def performScanForFile(file, type, maxSignalRange=None, ignoreCS=True, noScan=False): print "Performing Scan for file", file print "Called with ignoreCS", ignoreCS, "noScan", noScan scan = [] basicCond = None if type == "2l": basicCond = str( utils.LUMINOSITY ) + " * Weight * ((leptons[1].Pt() <= 3.5 || deltaR < 0.3) && Met >= 200 && invMass < 30 && dilepBDT >= " else: basicCond = str( utils.LUMINOSITY ) + " * Weight * (Met >= 200 && invMass < 30 && dilepBDT >= " rootFile = TFile(file) c = rootFile.Get('tEvent') i = 0 if noScan: print "Wanted no scan" dilepBDT = -0.3 cond = basicCond + "{:.2f}".format(dilepBDT) + ")" hist = utils.getHistogramFromTree("sig_" + "{:.2f}".format(dilepBDT), c, observable, binsNumber, minX, maxX, cond, True) if not hist: print "WTF" exit(0) scan.append(hist) else: for dilepBDT in numpy.arange(-0.3, 0.6, 0.05): i += 1 if maxSignalRange is not None and i > maxSignalRange: print "*** breaking scan because of signal at", i, "maxSignalRange=", maxSignalRange break cond = basicCond + "{:.2f}".format(dilepBDT) + ")" if not ignoreCS: cond += " * BranchingRatio" #print "cond=" + cond hist = utils.getHistogramFromTree( "sig_" + "{:.2f}".format(dilepBDT), c, observable, binsNumber, minX, maxX, cond, True) if not hist: print "WTF" exit(0) if hist.Integral() == 0: print "Stopping at value", dilepBDT break scan.append(hist) return scan
def countBgInFiles(type, rootFiles, counts): for f in rootFiles: print f if os.path.basename(f) in ignore_bg_files: print "File", f, "in ignore list. Skipping..." continue rootFile = TFile(f) c = rootFile.Get('tEvent') #print c for bgReTagType in bgReTaggingOrder: #print bgReTagType drawString = hist_def["cond"] + " * " + bgReTagging[bgReTagType] hist = utils.getHistogramFromTree("tmp", c, hist_def["obs"], hist_def["bins"], hist_def["minX"], hist_def["maxX"], drawString, False) #print hist #print "{:.2f}".format(hist.Integral()) if counts[type].get(bgReTagType) is None: counts[type][bgReTagType] = 0 counts[type][bgReTagType] += hist.Integral() rootFile.Close()
def main(): print "Start: " +'%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S') c1 = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 800, 800) signal_histograms = {} bg_histograms = {} significance = {} for filename in glob(bg_dir + "/*"): print "Opening", filename f = TFile(filename) c = f.Get('tEvent') # for CorrJetObs in utils.leptonIsolationList: # ptRanges = [""] # if CorrJetObs == "CorrJetIso": # ptRanges = utils.leptonCorrJetIsoPtRange # for ptRange in ptRanges: # isoStr = CorrJetObs + str(ptRange) isoStr = defaultJetIsoSetting for lep in ["Muons", "Electrons"]: shortLep = "m" if lep == "Electrons": shortLep = "e" for category in categories: catStr = category["name"] catCond = category["condition"].replace("$LEPTONS", lep).replace( "$ISOSTR", isoStr) basename = os.path.basename(filename).split(".")[0] hist = utils.getHistogramFromTree( basename + "exTrack_dilepBDT" + lep + isoStr, c, "exTrack_dilepBDT" + isoStr, 10, -0.6, 0.7, str(utils.LUMINOSITY) + "* passedMhtMet6pack * tEffhMetMhtRealXMht2016 * Weight * (exclusiveTrack" + isoStr + " == 1 && MHT >= 220 && MET >= 200 && exTrack_invMass" + isoStr + " < 30 && BTagsDeepMedium == 0 && exclusiveTrackLeptonFlavour" + isoStr + " == \"" + lep + "\" " + catCond + ")", True) hist.Sumw2() if bg_histograms.get(isoStr) is None: bg_histograms[isoStr] = {} if bg_histograms[isoStr].get(catStr) is None: bg_histograms[isoStr][catStr] = {} if bg_histograms[isoStr][catStr].get("t" + shortLep) is None: bg_histograms[isoStr][catStr]["t" + shortLep] = hist else: bg_histograms[isoStr][catStr]["t" + shortLep].Add(hist) for orth in (True, False): if not orth: hist = utils.getHistogramFromTree( basename + "dilepBDT" + lep + isoStr, c, "dilepBDT" + isoStr, 10, 0, 0.7, str(utils.LUMINOSITY) + "* passedMhtMet6pack * tEffhMetMhtRealXMht2016 * Weight * (twoLeptons" + isoStr + " == 1 && MHT >= 220 && MET >= 200 && invMass" + isoStr + " < 12 && invMass" + isoStr + " > 0.4 && !(invMass" + isoStr + " > 3 && invMass" + isoStr + " < 3.2) && !(invMass" + isoStr + " > 0.75 && invMass" + isoStr + " < 0.81) && dilepBDT" + isoStr + " > 0 && BTagsDeepMedium == 0 && @leptons" + isoStr + ".size() == 2 && leptonFlavour" + isoStr + " == \"" + lep + "\" && sameSign" + isoStr + " == 0 " + catCond + ")", True) else: hist = utils.getHistogramFromTree( basename + "dilepBDT" + lep + isoStr, c, "dilepBDT" + isoStr, 10, 0, 0.7, str(utils.LUMINOSITY) + "* passedMhtMet6pack * tEffhMetMhtRealXMht2016 * Weight * (twoLeptons" + isoStr + " == 1 && (leptons" + isoStr + "[1].Pt() <= 3.5 || deltaR" + isoStr + " <= 0.3) && MHT >= 220 && MET >= 200 && invMass" + isoStr + " < 12 && invMass" + isoStr + " > 0.4 && !(invMass" + isoStr + " > 3 && invMass" + isoStr + " < 3.2) && !(invMass" + isoStr + " > 0.75 && invMass" + isoStr + " < 0.81) && dilepBDT" + isoStr + " > 0 && BTagsDeepMedium == 0 && @leptons" + isoStr + ".size() == 2 && leptonFlavour" + isoStr + " == \"" + lep + "\" && sameSign" + isoStr + " == 0 " + catCond + ")", True) hist.Sumw2() orthStr = "orth" if orth else "non-orth" if bg_histograms[isoStr][catStr].get(shortLep + shortLep) is None: bg_histograms[isoStr][catStr][shortLep + shortLep] = {} if bg_histograms[isoStr][catStr][shortLep + shortLep].get( orthStr) is None: bg_histograms[isoStr][catStr][shortLep + shortLep][orthStr] = hist else: bg_histograms[isoStr][catStr][ shortLep + shortLep][orthStr].Add(hist) f.Close() print "Getting signals..." for filename in glob(signal_dir + "/*"): print "Opening", filename deltaM = os.path.basename(filename).split('_')[-1].split( 'Chi20Chipm')[0].split('dm')[1] mu = os.path.basename(filename).split('_')[1].split('mu')[1] print "deltaM=" + deltaM print "mu=" + mu f = TFile(filename) c = f.Get('tEvent') if signal_histograms.get(mu) is None: signal_histograms[mu] = {} significance[mu] = {} if signal_histograms[mu].get(deltaM) is None: signal_histograms[mu][deltaM] = {} significance[mu][deltaM] = {} # for CorrJetObs in utils.leptonIsolationList: # ptRanges = [""] # if CorrJetObs == "CorrJetIso": # ptRanges = utils.leptonCorrJetIsoPtRange # for ptRange in ptRanges: # isoStr = CorrJetObs + str(ptRange) isoStr = defaultJetIsoSetting if signal_histograms[mu][deltaM].get(isoStr) is None: signal_histograms[mu][deltaM][isoStr] = {} significance[mu][deltaM][isoStr] = {} for lep in ["Muons", "Electrons"]: print mu, deltaM, isoStr, lep shortLep = "m" if lep == "Electrons": shortLep = "e" for category in categories: catStr = category["name"] catCond = category["condition"].replace("$LEPTONS", lep).replace( "$ISOSTR", isoStr) hist = utils.getHistogramFromTree( mu + deltaM + isoStr + "_1t_" + lep, c, "exTrack_dilepBDT" + isoStr, 10, -0.6, 0.7, str(utils.LUMINOSITY) + "* passedMhtMet6pack * tEffhMetMhtRealXMht2016 * Weight * (exclusiveTrack" + isoStr + " == 1 && MHT >= 220 && MET >= 200 && exTrack_invMass" + isoStr + " < 30 && BTagsDeepMedium == 0 && exclusiveTrackLeptonFlavour" + isoStr + " == \"" + lep + "\" " + catCond + ")", True) hist.Sumw2() if signal_histograms[mu][deltaM][isoStr].get(catStr) is None: signal_histograms[mu][deltaM][isoStr][catStr] = {} significance[mu][deltaM][isoStr][catStr] = {} signal_histograms[mu][deltaM][isoStr][catStr]["t" + shortLep] = hist #sig = utils.calcSignificance(hist, bg_histograms[isoStr][catStr]["t" + shortLep], False) sig = utils.calcSignificanceNoAcc( hist, bg_histograms[isoStr][catStr]["t" + shortLep], False) significance[mu][deltaM][isoStr][catStr]["t" + shortLep] = sig for orth in (True, False): if not orth: hist = utils.getHistogramFromTree( mu + deltaM + isoStr + "_2l_" + lep, c, "dilepBDT" + isoStr, 10, 0, 0.7, str(utils.LUMINOSITY) + "* passedMhtMet6pack * tEffhMetMhtRealXMht2016 * Weight * (twoLeptons" + isoStr + " == 1 && MHT >= 220 && MET >= 200 && invMass" + isoStr + " < 12 && invMass" + isoStr + " > 0.4 && !(invMass" + isoStr + " > 3 && invMass" + isoStr + " < 3.2) && !(invMass" + isoStr + " > 0.75 && invMass" + isoStr + " < 0.81) && dilepBDT" + isoStr + " > 0 && BTagsDeepMedium == 0 && @leptons" + isoStr + ".size() == 2 && leptonFlavour" + isoStr + " == \"" + lep + "\" && sameSign" + isoStr + " == 0 " + catCond + ")", True) else: hist = utils.getHistogramFromTree( mu + deltaM + isoStr + "_2l_" + lep, c, "dilepBDT" + isoStr, 10, 0, 0.7, str(utils.LUMINOSITY) + "* passedMhtMet6pack * tEffhMetMhtRealXMht2016 * Weight * (twoLeptons" + isoStr + " == 1 && (leptons" + isoStr + "[1].Pt() <= 3.5 || deltaR" + isoStr + " <= 0.3) && MHT >= 220 && MET >= 200 && invMass" + isoStr + " < 12 && invMass" + isoStr + " > 0.4 && !(invMass" + isoStr + " > 3 && invMass" + isoStr + " < 3.2) && !(invMass" + isoStr + " > 0.75 && invMass" + isoStr + " < 0.81) && dilepBDT" + isoStr + " > 0 && BTagsDeepMedium == 0 && @leptons" + isoStr + ".size() == 2 && leptonFlavour" + isoStr + " == \"" + lep + "\" && sameSign" + isoStr + " == 0 " + catCond + ")", True) hist.Sumw2() orthStr = "orth" if orth else "non-orth" if signal_histograms[mu][deltaM][isoStr][catStr].get( shortLep + shortLep) is None: signal_histograms[mu][deltaM][isoStr][catStr][ shortLep + shortLep] = {} significance[mu][deltaM][isoStr][catStr][ shortLep + shortLep] = {} signal_histograms[mu][deltaM][isoStr][catStr][ shortLep + shortLep][orthStr] = hist sig = utils.calcSignificanceNoAcc( hist, bg_histograms[isoStr][catStr][shortLep + shortLep][orthStr], False) significance[mu][deltaM][isoStr][catStr][ shortLep + shortLep][orthStr] = sig f.Close() print significance categoriesCSV = ",".join(sorted(significance[mu][deltaM][isoStr].keys())) print "mu,deltaM,iso,category,ee,orth-ee,mm,orth-mm,te,tm" for mu in sorted(significance.keys()): for deltaM in sorted(significance[mu].keys()): for isoStr in sorted(significance[mu][deltaM].keys()): for catStr in sorted(significance[mu][deltaM][isoStr].keys()): print ",".join( (mu, deltaM, isoStr, catStr, "{:.2f}".format(significance[mu][deltaM][isoStr] [catStr]["ee"]["non-orth"]), "{:.2f}".format(significance[mu][deltaM][isoStr] [catStr]["ee"]["orth"]), "{:.2f}".format(significance[mu][deltaM][isoStr] [catStr]["mm"]["non-orth"]), "{:.2f}".format(significance[mu][deltaM][isoStr] [catStr]["mm"]["orth"]), "{:.2f}".format( significance[mu][deltaM][isoStr][catStr]["te"]), "{:.2f}".format( significance[mu][deltaM][isoStr][catStr]["tm"]))) print "End: " +'%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S')
def main(): print "Start: " +'%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S') fnew = TFile(output_file, 'recreate') c1 = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 800, 800) i = 0 print "Getting signals..." for signal_file in signals: filename = signal_dir + "/higgsino_" + signal_file + "Chi20Chipm.root" print "=====================================\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" print "Opening", filename if sam: deltaM = utils.getPointFromSamFileName(filename) else: print filename deltaM = utils.getPointFromFileName(filename) print "deltaM=" + deltaM f = TFile(filename) c = f.Get('tEvent') for lep in ["Muons", "Electrons"]: if lep == "Electrons": continue for iso in utils.leptonIsolationList: for cat in utils.leptonIsolationCategories: ptRanges = [""] drCuts = [""] if iso == "CorrJetIso": ptRanges = utils.leptonCorrJetIsoPtRange drCuts = utils.leptonCorrJetIsoDrCuts for ptRange in ptRanges: for drCut in drCuts: cuts = "" if len(str(ptRange)) > 0: cuts = str(ptRange) + "Dr" + str(drCut) jetiso = iso + cuts + cat #1t category #hist = utils.getHistogramFromTree(deltaM + "_1t_" + lep + "_" + jetiso, c, "exTrack_dilepBDT" + jetiso, bins, -1, 1, str(utils.LUMINOSITY) + "* passedMhtMet6pack * tEffhMetMhtRealXMht2016 * Weight * BranchingRatio * (exclusiveTrack" + jetiso + " == 1 && MinDeltaPhiMetJets > 0.4 && MET >= 140 && MHT >= 220 && exTrack_invMass" + jetiso + " < 12 && BTagsDeepMedium == 0 && exclusiveTrackLeptonFlavour" + jetiso + " == \"" + lep + "\")", True) # hist.Sumw2() # # hist.Write() orth_cond = " && (leptons" + jetiso + "[1].Pt() <= 3.5 || deltaR" + jetiso + " <= 0.3)" orthOpt = [True, False ] if lep == "Muons" else [False] isoCrs = [True, False ] if iso == "CorrJetIso" else [False] for orth in orthOpt: for isoCr in isoCrs: hist = utils.getHistogramFromTree( deltaM + "_2l_" + ("orth_" if orth else "") + lep + "_" + jetiso + ("_isoCr" if isoCr else ""), c, "dilepBDT" + jetiso, bins, -1, 1, str(utils.LUMINOSITY) + "* passedMhtMet6pack * tEffhMetMhtRealXMht2016 * Weight * BranchingRatio * (twoLeptons" + jetiso + " == 1 " + (orth_cond if orth else "") + " && MinDeltaPhiMetJets > 0.4 && MET >= 140 && MHT >= 220 && invMass" + jetiso + " < 12 && invMass" + jetiso + " > 0.4 && !(invMass" + jetiso + " > 3 && invMass" + jetiso + " < 3.2) && !(invMass" + jetiso + " > 0.75 && invMass" + jetiso + " < 0.81) && BTagsDeepMedium == 0 && vetoElectronsPassIso == 0 && vetoMuonsPassIso == 0 && leptonFlavour" + jetiso + " == \"" + lep + "\" && sameSign" + jetiso + " == 0 " + (("&& isoCr" + jetiso + (" >= 1" if isoCr else " == 0")) if len(cuts) > 0 else "") + ")", True) hist.Sumw2() hist.Write() f.Close() bg_1t_hist = {} bg_2l_hist = {} print "Getting BG..." bg_files = [bg_slim_file] for filename in bg_files: #glob(bg_dir + "/*"): print "=====================================\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" print "Opening", filename f = TFile(filename) c = f.Get('tEvent') for lep in ["Muons", "Electrons"]: if lep == "Electrons": continue for iso in utils.leptonIsolationList: for cat in utils.leptonIsolationCategories: ptRanges = [""] drCuts = [""] if iso == "CorrJetIso": ptRanges = utils.leptonCorrJetIsoPtRange drCuts = utils.leptonCorrJetIsoDrCuts for ptRange in ptRanges: for drCut in drCuts: cuts = "" if len(str(ptRange)) > 0: cuts = str(ptRange) + "Dr" + str(drCut) jetiso = iso + cuts + cat basename = os.path.basename(filename).split(".")[0] # prev #hist = utils.getHistogramFromTree(basename, c, "exTrack_dilepBDT", 30, -0.6, 0.6, str(utils.LUMINOSITY) + "* passedMhtMet6pack * tEffhMetMhtRealXMht2016 * Weight * (exclusiveTrack == 1 && MHT >= 220 && MET >= 200 && exTrack_invMass < 30 && BTagsDeepMedium == 0 && exTrack_dilepBDT >= 0 && exclusiveTrackLeptonFlavour == \"" + lep + "\")", True) # Making new version without trackBDT precut # 1t category # hist = utils.getHistogramFromTree("bg_1t_" + lep + "_" + jetiso, c, "exTrack_dilepBDT" + jetiso, bins, -1, 1, str(utils.LUMINOSITY) + "* passedMhtMet6pack * tEffhMetMhtRealXMht2016 * Weight * BranchingRatio * (exclusiveTrack" + jetiso + " == 1 && MinDeltaPhiMetJets > 0.4 && MET >= 140 && MHT >= 220 && exTrack_invMass" + jetiso + " < 12 && BTagsDeepMedium == 0 && exclusiveTrackLeptonFlavour" + jetiso + " == \"" + lep + "\")", True) # # hist.Sumw2() # if bg_1t_hist.get(lep) is None: # bg_1t_hist[lep + "_" + jetiso] = hist # else: # bg_1t_hist[lep + "_" + jetiso].Add(hist) # orthOpt = [True, False ] if lep == "Muons" else [False] orth_cond = " && (leptons" + jetiso + "[1].Pt() <= 3.5 || deltaR" + jetiso + " <= 0.3)" isoCrs = [True, False ] if iso == "CorrJetIso" else [False] print "isoCrs", isoCrs for orth in orthOpt: for isoCr in isoCrs: print("2l", lep, orth, jetiso, isoCr) hist = utils.getHistogramFromTree( "bg_2l_" + lep + ("_orth" if orth else "") + "_" + jetiso + ("_isoCr" if isoCr else ""), c, "dilepBDT" + jetiso, bins, -1, 1, str(utils.LUMINOSITY) + "* passedMhtMet6pack * tEffhMetMhtRealXMht2016 * Weight * BranchingRatio * (twoLeptons" + jetiso + " == 1 " + (orth_cond if orth else "") + " && MinDeltaPhiMetJets > 0.4 && MET >= 140 && MHT >= 220 && invMass" + jetiso + " < 12 && invMass" + jetiso + " > 0.4 && !(invMass" + jetiso + " > 3 && invMass" + jetiso + " < 3.2) && !(invMass" + jetiso + " > 0.75 && invMass" + jetiso + " < 0.81) && BTagsDeepMedium == 0 && vetoElectronsPassIso == 0 && vetoMuonsPassIso == 0 && leptonFlavour" + jetiso + " == \"" + lep + "\" && sameSign" + jetiso + " == 0 " + (("&& isoCr" + jetiso + (" >= 1" if isoCr else " == 0")) if len(cuts) > 0 else "") + ")", True) hist.Sumw2() if bg_2l_hist.get(lep + ( "_orth" if orth else "")) is None: bg_2l_hist[ lep + ("_orth" if orth else "") + "_" + jetiso + ("_isoCr" if isoCr else "")] = hist else: bg_2l_hist[lep + ("_orth" if orth else "") + "_" + jetiso + ("_isoCr" if isoCr else "")].Add(hist) f.Close() for lep in ["Muons", "Electrons"]: if lep == "Electrons": continue for iso in utils.leptonIsolationList: for cat in utils.leptonIsolationCategories: ptRanges = [""] drCuts = [""] if iso == "CorrJetIso": ptRanges = utils.leptonCorrJetIsoPtRange drCuts = utils.leptonCorrJetIsoDrCuts for ptRange in ptRanges: for drCut in drCuts: cuts = "" if len(str(ptRange)) > 0: cuts = str(ptRange) + "Dr" + str(drCut) jetiso = iso + cuts + cat #bg_1t_hist[lep + "_" + jetiso].Write("bg_1t_" + lep + "_" + jetiso) orthOpt = [True, False] if lep == "Muons" else [False] isoCrs = [True, False ] if iso == "CorrJetIso" else [False] for orth in orthOpt: for isoCr in isoCrs: bg_2l_hist[lep + ("_orth" if orth else "") + "_" + jetiso + ("_isoCr" if isoCr else "")].Write( "bg_2l_" + ("orth_" if orth else "") + lep + "_" + jetiso + ("_isoCr" if isoCr else "")) fnew.Close() exit(0)
def main(): print "Start: " +'%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S') significance = {} for type in ["1t1l", "2l"]: bgHistograms = {} signalHistograms = {} bgHistograms[type] = {} signalHistograms[type] = {} significance[type] = {} trainGroupsToCheck = utils.trainGroupsOrder + ["all", "1t1l", "2l"] if sam: trainGroupsToCheck = ["all", "1t1l", "2l"] for trainGroup in trainGroupsToCheck: print "Checking train group " + trainGroup signalHistograms[type][trainGroup] = {} maxSignalRange = 0 groups = None if trainGroup in ["all", "1t1l", "2l"]: groups = [trainGroup] else: groups = utils.trainGroups[trainGroup] for group in groups: print "Checking group", group signalFilesPath = None if group in ["all", "1t1l", "2l"]: if not sam: signalFilesPath = paths[ type] + "/signal/skim_dilepton_signal_bdt_all/single/*" else: signalFilesPath = paths[ type] + "/signal/skim_sam_dilepton_signal_bdt_all/single/*" else: signalFilesPath = paths[ type] + "/signal/skim_dilepton_signal_bdt/single/*" + group + "*" #signalFiles = glob(signalFilesPath + "mChipm100GeV_dm2p26GeV_.root") signalFiles = glob(signalFilesPath) for signalFile in signalFiles: signalFileName = os.path.basename(signalFile).split(".")[0] print "Scanning file", signalFileName if group in ["1t1l", "2l"]: if group != type: continue cond = str( utils.LUMINOSITY ) + " * Weight * (Met >= 200 && invMass < 30 && " + cuts[ group] + ")" if sam: cond += " * BranchingRatio" print "opening file", signalFile, "with cond ", cond rootFile = TFile(signalFile) c = rootFile.Get('tEvent') hist = utils.getHistogramFromTree( "sig_" + group, c, observable, binsNumber, minX, maxX, cond, True) signalHistograms[type][trainGroup][ signalFileName] = hist else: ignoreCS = True noScan = False if sam: ignoreCS = False if observable == "dilepBDT": noScan = True print "calling scan with ignoreCS", ignoreCS, " noScan", noScan signalHistograms[type][trainGroup][ signalFileName] = performScanForFile( signalFile, type, None, ignoreCS, noScan) if len(signalHistograms[type][trainGroup] [signalFileName]) > maxSignalRange: maxSignalRange = len(signalHistograms[type] [trainGroup][signalFileName]) print "Maximum signal range for", trainGroup, " is", maxSignalRange bgFilesPath = None if trainGroup in ["1t1l", "2l"]: bgFilesPath = paths[ type] + "/bg/skim_dilepton_signal_bdt/all/single/*" else: bgFilesPath = paths[ type] + "/bg/skim_dilepton_signal_bdt/" + trainGroup + "/single/*" #print "Checking files", bgFilesPath print "bgFilesPath", bgFilesPath bgFiles = glob(bgFilesPath) for bgFile in bgFiles: print "Scanning", bgFile if trainGroup in ["1t1l", "2l"]: print ">>>>>>> trainGroup", trainGroup if trainGroup != type: print "Skipping trainGroup", trainGroup, "for type", type continue print "******* BG trainGroup", trainGroup cond = str( utils.LUMINOSITY ) + " * Weight * (Met >= 200 && invMass < 30 && " + cuts[ group] + ")" rootFile = TFile(bgFile) c = rootFile.Get('tEvent') hist = utils.getHistogramFromTree("bg_" + group, c, observable, binsNumber, minX, maxX, cond, True) if bgHistograms[type].get(trainGroup) is None: bgHistograms[type][trainGroup] = hist else: bgHistograms[type][trainGroup].Add(hist) else: print "maxSignalRange", maxSignalRange scan = performScanForFile(bgFile, type, maxSignalRange) if bgHistograms[type].get(trainGroup) is None: bgHistograms[type][trainGroup] = scan else: for i in range(len(scan)): if i >= len(bgHistograms[type][trainGroup]): print "Expending scan" bgHistograms[type][trainGroup].append(scan[i]) else: bgHistograms[type][trainGroup][i].Add(scan[i]) if bgHistograms[type].get(trainGroup) is None: print "bgHistograms not ready for", trainGroup continue bgScan = bgHistograms[type][trainGroup] ignoreCS = False if sam: ignoreCS = True for signalFileName in signalHistograms[type][trainGroup]: if trainGroup in ["1t1l", "2l"]: if trainGroup != type: continue sigHist = signalHistograms[type][trainGroup][ signalFileName] bgHist = bgHistograms[type][trainGroup] sig = 0 if sig_method == "rsb": sig = utils.calcSignificance(sigHist, bgHist, ignoreCS) else: sig = utils.calcSignificanceLlhdSingleCount( sigHist, bgHist) #if sig > 0: # print "Greater!", sig, "for rect", signalFileName if significance[type].get(trainGroup) is None: significance[type][trainGroup] = {} print "Adding to significance file", signalFileName significance[type][trainGroup][signalFileName] = sig #print "After addition" #print significance else: #print "Calculating Significance for", signalFileName sigScan = [] dilepBDT = -0.3 i = 0 for sigHist in signalHistograms[type][trainGroup][ signalFileName]: #print "dilepBDT=" + str(dilepBDT) i += 1 dilepBDT += 0.05 if i > len(bgHistograms[type][trainGroup]): print "Breaking scan at ", dilepBDT break bgHist = bgHistograms[type][trainGroup][i - 1] sig = 0 if sig_method == "rsb": sig = utils.calcSignificance( sigHist, bgHist, ignoreCS) else: sig = utils.calcSignificanceLlhdSingleCount( sigHist, bgHist) #if sig > 0: # print "Greater!", sig, "for", type, signalFileName sigScan.append(sig) print "sigScan for", trainGroup, signalFileName, sigScan #, "min", min(sigScan) if significance[type].get(trainGroup) is None: significance[type][trainGroup] = {} if len(sigScan) == 0: significance[type][trainGroup][signalFileName] = 0 else: if sig_method == "rsb": significance[type][trainGroup][ signalFileName] = max(sigScan) else: significance[type][trainGroup][ signalFileName] = min(sigScan) #significance = {'2l': {'2l': {'mChipm160GeV_dm0p44GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm180GeV_dm5p29GeV_': 0.07551929728621258, 'mChipm200GeV_dm4p3GeV_': 0.02253163914333506, 'mChipm500GeV_dm0p53GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm115GeV_dm6p27GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm140GeV_dm4p28GeV_': 0.1261404896783124, 'mChipm200GeV_dm2p3GeV_': 0.028682721618256173, 'mChipm500GeV_dm2p33GeV_': 0.004089909531025812, 'mChipm115GeV_dm0p77GeV_': 0.23881328391373574, 'mChipm225GeV_dm0p8GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm180GeV_dm6p29GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm180GeV_dm0p59GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm500GeV_dm5p33GeV_': 0.01577980402980185, 'mChipm160GeV_dm5p29GeV_': 0.36226096466070085, 'mChipm225GeV_dm2p3GeV_': 0.049369290394491554, 'mChipm100GeV_dm0p56GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm180GeV_dm3p29GeV_': 0.8072665615521555, 'mChipm200GeV_dm6p3GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm160GeV_dm3p29GeV_': 0.7631769821910923, 'mChipm180GeV_dm4p29GeV_': 0.19636477138395744, 'mChipm500GeV_dm1p03GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm100GeV_dm0p96GeV_': 3.7680687765478655, 'mChipm500GeV_dm0p43GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm250GeV_dm2p31GeV_': 0.04189351264856475, 'mChipm250GeV_dm0p61GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm140GeV_dm1p78GeV_': 1.2165583079457931, 'mChipm115GeV_dm3p27GeV_': 2.3973607707258218, 'mChipm160GeV_dm1p29GeV_': 0.037799969783616535, 'mChipm200GeV_dm5p3GeV_': 0.03292756643109106, 'mChipm100GeV_dm0p41GeV_': 0.28336538493352775, 'mChipm115GeV_dm0p97GeV_': 0.6086150101226576, 'mChipm200GeV_dm1p0GeV_': 0.14582837352966277, 'mChipm140GeV_dm2p28GeV_': 0.7068266418892982, 'mChipm100GeV_dm2p26GeV_': 4.340224000828833, 'mChipm500GeV_dm4p33GeV_': 0.0032268627781113198, 'mChipm180GeV_dm0p49GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm100GeV_dm6p26GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm300GeV_dm0p46GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm300GeV_dm1p31GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm100GeV_dm4p26GeV_': 0.3806607613236031, 'mChipm160GeV_dm0p49GeV_': 0.07600709055800008, 'mChipm180GeV_dm1p79GeV_': 0.225089079018234, 'mChipm160GeV_dm2p29GeV_': 0.21201043661030672, 'mChipm140GeV_dm0p78GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm400GeV_dm0p224GeV_': 0.004597262189298272, 'mChipm160GeV_dm1p79GeV_': 0.37047103377666624, 'mChipm200GeV_dm1p3GeV_': 0.3375344434279763, 'mChipm250GeV_dm4p31GeV_': 0.013176525166881524, 'mChipm100GeV_dm0p26GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm300GeV_dm0p21GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm250GeV_dm5p31GeV_': 0.045647177611062684, 'mChipm180GeV_dm2p29GeV_': 0.11234394971217414, 'mChipm180GeV_dm1p29GeV_': 0.42372219067547034, 'mChipm140GeV_dm5p28GeV_': 0.10032151486684084, 'mChipm115GeV_dm0p17GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm500GeV_dm1p83GeV_': 0.0026669096581372034, 'mChipm115GeV_dm0p57GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm115GeV_dm5p27GeV_': 0.09688162261455202, 'mChipm100GeV_dm0p76GeV_': 0.19418615944436338, 'mChipm115GeV_dm4p27GeV_': 0.5238589751879157, 'mChipm275GeV_dm0p312GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm225GeV_dm0p45GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm500GeV_dm1p33GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm500GeV_dm3p33GeV_': 0.001357813409102185, 'mChipm500GeV_dm0p23GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm100GeV_dm5p26GeV_': 4.060382235597963, 'mChipm140GeV_dm3p28GeV_': 1.213870824763569, 'mChipm250GeV_dm1p81GeV_': 0.00926684327213774, 'mChipm225GeV_dm0p2GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm115GeV_dm2p27GeV_': 2.7408137466856104, 'mChipm300GeV_dm4p31GeV_': 0.011351442815145597, 'mChipm100GeV_dm1p76GeV_': 1.2753790791651751, 'mChipm100GeV_dm3p26GeV_': 1.1815185419462095, 'mChipm115GeV_dm1p27GeV_': 0.23823609659168726, 'mChipm275GeV_dm0p412GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm225GeV_dm3p3GeV_': 0.1940271508125967, 'mChipm140GeV_dm0p98GeV_': 0.09956232656197977, 'mChipm160GeV_dm4p29GeV_': 0.3816257955321174, 'mChipm300GeV_dm3p31GeV_': 0.02548883786126789, 'mChipm250GeV_dm3p31GeV_': 0.0385846046701078, 'mChipm140GeV_dm0p28GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm140GeV_dm0p38GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm200GeV_dm3p3GeV_': 0.38279455194688944, 'mChipm300GeV_dm1p81GeV_': 0.014281247025868842, 'mChipm250GeV_dm1p01GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm275GeV_dm0p212GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm160GeV_dm0p99GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm225GeV_dm1p8GeV_': 0.02195257572389453, 'mChipm500GeV_dm0p48GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm300GeV_dm2p31GeV_': 0.07633037842893708, 'mChipm200GeV_dm1p8GeV_': 0.08427907461400076, 'mChipm225GeV_dm0p3GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm115GeV_dm1p77GeV_': 0.6218820227342045, 'mChipm200GeV_dm0p8GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm100GeV_dm1p26GeV_': 3.769446906945395, 'mChipm225GeV_dm1p0GeV_': 0.014243411827769453}, 'all': {'mChipm160GeV_dm0p44GeV_': 0, 'mChipm180GeV_dm5p29GeV_': 0, 'mChipm200GeV_dm4p3GeV_': 0, 'mChipm500GeV_dm0p53GeV_': 0, 'mChipm115GeV_dm6p27GeV_': 0, 'mChipm140GeV_dm4p28GeV_': 0, 'mChipm200GeV_dm2p3GeV_': 0, 'mChipm500GeV_dm2p33GeV_': 0, 'mChipm115GeV_dm0p77GeV_': 0, 'mChipm225GeV_dm0p8GeV_': 0, 'mChipm180GeV_dm6p29GeV_': 0, 'mChipm180GeV_dm0p59GeV_': 0, 'mChipm500GeV_dm5p33GeV_': 0, 'mChipm160GeV_dm5p29GeV_': 0, 'mChipm225GeV_dm2p3GeV_': 0, 'mChipm100GeV_dm0p56GeV_': 0, 'mChipm180GeV_dm3p29GeV_': 0, 'mChipm200GeV_dm6p3GeV_': 0, 'mChipm160GeV_dm3p29GeV_': 0, 'mChipm180GeV_dm4p29GeV_': 0, 'mChipm500GeV_dm1p03GeV_': 0, 'mChipm100GeV_dm0p96GeV_': 0, 'mChipm500GeV_dm0p43GeV_': 0, 'mChipm250GeV_dm2p31GeV_': 0, 'mChipm250GeV_dm0p61GeV_': 0, 'mChipm140GeV_dm1p78GeV_': 0, 'mChipm115GeV_dm3p27GeV_': 0, 'mChipm160GeV_dm1p29GeV_': 0, 'mChipm200GeV_dm5p3GeV_': 0, 'mChipm100GeV_dm0p41GeV_': 0, 'mChipm115GeV_dm0p97GeV_': 0, 'mChipm200GeV_dm1p0GeV_': 0, 'mChipm140GeV_dm2p28GeV_': 0, 'mChipm100GeV_dm2p26GeV_': 0, 'mChipm500GeV_dm4p33GeV_': 0, 'mChipm180GeV_dm0p49GeV_': 0, 'mChipm100GeV_dm6p26GeV_': 0, 'mChipm300GeV_dm0p46GeV_': 0, 'mChipm300GeV_dm1p31GeV_': 0, 'mChipm100GeV_dm4p26GeV_': 0, 'mChipm160GeV_dm0p49GeV_': 0, 'mChipm180GeV_dm1p79GeV_': 0, 'mChipm160GeV_dm2p29GeV_': 0, 'mChipm140GeV_dm0p78GeV_': 0, 'mChipm400GeV_dm0p224GeV_': 0, 'mChipm160GeV_dm1p79GeV_': 0, 'mChipm200GeV_dm1p3GeV_': 0, 'mChipm250GeV_dm4p31GeV_': 0, 'mChipm100GeV_dm0p26GeV_': 0, 'mChipm300GeV_dm0p21GeV_': 0, 'mChipm250GeV_dm5p31GeV_': 0, 'mChipm180GeV_dm2p29GeV_': 0, 'mChipm180GeV_dm1p29GeV_': 0, 'mChipm140GeV_dm5p28GeV_': 0, 'mChipm115GeV_dm0p17GeV_': 0, 'mChipm500GeV_dm1p83GeV_': 0, 'mChipm115GeV_dm0p57GeV_': 0, 'mChipm115GeV_dm5p27GeV_': 0, 'mChipm100GeV_dm0p76GeV_': 0, 'mChipm115GeV_dm4p27GeV_': 0, 'mChipm275GeV_dm0p312GeV_': 0, 'mChipm225GeV_dm0p45GeV_': 0, 'mChipm500GeV_dm1p33GeV_': 0, 'mChipm500GeV_dm3p33GeV_': 0, 'mChipm500GeV_dm0p23GeV_': 0, 'mChipm100GeV_dm5p26GeV_': 0, 'mChipm140GeV_dm3p28GeV_': 0, 'mChipm250GeV_dm1p81GeV_': 0, 'mChipm225GeV_dm0p2GeV_': 0, 'mChipm115GeV_dm2p27GeV_': 0, 'mChipm300GeV_dm4p31GeV_': 0, 'mChipm100GeV_dm1p76GeV_': 0, 'mChipm100GeV_dm3p26GeV_': 0, 'mChipm115GeV_dm1p27GeV_': 0, 'mChipm275GeV_dm0p412GeV_': 0, 'mChipm225GeV_dm3p3GeV_': 0, 'mChipm140GeV_dm0p98GeV_': 0, 'mChipm160GeV_dm4p29GeV_': 0, 'mChipm300GeV_dm3p31GeV_': 0, 'mChipm250GeV_dm3p31GeV_': 0, 'mChipm140GeV_dm0p28GeV_': 0, 'mChipm140GeV_dm0p38GeV_': 0, 'mChipm200GeV_dm3p3GeV_': 0, 'mChipm300GeV_dm1p81GeV_': 0, 'mChipm250GeV_dm1p01GeV_': 0, 'mChipm275GeV_dm0p212GeV_': 0, 'mChipm160GeV_dm0p99GeV_': 0, 'mChipm225GeV_dm1p8GeV_': 0, 'mChipm500GeV_dm0p48GeV_': 0, 'mChipm300GeV_dm2p31GeV_': 0, 'mChipm200GeV_dm1p8GeV_': 0, 'mChipm225GeV_dm0p3GeV_': 0, 'mChipm115GeV_dm1p77GeV_': 0, 'mChipm200GeV_dm0p8GeV_': 0, 'mChipm100GeV_dm1p26GeV_': 0, 'mChipm225GeV_dm1p0GeV_': 0}}, '1t1l': {'all': {'mChipm160GeV_dm0p44GeV_': 0, 'mChipm180GeV_dm5p29GeV_': 0, 'mChipm200GeV_dm4p3GeV_': 0, 'mChipm115GeV_dm0p42GeV_': 0, 'mChipm500GeV_dm0p53GeV_': 0, 'mChipm115GeV_dm6p27GeV_': 0, 'mChipm140GeV_dm4p28GeV_': 0, 'mChipm180GeV_dm0p44GeV_': 0, 'mChipm200GeV_dm2p3GeV_': 0, 'mChipm400GeV_dm0p174GeV_': 0, 'mChipm300GeV_dm0p31GeV_': 0, 'mChipm115GeV_dm0p27GeV_': 0, 'mChipm500GeV_dm2p33GeV_': 0, 'mChipm250GeV_dm0p81GeV_': 0, 'mChipm115GeV_dm0p77GeV_': 0, 'mChipm225GeV_dm0p8GeV_': 0, 'mChipm180GeV_dm6p29GeV_': 0, 'mChipm180GeV_dm0p59GeV_': 0, 'mChipm200GeV_dm0p3GeV_': 0, 'mChipm500GeV_dm0p48GeV_': 0, 'mChipm160GeV_dm5p29GeV_': 0, 'mChipm225GeV_dm2p3GeV_': 0, 'mChipm100GeV_dm0p56GeV_': 0, 'mChipm400GeV_dm0p424GeV_': 0, 'mChipm225GeV_dm0p5GeV_': 0, 'mChipm200GeV_dm0p4GeV_': 0, 'mChipm160GeV_dm3p29GeV_': 0, 'mChipm200GeV_dm6p3GeV_': 0, 'mChipm100GeV_dm0p46GeV_': 0, 'mChipm140GeV_dm0p78GeV_': 0, 'mChipm500GeV_dm1p03GeV_': 0, 'mChipm100GeV_dm0p96GeV_': 0, 'mChipm500GeV_dm0p43GeV_': 0, 'mChipm250GeV_dm2p31GeV_': 0, 'mChipm250GeV_dm0p61GeV_': 0, 'mChipm200GeV_dm0p6GeV_': 0, 'mChipm300GeV_dm0p41GeV_': 0, 'mChipm100GeV_dm6p26GeV_': 0, 'mChipm100GeV_dm0p36GeV_': 0, 'mChipm180GeV_dm0p19GeV_': 0, 'mChipm115GeV_dm3p27GeV_': 0, 'mChipm160GeV_dm1p29GeV_': 0, 'mChipm180GeV_dm0p39GeV_': 0, 'mChipm200GeV_dm5p3GeV_': 0, 'mChipm100GeV_dm0p41GeV_': 0, 'mChipm180GeV_dm4p29GeV_': 0, 'mChipm200GeV_dm1p0GeV_': 0, 'mChipm160GeV_dm0p29GeV_': 0, 'mChipm140GeV_dm2p28GeV_': 0, 'mChipm225GeV_dm0p4GeV_': 0, 'mChipm100GeV_dm2p26GeV_': 0, 'mChipm500GeV_dm4p33GeV_': 0, 'mChipm180GeV_dm0p49GeV_': 0, 'mChipm200GeV_dm0p5GeV_': 0, 'mChipm140GeV_dm1p78GeV_': 0, 'mChipm300GeV_dm0p46GeV_': 0, 'mChipm300GeV_dm1p31GeV_': 0, 'mChipm100GeV_dm4p26GeV_': 0, 'mChipm160GeV_dm0p49GeV_': 0, 'mChipm160GeV_dm0p79GeV_': 0, 'mChipm140GeV_dm1p28GeV_': 0, 'mChipm180GeV_dm1p79GeV_': 0, 'mChipm160GeV_dm2p29GeV_': 0, 'mChipm500GeV_dm0p63GeV_': 0, 'mChipm200GeV_dm0p45GeV_': 0, 'mChipm100GeV_dm0p16GeV_': 0, 'mChipm400GeV_dm0p224GeV_': 0, 'mChipm160GeV_dm1p79GeV_': 0, 'mChipm200GeV_dm1p3GeV_': 0, 'mChipm250GeV_dm4p31GeV_': 0, 'mChipm160GeV_dm0p39GeV_': 0, 'mChipm100GeV_dm0p26GeV_': 0, 'mChipm300GeV_dm0p21GeV_': 0, 'mChipm250GeV_dm5p31GeV_': 0, 'mChipm500GeV_dm1p83GeV_': 0, 'mChipm180GeV_dm2p29GeV_': 0, 'mChipm180GeV_dm1p29GeV_': 0, 'mChipm300GeV_dm0p81GeV_': 0, 'mChipm140GeV_dm5p28GeV_': 0, 'mChipm115GeV_dm0p17GeV_': 0, 'mChipm140GeV_dm0p18GeV_': 0, 'mChipm160GeV_dm0p19GeV_': 0, 'mChipm250GeV_dm1p31GeV_': 0, 'mChipm300GeV_dm1p01GeV_': 0, 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'mChipm140GeV_dm0p28GeV_': 0, 'mChipm140GeV_dm0p38GeV_': 0, 'mChipm200GeV_dm3p3GeV_': 0, 'mChipm225GeV_dm0p6GeV_': 0, 'mChipm300GeV_dm1p81GeV_': 0, 'mChipm200GeV_dm1p8GeV_': 0, 'mChipm115GeV_dm0p47GeV_': 0, 'mChipm250GeV_dm1p01GeV_': 0, 'mChipm275GeV_dm0p212GeV_': 0, 'mChipm160GeV_dm0p99GeV_': 0, 'mChipm225GeV_dm1p8GeV_': 0, 'mChipm200GeV_dm0p2GeV_': 0, 'mChipm250GeV_dm0p46GeV_': 0, 'mChipm300GeV_dm2p31GeV_': 0, 'mChipm160GeV_dm0p59GeV_': 0, 'mChipm100GeV_dm5p26GeV_': 0, 'mChipm225GeV_dm0p3GeV_': 0, 'mChipm115GeV_dm0p97GeV_': 0, 'mChipm115GeV_dm1p77GeV_': 0, 'mChipm400GeV_dm0p324GeV_': 0, 'mChipm250GeV_dm0p21GeV_': 0, 'mChipm275GeV_dm0p512GeV_': 0, 'mChipm115GeV_dm0p37GeV_': 0, 'mChipm200GeV_dm0p8GeV_': 0, 'mChipm250GeV_dm0p41GeV_': 0, 'mChipm180GeV_dm0p99GeV_': 0, 'mChipm100GeV_dm1p26GeV_': 0, 'mChipm180GeV_dm3p29GeV_': 0, 'mChipm500GeV_dm5p33GeV_': 0, 'mChipm300GeV_dm0p51GeV_': 0, 'mChipm225GeV_dm1p0GeV_': 0}, '1t1l': {'mChipm160GeV_dm0p44GeV_': 0.00689757023462127, 'mChipm180GeV_dm5p29GeV_': 0.2837101250699646, 'mChipm200GeV_dm4p3GeV_': 0.21310144060427808, 'mChipm115GeV_dm0p42GeV_': 0.024554306591202706, 'mChipm500GeV_dm0p53GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm115GeV_dm6p27GeV_': 0.610358958538046, 'mChipm140GeV_dm4p28GeV_': 0.5880484712140863, 'mChipm180GeV_dm0p44GeV_': 0.04973370834660533, 'mChipm200GeV_dm2p3GeV_': 0.162799422460962, 'mChipm400GeV_dm0p174GeV_': 0.0005336768787590724, 'mChipm300GeV_dm0p31GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm115GeV_dm0p27GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm500GeV_dm2p33GeV_': 0.0029452433331537365, 'mChipm250GeV_dm0p81GeV_': 0.0016680055927431505, 'mChipm115GeV_dm0p77GeV_': 0.3391636657443909, 'mChipm225GeV_dm0p8GeV_': 0.00126772470194455, 'mChipm180GeV_dm6p29GeV_': 0.2518175568964451, 'mChipm180GeV_dm0p59GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm200GeV_dm0p3GeV_': 0.002125153632053275, 'mChipm500GeV_dm0p48GeV_': 0.0009737148788201116, 'mChipm160GeV_dm5p29GeV_': 0.3999095381718706, 'mChipm225GeV_dm2p3GeV_': 0.08175157463760614, 'mChipm100GeV_dm0p56GeV_': 0.055026624466963846, 'mChipm400GeV_dm0p424GeV_': 0.0009098416019210147, 'mChipm225GeV_dm0p5GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm200GeV_dm0p4GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm160GeV_dm3p29GeV_': 0.35495048236846305, 'mChipm200GeV_dm6p3GeV_': 0.7140755849536564, 'mChipm100GeV_dm0p46GeV_': 0.027888666159752867, 'mChipm140GeV_dm0p78GeV_': 0.04445395591428412, 'mChipm500GeV_dm1p03GeV_': 0.0006060033909069968, 'mChipm100GeV_dm0p96GeV_': 0.06970351865541863, 'mChipm500GeV_dm0p43GeV_': 0.0006300043816300224, 'mChipm250GeV_dm2p31GeV_': 0.0633367864035943, 'mChipm250GeV_dm0p61GeV_': 0.008892649217381213, 'mChipm200GeV_dm0p6GeV_': 0.0030635761869421177, 'mChipm300GeV_dm0p41GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm100GeV_dm6p26GeV_': 1.4317321858786187, 'mChipm100GeV_dm0p36GeV_': 0.10103394693147388, 'mChipm180GeV_dm0p19GeV_': 0.015157961118278707, 'mChipm115GeV_dm3p27GeV_': 1.0142200482821984, 'mChipm160GeV_dm1p29GeV_': 0.1894590369225231, 'mChipm180GeV_dm0p39GeV_': 0.0032324413514466027, 'mChipm200GeV_dm5p3GeV_': 0.19249654066028407, 'mChipm100GeV_dm0p41GeV_': 0.1595761724129806, 'mChipm180GeV_dm4p29GeV_': 0.3481060072443589, 'mChipm200GeV_dm1p0GeV_': 0.020033248688189155, 'mChipm160GeV_dm0p29GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm140GeV_dm2p28GeV_': 0.37717236914250946, 'mChipm225GeV_dm0p4GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm100GeV_dm2p26GeV_': 1.2167551793742268, 'mChipm500GeV_dm4p33GeV_': 0.008454900693100429, 'mChipm180GeV_dm0p49GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm200GeV_dm0p5GeV_': 0.04754653512072733, 'mChipm140GeV_dm1p78GeV_': 0.2918415789502378, 'mChipm300GeV_dm0p46GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm300GeV_dm1p31GeV_': 0.004692227375344473, 'mChipm100GeV_dm4p26GeV_': 1.6495460195488063, 'mChipm160GeV_dm0p49GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm160GeV_dm0p79GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm140GeV_dm1p28GeV_': 0.12018200036858953, 'mChipm180GeV_dm1p79GeV_': 0.1228160803691891, 'mChipm160GeV_dm2p29GeV_': 0.3501282997932912, 'mChipm500GeV_dm0p63GeV_': 0.0007180772149953693, 'mChipm200GeV_dm0p45GeV_': 0.010876557167119862, 'mChipm100GeV_dm0p16GeV_': 0.2843975913620334, 'mChipm400GeV_dm0p224GeV_': 0.00023245178810405904, 'mChipm160GeV_dm1p79GeV_': 0.1899874946064316, 'mChipm200GeV_dm1p3GeV_': 0.04618254732663303, 'mChipm250GeV_dm4p31GeV_': 0.1160603406043768, 'mChipm160GeV_dm0p39GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm100GeV_dm0p26GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm300GeV_dm0p21GeV_': 0.007295490527942999, 'mChipm250GeV_dm5p31GeV_': 0.0967719332439017, 'mChipm500GeV_dm1p83GeV_': 0.0014869976443930707, 'mChipm180GeV_dm2p29GeV_': 0.20443686778205689, 'mChipm180GeV_dm1p29GeV_': 0.055952349229885456, 'mChipm300GeV_dm0p81GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm140GeV_dm5p28GeV_': 0.6596841399933816, 'mChipm115GeV_dm0p17GeV_': 0.24499326278453798, 'mChipm140GeV_dm0p18GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm160GeV_dm0p19GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm250GeV_dm1p31GeV_': 0.015853232182233126, 'mChipm300GeV_dm1p01GeV_': 0.0041915689423126365, 'mChipm115GeV_dm0p57GeV_': 0.03722525022287641, 'mChipm225GeV_dm1p3GeV_': 0.0255843883720325, 'mChipm115GeV_dm5p27GeV_': 0.8024951654117263, 'mChipm100GeV_dm0p76GeV_': 0.05090245822367015, 'mChipm180GeV_dm0p29GeV_': 0.022736942520432502, 'mChipm115GeV_dm4p27GeV_': 0.9513375930353846, 'mChipm275GeV_dm0p312GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm225GeV_dm0p45GeV_': 0.018272745793591467, 'mChipm500GeV_dm1p33GeV_': 0.0009574207088834994, 'mChipm140GeV_dm0p48GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm500GeV_dm3p33GeV_': 0.006584109481913894, 'mChipm180GeV_dm0p79GeV_': 0.011937751653069456, 'mChipm500GeV_dm0p23GeV_': 0.003437623253865544, 'mChipm140GeV_dm0p58GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm250GeV_dm0p31GeV_': 0.013248720171257077, 'mChipm140GeV_dm3p28GeV_': 0.6889671298609716, 'mChipm250GeV_dm1p81GeV_': 0.047989456450687876, 'mChipm300GeV_dm0p61GeV_': 0.0006985947814219381, 'mChipm140GeV_dm0p43GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm225GeV_dm0p2GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm500GeV_dm0p83GeV_': 0.00017603846417799167, 'mChipm115GeV_dm2p27GeV_': 0.7912670519126788, 'mChipm300GeV_dm4p31GeV_': 0.05604614685420679, 'mChipm100GeV_dm1p76GeV_': 0.892124083370378, 'mChipm100GeV_dm3p26GeV_': 1.4780178492596412, 'mChipm115GeV_dm1p27GeV_': 0.4245890550598446, 'mChipm250GeV_dm0p51GeV_': 0.006177013682524181, 'mChipm275GeV_dm0p412GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm225GeV_dm3p3GeV_': 0.12581635826569101, 'mChipm140GeV_dm0p98GeV_': 0.04625133487556135, 'mChipm160GeV_dm4p29GeV_': 0.45568183971904785, 'mChipm300GeV_dm3p31GeV_': 0.04336339787981361, 'mChipm250GeV_dm3p31GeV_': 0.08782077427436072, 'mChipm140GeV_dm0p28GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm140GeV_dm0p38GeV_': 0.008756618065151201, 'mChipm200GeV_dm3p3GeV_': 0.2497739909649137, 'mChipm225GeV_dm0p6GeV_': 0.001980616957871743, 'mChipm300GeV_dm1p81GeV_': 0.014640761178061342, 'mChipm200GeV_dm1p8GeV_': 0.07774894786469205, 'mChipm115GeV_dm0p47GeV_': 0.24096605922274159, 'mChipm250GeV_dm1p01GeV_': 0.0034448377443317157, 'mChipm275GeV_dm0p212GeV_': 0.0064236655326765195, 'mChipm160GeV_dm0p99GeV_': 0.09562270100666934, 'mChipm225GeV_dm1p8GeV_': 0.06189328571357645, 'mChipm200GeV_dm0p2GeV_': 0.010708103588948869, 'mChipm250GeV_dm0p46GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm300GeV_dm2p31GeV_': 0.0394059971002393, 'mChipm160GeV_dm0p59GeV_': 0.02795619578109419, 'mChipm100GeV_dm5p26GeV_': 1.0384989223731345, 'mChipm225GeV_dm0p3GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm115GeV_dm0p97GeV_': 0.23038821451912864, 'mChipm115GeV_dm1p77GeV_': 0.739966030349064, 'mChipm400GeV_dm0p324GeV_': 0.0008132286344158288, 'mChipm250GeV_dm0p21GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm275GeV_dm0p512GeV_': 0.0006795995780545999, 'mChipm115GeV_dm0p37GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm200GeV_dm0p8GeV_': 0.08767552989928645, 'mChipm250GeV_dm0p41GeV_': 0.006457787007036022, 'mChipm180GeV_dm0p99GeV_': 0.012685200276902895, 'mChipm100GeV_dm1p26GeV_': 0.32056337343048613, 'mChipm180GeV_dm3p29GeV_': 0.32567967521915997, 'mChipm500GeV_dm5p33GeV_': 0.009159146797849446, 'mChipm300GeV_dm0p51GeV_': 0.0, 'mChipm225GeV_dm1p0GeV_': 0.005959051266021664}}} #print "\n\n\n\n" #print significance["1t1l"]["all"] print "==============" print "\n\n\n\n" print significance print " " print " " print " " if sam: for signalFileName in sorted(significance["1t1l"]["all"]): fileNameParts = signalFileName.split("_") mu = "mu" + fileNameParts[0].split("mChipm")[1].split("GeV")[0] dm = fileNameParts[1].split("GeV")[0] if significance["1t1l"]["all"].get(signalFileName) is None: significance["1t1l"]["all"][signalFileName] = 0 if significance["1t1l"]["1t1l"].get(signalFileName) is None: significance["1t1l"]["1t1l"][signalFileName] = 0 if significance["2l"]["all"].get(signalFileName) is None: significance["2l"]["all"][signalFileName] = 0 if significance["2l"]["2l"].get(signalFileName) is None: significance["2l"]["2l"][signalFileName] = 0 print mu, dm, "{:.2f}".format(0.0), "{:.2f}".format( significance["1t1l"]["all"][signalFileName]), "{:.2f}".format( significance["1t1l"]["1t1l"][signalFileName] ), "{:.2f}".format(0.0), "{:.2f}".format( significance["2l"]["all"][signalFileName] ), "{:.2f}".format( significance["2l"]["2l"][signalFileName] ), "{:.2f}".format(0.0), "{:.2f}".format( math.sqrt((significance["2l"]["all"][signalFileName])**2 + (significance["1t1l"]["all"][signalFileName])**2) ), "{:.2f}".format( math.sqrt((significance["2l"]["2l"][signalFileName])**2 + ( significance["1t1l"]["1t1l"][signalFileName])**2)) else: for trainGroup in significance["1t1l"]: if trainGroup in ["all", "1t1l", "2l"]: continue for signalFileName in sorted(significance["1t1l"][trainGroup]): fileNameParts = signalFileName.split("_") mu = fileNameParts[1] dm = fileNameParts[2].split("Chi")[0] print mu, dm, "{:.2f}".format( significance["1t1l"][trainGroup][signalFileName] ), "{:.2f}".format( significance["1t1l"]["all"][signalFileName] ), "{:.2f}".format( significance["1t1l"]["1t1l"][signalFileName] ), "{:.2f}".format( significance["2l"][trainGroup][signalFileName] ), "{:.2f}".format( significance["2l"]["all"][signalFileName] ), "{:.2f}".format( significance["2l"]["2l"][signalFileName] ), "{:.2f}".format( math.sqrt( (significance["1t1l"][trainGroup][signalFileName])**2 + (significance["2l"][trainGroup][signalFileName])**2) ), "{:.2f}".format( math.sqrt((significance["2l"]["all"][signalFileName])**2 + (significance["1t1l"]["all"][signalFileName])**2) ), "{:.2f}".format( math.sqrt((significance["2l"]["2l"][signalFileName])**2 + ( significance["1t1l"]["1t1l"][signalFileName])**2)) # c1 = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 800, 800) # c1.SetBottomMargin(0.16) # c1.SetLeftMargin(0.18) # # histPad = c1 # histPad.Draw() # c1.Print("output.pdf["); # sigHist = signalHistograms["1t1l"]["low"]["higgsino_mu100_dm4p30Chi20Chipm"][10] # bgHist = bgHistograms["1t1l"]["low"][10] # utils.formatHist(bgHist, utils.signalCp[1], 0.8) # bgHist.Draw("hist") # sigHist.Draw("hist same") # c1.Print("output.pdf"); # c1.Print("output.pdf]"); # sig = utils.calcSignificance(sigHist, [bgHist]) # print "sig=", sig # trainGroups = { # "dm0" : ["dm0p"], # "dm1" : ["dm1p"], # "low" : ["dm2p", "dm3p", "dm4p"], # "dm7" : ["dm7p"], # "dm9" : ["dm9p"], # "high" : ["dm12p", "dm13p"] # } # # trainGroupsOrder = ["dm0", "dm1", "low", "dm7", "dm9", "high"] print "End: " +'%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S') exit(0)
def main(): print "Start: " +'%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S') c1 = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 800, 800) signal_histograms = {} bg_histograms = {} significance = {} for filename in glob(bg_dir + "/*"): print "Opening", filename f = TFile(filename) c = f.Get('tEvent') for CorrJetObs in utils.leptonIsolationList: ptRanges = [""] if CorrJetObs == "CorrJetIso": ptRanges = utils.leptonCorrJetIsoPtRange for ptRange in ptRanges: isoStr = CorrJetObs + str(ptRange) for lep in ["Muons", "Electrons"]: shortLep = "m" if lep == "Electrons": shortLep = "e" for veto in (True, False): vetoStr = "veto" if veto else "no-veto" vetoCond = "" if not veto else "&& veto" + lep + isoStr + " == 0" basename = os.path.basename(filename).split(".")[0] hist = utils.getHistogramFromTree( basename + "exTrack_dilepBDT" + lep + isoStr, c, "exTrack_dilepBDT" + isoStr, 10, -0.6, 0.7, str(utils.LUMINOSITY) + "* passedMhtMet6pack * tEffhMetMhtRealXMht2016 * Weight * (exclusiveTrack" + isoStr + " == 1 && MHT >= 220 && MET >= 200 && exTrack_invMass" + isoStr + " < 30 && BTagsDeepMedium == 0 && exclusiveTrackLeptonFlavour" + isoStr + " == \"" + lep + "\" " + vetoCond + ")", True) hist.Sumw2() if bg_histograms.get(isoStr) is None: bg_histograms[isoStr] = {} if bg_histograms[isoStr].get(vetoStr) is None: bg_histograms[isoStr][vetoStr] = {} if bg_histograms[isoStr][vetoStr].get( "t" + shortLep) is None: bg_histograms[isoStr][vetoStr]["t" + shortLep] = hist else: bg_histograms[isoStr][vetoStr]["t" + shortLep].Add(hist) for orth in (True, False): if not orth: hist = utils.getHistogramFromTree( basename + "dilepBDT" + lep + isoStr, c, "dilepBDT" + isoStr, 10, 0, 0.7, str(utils.LUMINOSITY) + "* passedMhtMet6pack * tEffhMetMhtRealXMht2016 * Weight * (twoLeptons" + isoStr + " == 1 && MHT >= 220 && MET >= 200 && invMass" + isoStr + " < 12 && invMass" + isoStr + " > 0.4 && !(invMass" + isoStr + " > 3 && invMass" + isoStr + " < 3.2) && !(invMass" + isoStr + " > 0.75 && invMass" + isoStr + " < 0.81) && dilepBDT" + isoStr + " > 0 && BTagsDeepMedium == 0 && @leptons" + isoStr + ".size() == 2 && leptonFlavour" + isoStr + " == \"" + lep + "\" && sameSign" + isoStr + " == 0 " + vetoCond + ")", True) else: hist = utils.getHistogramFromTree( basename + "dilepBDT" + lep + isoStr, c, "dilepBDT" + isoStr, 10, 0, 0.7, str(utils.LUMINOSITY) + "* passedMhtMet6pack * tEffhMetMhtRealXMht2016 * Weight * (twoLeptons" + isoStr + " == 1 && (leptons" + isoStr + "[1].Pt() <= 3.5 || deltaR" + isoStr + " <= 0.3) && MHT >= 220 && MET >= 200 && invMass" + isoStr + " < 12 && invMass" + isoStr + " > 0.4 && !(invMass" + isoStr + " > 3 && invMass" + isoStr + " < 3.2) && !(invMass" + isoStr + " > 0.75 && invMass" + isoStr + " < 0.81) && dilepBDT" + isoStr + " > 0 && BTagsDeepMedium == 0 && @leptons" + isoStr + ".size() == 2 && leptonFlavour" + isoStr + " == \"" + lep + "\" && sameSign" + isoStr + " == 0 " + vetoCond + ")", True) hist.Sumw2() orthStr = "orth" if orth else "non-orth" if bg_histograms[isoStr][vetoStr].get( shortLep + shortLep) is None: bg_histograms[isoStr][vetoStr][shortLep + shortLep] = {} if bg_histograms[isoStr][vetoStr][ shortLep + shortLep].get(orthStr) is None: bg_histograms[isoStr][vetoStr][ shortLep + shortLep][orthStr] = hist else: bg_histograms[isoStr][vetoStr][ shortLep + shortLep][orthStr].Add(hist) f.Close() print "Getting signals..." for filename in glob(signal_dir + "/*"): print "Opening", filename deltaM = os.path.basename(filename).split('_')[-1].split( 'Chi20Chipm')[0].split('dm')[1] mu = os.path.basename(filename).split('_')[1].split('mu')[1] print "deltaM=" + deltaM print "mu=" + mu f = TFile(filename) c = f.Get('tEvent') if signal_histograms.get(mu) is None: signal_histograms[mu] = {} significance[mu] = {} if signal_histograms[mu].get(deltaM) is None: signal_histograms[mu][deltaM] = {} significance[mu][deltaM] = {} for CorrJetObs in utils.leptonIsolationList: ptRanges = [""] if CorrJetObs == "CorrJetIso": ptRanges = utils.leptonCorrJetIsoPtRange for ptRange in ptRanges: isoStr = CorrJetObs + str(ptRange) if signal_histograms[mu][deltaM].get(isoStr) is None: signal_histograms[mu][deltaM][isoStr] = {} significance[mu][deltaM][isoStr] = {} for lep in ["Muons", "Electrons"]: print mu, deltaM, isoStr, lep shortLep = "m" if lep == "Electrons": shortLep = "e" for veto in (True, False): vetoStr = "veto" if veto else "no-veto" vetoCond = "" if not veto else "&& veto" + lep + isoStr + " == 0" hist = utils.getHistogramFromTree( mu + deltaM + isoStr + "_1t_" + lep, c, "exTrack_dilepBDT" + isoStr, 10, -0.6, 0.7, str(utils.LUMINOSITY) + "* passedMhtMet6pack * tEffhMetMhtRealXMht2016 * Weight * (exclusiveTrack" + isoStr + " == 1 && MHT >= 220 && MET >= 200 && exTrack_invMass" + isoStr + " < 30 && BTagsDeepMedium == 0 && exclusiveTrackLeptonFlavour" + isoStr + " == \"" + lep + "\" " + vetoCond + ")", True) hist.Sumw2() if signal_histograms[mu][deltaM][isoStr].get( vetoStr) is None: signal_histograms[mu][deltaM][isoStr][vetoStr] = {} significance[mu][deltaM][isoStr][vetoStr] = {} signal_histograms[mu][deltaM][isoStr][vetoStr][ "t" + shortLep] = hist #sig = utils.calcSignificance(hist, bg_histograms[isoStr][vetoStr]["t" + shortLep], False) sig = utils.calcSignificanceNoAcc( hist, bg_histograms[isoStr][vetoStr]["t" + shortLep], False) significance[mu][deltaM][isoStr][vetoStr][ "t" + shortLep] = sig for orth in (True, False): if not orth: hist = utils.getHistogramFromTree( mu + deltaM + isoStr + "_2l_" + lep, c, "dilepBDT" + isoStr, 10, 0, 0.7, str(utils.LUMINOSITY) + "* passedMhtMet6pack * tEffhMetMhtRealXMht2016 * Weight * (twoLeptons" + isoStr + " == 1 && MHT >= 220 && MET >= 200 && invMass" + isoStr + " < 12 && invMass" + isoStr + " > 0.4 && !(invMass" + isoStr + " > 3 && invMass" + isoStr + " < 3.2) && !(invMass" + isoStr + " > 0.75 && invMass" + isoStr + " < 0.81) && dilepBDT" + isoStr + " > 0 && BTagsDeepMedium == 0 && @leptons" + isoStr + ".size() == 2 && leptonFlavour" + isoStr + " == \"" + lep + "\" && sameSign" + isoStr + " == 0 " + vetoCond + ")", True) else: hist = utils.getHistogramFromTree( mu + deltaM + isoStr + "_2l_" + lep, c, "dilepBDT" + isoStr, 10, 0, 0.7, str(utils.LUMINOSITY) + "* passedMhtMet6pack * tEffhMetMhtRealXMht2016 * Weight * (twoLeptons" + isoStr + " == 1 && (leptons" + isoStr + "[1].Pt() <= 3.5 || deltaR" + isoStr + " <= 0.3) && MHT >= 220 && MET >= 200 && invMass" + isoStr + " < 12 && invMass" + isoStr + " > 0.4 && !(invMass" + isoStr + " > 3 && invMass" + isoStr + " < 3.2) && !(invMass" + isoStr + " > 0.75 && invMass" + isoStr + " < 0.81) && dilepBDT" + isoStr + " > 0 && BTagsDeepMedium == 0 && @leptons" + isoStr + ".size() == 2 && leptonFlavour" + isoStr + " == \"" + lep + "\" && sameSign" + isoStr + " == 0 " + vetoCond + ")", True) hist.Sumw2() orthStr = "orth" if orth else "non-orth" if signal_histograms[mu][deltaM][isoStr][ vetoStr].get(shortLep + shortLep) is None: signal_histograms[mu][deltaM][isoStr][vetoStr][ shortLep + shortLep] = {} significance[mu][deltaM][isoStr][vetoStr][ shortLep + shortLep] = {} signal_histograms[mu][deltaM][isoStr][vetoStr][ shortLep + shortLep][orthStr] = hist sig = utils.calcSignificanceNoAcc( hist, bg_histograms[isoStr][vetoStr][ shortLep + shortLep][orthStr], False) significance[mu][deltaM][isoStr][vetoStr][ shortLep + shortLep][orthStr] = sig f.Close() print significance print "End: " +'%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S')
def main(): print "Start: " +'%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S') print "End: " +'%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S') c1 = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 800, 800) c1.SetLeftMargin(0.13) #c1.SetRightMargin(0.02) c1.SetGridx() c1.SetGridy() hist = None samples = "sim" #samples = "data" select_jpsi = True if select_jpsi and samples == "sim": #basicCond = "tagJpsi == 1 && probeJpsi == 1 && tracks[probeTrack].Pt()>3 && abs(tracks[probeTrack].Eta()) <= 1.2 && Muons[tagMuon].Pt() > 25" basicCond = "tagJpsi == 1 && probeJpsi == 1 && tracks[probeTrack].Pt()>2 && Muons[tagMuon].Pt() > 5" else: #basicCond = "tracks[probeTrack].Pt()>3 && abs(tracks[probeTrack].Eta()) <= 1.2 && Muons[tagMuon].Pt() > 5" basicCond = "tracks[probeTrack].Pt()>2 && Muons[tagMuon].Pt() > 5 && invMass < 3.2 && invMass > 3.0" idMuons = True if idMuons: basicCond += " && tracks_mi[probeTrack] > -1 && Muons_mediumID[tracks_mi[probeTrack]] == 1" if samples == "sim": fileNames = glob( "/afs/*" ) else: fileNames = glob( "/afs/*" ) for fileName in fileNames: print fileName rootFile = TFile(fileName) c = rootFile.Get('tEvent') tmpHist = utils.getHistogramFromTree("hist", c, "tracks[probeTrack].Pt():deltaR", 20, 0, 1, basicCond, False, "hsqrt", False, True, 20, 2, 20) if hist is None: hist = tmpHist.Clone("2dhist") hist.SetDirectory(0) else: hist.Add(tmpHist) rootFile.Close() #break # for f in rootfiles: # if os.path.basename(f) in plot_par.ignore_bg_files: # print "File", f, "in ignore list. Skipping..." # continue # rootFile = TFile(f) # if not_full and i > 0: # break # i += 1 # print f # c = rootFile.Get('tEvent') #hist = TH1F("ptdrhist", "ptdrhist", 50, 0, 1) #hist.SetMinimum(1) #hist.SetMaximum(20) hist.SetTitle("simulation" if samples == "sim" else "data") hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle("probe p_{T} [GeV]") hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle("#Delta_{}R") hist.Draw("colz") legend = TLegend(.60, .40, .89, .60) legend.SetNColumns(1) legend.SetBorderSize(1) legend.SetFillStyle(0) fFullModel5 = TF1("ptdr5", ptdr, 0, 1, 2) fFullModel5.SetNpx(500) fFullModel5.SetParameter(0, 5.0) fFullModel5.SetParameter(1, 0) fFullModel5.SetLineWidth(2) fFullModel5.SetLineColor(kYellow) fFullModel75 = TF1("ptdr75", ptdr, 0, 1, 2) fFullModel75.SetNpx(500) fFullModel75.SetParameter(0, 7.5) fFullModel75.SetParameter(1, 0) fFullModel75.SetLineWidth(2) fFullModel75.SetLineColor(kGray) fFullModel15 = TF1("ptdr15", ptdr, 0, 1, 2) fFullModel15.SetNpx(500) fFullModel15.SetParameter(0, 15) fFullModel15.SetParameter(1, 0) fFullModel15.SetLineWidth(2) fFullModel15.SetLineColor(kGreen) fFullModel25 = TF1("ptdr25", ptdr, 0, 1, 2) fFullModel25.SetNpx(500) fFullModel25.SetParameter(0, 25) fFullModel25.SetParameter(1, 0) fFullModel25.SetLineWidth(2) fFullModel25.SetLineColor(kRed) fFullModel35 = TF1("ptdr2", ptdr, 0, 1, 2) fFullModel35.SetNpx(500) fFullModel35.SetParameter(0, 35) fFullModel35.SetParameter(1, 0) fFullModel35.SetLineWidth(2) fFullModel35.SetLineColor(kBlue) fFullModel55 = TF1("ptdr55", ptdr, 0, 1, 2) fFullModel55.SetNpx(500) fFullModel55.SetParameter(0, 55) fFullModel55.SetParameter(1, 0) fFullModel55.SetLineWidth(2) fFullModel55.SetLineColor(kBlack) fFullModel85 = TF1("ptdr85", ptdr, 0, 1, 2) fFullModel85.SetNpx(500) fFullModel85.SetParameter(0, 85) fFullModel85.SetParameter(1, 0) fFullModel85.SetLineWidth(2) fFullModel85.SetLineColor(kMagenta) fFullModel120 = TF1("ptdr120", ptdr, 0, 1, 2) fFullModel120.SetNpx(500) fFullModel120.SetParameter(0, 150) fFullModel120.SetParameter(1, 0) fFullModel120.SetLineWidth(2) fFullModel120.SetLineColor(kCyan) fFullModel5.Draw("SAME") fFullModel75.Draw("SAME") fFullModel15.Draw("SAME") fFullModel25.Draw("SAME") fFullModel35.Draw("SAME") fFullModel55.Draw("SAME") fFullModel85.Draw("SAME") fFullModel120.Draw("SAME") legend.AddEntry(fFullModel5, "#Delta#eta=0 tag p_{T} 5.0 [GeV]", 'l') legend.AddEntry(fFullModel75, "#Delta#eta=0 tag p_{T} 7.5 [GeV]", 'l') legend.AddEntry(fFullModel15, "#Delta#eta=0 tag p_{T} 15 [GeV]", 'l') legend.AddEntry(fFullModel25, "#Delta#eta=0 tag p_{T} 25 [GeV]", 'l') legend.AddEntry(fFullModel35, "#Delta#eta=0 tag p_{T} 35 [GeV]", 'l') legend.AddEntry(fFullModel55, "#Delta#eta=0 tag p_{T} 55 [GeV]", 'l') legend.AddEntry(fFullModel85, "#Delta#eta=0 tag p_{T} 85 [GeV]", 'l') legend.AddEntry(fFullModel120, "#Delta#eta=0 tag p_{T} 150 [GeV]", 'l') legend.Draw("SAME") baseName = "ptdr_barrel" if samples == "sim": baseName += "_sim" if select_jpsi: baseName += "_jpsi" if idMuons: baseName += "_id" else: baseName += "_data" c1.SaveAs(baseName + ".pdf")
def main(): print "Start: " +'%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S') fnew = TFile(output_file, 'recreate') c1 = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 800, 800) print "Getting signals..." for filename in glob(signal_dir + "/*"): print "Opening", filename if sam: deltaM = utils.getPointFromSamFileName(filename) else: deltaM = utils.getPointFromFileName(filename) print "deltaM=" + deltaM f = TFile(filename) c = f.Get('tEvent') for lep in ["Muons", "Electrons"]: # prev #hist = utils.getHistogramFromTree(deltaM + "_1t_" + lep, c, "exTrack_dilepBDT", 30, -0.6, 0.6, str(utils.LUMINOSITY) + "* passedMhtMet6pack * tEffhMetMhtRealXMht2016 * Weight * BranchingRatio * (exclusiveTrack == 1 && MHT >= 220 && MET >= 200 && exTrack_invMass < 30 && BTagsDeepMedium == 0 && exTrack_dilepBDT >= 0 && exclusiveTrackLeptonFlavour == \"" + lep + "\")", True) # Making new version without trackBDT precut hist = utils.getHistogramFromTree( deltaM + "_1t_" + lep, c, "exTrack_dilepBDT" + jetiso, bins, -1, 1, str(utils.LUMINOSITY) + "* passedMhtMet6pack * tEffhMetMhtRealXMht2016 * Weight * BranchingRatio * (exclusiveTrack" + jetiso + " == 1 && MET >= 140 && MHT >= 220 && exTrack_invMass" + jetiso + " < 12 && BTagsDeepMedium == 0 && exclusiveTrackLeptonFlavour" + jetiso + " == \"" + lep + "\")", True) #hist = utils.getHistogramFromTree(deltaM + "_1t_" + lep, c, "MET", bins, 0, 500, str(utils.LUMINOSITY) + "* passedMhtMet6pack * tEffhMetMhtRealXMht2016 * Weight * BranchingRatio * (exclusiveTrack" + jetiso + " == 1 && MHT >= 220 && exTrack_invMass" + jetiso + " < 12 && BTagsDeepMedium == 0 && exclusiveTrackLeptonFlavour" + jetiso + " == \"" + lep + "\")", True) hist.Sumw2() hist.Write() orthOpt = [True, False] if lep == "Muons" else [False] for orth in orthOpt: hist = utils.getHistogramFromTree( deltaM + "_2l_" + ("orth_" if orth else "") + lep, c, "dilepBDT" + jetiso, bins, -1, 1, str(utils.LUMINOSITY) + "* passedMhtMet6pack * tEffhMetMhtRealXMht2016 * Weight * BranchingRatio * (twoLeptons" + jetiso + " == 1 " + (orth_cond if orth else "") + " && MET >= 140 && MHT >= 220 && invMass" + jetiso + " < 12 && invMass" + jetiso + " > 0.4 && !(invMass" + jetiso + " > 3 && invMass" + jetiso + " < 3.2) && !(invMass" + jetiso + " > 0.75 && invMass" + jetiso + " < 0.81) && BTagsDeepMedium == 0 && vetoElectronsPassIso == 0 && vetoMuonsPassIso == 0 && @leptons" + jetiso + ".size() == 2 && leptonFlavour" + jetiso + " == \"" + lep + "\" && sameSign" + jetiso + " == 0 && isoCr" + jetiso + " == 0)", True) #hist = utils.getHistogramFromTree(deltaM + "_2l_" + ("orth_" if orth else "") + lep, c, "MET", bins, 0, 500, str(utils.LUMINOSITY) + "* passedMhtMet6pack * tEffhMetMhtRealXMht2016 * Weight * BranchingRatio * (twoLeptons" + jetiso + " == 1 " + (orth_cond if orth else "") + " && MHT >= 220 && invMass" + jetiso + " < 12 && invMass" + jetiso + " > 0.4 && !(invMass" + jetiso + " > 3 && invMass" + jetiso + " < 3.2) && !(invMass" + jetiso + " > 0.75 && invMass" + jetiso + " < 0.81) && BTagsDeepMedium == 0 && vetoElectronsPassIso == 0 && vetoMuonsPassIso == 0 && @leptons" + jetiso + ".size() == 2 && leptonFlavour" + jetiso + " == \"" + lep + "\" && sameSign" + jetiso + " == 0 && isoCr" + jetiso + " == 0)", True) #non-orth #hist = utils.getHistogramFromTree(deltaM + "_2l", c, "dilepBDT", 30, -0.6, 0.6, str(utils.LUMINOSITY) + "* passedMhtMet6pack * tEffhMetMhtRealXMht2016 * Weight * BranchingRatio * (MHT >= 220 && MET >= 200 && invMass < 12 && invMass > 0.4 && !(invMass > 3 && invMass < 3.2) && !(invMass > 0.75 && invMass < 0.81) && dilepBDT > 0.1)", True) hist.Sumw2() hist.Write() f.Close() bg_1t_hist = {} bg_2l_hist = {} print "Getting BG..." for filename in glob(bg_dir + "/*"): print "Opening", filename f = TFile(filename) c = f.Get('tEvent') for lep in ["Muons", "Electrons"]: basename = os.path.basename(filename).split(".")[0] # prev #hist = utils.getHistogramFromTree(basename, c, "exTrack_dilepBDT", 30, -0.6, 0.6, str(utils.LUMINOSITY) + "* passedMhtMet6pack * tEffhMetMhtRealXMht2016 * Weight * (exclusiveTrack == 1 && MHT >= 220 && MET >= 200 && exTrack_invMass < 30 && BTagsDeepMedium == 0 && exTrack_dilepBDT >= 0 && exclusiveTrackLeptonFlavour == \"" + lep + "\")", True) # Making new version without trackBDT precut hist = utils.getHistogramFromTree( "bg_1t_" + lep, c, "exTrack_dilepBDT" + jetiso, bins, -1, 1, str(utils.LUMINOSITY) + "* passedMhtMet6pack * tEffhMetMhtRealXMht2016 * Weight * BranchingRatio * (exclusiveTrack" + jetiso + " == 1 && MET >= 140 && MHT >= 220 && exTrack_invMass" + jetiso + " < 12 && BTagsDeepMedium == 0 && exclusiveTrackLeptonFlavour" + jetiso + " == \"" + lep + "\")", True) #hist = utils.getHistogramFromTree(basename, c, "MET", bins, 0, 500, str(utils.LUMINOSITY) + "* passedMhtMet6pack * tEffhMetMhtRealXMht2016 * Weight * BranchingRatio * (exclusiveTrack" + jetiso + " == 1 && MHT >= 220 && exTrack_invMass" + jetiso + " < 12 && BTagsDeepMedium == 0 && exclusiveTrackLeptonFlavour" + jetiso + " == \"" + lep + "\")", True) hist.Sumw2() if bg_1t_hist.get(lep) is None: bg_1t_hist[lep] = hist else: bg_1t_hist[lep].Add(hist) orthOpt = [True, False] if lep == "Muons" else [False] for orth in orthOpt: print("2l", lep, orth) hist = utils.getHistogramFromTree( "bg_2l_" + lep + ("_orth" if orth else ""), c, "dilepBDT" + jetiso, bins, -1, 1, str(utils.LUMINOSITY) + "* passedMhtMet6pack * tEffhMetMhtRealXMht2016 * Weight * BranchingRatio * (twoLeptons" + jetiso + " == 1 " + (orth_cond if orth else "") + " && MET >= 140 && MHT >= 220 && invMass" + jetiso + " < 12 && invMass" + jetiso + " > 0.4 && !(invMass" + jetiso + " > 3 && invMass" + jetiso + " < 3.2) && !(invMass" + jetiso + " > 0.75 && invMass" + jetiso + " < 0.81) && BTagsDeepMedium == 0 && vetoElectronsPassIso == 0 && vetoMuonsPassIso == 0 && @leptons" + jetiso + ".size() == 2 && leptonFlavour" + jetiso + " == \"" + lep + "\" && sameSign" + jetiso + " == 0 && isoCr" + jetiso + " == 0)", True) #hist = utils.getHistogramFromTree(basename, c, "MET", bins, 0, 500, str(utils.LUMINOSITY) + "* passedMhtMet6pack * tEffhMetMhtRealXMht2016 * Weight * BranchingRatio * (twoLeptons" + jetiso + " == 1 " + (orth_cond if orth else "") + " && MHT >= 220 && invMass" + jetiso + " < 12 && invMass" + jetiso + " > 0.4 && !(invMass" + jetiso + " > 3 && invMass" + jetiso + " < 3.2) && !(invMass" + jetiso + " > 0.75 && invMass" + jetiso + " < 0.81) && BTagsDeepMedium == 0 && vetoElectronsPassIso == 0 && vetoMuonsPassIso == 0 && @leptons" + jetiso + ".size() == 2 && leptonFlavour" + jetiso + " == \"" + lep + "\" && sameSign" + jetiso + " == 0 && isoCr" + jetiso + " == 0)", True) #non-orth #hist = utils.getHistogramFromTree(basename, c, "dilepBDT", 30, -0.6, 0.6, str(utils.LUMINOSITY) + "* passedMhtMet6pack * tEffhMetMhtRealXMht2016 * Weight * (MHT >= 220 && MET >= 200 && invMass < 12 && invMass > 0.4 && !(invMass > 3 && invMass < 3.2) && !(invMass > 0.75 && invMass < 0.81) && dilepBDT > 0.1)", True) hist.Sumw2() if bg_2l_hist.get(lep + ("_orth" if orth else "")) is None: bg_2l_hist[lep + ("_orth" if orth else "")] = hist else: bg_2l_hist[lep + ("_orth" if orth else "")].Add(hist) f.Close() for lep in ["Muons", "Electrons"]: bg_1t_hist[lep].Write("bg_1t_" + lep) orthOpt = [True, False] if lep == "Muons" else [False] for orth in orthOpt: bg_2l_hist[lep + ("_orth" if orth else "")].Write( "bg_2l_" + ("orth_" if orth else "") + lep) fnew.Close() exit(0)