def start_vttablet(self, port=None, auth=False, memcache=False, wait_for_state="SERVING", customrules=None, schema_override=None, cert=None, key=None, ca_cert=None, repl_extra_flags={}): """ Starts a vttablet process, and returns it. The process is also saved in self.proc, so it's easy to kill as well. """ utils.prog_compile(['vtaction', 'vttablet', ]) args = [os.path.join(utils.vtroot, 'bin', 'vttablet'), '-port', '%s' % (port or self.port), '-tablet-path', self.tablet_alias, '-log_dir', self.tablet_dir] dbconfigs = self._get_db_configs_file(repl_extra_flags) for key1 in dbconfigs: for key2 in dbconfigs[key1]: args.extend(["-db-config-"+key1+"-"+key2, dbconfigs[key1][key2]]) if memcache: memcache = os.path.join(self.tablet_dir, "memcache.sock") args.extend(["-rowcache-bin", "memcached"]) args.extend(["-rowcache-s", memcache]) if auth: args.extend(['-auth-credentials', os.path.join(utils.vttop, 'test', 'test_data', 'authcredentials_test.json')]) if customrules: args.extend(['-customrules', customrules]) if schema_override: args.extend(['-schema-override', schema_override]) if cert: self.secure_port = utils.reserve_ports(1) args.extend(['-secure-port', '%s' % self.secure_port, '-cert', cert, '-key', key]) if ca_cert: args.extend(['-ca-cert', ca_cert]) stderr_fd = open(os.path.join(self.tablet_dir, "vttablet.stderr"), "w") # increment count only the first time if not self.proc: Tablet.tablets_running += 1 self.proc = utils.run_bg(args, stderr=stderr_fd) stderr_fd.close() # wait for zookeeper PID just to be sure we have it'/bin/zk wait -e ' + self.zk_pid, stdout=utils.devnull) # wait for query service to be in the right state self.wait_for_vttablet_state(wait_for_state, port=port) return self.proc
def __init__(self, tablet_uid=None, port=None, mysql_port=None, cell=None): self.tablet_uid = tablet_uid or (Tablet.default_uid + Tablet.seq) self.port = port or (utils.reserve_ports(1)) self.mysql_port = mysql_port or (utils.reserve_ports(1)) Tablet.seq += 1 if cell: self.cell = cell else: self.cell = tablet_cell_map.get(tablet_uid, 'nj') self.proc = None # filled in during init_tablet self.keyspace = None self.shard = None # utility variables self.tablet_alias = 'test_%s-%010d' % (self.cell, self.tablet_uid) self.zk_tablet_path = '/zk/test_%s/vt/tablets/%010d' % (self.cell, self.tablet_uid) self.zk_pid = self.zk_tablet_path + '/pid'
def start_vttablet(self, port=None, auth=False, memcache=False, wait_for_state="OPEN", customrules=None, schema_override=None, cert=None, key=None, ca_cert=None, repl_extra_flags={}): """ Starts a vttablet process, and returns it. The process is also saved in self.proc, so it's easy to kill as well. """ utils.prog_compile(['vtaction', 'vttablet', ]) args = [os.path.join(utils.vtroot, 'bin', 'vttablet'), '-port', '%s' % (port or self.port), '-tablet-path', self.tablet_alias, '-logfile', self.logfile, '-log.level', 'INFO', '-db-configs-file', self._write_db_configs_file(repl_extra_flags), '-debug-querylog-file', self.querylog_file] if memcache: memcache = os.path.join(self.tablet_dir, "memcache.sock") config = os.path.join(self.tablet_dir, "config.json") with open(config, 'w') as f: json.dump({"RowCache": ["memcached", "-s", memcache]}, f) args.extend(["-queryserver-config-file", config]) if auth: args.extend(['-auth-credentials', os.path.join(utils.vttop, 'test', 'test_data', 'authcredentials_test.json')]) if customrules: args.extend(['-customrules', customrules]) if schema_override: args.extend(['-schema-override', schema_override]) if cert: self.secure_port = utils.reserve_ports(1) args.extend(['-secure-port', '%s' % self.secure_port, '-cert', cert, '-key', key]) if ca_cert: args.extend(['-ca-cert', ca_cert]) stderr_fd = open(os.path.join(self.tablet_dir, "vttablet.stderr"), "w") self.proc = utils.run_bg(args, stderr=stderr_fd) stderr_fd.close() # wait for zookeeper PID just to be sure we have it'/bin/zk wait -e ' + self.zk_pid, stdout=utils.devnull) # wait for query service to be in the right state self.wait_for_vttablet_state(wait_for_state, port=port) Tablet.tablets_running += 1 return self.proc
def test_zkocc(self): # preload the test_nj cell zkocc_14850 = utils.zkocc_start(extra_params=['-connect-timeout=2s', '-cache-refresh-interval=1s']) time.sleep(1) # create a python client. The first address is bad, will test the retry logic bad_port = utils.reserve_ports(3) zkocc_client = zkocc.ZkOccConnection("localhost:%u,localhost:%u,localhost:%u" % (bad_port, utils.zkocc_port_base, bad_port+1), "test_nj", 30) zkocc_client.dial() # test failure for a python client that cannot connect bad_zkocc_client = zkocc.ZkOccConnection("localhost:%u,localhost:%u" % (bad_port+2, bad_port), "test_nj", 30) try: bad_zkocc_client.dial() raise utils.TestError('exception expected') except zkocc.ZkOccError as e: if str(e) != "Cannot dial to any server": raise level = logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.ERROR) # FIXME(ryszard): This can be changed into a self.assertRaises. try: bad_zkocc_client.get("/zk/test_nj/vt/zkocc1/data1")'exception expected') except zkocc.ZkOccError as e: if str(e) != "Cannot dial to any server": raise logging.getLogger().setLevel(level) # get test utils.prog_compile(['zkclient2']) out, err ='/bin/zkclient2 -server localhost:%u /zk/test_nj/vt/zkocc1/data1' % utils.zkocc_port_base, trap_output=True) self.assertEqual(err, "/zk/test_nj/vt/zkocc1/data1 = Test data 1 (NumChildren=0, Version=0, Cached=false, Stale=false)\n") zk_data = zkocc_client.get("/zk/test_nj/vt/zkocc1/data1") self.assertDictContainsSubset({'Data': "Test data 1", 'Cached': True, 'Stale': False,}, zk_data) self.assertDictContainsSubset({'NumChildren': 0, 'Version': 0}, zk_data['Stat']) # getv test out, err ='/bin/zkclient2 -server localhost:%u /zk/test_nj/vt/zkocc1/data1 /zk/test_nj/vt/zkocc1/data2 /zk/test_nj/vt/zkocc1/data3' % utils.zkocc_port_base, trap_output=True) self.assertEqualNormalized(err, """[0] /zk/test_nj/vt/zkocc1/data1 = Test data 1 (NumChildren=0, Version=0, Cached=true, Stale=false) [1] /zk/test_nj/vt/zkocc1/data2 = Test data 2 (NumChildren=0, Version=0, Cached=false, Stale=false) [2] /zk/test_nj/vt/zkocc1/data3 = Test data 3 (NumChildren=0, Version=0, Cached=false, Stale=false) """) zk_data = zkocc_client.getv(["/zk/test_nj/vt/zkocc1/data1", "/zk/test_nj/vt/zkocc1/data2", "/zk/test_nj/vt/zkocc1/data3"])['Nodes'] self.assertEqual(len(zk_data), 3) for i, d in enumerate(zk_data): self.assertEqual(d['Data'], 'Test data %s' % (i + 1)) self.assertTrue(d['Cached']) self.assertFalse(d['Stale']) self.assertDictContainsSubset({'NumChildren': 0, 'Version': 0}, d['Stat']) # children test out, err ='/bin/zkclient2 -server localhost:%u -mode children /zk/test_nj/vt' % utils.zkocc_port_base, trap_output=True) self.assertEqualNormalized(err, """Path = /zk/test_nj/vt Child[0] = zkocc1 Child[1] = zkocc2 NumChildren = 2 CVersion = 2 Cached = false Stale = false """) # zk command tests self._check_zk_output("cat /zk/test_nj/vt/zkocc1/data1", "Test data 1") self._check_zk_output("ls -l /zk/test_nj/vt/zkocc1", """total: 3 -rw-rw-rw- zk zk 11 %s data1 -rw-rw-rw- zk zk 11 %s data2 -rw-rw-rw- zk zk 11 %s data3 """ % (_format_time(zk_data[0]['Stat']['MTime']), _format_time(zk_data[1]['Stat']['MTime']), _format_time(zk_data[2]['Stat']['MTime']))) # test /zk/local is not resolved and rejected out, err ='/bin/zkclient2 -server localhost:%u /zk/local/vt/zkocc1/data1' % utils.zkocc_port_base, trap_output=True, raise_on_error=False) self.assertIn("zkocc: cannot resolve local cell", err) # start a background process to query the same value over and over again # while we kill the zk server and restart it outfd = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=utils.tmp_root, delete=False) filename = querier = utils.run_bg('/bin/bash -c "while true ; do '+utils.vtroot+'/bin/zkclient2 -server localhost:%u /zk/test_nj/vt/zkocc1/data1 ; sleep 0.1 ; done"' % utils.zkocc_port_base, stderr=outfd.file) outfd.close() time.sleep(1) # kill zk server, sleep a bit, restart zk server, sleep a bit'/bin/zkctl -zk.cfg 1@'+utils.hostname+':%u:%u:%u shutdown' % (utils.zk_port_base, utils.zk_port_base+1, utils.zk_port_base+2)) time.sleep(3)'/bin/zkctl -zk.cfg 1@'+utils.hostname+':%u:%u:%u start' % (utils.zk_port_base, utils.zk_port_base+1, utils.zk_port_base+2)) time.sleep(3) utils.kill_sub_process(querier) logging.debug("Checking %s", filename) fd = open(filename, "r") state = 0 for line in fd: if line == "/zk/test_nj/vt/zkocc1/data1 = Test data 1 (NumChildren=0, Version=0, Cached=true, Stale=false)\n": stale = False elif line == "/zk/test_nj/vt/zkocc1/data1 = Test data 1 (NumChildren=0, Version=0, Cached=true, Stale=true)\n": stale = True else: raise utils.TestError('unexpected line: ', line) if state == 0: if stale: state = 1 elif state == 1: if not stale: state = 2 else: if stale:'unexpected stale state') self.assertEqual(state, 2) fd.close() utils.zkocc_kill(zkocc_14850) # check that after the server is gone, the python client fails correctly level = logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.ERROR) try: zkocc_client.get("/zk/test_nj/vt/zkocc1/data1")'exception expected') except zkocc.ZkOccError as e: if str(e) != "Cannot dial to any server": raise logging.getLogger().setLevel(level)
def _run_test_reparent_graceful(shard_id): utils.zk_wipe() utils.run_vtctl('CreateKeyspace -force test_keyspace') # create the database so vttablets start, as they are serving tablet_62344.create_db('vt_test_keyspace') tablet_62044.create_db('vt_test_keyspace') tablet_41983.create_db('vt_test_keyspace') tablet_31981.create_db('vt_test_keyspace') # Start up a master mysql and vttablet tablet_62344.init_tablet('master', 'test_keyspace', shard_id, start=True) # Create a few slaves for testing reparenting. tablet_62044.init_tablet('replica', 'test_keyspace', shard_id, start=True) tablet_41983.init_tablet('replica', 'test_keyspace', shard_id, start=True) tablet_31981.init_tablet('replica', 'test_keyspace', shard_id, start=True) # Recompute the shard layout node - until you do that, it might not be valid. utils.run_vtctl('RebuildShardGraph test_keyspace/' + shard_id) utils.validate_topology() # Force the slaves to reparent assuming that all the datasets are identical. utils.pause("force ReparentShard?") utils.run_vtctl('ReparentShard -force test_keyspace/%s %s' % (shard_id, tablet_62344.tablet_alias)) utils.validate_topology(ping_tablets=True) expected_addr = utils.hostname + ':' + str(tablet_62344.port) _check_db_addr('test_keyspace.%s.master:_vtocc' % shard_id, expected_addr) # Convert two replica to spare. That should leave only one node serving traffic, # but still needs to appear in the replication graph. utils.run_vtctl('ChangeSlaveType ' + tablet_41983.tablet_alias + ' spare') utils.run_vtctl('ChangeSlaveType ' + tablet_31981.tablet_alias + ' spare') utils.validate_topology() expected_addr = utils.hostname + ':' + str(tablet_62044.port) _check_db_addr('test_keyspace.%s.replica:_vtocc' % shard_id, expected_addr) # Run this to make sure it succeeds. utils.run_vtctl('ShardReplicationPositions test_keyspace/%s' % shard_id, stdout=devnull) # Perform a graceful reparent operation. utils.pause("graceful ReparentShard?") utils.run_vtctl('ReparentShard test_keyspace/%s %s' % (shard_id, tablet_62044.tablet_alias), auto_log=True) utils.validate_topology() expected_addr = utils.hostname + ':' + str(tablet_62044.port) _check_db_addr('test_keyspace.%s.master:_vtocc' % shard_id, expected_addr) tablet_62344.kill_vttablet() tablet_62044.kill_vttablet() tablet_41983.kill_vttablet() tablet_31981.kill_vttablet() # Test address correction. new_port = utils.reserve_ports(1) tablet_62044.start_vttablet(port=new_port) # Wait a moment for address to reregister. time.sleep(1.0) expected_addr = utils.hostname + ':' + str(new_port) _check_db_addr('test_keyspace.%s.master:_vtocc' % shard_id, expected_addr) tablet_62044.kill_vttablet()
def test_zkocc(self): # preload the test_nj cell zkocc_14850 = utils.zkocc_start( extra_params=['-connect-timeout=2s', '-cache-refresh-interval=1s']) time.sleep(1) # create a python client. The first address is bad, will test the retry logic bad_port = utils.reserve_ports(3) zkocc_client = zkocc.ZkOccConnection( "localhost:%u,localhost:%u,localhost:%u" % (bad_port, utils.zkocc_port_base, bad_port + 1), "test_nj", 30) zkocc_client.dial() # test failure for a python client that cannot connect bad_zkocc_client = zkocc.ZkOccConnection( "localhost:%u,localhost:%u" % (bad_port + 2, bad_port), "test_nj", 30) try: bad_zkocc_client.dial() raise utils.TestError('exception expected') except zkocc.ZkOccError as e: if str(e) != "Cannot dial to any server": raise logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.ERROR) # FIXME(ryszard): This can be changed into a self.assertRaises. try: bad_zkocc_client.get("/zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data1")'exception expected') except zkocc.ZkOccError as e: if str(e) != "Cannot dial to any server": raise logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.WARNING) # get test utils.prog_compile(['zkclient2']) out, err = utils.vtroot + '/bin/zkclient2 -server localhost:%u /zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data1' % utils.zkocc_port_base, trap_output=True) self.assertEqual( err, "/zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data1 = Test data 1 (NumChildren=0, Version=0, Cached=false, Stale=false)\n" ) zk_data = zkocc_client.get("/zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data1") self.assertDictContainsSubset( { 'Data': "Test data 1", 'Cached': True, 'Stale': False, }, zk_data) self.assertDictContainsSubset({ 'NumChildren': 0, 'Version': 0 }, zk_data['Stat']) # getv test out, err = utils.vtroot + '/bin/zkclient2 -server localhost:%u /zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data1 /zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data2 /zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data3' % utils.zkocc_port_base, trap_output=True) self.assertEqualNormalized( err, """[0] /zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data1 = Test data 1 (NumChildren=0, Version=0, Cached=true, Stale=false) [1] /zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data2 = Test data 2 (NumChildren=0, Version=0, Cached=false, Stale=false) [2] /zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data3 = Test data 3 (NumChildren=0, Version=0, Cached=false, Stale=false) """) zk_data = zkocc_client.getv([ "/zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data1", "/zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data2", "/zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data3" ])['Nodes'] self.assertEqual(len(zk_data), 3) for i, d in enumerate(zk_data): self.assertEqual(d['Data'], 'Test data %s' % (i + 1)) self.assertTrue(d['Cached']) self.assertFalse(d['Stale']) self.assertDictContainsSubset({ 'NumChildren': 0, 'Version': 0 }, d['Stat']) # children test out, err = utils.vtroot + '/bin/zkclient2 -server localhost:%u -mode children /zk/test_nj' % utils.zkocc_port_base, trap_output=True) self.assertEqualNormalized( err, """Path = /zk/test_nj Child[0] = zkocc1 Child[1] = zkocc2 NumChildren = 2 CVersion = 4 Cached = false Stale = false """) # zk command tests self._check_zk_output("cat /zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data1", "Test data 1") self._check_zk_output( "ls -l /zk/test_nj/zkocc1", """total: 3 -rw-rw-rw- zk zk 11 %s data1 -rw-rw-rw- zk zk 11 %s data2 -rw-rw-rw- zk zk 11 %s data3 """ % (_format_time(zk_data[0]['Stat']['MTime']), _format_time(zk_data[1]['Stat']['MTime']), _format_time(zk_data[2]['Stat']['MTime']))) # test /zk/local is not resolved and rejected out, err = utils.vtroot + '/bin/zkclient2 -server localhost:%u /zk/local/zkocc1/data1' % utils.zkocc_port_base, trap_output=True, raise_on_error=False) self.assertIn("zkocc: cannot resolve local cell", err) # start a background process to query the same value over and over again # while we kill the zk server and restart it outfd = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=utils.tmp_root, delete=False) filename = querier = utils.run_bg( '/bin/bash -c "while true ; do ' + utils.vtroot + '/bin/zkclient2 -server localhost:%u /zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data1 ; sleep 0.1 ; done"' % utils.zkocc_port_base, stderr=outfd.file) outfd.close() time.sleep(1) # kill zk server, sleep a bit, restart zk server, sleep a bit + '/bin/zkctl -zk.cfg 1@' + utils.hostname + ':%u:%u:%u shutdown' % (utils.zk_port_base, utils.zk_port_base + 1, utils.zk_port_base + 2)) time.sleep(3) + '/bin/zkctl -zk.cfg 1@' + utils.hostname + ':%u:%u:%u start' % (utils.zk_port_base, utils.zk_port_base + 1, utils.zk_port_base + 2)) time.sleep(3) utils.kill_sub_process(querier) utils.debug("Checking " + filename) fd = open(filename, "r") state = 0 for line in fd: if line == "/zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data1 = Test data 1 (NumChildren=0, Version=0, Cached=true, Stale=false)\n": stale = False elif line == "/zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data1 = Test data 1 (NumChildren=0, Version=0, Cached=true, Stale=true)\n": stale = True else: raise utils.TestError('unexpected line: ', line) if state == 0: if stale: state = 1 elif state == 1: if not stale: state = 2 else: if stale:'unexpected stale state') self.assertEqual(state, 2) fd.close() utils.zkocc_kill(zkocc_14850) # check that after the server is gone, the python client fails correctly logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.ERROR) try: zkocc_client.get("/zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data1")'exception expected') except zkocc.ZkOccError as e: if str(e) != "Cannot dial to any server": raise logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.WARNING)
def start_vttablet(self, port=None, auth=False, memcache=False, wait_for_state="OPEN", customrules=None, schema_override=None, cert=None, key=None, ca_cert=None, repl_extra_flags={}): """ Starts a vttablet process, and returns it. The process is also saved in self.proc, so it's easy to kill as well. """ utils.prog_compile([ 'vtaction', 'vttablet', ]) args = [ os.path.join(utils.vtroot, 'bin', 'vttablet'), '-port', '%s' % (port or self.port), '-tablet-path', self.tablet_alias, '-logfile', self.logfile, '-log.level', 'INFO', '-db-configs-file', self._write_db_configs_file(repl_extra_flags), '-debug-querylog-file', self.querylog_file ] if memcache: self.start_memcache() args.extend(['-rowcache', self.memcache_path]) if auth: args.extend([ '-auth-credentials', os.path.join(utils.vttop, 'test', 'test_data', 'authcredentials_test.json') ]) if customrules: args.extend(['-customrules', customrules]) if schema_override: args.extend(['-schema-override', schema_override]) if cert: self.secure_port = utils.reserve_ports(1) args.extend([ '-secure-port', '%s' % self.secure_port, '-cert', cert, '-key', key ]) if ca_cert: args.extend(['-ca-cert', ca_cert]) stderr_fd = open(os.path.join(self.tablet_dir, "vttablet.stderr"), "w") self.proc = utils.run_bg(args, stderr=stderr_fd) stderr_fd.close() # wait for zookeeper PID just to be sure we have it + '/bin/zk wait -e ' + self.zk_pid, stdout=utils.devnull) # wait for query service to be in the right state self.wait_for_vttablet_state(wait_for_state, port=port) return self.proc
def run_test_zkocc(): _populate_zk() # preload the test_nj cell zkocc_14850 = utils.zkocc_start(extra_params=['-connect-timeout=2s', '-cache-refresh-interval=1s']) time.sleep(1) # create a python client. The first address is bad, will test the retry logic bad_port = utils.reserve_ports(3) zkocc_client = zkocc.ZkOccConnection("localhost:%u,localhost:%u,localhost:%u" % (bad_port, utils.zkocc_port_base, bad_port+1), "test_nj", 30) zkocc_client.dial() # test failure for a python client that cannot connect bad_zkocc_client = zkocc.ZkOccConnection("localhost:%u,localhost:%u" % (bad_port+2, bad_port), "test_nj", 30) try: bad_zkocc_client.dial() raise utils.TestError('exception expected') except zkocc.ZkOccError as e: if str(e) != "Cannot dial to any server": raise utils.TestError('Unexpected exception: ', str(e)) logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.ERROR) try: bad_zkocc_client.get("/zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data1") raise utils.TestError('exception expected') except zkocc.ZkOccError as e: if str(e) != "Cannot dial to any server": raise utils.TestError('Unexpected exception: ', str(e)) logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.WARNING) # get test out, err ='/bin/zkclient2 -server localhost:%u /zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data1' % utils.zkocc_port_base, trap_output=True) if err != "/zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data1 = Test data 1 (NumChildren=0, Version=0, Cached=false, Stale=false)\n": raise utils.TestError('unexpected get output: ', err) zkNode = zkocc_client.get("/zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data1") if (zkNode['Data'] != "Test data 1" or \ zkNode['Stat']['NumChildren'] != 0 or \ zkNode['Stat']['Version'] != 0 or \ zkNode['Cached'] != True or \ zkNode['Stale'] != False): raise utils.TestError('unexpected zkocc_client.get output: ', zkNode) # getv test out, err ='/bin/zkclient2 -server localhost:%u /zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data1 /zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data2 /zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data3' % utils.zkocc_port_base, trap_output=True) if err != """[0] /zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data1 = Test data 1 (NumChildren=0, Version=0, Cached=true, Stale=false) [1] /zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data2 = Test data 2 (NumChildren=0, Version=0, Cached=false, Stale=false) [2] /zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data3 = Test data 3 (NumChildren=0, Version=0, Cached=false, Stale=false) """: raise utils.TestError('unexpected getV output: ', err) zkNodes = zkocc_client.getv(["/zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data1", "/zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data2", "/zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data3"]) if (zkNodes['Nodes'][0]['Data'] != "Test data 1" or \ zkNodes['Nodes'][0]['Stat']['NumChildren'] != 0 or \ zkNodes['Nodes'][0]['Stat']['Version'] != 0 or \ zkNodes['Nodes'][0]['Cached'] != True or \ zkNodes['Nodes'][0]['Stale'] != False or \ zkNodes['Nodes'][1]['Data'] != "Test data 2" or \ zkNodes['Nodes'][1]['Stat']['NumChildren'] != 0 or \ zkNodes['Nodes'][1]['Stat']['Version'] != 0 or \ zkNodes['Nodes'][1]['Cached'] != True or \ zkNodes['Nodes'][1]['Stale'] != False or \ zkNodes['Nodes'][2]['Data'] != "Test data 3" or \ zkNodes['Nodes'][2]['Stat']['NumChildren'] != 0 or \ zkNodes['Nodes'][2]['Stat']['Version'] != 0 or \ zkNodes['Nodes'][2]['Cached'] != True or \ zkNodes['Nodes'][2]['Stale'] != False): raise utils.TestError('unexpected zkocc_client.getv output: ', zkNodes) # children test out, err ='/bin/zkclient2 -server localhost:%u -mode children /zk/test_nj' % utils.zkocc_port_base, trap_output=True) if err != """Path = /zk/test_nj Child[0] = zkocc1 Child[1] = zkocc2 NumChildren = 2 CVersion = 4 Cached = false Stale = false """: raise utils.TestError('unexpected children output: ', err) # zk command tests _check_zk_output("cat /zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data1", "Test data 1") _check_zk_output("ls -l /zk/test_nj/zkocc1", """total: 3 -rw-rw-rw- zk zk 11 %s data1 -rw-rw-rw- zk zk 11 %s data2 -rw-rw-rw- zk zk 11 %s data3 """ % (_format_time(zkNodes['Nodes'][0]['Stat']['MTime']), _format_time(zkNodes['Nodes'][1]['Stat']['MTime']), _format_time(zkNodes['Nodes'][2]['Stat']['MTime']))) # test /zk/local is not resolved and rejected out, err ='/bin/zkclient2 -server localhost:%u /zk/local/zkocc1/data1' % utils.zkocc_port_base, trap_output=True, raise_on_error=False) if "zkocc: cannot resolve local cell" not in err: raise utils.TestError('unexpected get output, not local cell error: ', err) # start a background process to query the same value over and over again # while we kill the zk server and restart it outfd = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=utils.tmp_root, delete=False) filename = querier = utils.run_bg('/bin/bash -c "while true ; do '+utils.vtroot+'/bin/zkclient2 -server localhost:%u /zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data1 ; sleep 0.1 ; done"' % utils.zkocc_port_base, stderr=outfd.file) outfd.close() time.sleep(1) # kill zk server, sleep a bit, restart zk server, sleep a bit'/bin/zkctl -zk.cfg 1@'+utils.hostname+':%u:%u:%u shutdown' % (utils.zk_port_base, utils.zk_port_base+1, utils.zk_port_base+2)) time.sleep(3)'/bin/zkctl -zk.cfg 1@'+utils.hostname+':%u:%u:%u start' % (utils.zk_port_base, utils.zk_port_base+1, utils.zk_port_base+2)) time.sleep(3) utils.kill_sub_process(querier) utils.debug("Checking " + filename) fd = open(filename, "r") state = 0 for line in fd: if line == "/zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data1 = Test data 1 (NumChildren=0, Version=0, Cached=true, Stale=false)\n": stale = False elif line == "/zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data1 = Test data 1 (NumChildren=0, Version=0, Cached=true, Stale=true)\n": stale = True else: raise utils.TestError('unexpected line: ', line) if state == 0: if stale: state = 1 elif state == 1: if not stale: state = 2 else: if stale: raise utils.TestError('unexpected stale state') if state != 2: raise utils.TestError('unexpected ended stale state') fd.close() utils.zkocc_kill(zkocc_14850) # check that after the server is gone, the python client fails correctly logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.ERROR) try: zkocc_client.get("/zk/test_nj/zkocc1/data1") raise utils.TestError('exception expected') except zkocc.ZkOccError as e: if str(e) != "Cannot dial to any server": raise utils.TestError('Unexpected exception: ', str(e)) logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.WARNING)