def computePCA(colors=ut.list_of_data_sets): f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) for c in colors: print("Processing {}".format(c)) block = ut.load_dataset(c) block = ut.sort_spiketrains(block) R = ut.rasterize_data(block, sf=100) R = ut.calculate_single_trial_PSTH(R, fs=100) n_units = R.shape[1] R = R.transpose(1, 0, 2).reshape(n_units, -1) pca = PCA(n_components=n_units) var_explained = 100 * np.cumsum(pca.explained_variance_) / np.sum( pca.explained_variance_) # make the plot of variance explained_variance_ ax.plot(var_explained, '.-', color=c) ax.set_xlabel("Number of PCs") ax.set_ylabel("% Variance explained") ax.legend(colors) asp = np.diff(ax.get_xlim())[0] / np.diff(ax.get_ylim())[0] ax.set_aspect(asp)
def plotCorrelationByDistance(colors=ut.COLORS, **args): # compute correlation matrix for range of different time delays fs = args.get('fs', 50) win_size = args.get('win_size', None) sig = args.get('sig', False) f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) corr_mat = {} for i, c in enumerate(colors): print("preprocessing: {}".format(c)) block = ut.load_dataset(c) r = ut.rasterize_data(block, sf=fs) if win_size == 0: pass else: r = ut.calculate_single_trial_PSTH(r, fs=fs, win_size=win_size) n_units = r.shape[1] r = r.transpose(1, 0, 2).reshape(n_units, -1) print("Calculating...") # sort the units according to electrode distance if sig == True: sig_mat = ut.get_sig_corr_mask(r, r.shape[0], 142) sig = sig_mat < 0.05 print("% significant: {0} for c: {1}".format( sig.sum() / sig.shape[0], c)) cc = np.corrcoef(r) corr_mat[c] = cc.copy() cc = cc[~np.eye(cc.shape[0], dtype=bool)] if sig == True: sig = sig[~np.eye(sig.shape[0], dtype=bool)] cc = cc[sig] _, d_mat = ut.array_locations(block) d_mat = d_mat[~np.eye(d_mat.shape[0], dtype=bool)] if sig == True: d_mat = d_mat[sig] cc_bin = [] cc_sem = [] distance = [] # bin sorted cc for dist in np.unique(d_mat): args = (d_mat == dist) distance.append(dist) cc_bin.append(np.mean(cc[args])) cc_sem.append(np.std(cc[args]) / np.sqrt(len(cc[args]))) #axes[ax[i]].imshow(cc_sorted, aspect='auto', cmap='seismic') ax.plot(distance, cc_bin, 'o-', color=c) ax.errorbar(distance, cc_bin, cc_sem, color=c) ax.set_xlabel("Electrode distance") ax.set_ylabel("Pairwise correlation") f.tight_layout() f.suptitle("bin size: {} ms".format(1000 / fs)) return corr_mat
def plotCorrelationMatrix(colors=ut.COLORS, **args): fs = args.get('fs', 50) win_size = args.get('win_size', None) corr_mat = {} for i, c in enumerate(colors): print("preprocessing: {}".format(c)) block = ut.load_dataset(c) r = ut.rasterize_data(block, sf=fs) if win_size == 0: pass else: r = ut.calculate_single_trial_PSTH(r, fs=fs, win_size=win_size) n_units = r.shape[1] r = r.transpose(1, 0, 2).reshape(n_units, -1) print("Calculating...") corr_mat[c] = np.corrcoef(r) axes = [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2)] colors = ut.COLORS[::-1] vmin = 0 vmax = 0 for c in colors: min = np.min(corr_mat[c][~np.eye(corr_mat[c].shape[0], dtype=bool)]) max = np.max(corr_mat[c][~np.eye(corr_mat[c].shape[0], dtype=bool)]) if min < vmin: vmin = min if max > vmax: vmax = max f1, ax1 = plt.subplots(2, 3) for i, a in enumerate(axes): cm = corr_mat[colors[i]] Y = sch.linkage(cm, method='centroid') Z = sch.dendrogram(Y, orientation='right', no_plot=True) index = Z['leaves'] cm = cm[:, index][index, :] # fill diagonal with 0s cm[np.diag_indices(cm.shape[0])] = 0 im = ax1[a].imshow(cm, aspect='auto', cmap='seismic', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) ax1[a].set_title(colors[i]) f1.subplots_adjust(right=0.8) cbar_ax = f1.add_axes([0.85, 0.15, 0.05, 0.7]) f1.colorbar(im, cax=cbar_ax) f1.suptitle("bin size: {} ms".format(1000 / fs)) f1.tight_layout() return corr_mat
""" Plot the population PSTH for a couple of different bin sizes to differentiate between the dithered data and real data """ import utils as ut import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt colors = ['red', 'green'] data = ut.load_dataset(colors) for fs in [50, 5]: R_red = ut.rasterize_data(data['red'], sf=fs) R_red = R_red.mean(0).mean(0) R_green = ut.rasterize_data(data['green'], sf=fs) R_green = R_green.mean(0).mean(0) time = np.linspace(0, 5, R_red.shape[0]) s = int(np.ceil(fs * (10 / 1000))) e = 4 * fs # int(np.ceil(fs * (1000 / 1000))) R_red = R_red[s:e] R_green = R_green[s:e] time = time[s:e] f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax.plot(time, R_red * fs, color='red') ax.plot(time, R_green * fs, color='green')
import scipy.ndimage.filters as sf import copy list_of_data_sets = ['blue', 'green', 'grey', 'orange', 'purple', 'red'] trial = 0 fs = 500 event = 'GO-ON' f, ax = plt.subplots(2, 3) axes = [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2)] for i, c in enumerate(list_of_data_sets): print("loading / analyzing {}".format(c)) block = ut.load_dataset(c) block = ut.sort_spiketrains(block) # get binned spikes R = ut.rasterize_data(block, sf=fs) R_raster = copy.deepcopy(R) # convert to firing rates R = ut.calculate_single_trial_PSTH(R, fs=fs, win_size=100) n_units = R.shape[1] R_flat = R.transpose(1, 0, 2).reshape(n_units, -1) # get event array and smooth ev = ut.get_event_dict(block, fs=fs)[event] ev_time = np.where(ev[trial, :])[0][0] ev_flat = sf.gaussian_filter1d(ev.reshape(1, -1), 10) cc = np.zeros(R_flat.shape[0]) for u in range(n_units): cc[u] = np.corrcoef(R_flat[u, :], ev_flat[0, :])[0, 1] sorted = np.argsort(cc)
def compute_dPCA(colors=ut.list_of_data_sets, fs=100, win_size=200): print("Loading datasets") data = ut.load_dataset(colors) for color in colors: print("analyzing dataset {}".format(color)) win = win_size block = data[color] #block = ut.sort_spiketrains(block) R = ut.rasterize_data(block, sf=fs) nunits = R.shape[1] ntrials = R.shape[0] trial_type = [ block.segments[i].annotations['belongs_to_trialtype'] for i in range(0, ntrials) ] un_types = np.unique(trial_type) time = np.linspace(0, 5, R.shape[-1]) if win_size != 0: R = ut.calculate_single_trial_PSTH(R, fs=fs, win_size=win) win = int(np.ceil(fs * (win_size / 1000))) s = int(np.ceil((win / 2) * (1 / fs))) e = int(R.shape[-1] - (1 / (1 / fs))) - s else: s = 0 e = int(R.shape[-1] - (1 / (1 / fs))) time = time[s:e] for i, t in enumerate(un_types): trials = np.argwhere(np.array(trial_type) == t) r_temp = np.mean(R[trials, :, s:e], 0) if i == 0: R_psth = r_temp else: R_psth = np.concatenate((R_psth, r_temp), axis=0) R_psth = R_psth.transpose(1, 0, 2) dpca = dPCA.dPCA(labels='st', join={'st': ['s', 'st']}, n_components=nunits - 50, regularizer=None) # fit and project the mean PSTHs back out R_transform = dpca.fit_transform(R_psth) # get event times ev_times = ut.get_event_dict(block, fs=fs) events = {} for ev in ut.trial_events: events[ev] = np.argwhere(ev_times[ev][0, :] == 1)[0][0] / fs for i, comp in enumerate(R_transform.keys()): # plot first PC for each marginalized component f, ax = plt.subplots(4, 1) for j in range(0, 4): ax[j].set_title(comp + ", var explained: " + str( round(dpca.explained_variance_ratio_[comp][j] * 100, 2))) ax[j].plot(time, R_transform[comp][j, :, :].T) ax[j].legend(un_types) for ev in ut.trial_events: ax[j].axvline(events[ev], lw=2, color='k') f.suptitle(color) f.tight_layout() f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) c = ['black', 'gold'] for i, k in enumerate(R_transform.keys()): ax.plot(np.cumsum( np.array(dpca.explained_variance_ratio_[k]) * 100), 'o-', color=c[i]) ax.legend(["Condition independent", "Condition dependent"]) ax.set_xlabel("PC") ax.set_ylabel("% variance explained") ax.set_ylim((0, 100)) ax.axhline(0, linestyle='--', color='k') ax.set_title(color) f.tight_layout() return dpca
for color in ut.list_of_data_sets: data_path = ut.DUMP_DIR + "/" + color + ".pickle" if os.path.exists(data_path): print("Loading dumped data from", data_path) with open(data_path, 'rb') as f: all_data[color] = pickle.load(f) else: print('Processing ' + str(color) + ' data set') #Read in raw data data_block = ut.load_dataset(color, path=None) #ut.load_dataset() creates an entry in all_data for the color #Assigning neo_block here is redundant but left for readability all_data[color][ 'neo_block'] = data_block # this original data block from neo all_data[color]['spike_raster'] = ut.rasterize_data( data_block, sf=1.e3) # spikes in 1s and 0s/ all_data[color]['spike_trains'] = ut.make_lists_of_spike_trains( data_block) # spikes as time (in seconds?) all_data[color]['isi'] = ut.make_lists_of_isi(data_block) print("Dumping data to disk for future quick loading times") with open(data_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(all_data[color], f) fns = [ (compute_isi_fits, [all_data], {}), (plotCorrelationMatrix, [ut.list_of_data_sets], { 'fs': 50, 'win_size': 0 }), (plotCorrelationMatrix, [ut.list_of_data_sets], {