeros( 1, args.hidden_size)) # Reset environment and done flag state = state_to_tensor(env.reset()) action, reward, done, episode_length = 0, 0, False, 0 else: # Perform truncated backpropagation-through-time (allows freeing buffers after backwards call) hx = hx.detach() cx = cx.detach() # Lists of outputs for training policies, Qs, Vs, actions, rewards, average_policies = [], [], [], [], [], [] while not done and t - t_start < args.t_max: # Calculate policy and values input = extend_input(state, action_to_one_hot(action, action_size), reward) policy, Q, V, (hx, cx) = model(Variable(input), (hx, cx)) average_policy, _, _, (avg_hx, avg_cx) = shared_average_model( Variable(input), (avg_hx, avg_cx)) # Sample action action = policy.multinomial().data[ 0, 0] # Graph broken as loss for stochastic action calculated manually # Step next_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action) next_state = state_to_tensor(next_state) reward = args.reward_clip and min(max( reward, -1), 1) or reward # Optionally clamp rewards done = done or episode_length >= args.max_episode_length # Stop episodes at a max length episode_length += 1 # Increase episode counter if not args.on_policy: # Save (beginning part of) transition for offline training memory.append(input, action, reward, # Save just tensors # Save outputs for online training [ arr.append(el) for arr, el in zip(( policies, Qs, Vs, actions, rewards, average_policies ), (policy, Q, V, Variable(torch.LongTensor([[action]])), Variable(torch.Tensor([[reward]])), average_policy)) ] # Increment counters t += 1 T.increment() # Update state state = next_state # Break graph for last values calculated (used for targets, not directly as model outputs) if done: # Qret = 0 for terminal s Qret = Variable(torch.zeros(1, 1)) if not args.on_policy: # Save terminal state for offline training memory.append( extend_input(state, action_to_one_hot(action, action_size), reward), None, None, None) else: # Qret = V(s_i; θ) for non-terminal s _, _, Qret, _ = model(Variable(input), (hx, cx)) Qret = Qret.detach() # Train the network on-policy _train(args, T, model, shared_model, shared_average_model, optimiser, policies, Qs, Vs, actions, rewards, Qret, average_policies) # Finish on-policy episode if done: break # Train the network off-policy when enough experience has been collected if not args.on_policy and len(memory) >= args.replay_start: # Sample a number of off-policy episodes based on the replay ratio for _ in range(_poisson(args.replay_ratio)): # Act and train off-policy for a batch of (truncated) episode trajectories = memory.sample_batch(args.batch_size, maxlen=args.t_max) # Reset hidden state hx, avg_hx = Variable( torch.zeros(args.batch_size, args.hidden_size)), Variable( torch.zeros(args.batch_size, args.hidden_size)) cx, avg_cx = Variable( torch.zeros(args.batch_size, args.hidden_size)), Variable( torch.zeros(args.batch_size, args.hidden_size)) # Lists of outputs for training policies, Qs, Vs, actions, rewards, old_policies, average_policies = [], [], [], [], [], [], [] # Loop over trajectories (bar last timestep) for i in range(len(trajectories) - 1): # Unpack first half of transition input = for trajectory in trajectories[i]), 0) action = Variable( torch.LongTensor([ trajectory.action for trajectory in trajectories[i] ])).unsqueeze(1) reward = Variable( torch.Tensor([ trajectory.reward for trajectory in trajectories[i] ])).unsqueeze(1) old_policy = Variable( for trajectory in trajectories[i]), 0)) # Calculate policy and values policy, Q, V, (hx, cx) = model(Variable(input), (hx, cx)) average_policy, _, _, (avg_hx, avg_cx) = shared_average_model( Variable(input), (avg_hx, avg_cx)) # Save outputs for offline training [ arr.append(el) for arr, el in zip((policies, Qs, Vs, actions, rewards, average_policies, old_policies), ( policy, Q, V, action, reward, average_policy, old_policy)) ] # Unpack second half of transition next_input = (trajectory.state for trajectory in trajectories[i + 1]), 0) done = Variable( torch.Tensor([ trajectory.action is None for trajectory in trajectories[i + 1] ]).unsqueeze(1)) # Do forward pass for all transitions _, _, Qret, _ = model(Variable(next_input), (hx, cx)) # Qret = 0 for terminal s, V(s_i; θ) otherwise Qret = ((1 - done) * Qret).detach() # Train the network off-policy _train(args, T, model, shared_model, shared_average_model, optimiser, policies, Qs, Vs, actions, rewards, Qret, average_policies, old_policies=old_policies) done = True env.close()
def test(rank, args, T, shared_model): torch.manual_seed(args.seed + rank) env = gym.make(args.env) env.seed(args.seed + rank) action_size = env.action_space.n model = ActorCritic(env.observation_space, env.action_space, args.hidden_size, args.no_noise) model.eval() can_test = True # Test flag t_start = 1 # Test step counter to check against global counter rewards, steps = [], [] # Rewards and steps for plotting l = str(len(str(args.T_max))) # Max num. of digits for logging steps done = True # Start new episode while T.value() <= args.T_max: if can_test: t_start = T.value() # Reset counter # Evaluate over several episodes and average results avg_rewards, avg_episode_lengths = [], [] for _ in range(args.evaluation_episodes): while True: # Reset or pass on hidden state if done: # Sync with shared model every episode model.load_state_dict(shared_model.state_dict()) hx = Variable(torch.zeros(1, args.hidden_size), volatile=True) cx = Variable(torch.zeros(1, args.hidden_size), volatile=True) # Reset environment and done flag state = state_to_tensor(env.reset()) action, reward, done, episode_length = 0, 0, False, 0 reward_sum = 0 model.remove_noise() # Run without noise # Optionally render validation states if args.render: env.render() # Calculate policy input = extend_input( state, action_to_one_hot(action, action_size), reward, episode_length) policy, _, (hx, cx) = model( Variable(input, volatile=True), (hx.detach(), cx.detach())) # Break graph for memory efficiency # Choose action greedily action = policy.max(1)[1].data[0, 0] # Step state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action) state = state_to_tensor(state) reward_sum += reward done = done or episode_length >= args.max_episode_length # Stop episodes at a max length episode_length += 1 # Increase episode counter # Log and reset statistics at the end of every episode if done: avg_rewards.append(reward_sum) avg_episode_lengths.append(episode_length) break print(('[{}] Step: {:<' + l + '} Avg. Reward: {:<8} Avg. Episode Length: {:<8}').format( datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%f')[:-3], t_start, sum(avg_rewards) / args.evaluation_episodes, sum(avg_episode_lengths) / args.evaluation_episodes)) rewards.append(avg_rewards) # Keep all evaluations steps.append(t_start) plot_line(steps, rewards) # Plot rewards, 'model.pth') # Save model params can_test = False # Finish testing if args.evaluate: return else: if T.value() - t_start >= args.evaluation_interval: can_test = True time.sleep(0.001) # Check if available to test every millisecond env.close()
def train(rank, args, T, shared_model, optimiser): torch.manual_seed(args.seed + rank) env = gym.make(args.env) env.seed(args.seed + rank) action_size = env.action_space.n model = ActorCritic(env.observation_space, env.action_space, args.hidden_size, args.no_noise, args.noise_entropy) model.train() t = 1 # Thread step counter done = True # Start new episode while T.value() <= args.T_max: # Sync with shared model at least every t_max steps model.load_state_dict(shared_model.state_dict()) # Get starting timestep t_start = t # Reset or pass on hidden state if done: hx = Variable(torch.zeros(1, args.hidden_size)) cx = Variable(torch.zeros(1, args.hidden_size)) # Reset environment and done flag state = state_to_tensor(env.reset()) action, reward, done, episode_length = 0, 0, False, 0 else: # Perform truncated backpropagation-through-time (allows freeing buffers after backwards call) hx = hx.detach() cx = cx.detach() model.sample_noise( ) # Pick a new noise vector (until next optimisation step) # Lists of outputs for training values, log_probs, rewards, entropies = [], [], [], [] while not done and t - t_start < args.t_max: input = extend_input(state, action_to_one_hot(action, action_size), reward, episode_length) # Calculate policy and value policy, value, (hx, cx) = model(Variable(input), (hx, cx)) log_policy = policy.log() entropy = -(log_policy * policy).sum(1) # Sample action action = policy.multinomial() log_prob = log_policy.gather( 1, action.detach() ) # Graph broken as loss for stochastic action calculated manually action =[0, 0] # Step state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action) state = state_to_tensor(state) reward = args.reward_clip and min(max( reward, -1), 1) or reward # Optionally clamp rewards done = done or episode_length >= args.max_episode_length episode_length += 1 # Increase episode counter # Save outputs for training [ arr.append(el) for arr, el in zip((values, log_probs, rewards, entropies), (value, log_prob, reward, entropy)) ] # Increment counters t += 1 T.increment() # Return R = 0 for terminal s or V(s_i; θ) for non-terminal s if done: R = Variable(torch.zeros(1, 1)) else: _, R, _ = model(Variable(input), (hx, cx)) R = R.detach() values.append(R) # Train the network policy_loss = 0 value_loss = 0 A_GAE = torch.zeros(1, 1) # Generalised advantage estimator Ψ # Calculate n-step returns in forward view, stepping backwards from the last state trajectory_length = len(rewards) for i in reversed(range(trajectory_length)): # R ← r_i + γR R = rewards[i] + * R # Advantage A = R - V(s_i; θ) A = R - values[i] # dθ ← dθ - ∂A^2/∂θ value_loss += 0.5 * A**2 # Least squares error # TD residual δ = r + γV(s_i+1; θ) - V(s_i; θ) td_error = rewards[i] + * values[ i + 1].data - values[i].data # Generalised advantage estimator Ψ (roughly of form ∑(γλ)^t∙δ) A_GAE = A_GAE * * args.trace_decay + td_error # dθ ← dθ + ∇θ∙log(π(a_i|s_i; θ))∙Ψ policy_loss -= log_probs[i] * Variable( A_GAE) # Policy gradient loss if args.no_noise or args.noise_entropy: # dθ ← dθ + β∙∇θH(π(s_i; θ)) policy_loss -= args.entropy_weight * entropies[ i] # Entropy maximisation loss # Optionally normalise loss by number of time steps if not args.no_time_normalisation: policy_loss /= trajectory_length value_loss /= trajectory_length # Zero shared and local grads optimiser.zero_grad() # Note that losses were defined as negatives of normal update rules for gradient descent (policy_loss + value_loss).backward() # Gradient L2 normalisation nn.utils.clip_grad_norm(model.parameters(), args.max_gradient_norm, 2) # Transfer gradients to shared model and update _transfer_grads_to_shared_model(model, shared_model) optimiser.step() if not args.no_lr_decay: # Linearly decay learning rate _adjust_learning_rate( optimiser, max( * (args.T_max - T.value()) / args.T_max, 1e-32)) env.close()