def Favorite_add(self,url): data='{"token":"%s","link":"%s"}'%(self.get_token(),url) response=self.fetch('',data) if response and response.status==200: result=True;utils.mess(u'Add a item to MyFshare Favorite success','') else:result=False;utils.mess(u'Add a item to MyFshare Favorite fail!','') return result
def main(): s = socket.socket() s.connect((config.HOST, config.PORT)) s.send("PASS {}\r\n".format(config.PASS).encode("utf-8")) s.send("NICK {}\r\n".format(config.NICK).encode("utf-8")) s.send("JOIN #{}\r\n".format(config.CHAN).encode("utf-8")) chat_message = re.compile(r"^:\w+!\w+@\w+\.tmi\.twitch\.tv PRIVMSG #\w+ :") #utils.mess(s, "Zdarova") thread.start_new_thread(utils.fillOpList, ()) while True: response = s.recv(1024).decode("utf-8") if response == "PING\r\n": s.send("POND\r\n".encode("utf-8")) else: username ="\w+", response).group(0) message = chat_message.sub("", response) print(response) if message.strip() == "!time": utils.mess(s, "Стрим идёт уже " + time.strftime("%A %B %d %Y")) if message.strip() == "!randomemote": utils.mess(s, ) sleep(1)
def main(): s = socket.socket() s.connect((config.HOST, config.PORT)) s.send("PASS {}\r\n".format(config.PASS).encode("utf-8")) s.send("NICK {}\r\n".format(config.NICK).encode("utf-8")) s.send("JOIN #{}\r\n".format(config.CHAN).encode("utf-8")) chat_message = re.compile(r"^:\w+!\w+@\w+\.tmi\.twitch\.tv PRIVMSG #\w+ :") utils.mess(s, "What's up guys?") threading._start_new_thread(utils.fill0plist()) while True: response = s.recv(1024).decode("utf-8") if response == "PING\r\n": s.send("POND\r\n".encode("utf-8")) else: message = chat_message.sub("", response) print(response) if message.strip() == "!time": utils.mess( s, "it's currently: " + time.strftime("%I:%M %p %Z on %A %B %d %Y")) sleep(1)
def myFshare_remove(self,url): id=[s[2] for s in self.get_folder(''+self.myFshare)['items'] if url==s[1]] id=id[0] if id else '';data='{"token":"%s","items":["%s"]}'%(self.get_token(),id.strip()) response=self.fetch('',data) if response and response.status==200:result=True;utils.mess(u'Remove a item from MyFshare success','') else:result=False;utils.mess(u'Remove a item from MyFshare fail!','') return result
def myFshare_rename(self,url,new_name): id=[s[2] for s in self.get_folder(''+self.myFshare)['items'] if url==s[1]] id=id[0] if id else '';data='{"token":"%s","new_name":"%s","file":"%s"}'%(self.get_token(),new_name,id) response=self.fetch('',data) if response and response.status==200:result=True;utils.mess(u'Rename a item in MyFshare success','') else:result=False;utils.mess(u'Rename a item in MyFshare fail!','') return result
def get_maxlink(self,url): response=self.fetch(url);result=pw=None if not response:print 'Not response' elif response.status==302:result=response.headers['location'] elif response.status==200: if'<title>.*Lỗi 404.*</title>|"index-404"',response.body): utils.mess(u'Tập tin quý khách yêu cầu không tồn tại!','');result='fail' elif 'sử dụng nhiều địa chỉ IP' in response.body: utils.mess(u'Quý khách đang sử dụng nhiều địa chỉ IP để tải xuống!','',10000) result='fail' elif'<i class="fa fa-star">',response.body):utils.mess('Your Fshare acc is FREE','') if'class="fa fa-lock"',response.body): pw=utils.get_input(u'Hãy nhập: Mật khẩu tập tin') if pw: try: data={'fs_csrf':utils.xsearch('value="(.+?)" name="fs_csrf"',response.body), 'DownloadForm[pwd]':pw,'ajax':'download-form','DownloadForm[linkcode]':url.split('/')[4]} response=self.fetch('',data).json except:response={} if not response:utils.mess(u'Get maxspeed link fail!','');result='fail' elif response.get('url'):result=response.get('url') elif response.get('DownloadForm_pwd'):utils.mess(u'Mật khẩu không chính xác!','') else: print response elif'action="/download/get"',response.body): href=''+utils.xsearch('action="(/download/get)"',response.body) fs_csrf=utils.xsearch('value="(.+?)" name="fs_csrf"',response.body) downloadForm=utils.xsearch('id="DownloadForm_linkcode" type="hidden" value="(.+?)"',response.body) data={'fs_csrf':fs_csrf,'DownloadForm[pwd]':'','DownloadForm[linkcode]':downloadForm, 'ajax':'download-form','undefined':'undefined'} response=self.fetch(href,data) try:result=response.json.get('url') except:pass
def Favorite_remove(self,name): data='{"token":"%s","items":["%s"],"status":0}'%(self.get_token(),name) response=self.fetch('',data) if response and response.status==200: result=True;utils.mess(u'Remove a item from MyFshare Favorite success','') else:result=False;utils.mess(u'Remove a item from MyFshare Favorite fail!','') return result
def action_bookmark(self, url,action):#add_bookmark/remove_bookmark id=utils.xsearch('_(\d+?)/',url) if id: url=''%(action,id) response=self.fetch(url) try:response=response.json except:response={} utils.mess(u'%s'%response.get('message','%s thất bại !'%action),' bookmark') self.fetch('')
def remove_folder(self,parent_folder,folder_id): data='{"token":"%s","items":["%s"]}'%(self.get_token(),folder_id) self.hd['Referer']='' response=self.fetch('',data) try:result=response.json;result_code=result.get('code') except:result_code=0 if result_code==200: utils.mess(result.get('msg'),'');result='ok' else:utils.mess(u'Xóa mục thất bại','');result='' return result
def add_folder(self,folder_name,in_dir_id='0'): token=self.get_token() data='{"token":"%s","name":"%s","in_dir":"%s"}'%(token,folder_name,in_dir_id) response=self.fetch('',data) try:result=response.json;result_code=result.get('code') except:result_code=0 if result_code==200: utils.mess(result.get('msg')+' - '+result.get('folder',{}).get('name'),'') result=result.get('folder',{}).get('linkcode') else:utils.mess(u'Add folder fail !','');result='' return result
def upload_file(self,fn):#Chua xong size=os.path.getsize(fn);name=os.path.basename(fn);path='/' session_id=utils.xsearch('session_id=(.+?)\W',str(self.hd)) data='{"SESSID":"%s","name":"%s","path":"%s","secured":"1","size":"%d","token":"%s"}'%(session_id,name,path,size,self.get_token()) response=self.fetch('',data) print 'a',data if response and response.status==200: print response.json['location'] try:response=urlfetch.fetch(response.json['location'].replace('http:','https:'),headers=self.hd,data=data)#files=fn) except:response= None #response=self.fetch(response.json['location'],files=fn) if response and response.status==200: print response.json result=True;utils.mess(u'Upload file to MyFshare success','')
def main(): s = socket.socket() s.connect((config.HOST, config.PORT)) s.send("PASS {}\r\n".format(config.PASS).encode("utf-8")) s.send("NICK {}\r\n".format(config.NICK).encode("utf-8")) s.send("JOIN {}\r\n".format(config.CHAN).encode("utf-8")) chat_message = re.compile(r"^:\w+!\w+@\w+\.tmi\.twitch\.tv PRIVMSG #\w+ :") utils.mess(s,"Sup, superhumans") _thread.start_new_thread(utils.fill0pList, ()) while True: response = s.recv(1024).decode("utf-8") if response == "PING\r\n": s.send("POND\r\n".encode("utf-8")) else: username ="\w+", response).group(0) message = chat_message.sub("", response) print(response) if message.strip() == "!time": utils.mess(s, "it's currently " + time.strftime("%I:%M %p %Z on %A %B %d %Y")) if message.strip() == "!messages": utils.mess(s, "Do something ubermenshen!") utils.mess(s, "Go cry over a horse") sleep(1)
def main(): s = socket.socket() s.connect((config.HOST, config.PORT)) s.send("PASS {}\r\n".format(config.PASS).encode("utf-8")) s.send("NICK {}\r\n".format(config.NICK).encode("utf-8")) s.send("JOIN #{}\r\n".format(config.CHAN).encode("utf-8")) chat_message = re.compile(r"^:\w+!\w+@\w+\.tmi\.twitch\.tv PRIVMSG #\w+ :") utils.mess(s, "What is even up, dogs?") thread.start_new_thread(utils.fillOpList, ()) while True: response = s.recv(1024).decode("utf-8") if response == "PING\r\n": s.send("POND\r\n".encode("utf-8")) else: username ="\w+", response).group(0) message = chat_message.sub("", response) print(response) if message.strip() == "!time": utils.mess(s, "it's currently: " + time.strftime("%I:%M %p %Z on %A %B %d %Y")) if message.strip() == "!messages" and utils.isOp(username): utils.mess(s, "Do something awesome!") utils.mess(s, "Go to and click the subscribe button there!") sleep(1)
def myFshare_add(self,url,name): if not self.myFshare:utils.mess(u'Hãy set "Thư mục chia sẻ của tôi trên Fshare!"','myFshare');return id=url.split('/')[4] if [s for s in self.get_folder(''+self.myFshare)['items'] if id in s[0]]: utils.mess(u'This item already in MyFshare!','');return token=self.get_token();name=id+('FOLDER ' if 'folder' in url else 'FILE ')+name data='{"token":"%s","name":"%s","in_dir":"%s"}'%(token,name,self.myFshare) response=self.fetch('',data) if response and response.status==200:utils.mess(u'Add a item to MyFshare success','') else:utils.mess(u'Add a item to MyFshare fail!','')
def main(): s = socket.socket() s.connect((twitch.HOST, twitch.PORT)) s.send("PASS {}\r\n".format(twitch.PASS).encode("utf-8")) s.send("NICK {}\r\n".format(twitch.NICK).encode("utf-8")) s.send("JOIN #{}\r\n".format(twitch.CHAN).encode("utf-8")) #s.send("JOIN #{}\r\n".format("sgtgrafoyni").encode("utf-8")) chat_message = re.compile(r"^:\w+!\w+@\w+\.tmi\.twitch\.tv PRIVMSG #\w+ :") utils.mess(s, "Здрова, Всем! KonCha <3") _thread.start_new_thread(utils.fillOpList, ()) #_thread.start_new_thread(waitCLI, (s,)) while True: response = s.recv(1024).decode("utf-8") if response == "PING\r\n": s.send("PONG\r\n".encode("utf-8")) else: username ="\w+", response).group(0) message = chat_message.sub("", response) message = message.lower() print(username + ": " + message) #print(response) if (message.find(twitch.NICK.lower()) != -1 and (message.find("привет") != -1 or message.find("ку") != -1 or message.find("здорова") != -1 or message.find("приветик") != -1 or message.find("здравствуйте") != -1 or message.find("хай") != -1 or message.find("хелоу") != -1 or message.find("хеллоу") != -1 or message.find("hi") != -1 or message.find("йоу") != -1 or message.find("yo") != -1 or message.find("heyguys") != -1 or message.find("hey") != -1 or message.find("koncha") != -1 or message.find("hello") != -1)): if username != "tmi": sleep(2) utils.hello(s, username) #:[email protected] PRIVMSG #xpyctee: if message.strip() == "!hi": utils.hello(s, username) if message.strip() == "!roll": utils.mess(s, f"{username} выкинул: {str(randint(1, 6))}") if message.strip() == "!банкет": utils.mess( s, f"{username} накрыл стол для чатика из шашлычка, картошечки, грибочков и пыва panicBasket TakeNRG" ) if message.strip() == "!смех": utils.mess(s, f"{username} ХаХа-ХаХа") sleep(1)
def main(): s = socket.socket() s.connect((config.HOST, config.PORT)) s.send("PASS {}\r\n".format(config.PASS).encode("utf-8")) s.send("NICK {}\r\n".format(config.NICK).encode("utf-8")) s.send("JOIN #{}\r\n".format(config.CHAN).encode("utf-8")) chat_message = re.compile(r"^:\w+!\w+@\w+\.tmi\.twitch\.tv PRIVMSG #\w+ :") utils.mess(s, "Hello world!") thread.start_new_thread(utils.fill_op_list, ()) while True: # Size of the bot = 1024 bytes response = s.recv(1024).decode("utf-8") if response == "PING\r\n": s.send("POND\r\n".encode("utf-8")) else: username ="\w+", response).group(0) message = chat_message.sub("", response) print(response) if message.strip() == "!time": utils.mess( s, "it's currently " + time.strftime("%I:%M %p %Z on %A %B %d %Y")) if message.strip() == "!messages" and utils.is_op(username): utils.mess(s, "Hello world!") sleep(1)
def getLinkFree(self, url): from utils import xget import urllib data = urllib.urlencode({"url": url, "token": self.getToken()}) b = xget('', data=data) if not b: b = xget('', data=data) if b: try: j = json.loads( except: j = {} else: j = {} if j.get("msg"): mess(j.get("msg")) link = j.get("location", "") if link == "Copy": mess( "Đây là bản copy của [COLOR red][B]Xshare[/COLOR] [COLOR green]XBMC[/COLOR] [COLOR blue]HDVideo[/B][/COLOR]" ) link = "" elif link: self.acc = j.get("user", "") if j.get("session_id") and j.get("token"): data = u2s( j.get("session_id") + "-" + j.get("token") + "-" + self.acc + "-" + j.get("key", "")) xrw('newfshare.cookie', data) if self.acc: self.thanks(u2s(self.acc)) return link
def login(self,username,password): response = self.fetch('') if not response or response.status!=200:utils.mess('Connect to fails','') else: data = {"LoginForm[email]":username,"LoginForm[password]":password, "fs_csrf":utils.xsearch('value="(.+?)" name="fs_csrf"',response.body)} response = self.fetch('',data) if response and response.status==302:utils.mess(u'Login thành công','');self.logged='success' else:utils.mess(u'Login không thành công!','')
def get_maxlink(self,url): response=self.fetch(url);result=pw=None if not response:print 'Not response' elif response.status==302:result=response.headers['location'] elif response.status==200: if'<title>.*Lỗi 404.*</title>|"index-404"',response.body): utils.mess(u'Tập tin quý khách yêu cầu không tồn tại!','');result='fail' elif'<i class="fa fa-star">',response.body):utils.mess('Your Fshare acc is FREE','') if'class="fa fa-lock"',response.body):pw=utils.get_input(u'Hãy nhập: Mật khẩu tập tin') if pw: try: data={'fs_csrf':utils.xsearch('value="(.+?)" name="fs_csrf"',response.body), 'DownloadForm[pwd]':pw,'ajax':'download-form','DownloadForm[linkcode]':url.split('/')[4]} response=self.fetch('',data).json except:response={} if not response:utils.mess(u'Get maxspeed link fail!','');result='fail' elif response.get('url'):result=response.get('url') elif response.get('DownloadForm_pwd'):utils.mess(u'Mật khẩu không chính xác!','') else: print response
def myFshare_upload(self,name,size,content): response=self.fetch('');result=False if not response or response.status!=200: content=self.fetch('') if not response or response.status!=200:utils.mess(u'Get home page fail!','');return result token=utils.xsearch('data-token="(.+?)"',response.body) path=utils.xsearch('data-id="%s" path-origin = "" data-path="(.+?)"'%self.myFshare,response.body) SESSID=self.session.cookies.get('session_id') data='{"SESSID":"%s","name":"%s","size":"%s","path":"%s","token":"%s","secured":1}'%( SESSID,name,size,path,token);print data response=self.fetch('',data) if response and response.status==200: response=self.fetch(response.json['location'],content) if response and response.status==200:result=True;utils.mess(u'Upload file to MyFshare success','') if result is False:utils.mess(u'Upload file to MyFshare fail!','');print response.status return result
def login(self, user, passwd): data = '{"app_key" : "%s", "user_email" : "%s", "password" : "%s"}' data = data % (self.key, user, passwd) result = self.results("", data=data) if result.get("code", 0) == 200: if"session_id")): self.session_id = result.get("session_id") self.token = result.get("token") self.hd = {'Cookie': 'session_id=' + self.session_id} xrw('newfshare.cookie', self.session_id + "-" + self.token + "--" + self.key) mess("Login thành công", "") else: mess("Acc của bạn hết hạn VIP", "") else: mess("Login không thành công!", "")
def thanks(self, acc): mess("Cảm ơn: [COLOR cyan]%s[/COLOR] đã hỗ trợ xem phim này" % acc)
def newMessageFromChat(s, username, message): #s = socket # add command like !time if message.strip() == "!armletmetr": utils.mess( s, "Твой армлет: " + str(random.randint(8, 25)) + " см длинной SeemsGood ") if (message.strip() == "!time"): utils.mess(s, "У меня сейчас " + time.strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')) if (message.strip() == "!botinfo"): utils.mess(s, 'Личный аниме бот 02, ня') if (message.strip() == "!девочка"): utils.mess(s, '') if ("!addgood" in message.strip()): users = utils.getUsersFromString(message.strip()) datamanager.addToGoodPerson(users) if ("!deletegood" in message.strip()): users = utils.getUsersFromString(message.strip()) datamanager.deleteFromGoodPerson(users) if ("!goodpersons" in message.strip()): users = datamanager.getListFromJson(datamanager.GOODPERSONS) if (len(users) == 0): utils.mess(s, "К сожалению, на этом стриме ещё нет хороших людей") else: utils.mess(s, "Список норм челов: " + ' '.join(users)) if ("!addfagot" in message.strip()): users = utils.getUsersFromString(message.strip()) datamanager.addToFagotPerson(users) if ("!deletefagot" in message.strip()): users = utils.getUsersFromString(message.strip()) datamanager.deleteFromFagotPerson(users) if ("!fagotpersons" in message.strip()): users = datamanager.getListFromJson(datamanager.FAGOTPERSONS) if (len(users) == 0): utils.mess(s, "К сожалению, на этом стриме ещё нет плохих людей") else: utils.mess(s, "Список уебанов: " + ' '.join(users)) if (message.strip() == "!help"): string = "Мой хозяин (извращенец) научил меня только этому: " string += " ".join([ "!armletmetr", "!time", "!addgood", "!deletegood", "!goodpersons", "!addfagot", "!deletefagot", "!fagotpersons" ]) utils.mess(s, string)
def waitCLI(s): cliMsg = input() utils.mess(s, f"{cliMsg}") waitCLI(s)
def get_token(self): response=self.fetch('') if not response or response.status!=200: content=self.fetch('') if not response or response.status!=200:utils.mess(u'Get home page fail!','');return '' return utils.xsearch('data-token="(.+?)"',response.body)
def fpt_play_add(self,name='FPT_Play_Favorite'): token=self.get_token() data='{"token":"%s","name":"%s","in_dir":"%s"}'%(token,name,'0') response=self.fetch('',data) if response and response.status==200:utils.mess(u'Add a item to MyFshare success','') else:utils.mess(u'Add a item to MyFshare fail!','')
def login(self, username, password): data={'username':username,'password':password} response=self.fetch('', data=data) try:response=response.json except:response={} utils.mess(u'%s'%response.get('message',['Login to fail !',''])[0],'Login to')
def login(self,username,password): data={'username':username,'password':password,'login':'******'} response=self.fetch('', data=data) if not response or response.status!=302:utils.mess(u'Login Không thành công!','')
def main(): #try: s = socket.socket() s.connect((config.HOST, config.PORT)) s.send("PASS {}\r\n".format(config.PASS).encode("utf-8")) s.send("NICK {}\r\n".format(config.NICK).encode("utf-8")) s.send("JOIN #{}\r\n".format(config.CHAN).encode("utf-8")) s.send("CAP REQ\r\n".encode("utf-8")) chat_message = re.compile( r"^:\w+!\w+@\w+\.tmi\.twitch\.tv PRIVMSG #\w+ :0") whisper = re.compile(r"^:\w+!\w+@\w+\.tmi\.twitch\.tv WHISPER #\w+ :0") thread.start_new_thread(utils.fillOplist, ()) thread.start_new_thread(utils.moneyplus, ()) thread.start_new_thread(utils.cm_list, (s, )) #thread.start_new_thread(utils.donate, (s,)) #thread.start_new_thread(utils.roulette_msg, (s,)) while True: response = s.recv(1024).decode("utf-8") if response == "PING\r\n": s.send("PONG\r\n".encode("utf-8")) else: try: server_message = chat_message.sub("", response) except: server_message = whisper.sub("", response) print(whisper) # print(response) try: message2 = server_message.split(" :", 1) message = message2[1] except: message = server_message print(message) username ="\w+", message).group(0) if message.endswith("PRIVMSG #{} :!time\r\n".format( config.CHAN)) == 1 or message.endswith( "PRIVMSG #{} :!время\r\n".decode("utf-8").format( config.CHAN)) == 1 or message.endswith( "PRIVMSG #{} :!uptime\r\n".format( config.CHAN)) == 1: print(1) utils.stime(s) if message.endswith("PRIVMSG #{} :!message\r\n".format( config.CHAN)) == 1: print(2) utils.mess( s, "Если вам понравилось, подписывайтесь на youtube и ВК" .format(username)) if message.startswith( "{}!{}@{} PRIVMSG #{} :!boxAdd ".format( username, username, username, config.CHAN) ) == 1: # and (message2[0].find("subscriber=1") or utils.isOp(username)): print(3) box = open("box.txt", "a") message = message.replace( "{}!{}@{} PRIVMSG #{} :!boxAdd ".format( username, username, username, config.CHAN), "") write = message.strip() box.write("\n" + write.encode("utf-8")) box.close() utils.mess(s, "Коробка пополнена!") if message.endswith( "PRIVMSG #{} :!цитата\r\n".decode("utf-8").format( config.CHAN)) == 1: print(4) with open("box.txt") as box: array = [line.strip() for line in box] r = randint(0, len(array) - 1) utils.mess(s, array[r]) if message.endswith( "PRIVMSG #{} :!команды\r\n".decode("utf-8").format( config.CHAN)) == 1: print(5) utils.mess(s, "Список команд: {}".format(utils.commands)) if message.endswith( "PRIVMSG #{} :!шерстинки\r\n".decode("utf-8").format( config.CHAN)) == 1: print(6) conn = sqlite3.connect("money.sqlite") cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute( "select money from money where name='{}'".format(username)) result = cursor.fetchone() try: utils.mess( s, "/w {} У тебя {} {}!".format( username, result[0], utils.end[result[0] % 10])) except: utils.mess( s, "/w {} Прости, что-то опять сломалось BibleThump". format(username)) conn.close() if message.startswith( "[email protected] PRIVMSG #{} :!награда " .decode("utf-8").format(config.CHAN)) == 1: print(7) conn = sqlite3.connect("money.sqlite") cursor = conn.cursor() winner = message.encode('utf-8').replace( "{}!{}@{} PRIVMSG #{} :!награда ".format( "ncux1699", "ncux1699", "ncux1699", config.CHAN), "") cursor.execute( "select money from money where name='{}'".format( winner.strip())) f = cursor.fetchone() print(f[0]) f1 = f[0] + 100 cursor.execute( "update money set money={} where name='{}'".format( f1, winner.strip())) conn.commit() cursor.execute( "select money from money where name='{}'".format( winner.strip())) f = cursor.fetchone() print(f[0]) conn.close() utils.mess(s, "@{} выиграл 100 шерстинок!".format(winner)) if message.endswith( "PRIVMSG #{} :!рулетка\r\n".decode("utf-8").format( config.CHAN)) == 1: try: print(8) a = randint(1, 20) b = randint(1, 20) conn = sqlite3.connect("money.sqlite") cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute( "select timer from money where name='{}'".format( username)) f = cursor.fetchone() if f[0] == 0: cursor.execute( "select money from money where name='{}'".format( username)) f = cursor.fetchone() if f[0] > 0: cursor.execute( "select score from games where game='roulette'" ) f = cursor.fetchone() if a == b: cursor.execute( "update games set score=20 where game='roulette'" ) cursor.execute( "select money from money where name='{}'". format(username)) fp = cursor.fetchone() cursor.execute( "update money set money={} where name='{}'" .format(fp[0] + f[0], username)) conn.commit() conn.close() utils.mess( s, "@{}, поздравляю! Ты выиграл {} {}!". format(username, f[0], utils.end[f[0] % 10])) utils.mess(s, "Призовой фонд сброшен до 20!") else: cursor.execute( "update games set score={} where game='roulette'" .format(f[0] + 5)) cursor.execute( "select money from money where name='{}'". format(username)) fp = cursor.fetchone() cursor.execute( "update money set money={} where name='{}'" .format(fp[0] - 5, username)) cursor.execute( "update money set timer=1 where name='{}'". format(username)) conn.commit() conn.close() utils.mess( s, "/w {} не огорчайся, в следующий раз повезет. Призовой фонд увеличился и теперь составляет {} {}!" .format(username, f[0] + 5, utils.end[(f[0] + 5) % 10])) #utils.mess(s, "Призовой фонд увеличился и теперь составляет {} {}!".format(f[0] + 5, utils.end[(f[0] + 5) % 10])) else: utils.mess( s, "/w {} у тебя недостаточно шерстинок, приходи на стримы чаще, не огорчай Джинджер!" .format(username)) cursor.execute( "update money set timer=1 where name='{}'". format(username)) conn.close() else: utils.mess( s, "/w @{} не спамь, пробовать свою удачу можно только раз в минуту!" .format(username)) except: utils.mess( s, "/w {} прости, что-то пошло не так, попробуй позже BibleThump" .format(username)) if message.endswith("PRIVMSG #{} :!топ\r\n".decode("utf-8").format( config.CHAN)) == 1: print(9) conn = sqlite3.connect("money.sqlite") cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute( "select money from money order by money desc limit 10 offset 2" ) f = [] for i in range(10): c = cursor.fetchone() f.append(c[0]) cursor.execute( "select name from money order by money desc limit 10 offset 2" ) name = [] for i in range(10): c = cursor.fetchone() name.append(c[0]) utils.mess( s, "Топ 10 хранителей шерстинок: 1 - {} ({}), 2 - {} ({}), 3 - {} ({}), 4 - {} ({}), 5 - {} ({}), 6 - {} ({}), 7 - {} ({}), 8 - {} ({}), 9 - {} ({}), 10 - {} ({})," .format(name[0], f[0], name[1], f[1], name[2], f[2], name[3], f[3], name[4], f[4], name[5], f[5], name[6], f[6], name[7], f[7], name[8], f[8], name[9], f[9])) conn.close() if message.endswith( "[email protected] PRIVMSG #{} :!roulette\r\n" .format(config.CHAN)) == 1: conn = sqlite3.connect("money.sqlite") cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("select score from games where game='roulette'") f = cursor.fetchone() utils.mess( s, "Призовой фонд составляет {} {}!".format( f[0], utils.end[f[0] % 10])) utils.mess( s, "Чтобы попытать свою удачу в ловле шерстинок напиши !рулетка" ) conn.close()
def startChatBot(chan): print('Chat bot starting') s = socket.socket() getConnection(s, chan) print("Bot started") timecount = time.time() thread.start_new_thread(utils.fillOpList, (chan, )) while True: if time.time() - timecount >= 25 * 60: utils.mess( s, chan, 'MEMES AND announcements =>'.upper() + ' <=') timecount = time.time() # try: rawResponse = s.recv(1024).decode('utf-8') # except ConnectionResetError: # getConnection(s) # print('===== Start of rawResponse =====\n', rawResponse, end='===== End of rawResponse =====\n') if str(rawResponse)[0:19] in 'PING': s.send("PONG\r\n".encode('utf-8')) elif str(rawResponse).__contains__("Login unsuccessful"): utils.refreshToken(getUser(chan)) s.close() s = socket.socket() getConnection(s, chan) else: try: username = str(rawResponse).split('!')[0][1:] message = str(rawResponse).split('#%s :' % chan)[-1].strip() print(time.strftime("%H:%M:%S") + ' "%s":' % username, sep='') print('"%s"' % message, sep='', end='\n=====================================\n') except Exception as x: print( '==achtung==achtung==achtung==achtung==achtung==achtung==achtung==' .upper()) print('===== Exeption start =====') print(x, x.args) print('===== Exeption end =====') print('===== Response start =====') print(rawResponse, end='') print('===== Response end =====') print('===== Username =====') print(username) print('===== Username =====') print( '==achtung==achtung==achtung==achtung==achtung==achtung==achtung==' .upper()) if message == '!discord': utils.mess(s, chan, "=><=") if message.strip() == "!test" and utils.isOp(username): utils.mess(s, chan, "test?") if ('bigfollows' in message.lower()) and ('com' in message.lower()): reason = 'Advertising' utils.ban(s, chan, username, reason) print('User: "******" was banned for the "%s"' % (username, reason), end='\n=====================================\n') time.sleep(1)
def logout(self): if self.logged: response = self.fetch('') if response and response.status==302:utils.mess(u'Logout thành công','');self.logged=None else:utils.mess(u'Logout không thành công!','')
def get_token(self,url=''): self.hd['x-pjax']='true' response=self.fetch(url) if not response or response.status!=200:utils.mess(u'Get home page fail!','');return '' self.token=utils.xsearch('data-token="(.+?)"',response.body) return self.token