def collector(url, specific, options):
    up = componentInfo(mcm=False, soft=['mcm'])
    if not up.check(): return 

    SI = siteInfo()
    dss = DSS()
    #NL = newLockInfo()
    mcm = McMClient(dev=False)
    fetch_in_campaigns = ['RunIISummer15GS']

    will_be_used = defaultdict(list)
    secondary_used = defaultdict(list)
    for campaign,status in itertools.product( fetch_in_campaigns, mcm_statuses):
        if campaign:
            print "getting for",campaign
        if status:
            print "getting for",status
        rs = mcm.getA('requests', query='&'.join(queries))
        for r in rs:
            #if r['type'] != 'Prod': continue
            dataset = r['input_dataset']
            if dataset:
                #print r['prepid'],dataset
                will_be_used[dataset].append( r )
            pileup = r['pileup_dataset_name']
            if pileup:
                secondary_used['pileup'].append( r )

    all_transfers = defaultdict(list)
    print len(will_be_used),"datasets that can be pre-fetched"
    ## for secondary we really need to have the campaign right
    print len(secondary_used),"pileup will be used"

    datasets = will_be_used.keys()
    if options.limit:
        print "Restricting to randomly picked",options.limit
        random.shuffle( datasets )
        datasets = datasets[:options.limit]
    for dataset in datasets:
        print "\tlooking at",dataset
        #presence = getDatasetPresence(url, dataset)#, within_sites=['T2_CH_CERN'])
        ## lock all those, and pre-fecth them
        #NL.lock( dataset )
        ## we could get the reqmgr dictionnary from McM if it was implemented and use standard workflowInfo !!!
        for request in will_be_used[dataset]:
            print "will be used by",request['prepid']
            campaign = request['member_of_campaign']
            ## based on the campaign, pre-fetch a site list
            sites_allowed = SI.sites_T1s + SI.sites_with_goodIO
            if options.spread:
                ## pick up the number of copies from campaign
                copies_needed = 1 ## hard coded for now
                copies_needed = 1 ## hard coded for now        

            print "Will look for",copies_needed,"of",dataset
            ## figure out where it is and going
            destinations, all_block_names = getDatasetDestinations(url, dataset, within_sites = [SI.CE_to_SE(site) for site in sites_allowed])
            print json.dumps( destinations, indent=2)
            prim_location = [site for (site,info) in destinations.items() if info['completion']==100 and info['data_fraction']==1]
            prim_destination = [site for site in destinations.keys() if not site in prim_location]
            prim_destination = [site for site in prim_destination if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer])]
            copies_needed = max(0,copies_needed - len(prim_location))
            copies_being_made = [ sum([info['blocks'].keys().count(block) for site,info in destinations.items() if site in prim_destination]) for block in all_block_names]
            prim_to_distribute = [site for site in sites_allowed if not SI.CE_to_SE(site) in prim_location]
            prim_to_distribute = [site for site in prim_to_distribute if not SI.CE_to_SE(site) in prim_destination]
                ## take out the ones that cannot receive transfers
            prim_to_distribute = [site for site in prim_to_distribute if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer])]
            copies_needed = max(0,copies_needed - min(copies_being_made))
            spreading = {}
            if copies_needed:
                print "needing",copies_needed 
                chops,sizes = getDatasetChops(dataset, chop_threshold = options.chopsize)
                spreading = distributeToSites( chops, prim_to_distribute, n_copies = copies_needed, weights=SI.cpu_pledges, sizes=sizes)
                print "no copy needed for",dataset
            for (site,items) in spreading.items():
                all_transfers[site].extend( items )
    print "accumulated transfers"
    print json.dumps(all_transfers, indent=2)
    if not options.test:
        sendEmail('dataset to be fetched',
                  'the following datasets and location were figured from mcm up-coming requests\n%s'%( json.dumps(all_transfers, indent=2) ),
    ## now collect and make transfer request
    for (site,items_to_transfer) in all_transfers.iteritems():
        print "Directing at",site
        items_to_transfer = list(set(items_to_transfer))

        site_se = SI.CE_to_SE(site)
        blocks = [it for it in items_to_transfer if '#' in it]
        datasets = [it for it in items_to_transfer if not '#' in it]

        print "\t",len(blocks),"blocks"
        ## remove blocks if full dataset is send out                                                                                                 
        blocks = [block for block in blocks if not block.split('#')[0] in datasets]
        blocks_dataset = list(set([block.split('#')[0] for block in blocks]))
        print "\t",len(blocks),"needed blocks for",blocks_dataset
        print "\t",len(datasets),"datasets"
        print "\t",datasets
        items_to_transfer = blocks + datasets
        total_size = 0
        for dataset in datasets:
            ds_size,_ = dss.get_block_size( dataset )
            total_size += ds_size
        for dataset in blocks_dataset:
            _,bs_size = dss.get_block_size( dataset )
            total_size += sum([ s for b,s in bs_size if b in blocks ])

        print "For a total of",total_size,"[GB]"

        if options.test:
            result= {'phedex':{'request_created' : []}}
            ##result = makeReplicaRequest(url, site_se, items_to_transfer, 'fetching pre-production', priority='normal', approve=True)
            ## should make sure there is something in it
def transferor(url ,specific = None, talk=True, options=None):
    if userLock():   return
    if duplicateLock():  return

    use_mcm = True
    up = componentInfo(mcm=use_mcm, soft=['mcm'])
    if not up.check(): return
    use_mcm = up.status['mcm']

    if options and options.test:
        execute = False
        execute = True

    SI = siteInfo()
    CI = campaignInfo()
    NLI = newLockInfo()
    mcm = McMClient(dev=False)
    dss = DSS()

    #allowed_secondary = UC.get('')
    print "counting all being handled..."
    being_handled = len(session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status == 'away').all())
    being_handled += len(session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status.startswith('stag')).all())
    being_transfered = len(session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status == 'staging').all())
    being_handled += len(session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status.startswith('assistance-')).all())

    max_to_handle = options.maxworkflows
    max_to_transfer = options.maxstaging

    allowed_to_handle = max(0,max_to_handle - being_handled)
    allowed_to_transfer = max(0,max_to_transfer - being_transfered)
    wf_buffer = 5
    if allowed_to_handle<=wf_buffer: ## buffer for having several wf per transfer
        print "Not allowed to run more than",max_to_handle,"at a time. Currently",being_handled,"and",wf_buffer,"buffer"
        print being_handled,"already being handled",max_to_handle,"max allowed,",allowed_to_handle,"remaining","and",wf_buffer,"buffer"

    if allowed_to_transfer <= wf_buffer:
        print "Not allowed to transfer more than",max_to_transfer,"at a time. Currently",being_transfered,"and",wf_buffer,"buffer"
        print being_transfered,"already being transfered",max_to_transfer,"max allowed,",allowed_to_transfer,"remaining","and",wf_buffer,"buffer"

    print "... done"

    workflow_dependencies = defaultdict(set) ## list of wf.id per input dataset
    print "getting all wf to consider ..."
    cache = getWorkflows(url, 'assignment-approved', details=True)
    for wfo in session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status.startswith('considered')).all():
        print "\t",wfo.name
        if specific and not specific in wfo.name: continue
        cache_r =filter(lambda d:d['RequestName']==wfo.name, cache)
        if len(cache_r):
            wfs_and_wfh.append( (wfo, workflowInfo( url, wfo.name, spec=False, request = cache_r[0]) ) )
            wfs_and_wfh.append( (wfo, workflowInfo( url, wfo.name, spec=False) ) )
    print "... done"

    transfers_per_sites = defaultdict(int)
    input_sizes = {}
    ignored_input_sizes = {}
    input_cput = {}
    input_st = {}
    ## list the size of those in transfer already
    print "getting all wf in staging ..."
    stucks = json.loads(open('%s/stuck_transfers.json'%monitor_dir).read())
    for wfo in session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status=='staging').all():
        wfh = workflowInfo( url, wfo.name, spec=False)
        #(lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) = wfh.getIO()
        #sites_allowed = getSiteWhiteList( (lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) )
        (lheinput,primary,parent,secondary,sites_allowed) = wfh.getSiteWhiteList()
        for site in sites_allowed: ## we should get the actual transfer destination instead of the full white list
            transfers_per_sites[site] += 1 
        #input_cput[wfo.name] = wfh.getComputingTime()
        #input_st[wfo.name] = wfh.getSystemTime()
        for prim in primary:  
            ds_s = dss.get( prim )
            if prim in stucks: 
                sendLog('transferor', "%s appears stuck, so not counting it %s [GB]"%( prim, ds_s), wfi=wfh)
                ignored_input_sizes[prim] = ds_s
                input_sizes[prim] = ds_s
                sendLog('transferor', "%s needs %s [GB]"%( wfo.name, ds_s), wfi=wfh)
        if in_transfer_priority==None:
            in_transfer_priority = int(wfh.request['RequestPriority'])
            in_transfer_priority = max(in_transfer_priority, int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']))
        if min_transfer_priority==None:
            min_transfer_priority = int(wfh.request['RequestPriority'])
            min_transfer_priority = min(min_transfer_priority, int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']))

    if min_transfer_priority==None or in_transfer_priority ==None:
        print "nothing is lining up for transfer"
        sendEmail("no request in staging","no request in staging")

        print "Ignored input sizes"
        ignored_values = list(ignored_input_sizes.items())
        ignored_values.sort( key = lambda i : i[1] )
        print "\n".join( map(str, ignored_values ) )
        print "Considered input sizes"
        considered_values = list(input_sizes.items())
        considered_values.sort( key = lambda i : i[1] )
        print "\n".join( map(str, considered_values) )
    except Exception as e:
        print "trying to print the summary of input size"
        print str(e)

    print "... done"
    print "Max priority in transfer already",in_transfer_priority
    print "Min priority in transfer already",min_transfer_priority
    print "transfers per sites"
    print json.dumps( transfers_per_sites, indent=2)
    in_transfer_already = sum(input_sizes.values())
    cput_in_transfer_already = sum(input_cput.values())
    st_in_transfer_already = sum(input_st.values())

    ## list the size of all inputs
    primary_input_per_workflow_gb = defaultdict(float)
    print "getting all input sizes ..."
    for (wfo,wfh) in wfs_and_wfh:
        (_,primary,_,_) = wfh.getIO()
        #input_cput[wfo.name] = wfh.getComputingTime()
        #input_st[wfo.name] = wfh.getSystemTime()
        for prim in primary:
            ## do not count it if it appears stalled !
            prim_size = dss.get( prim )
            input_sizes[prim] = prim_size
            primary_input_per_workflow_gb[wfo.name] += prim_size
    print "... done"

    # shuffle first by name
    random.shuffle( wfs_and_wfh )
    # Sort smallest transfers first; allows us to transfer as many as possible workflows.
    def prio_and_size( i, j):
        if int(i[1].request['RequestPriority']) == int(j[1].request['RequestPriority']):
            return cmp(int(primary_input_per_workflow_gb.get(j[0].name, 0)), int(primary_input_per_workflow_gb.get(i[0].name, 0)) )
            return cmp(int(i[1].request['RequestPriority']),int(j[1].request['RequestPriority']))

    #wfs_and_wfh.sort(cmp = prio_and_size, reverse=True)
    #wfs_and_wfh.sort(cmp = lambda i,j : cmp(int(primary_input_per_workflow_gb.get(i[0].name, 0)), int(primary_input_per_workflow_gb.get(j[0].name, 0)) ))
    #sort by priority higher first
    wfs_and_wfh.sort(cmp = lambda i,j : cmp(int(i[1].request['RequestPriority']),int(j[1].request['RequestPriority']) ), reverse=True)

    cput_grand_total = sum(input_cput.values())
    cput_to_transfer = cput_grand_total - cput_in_transfer_already
    st_grand_total = sum(input_st.values())
    st_to_transfer = st_grand_total - st_in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f [CPU h] worth already in transfer"%cput_in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f [CPU h] worth is the current requested transfer load"%cput_to_transfer
    print "%15.4f [h] worth of absolute system time in transfer"%( cput_in_transfer_already / SI.availableSlots())
    print "%15.4f [h] worth of absolute system time is the current requested transfer load"%( cput_to_transfer / SI.availableSlots())
    print "%15.4f [h] worth of theoritical system time in transfer"%( st_in_transfer_already )
    print "%15.4f [h] worth of theoritical system time is the current requested transfer load"%( st_to_transfer )

    grand_total =  sum(input_sizes.values()) 
    to_transfer = grand_total  - in_transfer_already
    grand_transfer_limit = options.maxtransfer
    #grand_transfer_limit = SI.total_disk()*0.25*1024## half of the free sapce in TB->GB
    transfer_limit = grand_transfer_limit - in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f GB already being transfered"%in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f GB is the current requested transfer load"%to_transfer
    print "%15.4f GB is the global transfer limit"%grand_transfer_limit
    print "%15.4f GB is the available limit"%transfer_limit

    max_staging_per_site = options.maxstagingpersite
    # the max priority value per dataset.
    max_priority = defaultdict(int)
    needs_transfer=0 ## so that we can count'em
    passing_along = 0
    destination_cache = {}
    no_goes = set()

    max_per_round = UC.get('max_per_round').get('transferor',None)
    if max_per_round and not spec:
        wfs_and_wfh = wfs_and_wfh[:max_per_round]
    for (wfo,wfh) in wfs_and_wfh:
        print wfo.name,"to be transfered with priority",wfh.request['RequestPriority']

        if wfh.request['RequestStatus']!='assignment-approved':
            if wfh.request['RequestStatus'] in ['aborted','rejected','rejected-archived','aborted-archived']:
                wfo.status = 'trouble' ## so that we look or a replacement
                wfo.status = 'away'
            wfh.sendLog('transferor', '%s in status %s, setting %s'%( wfo.name,wfh.request['RequestStatus'],wfo.status))

        (_,primary,_,_) = wfh.getIO()
        this_load=sum([input_sizes[prim] for prim in primary])
        no_budget = False
        if ( this_load and (sum(transfer_sizes.values())+this_load > transfer_limit or went_over_budget ) ):
            if went_over_budget:
                wfh.sendLog('transferor', "Transfer has gone over bubget.")
                wfh.sendLog('transferor', "Transfer will go over bubget.")
            wfh.sendLog('transferor', "%15.4f GB this load, %15.4f GB already this round, %15.4f GB is the available limit"%(this_load, sum(transfer_sizes.values()), transfer_limit))
            #if sum(transfer_sizes.values()) > transfer_limit:
            went_over_budget = True
            if in_transfer_priority!=None and min_transfer_priority!=None:
                if int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) >= in_transfer_priority and min_transfer_priority!=in_transfer_priority:
                    wfh.sendLog('transferor',"Higher priority sample %s >= %s go-on over budget"%( wfh.request['RequestPriority'], in_transfer_priority))
                    if not options.go: 
                        wfh.sendLog('transferor',"%s minimum priority %s < %s : stop"%( min_transfer_priority,wfh.request['RequestPriority'],in_transfer_priority))
                        no_budget = True

        ## throtlle by campaign go
        no_go = False
        if not wfh.go(log=True) and not options.go:
            no_go = True
            no_goes.add( wfo.name )
        allowed_secondary = set()
        for campaign in wfh.getCampaigns():
            if campaign in CI.campaigns and 'secondaries' in CI.campaigns[campaign]:
                allowed_secondary.update( CI.campaigns[campaign]['secondaries'] )
        if secondary:
            if (secondary and allowed_secondary) and (set(secondary)&allowed_secondary!=set(secondary)):
                wfh.sendLog('assignor','%s is not an allowed secondary'%(', '.join(set(secondary)-allowed_secondary)))
                no_go = True

        if no_go:
        ## check if the batch is announced

        def check_mcm(wfn):
            if not wfn.startswith('pdmvserv'):
                is_real = True
                for b in mcm.getA('batches',query='contains=%s'% wfo.name):
                    is_real = True
                    if b['status']=='announced': 
                    for b in mcm.getA('batches',query='contains=%s'% wfo.name):
                        is_real = True
                        if b['status']=='announced': 
                    print "could not get mcm batch announcement, assuming not real"
            return announced,is_real

        if not use_mcm:
            announced,is_real = False,True
            if wfh.request['RequestType'] in ['ReReco']:
                announced,is_real = True,True
                announced,is_real = check_mcm( wfo.name )

        if not announced:
            wfh.sendLog('transferor', "does not look announced.")

        if not is_real:
            wfh.sendLog('transferor', "does not appear to be genuine.")

            ## prevent any duplication. if the wf is not mentioned in any batch, regardless of status

        ## check on a grace period
        injection_time = time.mktime(time.strptime('.'.join(map(str,wfh.request['RequestDate'])),"%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S")) / (60.*60.)
        now = time.mktime(time.gmtime()) / (60.*60.)
        if float(now - injection_time) < 4.:
            if not options.go and not announced: 
                wfh.sendLog('transferor', "It is too soon to start transfer: %3.2fH remaining"%(now - injection_time))

        if passing_along >= allowed_to_handle:
            #if int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) >= in_transfer_priority and min_transfer_priority!=in_transfer_priority:
            if in_transfer_priority!=None and min_transfer_priority!=None:
                if int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) >= in_transfer_priority and int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) !=min_transfer_priority:
                    ## higher priority, and not only this priority being transfered
                    wfh.sendLog('transferor',"Higher priority sample %s >= %s go-on over %s"%( wfh.request['RequestPriority'], in_transfer_priority, max_to_handle))
                    wfh.sendLog('transferor'," Not allowed to pass more than %s at a time. Currently %s handled, and adding %s"%( max_to_handle, being_handled, passing_along))
                    if not options.go: 
                        ## should not allow to jump that fence

        if this_load and needs_transfer >= allowed_to_transfer:
            if in_transfer_priority!=None and min_transfer_priority!=None:
                if int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) >= in_transfer_priority and int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) !=min_transfer_priority:
                    ## higher priority, and not only this priority being transfered
                    wfh.sendLog('transferor',"Higher priority sample %s >= %s go-on over %s"%(wfh.request['RequestPriority'], in_transfer_priority,max_to_transfer))
                    wfh.sendLog('transferor',"Not allowed to transfer more than %s at a time. Currently %s transfering, and adding %s"%( max_to_transfer, being_transfered, needs_transfer))
                    if not options.go: 
                        no_budget = True

        if no_budget:

        ## the site white list considers site, campaign, memory and core information
        (lheinput,primary,parent,secondary,sites_allowed) = wfh.getSiteWhiteList()
        if options and options.tosites:
            sites_allowed = options.tosites.split(',')

        for dataset in list(primary)+list(parent)+list(secondary):
            ## lock everything flat
            NLI.lock( dataset )

        if not sites_allowed:
            wfh.sendLog('transferor',"not possible site to run at")
            #sendEmail("no possible sites","%s has no possible sites to run at"%( wfo.name ))
            sendLog('transferor',"%s has no possible sites to run at"%( wfo.name ),level='critical')

        blocks = []
        if 'BlockWhitelist' in wfh.request and wfh.request['BlockWhitelist']:
            blocks = wfh.request['BlockWhitelist']
        if 'RunWhitelist' in wfh.request and wfh.request['RunWhitelist']:
            ## augment with run white list
            for dataset in primary:
                blocks = list(set( blocks + getDatasetBlocks( dataset, runs=wfh.request['RunWhitelist'] ) ))
        if 'LumiList' in wfh.request and wfh.request['LumiList']:
            ## augment with the lumi white list
            blocks = list(set( blocks + getDatasetBlocks( dataset, lumis= wfh.request['LumiList'] ) ))

        if blocks:
            print "Reading",len(blocks),"in block whitelist"

        can_go = True
        primary_destinations = set()
        if primary:
            copies_needed_from_CPUh,CPUh = wfh.getNCopies()

            if talk:
                print wfo.name,'reads',', '.join(primary),'in primary'
            ## chope the primary dataset 
            for prim in primary:
                ## keep track of what needs what
                workflow_dependencies[prim].add( wfo.id )

                max_priority[prim] = max(max_priority[prim],int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']))

                wfh.sendLog('transferor',"Would make %s  from cpu requirement %s"%( copies_needed_from_CPUh, CPUh))
                copies_needed = copies_needed_from_CPUh

                if 'Campaign' in wfh.request and wfh.request['Campaign'] in CI.campaigns and 'maxcopies' in CI.campaigns[wfh.request['Campaign']]:
                    copies_needed_from_campaign = CI.campaigns[wfh.request['Campaign']]['maxcopies']
                    copies_needed = min(copies_needed_from_campaign, copies_needed)
                    wfh.sendLog('transferor',"Maxed to %s by campaign configuration %s"%( copies_needed, wfh.request['Campaign']))

                ### new ways of making the whole thing
                destinations,all_block_names = getDatasetDestinations(url, prim, within_sites = [SI.CE_to_SE(site) for site in sites_allowed], only_blocks=blocks )
                print json.dumps(destinations, indent=2)

                ## get where the dataset is in full and completed
                prim_location = [site for (site,info) in destinations.items() if info['completion']==100 and info['data_fraction']==1]
                ## the rest is places it is going to be
                prim_destination = [site for site in destinations.keys() if not site in prim_location]

                if len(prim_location) >= copies_needed:
                    wfh.sendLog('transferor',"The input is all fully in place at %s sites %s"%( len(prim_location), sorted(prim_location)))
                copies_needed = max(0,copies_needed - len(prim_location))
                wfh.sendLog('transferor',"not counting existing copies ; now need %s"% copies_needed)
                copies_being_made = [ sum([info['blocks'].keys().count(block) for site,info in destinations.items() if site in prim_destination]) for block in all_block_names]

                latching_on_transfers = set()
                [latching_on_transfers.update(info['blocks'].values()) for site,info in destinations.items() if site in prim_destination]
                latching_on_transfers = list(latching_on_transfers)
                #print latching_on_transfers

                ## figure out where all this is going to go
                prim_to_distribute = [site for site in sites_allowed if not SI.CE_to_SE(site) in prim_location]
                prim_to_distribute = [site for site in prim_to_distribute if not SI.CE_to_SE(site) in prim_destination]
                ## take out the ones that cannot receive transfers
                prim_to_distribute = [site for site in prim_to_distribute if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer])]

                wfh.sendLog('transferor',"Could be going to: %s"% sorted( prim_to_distribute))
                if not prim_to_distribute or any([transfers_per_sites[site] < max_staging_per_site for site in prim_to_distribute]):
                    ## means there is openings let me go
                    print "There are transfer slots available:",[(site,transfers_per_sites[site]) for site in prim_to_distribute]
                    #for site in sites_allowed:
                    #    #increment accross the board, regardless of real destination: could be changed
                    #    transfers_per_sites[site] += 1
                    if int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) >= in_transfer_priority and min_transfer_priority!=in_transfer_priority:
                        wfh.sendLog('transferor', "Higher priority sample %s >= %s go-on over transfer slots available"%(wfh.request['RequestPriority'], in_transfer_priority))
                        wfh.sendLog('transferor',"Not allowed to transfer more than %s per site at a time. Going overboard for %s"%( max_staging_per_site, sorted([site for site in prim_to_distribute if transfers_per_sites[site]>=max_staging_per_site])))
                        if not options.go:
                            allowed = False

                for latching in latching_on_transfers:
                    tfo = session.query(Transfer).filter(Transfer.phedexid == int(latching)).first()
                    if not tfo:
                        tfo = session.query(Transfer).filter(Transfer.phedexid == -int(latching)).first()
                    if not tfo:
                        tfo = Transfer( phedexid = latching)
                        tfo.workflows_id = []
                        tfo.phedexid = latching ## make it positive ever

                    if not wfo.id in tfo.workflows_id:
                        print "adding",wfo.id,"to",tfo.id,"with phedexid",latching
                        l = copy.deepcopy( tfo.workflows_id )
                        l.append( wfo.id )
                        tfo.workflows_id = l
                    if not options.test:
                        session.flush() ## regardless of commit later on, we need to let the next wf feeding on this transfer to see it in query
                    can_go = False
                    transfer_sizes[prim] = input_sizes[prim]
                    staging = True

                # reduce the number of copies required by the on-going full transfer : how do we bootstrap on waiting for them ??
                #copies_needed = max(0,copies_needed - len(prim_destination))
                copies_needed = max(0,copies_needed - min(copies_being_made))
                wfh.sendLog('transferor', "Not counting the copies being made ; then need %s"% copies_needed)                    
                if copies_needed == 0:
                    wfh.sendLog('transferor', "The output is either fully in place or getting in full somewhere with %s"% latching_on_transfers)
                    can_go = True
                elif len(prim_to_distribute)==0:
                    wfh.sendLog('transferor', "We are going to need extra copies, but no destinations seems available")
                    prim_to_distribute = [site for site in sites_allowed if not SI.CE_to_SE(site) in prim_location]
                    prim_to_distribute = [site for site in prim_to_distribute if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer])]

                if len(prim_to_distribute)>0: ## maybe that a parameter we can play with to limit the 
                    if not options or options.chop:
                        ### hard include the tape disk andpoint ?
                        #tapes = [site for site in  getDatasetPresence( url, prim, vetos=['T0','T2','T3','Disk']) if site.endswith('MSS')]
                        chops,sizes = getDatasetChops(prim, chop_threshold = options.chopsize, only_blocks=blocks)
                        spreading = distributeToSites( chops, prim_to_distribute, n_copies = copies_needed, weights=SI.cpu_pledges, sizes=sizes)
                        transfer_sizes[prim] = sum(sizes)
                        if not spreading:
                            sendLog('transferor','cannot send %s to any site, it cannot fit anywhere'% prim, level='critical')
                            wfh.sendLog('transferor', "cannot send to any site. %s cannot seem to fit anywhere"%(prim))
                            can_go = False
                        spreading = {} 
                        for site in prim_to_distribute: 
                            if blocks:
                        transfer_sizes[prim] = input_sizes[prim] ## this is approximate if blocks are specified
                    can_go = False
                    wfh.sendLog('transferor', "selected CE destinations %s"%(sorted( spreading.keys())))
                    for (site,items) in spreading.items():
                        all_transfers[site].extend( items )
                        transfers_per_sites[site] += 1
                        primary_destinations.add( site ) 
        if not allowed:
            wfh.sendLog('transferor', "Not allowed to move on with")

        if secondary:

            override_sec_destination = []
            if 'SecondaryLocation' in CI.campaigns[wfh.request['Campaign']]:
                override_sec_destination  = CI.campaigns[wfh.request['Campaign']]['SecondaryLocation']

            print wfo.name,'reads',', '.join(secondary),'in secondary'
            for sec in secondary:

                workflow_dependencies[sec].add( wfo.id )

                if True:
                    ## new style, failing on minbias
                    if not sec in destination_cache:
                        ## this is barbbaric, and does not show the correct picture on workflow by workflow with different whitelist
                        destination_cache[sec],_ = getDatasetDestinations(url, sec) ## NO SITE WHITE LIST ADDED
                        #destination_cache[sec],_ = getDatasetDestinations(url, sec, within_sites = [SI.CE_to_SE(site) for site in sites_allowed])

                    ## limit to the site whitelist NOW
                    se_allowed = [SI.CE_to_SE(site) for site in sites_allowed]
                    destinations = dict([(k,v) for (k,v) in destination_cache[sec].items() if site in se_allowed])
                    ## truncate location/destination to those making up for >90% of the dataset
                    bad_destinations = [destinations.pop(site) for (site,info) in destinations.items() if info['data_fraction']<0.9]
                    sec_location = [site for (site,info) in destinations.items() if info['completion']>=95]
                    sec_destination = [site for site in destinations.keys() if not site in sec_location]
                    ## old style
                    presence = getDatasetPresence( url, sec )
                    sec_location = [site for site,pres in presence.items() if pres[1]>90.] ## more than 90% of the minbias at sites
                    subscriptions = listSubscriptions( url ,sec )
                    sec_destination = [site for site in subscriptions] 

                sec_to_distribute = [site for site in sites_allowed if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in sec_location])]
                sec_to_distribute = [site for site in sec_to_distribute if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in sec_destination])]
                sec_to_distribute = [site for site in sec_to_distribute if not  any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer])]
                if override_sec_destination:
                    ## intersect with where we want the PU to be
                    not_needed_anymore = list(set(sec_to_distribute) - set(override_sec_destination))
                    #sendEmail("secondary superfluous","the dataset %s could be removed from %s"%( sec, not_needed_anymore ))
                    sendLog('transferor', "the dataset %s could be removed from %s"%( sec, not_needed_anymore ))
                    sec_to_distribute = list(set(sec_to_distribute) & set(override_sec_destination))

                if len( sec_to_distribute )>0:
                    print "secondary could go to",sorted(sec_to_distribute)
                    sec_size = dss.get( sec )
                    for site in sec_to_distribute:
                        site_se =SI.CE_to_SE(site)
                        if (SI.disk[site_se]*1024.) > sec_size:
                            all_transfers[site].append( sec )
                            can_go = False
                            print "could not send the secondary input to",site_se,"because it is too big for the available disk",SI.disk[site_se]*1024,"GB need",sec_size
                            if primary_destinations and site in primary_destinations:
                                #sendEmail('secondary input too big','%s is too big (%s) for %s (%s)'%( sec, sec_size, site_se, SI.disk[site_se]*1024))
                                sendLog('transferor', '%s is too big (%s) for %s (%s)'%( sec, sec_size, site_se, SI.disk[site_se]*1024), level='critical')
                    print "the secondary input does not have to be send to site"

        ## is that possible to do something more
        if can_go:
            ## no explicit transfer required this time
            if staging:
                ## but using existing ones
                wfh.sendLog('transferor', "latches on existing transfers, and nothing else, settin staging")
                wfo.status = 'staging'
                wfh.sendLog('transferor', "should just be assigned now to %s"%sorted(sites_allowed))
                wfo.status = 'staged'
            wfh.sendLog('transferor', "setting status to %s"%wfo.status)
            ## there is an explicit transfer required
            if staging:
                ## and also using an existing one
                wfh.sendLog('transferor', "latches on existing transfers")
                if not options.test:
                    wfo.status = 'staging'
                    wfh.sendLog('transferor', "setting status to %s"%wfo.status)
            wfh.sendLog('transferor',"needs a transfer")

    if no_goes:
        #sendEmail("no go for managing","No go for \n"+"\n".join( no_goes ))
        sendLog('transferor', "No go for \n"+"\n".join( no_goes ), level='critical')

    print "accumulated transfers"
    print json.dumps(all_transfers, indent=2)

    for (site,items_to_transfer) in all_transfers.iteritems():
        items_to_transfer = list(set(items_to_transfer))

        ## convert to storage element
        site_se = SI.CE_to_SE(site)

        ## site that do not want input datasets
        if site in SI.sites_veto_transfer: 
            print site,"does not want transfers"

        ## throttle the transfer size to T2s ? we'd be screwed by a noPU sample properly configured.

        ## massage a bit the items
        blocks = [it for it in items_to_transfer if '#' in it]
        block_datasets = list(set([it.split('#')[0] for it in blocks]))
        datasets = [it for it in items_to_transfer if not '#' in it]

        details_text = "Making a replica to %s (CE) %s (SE) for"%( site, site_se)

        #print "\t",len(blocks),"blocks"
        ## remove blocks if full dataset is send out
        blocks = [block for block in blocks if not block.split('#')[0] in datasets]
        #print "\t",len(blocks),"needed blocks for",list(set([block.split('#')[0] for block in blocks]))
        #print "\t",len(datasets),"datasets"
        #print "\t",datasets
        details_text += '\n\t%d blocks'%len(blocks)
        details_text += '\n\t%d needed blocks for %s'%( len(blocks), sorted(list(set([block.split('#')[0] for block in blocks]))))
        details_text += '\n\t%d datasets'% len(datasets)
        details_text += '\n\t%s'%sorted(datasets)
        items_to_transfer = blocks + datasets

        if execute:
            sendLog('transferor', details_text)
            print "Would make a replica to",site,"(CE)",site_se,"(SE) for"
            print details_text

        ## operate the transfer
        if options and options.stop:
            ## ask to move-on
            answer = raw_input('Continue with that ?')
            if not answer.lower() in ['y','yes','go']:

        if execute:
            priority = 'normal'
            cds = [ds for ds in datasets+block_datasets if ds in max_priority]
            if cds and False: ## I don't think this is working. subscription should be updated on the fly and regularly for raising the priority if needed
                ## decide on an overall priority : that's a bit too large though
                if any([max_priority[ds]>=90000 for ds in cds]):
                    priority = 'high'
                elif all([max_priority[ds]<80000 for ds in cds]):
                    priority = 'low'
            result = makeReplicaRequest(url, site_se, items_to_transfer, 'prestaging', priority=priority)
            result= {'phedex':{'request_created' : []}}

        if not result:
            print "ERROR Could not make a replica request for",site,items_to_transfer,"pre-staging"
        for phedexid in [o['id'] for o in result['phedex']['request_created']]:
            new_transfer = session.query(Transfer).filter(Transfer.phedexid == int(phedexid)).first()
            if not new_transfer:
                new_transfer = session.query(Transfer).filter(Transfer.phedexid == -int(phedexid)).first()
            print phedexid,"transfer created"
            if not new_transfer:
                new_transfer = Transfer( phedexid = phedexid)
                session.add( new_transfer )                
                new_transfer.phedexid = phedexid ## make it positive again

            new_transfer.workflows_id = set()
            for transfering in list(set(map(lambda it : it.split('#')[0], items_to_transfer))):
                new_transfer.workflows_id.update( workflow_dependencies[transfering] )
            new_transfer.workflows_id = list(new_transfer.workflows_id)
            ## auto approve it
            if execute:
                approved = approveSubscription(url, phedexid, [site_se])

    for wfid in wf_id_in_prestaging:
        tr_wf = session.query(Workflow).get(wfid)
        if tr_wf and tr_wf.status!='staging':
            if execute:
                tr_wf.status = 'staging'
                if talk:
                    print "setting",tr_wf.name,"to staging"
def transferor(url, specific=None, talk=True, options=None):
    if userLock(): return
    mlock = moduleLock()
    if mlock(): return

    use_mcm = True
    up = componentInfo(soft=['mcm', 'wtc', 'jira'])
    if not up.check(): return
    use_mcm = up.status['mcm']

    if options and options.test:
        execute = False
        execute = True

    SI = siteInfo()
    CI = campaignInfo()
    #NLI = newLockInfo()
    #if not NLI.free(): return
    LI = lockInfo()
    if not LI.free(): return

    mcm = McMClient(dev=False)
    dss = DSS()

    #allowed_secondary = UC.get('')
    print "counting all being handled..."
    being_handled = len(
        session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status == 'away').all())
    being_handled += len(
    being_transfered = len(
        session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status == 'staging').all())
    #being_handled += len(session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status.startswith('assistance-')).all())
    being_handled += len(

    max_to_handle = options.maxworkflows
    max_to_transfer = options.maxstaging

    allowed_to_handle = max(0, max_to_handle - being_handled)
    allowed_to_transfer = max(0, max_to_transfer - being_transfered)
    wf_buffer = 5
    if allowed_to_handle <= wf_buffer:  ## buffer for having several wf per transfer
        print "Not allowed to run more than", max_to_handle, "at a time. Currently", being_handled, "and", wf_buffer, "buffer"
        print being_handled, "already being handled", max_to_handle, "max allowed,", allowed_to_handle, "remaining", "and", wf_buffer, "buffer"

    if allowed_to_transfer <= wf_buffer:
        print "Not allowed to transfer more than", max_to_transfer, "at a time. Currently", being_transfered, "and", wf_buffer, "buffer"
        print being_transfered, "already being transfered", max_to_transfer, "max allowed,", allowed_to_transfer, "remaining", "and", wf_buffer, "buffer"

    print "... done"

    all_transfers = defaultdict(list)
    workflow_dependencies = defaultdict(
        set)  ## list of wf.id per input dataset
    wfs_and_wfh = []
    max_per_round = UC.get('max_per_round').get('transferor', None)

    print "getting all wf to consider ..."
    cache = getWorkflows(url, 'assignment-approved', details=True)
    all_to_include = session.query(Workflow).filter(
    if len(cache) > 2000:
        max_to_include = max_per_round
        random.shuffle(cache)  ## randomize first by wf name
        cache = sorted(cache, key=lambda r: r['RequestPriority'],
                       reverse=True)  ## order by prio
        highest = [r['RequestName'] for r in cache[:max_to_include]]
        all_to_include = [wfo for wfo in all_to_include if wfo.name in highest]
        print "limiting what to consider to", max_to_include, "because there is too much stuff going on. Got", len(

    for wfo in all_to_include:
        print "\t", wfo.name
        if specific and not specific in wfo.name: continue
        cache_r = filter(lambda d: d['RequestName'] == wfo.name, cache)
        if len(cache_r):
            wfs_and_wfh.append((wfo, workflowInfo(url, wfo.name, spec=False)))
    print "... done"

    transfers_per_sites = defaultdict(int)
    input_sizes = defaultdict(float)
    ignored_input_sizes = defaultdict(float)
    input_cput = {}
    input_st = {}
    ## list the size of those in transfer already
    in_transfer_priority = None
    min_transfer_priority = None
    print "getting all wf in staging ..."
    #stucks = json.loads(open('%s/stuck_transfers.json'%monitor_pub_dir).read())
    stucks = json.loads(eosRead('%s/stuck_transfers.json' % monitor_pub_dir))

    for wfo in session.query(Workflow).filter(
            Workflow.status == 'staging').all():
        wfh = workflowInfo(url, wfo.name, spec=False)
        #(lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) = wfh.getIO()
        #sites_allowed = getSiteWhiteList( (lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) )
        print wfo.name, "staging"
        (lheinput, primary, parent, secondary,
         sites_allowed) = wfh.getSiteWhiteList()
        for site in sites_allowed:  ## we should get the actual transfer destination instead of the full white list
            transfers_per_sites[site] += 1
        #input_cput[wfo.name] = wfh.getComputingTime()
        #input_st[wfo.name] = wfh.getSystemTime()
        blocks = wfh.getBlocks()
        for prim in primary:
            ds_s = dss.get(prim, blocks=blocks)
            if prim in stucks:
                    "%s appears stuck, so not counting it %s [GB]" %
                    (prim, ds_s))
                ignored_input_sizes[prim] = max(ds_s,
                input_sizes[prim] = max(ds_s, input_sizes[prim])
                            "%s needs %s [GB]" % (wfo.name, ds_s))
        if in_transfer_priority == None:
            in_transfer_priority = int(wfh.request['RequestPriority'])
            in_transfer_priority = max(in_transfer_priority,
        if min_transfer_priority == None:
            min_transfer_priority = int(wfh.request['RequestPriority'])
            min_transfer_priority = min(min_transfer_priority,

        print "Ignored input sizes"
        ignored_values = list(ignored_input_sizes.items())
        ignored_values.sort(key=lambda i: i[1])
        print "\n".join(map(str, ignored_values))
        print "Considered input sizes"
        considered_values = list(input_sizes.items())
        considered_values.sort(key=lambda i: i[1])
        print "\n".join(map(str, considered_values))
    except Exception as e:
        print "trying to print the summary of input size"
        print str(e)

    print "... done"
    print "Max priority in transfer already", in_transfer_priority
    print "Min priority in transfer already", min_transfer_priority
    print "transfers per sites"
    print json.dumps(transfers_per_sites, indent=2)
    in_transfer_already = sum(input_sizes.values())
    cput_in_transfer_already = sum(input_cput.values())
    st_in_transfer_already = sum(input_st.values())

    ## list the size of all inputs
    primary_input_per_workflow_gb = defaultdict(float)
    print "getting all input sizes ..."
    input_blocks = {}
    for (wfo, wfh) in wfs_and_wfh:
        (_, primary, _, _) = wfh.getIO()
        blocks = wfh.getBlocks()
        input_blocks[wfo.name] = blocks
        for prim in primary:
            ## do not count it if it appears stalled !
            prim_size = dss.get(prim, blocks=blocks)
            input_sizes[prim] = max(prim_size, input_sizes[prim])
            primary_input_per_workflow_gb[wfo.name] += prim_size
    print "... done"

    # shuffle first by name

    # Sort smallest transfers first; allows us to transfer as many as possible workflows.
    def prio_and_size(i, j):
        if int(i[1].request['RequestPriority']) == int(
            return cmp(int(primary_input_per_workflow_gb.get(j[0].name, 0)),
                       int(primary_input_per_workflow_gb.get(i[0].name, 0)))
            return cmp(int(i[1].request['RequestPriority']),

    #wfs_and_wfh.sort(cmp = prio_and_size, reverse=True)
    #wfs_and_wfh.sort(cmp = lambda i,j : cmp(int(primary_input_per_workflow_gb.get(i[0].name, 0)), int(primary_input_per_workflow_gb.get(j[0].name, 0)) ))
    #sort by priority higher first
    wfs_and_wfh.sort(cmp=lambda i, j: cmp(int(i[1].request[
        'RequestPriority']), int(j[1].request['RequestPriority'])),

    if min_transfer_priority == None or in_transfer_priority == None:
        print "nothing is lining up for transfer"
            "No request in staging, using first request to set priority limit")
        if len(wfs_and_wfh):
            min_transfer_priority = wfs_and_wfh[0][1].request[
            in_transfer_priority = wfs_and_wfh[0][1].request['RequestPriority']

    cput_grand_total = sum(input_cput.values())
    cput_to_transfer = cput_grand_total - cput_in_transfer_already
    st_grand_total = sum(input_st.values())
    st_to_transfer = st_grand_total - st_in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f [CPU h] worth already in transfer" % cput_in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f [CPU h] worth is the current requested transfer load" % cput_to_transfer
    print "%15.4f [h] worth of absolute system time in transfer" % (
        cput_in_transfer_already / SI.availableSlots())
    print "%15.4f [h] worth of absolute system time is the current requested transfer load" % (
        cput_to_transfer / SI.availableSlots())
    print "%15.4f [h] worth of theoritical system time in transfer" % (
    print "%15.4f [h] worth of theoritical system time is the current requested transfer load" % (

    grand_total = sum(input_sizes.values())
    to_transfer = grand_total - in_transfer_already
    grand_transfer_limit = options.maxtransfer
    #grand_transfer_limit = SI.total_disk()*0.25*1024## half of the free sapce in TB->GB

    transfer_limit = grand_transfer_limit - in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f GB already being transfered" % in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f GB is the current requested transfer load" % to_transfer
    print "%15.4f GB is the global transfer limit" % grand_transfer_limit
    print "%15.4f GB is the available limit" % transfer_limit

    max_staging_per_site = options.maxstagingpersite

    # the max priority value per dataset.
    max_priority = defaultdict(int)
    needs_transfer = 0  ## so that we can count'em
    passing_along = 0
    transfer_sizes = defaultdict(float)
    went_over_budget = False
    destination_cache = {}
    no_goes = set()

    if max_per_round and not spec:
        wfs_and_wfh = wfs_and_wfh[:max_per_round]

    for (wfo, wfh) in wfs_and_wfh:
        print wfo.name, "to be transfered with priority", wfh.request[

        if wfh.request['RequestStatus'] != 'assignment-approved':
            if wfh.request['RequestStatus'] in [
                    'aborted', 'rejected', 'rejected-archived',
                if wfh.isRelval():
                    wfo.status = 'forget'
                    wfo.status = 'trouble'  ## so that we look or a replacement
                wfo.status = 'away'
                'transferor', '%s in status %s, setting %s' %
                (wfo.name, wfh.request['RequestStatus'], wfo.status))

        (lheinput, primary, parent, secondary,
         sites_allowed) = wfh.getSiteWhiteList()
        blocks = input_blocks.get(wfo.name, wfh.getBlocks())
        if blocks:
            print "Reading only", len(blocks), "blocks in input"
        this_load = sum([dss.get(prim, blocks=blocks) for prim in primary])
        no_budget = False
        if (this_load
                and (sum(transfer_sizes.values()) + this_load > transfer_limit
                     or went_over_budget)):
            if went_over_budget:
                wfh.sendLog('transferor', "Transfer has gone over bubget.")
                wfh.sendLog('transferor', "Transfer will go over bubget.")
                "%15.4f GB this load, %15.4f GB already this round, %15.4f GB is the available limit"
                % (this_load, sum(transfer_sizes.values()), transfer_limit))
            #if sum(transfer_sizes.values()) > transfer_limit:
            went_over_budget = True
            if in_transfer_priority != None and min_transfer_priority != None:
                if int(
                ) >= in_transfer_priority and min_transfer_priority != in_transfer_priority:
                        "Higher priority sample %s >= %s go-on over budget" %
                        (wfh.request['RequestPriority'], in_transfer_priority))
                    if not options.go:
                            "%s minimum priority %s < %s : stop" %
                        no_budget = True

        ## throtlle by campaign go
        no_go = False
        if not wfh.go(log=True) and not options.go:
            no_go = True

        allowed_secondary = {}
        overide_parameters = {}
        check_secondary = (not wfh.isRelval())
        output_tiers = list(
            set([o.split('/')[-1] for o in wfh.request['OutputDatasets']]))
        for campaign in wfh.getCampaigns():
            if campaign in CI.campaigns:
            if campaign in CI.campaigns and 'secondaries' in CI.campaigns[
                if CI.campaigns[campaign]['secondaries']:
                    check_secondary = True
            if campaign in CI.campaigns and 'banned_tier' in CI.campaigns[
                banned_tier = list(
                    & set(output_tiers))
                if banned_tier:
                    no_go = True
                        'transferor', 'These data tiers %s are not allowed' %
                            'These data tiers %s are not allowed in %s' %
                            (','.join(banned_tier), wfo.name),

        if secondary and check_secondary:
            if (set(secondary) & set(allowed_secondary.keys()) !=
                msg = '%s is not an allowed secondary' % (
                    ', '.join(set(secondary) - set(allowed_secondary.keys())))
                wfh.sendLog('transferor', msg)
                critical_msg = msg + '\nWorkflow URL: https://dmytro.web.cern.ch/dmytro/cmsprodmon/workflows.php?prep_id=task_{}'.format(
                sendLog('transferor', critical_msg, level='critical')
                if not options.go:
                    no_go = True
            for sec in secondary:
                if sec in allowed_secondary:

        if 'SiteWhitelist' in overide_parameters:
            sites_allowed = list(
                set(sites_allowed) & set(overide_parameters['SiteWhitelist']))
                'Intersecting with the overriding whitelist parameters, allowed sites become {}'

        if no_go:

        if passing_along >= allowed_to_handle:
            #if int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) >= in_transfer_priority and min_transfer_priority!=in_transfer_priority:
            if in_transfer_priority != None and min_transfer_priority != None:
                if int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']
                       ) >= in_transfer_priority and int(
                       ) != min_transfer_priority:
                    ## higher priority, and not only this priority being transfered
                        "Higher priority sample %s >= %s go-on over %s" %
                        (wfh.request['RequestPriority'], in_transfer_priority,
                        " Not allowed to pass more than %s at a time. Currently %s handled, and adding %s"
                        % (max_to_handle, being_handled, passing_along))
                    if not options.go:
                        ## should not allow to jump that fence

        if this_load and needs_transfer >= allowed_to_transfer:
            if in_transfer_priority != None and min_transfer_priority != None:
                if int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']
                       ) >= in_transfer_priority and int(
                       ) != min_transfer_priority:
                    ## higher priority, and not only this priority being transfered
                        "Higher priority sample %s >= %s go-on over %s" %
                        (wfh.request['RequestPriority'], in_transfer_priority,
                        "Not allowed to transfer more than %s at a time. Currently %s transfering, and adding %s"
                        % (max_to_transfer, being_transfered, needs_transfer))
                    if not options.go:
                        no_budget = True

        if no_budget:
        #    break ## try this for a while to make things faster

        ## the site white list considers site, campaign, memory and core information
        if options and options.tosites:
            sites_allowed = options.tosites.split(',')

        for dataset in list(primary) + list(parent) + list(secondary):
            LI.lock(dataset, reason='staging')

        if not sites_allowed:
            wfh.sendLog('transferor', "not possible site to run at")
            #sendEmail("no possible sites","%s has no possible sites to run at"%( wfo.name ))
                    "%s has no possible sites to run at" % (wfo.name),

        can_go = True
        staging = False
        allowed = True
        primary_destinations = set()
        if primary:

            copies_needed_from_CPUh, CPUh = wfh.getNCopies()

            if talk:
                print wfo.name, 'reads', ', '.join(primary), 'in primary'
            ## chope the primary dataset
            for prim in primary:
                ## keep track of what needs what

                max_priority[prim] = max(max_priority[prim],

                    'transferor', "Would make %s  from cpu requirement %s" %
                    (copies_needed_from_CPUh, CPUh))
                copies_needed = copies_needed_from_CPUh

                if 'Campaign' in wfh.request and wfh.request[
                        'Campaign'] in CI.campaigns and 'maxcopies' in CI.campaigns[
                    copies_needed_from_campaign = CI.campaigns[
                    copies_needed = min(copies_needed_from_campaign,

                        "Maxed to %s by campaign configuration %s" %
                        (copies_needed, wfh.request['Campaign']))

                if blocks:
                    print "limiting to blocks", "\n".join(sorted(blocks))
                ### new ways of making the whole thing
                destinations, all_block_names = getDatasetDestinations(
                    within_sites=[SI.CE_to_SE(site) for site in sites_allowed],
                print json.dumps(destinations, indent=2)

                ## get where the dataset is in full and completed
                prim_location = [
                    site for (site, info) in destinations.items()
                    if info['completion'] == 100 and info['data_fraction'] == 1
                ## the rest is places it is going to be
                #prim_destination = [site for site in destinations.keys() if not site in prim_location]
                prim_destination = [
                    site for (site, info) in destinations.items()
                    if info['data_fraction'] == 1 and info['completion'] != 100
                ## veto the site with no current disk space, for things that are not relval
                prim_destination = [
                    site for site in prim_destination
                    if (SI.disk[site] or wfh.isRelval())

                if len(prim_location) >= copies_needed:
                        "The input is all fully in place at %s sites %s" %
                        (len(prim_location), sorted(prim_location)))
                copies_needed = max(0, copies_needed - len(prim_location))
                    "Counting existing copies ; now need %s" % copies_needed)
                copies_being_made = [
                        for site, info in destinations.items()
                        if site in prim_destination
                    ]) for block in all_block_names

                latching_on_transfers = set()
                    for site, info in destinations.items()
                    if site in prim_destination
                latching_on_transfers = list(latching_on_transfers)
                #print latching_on_transfers

                ## figure out where all this is going to go
                prim_to_distribute = [
                    site for site in sites_allowed
                    if not SI.CE_to_SE(site) in prim_location
                prim_to_distribute = [
                    site for site in prim_to_distribute
                    if not SI.CE_to_SE(site) in prim_destination
                ## take out the ones that cannot receive transfers
                potential_destinations = len(prim_to_distribute)
                #prim_to_distribute = [site for site in prim_to_distribute if not SI.CE_to_SE(site) in SI.sites_veto_transfer]
                prim_to_distribute = [
                    site for site in prim_to_distribute
                    if (SI.disk[SI.CE_to_SE(site)] or wfh.isRelval())

                ## do we want to restrict transfers if the amount of site in vetoe are too large ?

                    "Could be going to: %s" % sorted(prim_to_distribute))
                if not prim_to_distribute or any([
                        transfers_per_sites[site] < max_staging_per_site
                        for site in prim_to_distribute
                    ## means there is openings let me go
                    print "There are transfer slots available:", [
                        (site, transfers_per_sites[site])
                        for site in prim_to_distribute
                    if int(
                    ) >= in_transfer_priority and min_transfer_priority != in_transfer_priority:
                            "Higher priority sample %s >= %s go-on over transfer slots available"
                            % (wfh.request['RequestPriority'],
                            "Not allowed to transfer more than %s per site at a time. Going overboard for %s"
                            % (max_staging_per_site,
                                   site for site in prim_to_distribute
                                   if transfers_per_sites[site] >=
                        if not options.go:
                            allowed = False

                for latching in latching_on_transfers:

                    existings = session.query(TransferImp).filter(
                        TransferImp.phedexid == int(latching)).filter(
                            TransferImp.workflow_id == wfo.id).all()
                    if not existings:
                        tri = TransferImp(phedexid=int(latching), workflow=wfo)
                        print "adding", wfo.id, "with phedexid", latching
                        for existing in existings:
                            existing.active = True


                    can_go = False
                    transfer_sizes[prim] = max(this_load, transfer_sizes[prim])
                    staging = True

                # reduce the number of copies required by the on-going full transfer : how do we bootstrap on waiting for them ??
                #copies_needed = max(0,copies_needed - len(prim_destination))
                copies_needed = max(0, copies_needed - min(copies_being_made))
                    "Counting the copies being made ; then need %s" %
                if copies_needed == 0:
                        "The input is either fully in place or getting in full somewhere with %s"
                        % latching_on_transfers)
                    can_go = True
                elif len(prim_to_distribute) == 0:
                        "We are going to need extra copies of %s, but no destinations seems available"
                        % (prim))
                        "We are going to need extra copies of %s, but no destinations seems available"
                        % (prim),

                    print json.dumps(prim_to_distribute, indent=2)
                    print json.dumps(prim_location, indent=2)
                    print json.dumps(prim_destination, indent=2)

                    prim_to_distribute = [
                        site for site in sites_allowed
                        if not SI.CE_to_SE(site) in prim_location
                    #prim_to_distribute = [site for site in prim_to_distribute if not SI.CE_to_SE(site) in SI.sites_veto_transfer ]
                    prim_to_distribute = [
                        site for site in prim_to_distribute
                        if (SI.disk[SI.CE_to_SE(site)] or wfh.isRelval())

                    print "changed to"
                    print json.dumps(prim_to_distribute, indent=2)

                if len(
                ) > 0:  ## maybe that a parameter we can play with to limit the
                    if not options or options.chop:
                        ### hard include the tape disk andpoint ?
                        #tapes = [site for site in  getDatasetPresence( url, prim, vetos=['T0','T2','T3','Disk']) if site.endswith('MSS')]
                        chops, sizes = getDatasetChops(
                        spreading = distributeToSites(chops,
                        ## prune the blocks/destination that are already in the making, so that subscription don't overlap
                        for site in spreading:
                            for block in list(spreading[site]):
                                if site in destinations and block in destinations[
                                    ## prune it

                        transfer_sizes[prim] = sum(sizes)
                        if not spreading:
                                'cannot send %s to any site, it cannot fit anywhere'
                                % prim,
                                "cannot send to any site. %s cannot seem to fit anywhere"
                                % (prim))
                            staging = False
                            can_go = False

                        spreading = {}
                        for site in prim_to_distribute:
                            if blocks:
                                spreading[site] = blocks
                                spreading[site] = [prim]
                        transfer_sizes[prim] = max(this_load,
                    can_go = False
                        'transferor', "selected CE destinations %s" %
                    for (site, items) in spreading.items():
                        transfers_per_sites[site] += 1
                    can_go = False
                    allowed = False

        if not allowed:
            wfh.sendLog('transferor', "Not allowed to move on with")

        if secondary:

            override_sec_destination = []
            if 'SecondaryLocation' in CI.campaigns[wfh.request['Campaign']]:
                override_sec_destination = CI.campaigns[
            if 'SecondaryLocation' in overide_parameters:
                override_sec_destination = overide_parameters[
            print wfo.name, 'reads', ', '.join(secondary), 'in secondary'
            for sec in secondary:


                if True:
                    ## new style, failing on minbias
                    if not sec in destination_cache:
                        ## this is barbbaric, and does not show the correct picture on workflow by workflow with different whitelist
                        destination_cache[sec], _ = getDatasetDestinations(
                            url, sec)  ## NO SITE WHITE LIST ADDED
                        #destination_cache[sec],_ = getDatasetDestinations(url, sec, within_sites = [SI.CE_to_SE(site) for site in sites_allowed])

                    ## limit to the site whitelist NOW
                    se_allowed = set(
                        [SI.CE_to_SE(site) for site in sites_allowed])
                    destinations = dict([
                        (k, v) for (k, v) in destination_cache[sec].items()
                        if k in se_allowed
                    ## truncate location/destination to those making up for >90% of the dataset
                    bad_destinations = [
                        for (site, info) in destinations.items()
                        if info['data_fraction'] < 0.9
                    print sec, json.dumps(destinations, indent=2)
                    sec_location = [
                        site for (site, info) in destinations.items()
                        if info['completion'] >= 95
                    sec_destination = [
                        site for site in destinations.keys()
                        if not site in sec_location
                    ]  ## this is in SE
                    ## old style
                    presence = getDatasetPresence(url, sec)
                    sec_location = [
                        site for site, pres in presence.items()
                        if pres[1] > 90.
                    ]  ## more than 90% of the minbias at sites
                    subscriptions = listSubscriptions(url, sec)
                    sec_destination = [site for site in subscriptions]

                ## how to make unified understand that it has to wait for the secondary if the sec_destination and

                #sec_to_distribute = [site for site in sites_allowed if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in sec_location])]
                sec_to_distribute = [
                    site for site in sites_allowed
                    if not SI.CE_to_SE(site) in sec_location
                #sec_to_distribute = [site for site in sec_to_distribute if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in sec_destination])]
                sec_to_distribute = [
                    site for site in sec_to_distribute
                    if not SI.CE_to_SE(site) in sec_destination
                presitespace_sec_to_distribute = copy.deepcopy(
                #sec_to_distribute = [site for site in sec_to_distribute if not  any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer])]
                #sec_to_distribute = [site for site in sec_to_distribute if not  SI.CE_to_SE(site) in SI.sites_veto_transfer]
                sec_to_distribute = [
                    site for site in sec_to_distribute
                    if (SI.disk[SI.CE_to_SE(site)] or wfh.isRelval())
                ## at this point you have a problem
                if len(sec_to_distribute) == 0 and len(
                        '%s is getting no possible destinations because of lack of space. To be decided what to do in general'
                        % (sec),

                if override_sec_destination:
                    ## intersect with where we want the PU to be
                    not_needed_anymore = list(
                        set(sec_to_distribute) - set(override_sec_destination))
                    #sendEmail("secondary superfluous","the dataset %s could be removed from %s"%( sec, not_needed_anymore ))
                        "the dataset %s could be removed from %s" %
                        (sec, not_needed_anymore))
                    sec_to_distribute = list(
                        set(sec_to_distribute) & set(override_sec_destination))

                if len(sec_to_distribute) > 0:
                    print "secondary could go to", sorted(sec_to_distribute)
                    sec_size = dss.get(sec)
                    for site in sec_to_distribute:
                        site_se = SI.CE_to_SE(site)
                        if (SI.disk[site_se] *
                                1024.) > sec_size or wfh.isRelval():
                                        'Sending %s to %s' % (sec, site))
                            can_go = False
                            print "could not send the secondary input to", site_se, "because it is too big for the available disk", SI.disk[
                                site_se] * 1024, "GB need", sec_size
                            if primary_destinations and site in primary_destinations:
                                #sendEmail('secondary input too big','%s is too big (%s) for %s (%s)'%( sec, sec_size, site_se, SI.disk[site_se]*1024))
                                    '%s is too big (%s) for %s (%s). %s will not be able to run there.'
                                    % (sec, sec_size, site_se,
                                       SI.disk[site_se] * 1024, wfo.name),
                                    '%s is too big (%s) for %s (%s). will not be able to run there.'
                                    % (sec, sec_size, site_se,
                                       SI.disk[site_se] * 1024))
                    ## this is bas overall
                    print "the secondary input does not have to be send to site"

        ## is that possible to do something more
        if can_go:
            ## no explicit transfer required this time
            if staging:
                ## but using existing ones
                    "latches on existing transfers, and nothing else, settin staging"
                wfo.status = 'staging'
                needs_transfer += 1
                    'transferor', "should just be assigned now to %s" %
                wfo.status = 'staged'
            passing_along += 1
                        "setting %s status to %s" % (wfo.name, wfo.status))
            ## there is an explicit transfer required
            if staging:
                ## and also using an existing one
                wfh.sendLog('transferor', "latches on existing transfers")
                if not options.test:
                    wfo.status = 'staging'
                        "setting %s status to %s" % (wfo.name, wfo.status))
            wfh.sendLog('transferor', "needs a transfer")
            needs_transfer += 1
            passing_along += 1

    if no_goes:
        #sendEmail("no go for managing","No go for \n"+"\n".join( no_goes ))
                "No go for \n" + "\n".join(sorted(no_goes)),

    print "accumulated transfers"
    print json.dumps(all_transfers, indent=2)
    fake_id = -1
    wf_id_in_prestaging = set()

    for (site, items_to_transfer) in all_transfers.iteritems():
        items_to_transfer = list(set(items_to_transfer))

        ## convert to storage element
        site_se = SI.CE_to_SE(site)

        ## site that do not want input datasets
        #if site in SI.sites_veto_transfer:
        #    print site,"does not want transfers"
        #    continue

        ## throttle the transfer size to T2s ? we'd be screwed by a noPU sample properly configured.

        ## massage a bit the items
        blocks = [it for it in items_to_transfer if '#' in it]
        block_datasets = list(set([it.split('#')[0] for it in blocks]))
        datasets = [it for it in items_to_transfer if not '#' in it]

        details_text = "Making a replica to %s (CE) %s (SE) for" % (site,

        #print "\t",len(blocks),"blocks"
        ## remove blocks if full dataset is send out
        blocks = [
            block for block in blocks if not block.split('#')[0] in datasets
        #print "\t",len(blocks),"needed blocks for",list(set([block.split('#')[0] for block in blocks]))
        #print "\t",len(datasets),"datasets"
        #print "\t",datasets
        details_text += '\n\t%d blocks' % len(blocks)
        details_text += '\n\t%d needed blocks for %s' % (
            sorted(list(set([block.split('#')[0] for block in blocks]))))
        details_text += '\n\t%d datasets' % len(datasets)
        details_text += '\n\t%s' % sorted(datasets)

        items_to_transfer = blocks + datasets

        if execute:
            sendLog('transferor', details_text)
            print "Would make a replica to", site, "(CE)", site_se, "(SE) for"
            print details_text

        ## operate the transfer
        if options and options.stop:
            ## ask to move-on
            answer = raw_input('Continue with that ?')
            if not answer.lower() in ['y', 'yes', 'go']:
        transfered_items = defaultdict(set)
        if execute:
            priority = 'normal'
            cds = [
                ds for ds in set(datasets + block_datasets)
                if ds in max_priority
            ## bucketize the transfers by priority of workflows
            prioritized_items = defaultdict(set)
            for item in items_to_transfer:
                d = item.split('#')[0]
                p = max_priority.get(d, 80000)
                q = 'normal'
                if p > 100000:
                    q = 'reserved'
                elif p < 70000:
                    q = 'low'

            for priority, items in prioritized_items.items():
                result = makeReplicaRequest(url,
                if result:
                    these_transfers = [
                        o['id'] for o in result['phedex']['request_created']
                    #phedexids.extend( these_transfers )
                    for ph in these_transfers:
                        'Could not make a replica request for items %s to site %s'
                        % (items, site_se),

            #result = makeReplicaRequest(url, site_se, items_to_transfer, 'prestaging', priority=priority, approve=True)
            #phedexids = [o['id'] for o in result['phedex']['request_created']]:
        #    #result= {'phedex':{'request_created' : []}}
        #    phedexids = []
        #    fake_id-=1

        if not transfered_items:
                'Could not make a replica request for items %s to site %s' %
                (items_to_transfer, site),
        for phedexid, items in transfered_items.items():
            print phedexid, "transfer created"
            for transfering in list(
                    set(map(lambda it: it.split('#')[0], items))):
                for wfid in workflow_dependencies[transfering]:
                    new_transfer = session.query(TransferImp).filter(
                        TransferImp.phedexid == int(phedexid)).filter(
                            TransferImp.workflow_id == wfid).first()
                    if not new_transfer:
                        new_transfer = TransferImp(
                        new_transfer.active = True


    for wfid in wf_id_in_prestaging:
        tr_wf = session.query(Workflow).get(wfid)
        if tr_wf and tr_wf.status != 'staging':
            if execute:
                tr_wf.status = 'staging'
                if talk:
                    print "setting", tr_wf.name, "to staging"

    ## one big session commit at the end that everything went fine
def transferor(url, specific=None, talk=True, options=None):
    if userLock(): return
    if duplicateLock(): return

    use_mcm = True
    up = componentInfo(mcm=use_mcm, soft=['mcm'])
    if not up.check(): return
    use_mcm = up.status['mcm']

    if options and options.test:
        execute = False
        execute = True

    SI = siteInfo()
    CI = campaignInfo()
    NLI = newLockInfo()
    mcm = McMClient(dev=False)
    dss = DSS()

    #allowed_secondary = UC.get('')
    print "counting all being handled..."
    being_handled = len(
        session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status == 'away').all())
    being_handled += len(
    being_transfered = len(
        session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status == 'staging').all())
    being_handled += len(

    max_to_handle = options.maxworkflows
    max_to_transfer = options.maxstaging

    allowed_to_handle = max(0, max_to_handle - being_handled)
    allowed_to_transfer = max(0, max_to_transfer - being_transfered)
    wf_buffer = 5
    if allowed_to_handle <= wf_buffer:  ## buffer for having several wf per transfer
        print "Not allowed to run more than", max_to_handle, "at a time. Currently", being_handled, "and", wf_buffer, "buffer"
        print being_handled, "already being handled", max_to_handle, "max allowed,", allowed_to_handle, "remaining", "and", wf_buffer, "buffer"

    if allowed_to_transfer <= wf_buffer:
        print "Not allowed to transfer more than", max_to_transfer, "at a time. Currently", being_transfered, "and", wf_buffer, "buffer"
        print being_transfered, "already being transfered", max_to_transfer, "max allowed,", allowed_to_transfer, "remaining", "and", wf_buffer, "buffer"

    print "... done"

    all_transfers = defaultdict(list)
    workflow_dependencies = defaultdict(
        set)  ## list of wf.id per input dataset
    wfs_and_wfh = []
    print "getting all wf to consider ..."
    cache = getWorkflows(url, 'assignment-approved', details=True)
    for wfo in session.query(Workflow).filter(
        print "\t", wfo.name
        if specific and not specific in wfo.name: continue
        cache_r = filter(lambda d: d['RequestName'] == wfo.name, cache)
        if len(cache_r):
            wfs_and_wfh.append((wfo, workflowInfo(url, wfo.name, spec=False)))
    print "... done"

    transfers_per_sites = defaultdict(int)
    input_sizes = {}
    ignored_input_sizes = {}
    input_cput = {}
    input_st = {}
    ## list the size of those in transfer already
    in_transfer_priority = None
    min_transfer_priority = None
    print "getting all wf in staging ..."
    stucks = json.loads(open('%s/stuck_transfers.json' % monitor_dir).read())

    for wfo in session.query(Workflow).filter(
            Workflow.status == 'staging').all():
        wfh = workflowInfo(url, wfo.name, spec=False)
        #(lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) = wfh.getIO()
        #sites_allowed = getSiteWhiteList( (lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) )
        (lheinput, primary, parent, secondary,
         sites_allowed) = wfh.getSiteWhiteList()
        for site in sites_allowed:  ## we should get the actual transfer destination instead of the full white list
            transfers_per_sites[site] += 1
        #input_cput[wfo.name] = wfh.getComputingTime()
        #input_st[wfo.name] = wfh.getSystemTime()
        for prim in primary:
            ds_s = dss.get(prim)
            if prim in stucks:
                        "%s appears stuck, so not counting it %s [GB]" %
                        (prim, ds_s),
                ignored_input_sizes[prim] = ds_s
                input_sizes[prim] = ds_s
                        "%s needs %s [GB]" % (wfo.name, ds_s),
        if in_transfer_priority == None:
            in_transfer_priority = int(wfh.request['RequestPriority'])
            in_transfer_priority = max(in_transfer_priority,
        if min_transfer_priority == None:
            min_transfer_priority = int(wfh.request['RequestPriority'])
            min_transfer_priority = min(min_transfer_priority,

    if min_transfer_priority == None or in_transfer_priority == None:
        print "nothing is lining up for transfer"
        sendEmail("no request in staging", "no request in staging")

        print "Ignored input sizes"
        ignored_values = list(ignored_input_sizes.items())
        ignored_values.sort(key=lambda i: i[1])
        print "\n".join(map(str, ignored_values))
        print "Considered input sizes"
        considered_values = list(input_sizes.items())
        considered_values.sort(key=lambda i: i[1])
        print "\n".join(map(str, considered_values))
    except Exception as e:
        print "trying to print the summary of input size"
        print str(e)

    print "... done"
    print "Max priority in transfer already", in_transfer_priority
    print "Min priority in transfer already", min_transfer_priority
    print "transfers per sites"
    print json.dumps(transfers_per_sites, indent=2)
    in_transfer_already = sum(input_sizes.values())
    cput_in_transfer_already = sum(input_cput.values())
    st_in_transfer_already = sum(input_st.values())

    ## list the size of all inputs
    primary_input_per_workflow_gb = defaultdict(float)
    print "getting all input sizes ..."
    for (wfo, wfh) in wfs_and_wfh:
        (_, primary, _, _) = wfh.getIO()
        #input_cput[wfo.name] = wfh.getComputingTime()
        #input_st[wfo.name] = wfh.getSystemTime()
        for prim in primary:
            ## do not count it if it appears stalled !
            prim_size = dss.get(prim)
            input_sizes[prim] = prim_size
            primary_input_per_workflow_gb[wfo.name] += prim_size
    print "... done"

    # shuffle first by name

    # Sort smallest transfers first; allows us to transfer as many as possible workflows.
    def prio_and_size(i, j):
        if int(i[1].request['RequestPriority']) == int(
            return cmp(int(primary_input_per_workflow_gb.get(j[0].name, 0)),
                       int(primary_input_per_workflow_gb.get(i[0].name, 0)))
            return cmp(int(i[1].request['RequestPriority']),

    #wfs_and_wfh.sort(cmp = prio_and_size, reverse=True)
    #wfs_and_wfh.sort(cmp = lambda i,j : cmp(int(primary_input_per_workflow_gb.get(i[0].name, 0)), int(primary_input_per_workflow_gb.get(j[0].name, 0)) ))
    #sort by priority higher first
    wfs_and_wfh.sort(cmp=lambda i, j: cmp(int(i[1].request[
        'RequestPriority']), int(j[1].request['RequestPriority'])),

    cput_grand_total = sum(input_cput.values())
    cput_to_transfer = cput_grand_total - cput_in_transfer_already
    st_grand_total = sum(input_st.values())
    st_to_transfer = st_grand_total - st_in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f [CPU h] worth already in transfer" % cput_in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f [CPU h] worth is the current requested transfer load" % cput_to_transfer
    print "%15.4f [h] worth of absolute system time in transfer" % (
        cput_in_transfer_already / SI.availableSlots())
    print "%15.4f [h] worth of absolute system time is the current requested transfer load" % (
        cput_to_transfer / SI.availableSlots())
    print "%15.4f [h] worth of theoritical system time in transfer" % (
    print "%15.4f [h] worth of theoritical system time is the current requested transfer load" % (

    grand_total = sum(input_sizes.values())
    to_transfer = grand_total - in_transfer_already
    grand_transfer_limit = options.maxtransfer
    #grand_transfer_limit = SI.total_disk()*0.25*1024## half of the free sapce in TB->GB

    transfer_limit = grand_transfer_limit - in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f GB already being transfered" % in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f GB is the current requested transfer load" % to_transfer
    print "%15.4f GB is the global transfer limit" % grand_transfer_limit
    print "%15.4f GB is the available limit" % transfer_limit

    max_staging_per_site = options.maxstagingpersite

    # the max priority value per dataset.
    max_priority = defaultdict(int)
    needs_transfer = 0  ## so that we can count'em
    passing_along = 0
    transfer_sizes = {}
    went_over_budget = False
    destination_cache = {}
    no_goes = set()

    max_per_round = UC.get('max_per_round').get('transferor', None)
    if max_per_round and not spec:
        wfs_and_wfh = wfs_and_wfh[:max_per_round]

    for (wfo, wfh) in wfs_and_wfh:
        print wfo.name, "to be transfered with priority", wfh.request[

        if wfh.request['RequestStatus'] != 'assignment-approved':
            if wfh.request['RequestStatus'] in [
                    'aborted', 'rejected', 'rejected-archived',
                wfo.status = 'trouble'  ## so that we look or a replacement
                wfo.status = 'away'
                'transferor', '%s in status %s, setting %s' %
                (wfo.name, wfh.request['RequestStatus'], wfo.status))

        (_, primary, _, _) = wfh.getIO()
        this_load = sum([input_sizes[prim] for prim in primary])
        no_budget = False
        if (this_load
                and (sum(transfer_sizes.values()) + this_load > transfer_limit
                     or went_over_budget)):
            if went_over_budget:
                wfh.sendLog('transferor', "Transfer has gone over bubget.")
                wfh.sendLog('transferor', "Transfer will go over bubget.")
                "%15.4f GB this load, %15.4f GB already this round, %15.4f GB is the available limit"
                % (this_load, sum(transfer_sizes.values()), transfer_limit))
            #if sum(transfer_sizes.values()) > transfer_limit:
            went_over_budget = True
            if in_transfer_priority != None and min_transfer_priority != None:
                if int(
                ) >= in_transfer_priority and min_transfer_priority != in_transfer_priority:
                        "Higher priority sample %s >= %s go-on over budget" %
                        (wfh.request['RequestPriority'], in_transfer_priority))
                    if not options.go:
                            "%s minimum priority %s < %s : stop" %
                        no_budget = True

        ## throtlle by campaign go
        no_go = False
        if not wfh.go(log=True) and not options.go:
            no_go = True

        allowed_secondary = set()
        for campaign in wfh.getCampaigns():
            if campaign in CI.campaigns and 'secondaries' in CI.campaigns[
        if secondary:
            if (secondary and allowed_secondary) and (
                    set(secondary) & allowed_secondary != set(secondary)):
                    'assignor', '%s is not an allowed secondary' %
                    (', '.join(set(secondary) - allowed_secondary)))
                no_go = True

        if no_go:
        ## check if the batch is announced

        def check_mcm(wfn):
            announced = False
            is_real = False
            if not wfn.startswith('pdmvserv'):
                is_real = True
                for b in mcm.getA('batches', query='contains=%s' % wfo.name):
                    is_real = True
                    if b['status'] == 'announced':
                        announced = True
                    for b in mcm.getA('batches',
                                      query='contains=%s' % wfo.name):
                        is_real = True
                        if b['status'] == 'announced':
                            announced = True
                    print "could not get mcm batch announcement, assuming not real"
            return announced, is_real

        if not use_mcm:
            announced, is_real = False, True
            if wfh.request['RequestType'] in ['ReReco']:
                announced, is_real = True, True
                announced, is_real = check_mcm(wfo.name)

        if not announced:
            wfh.sendLog('transferor', "does not look announced.")

        if not is_real:
            wfh.sendLog('transferor', "does not appear to be genuine.")

            ## prevent any duplication. if the wf is not mentioned in any batch, regardless of status

        ## check on a grace period
        injection_time = time.mktime(
            time.strptime('.'.join(map(str, wfh.request['RequestDate'])),
                          "%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S")) / (60. * 60.)
        now = time.mktime(time.gmtime()) / (60. * 60.)
        if float(now - injection_time) < 4.:
            if not options.go and not announced:
                    "It is too soon to start transfer: %3.2fH remaining" %
                    (now - injection_time))

        if passing_along >= allowed_to_handle:
            #if int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) >= in_transfer_priority and min_transfer_priority!=in_transfer_priority:
            if in_transfer_priority != None and min_transfer_priority != None:
                if int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']
                       ) >= in_transfer_priority and int(
                       ) != min_transfer_priority:
                    ## higher priority, and not only this priority being transfered
                        "Higher priority sample %s >= %s go-on over %s" %
                        (wfh.request['RequestPriority'], in_transfer_priority,
                        " Not allowed to pass more than %s at a time. Currently %s handled, and adding %s"
                        % (max_to_handle, being_handled, passing_along))
                    if not options.go:
                        ## should not allow to jump that fence

        if this_load and needs_transfer >= allowed_to_transfer:
            if in_transfer_priority != None and min_transfer_priority != None:
                if int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']
                       ) >= in_transfer_priority and int(
                       ) != min_transfer_priority:
                    ## higher priority, and not only this priority being transfered
                        "Higher priority sample %s >= %s go-on over %s" %
                        (wfh.request['RequestPriority'], in_transfer_priority,
                        "Not allowed to transfer more than %s at a time. Currently %s transfering, and adding %s"
                        % (max_to_transfer, being_transfered, needs_transfer))
                    if not options.go:
                        no_budget = True

        if no_budget:

        ## the site white list considers site, campaign, memory and core information
        (lheinput, primary, parent, secondary,
         sites_allowed) = wfh.getSiteWhiteList()
        if options and options.tosites:
            sites_allowed = options.tosites.split(',')

        for dataset in list(primary) + list(parent) + list(secondary):
            ## lock everything flat

        if not sites_allowed:
            wfh.sendLog('transferor', "not possible site to run at")
            #sendEmail("no possible sites","%s has no possible sites to run at"%( wfo.name ))
                    "%s has no possible sites to run at" % (wfo.name),

        blocks = []
        if 'BlockWhitelist' in wfh.request and wfh.request['BlockWhitelist']:
            blocks = wfh.request['BlockWhitelist']
        if 'RunWhitelist' in wfh.request and wfh.request['RunWhitelist']:
            ## augment with run white list
            for dataset in primary:
                blocks = list(
                    set(blocks + getDatasetBlocks(
                        dataset, runs=wfh.request['RunWhitelist'])))
        if 'LumiList' in wfh.request and wfh.request['LumiList']:
            ## augment with the lumi white list
            blocks = list(
                set(blocks +
                    getDatasetBlocks(dataset, lumis=wfh.request['LumiList'])))

        if blocks:
            print "Reading", len(blocks), "in block whitelist"

        can_go = True
        staging = False
        allowed = True
        primary_destinations = set()
        if primary:

            copies_needed_from_CPUh, CPUh = wfh.getNCopies()

            if talk:
                print wfo.name, 'reads', ', '.join(primary), 'in primary'
            ## chope the primary dataset
            for prim in primary:
                ## keep track of what needs what

                max_priority[prim] = max(max_priority[prim],

                    'transferor', "Would make %s  from cpu requirement %s" %
                    (copies_needed_from_CPUh, CPUh))
                copies_needed = copies_needed_from_CPUh

                if 'Campaign' in wfh.request and wfh.request[
                        'Campaign'] in CI.campaigns and 'maxcopies' in CI.campaigns[
                    copies_needed_from_campaign = CI.campaigns[
                    copies_needed = min(copies_needed_from_campaign,

                        "Maxed to %s by campaign configuration %s" %
                        (copies_needed, wfh.request['Campaign']))

                ### new ways of making the whole thing
                destinations, all_block_names = getDatasetDestinations(
                    within_sites=[SI.CE_to_SE(site) for site in sites_allowed],
                print json.dumps(destinations, indent=2)

                ## get where the dataset is in full and completed
                prim_location = [
                    site for (site, info) in destinations.items()
                    if info['completion'] == 100 and info['data_fraction'] == 1
                ## the rest is places it is going to be
                prim_destination = [
                    site for site in destinations.keys()
                    if not site in prim_location

                if len(prim_location) >= copies_needed:
                        "The input is all fully in place at %s sites %s" %
                        (len(prim_location), sorted(prim_location)))
                copies_needed = max(0, copies_needed - len(prim_location))
                    "not counting existing copies ; now need %s" %
                copies_being_made = [
                        for site, info in destinations.items()
                        if site in prim_destination
                    ]) for block in all_block_names

                latching_on_transfers = set()
                    for site, info in destinations.items()
                    if site in prim_destination
                latching_on_transfers = list(latching_on_transfers)
                #print latching_on_transfers

                ## figure out where all this is going to go
                prim_to_distribute = [
                    site for site in sites_allowed
                    if not SI.CE_to_SE(site) in prim_location
                prim_to_distribute = [
                    site for site in prim_to_distribute
                    if not SI.CE_to_SE(site) in prim_destination
                ## take out the ones that cannot receive transfers
                prim_to_distribute = [
                    site for site in prim_to_distribute if not any([
                        for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer

                    "Could be going to: %s" % sorted(prim_to_distribute))
                if not prim_to_distribute or any([
                        transfers_per_sites[site] < max_staging_per_site
                        for site in prim_to_distribute
                    ## means there is openings let me go
                    print "There are transfer slots available:", [
                        (site, transfers_per_sites[site])
                        for site in prim_to_distribute
                    #for site in sites_allowed:
                    #    #increment accross the board, regardless of real destination: could be changed
                    #    transfers_per_sites[site] += 1
                    if int(
                    ) >= in_transfer_priority and min_transfer_priority != in_transfer_priority:
                            "Higher priority sample %s >= %s go-on over transfer slots available"
                            % (wfh.request['RequestPriority'],
                            "Not allowed to transfer more than %s per site at a time. Going overboard for %s"
                            % (max_staging_per_site,
                                   site for site in prim_to_distribute
                                   if transfers_per_sites[site] >=
                        if not options.go:
                            allowed = False

                for latching in latching_on_transfers:
                    tfo = session.query(Transfer).filter(
                        Transfer.phedexid == int(latching)).first()
                    if not tfo:
                        tfo = session.query(Transfer).filter(
                            Transfer.phedexid == -int(latching)).first()

                    if not tfo:
                        tfo = Transfer(phedexid=latching)
                        tfo.workflows_id = []
                        tfo.phedexid = latching  ## make it positive ever

                    if not wfo.id in tfo.workflows_id:
                        print "adding", wfo.id, "to", tfo.id, "with phedexid", latching
                        l = copy.deepcopy(tfo.workflows_id)
                        tfo.workflows_id = l
                    if not options.test:
                        )  ## regardless of commit later on, we need to let the next wf feeding on this transfer to see it in query
                    can_go = False
                    transfer_sizes[prim] = input_sizes[prim]
                    staging = True

                # reduce the number of copies required by the on-going full transfer : how do we bootstrap on waiting for them ??
                #copies_needed = max(0,copies_needed - len(prim_destination))
                copies_needed = max(0, copies_needed - min(copies_being_made))
                    "Not counting the copies being made ; then need %s" %
                if copies_needed == 0:
                        "The output is either fully in place or getting in full somewhere with %s"
                        % latching_on_transfers)
                    can_go = True
                elif len(prim_to_distribute) == 0:
                        "We are going to need extra copies, but no destinations seems available"
                    prim_to_distribute = [
                        site for site in sites_allowed
                        if not SI.CE_to_SE(site) in prim_location
                    prim_to_distribute = [
                        site for site in prim_to_distribute if not any([
                            for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer

                if len(
                ) > 0:  ## maybe that a parameter we can play with to limit the
                    if not options or options.chop:
                        ### hard include the tape disk andpoint ?
                        #tapes = [site for site in  getDatasetPresence( url, prim, vetos=['T0','T2','T3','Disk']) if site.endswith('MSS')]
                        chops, sizes = getDatasetChops(
                        spreading = distributeToSites(chops,
                        transfer_sizes[prim] = sum(sizes)
                        if not spreading:
                                'cannot send %s to any site, it cannot fit anywhere'
                                % prim,
                                "cannot send to any site. %s cannot seem to fit anywhere"
                                % (prim))
                            staging = False
                            can_go = False

                        spreading = {}
                        for site in prim_to_distribute:
                            if blocks:
                                spreading[site] = blocks
                                spreading[site] = [prim]
                        transfer_sizes[prim] = input_sizes[
                            prim]  ## this is approximate if blocks are specified
                    can_go = False
                        'transferor', "selected CE destinations %s" %
                    for (site, items) in spreading.items():
                        transfers_per_sites[site] += 1
        if not allowed:
            wfh.sendLog('transferor', "Not allowed to move on with")

        if secondary:

            override_sec_destination = []
            if 'SecondaryLocation' in CI.campaigns[wfh.request['Campaign']]:
                override_sec_destination = CI.campaigns[

            print wfo.name, 'reads', ', '.join(secondary), 'in secondary'
            for sec in secondary:


                if True:
                    ## new style, failing on minbias
                    if not sec in destination_cache:
                        ## this is barbbaric, and does not show the correct picture on workflow by workflow with different whitelist
                        destination_cache[sec], _ = getDatasetDestinations(
                            url, sec)  ## NO SITE WHITE LIST ADDED
                        #destination_cache[sec],_ = getDatasetDestinations(url, sec, within_sites = [SI.CE_to_SE(site) for site in sites_allowed])

                    ## limit to the site whitelist NOW
                    se_allowed = [SI.CE_to_SE(site) for site in sites_allowed]
                    destinations = dict([
                        (k, v) for (k, v) in destination_cache[sec].items()
                        if site in se_allowed
                    ## truncate location/destination to those making up for >90% of the dataset
                    bad_destinations = [
                        for (site, info) in destinations.items()
                        if info['data_fraction'] < 0.9
                    sec_location = [
                        site for (site, info) in destinations.items()
                        if info['completion'] >= 95
                    sec_destination = [
                        site for site in destinations.keys()
                        if not site in sec_location
                    ## old style
                    presence = getDatasetPresence(url, sec)
                    sec_location = [
                        site for site, pres in presence.items()
                        if pres[1] > 90.
                    ]  ## more than 90% of the minbias at sites
                    subscriptions = listSubscriptions(url, sec)
                    sec_destination = [site for site in subscriptions]

                sec_to_distribute = [
                    site for site in sites_allowed if
                    not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in sec_location])
                sec_to_distribute = [
                    site for site in sec_to_distribute if not any(
                        [osite.startswith(site) for osite in sec_destination])
                sec_to_distribute = [
                    site for site in sec_to_distribute if not any([
                        for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer
                if override_sec_destination:
                    ## intersect with where we want the PU to be
                    not_needed_anymore = list(
                        set(sec_to_distribute) - set(override_sec_destination))
                    #sendEmail("secondary superfluous","the dataset %s could be removed from %s"%( sec, not_needed_anymore ))
                        "the dataset %s could be removed from %s" %
                        (sec, not_needed_anymore))
                    sec_to_distribute = list(
                        set(sec_to_distribute) & set(override_sec_destination))

                if len(sec_to_distribute) > 0:
                    print "secondary could go to", sorted(sec_to_distribute)
                    sec_size = dss.get(sec)
                    for site in sec_to_distribute:
                        site_se = SI.CE_to_SE(site)
                        if (SI.disk[site_se] * 1024.) > sec_size:
                            can_go = False
                            print "could not send the secondary input to", site_se, "because it is too big for the available disk", SI.disk[
                                site_se] * 1024, "GB need", sec_size
                            if primary_destinations and site in primary_destinations:
                                #sendEmail('secondary input too big','%s is too big (%s) for %s (%s)'%( sec, sec_size, site_se, SI.disk[site_se]*1024))
                                        '%s is too big (%s) for %s (%s)' %
                                        (sec, sec_size, site_se,
                                         SI.disk[site_se] * 1024),
                    print "the secondary input does not have to be send to site"

        ## is that possible to do something more
        if can_go:
            ## no explicit transfer required this time
            if staging:
                ## but using existing ones
                    "latches on existing transfers, and nothing else, settin staging"
                wfo.status = 'staging'
                needs_transfer += 1
                    'transferor', "should just be assigned now to %s" %
                wfo.status = 'staged'
            passing_along += 1
            wfh.sendLog('transferor', "setting status to %s" % wfo.status)
            ## there is an explicit transfer required
            if staging:
                ## and also using an existing one
                wfh.sendLog('transferor', "latches on existing transfers")
                if not options.test:
                    wfo.status = 'staging'
                                "setting status to %s" % wfo.status)
            wfh.sendLog('transferor', "needs a transfer")
            needs_transfer += 1
            passing_along += 1

    if no_goes:
        #sendEmail("no go for managing","No go for \n"+"\n".join( no_goes ))
                "No go for \n" + "\n".join(no_goes),

    print "accumulated transfers"
    print json.dumps(all_transfers, indent=2)
    fake_id = -1
    wf_id_in_prestaging = set()

    for (site, items_to_transfer) in all_transfers.iteritems():
        items_to_transfer = list(set(items_to_transfer))

        ## convert to storage element
        site_se = SI.CE_to_SE(site)

        ## site that do not want input datasets
        if site in SI.sites_veto_transfer:
            print site, "does not want transfers"

        ## throttle the transfer size to T2s ? we'd be screwed by a noPU sample properly configured.

        ## massage a bit the items
        blocks = [it for it in items_to_transfer if '#' in it]
        block_datasets = list(set([it.split('#')[0] for it in blocks]))
        datasets = [it for it in items_to_transfer if not '#' in it]

        details_text = "Making a replica to %s (CE) %s (SE) for" % (site,

        #print "\t",len(blocks),"blocks"
        ## remove blocks if full dataset is send out
        blocks = [
            block for block in blocks if not block.split('#')[0] in datasets
        #print "\t",len(blocks),"needed blocks for",list(set([block.split('#')[0] for block in blocks]))
        #print "\t",len(datasets),"datasets"
        #print "\t",datasets
        details_text += '\n\t%d blocks' % len(blocks)
        details_text += '\n\t%d needed blocks for %s' % (
            sorted(list(set([block.split('#')[0] for block in blocks]))))
        details_text += '\n\t%d datasets' % len(datasets)
        details_text += '\n\t%s' % sorted(datasets)

        items_to_transfer = blocks + datasets

        if execute:
            sendLog('transferor', details_text)
            print "Would make a replica to", site, "(CE)", site_se, "(SE) for"
            print details_text

        ## operate the transfer
        if options and options.stop:
            ## ask to move-on
            answer = raw_input('Continue with that ?')
            if not answer.lower() in ['y', 'yes', 'go']:

        if execute:
            priority = 'normal'
            cds = [
                ds for ds in datasets + block_datasets if ds in max_priority
            if cds and False:  ## I don't think this is working. subscription should be updated on the fly and regularly for raising the priority if needed
                ## decide on an overall priority : that's a bit too large though
                if any([max_priority[ds] >= 90000 for ds in cds]):
                    priority = 'high'
                elif all([max_priority[ds] < 80000 for ds in cds]):
                    priority = 'low'

            result = makeReplicaRequest(url,
            result = {'phedex': {'request_created': []}}
            fake_id -= 1

        if not result:
            print "ERROR Could not make a replica request for", site, items_to_transfer, "pre-staging"
        for phedexid in [o['id'] for o in result['phedex']['request_created']]:
            new_transfer = session.query(Transfer).filter(
                Transfer.phedexid == int(phedexid)).first()
            if not new_transfer:
                new_transfer = session.query(Transfer).filter(
                    Transfer.phedexid == -int(phedexid)).first()
            print phedexid, "transfer created"
            if not new_transfer:
                new_transfer = Transfer(phedexid=phedexid)
                new_transfer.phedexid = phedexid  ## make it positive again

            new_transfer.workflows_id = set()
            for transfering in list(
                    set(map(lambda it: it.split('#')[0], items_to_transfer))):
            new_transfer.workflows_id = list(new_transfer.workflows_id)
            ## auto approve it
            if execute:
                approved = approveSubscription(url, phedexid, [site_se])

    for wfid in wf_id_in_prestaging:
        tr_wf = session.query(Workflow).get(wfid)
        if tr_wf and tr_wf.status != 'staging':
            if execute:
                tr_wf.status = 'staging'
                if talk:
                    print "setting", tr_wf.name, "to staging"
def transferor(url ,specific = None, talk=True, options=None):
    if userLock('transferor'):   return

    if options and options.test:
        execute = False
        execute = True

    SI = siteInfo()
    CI = campaignInfo()
    mcm = McMClient(dev=False)
    dss = DSS()

    print "counting all being handled..."
    being_handled = len(session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status == 'away').all())
    being_handled += len(session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status.startswith('stag')).all())
    being_handled += len(session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status.startswith('assistance')).all())
    max_to_handle = options.maxworkflows
    allowed_to_handle = max(0,max_to_handle - being_handled)
    wf_buffer = 5
    if allowed_to_handle<=wf_buffer: ## buffer for having several wf per transfer
        print "Not allowed to run more than",max_to_handle,"at a time. Currently",being_handled,"and",wf_buffer,"buffer"
        print being_handled,"already being handled",max_to_handle,"max allowed,",allowed_to_handle,"remaining","and",wf_buffer,"buffer"
    print "... done"

    workflow_dependencies = defaultdict(set) ## list of wf.id per input dataset
    print "getting all wf to consider ..."
    cache = getWorkflows(url, 'assignment-approved', details=True)
    for wfo in session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status=='considered').all():
        if specific and not specific in wfo.name: continue
        cache_r =filter(lambda d:d['RequestName']==wfo.name, cache)
        if len(cache_r):
            wfs_and_wfh.append( (wfo, workflowInfo( url, wfo.name, spec=False, request = cache_r[0]) ) )
            wfs_and_wfh.append( (wfo, workflowInfo( url, wfo.name, spec=False) ) )
    print "... done"

    input_sizes = {}
    ## list the size of those in transfer already
    print "getting all wf in staging ..."
    for wfo in session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status=='staging').all():
        wfh = workflowInfo( url, wfo.name, spec=False)
        (_,primary,_,_) = wfh.getIO()
        for prim in primary: 
            input_sizes[prim] = dss.get( prim )
        in_transfer_priority = max(in_transfer_priority, int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']))
        min_transfer_priority = min(min_transfer_priority, int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']))
    print "... done"
    print "Max priority in transfer already",in_transfer_priority
    print "Min priority in transfer already",min_transfer_priority
    in_transfer_already = sum(input_sizes.values())

    #sort by priority higher first
    wfs_and_wfh.sort(cmp = lambda i,j : cmp(int(i[1].request['RequestPriority']),int(j[1].request['RequestPriority']) ), reverse=True)

    ## list the size of all inputs
    print "getting all input sizes ..."
    for (wfo,wfh) in wfs_and_wfh:
        (_,primary,_,_) = wfh.getIO()
        for prim in primary:
            input_sizes[prim] = dss.get( prim )
    print "... done"

    grand_total =  sum(input_sizes.values()) 
    to_transfer = grand_total  - in_transfer_already
    grand_transfer_limit = options.maxtransfer 
    transfer_limit = grand_transfer_limit - in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f GB already being transfered"%in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f GB is the current requested transfer load"%to_transfer
    print "%15.4f GB is the global transfer limit"%grand_transfer_limit
    print "%15.4f GB is the available limit"%transfer_limit

    # the max priority value per dataset.
    max_priority = defaultdict(int)
    needs_transfer=0 ## so that we can count'em
    passing_along = 0
    for (wfo,wfh) in wfs_and_wfh:
        print wfh.request['RequestPriority']
        print wfo.name,"to be transfered"
        #wfh = workflowInfo( url, wfo.name)

        (_,primary,_,_) = wfh.getIO()
        this_load=sum([input_sizes[prim] for prim in primary])
        if ( this_load and (sum(transfer_sizes.values())+this_load > transfer_limit or went_over_budget ) ):
            if went_over_budget:
                print "Transfer has gone over bubget."
                print "Transfer will go over bubget."
            print "%15.4f GB this load"%this_load
            print "%15.4f GB already this round"%sum(transfer_sizes.values())
            print "%15.4f GB is the available limit"%transfer_limit
            if int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) >= in_transfer_priority and min_transfer_priority!=in_transfer_priority:
                print "Higher priority sample",wfh.request['RequestPriority'],">=",in_transfer_priority,"go-on over budget"
                if not options.go: 
                    print min_transfer_priority,"minimum priority",wfh.request['RequestPriority'],"<",in_transfer_priority,"stop"

        ## throtlle by campaign go
        if not CI.go( wfh.request['Campaign'] ):
            print "No go for",wfh.request['Campaign']
            if not options.go: continue

        ## check if the batch is announced
        for b in mcm.getA('batches',query='contains=%s'% wfo.name):
            is_real = True
            if b['status']=='announced': 

        if not announced:
            print wfo.name,"does not look announced."# skipping?, rejecting?, reporting?"
        if not is_real:
            print wfo.name,"does not appear to be genuine."
            ## prevent any duplication. if the wf is not mentioned in any batch, regardless of status

        ## check on a grace period
        injection_time = time.mktime(time.strptime('.'.join(map(str,wfh.request['RequestDate'])),"%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S")) / (60.*60.)
        now = time.mktime(time.gmtime()) / (60.*60.)
        if float(now - injection_time) < 4.:
            if not options.go and not announced: 
                print "It is too soon to start transfer: %3.2fH remaining"%(now - injection_time)

        passing_along += 1
        if passing_along >= allowed_to_handle:
            if int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) >= in_transfer_priority and min_transfer_priority!=in_transfer_priority:
                print "Higher priority sample",wfh.request['RequestPriority'],">=",in_transfer_priority,"go-on over",max_to_handle
                print "Not allowed to pass more than",max_to_handle,"at a time. Currently",being_handled,"handled, and adding",passing_along

        (lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) = wfh.getIO()
        if options and options.tosites:
            sites_allowed = options.tosites.split(',')
            sites_allowed = getSiteWhiteList( (lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) )

        if 'SiteWhitelist' in CI.parameters(wfh.request['Campaign']):
            sites_allowed = CI.parameters(wfh.request['Campaign'])['SiteWhitelist']

        blocks = []
        if 'BlockWhitelist' in wfh.request and wfh.request['BlockWhitelist']:
            blocks = wfh.request['BlockWhitelist']

        can_go = True
        if primary:
            if talk:
                print wfo.name,'reads',', '.join(primary),'in primary'
            ## chope the primary dataset 
            for prim in primary:
                max_priority[prim] = max(max_priority[prim],int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']))
                sites_really_allowed = [site for site in sites_allowed if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer])]
                print "Sites allowed minus the vetoed transfer"
                print sites_really_allowed
                copies_needed = int(0.35*len(sites_really_allowed))+1 ## should just go for a fixed number based if the white list grows that big
                print "Would make",copies_needed,"copies"
                if options.maxcopy>0:
                    copies_needed = min(options.maxcopy,copies_needed)

                ## remove the sites that do not want transfers                
                print "need",copies_needed
                workflow_dependencies[prim].add( wfo.id )
                presence = getDatasetPresence( url, prim )
                prim_location = [site for site,pres in presence.items() if pres[0]==True]
                if len(prim_location) >= copies_needed:
                    print "The output is all fully in place at",len(prim_location),"sites"
                # reduce the number of copies required by existing full copies
                copies_needed = max(0,copies_needed - len(prim_location))
                print "now need",copies_needed
                subscriptions = listSubscriptions( url , prim )
                prim_destination = list(set([site for (site,(tid,decision)) in subscriptions.items() if decision and not any([site.endswith(veto) for veto in ['MSS','Export','Buffer']])]))
                ## need to reject from that list the ones with a full copy already: i.e the transfer corresponds to the copy in place
                prim_destination = [site for site in prim_destination if not site in prim_location]
                ## add transfer dependencies
                latching_on_transfers =  list(set([ tid for (site,(tid,decision)) in subscriptions.items() if decision and site in prim_destination and not any([site.endswith(veto) for veto in ['MSS','Export','Buffer']])]))
                print latching_on_transfers
                for latching in latching_on_transfers:
                    tfo = session.query(Transfer).filter(Transfer.phedexid == latching).first()
                    if not tfo:
                        tfo = Transfer( phedexid = latching)
                        tfo.workflows_id = []
                    if not wfo.id in tfo.workflows_id:
                        print "adding",wfo.id,"to",tfo.id,"with phedexid",latching
                        l = copy.deepcopy( tfo.workflows_id )
                        l.append( wfo.id )
                        tfo.workflows_id = l
                    if not options.test:
                        session.flush() ## regardless of commit later on, we need to let the next wf feeding on this transfer to see it in query
                    can_go = False
                    transfer_sizes[prim] = input_sizes[prim]
                    staging = True

                # reduce the number of copies required by the on-going full transfer : how do we bootstrap on waiting for them ??
                copies_needed = max(0,copies_needed - len(prim_destination))
                print "then need",copies_needed
                if copies_needed == 0:
                    print "The output is either fully in place or getting in full somewhere with",latching_on_transfers
                    can_go = True
                prim_to_distribute = [site for site in sites_allowed if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in prim_location])]
                prim_to_distribute = [site for site in prim_to_distribute if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in prim_destination])]
                ## take out the ones that cannot receive transfers
                prim_to_distribute = [site for site in prim_to_distribute if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer])]
                if len(prim_to_distribute)>0: ## maybe that a parameter we can play with to limit the 
                    if not options or options.chop:
                        spreading = distributeToSites( getDatasetChops(prim), prim_to_distribute, n_copies = copies_needed, weights=SI.cpu_pledges)
                        spreading = {} 
                        for site in prim_to_distribute: spreading[site]=[prim]
                    can_go = False
                    transfer_sizes[prim] = input_sizes[prim]
                    for (site,items) in spreading.items():
                        all_transfers[site].extend( items )

        if secondary:
            if talk:
                print wfo.name,'reads',', '.join(secondary),'in secondary'
            for sec in secondary:
                workflow_dependencies[sec].add( wfo.id )
                presence = getDatasetPresence( url, sec )
                sec_location = [site for site,pres in presence.items() if pres[1]>90.] ## more than 90% of the minbias at sites
                subscriptions = listSubscriptions( url ,sec )
                sec_destination = [site for site in subscriptions] 
                sec_to_distribute = [site for site in sites_allowed if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in sec_location])]
                sec_to_distribute = [site for site in sec_to_distribute if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in sec_destination])]
                sec_to_distribute = [site for site in sec_to_distribute if not  any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer])]
                if len( sec_to_distribute )>0:
                    for site in sec_to_distribute:
                        all_transfers[site].append( sec )
                        can_go = False
        ## is that possible to do something more
        if can_go:
            ## no explicit transfer required this time
            if staging:
                ## but using existing ones
                print wfo.name,"latches on existing transfers, and nothing else"
                wfo.status = 'staging'
                print wfo.name,"should just be assigned NOW to",sites_allowed
                wfo.status = 'staged'
            print "setting status to",wfo.status
            ## there is an explicit transfer required
            if staging:
                ## and also using an existing one
                print wfo.name,"latches on existing transfers"
                if not options.test:
                    wfo.status = 'staging'
                    print "setting status to",wfo.status
            print wfo.name,"needs a transfer"

    #print json.dumps(all_transfers)

    for (site,items_to_transfer) in all_transfers.iteritems():
        items_to_transfer = list(set(items_to_transfer))
        ## convert to storage element
        site_se = SI.CE_to_SE(site)

        ## site that do not want input datasets
        if site in SI.sites_veto_transfer: 
            print site,"does not want transfers"

        ## throttle the transfer size to T2s ? we'd be screwed by a noPU sample properly configured.

        ## massage a bit the items
        blocks = [it for it in items_to_transfer if '#' in it]
        datasets = [it for it in items_to_transfer if not '#' in it]

        if execute:
            print "Making a replica to",site,"(CE)",site_se,"(SE) for"
            print "Would make a replica to",site,"(CE)",site_se,"(SE) for"

        print "\t",len(blocks),"blocks"
        ## remove blocks if full dataset is send out
        blocks = [block for block in blocks if not block.split('#')[0] in datasets]
        print "\t",len(blocks),"needed blocks for",list(set([block.split('#')[0] for block in blocks]))
        print "\t",len(datasets),"datasets"
        print "\t",datasets
        items_to_transfer = blocks + datasets

        ## operate the transfer
        if options and options.stop:
            ## ask to move-on
            answer = raw_input('Continue with that ?')
            if not answer.lower() in ['y','yes','go']:

        if execute:
            result = makeReplicaRequest(url, site_se, items_to_transfer, 'prestaging', priority='normal')
            ## make use of max_priority dataset:priority to set the subscriptions priority
            ## does not function
            once = True
            for item in items_to_transfer:
                bds = item.split('#')[0]
                if max_priority[bds] >= 90000:
                    if once:
                        print "waiting",w,"s before raising priority"
                    ## raise it to high priority
                    print item,"subscription priority raised to high at",site_se
                    #print "This does not work yet properly it seems"
                    print updateSubscription(url, site_se, item, priority='high')
            #result= {'phedex':{'request_created' : [{'id' : fake_id}]}}
            result= {'phedex':{'request_created' : []}}

        if not result:
            print "ERROR Could not make a replica request for",site,items_to_transfer,"pre-staging"
        for phedexid in [o['id'] for o in result['phedex']['request_created']]:
            new_transfer = session.query(Transfer).filter(Transfer.phedexid == phedexid).first()
            print phedexid,"transfer created"
            if not new_transfer:
                new_transfer = Transfer( phedexid = phedexid)
                session.add( new_transfer )                
            new_transfer.workflows_id = set()
            for transfering in list(set(map(lambda it : it.split('#')[0], items_to_transfer))):
                new_transfer.workflows_id.update( workflow_dependencies[transfering] )
            new_transfer.workflows_id = list(new_transfer.workflows_id)
            ## auto approve it
            if execute:
                approved = approveSubscription(url, phedexid, [site_se])

    for wfid in wf_id_in_prestaging:
        tr_wf = session.query(Workflow).get(wfid)
        if tr_wf and tr_wf.status!='staging':
            if execute:
                tr_wf.status = 'staging'
                if talk:
                    print "setting",tr_wf.name,"to staging"
print "will make",copies_needed,"of all"

read_file = 'legacy-reco-raw_prio.txt'
for l in open(read_file).read().split('\n'):
    if not l: continue
    if l.startswith('#'): continue
    all_ds = filter(lambda w : w.count('/')==3 and w.startswith('/'), l.split())
    dss.update( all_ds )

print sorted(dss)

for ds in dss:
    availability = getDatasetBlocksFraction(url, ds )
    if availability>=1:  continue
    blocks= []
    chops,sizes = getDatasetChops(ds, chop_threshold = 4000, only_blocks=blocks)
    spreading = distributeToSites( chops, prim_to_distribute, n_copies = copies_needed, weights=SI.cpu_pledges, sizes=sizes)
    print json.dumps(spreading, indent=2)
    for site,items in spreading.items():
        full_spread[site].update( items )

    to_lock.add( ds )

addHocLocks = set(json.loads( open('addhoc_lock.json').read()))
addHocLocks.update( to_lock )
if act:
    open('addhoc_lock.json','w').write( json.dumps( sorted(addHocLocks), indent=2 ) )

for l in to_lock:
    if act:
        LI.lock(l, 'add HOC')
def collector(url, specific, options):
    up = componentInfo(mcm=False, soft=['mcm'])
    if not up.check(): return

    SI = siteInfo()
    dss = DSS()
    #NL = newLockInfo()
    mcm = McMClient(dev=False)
    fetch_in_campaigns = ['RunIISummer15GS']
    mcm_statuses = ['new']  #,'validation','defined','approved']

    will_be_used = defaultdict(list)
    secondary_used = defaultdict(list)
    for campaign, status in itertools.product(fetch_in_campaigns,
        queries = []
        if campaign:
            print "getting for", campaign
            queries.append('member_of_campaign=%s' % campaign)
        if status:
            print "getting for", status
            queries.append('status=%s' % status)
        rs = mcm.getA('requests', query='&'.join(queries))
        for r in rs:
            #if r['type'] != 'Prod': continue
            dataset = r['input_dataset']
            if dataset:
                #print r['prepid'],dataset
            pileup = r['pileup_dataset_name']
            if pileup:

    all_transfers = defaultdict(list)
    print len(will_be_used), "datasets that can be pre-fetched"
    ## for secondary we really need to have the campaign right
    print len(secondary_used), "pileup will be used"

    datasets = will_be_used.keys()
    if options.limit:
        print "Restricting to randomly picked", options.limit
        datasets = datasets[:options.limit]

    for dataset in datasets:
        print "\tlooking at", dataset
        #presence = getDatasetPresence(url, dataset)#, within_sites=['T2_CH_CERN'])
        ## lock all those, and pre-fecth them
        #NL.lock( dataset )
        ## we could get the reqmgr dictionnary from McM if it was implemented and use standard workflowInfo !!!
        for request in will_be_used[dataset]:
            print "will be used by", request['prepid']
            campaign = request['member_of_campaign']
            ## based on the campaign, pre-fetch a site list
            sites_allowed = SI.sites_T1s + SI.sites_with_goodIO
            if options.spread:
                ## pick up the number of copies from campaign
                copies_needed = 1  ## hard coded for now
                copies_needed = 1  ## hard coded for now

            print "Will look for", copies_needed, "of", dataset
            ## figure out where it is and going
            destinations, all_block_names = getDatasetDestinations(
                within_sites=[SI.CE_to_SE(site) for site in sites_allowed])
            print json.dumps(destinations, indent=2)
            prim_location = [
                site for (site, info) in destinations.items()
                if info['completion'] == 100 and info['data_fraction'] == 1
            prim_destination = [
                site for site in destinations.keys()
                if not site in prim_location
            prim_destination = [
                site for site in prim_destination if not any([
                    osite.startswith(site) for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer
            copies_needed = max(0, copies_needed - len(prim_location))
            copies_being_made = [
                    for site, info in destinations.items()
                    if site in prim_destination
                ]) for block in all_block_names

            prim_to_distribute = [
                site for site in sites_allowed
                if not SI.CE_to_SE(site) in prim_location
            prim_to_distribute = [
                site for site in prim_to_distribute
                if not SI.CE_to_SE(site) in prim_destination
            ## take out the ones that cannot receive transfers
            prim_to_distribute = [
                site for site in prim_to_distribute if not any([
                    osite.startswith(site) for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer
            copies_needed = max(0, copies_needed - min(copies_being_made))
            spreading = {}
            if copies_needed:
                print "needing", copies_needed
                chops, sizes = getDatasetChops(dataset,
                spreading = distributeToSites(chops,
                print "no copy needed for", dataset
            for (site, items) in spreading.items():

    print "accumulated transfers"
    print json.dumps(all_transfers, indent=2)
    if not options.test:
            'dataset to be fetched',
            'the following datasets and location were figured from mcm up-coming requests\n%s'
            % (json.dumps(all_transfers, indent=2)),

    ## now collect and make transfer request
    for (site, items_to_transfer) in all_transfers.iteritems():
        print "Directing at", site
        items_to_transfer = list(set(items_to_transfer))

        site_se = SI.CE_to_SE(site)
        blocks = [it for it in items_to_transfer if '#' in it]
        datasets = [it for it in items_to_transfer if not '#' in it]

        print "\t", len(blocks), "blocks"
        ## remove blocks if full dataset is send out
        blocks = [
            block for block in blocks if not block.split('#')[0] in datasets
        blocks_dataset = list(set([block.split('#')[0] for block in blocks]))
        print "\t", len(blocks), "needed blocks for", blocks_dataset
        print "\t", len(datasets), "datasets"
        print "\t", datasets
        items_to_transfer = blocks + datasets
        total_size = 0
        for dataset in datasets:
            ds_size, _ = dss.get_block_size(dataset)
            total_size += ds_size
        for dataset in blocks_dataset:
            _, bs_size = dss.get_block_size(dataset)
            total_size += sum([s for b, s in bs_size if b in blocks])

        print "For a total of", total_size, "[GB]"

        if options.test:
            result = {'phedex': {'request_created': []}}
            ##result = makeReplicaRequest(url, site_se, items_to_transfer, 'fetching pre-production', priority='normal', approve=True)
            ## should make sure there is something in it
def transferor(url ,specific = None, talk=True, options=None):
    if options and options.test:
        execute = False
        execute = True

    SI = siteInfo()
    CI = campaignInfo()

    workflow_dependencies = defaultdict(set) ## list of wf.id per input dataset
    data_to_wf = {}
    for wfo in session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status=='considered').all():
        if specific and not specific in wfo.name: continue

        print wfo.name,"to be transfered"
        wfh = workflowInfo( url, wfo.name)

        #injection_time = time.mktime(time.strptime('.'.join(map(str,wfh.request['RequestDate'])),"%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S")) / (60.*60.)
        #now = time.mktime(time.gmtime()) / (60.*60.)
        #if float(now - injection_time) < 4.:
        #    print "It is too soon to transfer", now, injection_time
        #    continue

        (lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) = wfh.getIO()
        if options and options.tosites:
            sites_allowed = options.tosites.split(',')
            sites_allowed = getSiteWhiteList( (lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) )
        if 'SiteWhitelist' in CI.parameters(wfh.request['Campaign']):
            sites_allowed = CI.parameters(wfh.request['Campaign'])['SiteWhitelist']

        blocks = []
        if 'BlockWhitelist' in wfh.request and wfh.request['BlockWhitelist']:
            blocks = wfh.request['BlockWhitelist']

        can_go = True
        if primary:
            if talk:
                print wfo.name,'reads',', '.join(primary),'in primary'
            ## chope the primary dataset 
            for prim in primary:
                workflow_dependencies[prim].add( wfo.id )
                presence = getDatasetPresence( url, prim )
                prim_location = [site for site,pres in presence.items() if pres[0]==True]
                subscriptions = listSubscriptions( url , prim )
                prim_destination = [site for site in subscriptions]
                prim_to_distribute = [site for site in sites_allowed if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in prim_location])]
                prim_to_distribute = [site for site in prim_to_distribute if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in prim_destination])]
                if len(prim_to_distribute)>0: ## maybe that a parameter we can play with to limit the 
                    if not options or options.chop:
                        spreading = distributeToSites( [[prim]]+getDatasetChops(prim), prim_to_distribute, n_copies = 3, weights=SI.cpu_pledges)
                        spreading = {} 
                        for site in prim_to_distribute: spreading[site]=[prim]
                    can_go = False
                for (site,items) in spreading.items():
                    all_transfers[site].extend( items )

        if secondary:
            if talk:
                print wfo.name,'reads',', '.join(secondary),'in secondary'
            for sec in secondary:
                workflow_dependencies[sec].add( wfo.id )
                presence = getDatasetPresence( url, sec )
                sec_location = [site for site,pres in presence.items() if pres[1]>90.] ## more than 90% of the minbias at sites
                subscriptions = listSubscriptions( url ,sec )
                sec_destination = [site for site in subscriptions] 
                sec_to_distribute = [site for site in sites_allowed if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in sec_location])]
                sec_to_distribute = [site for site in sec_to_distribute if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in sec_destination])]
                if len( sec_to_distribute )>0:
                    for site in sec_to_distribute:
                        all_transfers[site].append( sec )
                        can_go = False
        ## is that possible to do something more
        if can_go:
            print wfo.name,"should just be assigned NOW to",sites_allowed
            wfo.status = 'staged'
            print wfo.name,"needs a transfer"

    #print json.dumps(all_transfers)

    for (site,items_to_transfer) in all_transfers.iteritems():
        items_to_transfer = list(set(items_to_transfer))
        ## convert to storage element
        site_se = SI.CE_to_SE(site)

        ## massage a bit the items
        blocks = [it for it in items_to_transfer if '#' in it]
        datasets = [it for it in items_to_transfer if not '#' in it]

        print "Making a replica to",site,"(CE)",site_se,"(SE) for"
        print "\t",len(blocks),"blocks"
        ## remove blocks if full dataset is send out
        blocks = [block for block in blocks if not block.split('#')[0] in datasets]
        print "\t",len(blocks),"needed blocks"
        print "\t",len(datasets),"datasets"
        print "\t",datasets
        items_to_transfer = blocks + datasets

        ## operate the transfer
        if options and options.stop:
            ## ask to move-on
            answer = raw_input('Continue with that ?')
            if not answer.lower() in ['y','yes','go']:

        if execute:
            result = makeReplicaRequest(url, site_se, items_to_transfer, 'prestaging')
            #result= {'phedex':{'request_created' : [{'id' : fake_id}]}}
            result= {'phedex':{'request_created' : []}}

        if not result:
            print "ERROR Could not make a replica request for",site,items_to_transfer,"pre-staging"
        for phedexid in [o['id'] for o in result['phedex']['request_created']]:
            new_transfer = session.query(Transfer).filter(Transfer.phedexid == phedexid).first()
            if not new_transfer:
                new_transfer = Transfer( phedexid = phedexid)
                session.add( new_transfer )                
            new_transfer.workflows_id = set()
            for transfering in list(set(map(lambda it : it.split('#')[0], items_to_transfer))):
                new_transfer.workflows_id.update( workflow_dependencies[transfering] )
            new_transfer.workflows_id = list(new_transfer.workflows_id)
            ## auto approve it
            if execute:
                approved = approveSubscription(url, phedexid, [site_se])

    for wfid in wf_id_in_prestaging:
        tr_wf = session.query(Workflow).get(wfid)
        if tr_wf and tr_wf.status!='staging':
            if execute:
                tr_wf.status = 'staging'
                if talk:
                    print "setting",tr_wf.name,"to staging"
def transferor(url ,specific = None, talk=True, options=None):
    if userLock():   return
    if duplicateLock():  return

    use_mcm = True
    up = componentInfo(mcm=use_mcm, soft=['mcm'])
    if not up.check(): return
    use_mcm = up.status['mcm']

    if options and options.test:
        execute = False
        execute = True

    SI = siteInfo()
    CI = campaignInfo()
    LI = lockInfo()
    NLI = newLockInfo()
    mcm = McMClient(dev=False)
    dss = DSS()

    print "counting all being handled..."
    being_handled = len(session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status == 'away').all())
    being_handled += len(session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status.startswith('stag')).all())
    being_transfered = len(session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status == 'staging').all())
    being_handled += len(session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status.startswith('assistance-')).all())

    max_to_handle = options.maxworkflows
    max_to_transfer = options.maxstaging

    allowed_to_handle = max(0,max_to_handle - being_handled)
    allowed_to_transfer = max(0,max_to_transfer - being_transfered)
    wf_buffer = 5
    if allowed_to_handle<=wf_buffer: ## buffer for having several wf per transfer
        print "Not allowed to run more than",max_to_handle,"at a time. Currently",being_handled,"and",wf_buffer,"buffer"
        print being_handled,"already being handled",max_to_handle,"max allowed,",allowed_to_handle,"remaining","and",wf_buffer,"buffer"

    if allowed_to_transfer <= wf_buffer:
        print "Not allowed to transfer more than",max_to_transfer,"at a time. Currently",being_transfered,"and",wf_buffer,"buffer"
        print being_transfered,"already being transfered",max_to_transfer,"max allowed,",allowed_to_transfer,"remaining","and",wf_buffer,"buffer"

    print "... done"

    workflow_dependencies = defaultdict(set) ## list of wf.id per input dataset
    print "getting all wf to consider ..."
    cache = getWorkflows(url, 'assignment-approved', details=True)
    for wfo in session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status=='considered').all():
        print "\t",wfo.name
        if specific and not specific in wfo.name: continue
        cache_r =filter(lambda d:d['RequestName']==wfo.name, cache)
        if len(cache_r):
            wfs_and_wfh.append( (wfo, workflowInfo( url, wfo.name, spec=False, request = cache_r[0]) ) )
            wfs_and_wfh.append( (wfo, workflowInfo( url, wfo.name, spec=False) ) )
    print "... done"

    transfers_per_sites = defaultdict(int)
    input_sizes = {}
    input_cput = {}
    input_st = {}
    ## list the size of those in transfer already
    print "getting all wf in staging ..."
    for wfo in session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status=='staging').all():
        wfh = workflowInfo( url, wfo.name, spec=False)
        (lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) = wfh.getIO()
        sites_allowed = getSiteWhiteList( (lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) )
        for site in sites_allowed: ## we should get the actual transfer destination instead of the full white list
            transfers_per_sites[site] += 1 
        #input_cput[wfo.name] = wfh.getComputingTime()
        #input_st[wfo.name] = wfh.getSystemTime()
        for prim in primary:  
            input_sizes[prim] = dss.get( prim )
            print "\t",wfo.name,"needs",input_sizes[prim],"GB"
        in_transfer_priority = max(in_transfer_priority, int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']))
        min_transfer_priority = min(min_transfer_priority, int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']))

    print "... done"
    print "Max priority in transfer already",in_transfer_priority
    print "Min priority in transfer already",min_transfer_priority
    print "transfers per sites"
    print json.dumps( transfers_per_sites, indent=2)
    in_transfer_already = sum(input_sizes.values())
    cput_in_transfer_already = sum(input_cput.values())
    st_in_transfer_already = sum(input_st.values())
    # shuffle first by name
    random.shuffle( wfs_and_wfh )
    #sort by priority higher first
    wfs_and_wfh.sort(cmp = lambda i,j : cmp(int(i[1].request['RequestPriority']),int(j[1].request['RequestPriority']) ), reverse=True)

    ## list the size of all inputs
    print "getting all input sizes ..."
    for (wfo,wfh) in wfs_and_wfh:
        (_,primary,_,_) = wfh.getIO()
        #input_cput[wfo.name] = wfh.getComputingTime()
        #input_st[wfo.name] = wfh.getSystemTime()
        for prim in primary:
            input_sizes[prim] = dss.get( prim )
    print "... done"

    cput_grand_total = sum(input_cput.values())
    cput_to_transfer = cput_grand_total - cput_in_transfer_already
    st_grand_total = sum(input_st.values())
    st_to_transfer = st_grand_total - st_in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f [CPU h] worth already in transfer"%cput_in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f [CPU h] worth is the current requested transfer load"%cput_to_transfer
    print "%15.4f [h] worth of absolute system time in transfer"%( cput_in_transfer_already / SI.availableSlots())
    print "%15.4f [h] worth of absolute system time is the current requested transfer load"%( cput_to_transfer / SI.availableSlots())
    print "%15.4f [h] worth of theoritical system time in transfer"%( st_in_transfer_already )
    print "%15.4f [h] worth of theoritical system time is the current requested transfer load"%( st_to_transfer )

    grand_total =  sum(input_sizes.values()) 
    to_transfer = grand_total  - in_transfer_already
    grand_transfer_limit = options.maxtransfer 
    transfer_limit = grand_transfer_limit - in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f GB already being transfered"%in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f GB is the current requested transfer load"%to_transfer
    print "%15.4f GB is the global transfer limit"%grand_transfer_limit
    print "%15.4f GB is the available limit"%transfer_limit

    max_staging_per_site = options.maxstagingpersite
    # the max priority value per dataset.
    max_priority = defaultdict(int)
    needs_transfer=0 ## so that we can count'em
    passing_along = 0
    destination_cache = {}
    for (wfo,wfh) in wfs_and_wfh:
        print wfh.request['RequestPriority']
        print wfo.name,"to be transfered"
        #wfh = workflowInfo( url, wfo.name)

        (_,primary,_,_) = wfh.getIO()
        this_load=sum([input_sizes[prim] for prim in primary])
        if ( this_load and (sum(transfer_sizes.values())+this_load > transfer_limit or went_over_budget ) ):
            if went_over_budget:
                print "Transfer has gone over bubget."
                print "Transfer will go over bubget."
            print "%15.4f GB this load"%this_load
            print "%15.4f GB already this round"%sum(transfer_sizes.values())
            print "%15.4f GB is the available limit"%transfer_limit
            if int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) >= in_transfer_priority and min_transfer_priority!=in_transfer_priority:
                print "Higher priority sample",wfh.request['RequestPriority'],">=",in_transfer_priority,"go-on over budget"
                if not options.go: 
                    print min_transfer_priority,"minimum priority",wfh.request['RequestPriority'],"<",in_transfer_priority,"stop"

        ## throtlle by campaign go
        if not CI.go( wfh.request['Campaign'] ):
            print "No go for",wfh.request['Campaign']
            if not options.go: 
                sendEmail("no go for managing","No go for "+wfh.request['Campaign'])

        ## check if the batch is announced

        def check_mcm(wfn):
            if not wfn.startswith('pdmvserv'):
                is_real = True
                for b in mcm.getA('batches',query='contains=%s'% wfo.name):
                    is_real = True
                    if b['status']=='announced': 
                    for b in mcm.getA('batches',query='contains=%s'% wfo.name):
                        is_real = True
                        if b['status']=='announced': 
                    print "could not get mcm batch announcement, assuming not real"
            return announced,is_real

        if not use_mcm:
            announced,is_real = False,True
            announced,is_real = check_mcm( wfo.name )

        if not announced:
            print wfo.name,"does not look announced."# skipping?, rejecting?, reporting?"
        if not is_real:
            print wfo.name,"does not appear to be genuine."
            ## prevent any duplication. if the wf is not mentioned in any batch, regardless of status

        ## check on a grace period
        injection_time = time.mktime(time.strptime('.'.join(map(str,wfh.request['RequestDate'])),"%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S")) / (60.*60.)
        now = time.mktime(time.gmtime()) / (60.*60.)
        if float(now - injection_time) < 4.:
            if not options.go and not announced: 
                print "It is too soon to start transfer: %3.2fH remaining"%(now - injection_time)

        if passing_along >= allowed_to_handle:
            #if int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) >= in_transfer_priority and min_transfer_priority!=in_transfer_priority:
            if int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) >= in_transfer_priority and int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) !=min_transfer_priority:
                ## higher priority, and not only this priority being transfered
                print "Higher priority sample",wfh.request['RequestPriority'],">=",in_transfer_priority,"go-on over",max_to_handle
                print "Not allowed to pass more than",max_to_handle,"at a time. Currently",being_handled,"handled, and adding",passing_along
                if not options.go: break

        if this_load and needs_transfer >= allowed_to_transfer:
            #if int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) >= in_transfer_priority and min_transfer_priority!=in_transfer_priority:
            if int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) >= in_transfer_priority and int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) !=min_transfer_priority:
                ## higher priority, and not only this priority being transfered
                print "Higher priority sample",wfh.request['RequestPriority'],">=",in_transfer_priority,"go-on over",max_to_transfer
                print "Not allowed to transfer more than",max_to_transfer,"at a time. Currently",being_transfered,"transfering, and adding",needs_transfer
                if not options.go: continue

        (lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) = wfh.getIO()
        for dataset in list(primary)+list(parent)+list(secondary):
            ## lock everything flat
            NLI.lock( dataset )

        if options and options.tosites:
            sites_allowed = options.tosites.split(',')
            sites_allowed = getSiteWhiteList( (lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) )

        if 'SiteWhitelist' in CI.parameters(wfh.request['Campaign']):
            sites_allowed = CI.parameters(wfh.request['Campaign'])['SiteWhitelist']

        if 'SiteBlacklist' in CI.parameters(wfh.request['Campaign']):
            sites_allowed = list(set(sites_allowed) - set(CI.parameters(wfh.request['Campaign'])['SiteBlacklist']))

        ## reduce right away to sites in case of memory limitation
        memory_allowed = SI.sitesByMemory( wfh.request['Memory'] )
        if memory_allowed!=None:
            print "sites allowing", wfh.request['Memory'],"are",memory_allowed
            sites_allowed = list(set(sites_allowed) & set(memory_allowed))

        if not sites_allowed:
            print wfo.name,"has no possible sites to run at"
            print "available for",wfh.request['Memory'],"are",memory_allowed
            sendEmail("no possible sites","%s has no possible sites to run at"%( wfo.name ))

        blocks = []
        if 'BlockWhitelist' in wfh.request and wfh.request['BlockWhitelist']:
            blocks = wfh.request['BlockWhitelist']
        if 'RunWhitelist' in wfh.request and wfh.request['RunWhitelist']:
            ## should make the block selection here

        if 'LumiList' in wfh.request and wfh.request['LumiList']:
            ## same, we could be doing the white list here too

        if blocks:
            print "Reading",len(blocks),"in whitelist"

        can_go = True
        if primary:
            copies_needed_from_CPUh,CPUh = wfh.getNCopies()

            if talk:
                print wfo.name,'reads',', '.join(primary),'in primary'
            ## chope the primary dataset 
            for prim in primary:
                max_priority[prim] = max(max_priority[prim],int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']))
                sites_allowed = [site for site in sites_allowed if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer])]
                print "Sites allowed minus the vetoed transfer"
                print sorted(sites_allowed)

                copies_needed_from_site = int(0.35*len(sites_allowed))+1 ## should just go for a fixed number based if the white list grows that big
                print "Would make",copies_needed_from_site,"copies from site white list"
                copies_needed = copies_needed_from_site

                print "Would make",copies_needed_from_CPUh,"from cpu requirement",CPUh
                copies_needed = copies_needed_from_CPUh

                if options.maxcopy>0:
                    ## stop maxing things out ??
                    #copies_needed = min(options.maxcopy,copies_needed)
                    #print "Maxed to",copies_needed
                    if copies_needed_from_CPUh > options.maxcopy:
                        sendEmail('An example of more than three copies','for %s it could have been beneficial to make %s copies'%( wfo.name, copies_needed_from_CPUh))

                if 'Campaign' in wfh.request and wfh.request['Campaign'] in CI.campaigns and 'maxcopies' in CI.campaigns[wfh.request['Campaign']]:
                    copies_needed_from_campaign = CI.campaigns[wfh.request['Campaign']]['maxcopies']
                    copies_needed = min(copies_needed_from_campaign,copies_needed_from_site)
                    print "Maxed to",copies_needed,"by campaign configuration",wfh.request['Campaign']

                ## remove the sites that do not want transfers                
                workflow_dependencies[prim].add( wfo.id )

                ###### JR 3/8/15 #### deprecating this
                presence = getDatasetPresence( url, prim , within_sites = [SI.CE_to_SE(site) for site in sites_allowed])
                prim_location = [site for site,pres in presence.items() if pres[0]==True]
                prim_parts = [site for site,pres in presence.items() if pres[0]==False]
                if len(prim_location) >= copies_needed:
                    print "The output is all fully in place at",len(prim_location),"sites"
                # reduce the number of copies required by existing full copies
                copies_needed = max(0,copies_needed - len(prim_location))
                print "now need",copies_needed
                subscriptions = listSubscriptions( url , prim , sites_allowed )
                prim_destination = list(set([site for (site,(tid,decision)) in subscriptions.items() if decision and not any([site.endswith(veto) for veto in ['MSS','Export','Buffer']])]))
                ## remove the subscription where the dataset is in parts at
                #prim_destination = list(set([site for (site,(tid,decision)) in subscriptions.items() if decision and not any([site.endswith(veto) for veto in ['MSS','Export','Buffer']]) and not site in prim_parts]))
                ## need to reject from that list the ones with a full copy already: i.e the transfer corresponds to the copy in place
                prim_destination = [site for site in prim_destination if not site in prim_location]
                ## add transfer dependencies
                latching_on_transfers =  list(set([ tid for (site,(tid,decision)) in subscriptions.items() if decision and site in prim_destination and not any([site.endswith(veto) for veto in ['MSS','Export','Buffer']])]))
                print latching_on_transfers
                ###### JR 3/8/15 #### deprecating this

                ### new ways of making the whole thing
                destinations,all_block_names = getDatasetDestinations(url, prim, within_sites = [SI.CE_to_SE(site) for site in sites_allowed], only_blocks=blocks )
                #destinations,all_block_names = getDatasetDestinations(url, prim, within_sites = [SI.CE_to_SE(site) for site in sites_allowed], only_blocks=blocks, group='DataOps')
                #anaops_destinations,anaops_all_block_names = getDatasetDestinations(url, prim, within_sites = [SI.CE_to_SE(site) for site in sites_allowed], only_blocks=blocks, group='AnalysisOps' )
                print json.dumps(destinations, indent=2)

                ## get where the dataset is in full and completed
                prim_location = [site for (site,info) in destinations.items() if info['completion']==100 and info['data_fraction']==1]
                ## the rest is places it is going to be
                prim_destination = [site for site in destinations.keys() if not site in prim_location]
                ## need to take out the transfer veto
                prim_destination = [site for site in prim_destination if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer])]
                for dsite in prim_destination:
                    needing_locks[dsite].append( prim )

                if len(prim_location) >= copies_needed:
                    print "The output is all fully in place at",len(prim_location),"sites",prim_location
                copies_needed = max(0,copies_needed - len(prim_location))
                print "now need",copies_needed
                copies_being_made = [ sum([info['blocks'].keys().count(block) for site,info in destinations.items() if site in prim_destination]) for block in all_block_names]

                latching_on_transfers = set()
                [latching_on_transfers.update(info['blocks'].values()) for site,info in destinations.items() if site in prim_destination]
                latching_on_transfers = list(latching_on_transfers)
                #print latching_on_transfers

                ## figure out where all this is going to go
                prim_to_distribute = [site for site in sites_allowed if not SI.CE_to_SE(site) in prim_location]
                prim_to_distribute = [site for site in prim_to_distribute if not SI.CE_to_SE(site) in prim_destination]
                ## take out the ones that cannot receive transfers
                prim_to_distribute = [site for site in prim_to_distribute if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer])]

                if any([transfers_per_sites[site] < max_staging_per_site for site in prim_to_distribute]):
                    ## means there is openings let me go
                    print "There are transfer slots available:",[(site,transfers_per_sites[site]) for site in prim_to_distribute]
                    for site in sites_allowed:
                        #increment accross the board, regardless of real destination: could be changed
                        transfers_per_sites[site] += 1
                    if int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) >= in_transfer_priority and min_transfer_priority!=in_transfer_priority:
                        print "Higher priority sample",wfh.request['RequestPriority'],">=",in_transfer_priority,"go-on over transfer slots available"
                        print "Not allowed to transfer more than",max_staging_per_site," per site at a time. Going overboard for",[site for site in prim_to_distribute if transfers_per_sites[site]>=max_staging_per_site]
                        if not options.go:
                            allowed = False

                for latching in latching_on_transfers:
                    tfo = session.query(Transfer).filter(Transfer.phedexid == latching).first()
                    if not tfo:
                        tfo = Transfer( phedexid = latching)
                        tfo.workflows_id = []
                    if not wfo.id in tfo.workflows_id:
                        print "adding",wfo.id,"to",tfo.id,"with phedexid",latching
                        l = copy.deepcopy( tfo.workflows_id )
                        l.append( wfo.id )
                        tfo.workflows_id = l
                    if not options.test:
                        session.flush() ## regardless of commit later on, we need to let the next wf feeding on this transfer to see it in query
                    can_go = False
                    transfer_sizes[prim] = input_sizes[prim]
                    staging = True

                # reduce the number of copies required by the on-going full transfer : how do we bootstrap on waiting for them ??
                #copies_needed = max(0,copies_needed - len(prim_destination))
                copies_needed = max(0,copies_needed - min(copies_being_made))
                print "then need",copies_needed
                if copies_needed == 0:
                    print "The output is either fully in place or getting in full somewhere with",latching_on_transfers
                    can_go = True

                if len(prim_to_distribute)>0: ## maybe that a parameter we can play with to limit the 
                    if not options or options.chop:
                        chops,sizes = getDatasetChops(prim, chop_threshold = options.chopsize, only_blocks=blocks)
                        spreading = distributeToSites( chops, prim_to_distribute, n_copies = copies_needed, weights=SI.cpu_pledges, sizes=sizes)
                        transfer_sizes[prim] = sum(sizes)
                        spreading = {} 
                        for site in prim_to_distribute: 
                            if blocks:
                        transfer_sizes[prim] = input_sizes[prim] ## this is approximate if blocks are specified
                    can_go = False
                    print "selected CE destinations",spreading.keys()
                    for (site,items) in spreading.items():
                        all_transfers[site].extend( items )

        if not allowed:
            print "Not allowed to move on with",wfo.name

        if secondary:
            if talk:
                print wfo.name,'reads',', '.join(secondary),'in secondary'
            for sec in secondary:
                workflow_dependencies[sec].add( wfo.id )

                if False:
                    ## new style, failing on minbias
                    if not sec in destination_cache:
                        ## this is barbbaric, and does not show the correct picture on workflow by workflow with different whitelist
                        destination_cache[sec],_ = getDatasetDestinations(url, sec, within_sites = [SI.CE_to_SE(site) for site in sites_allowed])
                    destinations = destination_cache[sec]
                    ## truncate location/destination to those making up for >90% of the dataset
                    bad_destinations = [destinations.pop(site) for (site,info) in destinations.items() if info['data_fraction']<0.9]
                    sec_location = [site for (site,info) in destinations.items() if info['completion']>=95]
                    sec_destination = [site for site in destinations.keys() if not site in sec_location]
                    ## old style
                    presence = getDatasetPresence( url, sec )
                    sec_location = [site for site,pres in presence.items() if pres[1]>90.] ## more than 90% of the minbias at sites
                    subscriptions = listSubscriptions( url ,sec )
                    sec_destination = [site for site in subscriptions] 

                for site in sec_location:
                    needing_locks[site].append( sec )
                for site in sec_destination:
                    needing_locks[site].append( sec )

                sec_to_distribute = [site for site in sites_allowed if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in sec_location])]
                sec_to_distribute = [site for site in sec_to_distribute if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in sec_destination])]
                sec_to_distribute = [site for site in sec_to_distribute if not  any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer])]
                if len( sec_to_distribute )>0:
                    sec_size = dss.get( sec )
                    for site in sec_to_distribute:
                        site_se =SI.CE_to_SE(site)
                        if (SI.disk[site_se]*1024.) > sec_size:
                            all_transfers[site].append( sec )
                            can_go = False
                            print "could not send the secondary input to",site_se,"because it is too big for the available disk",SI.disk[site_se]*1024,"GB need",sec_size
                            #sendEmail('secondary input too big','%s is too big (%s) for %s (%s)'%( sec, sec_size, site_se, SI.disk[site_se]*1024))

        ## is that possible to do something more
        if can_go:
            ## no explicit transfer required this time
            if staging:
                ## but using existing ones
                print wfo.name,"latches on existing transfers, and nothing else"
                wfo.status = 'staging'
                print wfo.name,"should just be assigned NOW to",sites_allowed
                wfo.status = 'staged'
            print "setting status to",wfo.status
            ## there is an explicit transfer required
            if staging:
                ## and also using an existing one
                print wfo.name,"latches on existing transfers"
                if not options.test:
                    wfo.status = 'staging'
                    print "setting status to",wfo.status
            print wfo.name,"needs a transfer"

    print "accumulated locks of dataset in place"
    print json.dumps(needing_locks, indent=2)
    for site,items in needing_locks.items():
        for item in items:
            LI.lock( item, SI.CE_to_SE(site), 'usable input')
    print "accumulated transfers"
    print json.dumps(all_transfers, indent=2)

    for (site,items_to_transfer) in all_transfers.iteritems():
        items_to_transfer = list(set(items_to_transfer))

        ## convert to storage element
        site_se = SI.CE_to_SE(site)

        ## site that do not want input datasets
        if site in SI.sites_veto_transfer: 
            print site,"does not want transfers"

        ## throttle the transfer size to T2s ? we'd be screwed by a noPU sample properly configured.

        ## massage a bit the items
        blocks = [it for it in items_to_transfer if '#' in it]
        datasets = [it for it in items_to_transfer if not '#' in it]

        if execute:
            print "Making a replica to",site,"(CE)",site_se,"(SE) for"
            print "Would make a replica to",site,"(CE)",site_se,"(SE) for"

        print "\t",len(blocks),"blocks"
        ## remove blocks if full dataset is send out
        blocks = [block for block in blocks if not block.split('#')[0] in datasets]
        print "\t",len(blocks),"needed blocks for",list(set([block.split('#')[0] for block in blocks]))
        print "\t",len(datasets),"datasets"
        print "\t",datasets
        items_to_transfer = blocks + datasets

        ## operate the transfer
        if options and options.stop:
            ## ask to move-on
            answer = raw_input('Continue with that ?')
            if not answer.lower() in ['y','yes','go']:

        if execute:
            result = makeReplicaRequest(url, site_se, items_to_transfer, 'prestaging', priority='normal')
            ## make use of max_priority dataset:priority to set the subscriptions priority
            ## does not function
            once = True
            for item in items_to_transfer:
                bds = item.split('#')[0]
                if max_priority[bds] >= 90000:
                    if once:
                        print "waiting",w,"s before raising priority"
                    ## raise it to high priority
                    print item,"subscription priority raised to high at",site_se
                    #print "This does not work yet properly it seems"
                    print updateSubscription(url, site_se, item, priority='high')
            #for item in list(set([it.split('#')[0] for it in items_to_transfer])):
            for item in items_to_transfer:
                LI.lock( item, site_se, 'pre-staging')
            #result= {'phedex':{'request_created' : [{'id' : fake_id}]}}
            result= {'phedex':{'request_created' : []}}

        if not result:
            print "ERROR Could not make a replica request for",site,items_to_transfer,"pre-staging"
        for phedexid in [o['id'] for o in result['phedex']['request_created']]:
            new_transfer = session.query(Transfer).filter(Transfer.phedexid == phedexid).first()
            print phedexid,"transfer created"
            if not new_transfer:
                new_transfer = Transfer( phedexid = phedexid)
                session.add( new_transfer )                
            new_transfer.workflows_id = set()
            for transfering in list(set(map(lambda it : it.split('#')[0], items_to_transfer))):
                new_transfer.workflows_id.update( workflow_dependencies[transfering] )
            new_transfer.workflows_id = list(new_transfer.workflows_id)
            ## auto approve it
            if execute:
                approved = approveSubscription(url, phedexid, [site_se])

    for wfid in wf_id_in_prestaging:
        tr_wf = session.query(Workflow).get(wfid)
        if tr_wf and tr_wf.status!='staging':
            if execute:
                tr_wf.status = 'staging'
                if talk:
                    print "setting",tr_wf.name,"to staging"
print "will make",copies_needed,"of all"

read_file = 'legacy-reco-raw_prio.txt'
for l in open(read_file).read().split('\n'):
    if not l: continue
    if l.startswith('#'): continue
    all_ds = filter(lambda w : w.count('/')==3 and w.startswith('/'), l.split())
    dss.update( all_ds )

print sorted(dss)

for ds in dss:
    availability = getDatasetBlocksFraction(url, ds )
    if availability>=1:  continue
    blocks= []
    chops,sizes = getDatasetChops(ds, chop_threshold = 4000, only_blocks=blocks)
    spreading = distributeToSites( chops, prim_to_distribute, n_copies = copies_needed, weights=SI.cpu_pledges, sizes=sizes)
    print json.dumps(spreading, indent=2)
    for site,items in spreading.items():
        full_spread[site].update( items )

    to_lock.add( ds )

addHocLocks = set(json.loads( open('addhoc_lock.json').read()))
addHocLocks.update( to_lock )
if act:
    open('addhoc_lock.json','w').write( json.dumps( sorted(addHocLocks), indent=2 ) )

for l in to_lock:
    if act:
        LI.lock(l, 'add HOC')
def transferor(url, specific=None, talk=True, options=None):
    if userLock('transferor'): return

    if options and options.test:
        execute = False
        execute = True

    SI = siteInfo()
    CI = campaignInfo()
    mcm = McMClient(dev=False)
    dss = DSS()

    print "counting all being handled..."
    being_handled = len(
        session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status == 'away').all())
    being_handled += len(
    being_handled += len(
    max_to_handle = options.maxworkflows
    allowed_to_handle = max(0, max_to_handle - being_handled)
    wf_buffer = 5
    if allowed_to_handle <= wf_buffer:  ## buffer for having several wf per transfer
        print "Not allowed to run more than", max_to_handle, "at a time. Currently", being_handled, "and", wf_buffer, "buffer"
        print being_handled, "already being handled", max_to_handle, "max allowed,", allowed_to_handle, "remaining", "and", wf_buffer, "buffer"
    print "... done"

    all_transfers = defaultdict(list)
    workflow_dependencies = defaultdict(
        set)  ## list of wf.id per input dataset
    wfs_and_wfh = []
    print "getting all wf to consider ..."
    cache = getWorkflows(url, 'assignment-approved', details=True)
    for wfo in session.query(Workflow).filter(
            Workflow.status == 'considered').all():
        if specific and not specific in wfo.name: continue
        cache_r = filter(lambda d: d['RequestName'] == wfo.name, cache)
        if len(cache_r):
            wfs_and_wfh.append((wfo, workflowInfo(url, wfo.name, spec=False)))
    print "... done"

    input_sizes = {}
    ## list the size of those in transfer already
    in_transfer_priority = 0
    min_transfer_priority = 100000000
    print "getting all wf in staging ..."
    for wfo in session.query(Workflow).filter(
            Workflow.status == 'staging').all():
        wfh = workflowInfo(url, wfo.name, spec=False)
        (_, primary, _, _) = wfh.getIO()
        for prim in primary:
            input_sizes[prim] = dss.get(prim)
        in_transfer_priority = max(in_transfer_priority,
        min_transfer_priority = min(min_transfer_priority,
    print "... done"
    print "Max priority in transfer already", in_transfer_priority
    print "Min priority in transfer already", min_transfer_priority
    in_transfer_already = sum(input_sizes.values())

    #sort by priority higher first
    wfs_and_wfh.sort(cmp=lambda i, j: cmp(int(i[1].request[
        'RequestPriority']), int(j[1].request['RequestPriority'])),

    ## list the size of all inputs
    print "getting all input sizes ..."
    for (wfo, wfh) in wfs_and_wfh:
        (_, primary, _, _) = wfh.getIO()
        for prim in primary:
            input_sizes[prim] = dss.get(prim)
    print "... done"

    grand_total = sum(input_sizes.values())
    to_transfer = grand_total - in_transfer_already
    grand_transfer_limit = options.maxtransfer
    transfer_limit = grand_transfer_limit - in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f GB already being transfered" % in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f GB is the current requested transfer load" % to_transfer
    print "%15.4f GB is the global transfer limit" % grand_transfer_limit
    print "%15.4f GB is the available limit" % transfer_limit

    # the max priority value per dataset.
    max_priority = defaultdict(int)
    needs_transfer = 0  ## so that we can count'em
    passing_along = 0
    transfer_sizes = {}
    went_over_budget = False
    for (wfo, wfh) in wfs_and_wfh:
        print wfh.request['RequestPriority']
        print wfo.name, "to be transfered"
        #wfh = workflowInfo( url, wfo.name)

        (_, primary, _, _) = wfh.getIO()
        this_load = sum([input_sizes[prim] for prim in primary])
        if (this_load
                and (sum(transfer_sizes.values()) + this_load > transfer_limit
                     or went_over_budget)):
            if went_over_budget:
                print "Transfer has gone over bubget."
                print "Transfer will go over bubget."
            print "%15.4f GB this load" % this_load
            print "%15.4f GB already this round" % sum(transfer_sizes.values())
            print "%15.4f GB is the available limit" % transfer_limit
            went_over_budget = True
            if int(
            ) >= in_transfer_priority and min_transfer_priority != in_transfer_priority:
                print "Higher priority sample", wfh.request[
                    'RequestPriority'], ">=", in_transfer_priority, "go-on over budget"
                if not options.go:
                    print min_transfer_priority, "minimum priority", wfh.request[
                        'RequestPriority'], "<", in_transfer_priority, "stop"

        ## throtlle by campaign go
        if not CI.go(wfh.request['Campaign']):
            print "No go for", wfh.request['Campaign']
            if not options.go: continue

        ## check if the batch is announced
        announced = False
        is_real = False
        for b in mcm.getA('batches', query='contains=%s' % wfo.name):
            is_real = True
            if b['status'] == 'announced':
                announced = True

        if not announced:
            print wfo.name, "does not look announced."  # skipping?, rejecting?, reporting?"

        if not is_real:
            print wfo.name, "does not appear to be genuine."
            ## prevent any duplication. if the wf is not mentioned in any batch, regardless of status

        ## check on a grace period
        injection_time = time.mktime(
            time.strptime('.'.join(map(str, wfh.request['RequestDate'])),
                          "%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S")) / (60. * 60.)
        now = time.mktime(time.gmtime()) / (60. * 60.)
        if float(now - injection_time) < 4.:
            if not options.go and not announced:
                print "It is too soon to start transfer: %3.2fH remaining" % (
                    now - injection_time)

        passing_along += 1
        if passing_along >= allowed_to_handle:
            if int(
            ) >= in_transfer_priority and min_transfer_priority != in_transfer_priority:
                print "Higher priority sample", wfh.request[
                    'RequestPriority'], ">=", in_transfer_priority, "go-on over", max_to_handle
                print "Not allowed to pass more than", max_to_handle, "at a time. Currently", being_handled, "handled, and adding", passing_along

        (lheinput, primary, parent, secondary) = wfh.getIO()
        if options and options.tosites:
            sites_allowed = options.tosites.split(',')
            sites_allowed = getSiteWhiteList(
                (lheinput, primary, parent, secondary))

        if 'SiteWhitelist' in CI.parameters(wfh.request['Campaign']):
            sites_allowed = CI.parameters(

        blocks = []
        if 'BlockWhitelist' in wfh.request and wfh.request['BlockWhitelist']:
            blocks = wfh.request['BlockWhitelist']

        can_go = True
        staging = False
        if primary:
            if talk:
                print wfo.name, 'reads', ', '.join(primary), 'in primary'
            ## chope the primary dataset
            for prim in primary:
                max_priority[prim] = max(max_priority[prim],
                sites_really_allowed = [
                    site for site in sites_allowed if not any([
                        for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer
                print "Sites allowed minus the vetoed transfer"
                print sites_really_allowed
                copies_needed = int(
                    0.35 * len(sites_really_allowed)
                ) + 1  ## should just go for a fixed number based if the white list grows that big
                print "Would make", copies_needed, "copies"
                if options.maxcopy > 0:
                    copies_needed = min(options.maxcopy, copies_needed)

                ## remove the sites that do not want transfers
                print "need", copies_needed
                presence = getDatasetPresence(url, prim)
                prim_location = [
                    site for site, pres in presence.items() if pres[0] == True
                if len(prim_location) >= copies_needed:
                    print "The output is all fully in place at", len(
                        prim_location), "sites"
                # reduce the number of copies required by existing full copies
                copies_needed = max(0, copies_needed - len(prim_location))
                print "now need", copies_needed
                subscriptions = listSubscriptions(url, prim)
                prim_destination = list(
                        for (site, (tid, decision)) in subscriptions.items()
                        if decision and not any([
                            for veto in ['MSS', 'Export', 'Buffer']
                ## need to reject from that list the ones with a full copy already: i.e the transfer corresponds to the copy in place
                prim_destination = [
                    site for site in prim_destination
                    if not site in prim_location
                ## add transfer dependencies
                latching_on_transfers = list(
                        for (site, (tid, decision)) in subscriptions.items()
                        if decision and site in prim_destination and not any([
                            for veto in ['MSS', 'Export', 'Buffer']
                print latching_on_transfers
                for latching in latching_on_transfers:
                    tfo = session.query(Transfer).filter(
                        Transfer.phedexid == latching).first()
                    if not tfo:
                        tfo = Transfer(phedexid=latching)
                        tfo.workflows_id = []

                    if not wfo.id in tfo.workflows_id:
                        print "adding", wfo.id, "to", tfo.id, "with phedexid", latching
                        l = copy.deepcopy(tfo.workflows_id)
                        tfo.workflows_id = l
                    if not options.test:
                        )  ## regardless of commit later on, we need to let the next wf feeding on this transfer to see it in query
                    can_go = False
                    transfer_sizes[prim] = input_sizes[prim]
                    staging = True

                # reduce the number of copies required by the on-going full transfer : how do we bootstrap on waiting for them ??
                copies_needed = max(0, copies_needed - len(prim_destination))
                print "then need", copies_needed
                if copies_needed == 0:
                    print "The output is either fully in place or getting in full somewhere with", latching_on_transfers
                    can_go = True
                prim_to_distribute = [
                    site for site in sites_allowed if not any(
                        [osite.startswith(site) for osite in prim_location])
                prim_to_distribute = [
                    site for site in prim_to_distribute if not any(
                        [osite.startswith(site) for osite in prim_destination])
                ## take out the ones that cannot receive transfers
                prim_to_distribute = [
                    site for site in prim_to_distribute if not any([
                        for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer
                if len(
                ) > 0:  ## maybe that a parameter we can play with to limit the
                    if not options or options.chop:
                        spreading = distributeToSites(getDatasetChops(prim),
                        spreading = {}
                        for site in prim_to_distribute:
                            spreading[site] = [prim]
                    can_go = False
                    transfer_sizes[prim] = input_sizes[prim]
                    for (site, items) in spreading.items():

        if secondary:
            if talk:
                print wfo.name, 'reads', ', '.join(secondary), 'in secondary'
            for sec in secondary:
                presence = getDatasetPresence(url, sec)
                sec_location = [
                    site for site, pres in presence.items() if pres[1] > 90.
                ]  ## more than 90% of the minbias at sites
                subscriptions = listSubscriptions(url, sec)
                sec_destination = [site for site in subscriptions]
                sec_to_distribute = [
                    site for site in sites_allowed if
                    not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in sec_location])
                sec_to_distribute = [
                    site for site in sec_to_distribute if not any(
                        [osite.startswith(site) for osite in sec_destination])
                sec_to_distribute = [
                    site for site in sec_to_distribute if not any([
                        for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer
                if len(sec_to_distribute) > 0:
                    for site in sec_to_distribute:
                        can_go = False

        ## is that possible to do something more
        if can_go:
            ## no explicit transfer required this time
            if staging:
                ## but using existing ones
                print wfo.name, "latches on existing transfers, and nothing else"
                wfo.status = 'staging'
                print wfo.name, "should just be assigned NOW to", sites_allowed
                wfo.status = 'staged'
            print "setting status to", wfo.status
            ## there is an explicit transfer required
            if staging:
                ## and also using an existing one
                print wfo.name, "latches on existing transfers"
                if not options.test:
                    wfo.status = 'staging'
                    print "setting status to", wfo.status
            print wfo.name, "needs a transfer"
            needs_transfer += 1

    #print json.dumps(all_transfers)
    fake_id = -1
    wf_id_in_prestaging = set()

    for (site, items_to_transfer) in all_transfers.iteritems():
        items_to_transfer = list(set(items_to_transfer))
        ## convert to storage element
        site_se = SI.CE_to_SE(site)

        ## site that do not want input datasets
        if site in SI.sites_veto_transfer:
            print site, "does not want transfers"

        ## throttle the transfer size to T2s ? we'd be screwed by a noPU sample properly configured.

        ## massage a bit the items
        blocks = [it for it in items_to_transfer if '#' in it]
        datasets = [it for it in items_to_transfer if not '#' in it]

        if execute:
            print "Making a replica to", site, "(CE)", site_se, "(SE) for"
            print "Would make a replica to", site, "(CE)", site_se, "(SE) for"

        print "\t", len(blocks), "blocks"
        ## remove blocks if full dataset is send out
        blocks = [
            block for block in blocks if not block.split('#')[0] in datasets
        print "\t", len(blocks), "needed blocks for", list(
            set([block.split('#')[0] for block in blocks]))
        print "\t", len(datasets), "datasets"
        print "\t", datasets
        items_to_transfer = blocks + datasets

        ## operate the transfer
        if options and options.stop:
            ## ask to move-on
            answer = raw_input('Continue with that ?')
            if not answer.lower() in ['y', 'yes', 'go']:

        if execute:
            result = makeReplicaRequest(url,
            ## make use of max_priority dataset:priority to set the subscriptions priority
            ## does not function
            once = True
            for item in items_to_transfer:
                bds = item.split('#')[0]
                if max_priority[bds] >= 90000:
                    if once:
                        print "waiting",w,"s before raising priority"
                    ## raise it to high priority
                    print item,"subscription priority raised to high at",site_se
                    #print "This does not work yet properly it seems"
                    print updateSubscription(url, site_se, item, priority='high')
            #result= {'phedex':{'request_created' : [{'id' : fake_id}]}}
            result = {'phedex': {'request_created': []}}
            fake_id -= 1

        if not result:
            print "ERROR Could not make a replica request for", site, items_to_transfer, "pre-staging"
        for phedexid in [o['id'] for o in result['phedex']['request_created']]:
            new_transfer = session.query(Transfer).filter(
                Transfer.phedexid == phedexid).first()
            print phedexid, "transfer created"
            if not new_transfer:
                new_transfer = Transfer(phedexid=phedexid)
            new_transfer.workflows_id = set()
            for transfering in list(
                    set(map(lambda it: it.split('#')[0], items_to_transfer))):
            new_transfer.workflows_id = list(new_transfer.workflows_id)
            ## auto approve it
            if execute:
                approved = approveSubscription(url, phedexid, [site_se])

    for wfid in wf_id_in_prestaging:
        tr_wf = session.query(Workflow).get(wfid)
        if tr_wf and tr_wf.status != 'staging':
            if execute:
                tr_wf.status = 'staging'
                if talk:
                    print "setting", tr_wf.name, "to staging"