      for x in os.listdir(f):
        pathname = os.path.join(f,x)
        ss += abs(calcsz(pathname))
    except OSError,e:
      print "?D",str(e)
    return ss
  if S_ISREG(md):
    return -st.st_size
  return 0

ss = 0
sf = 0 # size of files
nf = 0 # number of files
tf = '' # if one file, its name
for d in args:
  if d in (".",".."): continue
  s1 = calcsz(d)
  if s1 < 0: # simple file
    nf += 1
    sf += -s1
    ss += -s1
    tf = d         
  elif not NODIRS:
    print "%13s"%utils.format_int(s1),d
    ss += s1
if nf>1:
  print "\n%13s [%d files]"%(utils.format_int(sf),nf)
elif nf>0:
  print "\n%13s %s"%(utils.format_int(sf),tf)
print "\n%13s *****"%utils.format_int(ss)
    self.free_size   = cs * f
    self.total_size  = cs * t
    self.cluser_size_bits = cs - 1
    self.cluser_size_mask = (2**48-1) ^ (cs - 1)

if len(sys.argv)<2:
  print( "Syntax: disk_info.py disk [disk]..." )

for d in sys.argv[1:]:
  d = d[:1].upper()
  di = DiskInfo(d)
  l1 = d+": "
  l2 = "   "
  l3 = "   "
  l1 += "Sec sz %5s | " % format_int( di.bytes_per_sector )
  l2 += "Sec/cl %5s | " % format_int( di.sectors_per_cluster )
  l3 += "Cl sz %6s | " % format_int( di.cluser_size )
  l1 += "Free  cl %11s | " % format_int( di.free_clusters )
  l2 += "Occup cl %11s | " % format_int( di.total_clusters - di.free_clusters )
  l3 += "Total cl %11s | " % format_int( di.total_clusters )
  l1 += "Free  sz %17s | " % format_int( di.free_size )
  l2 += "Occup sz %17s | " % format_int( di.total_size - di.free_size )
  l3 += "Total sz %17s | " % format_int( di.total_size )
  l1 += "%7.3f%%" % (100.0*float(di.free_size)/float(di.total_size))
  l2 += "%7.3f%%" % (100.0*float(di.total_size - di.free_size)/float(di.total_size))
  l3 += "%7dM" % ((di.total_size+70000)//2**20)

  print( l1 )
  print( l2 )