def S_non(self): xm = medianArray(self.nu_arr) z, L0, a = self.red_g, self.L_g, self.index_g y = np.ones(len(xm) - 1) for i, xi in enumerate(xm[:-1]): #y[i]=Int_S(self.nu_arr[i],self.nu_arr[i+1],8.0,23.0,z_g) y[i] = Int_S_N(xm[i], xm[i + 1], a, z, L0) return y
def S_P(self, z, L0, a): xm = medianArray(self.nu_arr) #defualt is los 4: 1st try 2,3,noda() Sn011 = np.array([ Int_S_EoR(xm[i], xm[i + 1], a, z, L0, self.xi_z, self.d_z, self.Ts_z, i) for i in range(len(xm[:-1])) ]) Sn1_av = (Sn011) return Sn1_av
def writeCountsFile(output,bins,fluxes,area,idl_style=None,\ version=2,verbose=None,corrs=None): """ Write an array of fluxes to a binned counts file """ # Test version if version < 2: return '***Unsupported!!' # Bin up the fluxes counts=numpy.histogram(fluxes,bins=bins)[0] N=len(fluxes) print '-> %i/%i objects observed in total (after binning)\n' % (counts.sum(),N) # Calculate differential counts idl_style=False dn_by_ds,dn_by_ds_eucl,dn_by_ds_errs,dn_by_ds_b,dn_by_ds_b_errs=\ calculateDnByDs(1.0e-6*bins,counts,idl_style=idl_style,return_all=True) median_bins=medianArray(bins) # uJy NB=len(median_bins) # Set up the corrections if corrs is None: corrs=numpy.ones(NB) if output is not None: outputf=output s=open(outputf,'w') if version < 2: header='# bin_median ksRaw ksNoisy' else: header='# bin_low_uJy bin_high_uJy bin_median_uJy Ns_tot_obs dnds_srm1Jym1 dnds_eucl_srm1Jy1p5 delta_dnds_eucl_lower_srm1Jy1p5 delta_dnds_eucl_upper_srm1Jy1p5 corr Ncgts_degm2 dNcgts_lower_degm2 dNcgts_upper_degm2' s.write('%s\n'%header) if verbose: print header for ibin in range(NB): if version < 2: line='%f %i %i' % (median_bins[ibin],-99.0,counts[ibin]) else: line='%f %f %f %i %e %e %e %e %f %i %i %i' % \ (bins[ibin],bins[ibin+1],median_bins[ibin],round(counts[ibin]),\ dn_by_ds[ibin]/(sqDeg2sr*area),\ dn_by_ds_eucl[ibin]/(sqDeg2sr*area),\ dn_by_ds_errs[ibin]/(sqDeg2sr*area),\ dn_by_ds_errs[ibin]/(sqDeg2sr*area),\ corrs[ibin],\ round(counts[ibin:].sum()*1.00/area),\ round(numpy.sqrt(counts[ibin:].sum()*1.00/area)),\ round(numpy.sqrt(counts[ibin:].sum()*1.00/area))) s.write('%s\n'%line) if verbose: print line print counts.sum() s.close() print 'Look in %s' % outputf return
def Con(self): z, L0, a = self.red_g, self.L_g, self.index_g t, Dnu = self.t_int, self.Dnu xm = medianArray(self.nu_arr) ssg = np.array([sig_s(jj, Dnu, t) for jj in xm[:-1]]) Sn014 = np.array([ Int_S_EoR(xm[i], xm[i + 1], a, z, L0, self.xi_z4, self.d_z4, self.Ts_z4, i) for i in range(len(xm[:-1])) ]) #Sn014 = np.array( [ S_n1(xm[i],z,L0,a)*A(z,(1420.4/xm[i])-1.0,self.xi_z4,self.d_z4,self.Ts_z4,i) for i in range(len(xm[:-1])) ] ) return (self.nu_arr), Sn014, ssg
def Mod(self, A, B, z, L0, a): t, Dnu = self.t_int, self.Dnu xm = medianArray(self.nu_arr) ssg = np.array([sig_s(jj, Dnu, t) for jj in xm[:-1]]) #Sn014 = np.array( [ S_n1(xm[i],z,L0,a)*Snu_Model_A(xm[i],A,B,z) for i in range(len(xm[:-1])) ] ) #Sn014 = np.array( [ Int_S(xm[i],xm[i+1],A,B,z,a,L0) for i in range(len(xm[:-1])) ] ) Sn014 = np.array([ Int_S(xm[i], xm[i + 1], A, B, z, a, L0) for i in range(len(xm[:-1])) ]) return Sn014
def N2C(function, deviates, Smin, Smax, numbins): """ Since C is a function of the number of deviates N drawn from the function, calculate what the ratio is and return it """ A = integrate.quad(function, Smin, Smax)[0] # print A,N # Bin the random samples bbins = numpy.linspace(Smin, Smax, numbins) E = numpy.histogram(deviates, bins=bbins)[0] # And calculate their area G = integrate.trapz(E, x=medianArray(bbins)) return numbins * G / A
def calculateDnByDs(bins,counts,eucl=False,verbose=False,idl_style=True, errors=False,bright=False,bright_errors=False, return_all=False): """ This function expects bins to be in Jy The output units are Jy^-1, or Jy^1.5 if eucl=True The function is area-agnostic: sr^-1 -> sr^-1, deg^-2 -> deg^-2 etc. Be careful with units: e.g. if bins are in uJy, dn_by_ds will be uJy^-1 = 10^6 Jy dn_ny_ds_eucl in uJy^1.5 = 10^-9 Jy etc. """ dn=counts Smed=medianArray(bins) ds=numpy.absolute(numpy.gradient(Smed)) if idl_style: # i.e. the way DERIV.PRO does it ds[0] = abs(-3.0*Smed[0] + 4.0*Smed[1] - Smed[2] / 2.0) ds[-1] = abs(3.0*Smed[-1] - 4.0*Smed[-2] + Smed[-3] / 2.0) if verbose: print 'dn',dn print 'ds',ds if return_all: return dn/ds, (Smed**2.5) * dn/ds,\ (Smed**2.5) * numpy.sqrt(dn)/ds,\ (Smed**2.0) * dn/ds,\ (Smed**2.0) * numpy.sqrt(dn)/ds if eucl: dn_by_ds = (Smed**2.5) * dn/ds elif errors: dn_by_ds = (Smed**2.5) * numpy.sqrt(dn)/ds elif bright: dn_by_ds = (Smed**2.0) * dn/ds elif bright_errors: dn_by_ds = (Smed**2.0) * numpy.sqrt(dn)/ds else: dn_by_ds = dn/ds return dn_by_ds
def myloglike(cube, ndim, nparams): global yi, x, xm, y, notInited, sg, bb, cc if notInited: zin, Li, ai = float(sys.argv[-4]), float(sys.argv[-3]), float( sys.argv[-2]) F = AB.FLUX(zin, Li, ai) bb, cc = zip(*AB.Memoize(r).memo.items()) y = F.Result()[1] # x = F.Result()[0] # xm = medianArray(x) sg = F.Result()[ 2] #np.array( [ sig_s(i,dnu,T_int) for i in xm[:-1] ] ) np.random.seed(1234) yi = y + np.random.normal(0.0, sg) #input data + random.noramal noise notInited = False loglike = 0.0 for idatum in range(len(xm[:-1])): data = yi[idatum] zfit = cube[0] B = cube[1] K = cube[2] amp = cube[3] a = cube[5] model = Int_S(xm[idatum], xm[idatum + 1], B, K, zfit, a, amp) if model < 0.0: print '+', return -1.0e99 #print model sigma = cube[4] * sg[idatum] chisq = 0.5 * ((data - model) / sigma)**2.0 prefactor = 0.5 * log(2.0 * pi * sigma**2.0) loglike -= prefactor + chisq return loglike
def simulate(family,params,paramsList,bins,\ seed=None,N=None,noise=None,output=None,\ dump=None,version=2,verbose=False,area=None,\ skadsf=None,pole_posns=None,simarrayf=None,\ simdocatnoise=True): """ Based on lumfunc.simtable() Specify family + parameters Specify number of sources Build CDF (or set up function) Draw deviates Sample CDF given deviates Add noise (None or some value) Bin Write out Return Look at simulate.ipynb for an example run Need to add normalization capability Families: ======== skads: ----- r=countUtils.simulate('skads',[0.01,85.0],['S0','S1'],numpy.linspace(-60.0,100.0,26),seed=1234,N=40000,noise=17.0,dump='R.txt',output='dummy.txt',verbose=True) ppl: --- r=countUtils.simulate('ppl',[1000.0,5.0,75.0,-1.6],['C','S0','S1','a0'],numpy.linspace(-20.0,100.0,22),seed=1234,N=40000,noise=17.0,dump='R.txt',output='dummy.txt',verbose=True) r=countUtils.simulate('ppl',[1000.0,5.0,25.0,75.0,-1.6,-2.5],['C','S0','S1','S2','a0','a1'],numpy.linspace(-20.0,100.0,22),seed=1234,N=40000,noise=17.0,dump='R.txt',output='dummy.txt',verbose=True) r=countUtils.simulate('ppl',[1000.0,5.0,25.0,40.0,75.0,-1.6,-2.5,-1.0],['C','S0','S1','S2','S3','a0','a1','a2'],numpy.linspace(-20.0,100.0,22),seed=1234,N=40000,noise=17.0,dump='R.txt',output='dummy.txt',verbose=True) r=countUtils.simulate('ppl',[1000.0,5.0,25.0,40.0,75.0,90.0,-1.6,-2.5,-1.0,2.0],['C','S0','S1','S2','S3','S4','a0','a1','a2','a3'],numpy.linspace(-20.0,100.0,22),seed=1234,N=40000,noise=17.0,dump='R.txt',output='dummy.txt',verbose=True) poly: ---- r=countUtils.simulate('poly',[5.0,75.0,1.0],['S0','S1','p0'],numpy.linspace(-20.0,100.0,22),seed=1234,N=40000,noise=17.0,dump='R.txt',output='dummy.txt',verbose=True) r=countUtils.simulate('poly',[5.0,75.0,1.0,-1.0],['S0','S1','p0','p1'],numpy.linspace(-20.0,100.0,22),seed=1234,N=40000,noise=17.0,dump='R.txt',output='dummy.txt',verbose=True) r=countUtils.simulate('poly',[5.0,75.0,1.0,-1.0,5.0],['S0','S1','p0','p1','p2'],numpy.linspace(-20.0,100.0,22),seed=1234,N=40000,noise=17.0,dump='R.txt',output='dummy.txt',verbose=True) bins: ---- test: ---- array: ----- """ # Initialize seed for variates AND any noise if seed is not None: numpy.random.seed(seed=SEED_SIM) if family == 'ppl': C = alpha = Smin = Smax = beta = S0 = gamma = S1 = delta = S2 = -99.0 nlaws = int(0.5 * len(paramsList) - 1) C = params[paramsList.index('C')] Smin = params[paramsList.index('S0')] alpha = params[paramsList.index('a0')] if nlaws > 1: beta = params[paramsList.index('a1')] S0 = params[paramsList.index('S1')] if nlaws > 2: gamma = params[paramsList.index('a2')] S1 = params[paramsList.index('S2')] if nlaws > 3: delta = params[paramsList.index('a3')] S2 = params[paramsList.index('S3')] iSmax = int([i for i in paramsList if i.startswith('S')][-1][-1]) Smax = params[paramsList.index('S%i' % iSmax)] function = lambda S:powerLawFuncWrap(nlaws,S,C,alpha,-99.0,beta,\ Smin/1e6,Smax/1e6,S0/1e6,gamma,S1/1e6,delta,S2/1e6,1.0) elif family == 'test': Smin = params[paramsList.index('S0')] Smax = params[paramsList.index('S1')] function = lambda S: S**2 elif family == 'poly': Smin = params[paramsList.index('S0')] Smax = params[paramsList.index('S1')] coeffs = [ params[paramsList.index(p)] for p in paramsList if p.startswith('p') ] S_1 = 1.0 function = lambda S: polyFunc(S, S_1, Smin, Smax, coeffs) elif family == 'bins': Smin = params[paramsList.index('S0')] Smax = params[paramsList.index('S1')] coeffs = [ params[paramsList.index(p)] for p in paramsList if p.startswith('b') ] if pole_posns is None: pole_posns = numpy.logspace(numpy.log10(Smin), numpy.log10(Smax), len(coeffs) + 1) assert (len(coeffs) == len(pole_posns) - 1), '***Mismatch in number of poles!!' Smin = pole_posns[0] Smax = pole_posns[-1] function = lambda S: polesFunc(S, pole_posns, Smin, Smax, coeffs) elif family == 'array': Smin = params[paramsList.index('S0')] Smax = params[paramsList.index('S1')] assert (simarrayf is not None), '***Need to specify an input simulation!' print 'Reading %s...' % simarrayf dataMatrix = numpy.genfromtxt(simarrayf) dndsInArr = dataMatrix[:, 4] binsDogleg = numpy.concatenate((dataMatrix[:, 0], [dataMatrix[-1, 1]])) binsMedian = dataMatrix[:, 2] assert (( medianArray(binsDogleg) == binsMedian).all()), '***bin mismatch!' Smin = binsDogleg[0] Smax = binsDogleg[-1] if not simdocatnoise: Smin = -5.01 #-2.01 # binsMedian[0] print dndsInArr function = lambda S: arrayFunc(S, binsMedian, dndsInArr, Smin, Smax) #function2=lambda S:arrayFunc(S,binsMedian,dndsInArr,Smin,Smax) #for x in numpy.linspace(-10.0,100.0,500): # print x,function(x),function2(x) #sys.exit(0) elif family == 'skads': Smin = params[paramsList.index('S0')] Smax = params[paramsList.index('S1')] function = None assert (skadsf is not None), '***Need to specify input SKADS file!' print 'Reading %s...' % skadsf R = Jy2muJy * 10**numpy.genfromtxt(skadsf) numpy.ndarray.sort(R) iRmin, Rmin = find_nearest(R, Smin) iRmax, Rmax = find_nearest(R, Smax) F = R[iRmin:iRmax] print '%i/%i sources ingested after Smin/Smax cuts' % (len(F), len(R)) if N is not None: F = numpy.random.choice(F, size=N, replace=False) N = len(F) print 'NSKADS = %i' % N elif family == 'Lrad': Smin = params[paramsList.index('LoptMIN')] Smax = params[paramsList.index('LoptMAX')] A = params[paramsList.index('A')] B = params[paramsList.index('B')] sigma_Lrad = params[paramsList.index('sigma_Lrad')] #print Loptmin,Loptmax print 'Doing LF simulation' inta = None #intg = integrate.quad(lambda Lopt:Lopt2Lrad(Lopt,A=A,B=B,flux=False),Loptmin,Loptmax,epsabs=0.)[0] function = lambda Lopt: Lopt2Lrad(Lopt, A=A, B=B, flux=False) elif family in ['LFsch', 'LFdpl']: redshift = 0.325 z_min = 0.2 z_max = 0.45 Lmin = params[paramsList.index('LMIN')] Lmax = params[paramsList.index('LMAX')] [Smin, Smax] = SMIN_SIM, SMAX_SIM print Smin, Smax [Smin, Smax] = get_sbins([10**Lmin, 10**Lmax], redshift, dl) * 1e6 print Smin, Smax, Lmin, Lmax print 'Doing LF simulation' Vmax = get_Vmax(z_min, z_max) dsdl = get_dsdl(redshift, dl) inta = None intg = integrate.quad(lambda S:LF(S,redshift,dsdl,Vmax,dl,params=params,paramsList=paramsList,\ inta=inta,area=area,family=family),Smin*1e-6,Smax*1e-6,epsabs=0.)[0] print intg * Vmax print Vmax area = N / (Vmax * intg) area1 = area print N, area function = lambda S:dNdS_LF(S,z_min,redshift,z_max,dl,params=params,paramsList=paramsList,\ area=area,family=family) if family != 'skads': # Set up the 'rough' array gridlength = 10000 # Good enough to prevent bleeding at the edges Ss = numpy.linspace(Smin, Smax, gridlength) print Smin, Smax print 'checking for one sample' kl = function(20 / 1e6) print kl #sys.exit() values = numpy.array([function(ix / 1e6) for ix in Ss]) print values[:10] # Build the CDF CDF = buildCDF(values) plt.plot(CDF, Ss) #plt.xscale('log') #plt.yscale('log') plt.ylabel('Flux') plt.xlabel('CDF') print CDF.max() # Create the interpolant object sampler = interp1d(CDF, Ss) plt.plot(Ss, values, '.') plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') plt.xlabel('Flux') plt.ylabel('LF') x = numpy.linspace(0., 1., 10000) z = numpy.logspace(0, 1, 1000) / 10. f = sampler(z) y = sampler(x) plt.yscale('log') #plt.xscale('log') plt.axhline(Smin) plt.axhline(Smax) plt.xlabel('R') plt.ylabel('Sampler(R) [flux]') #plt.plot(x,y) plt.plot(z, f) #sys.exit() # Test that the sampler extrema match print Smin, sampler(0.0), 'you know wa mean' print Smax, sampler(0.99999) # assert(numpy.isclose(sampler(0.0),Smin)[0]) # assert(numpy.isclose(sampler(0.99999),Smax,atol=1.0e-3)[0]) # Draw the random deviates R = numpy.random.rand(N) print len(R) F = sampler(R) Nt = 0. for f in F: if f < 1.: Nt += 1. F = F[F > 1.] print N, Nt print len(F) Nt = len(F) #sys.exit() # Normalize here - this is N2C # EITHER N is specified explicitly # BOTH N2C and C2N are useful # Integrate the original function #intg = integrate.quad(lambda S:LF(S,redshift,dsdl,Vmax,dl,params=params,paramsList=paramsList,\ # inta=inta,area=area,family=family),Smin*1e-6,Smax*1e-6,epsabs=0.)[0] #print intg*Vmax #print Vmax #area = Nt/(Vmax*intg) #print N,area,area1 #sys.exit() A = integrate.quad(function, Smin, Smax)[0] # print A,N # Bin the random samples bbins = numpy.linspace(Smin, Smax, 100) E = numpy.histogram(F, bins=bbins)[0] # And calculate their area G = integrate.trapz(E, x=medianArray(bbins)) # print G # print G/A # Gunpowder, treason and.... if False: plt.xlim(0.0, 100.0) plt.xlabel('S / $\mu$Jy') plt.hist(F, bins=bbins) plt.plot(Ss, values * G / A, 'r') plt.savefig('N2C.pdf') plt.close() # Want: C given N, to compare to original C numbins = 1000 if family == 'ppl': C_calc = N / N2C(function, F, Smin, Smax, numbins) #print N2C(function,F,Smin,Smax,numbins),C print 'For %i sources, C is %e (should be %e)' % (N, C_calc, C) elif family == 'poly': C_calc = log10(N / N2C(function, F, Smin, Smax, numbins)) print 'For %i sources, C is %e (should be %e)' % (N, C_calc, coeffs[0]) # Dump noiseless fluxes to file puredumpf = dump idl_style = False numpy.savetxt(puredumpf, F) print 'Draws (noiseless) are in %s' % puredumpf writeCountsFile(output[1], bins, F, area, idl_style=idl_style, verbose=verbose) print output[1] # Now add noise if requested if simdocatnoise: numpy.random.seed(seed=SEED_SIM) poln = False if poln: F += rice.rvs(F / noise, size=N) else: F += numpy.random.normal(0.0, noise, Nt) # Dump noisy fluxes to file if dump is not None: noisydumpf = '%s_noisy.txt' % puredumpf.split('.')[0] numpy.savetxt(noisydumpf, F) print 'Draws (noisy) are in %s' % noisydumpf print 'Minimum flux in catalogue = %f' % F.min() print 'Maximum flux in catalogue = %f' % F.max() # Write counts file print output[0] writeCountsFile(output[0], bins, F, area, idl_style=idl_style, verbose=verbose) print N, area #,area1 return F
def __init__(self,kind,order,settingsf,whichSurvey,floatNoise,doPoln=False,\ doRayleigh=False,doRedshiftSlices=False,mybins=None): # Import settings print 'Settings file is %s' % settingsf set_module = importlib.import_module(settingsf) globals().update(set_module.__dict__) # Set up model self.kind = kind = kind self.order = order self.nlaws = order self.model = model(self.kind) self.floatNoise = floatNoise self.doPoln = doPoln self.doRayleigh = doRayleigh self.doRedshiftSlices = doRedshiftSlices if self.doRedshiftSlices: self.zDataObject = dataSetup('sdss', zmanifestf, redshiftSlices=self.doRedshiftSlices) self.redshifts = redshifts # Set up parameters for this model # --> This defines the order of the parameters: self.paramsAvail=\ OrderedDict([('extra',['noise']),\ ('evol',['A_agn','A_SF','B_agn','B_SF']),\ ('evol_SF',['A_SF','B_SF']),\ ('evol_mat',['A_SF','A_agn']),\ ('evol_el',['A_SF','A_agn']),\ ('evol_sl',['A_SF','A_agn','LSLOPE2_2']),\ ('evol_sg',['A_SF','A_agn','LSIGMA']),\ ('evol_ls',['A_SF','A_agn','LMIN2']),\ ('evol_ph',['A_SF','A_agn','LNORM','LSTAR']),\ ('evol_all',['LNORM','LSTAR','LSLOPE2_2','LSIGMA']),\ ('evol_phi',['A_D','B_D']),\ ('breaks',['S%i'%ic for ic in xrange(self.nlaws+1)]),\ ('amp',['C']),\ ('coeffs',['p%i'%ic for ic in xrange(self.nlaws)]),\ ('limits',['S%i'%ic for ic in xrange(2)]),\ ('Llimits',['LMIN_%i'%ic for ic in xrange(1,10)]),\ #('Llimits',['LMIN_%i'%ic for ic in xrange(1,5)]),\ ('llimits',['LMIN','LMAX']),\ ('poles',['b%i'%ic for ic in xrange(self.nlaws)]),\ ('slopes',['a%i'%ic for ic in xrange(self.nlaws)]),\ #('schechter',['LMIN','LMAX','LNORM','LSTAR','LSLOPE','LZEVOL']),\ ('schechter',['LMIN','LMAX','LNORM','LSTAR','LSLOPE']),\ #('doublepl',['LMIN','LMAX','LNORM_2','LSTAR_2','LSLOPE_2','LSLOPE2_2'),\ ('powerlaw',['LMIN','LMAX','LNORM_2','LSTAR_2','LSLOPE_2']),\ ('doublepl',['LMIN','LMAX','LNORM_2','LSTAR_2','LSLOPE_2','LSLOPE2_2']),\ ('dpl_pl',['LMIN','LMAX2','LMIN2','LMAX','LNORM','LSTAR','LSLOPE','LSLOPE2','LNORM_2','LSTAR_2','LSLOPE_2']),\ ('pl_dpl',['LMIN','LMAX2','LMIN2','LMAX','LNORM','LSTAR','LSLOPE','LSLOPE2','LNORM_2','LSTAR_2','LSLOPE_2']),\ ('dpl_dpl',['LMIN','LMAX2','LMIN2','LMAX','LNORM','LSTAR','LSLOPE','LSLOPE2','LNORM_2','LSTAR_2','LSLOPE_2','LSLOPE2_2']),\ ('lognorm',['LMIN','LMAX','LNORM_2','LSTAR_2','LSLOPE_2','LSIGMA']),\ ('lognorm_dpl',['LMIN','LMAX2','LMIN2','LMAX','LNORM','LSTAR','LSLOPE','LSLOPE2','LNORM_2','LSTAR_2','LSLOPE_2','LSIGMA']),\ ('pl_lognorm',['LMIN','LMAX2','LMIN2','LMAX','LNORM','LSTAR','LSLOPE','LNORM_2','LSTAR_2','LSLOPE_2','LSIGMA']),\ ('schechterM',['MMIN','MMAX','MNORM','MSTAR','MSLOPE','MZEVOL']),\ ('doubleplM',['MMIN','MMAX','MNORM','MSTAR','MSLOPE','MSLOPE2','MZEVOL'])]) familyMap={'ppl':['breaks','slopes','amp','extra'],\ 'poly':['limits','coeffs','extra'],\ 'bins':['poles','extra'],\ 'LFsch':['schechter','extra'],\ 'LFpl':['powerlaw','extra'],\ 'LFdpl':['doublepl','extra'],\ 'LFdpl_dpl':['dpl_dpl','extra'],\ 'LFdpl_pl':['dpl_pl','extra'],\ 'LFdpl_dpl_z':['dpl_dpl','evol','extra'],\ 'LFevol' :['evol','llimits','extra'],\ 'LFevol_dpl' :['evol','llimits','extra'],\ 'LFevol_dpl_s' :['evol_SF','llimits','extra'],\ 'LFevol_dpl_L':['Llimits','evol','llimits','extra'], 'LFevol_logn':['evol','llimits','extra'],\ 'LFevol_logn_mat':['evol_mat','llimits','extra'],\ 'LFevol_logn_el':['evol_el','llimits','extra'],\ 'LFevol_logn_slope':['evol_sl','llimits','extra'],\ 'LFevol_logn_sigma':['evol_sg','llimits','extra'],\ 'LFevol_logn_lmin':['evol_ls','llimits','extra'],\ 'LFevol_logn_lnorm':['evol_ph','llimits','extra'],\ 'LFevol_logn_all':['evol','evol_all','llimits','extra'],\ 'LFevol_logn_all_L':['Llimits','evol','evol_all','llimits','extra'],\ 'LFevol_logn_s':['evol_SF','llimits','extra'],\ 'LFevol_logn_L':['Llimits','evol','llimits','extra'], 'LFevol_phi_logn':['evol','evol_phi','llimits','extra'],\ 'LFevol_phi_logn_mat':['evol_mat','evol_phi','llimits','extra'],\ 'LFpl_dpl':['pl_dpl','extra'],\ 'LFlognorm_dpl':['lognorm_dpl','extra'],\ 'LFlognorm':['lognorm','extra'],\ 'LFpl_lognorm':['pl_lognorm','extra'],\ 'HIsch':['schechterM','extra'],\ 'HIdpl':['doubleplM','extra']} self.paramsStruct=\ [self.paramsAvail[p] for p in self.paramsAvail if p in familyMap[kind]] self.parameters = list(itertools.chain(*self.paramsStruct)) self.nparams = len(self.parameters) #print self.nparams,self.parameters self.currentPhysParams = -99.0 * numpy.ones(self.nparams) # Set up priors self.priors = Priors() self.priorsDict = self.parsePriors(self.parameters, self.floatNoise) # Load the data and derive the bins self.survey = surveySetup(whichSurvey, [datafiles], [SURVEY_AREA], [SURVEY_NOISE]) if doRedshiftSlices: # And load any multiple data sets self.fdata = {} self.fbins = {} self.fnbins = {} self.fbinsMedian = {} for df in self.survey.datafiles[0]: self.fdata[df], self.fbins[df] = self.loadData(df) #print df #print self.fdata[df] #print self.fbins[df] self.fnbins[df] = len(self.fbins[df]) - 1 self.fbinsMedian[df] = medianArray(self.fbins[df]) self.binsMedian = self.fbinsMedian[df] self.bins = self.fbins[df] = self.fdata[df] self.nbins = self.fnbins[df] else: print self.survey.datafile, self.bins = self.loadData(self.survey.datafile[0]) print 'different?',, self.survey.datafile self.nbins = len(self.bins) - 1 self.binsMedian = medianArray(self.bins) self.nsrc = int( if mybins is not None: self.bins = mybins self.binsMedian = medianArray(self.bins) self.nbins = len(self.bins) - 1 return
def S_N(self, z, L0, a, Dnu, t_int): xm = medianArray(self.nu_arr) ssg = np.array([sig_s(jj, Dnu, t_int) for jj in xm[:-1]]) #tt = np.array( [ Int_ST(xm[i],xm[i+1],a,z,L0,self.xi_z2,self.d_z2,self.Ts_z2,i) for i in range(len(xm[:-1])) ] ) return (self.nu_arr), self.S_P(z, L0, a), ssg #,tt
def main(): """ """ print 'Settings file is %s' % setf # Import the settings variables set_module = importlib.import_module(setf) globals().update(set_module.__dict__) expt = countModel(modelFamily, nlaws, setf, [dataset], floatNoise, doRedshiftSlices=True) #recon_expt=countModel(modelFamily,nlaws,setf,[dataset],floatNoise) #print #print expt.bins # Get MAP parameters print '\n' * 5 print len(expt.parameters) ncols = len(expt.parameters) summf = os.path.join(outdir, '1-summary.txt') summary = numpy.genfromtxt(summf)[-1, :] drawmap = summary[-(ncols + 2):-2] ana=pymultinest.analyse.Analyzer(ncols-1,\ outputfiles_basename=os.path.join(outdir,outstem)) drawmap = ana.get_best_fit()['parameters'] if dataset == 'sdss': print datafiles, len(datafiles[0]) dataf = datafiles[0] if len(dataf) == 20: num = dataf[-5] print num else: num = dataf[-6:-4] d = numpy.genfromtxt('%s/%s' % (outdir, datafiles[0][4:])) print datafiles[0][4:] elif dataset == 'cosmos': print datafiles, len(datafiles[0]) dataf = datafiles[0] if len(dataf) == 24: num = dataf[-5] print num else: num = dataf[-6:-4] d = numpy.genfromtxt('%s/%s' % (outdir, datafiles[0][8:])) print datafiles[0][8:] elif 'sim' in dataset: d = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join(outdir, 'sim.txt')) #bins2 = numpy.arange(21.4,29.2,0.4) bins2 = numpy.arange(18.0, 29.2, 0.4) bins3 = numpy.arange(18., 29.2, 0.01) print len(expt.parameters) print 'this is 1st num ', num #sys.exit() params = drawmap # [0] #for i in drawmap: # params.append(i) print params print expt.parameters #novak 2017 L_n = [21.77, 22.15, 22.46, 22.77, 23.09, 23.34] rho_n = [-2.85, -2.88, -3.12, -3.55, -4.05, -4.63] L_ner_u = [0.23, 0.18, 0.19, 0.2, 0.21, 0.28] L_ner_d = [1.1, 0.15, 0.14, 0.12, 0.12, 0.048] rho_ner = [0.09, 0.03, 0.0355, 0.059, 0.1, 0.234] #novak 2018 L_n2 =[[21.77,22.24,22.68,23.16,23.69,24.34, 24.74,25.56],\ [22.30,22.61,22.96,23.38,23.80,24.10, 24.55,25.14],\ [22.61,22.86,23.14,23.45,23.82,24.14, 24.40,24.71],\ [22.85,23.16,23.69,24.24,24.80,25.31, 25.96,26.69],\ [23.10,23.38,23.86,24.36,24.86,25.35, 25.94,26.36],\ [23.32,23.57,23.94,24.32,24.67,25.06, 25.47,25.96],\ [23.54,23.75,24.13,24.45,24.90,25.27, 25.74,26.10],\ [23.73,23.99,24.57,25.10,25.68,26.18, 26.83,27.51],\ [24.01,24.26,24.76,25.26,25.91,26.19, 27.45],\ [24.30,24.56,24.80,25.13,25.37,25.80, 25.97,26.49]] L_ner_u2 =[[0.23,0.27, 0.34, 0.37, 0.35, 0.21, 0.31, 0.03],\ [0.11,0.20, 0.26, 0.25, 0.24, 0.35, 0.31, 0.15],\ [0.08,0.15, 0.20, 0.22, 0.17, 0.18, 0.24, 0.28],\ [0.072,0.33,0.38, 0.40, 0.48, 0.42, 0.41, 0.28],\ [0.080,0.30,0.32, 0.32, 0.32, 0.33, 0.24, 0.34],\ [0.068,0.22,0.24, 0.25, 0.29, 0.30, 0.28, 0.21],\ [0.067,0.22,0.21, 0.26, 0.18, 0.17,0.075, 0.11],\ [0.093,0.36,0.31, 0.30, 0.25, 0.28, 0.16,0.028],\ [0.076,0.34,0.36, 0.38, 0.24, 0.47, 0.27],\ [0.097,0.14,0.20, 0.16, 0.23, 0.092,0.22,0.026]] L_ner_d2 =[[1.0, 0.24, 0.17, 0.14, 0.16, 0.30, 0.20, 0.50],\ [0.29, 0.21, 0.15, 0.16, 0.17, 0.06, 0.099,0.29],\ [0.24, 0.17, 0.12, 0.10, 0.15, 0.15, 0.08,0.074],\ [0.16, 0.24, 0.19, 0.17, 0.15, 0.09, 0.16, 0.33],\ [0.30, 0.19, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18, 0.17, 0.26, 0.18],\ [0.14, 0.18, 0.15, 0.14, 0.10, 0.095,0.11, 0.21],\ [0.19, 0.14, 0.15, 0.11, 0.19, 0.19, 0.29, 0.28],\ [0.40, 0.17, 0.21, 0.23, 0.27, 0.25, 0.37, 0.53],\ [0.20, 0.17, 0.16, 0.14, 0.27, 0.042, 0.27],\ [0.22, 0.16, 0.10, 0.14,0.072, 0.21, 0.08, 0.30]] rho_n2 =[[-2.84,-2.90,-3.34,-4.00,-4.92,-4.92, -5.22,-5.07],\ [-2.95,-3.17,-3.46,-4.24,-4.76,-5.41, -5.23,-5.44],\ [-2.95,-3.11,-3.44,-3.81,-4.37,-4.48, -4.90,-5.14],\ [-2.99,-3.24,-3.89,-4.54,-5.27,-5.33, -5.69,-5.89],\ [-3.32,-3.51,-4.06,-4.74,-5.28,-5.43, -6.08,-5.70],\ [-3.29,-3.54,-4.02,-4.45,-5.11,-5.56, -5.37,-6.07],\ [-3.43,-3.61,-4.19,-4.56,-5.09,-5.34, -5.70,-5.75],\ [-3.88,-3.98,-4.64,-5.33,-5.73,-6.27, -6.14,-6.77],\ [-3.85,-4.28,-5.05,-5.60,-5.68,-6.44, -6.59],\ [-4.43,-4.91,-5.46,-5.58,-5.89,-6.23, -6.26,-6.91]] rho_ner_u2=[[0.08,0.024,0.038,0.083,0.28,0.28 , 0.45, 0.34],\ [0.048,0.027,0.036,0.089,0.17,0.45, 0.34, 0.45],\ [0.062,0.024,0.032,0.048,0.096, 0.11,0.18,0.25],\ [0.042,0.018,0.035,0.073,0.180, 0.20,0.34,0.45],\ [0.045,0.019,0.033,0.072,0.15, 0.17,0.45,0.25],\ [0.040,0.022,0.033,0.055,0.13, 0.22,0.17,0.45],\ [0.061,0.020,0.035,0.055,0.099, 0.14,0.22,0.25],\ [0.044,0.022,0.044,0.11, 0.16, 0.34, 0.28,0.76],\ [0.048,0.025,0.058,0.13, 0.24, 0.34, 0.45],\ [0.084,0.058,0.11 ,0.24, 0.20, 0.28, 0.28,0.76]] rho_ner_d2=[[0.07,0.023,0.035,0.070,0.25,0.25 , 0.37, 0.30],\ [0.043,0.026,0.033,0.074,0.16,0.37, 0.30, 0.37],\ [0.054,0.023,0.030,0.043,0.079,0.086,0.17,0.22],\ [0.038,0.017,0.032,0.062,0.17,0.19, 0.30, 0.37],\ [0.041,0.019,0.031,0.062,0.11,0.16, 0.37, 0.22],\ [0.037,0.021,0.031,0.049,0.098,0.20,0.16, 0.37],\ [0.054,0.019,0.032,0.049,0.081,0.11,0.20, 0.22],\ [0.040,0.021,0.040,0.085,0.15, 0.30, 0.25,0.52],\ [0.043,0.024,0.051,0.10, 0.15, 0.30, 0.37],\ [0.070,0.051,0.087,0.16,0.19, 0.25, 0.25, 0.52]] fig = plt.figure() pre_chain = 12 pre_chain = '02' chains = [ '01a_1', '01b', '01c', '01d', '01e', '01f_1', '01g', '01h', '01i' ] #chains_2001 DR4 chains = [ '01a_4', '01b_2', '01c_2', '01d_2', '01e_2', '01f_2', '01g', '01h_2', '01i_2' ] #chains_2001 DR4 remove phi2 chains = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k'] #z = [0, 0.5, 1 , 1.5, 2, 2.3, 2.6, 3, 3.5, 4] #old #z = [ 0.7, 1 , 1.35, 1.7, 2, 2.3, 2.6, 3, 3.5, 4]# older print expt.parameters n, m = 3, 3 z_new = True Replot = False z_nov = [0.31, 0.5, 0.69, 0.9, 1.16, 1.44, 1.81, 2.18, 2.81, 3.71, 4.83] if z_new: z = [0.1, 0.3, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.3, 1.6, 2.0, 2.5, 3.2, 4.0] z = [0.1, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.3, 1.6, 2.0, 2.5, 3.2, 4.0] #chains=['11a','11b','11c_3','11d_3','11e_3','11f_3','11g_3','11h','11i','11j', '11k', '11l' ,'11m', '11n']#chains_201111 else: z = [0.1, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.3, 1.6, 2.0, 2.5, 3.2, 4.0] #oldest ;) model = modelFamily if model in [ 'LFsch', 'LFdpl_pl', 'LFpl_dpl', 'LFdpl_dpl', 'LFdpl_dpl_z', 'LFlognorm_dpl', 'LFpl_lognorm' ]: Lnorm = params[expt.parameters.index('LNORM')] Lstar = params[expt.parameters.index('LSTAR')] Lslope = params[expt.parameters.index('LSLOPE')] #Lzevol=params[expt.parameters.index('LZEVOL')] if model in [ 'LFdpl_pl', 'LFpl_dpl', 'LFdpl_dpl', 'LFdpl_dpl_z', 'LFlognorm_dpl' ]: Lslope2 = params[expt.parameters.index('LSLOPE2')] if model in [ 'LFlognorm', 'LFpl', 'LFdpl', 'LFdpl_pl', 'LFpl_dpl', 'LFlognorm_dpl', 'LFpl_lognorm', 'LFdpl_dpl', 'LFdpl_dpl_z' ]: Lnorm_2 = params[expt.parameters.index('LNORM_2')] Lstar_2 = params[expt.parameters.index('LSTAR_2')] Lslope_2 = params[expt.parameters.index('LSLOPE_2')] if model in ['LFdpl_dpl', 'LFdpl', 'LFdpl_dpl_z']: Lslope2_2 = params[expt.parameters.index('LSLOPE2_2')] if model in ['LFlognorm', 'LFlognorm_dpl', 'LFpl_lognorm']: Lsigma = params[expt.parameters.index('LSIGMA')] if modelFamily in [ 'LFdpl_dpl_z', 'LFevol', 'LFevol_dpl', 'LFevol_logn', 'LFevol_logn_L' ]: alpha_agn = params[expt.parameters.index('A_agn')] alpha_SF = params[expt.parameters.index('A_SF')] beta_agn = params[expt.parameters.index('B_agn')] beta_SF = params[expt.parameters.index('B_SF')] if modelFamily in ['LFevol_dpl_s', 'LFevol_logn_s']: alpha_SF = params[expt.parameters.index('A_SF')] beta_SF = params[expt.parameters.index('B_SF')] if modelFamily in ['LFevol_dpl_a', 'LFevol_logn_a']: alpha_agn = params[expt.parameters.index('A_agn')] beta_agn = params[expt.parameters.index('B_agn')] Lmin = params[expt.parameters.index('LMIN')] LMIN = params[expt.parameters.index('LMIN')] Lmax = params[expt.parameters.index('LMAX')] loglike = 0. loglike_nov = 0. print model bins3 = numpy.arange(15., 30.2, 0.2) #xbins = numpy.arange(fsigma,26.2,0.4)#bin +0.2 sbin4 = get_sbins(10**bins3, z[0], get_dl(z[0])) * 1e6 expt2 = countModel(modelFamily, nlaws, setf, [dataset], floatNoise, doRedshiftSlices=True, mybins=sbin4) sbin5 = medianArray(sbin4) phi_tot3 = expt2.evaluate(params) #print phi_tot3 #print len(phi_tot3[0]), len(bins3) for num in range(1, 10): #num = 1. print num print 'new num ', num z_min, z_max, z_m = get_z(num, False) dl = get_dl(z_m) Vmax = get_Vmax(z_min, z_max) dsdl = get_dsdl(z_m, dl) #z_m = (z_min + z_max)/2 dl = get_dl(z_m) print z_min, z_max, 'lmin ', SMIN = get_sbins(numpy.power(10, Lmin), z_m, dl) * 1e6 SMAX = get_sbins(numpy.power(10, Lmax), z_m, dl) * 1e6 sigma, fsigma, Lmin = numpy.log10( get_Lbins([SURVEY_NOISE, SURVEY_NOISE * 5, LMIN], z_m, dl, 'muJy') * (1.4 / 3)**(-.7)) sigma2, fsigma2 = numpy.log10(get_Lbins([450, 2400], z_m, dl, 'muJy')) print Lmin print SURVEY_NOISE, SURVEY_NOISE * 5, SURVEY_AREA print num, '%s/recon_stats_%s.txt' % (outdir, chains[num - 1]) s = numpy.loadtxt('%s/recon_stats_%s.txt' % (outdir, chains[num - 1])) print chains[num - 1] xrecon = s[:-1, 0] yrecon = s[:-1, 1] yrecon_d = s[:-1, 2] yrecon_u = s[:-1, 3] yrecon_rms = s[:-1, 4] yrecon_avr = s[:-1, 5] yrecon_rms_down = yrecon_rms #area = 6672*sqDeg2sr #143165.15 49996.49 59876.8861135 sbin3 = get_sbins(10**bins2, z_m, dl) * 1e6 #sbin4 = get_sbins(10**bins3,z_m,dl)*1e6 xreco = get_Lbins(xrecon, z_m, dl, 'muJy') #*(1.4/3)**(-.7) yreco = yrecon print SMIN, SMAX #sys.exit() lin_yrecon = numpy.log10(yreco) #print xrecon lin_xrecon = numpy.log10(xreco) #bins3 = numpy.arange(15.,30.,0.4) bins3 = numpy.log10(get_Lbins(sbin4, z_m, dl, 'muJy')) #*(1.4/3)**(-.7)) #bins = numpy.arange(fsigma,26.2,0.4)#bin +0.2 #sbin4 = get_sbins(10**bins3,z_m,dl)*1e6 if not os.path.isfile('cos_data/cos_s%s_LF.el' % num) and z_new or not os.path.isfile( 'cos_data/cos_s%s_LF_old.el' % num) and not z_new or Replot: print 'doing all calculations' #l,z_l = open_anytype('cos_data/cosmos_d1_0_8arc.txt',(12,21), F='uJy',L=True,getz=True) #l2,z_l2 = open_anytype('cos_data/cosmos_d1_0_8arc.txt',(12,24), F='uJy',L=True,getz=True) if z_new: L, z_L = open_anytype('cos_data/cos_s%s.txt' % num, (2, 3), F='uJy', L=True, getz=True, band='S') print 'this is the new z bins (please check if lumfuncUtils and cos_manifest are using the right z)' else: L, z_L = open_anytype('cos_data/cos_s%s_old.txt' % num, (2, 3), F='uJy', L=True, getz=True, band='S') print 'this is the old z binning style. (please check if lumfuncUtils and cos_manifest are using the right z)' L_c, z_c = open_anytype('cosmos_counter_parts_II.txt', (3, 4), [z_min, z_max], F='uJy', L=True, getz=True, band='S') z_c2, S_c2, L_c2 = numpy.loadtxt('cosmos_counter_parts_II.txt', unpack=True, usecols=(3, 4, 5)) L_c2 = L_c2[(z_c2 < z_max) & (z_c2 > z_min)] S_c2 = S_c2[(z_c2 < z_max) & (z_c2 > z_min)] z_c2 = z_c2[(z_c2 < z_max) & (z_c2 > z_min)] #rho_1,er1 = calc_Vmax(calcu_zeff(z_l,l,11.5e-32),l,bins,z_max,z_min,area) #rho_2,er2 = calc_Vmax(calcu_zeff(z_l2,l2,11.5e-32),l2,bins,z_max,z_min,area) rho_3, er3 = calc_Vmax(calcu_zeff(z_L, L, 1.15e-31), L, bins, z_max, z_min, area) #rho_4,er4 = calc_Vmax(99.,L,bins2,z_max,z_min,area) rho_5, er5 = calc_Vmax(calcu_zeff(z_c, L_c, 1.15e-31), L_c, bins, z_max, z_min, area) rho_6, er6 = calc_Vmax(calcu_zeff(z_c2, 10**L_c2, 1.15e-31), 10**L_c2, bins, z_max, z_min, area) if z_new: f = open('cos_data/cos_s%s_LF.el' % num, 'w') else: f = open('cos_data/cos_s%s_LF_old.el' % num, 'w') for i in range(len(bins)): f.write('%5.1f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f\n' % (bins[i], rho_3[i], er3[i], rho_5[i], er5[i], rho_6[i], er6[i])) f.close() dl_c = get_dl(z_c2) L_c3 = numpy.log10( get_Lbins(S_c2, z_c2, numpy.array(dl_c), 'muJy') * (1.4 / 3.)**(-.7)) else: if z_new: #bins,rho_3,er3,rho_5,er5,rho_6,er6 = numpy.loadtxt('cos_data/cos_s%s_LF.el'%num, unpack=True) bins, rho_3, er3, rho_5, er5, rho_6, er6, rho_7, er7, rho_8, er8, rho_9, er9 = numpy.loadtxt( 'cos_data/cos_s%s_LF_2.el' % num, unpack=True) print 'Using stored RLF for the new z (The one with more z bins). If you want to calculate the plot the set "Replot=True"' else: bins, rho_3, er3, rho_5, er5, rho_6, er6 = numpy.loadtxt( 'cos_data/cos_s%s_LF_old.el' % num, unpack=True) print 'Using stored RLF for the is old z bins. If you want to calculate the plot the set "Replot=True"' ssd = numpy.loadtxt('%s/data_cos_s%s.txt' % (outdir, num)) #ssd = numpy.loadtxt('cos_data/data_cos_s%s.txt'%(num)) ssbin2 = ssd[:, 0] #2 ssbin1 = ssd[:, 2] #0 Nbin2 = ssd[:, 3] zbin3 = ssd[:, -1] dl1 = get_dl(z_min) dl2 = get_dl(z_max) #dl3 = get_dl(zbin3) Ncount = sum(Nbin2[fsigma > ssbin1]) Llmin = numpy.log10( get_Lbins([fsigma / numpy.sqrt(Ncount)], z_min, get_dl(z_min), 'muJy'))[0] Llmin *= (1.4 / 3.)**(-.7) print Llmin dn = expt.realise(params) nov_real = expt.realise([2.3, 2.95, 2.86, -0.29, -0.7, 19.5, 26.0]) #sys.exit() fig.add_subplot(n, m, get_changed_multiplot(n, m, num)) plt.rc('lines', linewidth=2) #plt.errorbar(bins,rho_1 ,yerr=er1,fmt='*r',label='detected extracted',markersize=11) #bin plt.errorbar(bins[1:], rho_3[1:], yerr=er3[1:], fmt='ob', label='extracted', markersize=8) #bin ''' if model in ['LFdpl','LFdpl_dpl']: faint =lumfuncUtils.doublepowerlaw(numpy.power(10,bins3), Lstar_2,Lslope_2,Lslope2_2,Lnorm_2) elif model in ['LFpl','LFdpl_pl']: faint =lumfuncUtils.powerlaw(numpy.power(10,bins3), Lstar_2,Lslope_2,Lnorm_2) elif model in ['LFpl_dpl']: faint =lumfuncUtils.doublepowerlaw(numpy.power(10,bins3),Lstar,Lslope,Lslope2,Lnorm) elif model in ['LFdpl_dpl_z']: faint =lumfuncUtils.doublepowerlaw(numpy.power(10,bins3),Lstar,Lslope,Lslope2,Lnorm) else: faint = lumfuncUtils.lognormpl(numpy.power(10,bins3), Lstar_2,Lslope_2,Lsigma,Lnorm_2) ''' #phi_dpl =lumfuncUtils.doublepowerlaw(numpy.power(10,bins3),Lstar ,Lslope,Lslope2,Lnorm) #phi_dpl #dpl = dm = 0.4 #05 hm = 0. Novak17 = lumfuncUtils.lognormpl( numpy.power(10, bins3) / (1 + z_nov[num - 1])**(3.16 - z_nov[num - 1] * 0.32), numpy.log10(1.85e21), 1.22, 0.63, numpy.log10(3.55e-3)) Novak18=[lumfuncUtils.LF(S,z_m,0,0,dl,[2.3,2.86, 2.95, -0.70, -0.29,0.01,28.],\ ['noise','A_agn','A_SF','B_agn','B_SF','LMIN','LMAX'],area=SURVEY_AREA,\ family='LFevol_logn') for S in sbin4/1.0e6] phi_tot2 = [lumfuncUtils.LF(S,z_m,0,0,dl,params,expt.parameters,area=expt.survey.SURVEY_AREA,\ family=modelFamily) for S in sbin5/1.0e6] L_1 = numpy.power(10, bins3) / (1 + z_m)**(2.86 - z_m * 0.7) L_2 = numpy.power(10, bins3) / (1 + z_m)**(2.95 - z_m * 0.29) L_4 = numpy.power(10, bins3) / (1 + z_m)**(alpha_SF + z_m * beta_SF) #L_3 = numpy.power(10,bins3)/(1 + z_m)**(alpha_agn+z_m*beta_agn) print z_m #print L_4 #print L_3 #sys.exit() phi_agn_n = lumfuncUtils.doublepowerlaw(L_1, 24.59, 1.27, 0.49, numpy.log10(10**(-5.5))) phi_sf_n = lumfuncUtils.lognormpl(L_2, numpy.log10(1.85e21), 1.22, 0.63, numpy.log10(3.55e-3)) phi_exp =[lumfuncUtils.LF(S,z_m,0,0,dl,[2.3,3, 5.58, -0.9, -1.99,0.01,28.],\ ['noise','A_agn','A_SF','B_agn','B_SF','LMIN','LMAX'],area=SURVEY_AREA,\ family='LFevol_logn') for S in sbin4/1.0e6] #Novak18= phi_agn_n+phi_sf_n #print 'this is Lminz', numpy.log10(10**18/(1 + z_m)**(alpha_SF+z_m*beta_SF)) #phi_agn=lumfuncUtils.doublepowerlaw(L_3,24.59,1.27,0.49,numpy.log10(2.5*10**(-5.5))) phi_agn = 0 phi_sf = lumfuncUtils.doublepowerlaw(L_4, 22.41, 2.4, 0.43, -3.50) #0.33 2.97 phi_sf = lumfuncUtils.lognormpl(L_4, numpy.log10(1.85e21), 1.22, 0.63, numpy.log10(3.55e-3)) phi_tot = phi_agn + phi_sf #for k in range(len(phi_sf)): # print bins3[k],numpy.power(10,bins3[k]), numpy.log10(L_4[k]), numpy.log10(L_3[k]), numpy.log10(phi_sf[k]), numpy.log10(phi_agn[k]),numpy.log10(phi_tot[k]) #sys.ek #phi_sf =lumfuncUtils.lognormpl(L_4,numpy.log10(1.85e21),1.22,0.63, numpy.log10(3.55e-3)) #plt.plot(bins3+hm,numpy.log10(faint)-dm,'--b' ,label='faint-end') #plt.plot(numpy.log10(10**bins3 *(1.4/3)**(-.7))+hm,numpy.log10(faint)-dm,'--b' ,label='faint-end') #plt.plot(numpy.log10(10**bins3),numpy.log10(phi_sf)-dm,'--c', label=' SF') #plt.plot(bins3,numpy.log10(phi_agn)-dm,'--r', label='AGN') #plt.plot(numpy.log10(10**bins3),numpy.log10(phi_tot)-dm,'--g',linewidth=3, label='Tot') #plt.plot(numpy.log10(10**bins3[:-1]),numpy.log10(phi_tot2)-dm,'-k',linewidth=4, label='Tot2') #plt.plot(numpy.log10(10**bins3 *(1.4/3)**(-.7)),numpy.log10(phi_exp)-dm,'-k',linewidth=4, label='Expected') plt.errorbar(lin_xrecon + hm, lin_yrecon - 0.4, fmt='-b', label='MAP', linewidth=3) #plt.plot(numpy.log10(10**bins3[:-1] *(1.4/3)**(-.7)),numpy.log10(phi_tot3[num-1])-dm,'-r',linewidth=3, label='Tot3') plt.errorbar(lin_xrecon + hm, numpy.log10(yrecon_avr) - dm, fmt='-c', label='Average') plt.errorbar(numpy.array(L_n2[num - 1]), numpy.array(rho_n2[num - 1]) - 0.4, xerr=[L_ner_d2[num - 1], L_ner_u2[num - 1]], yerr=[rho_ner_d2[num - 1], rho_ner_u2[num - 1]], fmt='sk', label='Total RLF Novak et al 2018') #plt.errorbar(bins3, numpy.log10(Novak17)-0.4,fmt='--b',label='Local SF Novak et al 2017') #plt.plot(bins3,numpy.log10(phi_agn_n),'--g', label='Local AGN Smolcic et al. 2017') plt.errorbar(numpy.log10(10**bins3), numpy.log10(Novak18) - 0.4, fmt='--k', label='Total RLF Novak et al 2018') #plt.plot(L_s, numpy.log10(rho_1), '*m',label='bins LF',markersize=8) #plt.errorbar(bins,rho_5 ,yerr=er5,fmt='*r',label='Total',markersize=10) #bin #plt.errorbar(bins,rho_6 ,yerr=er6,fmt='>g',label='Total LF',markersize=10) #bin plt.fill_between(lin_xrecon + hm, numpy.log10((yrecon_d)) - dm, numpy.log10(yrecon_u) - dm, color='k', alpha=0.2) #plt.axvline(Lmin,color='r') print 'This is the dn' print z_m #print dn.keys() ''' for key in dn.keys(): if round(key,2)==round(z_m,2):z_m=key dn=dn[z_m] nov_real=nov_real[z_m] #print nov_real #dn=dn[round(z_m,2)] for i in range(len(ssbin1)): loglike_i= Nbin2[i]*numpy.log(dn[i]) + Nbin2[i] - (Nbin2[i] + 0.5)*numpy.log(Nbin2[i]) - 0.5*numpy.log(2*numpy.pi) - dn[i] loglike_nov_i= Nbin2[i]*numpy.log(nov_real[i]) + Nbin2[i] - (Nbin2[i] + 0.5)*numpy.log(Nbin2[i]) - 0.5*numpy.log(2*numpy.pi) - nov_real[i] if nov_real[i]>0:loglike_nov+=loglike_nov_i if dn[i]>0:loglike+=loglike_i print '%10.5f %8.2d %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f'%(ssbin1[i], Nbin2[i], dn[i],nov_real[i],loglike_i,loglike_nov_i,loglike, loglike_nov) ''' plt.ylim(-7.6, -1.6) plt.axvline(fsigma, color='k', linestyle='dashed') plt.axvline(sigma, color='g') #plt.axvline(Llmin,color='r',linewidth=5) print 'Is this still num ', num if num < 2 or num < 6 and num > 3 or num > 6 and num < 9: plt.xticks(visible=False) plt.ylim(-7.6, -1.6) if num < 4: plt.xlim(19, 25.8) plt.text(19.2, -7., '%.1f < z < %.1f' % (z_min, z_max), fontsize=19) # \n $M_i$ < -22 elif num < 7: plt.xlim(20.8, 27.2) plt.text(21., -7., '%.1f < z < %.1f' % (z_min, z_max), fontsize=19) # \n $M_i$ < -22 else: plt.xlim(21.3, 27.8) plt.text(21.5, -7., '%.1f < z < %.1f' % (z_min, z_max), fontsize=19) # \n $M_i$ < -22 if num == 3: plt.xticks([19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25], fontsize=22) if num == 6: plt.xticks([21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27], fontsize=22) if num == 9: plt.xticks([22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27], fontsize=22) plt.legend(frameon=False).draggable() if num == 1 or num == 2 or num == 3 or num == 10: plt.yticks([-2., -3, -4, -5, -6], fontsize=22) if num == 3: plt.yticks([-2., -3, -4, -5, -6, -7], fontsize=22) continue plt.yticks(visible=False) fig.text(0.06, 0.5, r'$\rm{log_{10}[\Phi /(Mpc^{-3}mag^{-1})]}$', fontsize=30, ha='center', va='center', rotation='vertical') fig.text(0.5, 0.04, r'$\rm{log_{10}[L_{1.4}/(W}$ $\rm{Hz^{-1})]}$', fontsize=30, ha='center', va='center') #plt.text(23.9,-9.7,'%s'%outdir,fontsize = 16 ) # \n $M_i$ < -22 plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=20, width=3) plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=10, width=2) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0, wspace=0) #plt.xtick(fontsize=15) #plt.ytick(fontsize=15) #plt.ylim(-10.2,-5.8) #plt.ylim(-11,-5.5) #ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) #ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) #print truth['LMIN'] plotf = '%s/LF_recon_s1.pdf' % (outdir) return 0