def plot_lat_vs_time(data, individually=False): tss = [s for id, s in data.iteritems()] if individually: for ts in tss: plot_series(np.array(ts), 2, 1) else: plot_series(tss, 2, 1, variable_length=True)
def main(args): # Device Configuration # device = torch.device( f'cuda:{args.gpu_num}' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') # Fix Seed for Reproducibility # random.seed(args.seed) np.random.seed(args.seed) torch.manual_seed(args.seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed(args.seed) # Samples, Plots, Weights and CSV Path # paths = [ args.samples_path, args.weights_path, args.csv_path, args.inference_path ] for path in paths: make_dirs(path) # Prepare Data # data = pd.read_csv(args.data_path)[args.column] # Prepare Data # scaler_1 = StandardScaler() scaler_2 = StandardScaler() preprocessed_data = pre_processing(data, scaler_1, scaler_2, args.constant, train_X, train_Y, test_X, test_Y = prepare_data(data, preprocessed_data, args) train_X = moving_windows(train_X, args.ts_dim) train_Y = moving_windows(train_Y, args.ts_dim) test_X = moving_windows(test_X, args.ts_dim) test_Y = moving_windows(test_Y, args.ts_dim) # Prepare Networks # if args.model == 'conv': D = ConvDiscriminator(args.ts_dim).to(device) G = ConvGenerator(args.latent_dim, args.ts_dim).to(device) elif args.model == 'lstm': D = LSTMDiscriminator(args.ts_dim).to(device) G = LSTMGenerator(args.latent_dim, args.ts_dim).to(device) else: raise NotImplementedError ######### # Train # ######### if args.mode == 'train': # Loss Function # if args.criterion == 'l2': criterion = nn.MSELoss() elif args.criterion == 'wgangp': pass else: raise NotImplementedError # Optimizers # if args.optim == 'sgd': D_optim = torch.optim.SGD(D.parameters(),, momentum=0.9) G_optim = torch.optim.SGD(G.parameters(),, momentum=0.9) elif args.optim == 'adam': D_optim = torch.optim.Adam(D.parameters(),, betas=(0., 0.9)) G_optim = torch.optim.Adam(G.parameters(),, betas=(0., 0.9)) else: raise NotImplementedError D_optim_scheduler = get_lr_scheduler(D_optim, args) G_optim_scheduler = get_lr_scheduler(G_optim, args) # Lists # D_losses, G_losses = list(), list() # Train # print( "Training Time Series GAN started with total epoch of {}.".format( args.num_epochs)) for epoch in range(args.num_epochs): # Initialize Optimizers # G_optim.zero_grad() D_optim.zero_grad() ####################### # Train Discriminator # ####################### if args.criterion == 'l2': n_critics = 1 elif args.criterion == 'wgangp': n_critics = 5 for j in range(n_critics): series, start_dates = get_samples(train_X, train_Y, args.batch_size) # Data Preparation # series = noise = torch.randn(args.batch_size, 1, args.latent_dim).to(device) # Adversarial Loss using Real Image # prob_real = D(series.float()) if args.criterion == 'l2': real_labels = torch.ones(prob_real.size()).to(device) D_real_loss = criterion(prob_real, real_labels) elif args.criterion == 'wgangp': D_real_loss = -torch.mean(prob_real) # Adversarial Loss using Fake Image # fake_series = G(noise) prob_fake = D(fake_series.detach()) if args.criterion == 'l2': fake_labels = torch.zeros(prob_fake.size()).to(device) D_fake_loss = criterion(prob_fake, fake_labels) elif args.criterion == 'wgangp': D_fake_loss = torch.mean(prob_fake) D_gp_loss = args.lambda_gp * get_gradient_penalty( D, series.float(), fake_series.float(), device) # Calculate Total Discriminator Loss # D_loss = D_fake_loss + D_real_loss if args.criterion == 'wgangp': D_loss += args.lambda_gp * D_gp_loss # Back Propagation and Update # D_loss.backward() D_optim.step() ################### # Train Generator # ################### # Adversarial Loss # fake_series = G(noise) prob_fake = D(fake_series) # Calculate Total Generator Loss # if args.criterion == 'l2': real_labels = torch.ones(prob_fake.size()).to(device) G_loss = criterion(prob_fake, real_labels) elif args.criterion == 'wgangp': G_loss = -torch.mean(prob_fake) # Back Propagation and Update # G_loss.backward() G_optim.step() # Add items to Lists # D_losses.append(D_loss.item()) G_losses.append(G_loss.item()) # Adjust Learning Rate # D_optim_scheduler.step() G_optim_scheduler.step() # Print Statistics, Save Model Weights and Series # if (epoch + 1) % args.log_every == 0: # Print Statistics and Save Model # print("Epochs [{}/{}] | D Loss {:.4f} | G Loss {:.4f}".format( epoch + 1, args.num_epochs, np.average(D_losses), np.average(G_losses))) G.state_dict(), os.path.join( args.weights_path, 'TS_using{}_and_{}_Epoch_{}.pkl'.format( G.__class__.__name__, args.criterion.upper(), epoch + 1))) # Generate Samples and Save Plots and CSVs # series, fake_series = generate_fake_samples( test_X, test_Y, G, scaler_1, scaler_2, args, device) plot_series(series, fake_series, G, epoch, args, args.samples_path) make_csv(series, fake_series, G, epoch, args, args.csv_path) ######## # Test # ######## elif args.mode == 'test': # Load Model Weights # G.load_state_dict( torch.load( os.path.join( args.weights_path, 'TS_using{}_and_{}_Epoch_{}.pkl'.format( G.__class__.__name__, args.criterion.upper(), args.num_epochs)))) # Lists # real, fake = list(), list() # Inference # for idx in range(0, test_X.shape[0], args.ts_dim): # Do not plot if the remaining data is less than time dimension # end_ix = idx + args.ts_dim if end_ix > len(test_X) - 1: break # Prepare Data # test_data = test_X[idx, :] test_data = np.expand_dims(test_data, axis=0) test_data = np.expand_dims(test_data, axis=1) test_data = torch.from_numpy(test_data).to(device) start = test_Y[idx, 0] noise = torch.randn(args.val_batch_size, 1, args.latent_dim).to(device) # Generate Fake Data # with torch.no_grad(): fake_series = G(noise) # Convert to Numpy format for Saving # test_data = np.squeeze(test_data.cpu().data.numpy()) fake_series = np.squeeze(fake_series.cpu().data.numpy()) test_data = post_processing(test_data, start, scaler_1, scaler_2, fake_series = post_processing(fake_series, start, scaler_1, scaler_2, real += test_data.tolist() fake += fake_series.tolist() # Plot, Save to CSV file and Derive Metrics # plot_series(real, fake, G, args.num_epochs - 1, args, args.inference_path) make_csv(real, fake, G, args.num_epochs - 1, args, args.inference_path) derive_metrics(real, fake, args) else: raise NotImplementedError
def run_test(self): SAMPLES_PER_CLASS = 50 N_CLASSES = 10 TIME = 150 BIN_SIZE = 10 DELAY = 50 DURATION = 10 SPARSITY = 0.05 CI_LVL = 0.95 # Determine the output and spatio-temporal response to various patterns, including unknown classes for model in ["scratch", "trained"]: if model == "trained": # Initially compute test statistics with model initialized from scratch, then do the same with trained model try: Net = load(self.config.RESULT_FOLDER + "/") except FileNotFoundError as e: print("No saved network model found.") raise e # Direct network to GPU if P.GPU: self.stats_manager = utils.StatsManager(, self.config.CLASSES, self.config.ASSIGNMENTS) print("Testing " + model + " model...") for type in ["out", "st"]: if type == "out": print("Computing output responses for various patterns") else: print( "Computing spatio-temporal responses for various patterns" ) unk = None for k in range(N_CLASSES + 1): pattern_name = str(k) if k < N_CLASSES else "rnd" print("Pattern: " + pattern_name) encoder = PoissonEncoder( time=self.config.TIME, dt=self.config.DT ) if type == "out" else utils.CustomEncoder( TIME, DELAY, DURATION, self.config.DT, SPARSITY) dataset = self.data_manager.get_test( [k], encoder, SAMPLES_PER_CLASS) if k < N_CLASSES else None # Get next input sample. input_enc = next( iter(dataset) )["encoded_image"] if k < N_CLASSES else encoder( (torch.rand(SAMPLES_PER_CLASS, * self.config.INPT_SHAPE) * (self.config.INPT_NORM / (.25 * self.config.INPT_SHAPE[1] * self.config.INPT_SHAPE[2]) if self.config.INPT_NORM is not None else 1.), torch.zeros(SAMPLES_PER_CLASS, * self.config.LABEL_SHAPE)), dim=3) * self.config.INTENSITY) if P.GPU: input_enc = input_enc.cuda() # Run the network on the input without labels inputs={"X": input_enc}, time=self.config.TIME if type == "out" else TIME) # Update network activity monitoring res = self.stats_manager.get_class_scores( ) if type == "out" else self.stats_manager.get_st_resp( bin_size=BIN_SIZE) if k not in self.config.CLASSES and k < N_CLASSES: unk = res if unk is None else (unk, res), dim=0) # Reset network state # Save results if type == "out": mean = res.mean(dim=0) std = res.std(dim=0) count = res.size(0) utils.plot_out_resp( [mean], [std], [count], [pattern_name + " out"], self.config.CLASSES, self.config.RESULT_FOLDER + "/" + model + "/out_mean_" + pattern_name + ".png", CI_LVL) utils.plot_out_dist( mean, std, self.config.CLASSES, self.config.RESULT_FOLDER + "/" + model + "/out_dist_" + pattern_name + ".png") else: utils.plot_st_resp( [res.mean(dim=0)[:, :, [0, 3, 6, 9]]], [pattern_name + " resp."], BIN_SIZE, self.config.RESULT_FOLDER + "/" + model + "/st_resp_" + pattern_name + ".png") res = res.mean(dim=3).mean(dim=2) utils.plot_series([res.mean(dim=0)], [res.std(dim=0)], [pattern_name + " resp."], BIN_SIZE, self.config.RESULT_FOLDER + "/" + model + "/time_resp_" + pattern_name + ".png", CI_LVL) print("Pattern: unk") if type == "out": mean = unk.mean(dim=0) std = unk.std(dim=0) count = unk.size(0) utils.plot_out_resp([mean], [std], [count], ["unk out"], self.config.CLASSES, self.config.RESULT_FOLDER + "/" + model + "/out_mean_unk.png", CI_LVL) utils.plot_out_dist( mean, std, self.config.CLASSES, self.config.RESULT_FOLDER + "/" + model + "/out_dist_unk.png") else: utils.plot_st_resp([unk.mean(dim=0)[:, :, [0, 3, 6, 9]]], ["unk resp."], BIN_SIZE, self.config.RESULT_FOLDER + "/" + model + "/st_resp_unk.png") unk = unk.mean(dim=3).mean(dim=2) utils.plot_series([unk.mean(dim=0)], [unk.std(dim=0)], ["unk resp."], BIN_SIZE, self.config.RESULT_FOLDER + "/" + model + "/time_resp_unk.png", CI_LVL) # Plot kernels print("Plotting network kernels") connections = { "inpt": ("X", "Y"), "exc": ("Y", "Y"), "inh": ("Z", "Y") } lin_coord = -1) * self.config.GRID_SHAPE[2] + -1) knl_idx = [ torch.nonzero(lin_coord == i) for i in range(self.config.GRID_SHAPE[1] * self.config.GRID_SHAPE[2]) ] knl_idx = [ knl_idx[i][0] if len(knl_idx[i]) > 0 else None for i in range(len(knl_idx)) ] for name, conn in connections.items(): w =[conn].w.t() lin_coord = kernels = torch.zeros(self.config.GRID_SHAPE[1] * self.config.GRID_SHAPE[2], self.config.GRID_SHAPE[1], self.config.GRID_SHAPE[2], device=w.device) if name != "inpt": w = w.view( self.config.NEURON_SHAPE[0] * self.config.NEURON_SHAPE[1], self.config.NEURON_SHAPE[0] * self.config.NEURON_SHAPE[1]) w_red = torch.zeros( self.config.NEURON_SHAPE[0] * self.config.NEURON_SHAPE[1], self.config.GRID_SHAPE[1] * self.config.GRID_SHAPE[2], device=w.device) for i in range(w.size(1)): w_red[:, lin_coord[i]] += w[:, i] w = w_red w = w.view( self.config.NEURON_SHAPE[0] * self.config.NEURON_SHAPE[1], self.config.GRID_SHAPE[1], self.config.GRID_SHAPE[2]) for i in range(kernels.size(0)): if knl_idx[i] is not None: kernels[i, :, :] = w[knl_idx[i], :, :] utils.plot_grid(kernels, path=self.config.RESULT_FOLDER + "/weights_" + name + ".png", num_rows=self.config.GRID_SHAPE[1], num_cols=self.config.GRID_SHAPE[2]) # Calculate accuracy on test set print("Evaluating test accuracy...") self.eval_pass(self.tst_set, train=False) print("Test accuracy: " + str(100 * self.stats_manager.eval_accuracy[-1]) + "%") print("Finished!")
window_size = 20 batch_size = 32 shuffle_buffer_size = 1000 # plot_series(time, series, title = "Original Data") # print("\n Please be patient! _()_ This might take some time. \n") # forecast = [] # for time in range(len(series) - window_size): # forecast.append(model.predict(series[time:time + window_size][np.newaxis])) # forecast = forecast[split_time-window_size:] # results = np.array(forecast)[:, 0, 0] rnn_forecast = model_forecast(model, series[..., np.newaxis], window_size) rnn_forecast = rnn_forecast[split_time - window_size:-1, -1, 0] plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) plot_series(time_valid, X_valid) plot_series( time_valid, rnn_forecast, title="conv_lstm prediction", text="Conv1D(32)\nLSTM(32)\nLSTM(32)\nDense(1)\nloss = Huber\nOptimizer=SGD" ) # plt.savefig('plotted_graphs/simple_model.png', bbox_inches='tight')
print() # filter the individuals to get just those that have overlap in data points # for at least NUM_YEARS years filtered_indivs = max_subset(indivs, SECONDS_PER_YEAR * NUM_YEARS) print('individuals with overlapping time series for at least %.f years' % NUM_YEARS) print(len(filtered_indivs)) # get the ids of the filtered individuals ids = [ for i in filtered_indivs] # get the time series of the filtered individuals filtered_tss = [v for k, v in data.iteritems() if k in ids] # interpolate for the filtered individual set normd_tss = normalize_time_series(filtered_tss) normd_tss = np.array(normd_tss) print('shape of all time series after normalization') print(normd_tss.shape) print() # plot lat vs time plot_series(normd_tss, 2, 1) # plot lat vs lon plot_series(normd_tss)
normd_tss = normalize_time_series(tss, downsample_factor=args.ds_factor) print('Shape of normalized data') print(normd_tss.shape) print() # extract just the lat and lon coordinates since this is all we want to use for DTW ptss = extract_lat_and_lon(normd_tss) print('Shape of data without time') print(ptss.shape) print() # instantiate a clusterer print('Instantiating a clusterer') clusterer = TsCluster(args.n_clusts, args.norm, print('done') print() print('Clustering') t0 = time() clusterer.k_means_clust(ptss, 100, verbose=True) dur = time() - t0 print('done in %fs' % dur) print() centroids = clusterer.get_centroids() print('plotting centroids') plot_series(centroids)
def run_bio_exp(): # For reproducibility torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False # Make inputs regL = torch.zeros(1, *GRID_SHAPE) regL[:, :, :, 0] = 1. regL[:, :, -1, :] = 1. upsL = torch.zeros(1, *GRID_SHAPE) upsL[:, :, 0, :] = 1. upsL[:, :, :, -1] = 1. patterns = [regL, upsL] ptn_names = ["regL", "upsL"] try: # Try to load simulation results from file results = torch.load(RESULTS_PATH + "/") print("Found existing result file, results loaded") except FileNotFoundError: # If file is not available, compute the results results = { "bef_tet": torch.empty(NUM_ITERS, len(patterns), NUM_BINS, GRID_SHAPE[1], GRID_SHAPE[2], device=DEVICE), "aft_tet": torch.empty(NUM_ITERS, len(patterns), NUM_BINS, GRID_SHAPE[1], GRID_SHAPE[2], device=DEVICE) } for seed in range(NUM_ITERS): print("#### CURRENT ITERATION: " + str(seed) + " ####") torch.manual_seed(seed) trn_encoder = PoissonEncoder(time=TIME, dt=DT) tst_encoder = PoissonEncoder( time=TIME, dt=DT) if TST_ENCODER == ENC_POISSON else CustomEncoder( time=TIME, delay=DELAY, duration=DURATION, dt=DT, sparsity=SPARSITY, noise_intensity=NOISE_INTENSITY) # Prepare network print("Preparing networks") net: Net = Net(inpt_shape=GRID_SHAPE, neuron_shape=NEURON_SHAPE, lbound=V_LB, vrest=V_REST, vreset=V_RESET, vth=V_TH, theta_w=THETA_W, sigma=SIGMA, conn_strength=CONN_STRENGTH, sigma_lateral_exc=SIGMA_LATERAL_EXC, exc_strength=EXC_STRENGTH, sigma_lateral_inh=SIGMA_LATERAL_INH, inh_strength=INH_STRENGTH, dt=DT, refrac=REFR, tc_decay=V_DECAY, tc_trace=TR_DECAY, nu=LEARNING_RATE) # Direct networks to GPU if GPU: net = net.to_gpu() # Test the network before tetanization print("Testing network before tetanization") results["bef_tet"][seed, :, :, :, :] = bio_test( net, patterns, tst_encoder) # Tetanize network on lower-L input print("Tetanizing network") bio_trn(net, regL, trn_encoder) # Test the network after tetanization print("Testing network after tetanization") results["aft_tet"][seed, :, :, :, :] = bio_test( net, patterns, tst_encoder) print("Done\n") print("Saving results") os.makedirs(RESULTS_PATH, exist_ok=True), RESULTS_PATH + "/") print("Saving plots") bio_mean_series = { "bef_tet": torch.tensor([ [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.4, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05 ], # pattern regL [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.4, 0.6, 0.5, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05 ] # pattern upsL ]), "aft_tet": torch.tensor([ [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.7, 1.1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4, 0.4, 0.3, 0.3, 0.2 ], # pattern regL [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.4, 0.5, 0.4, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 ] # pattern upsL ]), } bio_std_series = { "bef_tet": torch.tensor([ [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05 ], # pattern regL [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05 ] # pattern upsL ]), "aft_tet": torch.tensor([ [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.15, 0.3, 0.2, 0.05, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.1 ], # pattern regL [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05 ] # pattern upsL ]), } decay_time = {"bef_tet": 20., "aft_tet": 50.} bio_mean = { "bef_tet": torch.tensor([5.6, 4.7]), "aft_tet": torch.tensor([6.4, 4.1]) } bio_std = { "bef_tet": torch.tensor([0.8, 0.8]), "aft_tet": torch.tensor([0.7, 0.5]) } bio_count = 4 bio_st_resp = { "bef_tet": torch.tensor([ [ [0.5, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2], [0.5, 0., 0.5, 0.], [0.2, 1., 0.2, 0.2], [1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.5, 0.], [1., 0., 1., 0.2], ], # pattern regL [ [0.2, 1., 1., 1.], [0.5, 1., 0.2, 1.5], [0.5, 0.2, 0.2, 0.5], [0.5, 0.2, 0.5, 0.], [0.2, 0.2, 0., 0.], [0.2, 0., 0., 0.], ] # pattern upsL ]), "aft_tet": torch.tensor([ [ [1.8, 1., 0., 0.5], [1.8, 1., 1.8, 0.], [1., 1.8, 0., 0.5], [1.8, 1., 0.1, 0.2], [1., 1.8, 1., 1.], [1.8, 0., 1.8, 0.5], ], # pattern regL [ [0., 1., 1., 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0., 1.], [0.5, 0.5, 0.2, 0.2], [0.2, 0.2, 0.5, 0.], [0., 0.2, 0., 0.], [0.2, 0., 0., 0.], ] # pattern upsL ]), } for k in results.keys(): out = None for i in range(len(patterns)): res = results[k][:, i, 0:OUT_BINS, :, :] bio = bio_st_resp[k][i].unsqueeze(0) * (torch.zeros(DELAY_BINS), torch.exp(-torch.arange(OUT_BINS - DELAY_BINS) / (TAU / BIN_SIZE))), dim=0).view(-1, 1, 1) utils.plot_st_resp([res[:, :, :, [0, 3, 6, 9]].mean(dim=0), bio], ["Simul.", "Biol."], BIN_SIZE, RESULTS_PATH + "/" + k + "/st_resp_" + ptn_names[i] + ".png") res = res.mean(dim=3).mean(dim=2) utils.plot_series([res.mean(dim=0), bio_mean_series[k][i]], [res.std(dim=0), bio_std_series[k][i]], ["Simul.", "Biol."], BIN_SIZE, RESULTS_PATH + "/" + k + "/time_resp_" + ptn_names[i] + ".png", CI_LVL) bin_count = int(decay_time[k]) // BIN_SIZE res = res[:, DELAY_BINS:DELAY_BINS + bin_count].mean( dim=1, keepdim=True) * BIN_SIZE out = res if out is None else, res), dim=1) mean = out.mean(dim=0) std = out.std(dim=0) count = out.size(0) utils.plot_out_resp([mean, bio_mean[k]], [std, bio_std[k]], [count, bio_count], ["Simul.", "Biol."], ptn_names, RESULTS_PATH + "/" + k + "/out_mean.png", CI_LVL) utils.plot_out_dist(mean, std, ptn_names, RESULTS_PATH + "/" + k + "/out_dist_simul.png") utils.plot_out_dist(bio_mean[k], bio_std[k], ptn_names, RESULTS_PATH + "/" + k + "/out_dist_biol.png") print("Finished")
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from model import simple_model, lstm_model, conv_lstm from utils import windowed_dataset, plot_series, windowed_dataset1 from data_reader import load_data series, time = load_data() split_time = 3000 time_train = time[:split_time] X_train = series[:split_time] time_valid = time[split_time:] X_valid = series[split_time:] plot_series(time, series) window_size = 30 batch_size = 32 shuffle_buffer_size = 1000 print(X_train.shape) dataset = windowed_dataset1(X_train, window_size, batch_size, shuffle_buffer_size) print(dataset) # IMPORT MODEL model = conv_lstm(window_size) lr_schedule = tf.keras.callbacks.LearningRateScheduler(lambda epoch: 1e-8 * 10 ** (epoch/20))
return errs if __name__ == '__main__': # get a map of individual id to all its data, ordered by time indiv_to_ts = get_data_by_individual(args.fpath) print('Number of individuals') print(len(indiv_to_ts)) print() if args.plot: # let's plot out Irma's latitude against time print('Plotting Irma\'s latitude over time') plot_series(indiv_to_ts['Irma'], 2, 1) print() rdr = None # optionally define a relative date range, e.g. if args.rdr: start = RelativeDate(args.rdr[0], args.rdr[1]) end = RelativeDate(args.rdr[2], args.rdr[3]) rdr = RelativeDateRange(start, end) # get all the time series (splits) tsos = get_time_series(indiv_to_ts, rdr, print() print('Total number of time series')