    def generate(self, manifest, tags):
        # Generate conda package files and build driver script
        shutil.rmtree(self.config.output_dir, ignore_errors=True)
        print "generating recipes: "
        for (product, sha, version, deps) in manifest.itervalues():
            if product in self.config.internal_products: continue
            if product in self.config.skip_products: continue

            # override gitrevs (these are temporary hacks/fixes; they should go away when those branches are merged)
            sha = self.config.override_gitrev.get(product, sha)

            # Where is the source?
            giturl = self.config.get_giturl(product)

            self.gen_conda_package(product, sha, version, giturl, deps, tags)
        print "done."

        # write out the rebuild script for packages that need rebuilding
        rebuilds = []
        print "generating rebuild script:"
        for pi in self.products.itervalues():
            conda_version = "%s-%s" % (pi.version, pi.build_string)

                "rebuild %s %s %s %s" %
                (pi.conda_name, conda_version, pi.product, pi.eups_version))
            if not pi.is_built:
                print "  will build:    %s-%s" % (pi.conda_name, conda_version)
                with open(
                        os.path.join(self.config.output_dir, pi.conda_name,
                        'w'):  # create the .done marker file
                print "  already built: %s-%s" % (pi.conda_name, conda_version)

            if pi.conda_name in self.config.skip_build:
                # create the .skip.$PLATFORM marker files
                for platform in self.config.skip_build[pi.conda_name]:
                    with open(
                            os.path.join(self.config.output_dir, pi.conda_name,
                                         '.skip.' + platform), 'w'):
                print "    (builds will always be skipped on %s)" % ', '.join(

        print "done."

        fill_out_template(os.path.join(self.config.output_dir, 'rebuild.sh'),
	def generate(self, manifest, tags):
		# Generate conda package files and build driver script
		shutil.rmtree(self.config.output_dir, ignore_errors=True)
		print "generating recipes: "
		for (product, sha, version, deps) in manifest.itervalues():
			if product in self.config.internal_products: continue
			if product in self.config.skip_products: continue

			# override gitrevs (these are temporary hacks/fixes; they should go away when those branches are merged)
			sha = self.config.override_gitrev.get(product, sha)

			# Where is the source?
			giturl = self.config.get_giturl(product)

			self.gen_conda_package(product, sha, version, giturl, deps, tags)
		print "done."

		# write out the rebuild script for packages that need rebuilding
		rebuilds = []
		print "generating rebuild script:"
		for pi in self.products.itervalues():
			conda_version = "%s-%s" % (pi.version, pi.build_string)

			rebuilds.append("rebuild %s %s %s %s" % (pi.conda_name, conda_version, pi.product, pi.eups_version))
			if not pi.is_built:
				print "  will build:    %s-%s" % (pi.conda_name, conda_version)
				with open(os.path.join(self.config.output_dir, pi.conda_name, '.done'), 'w'):	# create the .done marker file
				print "  already built: %s-%s" % (pi.conda_name, conda_version)

			if pi.conda_name in self.config.skip_build:
				# create the .skip.$PLATFORM marker files
				for platform in self.config.skip_build[pi.conda_name]:
					with open(os.path.join(self.config.output_dir, pi.conda_name, '.skip.'+platform), 'w'):
				print "    (builds will always be skipped on %s)" % ', '.join(self.config.skip_build[pi.conda_name])

		print "done."

		fill_out_template(os.path.join(self.config.output_dir, 'rebuild.sh'), os.path.join(self.config.template_dir, 'rebuild.sh.template'),
			output_dir = self.config.output_dir,
			rebuilds = '\n'.join(rebuilds)
	def gen_conda_package(self, product, sha, eups_version, giturl, eups_deps):
		# What do we call this product in conda?
		conda_name = self.config.conda_name_for(product)

		# convert to conda version
		version, build_string_prefix, buildnum, compliant = eups_to_conda_version(product, eups_version, giturl)

		# warn if the version is not compliant
		problem = "" if compliant else " [WARNING: version format incompatible with conda]"

		# write out a progress message
		self.report_progress(conda_name, "%s%s" % (version, problem))

		# process dependencies
		eups_deps = set(eups_deps)
		eups_deps -= self.config.skip_products					# skip unwanted dependencies

		# Now start tracking runtime vs build depencendies separately
		# FIXME: We should do this from the start, but EUPS still isn't tracking the two separately
		bdeps, rdeps = [], []
		for prod in eups_deps:
			# Add the dependency
			dep_conda_name = self.config.conda_name_for(prod)

			# If the dependency is an internal product, add the internal product
			# to the build dependencies as well. This works around the problem where
			# e.g., lsst-afw depends on lsst-numpy-eups-config which depends on
			# numpy ==1.9 in the build section, but numpy >=1.9 in the run. If lsst-afw
			# didn't depend on numpy ==1.9 directly in its build section, then numpy
			# would've been pulled in via lsst-numpy-eups-config's *run* section (and
			# thus may be built against a newer numpy).
			if prod in self.config.internal_products:

		# If this is an internal product, also add the conda package as a dependency
			internals = self.config.internal_products[product]
		except KeyError:

		bplus, rplus = self.add_missing_deps(conda_name)	# manually add any missing dependencies
		bdeps += bplus; rdeps += rplus;

		bdeps, rdeps = sorted(bdeps), sorted(rdeps)	# sort, so the ordering is predicatble in meta.yaml

		# Create the Conda packaging spec files
		dir = os.path.join(self.config.output_dir, conda_name)

		# Copy any patches into the recipe dir
		patches = self.prepare_patches(product, dir)

		# build.sh (TBD: use exact eups versions, instead of -r .)
		setups = []
		SEP = 'setup '
		setups = SEP + ('\n'+SEP).join(setups) if setups else ''

		template_dir = self.config.template_dir

		build_template = 'build.sh.template' if product not in self.config.internal_products else 'build-internal.sh.template'
		fill_out_template(os.path.join(dir, 'build.sh'), os.path.join(template_dir, build_template),
			setups = setups,
			eups_version = eups_version,
			eups_tags = ' '.join(self.config.global_eups_tags)

		# pre-link.sh (to add the global tags)
		fill_out_template(os.path.join(dir, 'pre-link.sh'), os.path.join(template_dir, 'pre-link.sh.template'),
			product = product,

		# meta.yaml
		rdeps = [ self.conda_version_spec(p) if p in self.products else p for p in rdeps ]
		bdeps = [ self.conda_version_spec(p) if p in self.products else p for p in bdeps ]
		reqstr_r = create_yaml_list(rdeps)
		reqstr_b = create_yaml_list(bdeps)

		meta_yaml = os.path.join(dir, 'meta.yaml')
		fill_out_template(meta_yaml, os.path.join(template_dir, 'meta.yaml.template'),
			productNameLowercase = conda_name.lower(),
			version = version,
			gitrev = sha,
			giturl = giturl,
			build_req = reqstr_b,
			run_req = reqstr_r,
			patches = patches,

		# The recipe is now (almost) complete.
		# Find our build number. If this package already exists in the release DB,
		# re-use the build number and mark it as '.done' so it doesn't get rebuilt.
		# Otherwise, increment the max build number by one and use that.
		buildnum, build_string, is_built = self.get_build_info(conda_name.lower(), version, dir, build_string_prefix)

		# Fill in the build number and string
		fill_out_template(meta_yaml, meta_yaml,
			buildnum = buildnum,
			build_string = build_string

		# record we've seen this product
		self.products[conda_name] = ProductInfo(conda_name, version, build_string, buildnum, product, eups_version, is_built, True)
	def gen_conda_package(self, product, sha, eups_version, giturl, eups_deps, eups_tags):
		# What do we call this product in conda?
		conda_name = self.config.conda_name_for(product)

		# convert to conda version
		version, build_string_prefix, buildnum, compliant = eups_to_conda_version(product, eups_version, giturl)

		# warn if the version is not compliant
		problem = "" if compliant else " [WARNING: version format incompatible with conda]"

		# write out a progress message
		self.report_progress(conda_name, "%s%s" % (version, problem))

		# process dependencies
		eups_deps = set(eups_deps)
		eups_deps -= self.config.skip_products					# skip unwanted dependencies

		# Now start tracking runtime vs build depencendies separately
		# FIXME: We should do this from the start, but EUPS still isn't tracking the two separately
		bdeps, rdeps = [], []
		depends_on_internal = False
		for prod in eups_deps:							# transform to Anaconda product names
			dep_conda_name = self.config.conda_name_for(prod)
			internals = self.config.internal_products.get(prod, None)
			depends_on_internal |= prod in self.config.internal_products

			if internals is not None:
				bdeps.append(internals.get('build', dep_conda_name))
				rdeps.append(internals.get('run',   dep_conda_name))

		# If we depend on one of the internal packages, make sure we depend on
		# the lsst-product-configs package as well, as that's where the .table
		# and .cfg files are.
		if depends_on_internal:
			# add lsst-product-configs to the build queue then fish out the
			# version string
			lpc_version = self.products['lsst-product-configs'].version
			# inject a dep on the specific version
			product_configs = 'lsst-product-configs ==%s' % lpc_version

		bplus, rplus = self.add_missing_deps(conda_name)	# manually add any missing dependencies
		bdeps += bplus; rdeps += rplus;

		bdeps, rdeps = sorted(bdeps), sorted(rdeps)	# sort, so the ordering is predicatble in meta.yaml

		# Create the Conda packaging spec files
		dir = os.path.join(self.config.output_dir, conda_name)

		# Copy any patches into the recipe dir
		patches = self.prepare_patches(product, dir)

		# build.sh (TBD: use exact eups versions, instead of -r .)
		setups = []
		SEP = 'setup '
		setups = SEP + ('\n'+SEP).join(setups) if setups else ''

		template_dir = self.config.template_dir

		fill_out_template(os.path.join(dir, 'build.sh'), os.path.join(template_dir, 'build.sh.template'),
			setups = setups,
			eups_version = eups_version,
			eups_tags = ' '.join(eups_tags + self.config.global_eups_tags)

		# pre-link.sh (to add the global tags)
		fill_out_template(os.path.join(dir, 'pre-link.sh'), os.path.join(template_dir, 'pre-link.sh.template'),
			product = product,

		# meta.yaml
		rdeps = [ self.conda_version_spec(p) if p in self.products else p for p in rdeps ]
		bdeps = [ self.conda_version_spec(p) if p in self.products else p for p in bdeps ]
		reqstr_r = create_yaml_list(rdeps)
		reqstr_b = create_yaml_list(bdeps)

		meta_yaml = os.path.join(dir, 'meta.yaml')
		fill_out_template(meta_yaml, os.path.join(template_dir, 'meta.yaml.template'),
			productNameLowercase = conda_name.lower(),
			version = version,
			gitrev = sha,
			giturl = giturl,
			build_req = reqstr_b,
			run_req = reqstr_r,
			patches = patches,

		# The recipe is now (almost) complete.
		# Find our build number. If this package already exists in the release DB,
		# re-use the build number and mark it as '.done' so it doesn't get rebuilt.
		# Otherwise, increment the max build number by one and use that.
		buildnum, build_string, is_built = self.get_build_info(conda_name.lower(), version, dir, build_string_prefix)

		# Fill in the build number and string
		fill_out_template(meta_yaml, meta_yaml,
			buildnum = buildnum,
			build_string = build_string

		# record we've seen this product
		self.products[conda_name] = ProductInfo(conda_name, version, build_string, buildnum, product, eups_version, is_built, True)
    def gen_conda_package(self, product, sha, eups_version, giturl, eups_deps,
        # What do we call this product in conda?
        conda_name = self.config.conda_name_for(product)

        # convert to conda version
        version, build_string_prefix, buildnum, compliant = eups_to_conda_version(
            product, eups_version, giturl)

        # warn if the version is not compliant
        problem = "" if compliant else " [WARNING: version format incompatible with conda]"

        # write out a progress message
        self.report_progress(conda_name, "%s%s" % (version, problem))

        # process dependencies
        eups_deps = set(eups_deps)
        eups_deps -= self.config.skip_products  # skip unwanted dependencies

        # Now start tracking runtime vs build depencendies separately
        # FIXME: We should do this from the start, but EUPS still isn't tracking the two separately
        bdeps, rdeps = [], []
        depends_on_internal = False
        for prod in eups_deps:  # transform to Anaconda product names
            dep_conda_name = self.config.conda_name_for(prod)
            internals = self.config.internal_products.get(prod, None)
            depends_on_internal |= prod in self.config.internal_products

            if internals is not None:
                bdeps.append(internals.get('build', dep_conda_name))
                rdeps.append(internals.get('run', dep_conda_name))


        # If we depend on one of the internal packages, make sure we depend on
        # the lsst-product-configs package as well, as that's where the .table
        # and .cfg files are.
        if depends_on_internal:
            # add lsst-product-configs to the build queue then fish out the
            # version string
            lpc_version = self.products['lsst-product-configs'].version

            # inject a dep on the specific version
            product_configs = 'lsst-product-configs ==%s' % lpc_version

        bplus, rplus = self.add_missing_deps(
            conda_name)  # manually add any missing dependencies
        bdeps += bplus
        rdeps += rplus

        bdeps, rdeps = sorted(bdeps), sorted(
            rdeps)  # sort, so the ordering is predicatble in meta.yaml

        # Create the Conda packaging spec files
        dir = os.path.join(self.config.output_dir, conda_name)

        # Copy any patches into the recipe dir
        patches = self.prepare_patches(product, dir)

        # build.sh (TBD: use exact eups versions, instead of -r .)
        setups = []
        SEP = 'setup '
        setups = SEP + ('\n' + SEP).join(setups) if setups else ''

        template_dir = self.config.template_dir

        fill_out_template(os.path.join(dir, 'build.sh'),
                          os.path.join(template_dir, 'build.sh.template'),
                          eups_tags=' '.join(eups_tags +

        # pre-link.sh (to add the global tags)
            os.path.join(dir, 'pre-link.sh'),
            os.path.join(template_dir, 'pre-link.sh.template'),

        # meta.yaml
        rdeps = [
            self.conda_version_spec(p) if p in self.products else p
            for p in rdeps
        bdeps = [
            self.conda_version_spec(p) if p in self.products else p
            for p in bdeps
        reqstr_r = create_yaml_list(rdeps)
        reqstr_b = create_yaml_list(bdeps)

        meta_yaml = os.path.join(dir, 'meta.yaml')
            os.path.join(template_dir, 'meta.yaml.template'),

        # The recipe is now (almost) complete.
        # Find our build number. If this package already exists in the release DB,
        # re-use the build number and mark it as '.done' so it doesn't get rebuilt.
        # Otherwise, increment the max build number by one and use that.
        buildnum, build_string, is_built = self.get_build_info(
            conda_name.lower(), version, dir, build_string_prefix)

        # Fill in the build number and string

        # record we've seen this product
        self.products[conda_name] = ProductInfo(conda_name, version,
                                                build_string, buildnum,
                                                product, eups_version,
                                                is_built, True)