def save_model_metadata(model, current_date_time): create_directory('models/{}/models_{}/metadata'.format( object_type, current_date_time), format=False) metadata = dict() metadata['project'] = dict() metadata['project']['type'] = os.getenv('PROJECT_TYPE').lower() metadata['project']['object_type'] = object_type metadata['project']['date_time'] = current_date_time metadata['models'] = dict() model_files = get_subfiles('models/{}/models_{}'.format( object_type, current_date_time)) for model_name in model_files: epoch = int(model_name.split('.')[1].split('_')[1].split('-')[0]) metadata['models'][str(epoch)] = model_name # save model config in json format model_config_path = save_model_config(model, current_date_time) metadata['config'] = dict() metadata['config']['model'] = model_config_path metadata['config']['data_preparation'] = dict() metadata['config']['data_preparation']['source_data'] = os.getenv( 'SATELLITE_IMAGE_PATH') metadata['config']['data_preparation']['tilesize'] = int( os.getenv('TILESIZE')) metadata['config']['data_preparation']['step'] = int(os.getenv('STEP')) metadata['config']['data_preparation']['width'] = int(os.getenv('WIDTH')) metadata['config']['data_preparation']['height'] = int(os.getenv('HEIGHT')) metadata['config']['data_preparation']['percent_image_with_no_annotations'] = \ float(os.getenv('PERCENT_IMAGE_WITH_NO_ANNOTATIONS')) metadata['config']['data_preparation']['min_annotations_per_image'] = int( os.getenv('MIN_ANNOTATIONS_PER_IMAGE')) metadata['config']['data_preprocessing'] = dict() metadata['config']['data_preprocessing']['percent_valid'] = float( os.getenv('PERCENTVALID')) metadata['config']['data_preprocessing']['percent_test'] = float( os.getenv('PERCENTTEST')) metadata['config']['train'] = dict() metadata['config']['train']['epochs'] = int(os.getenv('EPOCHS')) metadata['config']['train']['train_datasetsize'] = int( os.getenv('TRAIN_DATASETSIZE')) metadata['config']['train']['valid_datasetsize'] = int( os.getenv('VALID_DATASETSIZE')) metadata['config']['train']['batchsize'] = int(os.getenv('BATCHSIZE')) with open( 'models/{}/models_{}/metadata/metadata_{}.json'.format( object_type, current_date_time, current_date_time), 'w') as f: json.dump(metadata, f)
def clone_kw_repo(root, question, attrib_value, tag): """ This function clones the keyword repository if the user wants individual drivers of that repository. Otherwise, it just sets the attribute "all_drivers" of that repository tag as 'yes' :Arguments: 1. root (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) = parent node of the current tag from data.xml 2. question (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) = question tag nested under the current tag from data.xml 3. attrib_value (str) = url of the repository in question 4. tag (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) = current tag to which the repository tags would be appended. :Returns: 1. attrib_value (str) = valid url """ aff_pattern = re.compile("^(|y|yes)$", re.IGNORECASE) neg_pattern = re.compile("^(n|no)$", re.IGNORECASE) if not check_url_is_a_valid_repo(attrib_value): attrib_value = raw_input("Please enter a valid url: ") attrib_value = clone_kw_repo(root, question, attrib_value, tag) else: if root.tag == "drivers": name = get_repository_name(attrib_value) answer = raw_input("Do you want to clone all the drivers? " "(yes[Enter]/no): ") answer = transform_response(answer) tag.set("all_drivers", answer) if neg_pattern.match(answer): current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) path = os.path.join(current_dir, "temp") create_dir(path) os.chdir(path)["git", "clone", attrib_value]) os.chdir(current_dir) temp, _ = get_subfiles( os.path.join(path, name, 'ProductDrivers')) drivers = get_driver_list(temp) for i in range(1, len(drivers), 2): print drivers[i - 1] + ". " + drivers[i] driver_numbers = get_corresponding_numbers() add_drivers_to_tags(tag, drivers, driver_numbers) shutil.rmtree(path, onerror=delete_read_only) elif not aff_pattern.match(answer): print "The command was not recognized. Please answer yes or no." attrib_value = clone_kw_repo(root, question, attrib_value, tag) return attrib_value
def test_generator(test_path, target_size=(256, 256), flag_multi_class=False, as_gray=False): test_images_filename = get_subfiles(test_path) for i in range(len(test_images_filename)): img = io.imread(os.path.join(test_path, test_images_filename[i])) img = img[:, :, :3] if as_gray: img = rgb2gray(img) img = trans.resize(img, target_size) # img = np.reshape(img, img.shape+(1,)) if (not flag_multi_class) else img img = np.reshape(img, (1, ) + img.shape) yield img
def test(): create_directories() # prepare test data if os.getenv('PREPARE_TEST_DATA_FLAG').upper() == 'TRUE': prepare_data() # get predictions if os.getenv('GET_PREDICTIONS_FLAG').upper() == 'TRUE': get_predictions() # get geo-coordinates if os.getenv('GEOREFERENCE_FLAG').upper() == 'TRUE': files = get_subfiles(prediction_images_path) all_geo_coordinates = Pool().map(get_individual_results, files) all_geo_coordinates = [ point for object_geo_coordinates in all_geo_coordinates for point in object_geo_coordinates ] MapIntegration().combine_all_tower_geocoordinates( os.path.join(save_results_root_path, save_csv_files_path)) print('\nSaved combine_all_tower_geocoordinates.csv successfully ...') # save all object locations as shaepfile print('\nPreparing Object Shapefile ...') save_object_shapefile_path = os.path.join( os.path.join(save_results_root_path, save_shapefiles_path)) map_integration_object = MapIntegration() map_integration_object.save_object_locations_shapefile( all_geo_coordinates, save_object_shapefile_path) print('\nObject Shapefile saved successfully ...') # Get ndvi analysis for each detected object if os.getenv('ANALYZE_NDVI').upper() == 'TRUE': ndvi_analysis_object = NdviAnalysis(satellite_image_ms_path, save_object_shapefile_path, int(os.getenv('NDVI_RADIUS')), int(os.getenv('SIZE_X')), int(os.getenv('SIZE_Y'))) save_ndvi_shapefile_path = os.path.join(save_results_root_path, save_shapefiles_path) ndvi_analysis_object.encroachment_analysis(save_ndvi_shapefile_path)
def get_predictions(): create_directory(os.getenv('PREDICTION_IMAGES_PATH')) # get all test files test_filenames = get_subfiles(os.getenv('TEST_IMAGES_PATH')) # test_filenames = test_filenames[:1000] # get test data generator testgen = test_generator(os.getenv('TEST_IMAGES_PATH')) test_batch_size = len(test_filenames) # start testing model = get_model() print('\nStarting testing ...') print('Using model - {}'.format(weight_file_path)) results = model.predict_generator(testgen, test_batch_size, verbose=1) print('DONE !') # save predictions save_predictions(results, test_filenames)
def prepare_data(): test_files = get_subfiles(test_image_path) # prepare test data for test_file in test_files: src_file = gdal.Open(os.path.join(test_image_path, test_file), gdal.GA_ReadOnly) width = src_file.RasterXSize height = src_file.RasterYSize counter = 1 for i in range(0, width, tilesize): for j in range(0, height, tilesize): if (i + tilesize) < width and (j + tilesize) < height: sub_region = src_file.ReadAsArray(i, j, tilesize, tilesize) elif (i + tilesize) < width and (j + tilesize) >= height: sub_region = src_file.ReadAsArray(i, j, tilesize, height - j - 1) elif (i + tilesize) >= width and (j + tilesize) < height: sub_region = src_file.ReadAsArray(i, j, width - i - 1, tilesize) else: sub_region = src_file.ReadAsArray(i, j, width - i - 1, height - i - 1) filename = test_file.split('.')[0] + '_' + str(i) + '_' + str( j) # crop satellite image when labels are found and every time count_image_with_annot reaches # count_image_with_annot_max print('\ncounter: {}'.format(counter)) print('Filename: {}'.format(filename)) gdaltranString = "gdal_translate -of GTIFF -srcwin " + str(i) + ", " + str(j) + ", " + str(tilesize) \ + ", " + str(tilesize) + " " + os.path.join(test_image_path, test_file) + " " + \ cropped_tiff_images_path + "/" + filename + ".tif" os.system(gdaltranString) # convert cropped tiff images to png and save to master directory print('\nConverting tiff to png ...') convert_all_to_png(cropped_tiff_images_path, cropped_png_images_path) print('DONE !')
def combine_all_tower_geocoordinates(self, path): with open(os.path.join(os.getenv('SAVE_RESULTS_ROOT_PATH'), 'towers_locations_combined.csv'), 'w', newline='') as f: files = get_subfiles(path) csv_writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=',') csv_writer.writerow(['index', 'X_img', 'Y_img', 'latitude', 'longitude']) c = 1 for filename in files: filepath = os.path.join(path, filename) print('file: {}'.format(filename)) dx = int(filename.split('.')[0].split('_')[1]) dy = int(filename.split('.')[0].split('_')[2]) with open(filepath, 'r') as fd: csv_reader = csv.reader(fd, delimiter=',') for row in csv_reader: if row[0].lower().strip() == 'index': continue csv_writer.writerow([row[0], str(int(row[1])+dx), str(int(row[2])+dy), str(row[3]), str(row[4])]) fd.close() c += 1 f.close() print('\nN files: {}'.format(c))
def sort_by_string(current_path, string, base_dir): # Sort all files in the corresponding directory subdirs = utils.get_subdirs(current_path) subfiles = utils.get_subfiles(current_path) for i in range(len(subfiles)): subfiles[i] = subfiles[i].lower() for j in range(len(subdirs)): subdirs[j] = subdirs[j].lower() # If directory doesn't exist, create it if True in [string in subfile for subfile in subfiles ] and True not in [string in subdir for subdir in dir_path]: os.makedirs(dir_path + "\\" + string, exist_ok=True) subdirs.append(string) base_dir.append(string) # Move file to corresponding directory depending on a key in the file name while True in [string in subfile for subfile in subfiles]: os.replace( current_path + "\\" + str([subfile for subfile in subfiles if string in subfile][0]), dir_path + "\\" + string + "\\" + str([subfile for subfile in subfiles if string in subfile][0])) subfiles.remove( str([subfile for subfile in subfiles if string in subfile][0])) # Recursivity stop condition if len(subdirs) == 0 and len(subfiles) == 0: pass # Look for files in all directories and subdirectories else: for i in subdirs: sort_by_string(current_path + "\\" + i, string, base_dir)
def prepare_master_data(label_ids=None): # create directories print(os.path.join(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'master')), 'images') create_directory( os.path.join(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'master'), 'images')) create_directory( os.path.join(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'master'), 'masks')) if label_ids is None: label_ids = [] label2images = read_label2images(source_metadata_path) image_ids = get_image_ids(label_ids, label2images) all_image_files = get_subfiles(os.path.join(source_data_path, 'images')) for file in all_image_files: base_filename = file.split('.')[0] if base_filename in image_ids: copyfile( os.path.join(os.path.join(source_data_path, 'images'), base_filename + '.jpg'), os.path.join( os.path.join(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'master'), 'images'), base_filename + '.jpg')) label_image = os.path.join(os.path.join(source_data_path, 'labels'), base_filename + '.png')) label_array = np.array(label_image) mask = np.zeros(label_array.shape) for i in range(len(label_ids)): res = np.where(label_array == label_ids[i]) for j in range(len(res[0])): mask[res[0][j]][res[1][j]] = i + 1 save_mask(mask, base_filename) print('\nMaster data prepared successfully ...\n')
def get_predictions(): create_directory(os.getenv('PREDICTION_IMAGES_PATH')) test_filenames = get_subfiles(os.getenv('PNG_IMAGES_PATH')) weight_file_path = os.getenv('MODELPATH') model = unet(pretrained_weights=weight_file_path) testgen = test_generator(os.getenv('PNG_IMAGES_PATH')) test_batch_size = len(test_filenames) print('\nStarting testing ...\n') print('Using model - {}\n'.format(weight_file_path)) results = model.predict_generator(testgen, test_batch_size, verbose=1) print('DONE !') # save predictions - images and masks print('\nSaving test results - masks') save_result(os.getenv('PREDICTION_IMAGES_PATH'), results, test_filenames, flag_multi_class=False, num_class=2) print('DONE !') if os.getenv('SAVE_COMBINED') == 'TRUE': create_directory(os.getenv('COMBINED_IMAGES_PATH')) imagesdir = os.getenv('PNG_IMAGES_PATH') masksdir = os.getenv('PREDICTION_IMAGES_PATH') suffix = '_predict' print('\nSaving test results - images and masks combined') save_images_and_masks(imagesdir, masksdir, suffix, save=True) print('DONE !')
def save_images_and_masks(imagesdir, masksdir, suffix='_mask', show=False, save=False): all_images = get_subfiles(imagesdir) counter = 1 for imagefilename in all_images: filename = imagefilename.split('.')[0] maskfilename = str(filename) + suffix + '.png' img = cv2.imread(imagesdir + '/' + imagefilename) mask = cv2.imread(masksdir + '/' + maskfilename) if os.getenv('COLORMAP_FLAG').upper() == 'TRUE': mask_modified = apply_color_map(mask) else: mask_modified = get_binary_image(mask) combined_img = np.concatenate((img, mask_modified), axis=1) if show: cv2.imshow("annotations - Filename: {}".format(filename), combined_img) cv2.waitKey() cv2.destroyAllWindows() if save: print('\ncounter: {}'.format(counter)) print('Filepath: {}'.format( os.getenv('COMBINED_IMAGES_PATH') + '/{}'.format(str(filename) + '.png'), combined_img)) cv2.imwrite( os.getenv('COMBINED_IMAGES_PATH') + '/{}'.format(str(filename) + '.png'), combined_img) counter += 1
def load_nwb_from_data(dir_path): # Get all files and directories present in the path files = utils.get_subfiles(dir_path) dirs = utils.get_subdirs(dir_path) files = files + dirs # Open YAML file with keywords, extension and keywords to exclude if existing then dump all data in a dict if os.path.isfile(dir_path + "\\" + [subfile for subfile in files if "default" in subfile][0]): with open(dir_path + "\\" + [subfile for subfile in files if "default" in subfile][0], 'r') as stream: data = yaml.safe_load(stream) # Remove the file from the list of files and directories so it isn't found twice files.remove([subfile for subfile in files if "default" in subfile][0]) else: data = None home_data = dict() # Look for another YAML file containing the keywords, extensions and keywords to exclude for file in files: if "yaml" not in file: continue # p is a placeholder until we know every yaml file name if "subject" not in file and "ophys" not in file and "data" not in file and "p" not in file: with open(dir_path + "\\" + file, 'r') as stream: home_data = yaml.safe_load(stream) # If 2 files are provided, the one given by the user will take the priority if data is not None: difference = set(list(data.keys())) - set(list(home_data.keys())) for i in list(difference): home_data[i] = data[i] # First we create the nwb file because it will be needed for everything converttonwb = home_data.pop("ConvertToNWB") filtered_list = [] for i in converttonwb: # If no extension is provided it means we are looking for a directory, so we filter the list of files and # directory to only contain directories if not converttonwb[i].get("extension"): filtered_list = [file for file in files if "." not in file] # Filter the file list depending on the extension provided in the YAML file else: for extension in converttonwb[i].get("extension"): filtered_list.extend([file for file in files if extension in file]) # print("Filter result : " + str(filtered_list) + " by extension : " + str(converttonwb[i].get("extension"))) # Conditional loop to remove all files or directories not containing the keywords # or containing excluded keywords counter = 0 while counter < len(filtered_list): delete = False for keyword in converttonwb[i].get("keyword"): if keyword not in filtered_list[counter]: # print("Keyword not found in : " + str(filtered_list)) del filtered_list[counter] # print("New list : " + str(filtered_list)) delete = True if not delete: for keyword_to_exclude in converttonwb[i].get("keyword_to_exclude"): if keyword_to_exclude in filtered_list[counter]: # print("Excluded keyword found in : " + str(filtered_list)) del filtered_list[counter] # print("New list : " + str(filtered_list)) delete = True if not delete: counter += 1 print("Files to pass for " + i + ": " + str(filtered_list)) # If files were found respecting every element, add the whole path to pass them as arguments yaml_path = os.path.join(dir_path, filtered_list[0]) nwb_file = test_cicada_test_paul.create_nwb_file(yaml_path) order_list = [] if home_data.get("order"): order_list = home_data.pop("order") while order_list: next_class = order_list.pop(0) # Get classname then instantiate it classname = getattr(test_cicada_test_paul, next_class) converter = classname(nwb_file) # Initialize a dict to contain the arguments to call convert arg_dict = {} print("Class name : " + str(next_class)) # Loop through all arguments of the convert of the corresponding class for j in home_data[next_class]: filtered_list = [] # If value if found it means the argument is not a file but a string/int/etc if home_data[next_class][j].get("value") and not home_data[next_class][j].get("extension") and \ (not home_data[next_class][j].get("keyword") or not home_data[next_class][j].get("keyword_to_exclude")): print(home_data[next_class][j].get("value")[0]) arg_dict[j] = home_data[next_class][j].get("value")[0] else: # If no extension is provided it means we are looking for a directory, so we filter the list of files and # directory to only contain directories if not home_data[next_class][j].get("extension"): filtered_list = [file for file in files if "." not in file] # Filter the file list depending on the extension provided in the YAML file else: for extension in home_data[next_class][j].get("extension"): filtered_list.extend([file for file in files if extension in file]) # print("Filter result : " + str(filtered_list) + " by extension : " + # str(home_data[i][j].get("extension"))) # Conditional loop to remove all files or directories not containing the keywords # or containing excluded keywords counter = 0 while counter < len(filtered_list): delete = False for keyword in home_data[next_class][j].get("keyword"): if keyword not in filtered_list[counter]: # print("Keyword not found in : " + str(filtered_list)) del filtered_list[counter] # print("New list : " + str(filtered_list)) delete = True if not delete: for keyword_to_exclude in home_data[next_class][j].get("keyword_to_exclude"): if keyword_to_exclude in filtered_list[counter]: # print("Excluded keyword found in : " + str(filtered_list)) del filtered_list[counter] # print("New list : " + str(filtered_list)) delete = True if not delete: counter += 1 print("Files to pass for " + j + ": " + str(filtered_list)) # If files were found respecting every element, add the whole path to pass them as arguments if filtered_list: arg_dict[j] = os.path.join(dir_path, filtered_list[0]) if "mat" in home_data[next_class][j].get("extension") and home_data[next_class][j].get("value"): arg_dict[j] = [arg_dict[j]] + list(home_data[next_class][j].get("value")) # If no file found, put the argument at None else: arg_dict[j] = None # print("Arguments to pass : "******"Class name : " + str(i)) # Loop through all arguments of the convert of the corresponding class for j in home_data[i]: filtered_list = [] # If value if found it means the argument is not a file but a string/int/etc if home_data[i][j].get("value") and not home_data[i][j].get("extension") and \ (not home_data[i][j].get("keyword") or not home_data[i][j].get("keyword_to_exclude")): print(home_data[i][j].get("value")[0]) arg_dict[j] = home_data[i][j].get("value")[0] else: # If no extension is provided it means we are looking for a directory, so we filter the list of files and # directory to only contain directories if not home_data[i][j].get("extension"): filtered_list = [file for file in files if "." not in file] # Filter the file list depending on the extension provided in the YAML file else: for extension in home_data[i][j].get("extension"): filtered_list.extend([file for file in files if extension in file]) # print("Filter result : " + str(filtered_list) + " by extension : " + # str(home_data[i][j].get("extension"))) # Conditional loop to remove all files or directories not containing the keywords # or containing excluded keywords counter = 0 while counter < len(filtered_list): delete = False for keyword in home_data[i][j].get("keyword"): if keyword not in filtered_list[counter]: # print("Keyword not found in : " + str(filtered_list)) del filtered_list[counter] # print("New list : " + str(filtered_list)) delete = True if not delete: for keyword_to_exclude in home_data[i][j].get("keyword_to_exclude"): if keyword_to_exclude in filtered_list[counter]: # print("Excluded keyword found in : " + str(filtered_list)) del filtered_list[counter] # print("New list : " + str(filtered_list)) delete = True if not delete: counter += 1 print("Files to pass for " + j + ": " + str(filtered_list)) # If files were found respecting every element, add the whole path to pass them as arguments if filtered_list: arg_dict[j] = os.path.join(dir_path, filtered_list[0]) if "mat" in home_data[i][j].get("extension") and home_data[i][j].get("value"): arg_dict[j] = [arg_dict[j]] + list(home_data[i][j].get("value")) # If no file found, put the argument at None else: arg_dict[j] = None #print("Arguments to pass : "******".nwb" with test_cicada_test_paul.NWBHDF5IO(os.path.join(dir_path, nwb_name), 'w') as io: io.write(nwb_file) print("NWB file created at : " + str(os.path.join(dir_path, nwb_name)))
create = input( "Folder does not exist, do you want to create it ? (yes/no)") if create == "yes": os.makedirs(sys.argv[1], exist_ok=True) else: exit() print("Folder to build", sys.argv[1]) global dir_path dir_path = sys.argv[1] folder = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(dir_path)) head, tail = os.path.split(os.path.normpath(dir_path)) id_dir = utils.get_subdirs(dir_path) subfiles = utils.get_subfiles(dir_path) for i in range(len(subfiles) - 1): if "data" in subfiles[i]: with open(dir_path + "\\" + subfiles[i], 'r') as stream: data_dict = yaml.safe_load(stream) if not data_dict.get("session_id"): id = data_dict.get("identifier") else: id = data_dict.get("session_id") stream.close() sort_by_string(dir_path, id, id_dir) # # region_list = ["a000", "a001", "a002"] # region_dir = get_subdirs(dir_path)
def train_valid_test_split(master_data_path, train_path, valid_path, test_path, percent_valid=0.2, percent_test=0.2): # distribute files from master to train, valid and test all_data_filenames = get_subfiles( os.path.join(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'master'), 'images')) valid_filenames = random.sample( all_data_filenames, int((percent_valid / 100.0) * len(all_data_filenames))) test_filenames = random.sample( valid_filenames, int((percent_test / 100.0) * len(valid_filenames))) train_filenames = [ x for x in all_data_filenames if x not in valid_filenames ] valid_filenames = [x for x in valid_filenames if x not in test_filenames] # create directories create_directory(train_path) create_directory(os.path.join(train_path, 'images')) create_directory(os.path.join(train_path, 'masks')) create_directory(test_path) create_directory(os.path.join(test_path, 'images')) create_directory(os.path.join(test_path, 'masks')) create_directory(valid_path) create_directory(os.path.join(valid_path, 'images')) create_directory(os.path.join(valid_path, 'masks')) # copy train files for file in train_filenames: copyfile(os.path.join(os.path.join(master_data_path, 'images'), file), os.path.join(os.path.join(train_path, 'images'), file)) mask_filename = file.split('.')[0] + '_mask.png' copyfile( os.path.join(os.path.join(master_data_path, 'masks'), mask_filename), os.path.join(os.path.join(train_path, 'masks'), mask_filename)) print('\nTrain files copied successfully ...') # copy validation files for file in valid_filenames: copyfile(os.path.join(os.path.join(master_data_path, 'images'), file), os.path.join(os.path.join(valid_path, 'images'), file)) mask_filename = file.split('.')[0] + '_mask.png' copyfile( os.path.join(os.path.join(master_data_path, 'masks'), mask_filename), os.path.join(os.path.join(valid_path, 'masks'), mask_filename)) print('\nValidation files copied successfully ...') # copy test files for file in test_filenames: copyfile(os.path.join(os.path.join(master_data_path, 'images'), file), os.path.join(os.path.join(test_path, 'images'), file)) copyfile( os.path.join(os.path.join(master_data_path, 'masks'), mask_filename), os.path.join(os.path.join(test_path, 'masks'), mask_filename)) print('\nTest files copied successfully ...')
def backup_packages(backup_path): """ Creates `packages` directory and places install list text files there. """ print_section_header("PACKAGES", Fore.BLUE) mkdir_warn_overwrite(backup_path) std_package_managers = ["brew", "brew cask", "gem"] for mgr in std_package_managers: # deal with package managers that have spaces in them. print_pkg_mgr_backup(mgr) command = "{} list".format(mgr) dest = "{}/{}_list.txt".format(backup_path, mgr.replace(" ", "-")) run_cmd_write_stdout(command, dest) # cargo print_pkg_mgr_backup("cargo") command = "ls {}".format(home_prefix(".cargo/bin/")) dest = "{}/cargo_list.txt".format(backup_path) run_cmd_write_stdout(command, dest) # pip print_pkg_mgr_backup("pip") command = "pip list --format=freeze".format(backup_path) dest = "{}/pip_list.txt".format(backup_path) run_cmd_write_stdout(command, dest) # npm print_pkg_mgr_backup("npm") command = "npm ls --global --parseable=true --depth=0" temp_file_path = "{}/npm_temp_list.txt".format(backup_path) run_cmd_write_stdout(command, temp_file_path) npm_dest_file = "{0}/npm_list.txt".format(backup_path) # Parse npm output with open(temp_file_path, mode="r+") as temp_file: # Skip first line of file with open(npm_dest_file, mode="w+") as dest: for line in temp_file: dest.write(line.split("/")[-1]) os.remove(temp_file_path) # atom package manager print_pkg_mgr_backup("Atom") command = "apm list --installed --bare" dest = "{}/apm_list.txt".format(backup_path) run_cmd_write_stdout(command, dest) # sublime text 2 packages sublime_2_path = home_prefix( "Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/") if os.path.isdir(sublime_2_path): print_pkg_mgr_backup("Sublime Text 2") command = ["ls", sublime_2_path] dest = "{}/sublime2_list.txt".format(backup_path) run_cmd_write_stdout(command, dest) # sublime text 3 packages sublime_3_path = home_prefix( "Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages/") if os.path.isdir(sublime_3_path): print_pkg_mgr_backup("Sublime Text 3") command = ["ls", sublime_3_path] dest = "{}/sublime3_list.txt".format(backup_path) run_cmd_write_stdout(command, dest) else: print(sublime_3_path, "IS NOT DIR") # macports print_pkg_mgr_backup("macports") command = "port installed requested" dest = "{}/macports_list.txt".format(backup_path) run_cmd_write_stdout(command, dest) # system installs print_pkg_mgr_backup("macOS Applications") command = "ls /Applications/" dest = "{}/system_apps_list.txt".format(backup_path) run_cmd_write_stdout(command, dest) # Clean up empty package list files print(Fore.BLUE + "Cleaning up empty package lists..." + Style.RESET_ALL) for file in get_subfiles(backup_path): if os.path.getsize(file) == 0: os.remove(file)