def pcd(self, sess, wtr, batchit, k= 4, lr= 0.01, steps= 0, step_plot= 0, plot= plot_fn('recons')): if not (plot and step_plot): step_plot = 1 + steps for step in range(1, 1 + steps): self.step += 1 # todo summarise loss, feed_dict= {self.v_: next(batchit), self.k_: k, self.lr_: lr}) if not (step % step_plot): plot(sess, wtr,, self.step)
def pre(self, sess, wtr, batchit, k= 4, lr= 0.01, steps= 0, step_plot= 0, sleep= 0): h2v = lambda x: x for rbm in self.rbm: # plot function from this rbm down to the bottom rbm.plot = plot_fn(rbm.scope) plot = lambda sess, wtr, v, step= None, rbm= rbm: rbm.plot( sess, wtr, step= rbm.step if step is None else step , v= h2v(v)) # train this rbm rbm.pcd(sess, wtr, batchit, k= k, lr= lr, steps= steps, step_plot= step_plot, plot= plot) # downward closure of this rbm, to be used by the next plot function rbm.h2v = binary(tf.matmul(rbm.h, rbm.w, transpose_b= True)) h2v = lambda h, rbm= rbm, h2v= h2v: h2v(, feed_dict= {rbm.h: h})) # # generate hidden states from this rbm # batchit = rbm.gen(sess, k= k, ret_v= False, ret_h= True) # upward closure of this rbm, translating visibles to hiddens rbm.v2h = binary(rbm.hgv, transform= False, threshold= False) v2h = lambda v, rbm= rbm:, feed_dict= {rbm.v_: v}) batchit = map(v2h, batchit) for _ in range(sleep):, feed_dict= {self.k_: k, self.lr_: lr})
ret = self.gibbs[1] else: raise StopIteration("not ret_v and not ret_h") while True: yield, feed_dict= {self.k_: k}) if False: from utils import mnist batchit = mnist(batch_size= 100, ds= 'train', with_labels= False, binary= True) rbm = Rbm(28*28, 512, samples= 100) sess = tf.InteractiveSession() # rm -r log # tf.summary.FileWriter("log/rbm", sess.graph).close() # tf.reset_default_graph() # sess.close() wtr = tf.summary.FileWriter("log/rbm") rbm.pcd(sess, wtr, batchit, k= 4, lr= 0.01, steps= 60000, step_plot= 10000) rbm.pcd(sess, wtr, batchit, k= 4, lr= 0.001, steps= 12000, step_plot= 3000) wtr.close() plot = plot_fn('gen1k') with tf.summary.FileWriter("log/rbm") as wtr: for step, v in zip(range(10), rbm.gen(sess, k= 1000, v= next(batchit))): plot(sess, wtr, v, step) tf.train.Saver().save(sess, "./models/rbm")
return, feed_dict= {self.a: a}) def gen(self, sess): while True: yield if False: from utils import mnist batchit = mnist(batch_size= 100, ds= 'train', with_labels= False, binary= True) sbn = Sbn((784, 210, 56, 15, 4), samples= 100) sess = tf.InteractiveSession() # rm -r log/sbn # tf.summary.FileWriter("log/sbn", sess.graph).close() # tf.reset_default_graph() # sess.close() with tf.summary.FileWriter("log/sbn") as wtr:, wtr, batchit, lr= 0.01, steps= 600000, step_plot= 60000) plot = plot_fn('gen') b = 0, 1 q = np.array(list(product(b, b, b, b)), dtype= np.bool) for n, a in enumerate((np.tile(q, (100, 1)) for q in q)): with tf.summary.FileWriter("log/sbn/res{:02d}".format(n)) as wtr: plot(sess, wtr, sbn.ans(sess, a), sbn.step) tf.train.Saver().save(sess, "./models/sbn")
vae = Vae(dat, dim_rec=(128, 128), dim_z=128, dim_gen=(128, 128)) sess = tf.InteractiveSession() # rm -r log # tf.summary.FileWriter('log/vae', sess.graph).close() # tf.reset_default_graph() # sess.close() loss = tf.summary.merge((tf.summary.scalar(name='loss', tensor=vae.loss), tf.summary.scalar(name='loss_recons', tensor=vae.loss_recons), tf.summary.scalar(name='loss_relent', tensor=vae.loss_relent))) plot = plot_fn("recons") fd = {vae.bs_: 100} with tf.summary.FileWriter('log/vae') as wtr: for step in range(60000): vae.step += 1 if vae.step % 60:, feed_dict=fd) else: summ, _ =, vae.up), feed_dict=fd) wtr.add_summary(summ, vae.step) if not (vae.step % 6000): plot(sess, wtr,, feed_dict=fd), vae.step / 6000) with tf.summary.FileWriter('log/vae/gen') as wtr: plot(