def model(placeholders, node_output_dim=128):
    q = deque()
    layers = dict()
    sequence_features = features(placeholders['input1'])
    net = merge([sequence_features, placeholders['input2']])
    layers[GO_ID] = {'net': slim.batch_norm(net)}
    for node_id in go[GO_ID]['children']:
        if node_id in func_set:
            q.append((node_id, node_output_dim))
    while len(q) > 0:
        node_id, output_dim = q.popleft()
        parents = get_parents(go, node_id)
        parent_outputs = list()
        for parent_id in parents:
            if parent_id in layers:
        net = merge(parent_outputs)
        net = slim.fully_connected(net, output_dim)
        logits = slim.fully_connected(net, 1)
        output = tf.nn.sigmoid(logits)
        layers[node_id] = {'net': net, 'output': output, 'logits': logits}
        for n_id in go[node_id]['children']:
            if n_id in func_set:
                q.append((n_id, output_dim))
    return layers
def validate_no_cousin_marriage(fams, indis):
    ret_data = []

    for fid in fams:
        if fams[fid]['HUSB'] is None or fams[fid]['WIFE'] is None:
        husb = fams[fid]['HUSB']
        wife = fams[fid]['WIFE']

        for id1, id2 in [(husb, wife), (wife, husb)]:
            id1_parents = utils.get_parents(id1, fams, indis)
            # this includes aunts as well
            id1_uncles = [
                iid for pid in id1_parents
                for iid in utils.get_siblings(pid, fams, indis)

            if any(
                    utils.is_descendant(id2, uncle, fams, indis)
                    for uncle in id1_uncles):
                    f'Family fid={fid} is a marriage of first cousins id={husb} and id={wife}'

    return ret_data
def validate_no_sibling_marriage(fams, indis):
    return_data = []

    for fid in fams:
        if fams[fid]['HUSB'] is None or fams[fid]['WIFE'] is None:

        husb = fams[fid]['HUSB']
        wife = fams[fid]['WIFE']

        husb_parents = utils.get_parents(husb, fams, indis)
        wife_parents = utils.get_parents(wife, fams, indis)

        common_parent = any(par in wife_parents for par in husb_parents)
        if common_parent:
                (fid, f'Siblings {husb} and {wife} should not marry.'))

    return return_data
def get_layers(inputs):
    q = deque()
    layers = {}
    name = get_node_name(GO_ID)
    # each go term has: net = Dense(1024, activation='relu')(feature_model) ?
    layers[GO_ID] = {'net': inputs}
    for node_id in go[GO_ID]['children']: ## @node_id is child of @GO_ID
        if node_id in func_set:
            q.append((node_id, inputs)) ## get all children terms
    while len(q) > 0:
        node_id, net = q.popleft()
        parent_nets = [inputs]
        # for p_id in get_parents(go, node_id):
        #     if p_id in func_set:
        #         parent_nets.append(layers[p_id]['net'])
        # if len(parent_nets) > 1:
        #     name = get_node_name(node_id) + '_parents'
        #     net = merge(
        #         parent_nets, mode='concat', concat_axis=1, name=name)

        name = get_node_name(node_id)

        # @net is Dense(feature->1024) @output is Dense(feature->1024->1)
        net, output = get_function_node(name, inputs) # @get_function_node returns output,output ... so net==output

        if node_id not in layers:
            layers[node_id] = {'net': net, 'output': output} ## add child to @layer dict, because @get_function_node returns output,output, we have net=Dense(feature->1024->1)
            for n_id in go[node_id]['children']: ## get children of child node
                if n_id in func_set and n_id not in layers:
                    ok = True
                    for p_id in get_parents(go, n_id): ## get parents of children of child node. ( so we don't double count these nodes, if we have seen their parents? )
                        if p_id in func_set and p_id not in layers:
                            ok = False
                    if ok:
                        q.append((n_id, net))

    for node_id in functions:
        childs = set(go[node_id]['children']).intersection(func_set) # children of given node
        if len(childs) > 0:
            outputs = [layers[node_id]['output']]
            for ch_id in childs:
                outputs.append(layers[ch_id]['output']) ## concat a @output Dense(feature->1024->1)
            name = get_node_name(node_id) + '_max'

            ## create layer that takes max over all children of current node
            layers[node_id]['output'] = merge(
                outputs, mode='max', name=name) ## replace @output with @merge layer. is this doing simple max pooling of @outputs ?

    ## what does layer look like ?
    layers[ GOid ] = {'net': Dense(feature->1024->1), 'output': maxpool( [ Dense(feature->1024->1) ... ] ) ... we iter maxpool over array output of @net from all children and current node}

    return layers
文件: deeponto.py 项目: zghnbv/deepgo
def get_layers(inputs):
    q = deque()
    layers = {}
    name = get_node_name(GO_ID)
    layers[GO_ID] = {'net': inputs}
    for node_id in go[GO_ID]['children']:
        if node_id in func_set:
            q.append((node_id, inputs))
    while len(q) > 0:
        node_id, net = q.popleft()
        parent_nets = [inputs]
        for p_id in get_parents(go, node_id):
            if p_id in func_set:
        if len(parent_nets) > 1:
            name = get_node_name(node_id) + '_parents'
            net = merge(
                parent_nets, mode='concat', concat_axis=1, name=name)
        name = get_node_name(node_id)
        net, output = get_function_node(name, net)
        if node_id not in layers:
            layers[node_id] = {'net': net, 'output': output}
            for n_id in go[node_id]['children']:
                if n_id in func_set and n_id not in layers:
                    ok = True
                    for p_id in get_parents(go, n_id):
                        if p_id in func_set and p_id not in layers:
                            ok = False
                    if ok:
                        q.append((n_id, net))

    for node_id in functions:
        childs = set(go[node_id]['children']).intersection(func_set)
        if len(childs) > 0:
            outputs = [layers[node_id]['output']]
            for ch_id in childs:
            name = get_node_name(node_id) + '_max'
            layers[node_id]['output'] = merge(
                outputs, mode='max', name=name)
    return layers
    def help(self):
        """Builds and returns default help text for this command."""
        usage = '{}\n\n'.format(self.name)

        if self.description:
            usage += '{}\n\n'.format(self.description)

        usage += 'usage: '

        if self.parent:
            parents = utils.get_parents(self.parent)
            usage += '{}'.format(''.join(map(lambda p: p + ' ... ', parents)))

        arg_strings = []
        for arg in self._arguments:
            s = '<{}'.format(arg.name)
            s += '...>' if arg.variadic else '>'

        usage += '{} [options] {}'.format(self.name, ' '.join(arg_strings))
        if len(self._commands):
            usage += ' {command}'

        usage += '\n'

        options = []
        for option in self._options:
            names = ', '.join(option.aliases)
            args = ' '.join('<{}>'.format(a) for a in option.arguments)
            s = '{} {}'.format(names, args)
            options.append((s, option.description))

        arguments = []
        for arg in self._arguments:
            s = arg.name
            if arg.variadic:
                s += '...'
            arguments.append((s, arg.description))

        commands = []
        for command in self._commands:
            names = ', '.join(command.aliases)
            commands.append((names, command.description))

        allNames = list(map(lambda o: o[0], options))
        allNames += list(map(lambda a: a[0], arguments))
        allNames += list(map(lambda c: c[0], commands))
        maxlen = max(map(lambda e: len(e), allNames), default=0)

        options = list(
            map(lambda o: (o[0].ljust(maxlen + 2, ' '), o[1]), options))
        arguments = list(
            map(lambda a: (a[0].ljust(maxlen + 2, ' '), a[1]), arguments))
        commands = list(
            map(lambda c: (c[0].ljust(maxlen + 2, ' '), c[1]), commands))

        if len(options):
            usage += '\n'
            usage += 'Options:\n'
            for option in options:
                usage += '    {}{}\n'.format(option[0], option[1] or '')

        if len(arguments):
            usage += '\n'
            usage += 'Arguments:\n'
            for argument in arguments:
                usage += '    {}{}\n'.format(argument[0], argument[1] or '')

        if len(commands):
            usage += '\n'
            usage += 'Commands:\n'
            for command in commands:
                usage += '    {}{}\n'.format(command[0], command[1] or '')

        return usage