def build_trainset(input_dir="data", output_dir="trainset", win_size=321): '''scan the input folder and put every image with annotations output folder''' utils.init_face_detector(True, win_size) utils.load_shape_predictor("dlib/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat") count = int(utils.count_files_inside(output_dir) / 8) window = "window" cv2.namedWindow(window) for face, box in utils.faces_inside(input_dir, 1, True): face_copy = face.copy() face_rect = region(face) # detections points = utils.detect_landmarks(face, face_rect) utils.draw_points(face, points) # show face while (1): h, w = face.shape[:2] if h > 0 and w > 0: cv2.imshow(window, show_properly(face)) else: break key = cv2.waitKey(20) & 0Xff if key == Keys.ESC: break # skip current face elif key == Keys.S: path = f"{output_dir}/face{count}" # save image cv2.imwrite(f"{path}.jpg", face_copy) # save annotation relative to the current face Annotation(f"{path}.ann", face_rect, points).save() # generate and save augumetations array = augment_data(face_copy, face_rect, points) for i, x in enumerate(array): # save image x[0] cv2.imwrite(f"{path}_{i + 1}.jpg", x[0]) # save annotations Annotation(f"{path}_{i + 1}.ann", face_rect, x[1]).save() count = count + 1 break elif key == Keys.Q: # quit program return cv2.destroyAllWindows() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def compare_models(folder="testset", m1=None, m2=None, view=False): '''compare the [m1] shape_predictor aganist the [m2] model, optionally you can [view] the results''' assert (m1 and m2) utils.init_face_detector(True, 150) # load models utils.load_shape_predictor(m2) sp_m2 = utils.shape_predictor utils.load_shape_predictor(m1) sp_m1 = utils.shape_predictor # init error err = 0 num = 0 for face, region in utils.faces_inside(folder): h, w = face.shape[:2] if h == 0 or w == 0: continue box = utils.Region(0, 0, region.width, region.height) # detect landmarks utils.shape_predictor = sp_m1 lmarks_m1 = utils.detect_landmarks(face, box) utils.shape_predictor = sp_m2 lmarks_m2 = utils.detect_landmarks(face, box) # update error: num += 1 # err += normalized_root_mean_square(lmarks_m1, lmarks_m2) # results: if view is True: utils.draw_points(face, lmarks_m1, utils.draw_points(face, lmarks_m2, utils.show_image(utils.show_properly(face)) if num != 0: err /= num print("the NRMSE of m1 aganist m2 is {}".format(err))
def test(folder="testset", model="dlib/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat"): utils.init_face_detector(True, 150) utils.load_shape_predictor(model) my_sp = utils.shape_predictor dlib_sp = dlib.shape_predictor( "dlib/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat") for face, r in utils.faces_inside(folder): box = region(face) utils.shape_predictor = my_sp lmarks0 = utils.detect_landmarks(face, box) utils.shape_predictor = dlib_spq lmarks1 = utils.detect_landmarks(face, box) # draw results utils.draw_points(face, lmarks1, utils.draw_points(face, lmarks0, utils.show_image(show_properly(face))
def test_augment(): utils.init_face_detector(True, 321) utils.load_shape_predictor("dlib/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat") for img in utils.images_inside("trainset"): points = utils.detect_landmarks(img, region(img)) angle = 30 h, w = img.shape[:2] center = (w / 2, h / 2) # 30 degree rotation rot1 = utils.rotate_image(img, angle) rot_pts1 = utils.rotate_landmarks(points, center, angle) # -30 degree rotatation rot2 = utils.rotate_image(img, -angle) rot_pts2 = utils.rotate_landmarks(points, center, -angle) # mirroring mir = utils.flip_image(img) mir_pts = utils.detect_landmarks(mir, region(mir)) utils.draw_points(img, points) utils.draw_points(rot1, rot_pts1, color=Colors.cyan) utils.draw_points(rot2, rot_pts2, color=Colors.purple) utils.draw_points(mir, mir_pts, while True: cv2.imshow("image", img) cv2.imshow("mirrored", mir) cv2.imshow("rotated30", rot1) cv2.imshow("rotated-30", rot2) key = cv2.waitKey(20) & 0Xff if key == Keys.ESC: break elif key == Keys.Q: return cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def main(): global image, boxes, points # getting arguments from cli args = utils.cli_arguments() out = utils.open_file(args) img_dir = args["dir"] auto_landm = args["land"] is not None auto_faces = args["auto"] mirror_points = args["mirror"] if args["train"] is True: # skip everything and train the model return utils.train_model(out.path, args["train"]) # cnn face detector utils.init_face_detector(args) # load shape predictor if requested if auto_faces and auto_landm: global predictor predictor = dlib.shape_predictor(args["land"]) # recover last state (if append is true) resume, lastpath = utils.load_state(args["append"]) for file in os.listdir(img_dir): # consider only images if not is_image(file): continue # avoid mirrored images if is_mirrored(file): continue # load image: path = os.path.join(img_dir, file) # trying to resume from the image located at lastpath if resume: if path == lastpath: resume = False else: continue image = cv2.imread(path) # clear: stack, boxes and points stack.clear() boxes.clear() points.clear() # automatically detect faces if auto_faces: draw_face(image) # and landmarks if auto_landm: detect_landmarks(image, boxes[-1]) stack.append(image) # create a window with disabled menu when right-clicking with the mouse window = file cv2.namedWindow(window, cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE | cv2.WINDOW_GUI_NORMAL) # mouse callback to window cv2.setMouseCallback(window, mouse_callback) # removing or skipping the current image without affecting output file skipped = False removed = False # showing image until esc is pressed while (1): cv2.imshow(window, image) key = cv2.waitKey(20) & 0Xff # listen to key events if key == KEY_ESC: break elif key == KEY_S: skipped = True break elif key == KEY_R: removed = True utils.delete_image(path) break elif key == KEY_Q: return quit(path, out) if not (skipped or removed): # clear point log print() # write annotations add_entry(out, path, boxes, points, mirror_points) # close window cv2.destroyAllWindows() # delete checkpoint file and close output file utils.delete_state() out.close()
def build_trainset_auto(src="dataset", dst="trainset", debug=False): '''build a trainset automatically from an ibug-like dataset, the images are taken from [src] folder and saved to [dst] folder''' utils.init_face_detector(True, 150) qualiy = [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 50] # file count for naming count = int(utils.count_files_inside(dst) / 8) for img, lmarks, path in utils.ibug_dataset(src): h, w = img.shape[:2] # crop a bigger region around landmarks region = utils.points_region(lmarks) scaled = region.scale(1.8, 1.8).ensure(w, h) img = utils.crop_image(img, scaled) # detect faces face = utils.prominent_face(utils.detect_faces(img)) # if cnn fails try with dlib if face is None: faces = utils.detect_faces(img, detector="dlib") # ..if dlib fails take the region around landmarks if face is None: face = region.copy() else: face = utils.prominent_face(faces) # edit landmarks according to scaled region lmarks = adjust_landmarks(scaled, lmarks) # augumentations i = 0 for image, landmarks, box in augment_data(img, face, lmarks): i = i + 1 if debug: utils.draw_rect(image, box, color=Colors.yellow) utils.draw_points(image, landmarks, color=Colors.purple) name = f"image{i}" utils.show_image(show_properly(image), window=name) else: # save annotation and image ipath = os.path.join(dst, f"face{count}_{i}.jpg") apath = os.path.join(dst, f"face{count}_{i}.ann") cv2.imwrite(ipath, image, qualiy) Annotation(apath, box.as_list()[:4], landmarks).save() if debug: utils.draw_rect(img, face, utils.draw_points(img, lmarks, utils.show_image(show_properly(img)) else: # save image and annotation ipath = os.path.join(dst, f"face{count}.jpg") apath = os.path.join(dst, f"face{count}.ann") cv2.imwrite(ipath, img, qualiy) Annotation(apath, face.as_list()[:4], lmarks).save() count = count + 1 # info print("{} processed: {}\r".format(count, ipath))