def evaluating_ftypes_targets_separated(eval_ds,
    ft_per_wb = defaultdict(lambda: np.zeros(
        (2, 2), dtype=int))  # predicted, real cls_extract_type per wordbox
    ft_satisfication = defaultdict(lambda: [0, 0, 0])
    # success (needed & provided), miss (needed & not provided), extra (not needed & provided) ... we do not care
    # about extras btw

    ft_per_annotation = defaultdict(lambda: dict({
        'good': 0,
        'wrong': 0,
        'miss': 0,
        'extra': 0

    for istep in tqdm(range(eval_size),
                      disable=not verbose_progress):
        batch = six.next(eval_ds)
        # batch structire: [0] - x, [1]: concatenated y and weights
        annotations = {
            item: batch[0][item]
            for item in FtypesTrgtDocsTextsSqliteNearest.ANNOTATION_COLUMNS
            if item in batch[0]
        x = {
            item: batch[0][item]
            for item in batch[0]
            if item not in FtypesTrgtDocsTextsSqliteNearest.ANNOTATION_COLUMNS
        predicted_data = model.predict_on_batch(x)
        for b, (wb_poso, pred, truth, truth_weights, annotation) in enumerate(
                zip(x['wb-poso'], predicted_data, batch[1], batch[2],
            # first remove batched-padded items:
            this_count = truth.shape[0]
            for i in range(truth.shape[0]):
                if truth_weights[i] == 0:
                    # as soon as we hit the padded 0-weight, we know that that is the real length of
                    # the array of wordboxes
                    this_count = i
            truth = truth[:this_count, ...]
            # btw might be cut as a single piece from a much longer page, thats why some annotations
            # might be missing!
            pred = pred[:this_count, ...]
            wb_poso = wb_poso[:this_count, :]

            trgt_annots = [(ft, annot_ids) for ft, annot_ids in zip(
                annotation['cls_extract_type'], annotation['ids'])
                           if len(annot_ids) > 0]

            if plots_prefix is not None:
                    istep, b, cls_extract_types, truth, pred, x['wb-bbox'][b],
                    x['nearest-annotated'][b] if 'nearest-annotated' in x else
                    None, x['nearest-wb-bbox'][b]
                    if 'nearest-wb-bbox' in x else None, plots_prefix)

            # per wordbox stats:
            for ft, ft_name in enumerate(cls_extract_types):
                voted_cls_extract_type = pred[:, ft] >= 0.5
                truth_cls_extract_type = truth[:, ft] >= 0.5
                tp = np.sum(voted_cls_extract_type & truth_cls_extract_type)
                fp = np.sum(voted_cls_extract_type & ~truth_cls_extract_type)
                fn = np.sum(~voted_cls_extract_type & truth_cls_extract_type)
                tn = np.sum(~voted_cls_extract_type & ~truth_cls_extract_type)
                ft_per_wb[ft_name][1, 1] += tp
                ft_per_wb[ft_name][0, 0] += tn
                ft_per_wb[ft_name][1, 0] += fp
                ft_per_wb[ft_name][0, 1] += fn

                # Groupping mechanism for evaluating per annotation:
                # now the wordboxes are ordered in a reading order. Lets say that we have a mechanism,
                # that would concatenate all in the same line to be the same annotation!
                # [x['wb-poso'][0, i, 0:2] for i in range(all wordboxes!)]
                # ... maybe this does not need to be the best algorithm! the rows are selected using a constant!

                produced_fls = []
                votes = list(voted_cls_extract_type) + [False]
                rowsbegs = list(wb_poso[:, 1]) + [0]
                annot_beg = None
                for wordbox_i in range(this_count + 1):
                    voted = votes[wordbox_i]
                    if (
                        (annot_beg is not None)
                            and  # we are already in an annotation
                        (not voted or rowsbegs[wordbox_i] == 0)
                    ):  # and now we encounter something not-for extraction or on 'new line'
                        # produce annotation_beg -> wordbox_i - 1 INCLUDING
                        produced_fls.append((annot_beg, wordbox_i - 1))
                        annot_beg = None
                    elif annot_beg is None and voted:  # encountered begin:
                        annot_beg = wordbox_i

                pred_annots = [
                    list(range(prod[0], prod[1] + 1)) for prod in produced_fls
                trgt_fl_annots = [
                    item[1] for item in trgt_annots if item[0] == ft_name

                lables_eval = eval_match_annotations(
                    repair_annotations(trgt_fl_annots), pred_annots)
                for restype in ft_per_annotation[ft_name].keys():
                    ft_per_annotation[ft_name][restype] += lables_eval[restype]

    print("micro nongb f1:")
    for ft in cls_extract_types:
        print("{}: {} (lbl {} -> {})".format(ft, T_f1(ft_per_wb[ft]),
        print(" ")
    totalmicrof1 = T_f1(sum([ft_per_wb[ft] for ft in ft_per_wb]))
    print("total micro conf matrix: (total micro nonbg f1: {})".format(
    print(sum([ft_per_wb[ft] for ft in ft_per_wb]))
    lbl_tot = GWME_sum(ft_per_annotation)
    print("total micro lbl: (f1: {})".format(GWME_f1(lbl_tot)))
    return totalmicrof1
def evaluating_ftypes_targets_reuse(eval_ds,
    ft_per_wb = defaultdict(lambda: np.zeros(
        (2, 2), dtype=int))  # predicted, real cls_extract_type per wordbox
    ft_satisfication = defaultdict(lambda: [0, 0, 0])
    # success (needed & provided), miss (needed & not provided), extra (not needed & provided) ... we do not care
    # about extras btw

    for istep in tqdm(range(eval_size),
                      disable=not verbose_progress):
        batch = six.next(eval_ds)
        # batch structire: [0] - x, [1]: concatenated y and weights
        annotations = {
            item: batch[0][item]
            for item in FtypesTrgtDocsTextsSqliteNearest.ANNOTATION_COLUMNS
        x = {
            item: batch[0][item]
            for item in batch[0]
            if item not in FtypesTrgtDocsTextsSqliteNearest.ANNOTATION_COLUMNS
        predicted_data = model.predict_on_batch(x)
        for b, (wb_poso, pred, truth, annotation, nearest_annotation,
                nearest_cls_extract_type_to_ordered_ids) in enumerate(
                    zip(x['wb-poso'], predicted_data, batch[1],
            # first remove batched-padded items:
            this_count = truth.shape[0]
            for i in range(truth.shape[0]):
                if truth[i, -1] == 0:  # the last channel is surely a weight
                    # as soon as we hit the padded 0-weight, we know that that is the real length of
                    # the array of wordboxes
                    this_count = i
            truth = truth[:this_count, ...]
            # btw might be cut as a single piece from a much longer page, thats why some annotations
            # might be missing!
            pred = pred[:this_count, ...]
            wb_poso = wb_poso[:this_count, :]

            if plots_prefix is not None:
                produce_drawings(istep, b, cls_extract_types, truth, pred,
                                 x['wb-bbox'][b], x['nearest-annotated'][b],
                                 x['nearest-wb-bbox'][b], plots_prefix)
            # per wordbox stats:
            for ft, ft_name in enumerate(cls_extract_types):
                voted_cls_extract_type = pred[:, ft] >= 0.5
                truth_cls_extract_type = truth[:, ft] >= 0.5
                tp = np.sum(voted_cls_extract_type & truth_cls_extract_type)
                fp = np.sum(voted_cls_extract_type & ~truth_cls_extract_type)
                fn = np.sum(~voted_cls_extract_type & truth_cls_extract_type)
                tn = np.sum(~voted_cls_extract_type & ~truth_cls_extract_type)
                ft_per_wb[ft_name][1, 1] += tp
                ft_per_wb[ft_name][0, 0] += tn
                ft_per_wb[ft_name][1, 0] += fp
                ft_per_wb[ft_name][0, 1] += fn

            # embedding - capacity stats:
            needed_fts = {
                for anot, ids in zip(annotation['cls_extract_type'],
                                     annotation['ids']) if len(ids) > 0
            provided_fts = {
                for anot, ids in zip(nearest_annotation['cls_extract_type'],
                                     nearest_annotation['ids']) if len(ids) > 0

            for ft in needed_fts.union(provided_fts):
                isneed = ft in needed_fts
                isprov = ft in provided_fts
                if isneed and isprov:
                    ft_satisfication[ft][0] += 1
                elif isneed and not isprov:
                    ft_satisfication[ft][1] += 1
                elif not isneed and isprov:
                    ft_satisfication[ft][2] += 1

    print("micro nongb f1:")
    for ft in cls_extract_types:
        print("{}: {}".format(ft, T_f1(ft_per_wb[ft])))
        print(" ")
    print("total micro conf matrix:")
    print(sum([ft_per_wb[ft] for ft in ft_per_wb]))
    print("total micro nonbg f1:")
    totf = T_f1(sum([ft_per_wb[ft] for ft in ft_per_wb]))
    print("... {}".format(totf))
    return totf
def evaluating_f_reuse(eval_ds,
    ft_per_wb = defaultdict(lambda: np.zeros(
        (2, 2), dtype=int))  # predicted, real cls_extract_type per wordbox
    ft_per_wb_capacity = defaultdict(lambda: np.zeros(
        (2, 2), dtype=int))  # predicted, real type per wordbox
    capacity_tp = 0
    capacity_tp_ft = 0
    capacity_fn = 0
    capacity_fn_ft = 0
    ft_satisfication = defaultdict(lambda: [0, 0, 0])
    # success (needed & provided), miss (needed & not provided), extra (not needed & provided) ... we do not care about extras btw

    for istep in tqdm(range(eval_size),
                      disable=not verbose_progress):
        batch = six.next(eval_ds)
        # batch structire: [0] - x, [1]: concatenated y and weights
        annotations = {
            item: batch[0][item]
            for item in DocsTextsSqliteNearest.ANNOTATION_COLUMNS
        x = {
            item: batch[0][item]
            for item in batch[0]
            if item not in DocsTextsSqliteNearest.ANNOTATION_COLUMNS
        predicted_data = model.predict_on_batch(x)
        for b, (wb_poso, pred, truth, annotation, nearest_annotation,
                nearest_cls_extract_type_to_ordered_ids) in enumerate(
                    zip(x['wb-poso'], predicted_data, batch[1],
            # first remove batched-padded items:
            nearest_count = max(
                sum(nearest_cls_extract_type_to_ordered_ids.values(), [])) + 1
            this_count = truth.shape[0]
            for i in range(truth.shape[0]):
                if truth[i, 0, 1] == 0:
                    # as soon as we hit the padded 0-weight, we know that that is the real length of the array of wordboxes
                    this_count = i
            truth = truth[:this_count, :nearest_count, ...]
            # btw might be cut as a single piece from a much longer page, thats why some annotations might be missing!
            pred = pred[:this_count, :nearest_count, ...]
            wb_poso = wb_poso[:this_count, :]
            voted_cls_extract_type = are_wordboxes_in_cls_extract_type(
                pred, nearest_cls_extract_type_to_ordered_ids)
            truth_cls_extract_type = are_wordboxes_in_cls_extract_type(
                truth, nearest_cls_extract_type_to_ordered_ids)

            # the same in different format for drawing:
            ft_all_ordered = list(
                    set(annotation['cls_extract_type'] +
            cls_extract_type_order_now = {
                ft: i
                for i, ft in enumerate(ft_all_ordered)
            truth_draw = np.zeros((len(wb_poso), len(ft_all_ordered)))
            pred_draw = np.zeros((len(wb_poso), len(ft_all_ordered)))
            for ft_bb_ids, ft in zip(annotation['ids'],
                ft_i = cls_extract_type_order_now[ft]
                truth_draw[ft_bb_ids, ft_i] = 1.0
            for ft in cls_extract_type_order_now:
                ft_i = cls_extract_type_order_now[ft]
                if ft in voted_cls_extract_type and isinstance(
                        voted_cls_extract_type[ft], list):
                    pred_draw[voted_cls_extract_type[ft], ft_i] = 1.0

            produce_drawings(istep, b, ft_all_ordered, truth_draw, pred_draw,
                             x['wb-bbox'][b], x['nearest-annotated'][b],
                             x['nearest-wb-bbox'][b], plots_prefix)
            # per wordbox stats:
            for ft in truth_cls_extract_type.keys():
                tp = np.sum(voted_cls_extract_type[ft]
                            & truth_cls_extract_type[ft])
                fp = np.sum(voted_cls_extract_type[ft]
                            & ~truth_cls_extract_type[ft])
                fn = np.sum(~voted_cls_extract_type[ft]
                            & truth_cls_extract_type[ft])
                tn = np.sum(~voted_cls_extract_type[ft]
                            & ~truth_cls_extract_type[ft])
                ft_per_wb[ft][1, 1] += tp
                ft_per_wb[ft][0, 0] += tn
                ft_per_wb[ft][1, 0] += fp
                ft_per_wb[ft][0, 1] += fn

            # embedding - capacity stats:
            needed_fts = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
            provided_fts = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
            for anot, ids in zip(annotation['cls_extract_type'],
                if len(ids) > 0:
                    needed_fts[anot] += len(ids)
            for anot, ids in zip(nearest_annotation['cls_extract_type'],
                if len(ids) > 0:
                    provided_fts[anot] += len(ids)
            needed_fts = dict(needed_fts)
            provided_fts = dict(provided_fts)

            for ft in set(needed_fts.keys()).union(set(provided_fts.keys())):
                isneed = ft in needed_fts
                isprov = ft in provided_fts
                if isneed and isprov:
                    ft_satisfication[ft][0] += 1
                    capacity_tp += needed_fts[ft]
                    capacity_tp_ft += 1
                elif isneed and not isprov:
                    ft_satisfication[ft][1] += 1
                    capacity_fn += needed_fts[ft]
                    capacity_fn_ft += 1
                elif not isneed and isprov:
                    ft_satisfication[ft][2] += 1

    print("micro nonbg f1:")
    for ft in ft_per_wb:
        print("{}: {}".format(ft, T_f1(ft_per_wb[ft])))
    print("total micro conf matrix:")
    print(sum([ft_per_wb[ft] for ft in ft_per_wb]))
    print("total micro nonbg f1:")
    totalmicrof1 = T_f1(sum([ft_per_wb[ft] for ft in ft_per_wb]))
    print("... {}".format(totalmicrof1))

    print("from nearest  capacity acc:")
    print("... {}".format(capacity_tp / (capacity_fn + capacity_tp)))

    print("from nearest  capacity in types acc:")
    print("... {}".format(capacity_tp_ft / (capacity_fn_ft + capacity_tp_ft)))
    return totalmicrof1