def read_reported_cvrs(e):
    Read reported votes 22-reported-cvrs/reported-cvrs-PBCID.csv.

    election_pathname = os.path.join(multi.ELECTIONS_ROOT, e.election_dirname)
    specification_pathname = os.path.join(election_pathname, "2-reported",
    fieldnames = [
        "Collection", "Scanner", "Ballot id", "Contest", "Selections"
    for pbcid in e.pbcids:
        safe_pbcid = ids.filename_safe(pbcid)
        filename = utils.greatest_name(specification_pathname,
                                       "reported-cvrs-" + safe_pbcid, ".csv")
        file_pathname = os.path.join(specification_pathname, filename)
        rows = csv_readers.read_csv_file(file_pathname,
        for row in rows:
            pbcid = row["Collection"]
            scanner = row["Scanner"]
            bid = row["Ballot id"]
            cid = row["Contest"]
            vote = row["Selections"]
            vote = tuple(sorted(vote))  # put vote selids into canonical order
            utils.nested_set(e.rv_cpb, [cid, pbcid, bid], vote)
            utils.nested_set(e.votes_c, [cid, vote], True)
def generate_rv_cpb(e, synpar):
    """ Generate the reported selection for each contest and ballot.

        That is, populate rv_cpb, by drawing from selids_c[cid] for each cid.

    e.rv_cpb = {}
    for pbcid in e.pbcids:
        for bid in e.bids_p[pbcid]:
            for cid in synpar.cids_b[bid]:
                selids = list(e.selids_c[cid])
                if e.contest_type_c[cid] == 'plurality':
                    # give min(selids) an "edge" (expected margin) for winning
                    if synpar.RandomState.uniform() <= synpar.margin:
                        selection = min(selids)
                        selection = synpar.RandomState.choice(selids)
                    rv = (selection, )
                    utils.nested_set(e.rv_cpb, [cid, pbcid, bid], rv)
                    # assume otherwise that vote is permutation of selids
                    # (This will need refinement later presumably.)
                    rv = list(selids)
                    utils.nested_set(e.rv_cpb, [cid, pbcid, bid], rv)
def read_reported_outcomes(e):

    election_pathname = os.path.join(multi.ELECTIONS_ROOT, e.election_dirname)
    specification_pathname = os.path.join(election_pathname, "2-reported")
    fieldnames = ["Contest", "Winner(s)"]
    filename = utils.greatest_name(specification_pathname,
                                   "23-reported-outcomes", ".csv")
    file_pathname = os.path.join(specification_pathname, filename)
    rows = csv_readers.read_csv_file(file_pathname, fieldnames, varlen=True)
    for row in rows:
        cid = row["Contest"]
        winners = row["Winner(s)"]
        utils.nested_set(e.ro_c, [cid], winners)
def generate_audited_votes(e, synpar):

    e.av_cpb = {}
    for cid in e.rv_cpb:
        for pbcid in e.rv_cpb[cid]:
            for bid in e.rv_cpb[cid][pbcid]:
                rv = e.rv_cpb[cid][pbcid][bid]
                av = e.rv_cpb[cid][pbcid][bid]  # default no error
                if (synpar.RandomState.uniform() <= synpar.error_rate):
                    selids = list(e.selids_c[cid])
                    if rv in selids and len(selids) > 1:
                    av = (synpar.RandomState.choice(selids), )
                utils.nested_set(e.av_cpb, [cid, pbcid, bid], av)
def finish_election_spec_contest_groups(e):


    for pbcid in e.pbcids:
        e.possible_cid_p[pbcid] = {}
        e.required_cid_p[pbcid] = {}
    for cid in e.cids:
        e.possible_pbcid_c[cid] = {}
        e.required_pbcid_c[cid] = {}

    for pbcid in e.pbcids:
        req_gid = e.required_gid_p[pbcid]
        poss_gid = e.possible_gid_p[pbcid]
        for cid in e.cids:
            # "" req_gid means nothing is required.
            if req_gid != "" and cid in e.cids_g[req_gid]:
                utils.nested_set(e.required_cid_p, [pbcid, cid], "True")
                utils.nested_set(e.required_pbcid_c, [cid, pbcid], "True")
            # enforce that possible contests includes all contests
            # "" poss_gid means everything is possible
            if poss_gid == "" or cid in e.cids_g[poss_gid] or cid in e.cids_g[
                utils.nested_set(e.possible_cid_p, [pbcid, cid], "True")
                utils.nested_set(e.possible_pbcid_c, [cid, pbcid], "True")
def check_reported_selids(e):

    # make sure e.selids_c[cid] contains all +/- selids seen in reported votes
    # and that e.votes_c[cid] contains all reported votes
    for cid in e.cids:
        for pbcid in e.possible_pbcid_c[cid]:
            for bid in e.bids_p[pbcid]:
                if bid in e.rv_cpb[cid][pbcid]:
                    rv = e.rv_cpb[cid][pbcid][bid]
                    rv = ("-NoSuchContest", )
                utils.nested_set(e.votes_c, [cid, rv], True)
                for selid in rv:
                    if ids.is_writein(selid) or ids.is_error_selid(selid):
                        e.selids_c[cid][selid] = True
def generate_election_spec_contests(e, synpar):

    # check number of contests
    assert isinstance(synpar.n_cids, int) and synpar.n_cids >= 1
    # make cid for each contest
    e.cids = set("con{}".format(i + 1) for i in range(synpar.n_cids))

    # generate contest types as plurality and additional parameters
    # no write-ins
    for cid in e.cids:
        e.contest_type_c[cid] = "plurality"
        e.params_c[cid] = ""
        e.write_ins_c[cid] = "no"

    # check number of cids with wrong reported outcome
    assert isinstance(synpar.n_cids_wrong, int)
    assert 0 <= synpar.n_cids_wrong <= synpar.n_cids
    # determine which, if any, cids have wrong reported outcome
    cids_list = list(e.cids)
    synpar.RandomState.shuffle(cids_list)  # in-place
    synpar.cids_wrong = cids_list[:synpar.n_cids_wrong]

    # generate selids for each cid
    e.n_selids_c = {}
    e.selids_c = {}
    for cid in e.cids:
        e.n_selids_c[cid] = syn.geospace_choice(e, synpar,

        e.selids_c[cid] = {
            "sel{}".format(i): True
            for i in range(1, e.n_selids_c[cid] + 1)

    # generate possible votes for each cid
    for cid in e.cids:
        if e.contest_type_c[cid] == "plurality":
            for selid in e.selids_c[cid]:
                utils.nested_set(e.votes_c, [cid, (selid, )], True)
            utils.myerror(("Contest {} is not plurality---"
                           "Can't generate votes for it.").format(cid))
    def vmsg2dict(vmsg):
        Converts fixed VMSG to dict.
        :param vmsg: multiline (str) with fixed VMSG
        :return: (dict)
        dict_ = {}
        metas = []

        for line in vmsg.splitlines():
            splt = line.split(":", 1)
            key = splt[0]
            value = splt[1]

            if key == "BEGIN":
            if key == "END":
            nested_set(dict_, metas + [key], value)

        return dict_
def read_audited_votes(e):
    Read audited votes from 3-audit/33-audited-votes/audited-votes-PBCID.csv 

    election_pathname = os.path.join(multi.ELECTIONS_ROOT, e.election_dirname)
    audited_votes_pathname = os.path.join(election_pathname, "3-audit",
    for pbcid in e.pbcids:
        safe_pbcid = ids.filename_safe(pbcid)
        filename = utils.greatest_name(audited_votes_pathname,
                                       "audited-votes-" + safe_pbcid, ".csv")
        file_pathname = os.path.join(audited_votes_pathname, filename)
        fieldnames = ["Collection", "Ballot id", "Contest", "Selections"]
        rows = csv_readers.read_csv_file(file_pathname,
        for row in rows:
            pbcid = row["Collection"]
            bid = row["Ballot id"]
            cid = row["Contest"]
            vote = row["Selections"]
            utils.nested_set(e.av_cpb, [cid, pbcid, bid], vote)
def reported_number_cpr(filename):
    rn_cpr = dict()
    with open(filename, 'r', encoding="utf8") as f:
        reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='|')
        for (i, row) in enumerate(reader):
            if i != 0:
                filtered_ids = list(
                    filter(lambda a: a != '', row[0].split(',')))
                pbcid = filtered_ids[0]
                cid = filtered_ids[3]
                selection = tuple(filtered_ids[4:])
                #this is probably not efficient at all
                if cid in rn_cpr:
                    if pbcid in rn_cpr[cid]:
                        if selection in rn_cpr[cid][pbcid]:
                            rn_cpr[cid][pbcid][selection] += 1
                            utils.nested_set(rn_cpr, [cid, pbcid, selection],
                        utils.nested_set(rn_cpr, [cid, pbcid, selection], 1)
                    utils.nested_set(rn_cpr, [cid, pbcid, selection], 1)
    return rn_cpr
def process_spec(e, synpar, meta, actual, reported):
    Initialize Election e according to spec in list L.

    Here e is of type OpenAuditTool.Election

    Here synpar is of type syn.Syn_Parameters

    Each item in L has the form:
        (cid, pbcid, rv, av, num)
        cid = contest id
        pbcid = paper ballot collection id
        rv = reported vote
             (may be ("-noCVR",) if pbcid is noCVR type
        av = actual vote
        num = number of ballots of this type
    Either or both of rv and av may be
        or other such votes with selection ids starting with "-",
        signifying that they can't win the contest.
    The votes rv and av are arbitrary tuples, and may contain
    0, 1, 2, or more selection ids.

    The FIRST av for a given contest becomes the "reported winner"
    for that contest, even if "num" is zero for that row or if the
    reported or actual votes don't show that vote as the "winner".

    # Store the election meta data
    for cid, pbcid, ro_c, audit_rate, contestants in meta:
        logger.info("Meta:    %s %s %s %s", cid, pbcid, ro_c, audit_rate)

        # Record contest
        if cid not in e.cids:
            e.contest_type_c[cid] = "irv"
            e.params_c[cid] = ""
            e.write_ins_c[cid] = "no"
            e.selids_c[cid] = {}
            e.ro_c[cid] = ro_c  # first av becomes reported outcome
            mid = "M{}-{}".format(len(e.cids), cid)
            e.cid_m[mid] = cid
            e.risk_method_m[mid] = "Bayes"
            e.risk_limit_m[mid] = 0.025
            e.risk_upset_m[mid] = 0.975
            e.sampling_mode_m[mid] = "Active"
            e.initial_status_m[mid] = "Open"
            e.risk_measurement_parameters_m[mid] = ("", "")

        # Record collection identifiers
        if pbcid not in e.pbcids:
            e.manager_p[pbcid] = "Nobody"
            e.cvr_type_p[pbcid] = "CVR"
            e.required_gid_p[pbcid] = ""
            e.possible_gid_p[pbcid] = ""
            e.bids_p[pbcid] = []
            e.boxid_pb[pbcid] = {}
            e.position_pb[pbcid] = {}
            e.stamp_pb[pbcid] = {}
            e.max_audit_rate_p[pbcid] = int(audit_rate)
            e.comments_pb[pbcid] = {}

        # Add all combinations of selections to the selection pool
        for contestant in contestants:
            selids = [
                str(i) + "-" + contestant
                for i in range(1,
                               len(contestants) + 1)
            for selid in selids:
                if selid not in e.selids_c[cid]:
                    e.selids_c[cid][selid] = True

    for (cid, pbcid, num, av) in actual:
        logger.info("actual    %s %s %s %s", cid, pbcid, av, num)

        # When a row is not given specifying contest and winner
        # record the selection id for that vote
        # for selid in av:
        #     if selid not in e.selids_c[cid]:
        #         e.selids_c[cid][selid] = True

        # Record votes
        for pos in range(1, int(num) + 1):
            bid = "bid{}".format(1 + len(e.bids_p[pbcid]))
            utils.nested_set(e.av_cpb, [cid, pbcid, bid], av)
            e.boxid_pb[pbcid][bid] = "box1"
            e.position_pb[pbcid][bid] = pos
            e.stamp_pb[pbcid][bid] = ""
            e.comments_pb[pbcid][bid] = ""

    # Start the counter for reported vote from 1
    rv_map = {pbcid: 1 for pbcid in e.bids_p}
    # Update reported votes
    for (cid, pbcid, num, rv) in reported:
        logger.info("actual    %s %s %s %s", cid, pbcid, rv, num)

        # When a row is not given specifying contest and winner
        # record the selection id for that vote
        for selid in rv:
            if selid not in e.selids_c[cid]:
                e.selids_c[cid][selid] = True

        for pos in range(1, int(num) + 1):
            bid = "bid{}".format(rv_map[pbcid])
            rv_map[pbcid] += 1
            utils.nested_set(e.rv_cpb, [cid, pbcid, bid], rv)

    # The number of reported vote should be the same as actual vote
    assert all(
        [len(e.bids_p[pbcid]) == rv_map[pbcid] - 1 for pbcid in e.bids_p])
def process_spec(e, synpar, L):
    Initialize Election e according to spec in list L.

    Here e is of type multi.Election

    Here synpar is of type syn.Syn_Parameters

    Each item in L has the form:
        (cid, pbcid, rv, av, num)
        cid = contest id
        pbcid = paper ballot collection id
        rv = reported vote
             (may be ("-noCVR",) if pbcid is noCVR type
        av = actual vote
        num = number of ballots of this type
    Either or both of rv and av may be
        or other such votes with selection ids starting with "-",
        signifying that they can't win the contest.
    The votes rv and av are arbitrary tuples, and may contain
    0, 1, 2, or more selection ids.

    for (cid, pbcid, rv, av, num) in L:
        print("    ", cid, pbcid, rv, av, num)

        if cid not in e.cids:
            e.contest_type_c[cid] = "plurality"
            e.params_c[cid] = ""
            e.write_ins_c[cid] = "no"
            e.selids_c[cid] = {}
            e.ro_c[cid] = ("Alice", )  # FIX
            mid = "M{}-{}".format(len(e.cids), cid)
            e.cid_m[mid] = cid
            e.risk_method_m[mid] = "Bayes"
            e.risk_limit_m[mid] = 0.05
            e.risk_upset_m[mid] = 0.98
            e.sampling_mode_m[mid] = "Active"
            e.initial_status_m[mid] = "Open"
            e.risk_measurement_parameters_m[mid] = ("", "")

        for selid in rv:
            if selid not in e.selids_c[cid]:
                e.selids_c[cid][selid] = True
        for selid in av:
            if selid not in e.selids_c[cid]:
                e.selids_c[cid][selid] = True

        if pbcid not in e.pbcids:
            e.manager_p[pbcid] = "Nobody"
            e.cvr_type_p[pbcid] = "CVR"
            e.required_gid_p[pbcid] = ""
            e.possible_gid_p[pbcid] = ""
            e.bids_p[pbcid] = []
            e.boxid_pb[pbcid] = {}
            e.position_pb[pbcid] = {}
            e.stamp_pb[pbcid] = {}
            e.max_audit_rate_p[pbcid] = 40
            e.comments_pb[pbcid] = {}

        for pos in range(1, int(num) + 1):
            bid = "bid{}".format(1 + len(e.bids_p[pbcid]))
            utils.nested_set(e.rv_cpb, [cid, pbcid, bid], rv)
            utils.nested_set(e.av_cpb, [cid, pbcid, bid], av)
            e.boxid_pb[pbcid][bid] = "box1"
            e.position_pb[pbcid][bid] = pos
            e.stamp_pb[pbcid][bid] = ""
            e.comments_pb[pbcid][bid] = ""
def generate_reported_ballot_manifests(e, synpar):
    Generate synthetic ballot manifest data.

    This procedure must be run *after* generate_reported.

    for pbcid in e.pbcids:
        for i, bid in enumerate(e.bids_p[pbcid]):
            boxid = 1 + ((i + 1) // synpar.box_size)
            position = 1 + (i % synpar.box_size)
            stamp = "stmp" + "{:06d}".format((i + 1) * 17)
            utils.nested_set(e.boxid_pb, [pbcid, bid], "box{}".format(boxid))
            utils.nested_set(e.position_pb, [pbcid, bid], position)
            utils.nested_set(e.stamp_pb, [pbcid, bid], stamp)
            utils.nested_set(e.required_gid_pb, [pbcid, bid], "")
            utils.nested_set(e.possible_gid_pb, [pbcid, bid], "")
            utils.nested_set(e.comments_pb, [pbcid, bid], "")
def read_reported_ballot_manifests(e):
    Read ballot manifest file 21-reported-ballot-manifests and expand rows if needed.

    election_pathname = os.path.join(multi.ELECTIONS_ROOT, e.election_dirname)
    specification_pathname = os.path.join(election_pathname, "2-reported",
    fieldnames = [
        "Collection", "Box", "Position", "Stamp", "Ballot id",
        "Number of ballots", "Required Contests", "Possible Contests",
    for pbcid in e.pbcids:
        safe_pbcid = ids.filename_safe(pbcid)
        filename = utils.greatest_name(specification_pathname,
                                       "manifest-" + safe_pbcid, ".csv")
        file_pathname = os.path.join(specification_pathname, filename)
        rows = csv_readers.read_csv_file(file_pathname,
        for row in rows:
            pbcid = row["Collection"]
            boxid = row["Box"]
            position = row["Position"]
            stamp = row["Stamp"]
            bid = row["Ballot id"]
                num = int(row["Number of ballots"])
            except ValueError:
                    "Number {} of ballots not an integer.".format(num))
            if num <= 0:
                    "Number {} of ballots not positive.".format(num))
            req = row["Required Contests"]
            poss = row["Possible Contests"]
            comments = row["Comments"]

            bids = utils.count_on(bid, num)
            stamps = utils.count_on(stamp, num)
            positions = utils.count_on(position, num)

            for i in range(num):
                # utils.nested_set(e.bids_p, [pbcid, bids[i]], True)
                if pbcid not in e.bids_p:
                    e.bids_p[pbcid] = []
                utils.nested_set(e.boxid_pb, [pbcid, bids[i]], boxid)
                utils.nested_set(e.position_pb, [pbcid, bids[i]], position[i])
                utils.nested_set(e.stamp_pb, [pbcid, bids[i]], stamps[i])
                utils.nested_set(e.required_gid_pb, [pbcid, bids[i]], req)
                utils.nested_set(e.possible_gid_pb, [pbcid, bids[i]], poss)
                utils.nested_set(e.comments_pb, [pbcid, bids[i]], comments)