def pasteFolderLink(src, dst, folderName, addonid): import urllib thumbnail, fanart = utils.getFolderThumb(src) folderConfig = os.path.join(src, FOLDERCFG) colour = parameters.getParam('COLOUR', folderConfig) if colour: folderName = '[COLOR %s]%s[/COLOR]' % (colour, folderName) path = utils.convertToHome(src) path = path.replace(PROFILE, '') path = path.replace('\\', '/') if path.startswith('/'): path = path[1:] cmd = '%s?label=%s&mode=%d&folder=%s' % (addonid, folderName, utils._FOLDER, urllib.quote_plus(path)) cmd = '"%s"' % cmd cmd = cmd.replace('+', '%20') cmd = 'ActivateWindow(%d,%s)' % (utils.getCurrentWindowId(), cmd) cmd = favourite.addFanart(cmd, fanart) file = os.path.join(dst, FILENAME) if favourite.findFave(file, cmd)[0]: return True faves = favourite.getFavourites(file, validate=False) fave = [folderName, thumbnail, cmd] faves.append(fave) favourite.writeFavourites(file, faves) return True
def _select(index): import utils #utils.DialogOK(str(index)) if index < 0: return import xbmc import utils view = 0 count = 10 while view < 1 and count > 0: count -= 1 view = utils.getViewType() xbmc.sleep(50) if view < 1: return import xbmcgui win = None count = 10 while not win and count > 0: count -= 1 try: win = xbmcgui.Window(utils.getCurrentWindowId()) except: xbmc.sleep(50) if not win: return list = None count = 10 while not list and count > 0: try: list = win.getControl(view) except: xbmc.sleep(50) if not list: return xbmc.sleep(50) try: nItem = int(xbmcgui.Window(10000).getProperty('SF_NMR_ITEMS')) if index >= nItem: index = nItem - 1 except: pass list.selectItem(index)
def _select(index): import utils if index < 0: return import xbmc import utils view = 0 count = 50 while view < 1 and count > 0: count -= 1 view = utils.getViewType() xbmc.sleep(50) if view < 1: return import xbmcgui win = None count = 10 while not win and count > 0: count -= 1 try: win = xbmcgui.Window(utils.getCurrentWindowId()) except: xbmc.sleep(50) if not win: return list = None count = 10 while not list and count > 0: try: list = win.getControl(view) except: xbmc.sleep(50) if not list: return xbmc.sleep(50) try: nItem = int(xbmcgui.Window(10000).getProperty('SF_NMR_ITEMS')) if index >= nItem: index = nItem-1 except: pass list.selectItem(index)
def _select(index): if index < 0: return import xbmc import utils view = 0 count = 10 while view < 1 and count > 0: count -= 1 view = utils.getViewType() xbmc.sleep(50) if view < 1: return import xbmcgui win = None count = 10 while not win and count > 0: count -= 1 try: win = xbmcgui.Window(utils.getCurrentWindowId()) except: xbmc.sleep(50) if not win: return list = None count = 10 while not list and count > 0: try: list = win.getControl(view) except: xbmc.sleep(50) if not list: return xbmc.sleep(50) list.selectItem(index)