def kitti_loop(vo_fn, im_dir, seq): i = 0 loops = [] db = [] dbkp = [] avg_rate = 0 loop_count = 0 last_loop_id = -1 skipped = False j = 0 with open(vo_fn, 'r') as vo_f, open('kitti_traj.txt', 'w') as t_f, \ open('kitti_loops.txt', 'w') as l_f, tf.Session() as sess: calc = utils.CALC2('model', sess, ret_c5=True) qt = [] pts = [] ims = [] for line in vo_f.readlines(): if len(line) != 0 and line[ 0] != "#": # skip comments and empty line at the end line_split = line.split() frame_id = str(i) i += 1 x = line_split[3] y = line_split[7] pts.append([float(x), float(y)]) t_f.write(frame_id + ',' + x + ',' + y + '\n') fl_nm = str(i).zfill(6) + ".png" im = cv2.imread(join(im_dir, "image_2/" + fl_nm)) if im is None or im.shape[0] == 0: print("No image: %s" % fl_nm) break ims.append(im) w = int(4.0 / 3 * im.shape[0]) // 2 _w = im.shape[1] // 2 #im = im[:, (_w-w):(_w+w+1),:] im = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.resize(im, (vw, vh)), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) t0 = time() descr, c5 = kp, kp_d = utils.kp_descriptor(c5) dbkp.append((kp, kp_d)) db.append(descr) if i > 2 * N: t1 = time() j = close_loop(db[:-N], dbkp, descr, (kp, kp_d)) t = (time() - t1) * 1000 qt.append(str(len(db)) + "," + str(t) + "\n") if j > 0: if last_loop_id == -1 or loop_count == 0: last_loop_id = j print("LCD HYPOTHESIS: %d -> %d" % (i, j)) loop_count += 1 elif abs(j - last_loop_id) < W: print("LCD HYPOTHESIS INCREASE: %d -> %d" % (i, j)) loop_count += 1 else: loop_count = 0 last_loop_id = -1 skipped = False else: loop_count = 0 last_loop_id = -1 skipped = False # Only time processing, not IO if i > 0: # TF take one run to warm up. Dont fudge results rate = 1.0 / (time() - t0) avg_rate += (rate - avg_rate) / (i + 1) print("Frame %d, rate = %f Hz, avg rate = %f Hz" % (i, rate, avg_rate)) if loop_count >= C: print("LOOP DETECTED: %d -> %d" % (i, j)) ii = len(pts) - C // 2 - 1 jj = j - W // 2 l_f.write(str(pts[ii][0]) + "," + \ str(pts[ii][1]) + "," + str(pts[jj][0]) + \ "," + str(pts[jj][1]) + "\n") loop_count = 0 skipped = False match = np.concatenate((ims[ii], ims[jj]), axis=1) cv2.imwrite( 'plots/match_kitti%s_%d_%d.png' % (seq, ii, jj), match) # remove loopp descr since we have revisited this location db = db[:jj] + db[jj + W // 2:] pts = pts[:jj] + pts[jj + W // 2:] ims = ims[:jj] + ims[jj + W // 2:] with open('kitti_q_times.txt', 'w') as q_f: q_f.writelines(qt)
def get_prec_recall(model_dir, data_path, num_include=5, title='Precision-Recall Curve', checkpoint=None, netvlad_feat=None, include_calc=False): database = [] # stored descriptors database_kp = [] # stored kp and kp descriptors database_labels = [] # the image labels database_ims = [] db_calc1 = [] mem_path = data_path + "/memory" live_path = data_path + "/live" print("memory path: ", mem_path) print("live path: ", live_path) mem_files = sorted([path.join(mem_path, f) for f in listdir(mem_path)]) live_files = sorted([path.join(live_path, f) for f in listdir(live_path)]) if netvlad_feat is not None: # Assumes netvlad file order was sorted too db_netvlad = np.fromfile(netvlad_feat + "_db.bin", dtype=np.float32).reshape(len(mem_files), -1) q_netvlad = np.fromfile(netvlad_feat + "_q.bin", dtype=np.float32).reshape(len(live_files), -1) t_calc = [] ims = np.empty((1, calc2.vh, calc2.vw, 3), dtype=np.float32) if include_calc: caffe.set_mode_gpu() # Must be placed in 'calc_model' calc1 = caffe.Net('calc_model/deploy.prototxt', 1, weights='calc_model/calc.caffemodel') # Use caffe's transformer transformer ={'X1': (1, 1, 120, 160)}) transformer.set_raw_scale('X1', 1. / 255) n_incorrect = 0 with tf.compat.v1.Session() as sess: calc = utils.CALC2(model_dir, sess, ret_c5=True, checkpoint=checkpoint) for fl in mem_files: print("loading image ", fl, " to database") #ims[0] = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.resize(cv2.imread(fl), (calc2.vw, calc2.vh)), # cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) _im = cv2.imread(fl) im = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.resize(_im, (calc2.vw, calc2.vh)), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) database_ims.append(im) ims[0] = im / 255.0 t0 = time() descr, c5 = t_calc.append(time() - t0) kp, kp_d = kp_descriptor(c5) database_kp.append((kp, kp_d)) database.append(descr) database_labels.append( int( re.match('.*?([0-9]+)$', path.splitext(path.basename(fl))[0]).group(1))) if include_calc: im = cv2.equalizeHist( cv2.cvtColor( cv2.resize(_im, (160, 120), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)) calc1.blobs['X1'].data[...] = transformer.preprocess('X1', im) calc1.forward() d = np.copy(calc1.blobs['descriptor'].data[...]) d /= np.linalg.norm(d) db_calc1.append(d) correct = [] scores = [] correct_reg = [] scores_reg = [] correct_nv = [] scores_nv = [] correct_c1 = [] scores_c1 = [] if include_calc: db_calc1 = np.concatenate(tuple(db_calc1), axis=0) database = np.concatenate(tuple(database), axis=0) matcher = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_L2) #plt.ion() imdata = None i = 0 for fl in live_files: im_label_k = int( re.match('.*?([0-9]+)$', path.splitext(path.basename(fl))[0]).group(1)) _im = cv2.imread(fl) im = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.resize(_im, (calc2.vw, calc2.vh)), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) ims[0] = im / 255.0 t0 = time() descr, c5 = t_calc.append(time() - t0) kp, kp_d = kp_descriptor(c5) if netvlad_feat is not None: sim_nv = np.sum(q_netvlad[i:i + 1, :] * db_netvlad, axis=-1) i_max_sim_nv = np.argmax(sim_nv) max_sim_nv = sim_nv[i_max_sim_nv] scores_nv.append(max_sim_nv) db_lab = database_labels[i_max_sim_nv] correct_nv.append( int(check_match(im_label_k, db_lab, num_include))) if include_calc: im = cv2.equalizeHist( cv2.cvtColor( cv2.resize(_im, (160, 120), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)) calc1.blobs['X1'].data[...] = transformer.preprocess('X1', im) calc1.forward() d = np.copy(calc1.blobs['descriptor'].data[...]) d /= np.linalg.norm(d) sim_c1 = np.sum(d * db_calc1, axis=-1) i_max_sim_c1 = np.argmax(sim_c1) max_sim_c1 = sim_c1[i_max_sim_c1] sim = np.sum(descr * database, axis=-1) i_max_sim_reg = np.argmax(sim) max_sim_reg = sim[i_max_sim_reg] t0 = time() K = 7 top_k_sim_ind = np.argpartition(sim, -K)[-K:] max_sim = -1.0 i_max_sim = -1 best_match_tuple = None for k in top_k_sim_ind: db_kp, db_kp_d = database_kp[k] matches = matcher.knnMatch(kp_d, db_kp_d, 2) good = [] pts1 = [] pts2 = [] for m, n in matches: if m.distance < 0.7 * n.distance: good.append(m) pts1.append(db_kp[m.trainIdx].pt) pts2.append(kp[m.queryIdx].pt) if len(good) > 7: pts1 = np.int32(pts1) pts2 = np.int32(pts2) curr_sim = sim[k] if curr_sim > max_sim: max_sim = curr_sim i_max_sim = k best_match_tuple = (kp, db_kp, good, pts1, pts2) if i_max_sim > -1: F, mask = cv2.findFundamentalMat(best_match_tuple[3], best_match_tuple[4], cv2.FM_RANSAC) if F is None: max_sim = -1.0 i_max_sim = -1 print("Comparison took", (time() - t0) * 1000, "ms") scores.append(max_sim) db_lab = database_labels[i_max_sim] correct.append( int(check_match(im_label_k, db_lab, num_include) ) if i_max_sim > -1 else 0) scores_reg.append(max_sim_reg) db_lab = database_labels[i_max_sim_reg] correct_reg.append( int(check_match(im_label_k, db_lab, num_include))) if include_calc: scores_c1.append(max_sim_c1) db_lab = database_labels[i_max_sim_c1] correct_c1.append( int(check_match(im_label_k, db_lab, num_include))) ''' if correct[-1]: mask = np.squeeze(mask) good = [] for i in range(len(best_match_tuple[2])): if mask[i]: good.append(best_match_tuple[2][i]) if 1: #imdata is None: imdata = plt.imshow(cv2.drawMatches(im, best_match_tuple[0], database_ims[i_max_sim], best_match_tuple[1], good, None, flags=4)) else: imdata.set_data(cv2.drawMatches(im, best_match_tuple[0], database_ims[i_max_sim], best_match_tuple[1], good, None, flags=4)) plt.pause(0.0000001) ''' print("Proposed match G-CALC2:", im_label_k, ", ", database_labels[i_max_sim], ", score = ", max_sim, ", Correct =", correct[-1]) print("Proposed match CALC2:", im_label_k, ", ", database_labels[i_max_sim_reg], ", score = ", max_sim_reg, ", Correct =", correct_reg[-1]) if include_calc: print("Proposed match CALC:", im_label_k, ", ", database_labels[i_max_sim_c1], ", score = ", max_sim_c1, ", Correct =", correct_c1[-1]) if netvlad_feat is not None: print("Proposed match NetVLAD:", im_label_k, ", ", database_labels[i_max_sim_nv], ", score = ", max_sim_nv, ", Correct =", correct_nv[-1]) print() i += 1 print("Mean CALC2 run time: %f ms" % (1000 * np.mean(np.array(t_calc)))) precision, recall, threshold = precision_recall_curve(correct, scores) precision_reg, recall_reg, threshold = precision_recall_curve( correct_reg, scores_reg) precision_c1 = recall_c1 = None if include_calc: precision_c1, recall_c1, threshold = precision_recall_curve( correct_c1, scores_c1) pnv = rnv = None if netvlad_feat is not None: pnv, rnv, threshold = precision_recall_curve(correct_nv, scores_nv) print("N Incorrect:", n_incorrect) return precision, recall, precision_reg, recall_reg, precision_c1, recall_c1, pnv, rnv