def parse_mob(text):
    fields = [line.rstrip() for line in text.strip().split('\n')]

    d = dict()
    d['id'] = int(fields[0])
    d['aliases'] = fields[1].rstrip('~').split()
    d['short_desc'] = fields[2].rstrip('~')
    d['long_desc'] = text.split('~')[2].strip('\n')
    d['detail_desc'] = text.split('~')[3].strip('\n')

    tildes = [i for i, a in enumerate(text) if a == '~']
    start_bottom_matter = tildes[3] + 1
    bottom_fields = text[start_bottom_matter:].strip('\n').split('\n')

    vector_line = bottom_fields[0]
    action, affect, alignment, mob_type = vector_line.split()

    d['mob_type'] = mob_type
    d['alignment'] = int(alignment)

    action = clean_bitvector(action)
    d['flags'] = bitvector_to_flags(action, MOB_ACTION_FLAGS)

    affect = clean_bitvector(affect)
    d['affects'] = bitvector_to_flags(affect, MOB_AFFECT_FLAGS)

    level, thac0, ac, max_hp, bare_hand_dmg = bottom_fields[1].split()
    gold, xp = bottom_fields[2].split()
    load_position, default_position, gender = bottom_fields[3].split()

    d['level'] = int(level)
    d['thac0'] = int(thac0)
    d['armor_class'] = int(ac)
    d['max_hit_points'] = parse_dice_roll_string_to_dict(max_hp)
    d['bare_hand_damage'] = parse_dice_roll_string_to_dict(bare_hand_dmg)
    d['gold'] = int(gold)
    d['xp'] = int(xp)
    d['position'] = {
        'load': lookup_value_to_dict(int(load_position), MOB_POSITION),
        'default': lookup_value_to_dict(int(load_position), MOB_POSITION)
    d['gender'] = lookup_value_to_dict(int(gender), MOB_GENDER)

    extra_spec = dict()
    if len(bottom_fields) > 4:
        assert mob_type == 'E'
        assert bottom_fields[-1] == 'E'

        for line in bottom_fields[4:]:
            if line == 'E':
                break  # we reached the end of this E-type mob
            key, value = line.split(': ')
            extra_spec[key] = int(value)
    d['extra_spec'] = extra_spec

    return d
def parse_room(text):
    parts = text.split('~')
    vnum, name = parts[0].split('\n')
    desc = parts[1].strip()
    zone, flags, sector = parts[2].strip() \
        .split('\n')[0].strip().split(' ')

    d = dict()
    d['id'] = int(vnum)
    d['name'] = name.strip()
    d['desc'] = desc.strip('\n')
    d['zone_number'] = int(zone)

    flags = clean_bitvector(flags)
    d['flags'] = []
    if flags:
        d['flags'] = bitvector_to_flags(flags, ROOM_FLAGS)

    # sector type flag is always an int
    d['sector_type'] = lookup_value_to_dict(int(sector), ROOM_SECTOR_TYPES)

    bottom_matter = '~'.join(parts[2:])
    d['exits'] = parse_exits(bottom_matter)
    d['extra_descs'] = parse_extra_descs(bottom_matter)

    return d
def parse_object(text):
    fields = [line.rstrip() for line in text.strip().split('\n')]

    d = dict()

    # easy fields
    d['id'] = int(fields[0])
    d['aliases'] = fields[1].rstrip('~').split()
    d['short_desc'] = fields[2].rstrip('~')
    d['long_desc'] = fields[3].rstrip('~')
    d['values'] = [int(v) for v in fields[6].split()]
    weight, cost, rent, a, b, c = [int(v) for v in fields[7].split()]
    d['weight'] = weight
    d['cost'] = cost
    d['rent'] = rent
    d['a'] = a
    d['b'] = b
    d['c'] = c

    type_flag, effects_bits, wear_bitvector = fields[5].split()

    # type flag is always an int
    d['type'] = lookup_value_to_dict(int(type_flag), OBJECT_TYPE_FLAGS)

    # parse the bitvectors
    effects_bits = clean_bitvector(effects_bits)
    effects = bitvector_to_flags(effects_bits, OBJECT_EXTRA_EFFECTS_FLAGS)
    d['effects'] = effects

    wear_bitvector = clean_bitvector(wear_bitvector)
    d['wear'] = bitvector_to_flags(wear_bitvector, OBJECT_WEAR_FLAGS)

    action_desc = fields[4].rstrip('~')
    if action_desc:
        d['action_desc'] = action_desc

    d['affects'] = []
    d['extra_descs'] = []
    if len(fields) > 8:
        extra_fields = fields[8:]

        d['affects'] = list(parse_affects(extra_fields))
        d['extra_descs'] = list(parse_extra_descs(extra_fields))

    return d
def parse_object(text):
    fields = [line.rstrip() for line in text.strip().split('\n')]

    d = dict()

    # easy fields
    d['id'] = int(fields[0])
    d['aliases'] = fields[1].rstrip('~').split()
    d['short_desc'] = fields[2].rstrip('~')
    d['long_desc'] = fields[3].rstrip('~')
    d['values'] = [int(v) for v in fields[6].split()]
    weight, cost, rent = [int(v) for v in fields[7].split()]
    d['weight'] = weight
    d['cost'] = cost
    d['rent'] = rent

    type_flag, effects_bits, wear_bitvector = fields[5].split()

    # type flag is always an int
    d['type'] = lookup_value_to_dict(int(type_flag), OBJECT_TYPE_FLAGS)

    # parse the bitvectors
    effects_bits = clean_bitvector(effects_bits)
    effects = bitvector_to_flags(effects_bits, OBJECT_EXTRA_EFFECTS_FLAGS)
    d['effects'] = effects

    wear_bitvector = clean_bitvector(wear_bitvector)
    d['wear'] = bitvector_to_flags(wear_bitvector, OBJECT_WEAR_FLAGS)

    action_desc = fields[4].rstrip('~')
    if action_desc:
        d['action_desc'] = action_desc

    d['affects'] = []
    d['extra_descs'] = []
    if len(fields) > 8:
        extra_fields = fields[8:]

        d['affects'] = list(parse_affects(extra_fields))
        d['extra_descs'] = list(parse_extra_descs(extra_fields))

    return d