def read(f):
    """ Reads a G-EQDSK file
    f = Input file. Can either be a file-like object,
        or a string. If a string, then treated as a file name
        and opened.
    if isinstance(f, basestring):
        # If the input is a string, treat as file name
        with open(f) as fh: # Ensure file is closed
            return read(fh) # Call again with file object
    # Read the first line, which should contain the mesh sizes
    desc = f.readline()
    if not desc:
        raise IOError("Cannot read from input file")
    s = desc.split() # Split by whitespace
    if len(s) < 3:
        raise IOError("First line must contain at least 3 numbers")
    idum = int(s[-3])
    nxefit = int(s[-2])
    nyefit = int(s[-1])
    # Use a generator to read numbers
    token = file_numbers(f)
    xdim   = float(token.next())
    zdim   = float(token.next())
    rcentr = float(token.next())
    rgrid1 = float(token.next())
    zmid   = float(token.next())

    rmagx  = float(token.next())
    zmagx  = float(token.next())
    simagx = float(token.next())
    sibdry = float(token.next())
    bcentr = float(token.next())
    cpasma = float(token.next())
    simagx = float(token.next())
    xdum   = float(token.next())
    rmagx  = float(token.next())
    xdum   = float(token.next())

    zmagx  = float(token.next())
    xdum   = float(token.next())
    sibdry = float(token.next())
    xdum   = float(token.next())
    xdum   = float(token.next())
    # Read arrays
    def read_array(n, name="Unknown"):
        data = np.zeros([n])
            for i in np.arange(n):
                data[i] = float(token.next())
            raise IOError("Failed reading array '"+name+"' of size ", n)
        return data
    def read_2d(nx, ny, name="Unknown"):
        data = np.zeros([nx, ny])
        for i in np.arange(nx):
            data[i,:] = read_array(ny, name+"["+str(i)+"]")
        return data
    fpol   = read_array(nxefit, "fpol")
    pres   = read_array(nxefit, "pres")
    workk1 = read_array(nxefit, "workk1")
    workk2 = read_array(nxefit, "workk2")
    psi    = read_2d(nxefit, nyefit, "psi")
    qpsi   = read_array(nxefit, "qpsi")
    # Read boundary and limiters, if present
    nbdry = int(token.next())
    nlim  = int(token.next())
    if nbdry > 0:
        rbdry = np.zeros([nbdry])
        zbdry = np.zeros([nbdry])
        for i in range(nbdry):
            rbdry[i] = float(token.next())
            zbdry[i] = float(token.next())
        rbdry = [0]
        zbdry = [0]
    if nlim > 0:
        xlim = np.zeros([nlim])
        ylim = np.zeros([nlim])
        for i in range(nlim):
            xlim[i] = float(token.next())
            ylim[i] = float(token.next())
        xlim = [0]
        ylim = [0]

    # Construct R-Z mesh
    r = np.zeros([nxefit, nyefit])
    z = r.copy()
    for i in range(nxefit):
        r[i,:] = rgrid1 + xdim*i/float(nxefit-1)
    for j in range(nyefit):
        z[:,j] = (zmid-0.5*zdim) + zdim*j/float(nyefit-1)

    # Create dictionary of values to return 
    result = {'nx': nxefit, 'ny':nyefit,        # Number of horizontal and vertical points
              'r':r, 'z':z,                     # Location of the grid-poinst
              'rdim':xdim, 'zdim':zdim,         # Size of the domain in meters
              'rcentr':rcentr, 'bcentr':bcentr, # Reference vacuum toroidal field (m, T)
              'rgrid1':rgrid1,                  # R of left side of domain
              'zmid':zmid,                      # Z at the middle of the domain
              'rmagx':rmagx, 'zmagx':zmagx,     # Location of magnetic axis
              'simagx':simagx, # Poloidal flux at the axis (Weber / rad)
              'sibdry':sibdry, # Poloidal flux at plasma boundary (Weber / rad)
              'psi':psi,    # Poloidal flux in Weber/rad on grid points
              'fpol':fpol,  # Poloidal current function on uniform flux grid
              'pressure':pres,  # Plasma pressure in nt/m^2 on uniform flux grid
              'qpsi':qpsi,  # q values on uniform flux grid
              'nbdry':nbdry, 'rbdry':rbdry, 'zbdry':zbdry, # Plasma boundary
              'nlim':nlim, 'xlim':xlim, 'ylim':ylim} # Wall boundary
    return result
def read(f):
    """ Reads a DSKGATO ('t') file
    infile = Input file. Can either be a file-like object,
             or a string. If a string, then treated as a file name
             and opened.
    A dictionary with the following keys:

    npsi                Number of points in psi
    npol                Number of poloidal points

    psi      [npsi]     psi values
    f(psi)   [npsi]     = R * Bt
    p        [npsi]     Pressure

    R        [npsi, npol]  Major radius [m]
    Z        [npsi, npol]  Height [m]

    Bp       [npsi, npol]  Poloidal magnetic field [T]
    Bt       [npsi, npol]  Toroidal magnetic field [T]
    q        [npsi]    Safety factor

    pprime   [npsi]    Pressure gradient dP/dpsi
    ffprime  [npsi]    f * df/dpsi
    may contain the following additional keys:
    Br       [npsi, npol]   Radial magnetic field [T]
    Bz       [npsi, npol]   Vertical magnetic field [T]
    if isinstance(f, basestring):
        # If the input is a string, treat as file name
        with open(f) as fh: # Ensure file is closed
            return read(fh) # Call again with file object
    # First line contains the date
    date = f.readline()
    if not date:
        raise IOError("Cannot read from input file "+str(filename))
    # Second is description
    desc = f.readline()
    token = file_numbers(f)
    # Third contains number of mesh points
        npsi = int(token.next())
        ntheta = int(token.next())
        isym = int(token.next())
    except StopIteration:
        raise IOError("Unexpected end of file while reading grid size")
    except ValueError:
        raise IOError("Third line should contain npsi, ntheta and isym")
    # Check values
    if (isym < 0) or (isym > 1):
        raise IOError("isym must be either 0 or 1")
    if (npsi < 1) or (ntheta < 1):
        raise IOError("Invalid npsi="+str(npsi)+" or ntheta=" + str(ntheta))
    # Read normalisation factors

        rcnt = float(token.next())
        xma  = float(token.next())
        zma  = float(token.next())
        btor = float(token.next())
        curtot = float(token.next())
        eaxe   = float(token.next())
        dnorm  = float(token.next())
        raise IOError("Couldn't read normalisation factors")
    def read_array(n, name="Unknown"):
        data = np.zeros([n])
            for i in np.arange(n):
                data[i] = float(token.next())
            raise IOError("Failed reading array '"+name+"' of size ", n)
        return data

    def read_2d(nx, ny, name="Unknown"):
        data = np.zeros([nx, ny])
        for i in np.arange(nx):
            data[i,:] = read_array(ny, name+"["+str(i)+"]")
        return data

    # Read 1D arrays
    psiflux = read_array(npsi, "psiflux")
    fnorm   = read_array(npsi, "fnorm")
    ffpnorm = read_array(npsi, "ffpnorm")
    ponly   = read_array(npsi, "ponly")
    pponly  = read_array(npsi, "pponly")
    qsf     = read_array(npsi, "qsf")
    d       = read_array(npsi, "d")
    dpdz = read_array(ntheta, "dpdz")
    dpdr = read_array(ntheta, "dpdr")
    # 2D arrays
    xnorm = read_2d(ntheta, npsi, "xnorm")
    znorm = read_2d(ntheta, npsi, "znorm")
    # Try to read Br and Bz (may be present)
        Br = read_2d(ntheta, npsi, "Br")
        Bz = read_2d(ntheta, npsi, "Bz")
        Br = Bz = None
    ny = ntheta

    if isym == 1:
        # Fill in values for up-down symmetric case
        print "Grid is up-down symmetric. Reflecting grid about midplane"
        ny = tsize = 2*(ntheta - 1) + 1
        def reflect(data, mapfunc = lambda x:x):
            """ Reflect a variable about midplane
            Optionally supply a mapping function"""
            data2 = np.zeros([tsize, npsi])
            # Copy the original data
            for i in np.arange(ntheta):
                data2[i,:] = data[i,:]
                # Now fill in the remainder
            for i in np.arange(ntheta, tsize):
                t0 = tsize - 1 - i
                data2[i,:] = mapfunc(data[t0,:])
            return data2
        xnorm = reflect(xnorm)
        znorm = reflect(znorm, lambda x: 2.*zma - x) # Reflect about zma
        if Br != None:
            Br = reflect(Br, lambda x:-x) # Br reverses
        if Bz != None:
            Bz = reflect(Bz) # Bz remains the same
        theta = tsize

    # Make sure we have Br, Bz and Bpol

    if (Br == None) or (Bz == None):
        # Calculate Bpol from psi then Br and Bz from Bpol
        # Use dpsi = R*Bp dx (for now)
        Bpol = np.zeros([ny, npsi])
        def deriv(f):
            n = np.size(f)
            dfdi = np.zeros(n)
            dfdi[1:-1] = (f[2:n] - f[0:-2])/2.  # Central difference in the middle
            dfdi[0] = f[1] - f[0]
            dfdi[-1] = f[-1] - f[-2]
            return dfdi
        for i in np.arange(ntheta):
            drdi = deriv(xnorm[i, :])
            dzdi = deriv(znorm[i, :])
            dldi = sqrt(drdi**2 + dzdi**2) # Arc length
            dpsidi = deriv(psiflux)
            Bpol[i, :] = dpsidi / (dldi * xnorm[i,:])
        Bpol = np.sqrt(Br**2 + Bz**2)
    # Calculate toroidal field
    Btor = fnorm / xnorm
    # Create a dictionary of values to return
    # Need to transpose 2D arrays to [psi, theta] 
    # to be consistent with elite inputs
    var = {"npsi":npsi, "npol":ny,   # Sizes
           "R": np.transpose(xnorm),
           "Z": np.transpose(znorm),




    if Br != None:
        var['Br'] = np.transpose(Br)
    if Bz != None:
        var['Bz'] = np.transpose(Bz)
    return var
def read(f):
    """ Reads a DSKGATO ('t') file
    infile = Input file. Can either be a file-like object,
             or a string. If a string, then treated as a file name
             and opened.
    A dictionary with the following keys:

    npsi                Number of points in psi
    npol                Number of poloidal points

    psi      [npsi]     psi values
    f(psi)   [npsi]     = R * Bt
    p        [npsi]     Pressure

    R        [npsi, npol]  Major radius [m]
    Z        [npsi, npol]  Height [m]

    Bp       [npsi, npol]  Poloidal magnetic field [T]
    Bt       [npsi, npol]  Toroidal magnetic field [T]
    q        [npsi]    Safety factor

    pprime   [npsi]    Pressure gradient dP/dpsi
    ffprime  [npsi]    f * df/dpsi
    may contain the following additional keys:
    Br       [npsi, npol]   Radial magnetic field [T]
    Bz       [npsi, npol]   Vertical magnetic field [T]

    if isinstance(f, basestring):
        # If the input is a string, treat as file name
        with open(f) as fh:  # Ensure file is closed
            return read(fh)  # Call again with file object

    # First line contains the date
    date = f.readline()
    if not date:
        raise IOError("Cannot read from input file " + str(filename))

    # Second is description
    desc = f.readline()

    token = file_numbers(f)

    # Third contains number of mesh points
        npsi = int(token.next())
        ntheta = int(token.next())
        isym = int(token.next())
    except StopIteration:
        raise IOError("Unexpected end of file while reading grid size")
    except ValueError:
        raise IOError("Third line should contain npsi, ntheta and isym")

    # Check values
    if (isym < 0) or (isym > 1):
        raise IOError("isym must be either 0 or 1")
    if (npsi < 1) or (ntheta < 1):
        raise IOError("Invalid npsi=" + str(npsi) + " or ntheta=" +

    # Read normalisation factors

        rcnt = float(token.next())
        xma = float(token.next())
        zma = float(token.next())
        btor = float(token.next())
        curtot = float(token.next())
        eaxe = float(token.next())
        dnorm = float(token.next())
        raise IOError("Couldn't read normalisation factors")

    def read_array(n, name="Unknown"):
        data = np.zeros([n])
            for i in np.arange(n):
                data[i] = float(token.next())
            raise IOError("Failed reading array '" + name + "' of size ", n)
        return data

    def read_2d(nx, ny, name="Unknown"):
        data = np.zeros([nx, ny])
        for i in np.arange(nx):
            data[i, :] = read_array(ny, name + "[" + str(i) + "]")
        return data

    # Read 1D arrays
    psiflux = read_array(npsi, "psiflux")
    fnorm = read_array(npsi, "fnorm")
    ffpnorm = read_array(npsi, "ffpnorm")
    ponly = read_array(npsi, "ponly")
    pponly = read_array(npsi, "pponly")
    qsf = read_array(npsi, "qsf")
    d = read_array(npsi, "d")

    dpdz = read_array(ntheta, "dpdz")
    dpdr = read_array(ntheta, "dpdr")

    # 2D arrays

    xnorm = read_2d(ntheta, npsi, "xnorm")
    znorm = read_2d(ntheta, npsi, "znorm")

    # Try to read Br and Bz (may be present)
        Br = read_2d(ntheta, npsi, "Br")
        Bz = read_2d(ntheta, npsi, "Bz")
        Br = Bz = None

    ny = ntheta

    if isym == 1:
        # Fill in values for up-down symmetric case
        print("Grid is up-down symmetric. Reflecting grid about midplane")
        ny = tsize = 2 * (ntheta - 1) + 1

        def reflect(data, mapfunc=lambda x: x):
            """ Reflect a variable about midplane
            Optionally supply a mapping function"""
            data2 = np.zeros([tsize, npsi])
            # Copy the original data
            for i in np.arange(ntheta):
                data2[i, :] = data[i, :]
                # Now fill in the remainder
            for i in np.arange(ntheta, tsize):
                t0 = tsize - 1 - i
                data2[i, :] = mapfunc(data[t0, :])
            return data2

        xnorm = reflect(xnorm)
        znorm = reflect(znorm, lambda x: 2. * zma - x)  # Reflect about zma
        if Br != None:
            Br = reflect(Br, lambda x: -x)  # Br reverses
        if Bz != None:
            Bz = reflect(Bz)  # Bz remains the same
        theta = tsize

    # Make sure we have Br, Bz and Bpol

    if (Br == None) or (Bz == None):
        # Calculate Bpol from psi then Br and Bz from Bpol
        # Use dpsi = R*Bp dx (for now)
        Bpol = np.zeros([ny, npsi])

        def deriv(f):
            n = np.size(f)
            dfdi = np.zeros(n)
            dfdi[1:-1] = (f[2:n] -
                          f[0:-2]) / 2.  # Central difference in the middle
            dfdi[0] = f[1] - f[0]
            dfdi[-1] = f[-1] - f[-2]
            return dfdi

        for i in np.arange(ntheta):
            drdi = deriv(xnorm[i, :])
            dzdi = deriv(znorm[i, :])
            dldi = sqrt(drdi**2 + dzdi**2)  # Arc length
            dpsidi = deriv(psiflux)

            Bpol[i, :] = dpsidi / (dldi * xnorm[i, :])
        Bpol = np.sqrt(Br**2 + Bz**2)

    # Calculate toroidal field
    Btor = fnorm / xnorm

    # Create a dictionary of values to return
    # Need to transpose 2D arrays to [psi, theta]
    # to be consistent with elite inputs

    var = {
        "npsi": npsi,
        "npol": ny,  # Sizes
        "psi": psiflux,
        "f(psi)": fnorm,
        "p": ponly,
        "R": np.transpose(xnorm),
        "Z": np.transpose(znorm),
        "Bp": np.transpose(Bpol),
        "Bt": np.transpose(Btor),
        "q": qsf,
        "ffprime": ffpnorm,
        "pprime": pponly

    if Br != None:
        var['Br'] = np.transpose(Br)
    if Bz != None:
        var['Bz'] = np.transpose(Bz)

    return var