def showVoxImages(self, epoch, test_input=None, num_examples=0): if (num_examples > 0): test_input = tf.random.normal([num_examples, self.latent_dim]) predictions = self.gen_model(test_input, training=False) for i in range(test_input.shape[0]): gen_vox = predictions.numpy()[i, ..., 0] ut.plotVox(gen_vox, title='Epoch {}'.format(epoch), save_fig=True)
def interpolateDesigns(anchor_vects, labels, index1, index2, divs=10) : mids_string = ' {} , {} '.format(labels[index1].numpy().decode(), labels[index2].numpy().decode()) print(mids_string) interp_vects = ut.interp(anchor_vects[index1].numpy(), anchor_vects[index2].numpy(), divs) v = model.sample(interp_vects) v = v.numpy()[:,:,:,:,0] for i, sample in enumerate(v) : ut.plotVox(sample, step=1, threshold=0.5, limits=cf_limits, show_axes=False)
def descRecon(index, title='') : enc_text = enc_descs[index] pred = modeltxt.model(enc_text[None,...]) print('\nPredicted vector: \n', pred, '\n') print('Label vector: \n', label_vect[index]) l = modeltxt.compute_loss(label_vect[index], pred).numpy()[0] mid = mids[index] print('\nStats for this comparison\n{:3d} Loss: {:.3f} Sum pred: {:.3f} Sum lab: {:.3f}\n Mid : {}\n'.format(index, l, np.sum(pred), np.sum(label_vect[index]), mid)) vox_gen = model.sample(pred).numpy()[0,...,0] vox_lab = model.sample(label_vect[index][None,...] ).numpy()[0,...,0] ut.plotVox(vox_lab, title='Org {}'.format(title), limits=cf_limits) ut.plotVox(vox_gen, title='Rec {}'.format(title), limits=cf_limits)
def getRecons(num_to_get=10, cat_label_index=-2) : = False anchors, labels = [],[] for anchor, label in train_dataset.unbatch().shuffle(100000).take(num_to_get*50) : catid = -1 try: catid = cf_cat_prefixes.index('0{}'.format(ut.getMidCat(label.numpy().decode()))) except : print('not found\n ', label.numpy().decode()) if (catid == cat_label_index or cat_label_index==-2) : anchor = tf.cast(anchor, dtype=tf.float32) anchors.append(anchor) labels.append(label) if (len(anchors) >= num_to_get) : break anchor_vects = [model.encode(anchors[i][None,:,:,:], reparam=True) for i in range(len(anchors))] v = [model.sample(anchor_vects[i]).numpy()[0,...,0] for i in range (len(anchors))] for i, sample in enumerate(v) : print('Index: {} Mid: {}'.format(i, labels[i].numpy().decode())) ut.plotVox(anchors[i].numpy()[...,0], step=1, threshold=0.5, title='Index {} Original'.format(i), limits=cf_limits) ut.plotVox(v[i], step=2, threshold=0.5, title='Index {} Reconstruct'.format(i), limits=cf_limits) print([mid.numpy().decode() for mid in labels]) return anchor_vects, labels
def showRandIndices(num_to_show=100) : for i in np.random.randint(0, len(shape2vec), size=num_to_show) : vox = shapemodel.decode(shape2vec[mids[i]][None,...], apply_sigmoid=True)[0,...,0] ut.plotVox(vox, step=2, limits = cf_limits, title=i)
#%% Setup datasets voxs_stacked = np.stack(all_voxs, axis=0) train_dataset =, all_mids)) for test_samples, test_labels in train_dataset.batch(50).take(1) : pass test_samples = tf.cast(test_samples, dtype=tf.float32) train_dataset, test_dataset = ut.splitData(train_dataset, 0.1) train_dataset = train_dataset.batch(cf_batch_size, drop_remainder=True) test_dataset = test_dataset.batch(cf_batch_size, drop_remainder=False) total_train_batchs = 0 for _ in train_dataset : total_train_batchs += 1 #%% Show initial models sample_index = 16 ut.plotVox(test_samples[sample_index], title='Original', threshold=0.5, limits=cf_limits, save_fig=False) if (lg.total_epochs > 10) : ut.plotVox(model.reconstruct(test_samples[sample_index][None,...], training=False), limits=cf_limits, title='Recon') #%% Training methods def getTestSetLoss(dataset, batches=0) : test_losses = [] for test_x, test_label in (dataset.take(batches).shuffle(100) if batches > 0 else dataset.shuffle(100)) : test_x = tf.cast(test_x, dtype=tf.float32) test_loss_batch = model.compute_loss(test_x) test_losses.append(test_loss_batch) return np.mean(test_losses) def trainModel(epochs, display_interval=-1, save_interval=10, test_interval=10) : print('\n\nStarting training...\n') for epoch in range(1, epochs + 1):
lg.restoreCP() # Method for going from text to voxels def getVox(text): ptv = padEnc(text) preds = txtmodel.sample(ptv) vox = shapemodel.sample(preds).numpy()[0, ..., 0] return vox #%% Test text2shape model for i in range(20): text = input('Text description: ') vox = getVox(text) ut.plotVox(vox, limits=cf_limits) #%% Run on single line of text text = 'ceiling lamp that is very skinny and very tall. it has one head. it has a base. it has one chain.' tensor = tf.constant(text) tbatch = tensor[None, ...] preds = txtmodel.model(tbatch) #%% Generate a balanced set of sample descriptions to show on streamlit app ex_descs = [] for keyword in [ 'Table', 'Chair', 'Lamp', 'Faucet', 'Clock', 'Bottle', 'Vase', 'Laptop', 'Bed', 'Mug', 'Bowl' ]: for i in range(50): desc = dnp[np.random.randint(0, len(dnp))]
enc_text = padEnc(text) pred_sv = modeltxt.model(np.array(enc_text)) vox = modeltxt.sample(pred_sv).numpy()[0,...,0] return vox, pred_sv def descRecon(index, title='') : enc_text = enc_descs[index] pred = modeltxt.model(enc_text[None,...]) print('\nPredicted vector: \n', pred, '\n') print('Label vector: \n', label_vect[index]) l = modeltxt.compute_loss(label_vect[index], pred).numpy()[0] mid = mids[index] print('\nStats for this comparison\n{:3d} Loss: {:.3f} Sum pred: {:.3f} Sum lab: {:.3f}\n Mid : {}\n'.format(index, l, np.sum(pred), np.sum(label_vect[index]), mid)) vox_gen = model.sample(pred).numpy()[0,...,0] vox_lab = model.sample(label_vect[index][None,...] ).numpy()[0,...,0] ut.plotVox(vox_lab, title='Org {}'.format(title), limits=cf_limits) ut.plotVox(vox_gen, title='Rec {}'.format(title), limits=cf_limits) #%% for i in range(250, 260) : descRecon(i, title=i) #%% Generate shapes from descriptions desc_test = text = 'lamp that is a table or floor lamp that is made of a lamp unit, a lamp body and a lamp base. the lamp body is made of a lamp pole. the lamp base which is the lamp holistic base is made of a lamp base part. the object is long in length and regular in height. it is regular in width. it is square in shape. ' enc_text_test = padEnc(desc_test) pred = modeltxt.model(enc_text_test) vox_gen = model.sample(pred).numpy()[0,...,0] ut.plotVox(vox_gen, limits=cf_limits)
for folder in os.listdir(in_fp) ] move_to = [ '{}/{}{}{{}'.format(out_fp, prefix, i + 1, file_ext) for i in range(len(files_to_move)) ] for i in range(len(files_to_move)): os.rename(files_to_move[i], move_to[i]) #%% Look at the difference between original and grown voxel models for sample, _ in train_dataset.unbatch().shuffle(10000).take(3): vox = sample[..., 0].numpy() sparsity = ut.getSparsity(vox) ut.plotVox(vox, limits=cf_limits, title='Original\n Sparse: {:.2f}'.format(100 * sparsity)) if (sparsity > .00): continue grown = ut.growVox(vox, amount=0.5) sparsity_grown = ut.getSparsity(grown) ut.plotVox(grown, limits=cf_limits, title='Grown\n Sparse: {:.2f}'.format(100 * sparsity_grown)) #%% import shutil import tqdm rdir = '/home/starstorms/Insight/ShapeNet/partnetmeta/renders/data_v0' outdir = '/home/starstorms/Insight/ShapeNet/partnetmeta/pics'