def process_response(self, request, response):
        Override the original method to redirect permanently and facilitate 
        the :func.`translations.urls.translation_patterns` URL redirection
        language = translation.get_language()
        default = get_default_language()
        #redirect to the original default language URL
        #if language prefix is used
        if (response.status_code == 404 and
            self.is_language_prefix_patterns_used() and default == language and 
            request.path_info.startswith('/%s/' % default)):
            urlconf = getattr(request, 'urlconf', None)
            language_path = re.sub(r'^/%s/' % default, '/', request.path_info)
            if settings.APPEND_SLASH and not language_path.endswith('/'):
                language_path = language_path + '/'

            if is_valid_path(language_path, urlconf):
                #we use a permanent redirect here.
                #when changing the default language we need to let the world know
                #that our links have permanently changed and transfer our seo juice 
                #to the new url
                return  HttpResponsePermanentRedirect("%s://%s/%s" % (
                    request.is_secure() and 'https' or 'http',
                    request.get_host(), re.sub(r'^/%s/' % default, '', request.get_full_path())))
        patch_vary_headers(response, ('Accept-Language',))
        if 'Content-Language' not in response:
            response['Content-Language'] = language
        return response
    def process_request(self, request):
        Enable the default language if a supported db language can not
        be resolved.
        #replace the original language detection method
        language = get_language_from_request(
            request, check_path=self.is_language_prefix_patterns_used())
        if language not in get_supported_languages():
            language = get_default_language()

        request.LANGUAGE_CODE = translation.get_language()
    def process_request(self, request):
        Enable the default language if a supported db language can not
        be resolved.
        #replace the original language detection method
        language = get_language_from_request(
            request, check_path=self.is_language_prefix_patterns_used())

        if language not in get_supported_languages():
            language = get_default_language()

        request.LANGUAGE_CODE = translation.get_language()
    def get_name(self, language_id=None):
        Get the related :class:`translations.models.Translation`
        object's display name for a given ``language``.
        #use the current language if not explicitly set
        translation = self.translation(language_id)
        if translation:
            return unicode(translation)

        #attempt to show default translation
        translation = self.translation(utils.get_default_language())  
        if translation:
            return u'%s (%s %s)' % (translation, _('not translated in'), language_id if language_id else get_language())
            return u'%s #%s (%s %s)' % (self._meta.verbose_name,, _('not translated in'), language_id if language_id else get_language())
def languages(request):
    This context processor adds three context variables::
        `langs`:    A list of the available project languages. This list holds :class:`translations.models.Language` instances.
        `default`:    The default language. This holds the **language** code and not the :class:`translations.models.Language` instance.
        `clean_url`:    The current url with the preceding language code (if there is one) removed. E.g. for the url `'/en/whatever/'` the ``clean_url`` will be `'/whatever/'`. Useful if the project URLs have common slugs etc. and we want to avoid reversing views in our templates in order to find the equivalent url of another language.  
    langs = Language.objects.all()
    default = get_default_language()

    #assumes that no name collisions exist
    clean_url = re.sub('/%s/' % default, '/',
                       request.path) if get_language() == default else re.sub(
                           r'^/(%s)/' % lang_pattern, '/', request.path)

    return {'langs': langs, 'default_lang': default, 'clean_url': clean_url}
def languages(request):
    This context processor adds three context variables::
        `langs`:    A list of the available project languages. This list holds :class:`translations.models.Language` instances.
        `default`:    The default language. This holds the **language** code and not the :class:`translations.models.Language` instance.
        `clean_url`:    The current url with the preceding language code (if there is one) removed. E.g. for the url `'/en/whatever/'` the ``clean_url`` will be `'/whatever/'`. Useful if the project URLs have common slugs etc. and we want to avoid reversing views in our templates in order to find the equivalent url of another language.  
    langs = Language.objects.all()
    default = get_default_language()
    #assumes that no name collisions exist
    clean_url = re.sub('/%s/' % default, '/', request.path) if get_language() == default else re.sub(r'^/(%s)/' % lang_pattern, '/', request.path)

    return {
        'langs' : langs,
        'default_lang': default,
        'clean_url' : clean_url
    def process_response(self, request, response):
        Override the original method to redirect permanently and facilitate 
        the :func.`translations.urls.translation_patterns` URL redirection
        language = translation.get_language()
        default = get_default_language()

        #redirect to the original default language URL
        #if language prefix is used
        if (response.status_code == 404
                and self.is_language_prefix_patterns_used()
                and default == language
                and request.path_info.startswith('/%s/' % default)):

            urlconf = getattr(request, 'urlconf', None)
            language_path = re.sub(r'^/%s/' % default, '/', request.path_info)
            if settings.APPEND_SLASH and not language_path.endswith('/'):
                language_path = language_path + '/'

            if is_valid_path(language_path, urlconf):
                #we use a permanent redirect here.
                #when changing the default language we need to let the world know
                #that our links have permanently changed and transfer our seo juice
                #to the new url
                return HttpResponsePermanentRedirect(
                    "%s://%s/%s" %
                    (request.is_secure() and 'https'
                     or 'http', request.get_host(),
                     re.sub(r'^/%s/' % default, '', request.get_full_path())))

        patch_vary_headers(response, ('Accept-Language', ))
        if 'Content-Language' not in response:
            response['Content-Language'] = language
        return response
 def regex(self):
     if get_language() == get_default_language():
         return re.compile(r'')
     return super(TranslationRegexURLResolver, self).regex
 def regex(self):
     if get_language() == get_default_language():
         return re.compile(r'')
     return super(TranslationRegexURLResolver, self).regex