文件: eval.py 项目: dk-liang/FIDTM
def compute_metrics(dist_matrix, match_matrix, pred_num, gt_num, sigma, level):
    for i_pred_p in range(pred_num):
        pred_dist = dist_matrix[i_pred_p, :]
        match_matrix[i_pred_p, :] = pred_dist <= sigma

    tp, assign = hungarian(match_matrix)
    fn_gt_index = np.array(np.where(assign.sum(0) == 0))[0]
    tp_pred_index = np.array(np.where(assign.sum(1) == 1))[0]
    tp_gt_index = np.array(np.where(assign.sum(0) == 1))[0]
    fp_pred_index = np.array(np.where(assign.sum(1) == 0))[0]
    level_list = level[tp_gt_index]

    tp = tp_pred_index.shape[0]
    fp = fp_pred_index.shape[0]
    fn = fn_gt_index.shape[0]

    tp_c = np.zeros([num_classes])
    fn_c = np.zeros([num_classes])

    for i_class in range(num_classes):
        tp_c[i_class] = (level[tp_gt_index] == i_class).sum()
        fn_c[i_class] = (level[fn_gt_index] == i_class).sum()

    return tp, fp, fn, tp_c, fn_c
def main():
    pred_data, gt_data = read_pred_and_gt(pred_file, gt_file)

    for i_sample in id_std:

        gt_p, pred_p, fn_gt_index, tp_pred_index, fp_pred_index, ap, ar = [], [], [], [], [], [], []

        if gt_data[i_sample]['num'] == 0 and pred_data[i_sample]['num'] != 0:
            pred_p = pred_data[i_sample]['points']
            fp_pred_index = np.array(range(pred_p.shape[0]))
            ap = 0
            ar = 0

        if pred_data[i_sample]['num'] == 0 and gt_data[i_sample]['num'] != 0:
            gt_p = gt_data[i_sample]['points']
            fn_gt_index = np.array(range(gt_p.shape[0]))
            sigma_l = gt_data[i_sample]['sigma'][:, 1]
            ap = 0
            ar = 0

        if gt_data[i_sample]['num'] != 0 and pred_data[i_sample]['num'] != 0:
            pred_p = pred_data[i_sample]['points']
            gt_p = gt_data[i_sample]['points']
            sigma_l = gt_data[i_sample]['sigma'][:, 1]
            level = gt_data[i_sample]['level']

            # dist
            dist_matrix = ss.distance_matrix(pred_p, gt_p, p=2)
            match_matrix = np.zeros(dist_matrix.shape, dtype=bool)
            for i_pred_p in range(pred_p.shape[0]):
                pred_dist = dist_matrix[i_pred_p, :]
                match_matrix[i_pred_p, :] = pred_dist <= sigma_l

            # hungarian outputs a match result, which may be not optimal.
            # Nevertheless, the number of tp, fp, tn, fn are same under different match results
            # If you need the optimal result for visualzation,
            # you may treat it as maximum flow problem.
            tp, assign = hungarian(match_matrix)
            fn_gt_index = np.array(np.where(assign.sum(0) == 0))[0]
            tp_pred_index = np.array(np.where(assign.sum(1) == 1))[0]
            tp_gt_index = np.array(np.where(assign.sum(0) == 1))[0]
            fp_pred_index = np.array(np.where(assign.sum(1) == 0))[0]

            cor_index = np.nonzero(assign)

            pre = tp_pred_index.shape[0] / (tp_pred_index.shape[0] + fp_pred_index.shape[0] + 1e-20)
            rec = tp_pred_index.shape[0] / (tp_pred_index.shape[0] + fn_gt_index.shape[0] + 1e-20)

        print(i_sample, val_list[i_sample-1], gt_p.shape[0], pred_p.shape[0])

        img = cv2.imread(val_list[i_sample-1])  # bgr

        print(len(cor_index[0]), len(cor_index[1]), max(cor_index[0]), max(cor_index[1]))

        for l in range(gt_p.shape[0]):
            gt_cor = gt_p[l]
            cv2.circle(img, (gt_cor[0], gt_cor[1]), 2, (0, 0, 255), 1)  # fn: red

        for l in range(len(cor_index[0])):
            pre_cor = pred_p[cor_index[0][l]]
            gt_cor = gt_p[cor_index[1][l]]

            gt_p[cor_index[1][l]] = pred_p[cor_index[0][l]]

            cv2.circle(img, (gt_cor[0], gt_cor[1]), 2, (0, 0, 255), 1)  # fn: red
            cv2.circle(img, (pre_cor[0], pre_cor[1]), 1, (0, 255, 0), 1)  # fp: blue

            cv2.line(img, (pre_cor[0], pre_cor[1]), (gt_cor[0], gt_cor[1]), (255, 0, 0), 1)

        # for l in range(gt_p.shape[0]):
        #     gt_cor = gt_p[l]
        #     cv2.circle(img, (gt_cor[0], gt_cor[1]), 2, (0, 255, 0), 1)  # fn: red

        point_r_value = 1
        thickness = 1
        # if gt_data[i_sample]['num'] != 0:
        #     for i in range(gt_p.shape[0]):
        #         cv2.circle(img, (gt_p[i][0], gt_p[i][1]), 2, (0, 0, 255), 1)  # fn: red
        # if pred_data[i_sample]['num'] != 0:
        #     for i in range(pred_p.shape[0]):
        #         if i in tp_pred_index:
        #             cv2.circle(img, (pred_p[i][0], pred_p[i][1]), point_r_value, (0, 255, 0), -1)  # tp: green
        #         else:
        #             cv2.circle(img, (pred_p[i][0], pred_p[i][1]), point_r_value , (255, 0, 0), -1)  # fp: blue

        # cv2.imwrite(exp_name + '/' + str(i_sample) + '_pre_' + str(pre)[0:6] + '_rec_' + str(rec)[0:6] + '.bmp', img)
        cv2.imwrite(exp_name + '/' + str(i_sample) + '.bmp', img)

        if i_sample >3: