def __getitem__(self, index): path = self.test_path[index] images = {} images.update({'name': path['save']}) input_ = cv2.imread(path['input']) input_ = cv2.cvtColor(input_, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) target_ = cv2.imread(path['target']) target_ = utils.modcrop(target_, self.sr_factor) target_ = cv2.cvtColor(target_, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) if not self.rgb: input_out = np.copy(input_) input_out = utils.np2tensor(input_out, self.rgb_range) # print(input_out) input_ = utils.rgb2ycbcr(input_) input_cbcr = input_[:, :, 1:] input_ = np.expand_dims(input_[:, :, 0], 2) input_cbcr = utils.np2tensor(input_cbcr, self.rgb_range) images.update({'input_cbcr': input_cbcr, 'input_rgb': input_out}) if self.target_down: target_down = imresize(target_, scalar_scale=1 / self.sr_factor) target_down = utils.np2tensor(target_down, self.rgb_range) images.update({'target_down': target_down}) input_ = utils.np2tensor(input_, self.rgb_range) target_ = utils.np2tensor(target_, self.rgb_range) images.update({'input': input_, 'target': target_}) return images
def __getitem__(self, index): path = self.train_path[index] images = {} if self.npy_reader: input_ = np.load(path['input'], allow_pickle=False) target_ = np.load(path['target'], allow_pickle=False) target_ = utils.modcrop(target_, self.sr_factor) else: input_ = cv2.imread(path['input']) input_ = cv2.cvtColor(input_, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) target_ = cv2.imread(path['target']) target_ = utils.modcrop(target_, self.sr_factor) target_ = cv2.cvtColor(target_, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # for i in range(10): # subim_in, subim_tar = get_patch(input_, target_, self.patch_size, self.sr_factor) # win_mean = ndimage.uniform_filter(subim_in[:, :, 0], (5, 5)) # win_sqr_mean = ndimage.uniform_filter(subim_in[:, :, 0]**2, (5, 5)) # win_var = win_sqr_mean - win_mean**2 # # if np.sum(win_var) / (win_var.shape[0]*win_var.shape[1]) > 30: # break subim_in, subim_tar = get_patch(input_, target_, self.patch_size, self.sr_factor) if not self.rgb: subim_in = utils.rgb2ycbcr(subim_in) subim_tar = utils.rgb2ycbcr(subim_tar) subim_in = np.expand_dims(subim_in[:, :, 0], 2) subim_tar = np.expand_dims(subim_tar[:, :, 0], 2) if self.target_down: subim_target_down = imresize(subim_tar, scalar_scale=1 / self.sr_factor) subim_target_down = utils.np2tensor(subim_target_down, self.rgb_range) images.update({'target_down': subim_target_down}) subim_in = utils.np2tensor(subim_in, self.rgb_range) subim_tar = utils.np2tensor(subim_tar, self.rgb_range) images.update({'input': subim_in, 'target': subim_tar}) return images
def load_images(self, images): """Given a list of file names, return a list of images""" out = [] for image in images: img = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(image), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB).astype(np.uint8) img = modcrop(img,2) img = dwt_shape(img) out.append(img) return out
def main(): ## data print('Loading data...') test_hr_path = os.path.join('data/', dataset) if dataset == 'Set5': ext = '*.bmp' else: ext = '*.png' hr_paths = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(test_hr_path, ext))) ## model print('Loading model...') tensor_lr = tf.placeholder('float32', [1, None, None, 3], name='tensor_lr') tensor_b = tf.placeholder('float32', [1, None, None, 3], name='tensor_b') tensor_sr = IDN(tensor_lr, tensor_b, scale) sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False)) saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(sess, model_path) ## result save_path = os.path.join(saved_path, dataset + '/x' + str(scale)) if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.makedirs(save_path) psnr_score = 0 for i, _ in enumerate(hr_paths): print('processing image %d' % (i + 1)) img_hr = utils.modcrop(misc.imread(hr_paths[i]), scale) img_lr = utils.downsample_fn(img_hr, scale=scale) img_b = utils.upsample_fn(img_lr, scale=scale) [lr, b] = utils.datatype([img_lr, img_b]) lr = lr[np.newaxis, :, :, :] b = b[np.newaxis, :, :, :] [sr] =[tensor_sr], {tensor_lr: lr, tensor_b: b}) sr = utils.quantize(np.squeeze(sr)) img_sr = utils.shave(sr, scale) img_hr = utils.shave(img_hr, scale) if not rgb: img_pre = utils.quantize(sc.rgb2ycbcr(img_sr)[:, :, 0]) img_label = utils.quantize(sc.rgb2ycbcr(img_hr)[:, :, 0]) else: img_pre = img_sr img_label = img_hr psnr_score += utils.compute_psnr(img_pre, img_label) misc.imsave(os.path.join(save_path, os.path.basename(hr_paths[i])), sr) print('Average PSNR: %.4f' % (psnr_score / len(hr_paths))) print('Finish')
import cv2 import os from matlab_imresize import imresize from utils import modcrop, mkdir origin_path = '/media/luo/data/data/super-resolution/VISTA/origin' path = '/media/luo/data/data/super-resolution/VISTA' # Q_list = [5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50] sr_factor = [2, 3, 4] for root, _, names in os.walk(origin_path): for name in names: target_name = os.path.join(origin_path, name) img_tar = cv2.imread(target_name) # img_tar = cv2.cvtColor(img_tar, cv2.cvtColor()) for i in sr_factor: img_tar_ = modcrop(img_tar, i) sr_path = os.path.join(path, 'x{}'.format(i)) img_down = imresize(img_tar_, scalar_scale=1 / i) for Q in Q_list: webp_path = os.path.join(sr_path, 'webp{}'.format(Q)) if not os.path.exists(webp_path): mkdir(webp_path) save_name = name[:-4] + '.webp' save = os.path.join(webp_path, save_name) cv2.imwrite(save, img_down, [cv2.IMWRITE_WEBP_QUALITY, Q])
ssim_ = tf.image.ssim(output_crop_, target_crop_, max_val=1.0) # ssim print("Computing PSNR/SSIM scores....") ssim_score = 0.0 psnr_score = 0.0 validation_images = os.listdir(test_data_dir + dataset) num_val_images = len(validation_images) for j in range(num_val_images): print("\rImage %d / %d" % (j + 1, num_val_images), end='') image = misc.imread(test_data_dir + dataset + validation_images[j]) image = utils.modcrop(image, modulo=4) if len(image.shape) < 3: image = image[..., np.newaxis] image = np.concatenate([image] * 3, 2) image_bicubic = misc.imresize(image, 0.25, interp="bicubic") image_bicubic = misc.imresize(image_bicubic, 4.0, interp="bicubic") image_bicubic = np.reshape(image_bicubic, [ 1, image_bicubic.shape[0], image_bicubic.shape[1], 3 ]) / 255 image_target = np.reshape( image, [1, image.shape[0], image.shape[1], 3]) / 255
def load_images(self, images): """Given a list of file names, return a list of images""" out = [] for image in images: out.append(modcrop(misc.imread(image, mode='RGB').astype(np.uint8),3)) return out
IMAGE_GT_FILE='./data/Set5/*.bmp' """ MODEL_FILE = [ './mdl/weights_srnet_x2_52.p', './mdl/weights_srnet_x2_310.p' ] UP_SCALE = 2 SHAVE = 1 #set 1 to be consistant with SRCNN # load inputs im_gt = [] files_gt = glob.glob(IMAGE_GT_FILE) for f in files_gt: #print 'loading', f im = np.array( im = utils.modcrop(im, UP_SCALE).astype(np.float32) im_gt += [im] im_l = [] if len(IMAGE_FILE) > 0: assert (len(im_gt) == 1) im_l = [np.array(] else: #down scale from ground truth using Matlab try: from pymatbridge import Matlab mlab = Matlab() mlab.start() for im in im_gt: mlab.set_variable('a', im) mlab.set_variable('s', 1.0 / UP_SCALE) mlab.run_code('b=imresize(a, s);')
filelist = utils.get_list(filepath, ext=ext) psnr_sr = np.zeros(len(filelist)) ssim_sr = np.zeros(len(filelist)) opt.is_train = False model = networks.define_G(opt) if isinstance(model, nn.DataParallel): model = model.module model.load_state_dict(torch.load(opt.models), strict=True) i = 0 for imname in filelist: if opt.isHR: im_gt = cv2.imread(opt.test_hr_folder + imname.split('/')[-1])[:, :, [2, 1, 0]] im_gt = utils.modcrop(im_gt, opt.upscale_factor) im_l = cv2.imread(imname)[:, :, [2, 1, 0]] if len(im_l.shape) < 3: if opt.isHR: im_gt = im_gt[..., np.newaxis] im_gt = np.concatenate([im_gt] * 3, 2) im_l = im_l[..., np.newaxis] im_l = np.concatenate([im_l] * 3, 2) if im_l.shape[2] > 3: if opt.isHR: im_gt = im_gt[..., 0:3] im_l = im_l[..., 0:3] im_input = im_l / 255.0 im_input = np.transpose(im_input, (2, 0, 1))
def makeh5patches(args): print('\n----------------------------------------') print('Command line arguements') print('----------------------------------------') for i in args.__dict__: print((i), ':', args.__dict__[i]) print('----------------------------------------') # reading all the image paths for given patients all_dir_paths = sorted(glob.glob(args.input_folder + '/*/')) #/*/-> to enter sub-folders all_input_paths, all_target_paths = [], [] # allocating arrays for input/target min/max pre_norm_in_min, pre_norm_in_max = [], [] pre_norm_tar_min, pre_norm_tar_max = [], [] post_norm_in_min, post_norm_in_max = [], [] post_norm_tar_min, post_norm_tar_max = [], [] random_ind = None for dir_paths in all_dir_paths: if args.random_N: random_ind = utils.get_sorted_random_ind( os.path.join(dir_paths, args.input_gen_folder), args.N_rand_imgs) in_paths = utils.getimages4rmdir( os.path.join(dir_paths, args.input_gen_folder), random_ind) target_paths = utils.getimages4rmdir( os.path.join(dir_paths, args.target_gen_folder), random_ind) all_input_paths.extend(in_paths) all_target_paths.extend(target_paths) print('\nTraining input image paths:') print(np.asarray(all_input_paths)) print('\n\nTraining target image paths:') print(np.asarray(all_target_paths)) #declaring null array for input & label to append later sub_input_of_all_inputs = np.empty( [0, args.input_size, args.input_size, 1]) sub_label_of_all_labels = np.empty( [0, args.label_size, args.label_size, 1]) #declaring path to save sanity check results sanity_chk_path = 'sanity_check/' + ( (args.input_folder).split('/'))[-1] + '/norm_' + str( args.normalization_type) + '_patch_size_' + str(args.patch_size) if not os.path.isdir(sanity_chk_path): os.makedirs(sanity_chk_path) # if the input is to be blurred and noise is to be added # get the label of the indices that is to be blurred and noised if args.blurr_n_noise: seed = utils.bn_seed(len(all_input_paths), 0.4, 0.4) else: sN = len(all_input_paths) seed = [None] * sN for i in range(len(all_input_paths)): input_image = gf.pydicom_imread(all_input_paths[i]) target_image = gf.pydicom_imread(all_target_paths[i]) #input_image = input_image[33:455] #target_image = target_image[33:455] #gf.plot2dlayers(input_image) #sys.exit() if (input_image.shape != target_image.shape): print("MISMATCH in image size for \ input: ", all_input_paths[i].split('/'), "& output: ", all_target_paths[i].split('/')[-1]) print("Exiting the program") sys.exit() if (i == 0): print('\nHere target images from training dataset is of type-', target_image.dtype,\ '. And is assigned as-', (target_image.astype('float32')).dtype,\ 'before network training') print("\nFirst image pair (target : input) in the raw stack (i.e. before patching)"\ " are of shapes {} : {}".format(target_image.shape, input_image.shape)) target_image = target_image.astype('float32') input_image = input_image.astype('float32') if (args.air_threshold): target_image_un = target_image #used to for air thresholding pre_norm_in_min.append(np.min(input_image)) pre_norm_in_max.append(np.max(input_image)) pre_norm_tar_min.append(np.min(target_image)) pre_norm_tar_max.append(np.max(target_image)) # sp = input_image.shape # if len(sp) == 3: # image = image[:, :, 0] # ------------------ # Data normalization # ------------------ input_image, target_image = utils.img_pair_normalization( input_image, target_image, args.normalization_type) post_norm_in_min.append(np.min(input_image)) post_norm_in_max.append(np.max(input_image)) post_norm_tar_min.append(np.min(target_image)) post_norm_tar_max.append(np.max(target_image)) # ----------------- # Data Augmentation # ----------------- if args.ds_augment: # need to change image into uint type before augmentation # if Pil augmentation is used # image = (gf.normalize_data_ab(0, 255, image)).astype(np.uint8) # else no need input_aug_images = utils.downsample_4r_augmentation(input_image) target_aug_images = utils.downsample_4r_augmentation(target_image) if (args.air_threshold): target_un_aug_images = utils.downsample_4r_augmentation( target_image_un) if (i == 0): print("\nDownscale based data augmentation is PERFORMED") print("Also, each input-target image pair is downscaled by", \ len(input_aug_images)-1,"different scaling factors due to downscale based augmentation") else: h, w = input_image.shape input_aug_images = np.reshape(input_image, (1, h, w)) target_aug_images = np.reshape(target_image, (1, h, w)) if (args.air_threshold): target_un_aug_images = np.reshape(target_image_un, (1, h, w)) if (i == 0): print("\nDownscale based data augmentation is NoT PERFORMED") # print(len(aug_images)) # Now working on each augmented images for p in range(len(input_aug_images)): #adding noise and downscaling the input images as instructed label_ = utils.modcrop(target_aug_images[p], args.scale) input_ = utils.modcrop(input_aug_images[p], args.scale) if (args.air_threshold): un_label_ = target_un_aug_images[p] if args.scale == 1: input_ = input_ else: input_ = utils.interpolation_lr(input_, args.scale) if args.blurr_n_noise: cinput_ = utils.add_blurr_n_noise(input_, seed[i]) else: cinput_ = input_ # print('seed=', seed[i]) # gf.plot2dlayers(cinput_, title='input') # gf.plot2dlayers(label_, title='target') sub_input, sub_label = utils.overlap_based_sub_images( args, cinput_, label_) if (args.air_threshold): _, sub_label_un = utils.overlap_based_sub_images( args, cinput_, un_label_) sub_input, sub_label = utils.air_thresholding( args, sub_input, sub_label, sub_label_un) if args.rot_augment: add_rot_input, add_rot_label = utils.rotation_based_augmentation( args, sub_input, sub_label) else: add_rot_input, add_rot_label = sub_input, sub_label sub_input_of_all_inputs = np.append(sub_input_of_all_inputs, add_rot_input, axis=0) sub_label_of_all_labels = np.append(sub_label_of_all_labels, add_rot_label, axis=0) #gf.multi2dplots(4, 8, sub_input_of_all_inputs[0:66, :, :, 0], 0, passed_fig_att = {"colorbar": False, "figsize":[4*2, 4*2]}) #gf.multi2dplots(4, 8, sub_label_of_all_labels[0:66, :, :, 0], 0, passed_fig_att = {"colorbar": False, "figsize":[4*2, 4*2]}) #sys.exit() # -------------------------- # Shuffling the patches # -------------------------- if args.shuffle_patches: Npatches = len(sub_input_of_all_inputs) shuffled_Npatches_arr = np.arange(Npatches) np.random.shuffle(shuffled_Npatches_arr) sub_input_of_all_inputs = sub_input_of_all_inputs[ shuffled_Npatches_arr, :, :, :] sub_label_of_all_labels = sub_label_of_all_labels[ shuffled_Npatches_arr, :, :, :] # ----------------------------------------------------- # Sanity check # making patch plot of random patches for sanity check #------------------------------------------------------ if args.sanity_plot_check: window = 12 lr_N = len(sub_input_of_all_inputs) rand_num = random.sample(range(lr_N - window), 5) #print(sub_input_of_all_inputs.shape) #print(rand_num) #sys.exit() for k in range(len(rand_num)): s_ind = rand_num[k] e_ind = s_ind + window lr_out_path = os.path.join(sanity_chk_path + '/lr_input_sub_img_rand_' + str(rand_num[k]) + '.png') hr_out_path = os.path.join(sanity_chk_path + '/hr_input_sub_img_rand_' + str(rand_num[k]) + '.png') gf.multi2dplots(3, 4, sub_input_of_all_inputs[s_ind:e_ind, :, :, 0], 0, passed_fig_att={ "colorbar": False, "figsize": [4, 4], "out_path": lr_out_path }) gf.multi2dplots(3, 4, sub_label_of_all_labels[s_ind:e_ind, :, :, 0], 0, passed_fig_att={ "colorbar": False, "figsize": [4 * args.scale, 4 * args.scale], "out_path": hr_out_path }) # data format based on API used for network training # torch reads tensor as [batch_size, channels, height, width] # tensorflow reads tensor as [batch_size, height, width, channels] if args.tensor_format == 'torch': sub_input_of_all_inputs = np.transpose(sub_input_of_all_inputs, (0, 3, 1, 2)) sub_label_of_all_labels = np.transpose(sub_label_of_all_labels, (0, 3, 1, 2)) elif args.tensor_format == 'tf': sub_input_of_all_inputs = sub_input_of_all_inputs sub_label_of_all_labels = sub_label_of_all_labels # -------------------- # creating h5 file #--------------------- output_folder = os.path.split(args.output_fname)[0] if not os.path.isdir(output_folder): os.makedirs(output_folder) hf = h5py.File(args.output_fname, mode='w') hf.create_dataset('input', data=sub_input_of_all_inputs) hf.create_dataset('target', data=sub_label_of_all_labels) hf.close() print("\nshape of the overall input subimages: {}".format( sub_input_of_all_inputs.shape)) print("shape of the overall target subimages: {}".format( sub_label_of_all_labels.shape)) print("\nFinally, due to data normalization based on:", args.normalization_type) print("input image range changes from (%.4f, %.4f) to (%.4f, %.4f)" % (min(pre_norm_in_min), max(pre_norm_in_max), min(post_norm_in_min), max(post_norm_in_max))) print("target image range changes from (%.4f, %.4f) to (%.4f, %.4f)" % (min(pre_norm_tar_min), max(pre_norm_tar_max), min(post_norm_tar_min), max(post_norm_tar_max))) print('final sum of input, target is:', np.sum(sub_input_of_all_inputs), np.sum(sub_label_of_all_labels))
# input with ground truth images only (Matlab required) IMAGE_FILE='' IMAGE_GT_FILE='./data/Set5/*.bmp' """ MODEL_FILE=['./mdl/weights_srnet_x2_52.p', './mdl/weights_srnet_x2_310.p'] UP_SCALE=2 SHAVE=1 #set 1 to be consistant with SRCNN # load inputs im_gt = [] files_gt = glob.glob(IMAGE_GT_FILE) for f in files_gt: #print 'loading', f im = np.array( im = utils.modcrop(im, UP_SCALE).astype(np.float32) im_gt += [im] im_l = [] if len(IMAGE_FILE)>0: assert(len(im_gt)==1) im_l = [np.array(] else: #down scale from ground truth using Matlab try: from pymatbridge import Matlab mlab = Matlab() mlab.start() for im in im_gt: mlab.set_variable('a', im) mlab.set_variable('s', 1.0/UP_SCALE) mlab.run_code('b=imresize(a, s);')
def train(self, config): if config.is_train: input_setup(self.sess, config) else: nx, ny = input_setup(self.sess, config) if config.is_train: data_dir = os.path.join('./{}'.format(config.checkpoint_dir), "train.h5") else: data_dir = os.path.join('./{}'.format(config.checkpoint_dir), "test.h5") train_data, train_label = read_data(data_dir) # Stochastic gradient descent with the standard backpropagation self.train_op = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer( config.learning_rate).minimize(self.loss) tf.initialize_all_variables().run() #For tf 0.12.1 #tf.global_variables_initializer() counter = 0 start_time = time.time() if self.load(self.checkpoint_dir): print(" [*] Load SUCCESS") else: print(" [!] Load failed...") if config.is_train: print("Training...") for ep in xrange(config.epoch): # Run by batch images batch_idxs = len(train_data) // config.batch_size for idx in xrange(0, batch_idxs): batch_images = train_data[idx * config.batch_size:(idx + 1) * config.batch_size] batch_labels = train_label[idx * config.batch_size:(idx + 1) * config.batch_size] counter += 1 _, err =[self.train_op, self.loss], feed_dict={ self.images: batch_images, self.labels: batch_labels }) if counter % 10 == 0: print("Epoch: [%2d], step: [%2d], time: [%4.4f], loss: [%.8f]" \ % ((ep + 1), counter, time.time() - start_time, err)) if counter % 500 == 0:, counter) else: print("Testing...") print "Train data shape", train_data.shape print "Train label shape", train_label.shape result = self.pred.eval({ self.images: train_data, self.labels: train_label }) print "Result shape", result.shape print "nx ny", nx, ny image = merge(result, [nx, ny]) original_image = merge(train_label, [nx, ny]) interpolation = down_upscale(modcrop(original_image, config.scale), scale=config.scale) imsave( original_image, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), config.sample_dir, "original.bmp"), config.is_RGB) imsave( interpolation, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), config.sample_dir, "interpolation.bmp"), config.is_RGB) imsave(image, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), config.sample_dir, "srcnn.bmp"), config.is_RGB)
import math import cv2 import glob import os def psnr(target, ref, scale): #assume RGB image target_data = np.array(target, dtype=np.float64) ref_data = np.array(ref, dtype=np.float64) diff = ref_data - target_data diff = diff.flatten('C') rmse = math.sqrt(np.mean(diff**2.)) return 20 * math.log10(255.0 / rmse) if __name__ == "__main__": data_HR = glob.glob(os.path.join('./Test/Set5', "*.bmp")) print(data_HR) data_LR = glob.glob('./result/result.png') print(data_LR) hr = modcrop(cv2.imread(data_HR[0])) lr = cv2.imread(data_LR[0]) lr = modcrop( cv2.resize(lr, None, fx=1.0 / 3, fy=1.0 / 3, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)) print(psnr(lr, hr, scale=3))
model.load_weights(weights_name) # model.summary() # evaluate each image in dataset directory image_list = [] psnr_list = [] ssim_list = [] file_dir = os.listdir(test_dataset) for file in file_dir: # read image and prepare input image_name = file image_list.append(image_name) img = imread(os.path.join(test_dataset, image_name), mode='YCbCr') x = np.array(img[:, :, 0]) x = modcrop(x, scale) x_lr = imresize(x, 1.0 / scale, 'bicubic') / 255.0 x_bic = imresize(x_lr, 1.0 * scale, 'bicubic') / 255.0 x = x / 255.0 # Wavelet transform cA, (cH, cV, cD) = pywt.dwt2(x_bic, 'haar') input_data = np.array([[cA, cH, cV, cD]]) input_data = input_data.transpose([0, 2, 3, 1]) # predict by pretrained model result = model.predict(input_data, batch_size=1, verbose=1) result = np.squeeze(result) # inverse Wavelet transform rA, rH, rV, rD = result[:, :, 0], result[:, :, 1], result[:, :, 2], result[:, :, 3]