文件: ASim.py 项目: shinjanxp/CS620
 def reduction(self, hblock,t_step):
     self.votes_heard = []
     self.committeeVote(3, t_step, str(hblock))
     yield self.env.timeout(L_step)
     # self.log ("%d: %d heard %d votes\n"%(self.env.now, self.id, len(self.votes_heard)))
     # Count received votes
     hblock1 = self.countVotes(3, T_step, t_step)
     self.log("%d: got max votes for %s\n"%(self.env.now, hblock1))
     eblock = Block(self.block_pointer.hash(),'Empty',self.block_pointer)
     ehash = utils.hashBlock(str(eblock))
     self.votes_heard = []
     if hblock1 == None :
         self.committeeVote(4, t_step,str(ehash))
     else :
         self.committeeVote(4, t_step,str(hblock1))
     yield self.env.timeout(L_step)
     hblock2 = self.countVotes(4, T_step, t_step)
     self.votes_heard = []
     if hblock2 == None :
         self.log('%d: Result of Reduction is Empty Hash\n'%(self.env.now))
         return ehash
     else :
         self.log('%d: Result of Reduction is %s\n'%(self.env.now,hblock2))
         return hblock2    
文件: ASim.py 项目: shinjanxp/CS620
 def commonCoin(self, step, t):
     minhash  = 2**256
     for m in self.votes_heard:
         votes, value, sorthash = self.processMsg(t, m)
         for j in range(1, votes):
             h = int(utils.hashBlock(str(sorthash) + str(j)), base=16)
             if h < minhash :
                 minhash = h
     self.log('Result of Common Coin : %s\n'%(str(minhash % 2)))
     return minhash % 2
文件: ASim.py 项目: shinjanxp/CS620
 def byzagreement(self,round,block,t_step):
     hblock = yield from self.reduction(utils.hashBlock(str(block)),t_step)
     self.log('%d: Result of Reduction is %s, %d\n'%(self.env.now,str(hblock),t_step))
     hblock1 = yield from self.binarybyzagreement(round,hblock,t_step)
     yield self.env.timeout(L_step)
     r = self.countVotes('FINAL',T_final,t_final)
     if hblock1 == r :
         self.log('%d: Final consensus is achieved with block %s\n'%(self.env.now,str(block)))
         return 'FINAL',block
     else :    
         self.log('%d: Tentative consensus is achieved with block %s\n'%(self.env.now,str(block)))
         return 'TENTATIVE',block
文件: ASim.py 项目: shinjanxp/CS620
    def binarybyzagreement(self,round,block_hash,t_step):
        step = 3
        r = block_hash
        eblock = Block(self.block_pointer.hash(),'Empty',self.block_pointer)
        empty_hash = utils.hashBlock(str(eblock))
        while step < MAX_STEPS :
            self.committeeVote(step, t_step, r)
            yield self.env.timeout(L_step)
            r = self.countVotes(step,T_step,t_step)
            if r == None :
                r = block_hash
            elif r != empty_hash :
                for s in range(step+1,step+4) :
                    self.committeeVote(s, t_step, r)
                if step == 3 :
                    self.committeeVote("FINAL", t_final, r)
                return r
            step += 1

            self.committeeVote(step, t_step, r)
            yield self.env.timeout(L_step)
            r = self.countVotes(step,T_step,t_step)
            if r == None :
                r = block_hash
            elif r == empty_hash :
                for s in range(step+1,step+4) :
                    self.committeeVote(s, t_step, r)
                return r
            step += 1

            self.committeeVote(step, t_step, r)
            yield self.env.timeout(L_step)
            r = self.countVotes(step,T_step,t_step)
            if r == None:
                if self.commonCoin(step, t_step) == 0:
                    r = block_hash
                    r = empty_hash
            step += 1
文件: ASim.py 项目: shinjanxp/CS620
 def processMsg(self, t, message):
     if message.payload.prev_block_hash != utils.hashBlock(str(self.block_pointer)):
         return 0, None, None
     votes = utils.verifySortition(message.pub_key, message.payload.vrf_hash, message.payload.vrf_proof, message.payload.prev_block_hash, message.payload.round, message.payload.step, t, "committee", ctx['weight'][str(message.pub_key)], ctx['W'])
     return votes, message.payload.curr_block_hash, message.payload.vrf_hash
文件: ASim.py 项目: shinjanxp/CS620
 def hash(self):
     return utils.hashBlock(str(self))