def getDepthProjection(points, isCrop = True):
        FUNC: get projections by counting the number of 3D points
            points: point clouds
            crop: crop the ROI or not
            resultProjImg: the projection image (range: 0-255)
    tmp_points = points.copy()
    min_xw = np.min(tmp_points[:,0])
    min_yw = np.min(tmp_points[:,1])
    tmp_points[:,0] -= min_xw
    tmp_points[:,1] -= min_yw
#     width = math.ceil(np.max(tmp_points[:,0])) + 1
#     height = math.ceil(np.max(tmp_points[:,1])) + 1

    width = 800
    height = 800
    n_points, _ = tmp_points.shape
    projData = np.zeros((height, width))
    for n in xrange(n_points):
        [xw, yw, zw] = tmp_points[n, :]
        if zw != 0:
            rowIdx = math.floor(yw)
            colIdx = math.floor(xw)
            projData[rowIdx, colIdx] += 1
    projImg = mat2gray(projData)  # scale to 0-255
    # post processing
    # closing (Dilation followed by Erosion)
    kernel = np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8)
    projImg1 = cv2.morphologyEx(projImg, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel)
    projImg2 = cv2.equalizeHist(projImg1)
    if isCrop:
        boxRegion = findBoxRegion(projImg2)
        top, bottom, left, right = boxRegion
        resultProjImg = projImg2[top:bottom, left:right]
        resultProjImg = projImg2.copy()
    return resultProjImg
def getDepthProjection(points, isCrop=True):
        FUNC: get projections by counting the number of 3D points
            points: point clouds
            crop: crop the ROI or not
            resultProjImg: the projection image (range: 0-255)
    tmp_points = points.copy()
    min_xw = np.min(tmp_points[:, 0])
    min_yw = np.min(tmp_points[:, 1])

    tmp_points[:, 0] -= min_xw
    tmp_points[:, 1] -= min_yw

    #     width = math.ceil(np.max(tmp_points[:,0])) + 1
    #     height = math.ceil(np.max(tmp_points[:,1])) + 1

    width = 800
    height = 800

    n_points, _ = tmp_points.shape

    projData = np.zeros((height, width))
    for n in xrange(n_points):
        [xw, yw, zw] = tmp_points[n, :]
        if zw != 0:
            rowIdx = math.floor(yw)
            colIdx = math.floor(xw)
            projData[rowIdx, colIdx] += 1

    projImg = mat2gray(projData)  # scale to 0-255

    # post processing
    # closing (Dilation followed by Erosion)
    kernel = np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8)
    projImg1 = cv2.morphologyEx(projImg, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel)
    projImg2 = cv2.equalizeHist(projImg1)

    if isCrop:
        boxRegion = findBoxRegion(projImg2)
        top, bottom, left, right = boxRegion
        resultProjImg = projImg2[top:bottom, left:right]
        resultProjImg = projImg2.copy()

    return resultProjImg
def calDepthMHI(frames, motion_thresh = 10, stride = 1, isCrop = True):
        FUNC: Calculate DMHI from given sequence (a list of frames)
            frames: a list of frames
            motion_thresh: threshold for detection of motion region
            stride: stride of calculation of difference between frames
            isCrop: crop ROI or not
            dmhi: depth motion history image
    duration = len(frames)
    firstFrm = frames[0]
    firstFrm = cv2.GaussianBlur(firstFrm, (3, 3), 0)    # Gaussian blur
    height, width = firstFrm.shape
    # a set of DMHIs
    D_MHIs = []
    D_MHIs.append(np.zeros((height, width)).astype(np.int32))
    for i in xrange(1, duration, stride):
        prevFrmIndex = i - stride
        if (prevFrmIndex >= 0):
            # current image
            currFrm = frames[i]
            currFrm = cv2.GaussianBlur(currFrm, (3, 3), 0)    # Gaussian blur
            # previous image
            prevFrm = frames[prevFrmIndex]
            prevFrm = cv2.GaussianBlur(prevFrm, (3, 3), 0)    # Gaussian blur
            # frame difference
            motionImg = depthFrameDiff(currFrm, prevFrm, motion_thresh)
            # DMHI
            # if D == 1
            DMHI = motionImg.copy()
            DMHI[np.where(motionImg == 1)] = duration
            # otherwise
            tmp = np.maximum(0, D_MHIs[-1] - 1)
            idx = np.where(motionImg != 1)
            DMHI[idx] = tmp[idx]
            # save mhi image to file
    #         dmhiImg = mat2gray(DMHI)
    #         cv2.imwrite('mhi_%i.png' %i, dmhiImg)
    # get the result    
    finalDMHI = D_MHIs[-1]
    # convert to image
    dmhi = mat2gray(finalDMHI)
    dmhi = cv2.GaussianBlur(dmhi, (3, 3), 0)    # Gaussian blur
    # crop or not
    if isCrop:
        boxRegion = findBoxRegion(dmhi)
        top, bottom, left, right = boxRegion
        resultDmhi = dmhi[top:bottom, left:right]
        resultDmhi = dmhi.copy()
    return resultDmhi