def PLAY(params):
    log.debug("== ENTER: PLAY ==")

    log.debug("PLAY ACTION PARAMS: {0}", params)
    item_id = params.get("item_id")

    auto_resume = int(params.get("auto_resume", "-1"))
    log.debug("AUTO_RESUME: {0}", auto_resume)

    forceTranscode = params.get("force_transcode", None) is not None
    log.debug("FORCE_TRANSCODE: {0}", forceTranscode)

    media_source_id = params.get("media_source_id", "")
    log.debug("media_source_id: {0}", media_source_id)

    use_default = params.get("use_default", "false") == "true"
    log.debug("use_default: {0}", use_default)

    # set the current playing item id
    # set all the playback info, this will be picked up by the service
    # the service will then start the playback


    play_info = {}
    play_info["item_id"] = item_id
    play_info["auto_resume"] = str(auto_resume)
    play_info["force_transcode"] = forceTranscode
    play_info["media_source_id"] = media_source_id
    play_info["use_default"] = use_default
    send_event_notification("embycon_play_action", play_info)
def PLAY(params):
    log.debug("== ENTER: PLAY ==")

    log.debug("PLAY ACTION PARAMS: {0}", params)
    item_id = params.get("item_id")

    auto_resume = int(params.get("auto_resume", "-1"))
    log.debug("AUTO_RESUME: {0}", auto_resume)

    forceTranscode = params.get("force_transcode", None) is not None
    log.debug("FORCE_TRANSCODE: {0}", forceTranscode)

    media_source_id = params.get("media_source_id", "")
    log.debug("media_source_id: {0}", media_source_id)

    use_default = params.get("use_default", "false") == "true"
    log.debug("use_default: {0}", use_default)

    # set the current playing item id
    # set all the playback info, this will be picked up by the service
    # the service will then start the playback


    play_info = {}
    play_info["item_id"] = item_id
    play_info["auto_resume"] = str(auto_resume)
    play_info["force_transcode"] = forceTranscode
    play_info["media_source_id"] = media_source_id
    play_info["use_default"] = use_default
    send_event_notification("embycon_play_action", play_info)
def send_next_episode_details(item):

    next_episode = get_next_episode(item)

    if next_episode is None:
        log.debug("No next episode")

    gui_options = {}
    gui_options["server"] = download_utils.getServer()

    gui_options["name_format"] = None
    gui_options["name_format_type"] = ""

    item_details = extract_item_info(item, gui_options)
    next_item_details = extract_item_info(next_episode, gui_options)

    current_item = {}
    current_item["id"] = item_details.id
    current_item["title"] = item_details.name
    current_item["image"] = item_details.art.get('tvshow.poster', '')
    current_item["thumb"] = item_details.art.get('thumb', '')
    current_item["fanartimage"] = item_details.art.get('tvshow.fanart', '')
    current_item["overview"] = item_details.plot
    current_item["tvshowtitle"] = item_details.series_name
    current_item["playcount"] = item_details.play_count
    current_item["season"] = item_details.season_number
    current_item["episode"] = item_details.episode_number
    current_item["rating"] = item_details.critic_rating
    current_item["year"] = item_details.year

    next_item = {}
    next_item["id"] = next_item_details.id
    next_item["title"] = next_item_details.name
    next_item["image"] = next_item_details.art.get('tvshow.poster', '')
    next_item["thumb"] = next_item_details.art.get('thumb', '')
    next_item["fanartimage"] = next_item_details.art.get('tvshow.fanart', '')
    next_item["overview"] = next_item_details.plot
    next_item["tvshowtitle"] = next_item_details.series_name
    next_item["playcount"] = next_item_details.play_count
    next_item["season"] = next_item_details.season_number
    next_item["episode"] = next_item_details.episode_number
    next_item["rating"] = next_item_details.critic_rating
    next_item["year"] = next_item_details.year

    next_info = {
        "current_item": current_item,
        "next_item": next_item

    log.debug("send_next_episode_details: {0}", next_info)
    send_event_notification("embycon_next_episode", next_info)
def send_next_episode_details(item):

    next_episode = get_next_episode(item)

    if next_episode is None:
        log.debug("No next episode")

    gui_options = {}
    gui_options["server"] = download_utils.getServer()

    gui_options["name_format"] = None
    gui_options["name_format_type"] = ""

    item_details = extract_item_info(item, gui_options)
    next_item_details = extract_item_info(next_episode, gui_options)

    current_item = {}
    current_item["id"] = item_details.id
    current_item["title"] = item_details.name
    current_item["image"] = item_details.art.get('tvshow.poster', '')
    current_item["thumb"] = item_details.art.get('thumb', '')
    current_item["fanartimage"] = item_details.art.get('tvshow.fanart', '')
    current_item["overview"] = item_details.plot
    current_item["tvshowtitle"] = item_details.series_name
    current_item["playcount"] = item_details.play_count
    current_item["season"] = item_details.season_number
    current_item["episode"] = item_details.episode_number
    current_item["rating"] = item_details.critic_rating
    current_item["year"] = item_details.year

    next_item = {}
    next_item["id"] = next_item_details.id
    next_item["title"] = next_item_details.name
    next_item["image"] = next_item_details.art.get('tvshow.poster', '')
    next_item["thumb"] = next_item_details.art.get('thumb', '')
    next_item["fanartimage"] = next_item_details.art.get('tvshow.fanart', '')
    next_item["overview"] = next_item_details.plot
    next_item["tvshowtitle"] = next_item_details.series_name
    next_item["playcount"] = next_item_details.play_count
    next_item["season"] = next_item_details.season_number
    next_item["episode"] = next_item_details.episode_number
    next_item["rating"] = next_item_details.critic_rating
    next_item["year"] = next_item_details.year

    next_info = {
        "current_item": current_item,
        "next_item": next_item

    log.debug("send_next_episode_details: {0}", next_info)
    send_event_notification("embycon_next_episode", next_info)
def getContent(url, params):
    log.debug("== ENTER: getContent ==")

    media_type = params.get("media_type", None)
    if not media_type:
        xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(i18n('error'), i18n('no_media_type'))

    log.debug("URL: {0}", url)
    log.debug("MediaType: {0}", media_type)
    pluginhandle = int(sys.argv[1])

    settings = xbmcaddon.Addon()
    # determine view type, map it from media type to view type
    view_type = ""
    content_type = ""
    media_type = str(media_type).lower().strip()
    if media_type.startswith("movie"):
        view_type = "Movies"
        content_type = 'movies'
    elif media_type == "musicalbums":
        view_type = "Albums"
        content_type = 'albums'
    elif media_type == "musicartists":
        view_type = "Artists"
        content_type = 'artists'
    elif media_type == "musicartist":
        view_type = "Albums"
        content_type = 'albums'
    elif media_type == "music" or media_type == "audio" or media_type == "musicalbum":
        view_type = "Music"
        content_type = 'songs'
    elif media_type.startswith("boxsets"):
        view_type = "Movies"
        content_type = 'sets'
    elif media_type.startswith("boxset"):
        view_type = "BoxSets"
        content_type = 'movies'
    elif media_type == "tvshows":
        view_type = "Series"
        content_type = 'tvshows'
    elif media_type == "series":
        view_type = "Seasons"
        content_type = 'seasons'
    elif media_type == "season" or media_type == "episodes":
        view_type = "Episodes"
        content_type = 'episodes'

    log.debug("media_type:{0} content_type:{1} view_type:{2} ", media_type, content_type, view_type)

    # show a progress indicator if needed
    progress = None
    if (settings.getSetting('showLoadProgress') == "true"):
        progress = xbmcgui.DialogProgress()
        progress.update(0, i18n('retrieving_data'))

    # update url for paging
    start_index = 0
    page_limit = int(settings.getSetting('moviePageSize'))
    if page_limit > 0 and media_type.startswith("movie"):
        url_prev = None
        m = re.search('StartIndex=([0-9]{1,4})', url)
        if m and m.group(1):
            log.debug("UPDATING NEXT URL: {0}", url)
            start_index = int(m.group(1))
            log.debug("current_start : {0}", start_index)
            if start_index > 0:
                prev_index = start_index - page_limit
                if prev_index < 0:
                    prev_index = 0
                url_prev = re.sub('StartIndex=([0-9]{1,4})', 'StartIndex=' + str(prev_index), url)
            url_next = re.sub('StartIndex=([0-9]{1,4})', 'StartIndex=' + str(start_index + page_limit), url)
            log.debug("UPDATING NEXT URL: {0}", url_next)

            log.debug("ADDING NEXT URL: {0}", url)
            url_next = url + "&StartIndex=" + str(start_index + page_limit) + "&Limit=" + str(page_limit)
            url = url + "&StartIndex=" + str(start_index) + "&Limit=" + str(page_limit)
            log.debug("ADDING NEXT URL: {0}", url_next)

    # use the data manager to get the data
    result = dataManager.GetContent(url)

    total_records = 0
    if result is not None and isinstance(result, dict):
        total_records = result.get("TotalRecordCount", 0)

    dir_items, detected_type = processDirectory(result, progress, params)
    if dir_items is None:

    # add paging items
    if page_limit > 0 and media_type.startswith("movie"):
        if url_prev:
            list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem("Prev Page (" + str(start_index - page_limit + 1) + "-" + str(start_index) +
                                         " of " + str(total_records) + ")")
            u = sys.argv[0] + "?url=" + urllib.quote(url_prev) + "&mode=GET_CONTENT&media_type=movies"
            dir_items.insert(0, (u, list_item, True))

        if start_index + page_limit < total_records:
            upper_count = start_index + (page_limit * 2)
            if upper_count > total_records:
                upper_count = total_records
            list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem("Next Page (" + str(start_index + page_limit + 1) + "-" +
                                         str(upper_count) + " of " + str(total_records) + ")")
            u = sys.argv[0] + "?url=" + urllib.quote(url_next) + "&mode=GET_CONTENT&media_type=movies"
            dir_items.append((u, list_item, True))

    # set the Kodi content type
    if content_type:
        xbmcplugin.setContent(pluginhandle, content_type)
    elif detected_type is not None:
        # if the media type is not set then try to use the detected type
        log.debug("Detected content type: {0}", detected_type)
        if detected_type == "Movie":
            view_type = "Movies"
            content_type = 'movies'
        if detected_type == "Episode":
            view_type = "Episodes"
            content_type = 'episodes'
        xbmcplugin.setContent(pluginhandle, content_type)

    # set the sort items
    if page_limit > 0 and media_type.startswith("movie"):
        xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(pluginhandle, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_UNSORTED)
        setSort(pluginhandle, view_type)

    xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItems(pluginhandle, dir_items)
    xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(pluginhandle, cacheToDisc=False)

    # send display items event
    display_items_notification = {"view_type": view_type}
    send_event_notification("display_items", display_items_notification)

    if (progress != None):
        progress.update(100, i18n('done'))

def getContent(url, params):
    log.debug("== ENTER: getContent ==")

    media_type = params.get("media_type", None)
    if not media_type:
        xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(i18n('error'), i18n('no_media_type'))

    log.debug("URL: {0}", url)
    log.debug("MediaType: {0}", media_type)
    pluginhandle = int(sys.argv[1])

    settings = xbmcaddon.Addon()
    # determine view type, map it from media type to view type
    view_type = ""
    content_type = ""
    media_type = str(media_type).lower().strip()
    if media_type.startswith("movie"):
        view_type = "Movies"
        content_type = 'movies'
    elif media_type == "musicalbums":
        view_type = "Albums"
        content_type = 'albums'
    elif media_type == "musicartists":
        view_type = "Artists"
        content_type = 'artists'
    elif media_type == "musicartist":
        view_type = "Albums"
        content_type = 'albums'
    elif media_type == "music" or media_type == "audio" or media_type == "musicalbum":
        view_type = "Music"
        content_type = 'songs'
    elif media_type.startswith("boxsets"):
        view_type = "Movies"
        content_type = 'sets'
    elif media_type.startswith("boxset"):
        view_type = "BoxSets"
        content_type = 'movies'
    elif media_type == "tvshows":
        view_type = "Series"
        content_type = 'tvshows'
    elif media_type == "series":
        view_type = "Seasons"
        content_type = 'seasons'
    elif media_type == "season" or media_type == "episodes":
        view_type = "Episodes"
        content_type = 'episodes'

    log.debug("media_type:{0} content_type:{1} view_type:{2} ", media_type, content_type, view_type)

    # show a progress indicator if needed
    progress = None
    if (settings.getSetting('showLoadProgress') == "true"):
        progress = xbmcgui.DialogProgress()
        progress.update(0, i18n('retrieving_data'))

    # update url for paging
    start_index = 0
    page_limit = int(settings.getSetting('moviePageSize'))
    if page_limit > 0 and media_type.startswith("movie"):
        url_prev = None
        m = re.search('StartIndex=([0-9]{1,4})', url)
        if m and m.group(1):
            log.debug("UPDATING NEXT URL: {0}", url)
            start_index = int(m.group(1))
            log.debug("current_start : {0}", start_index)
            if start_index > 0:
                prev_index = start_index - page_limit
                if prev_index < 0:
                    prev_index = 0
                url_prev = re.sub('StartIndex=([0-9]{1,4})', 'StartIndex=' + str(prev_index), url)
            url_next = re.sub('StartIndex=([0-9]{1,4})', 'StartIndex=' + str(start_index + page_limit), url)
            log.debug("UPDATING NEXT URL: {0}", url_next)

            log.debug("ADDING NEXT URL: {0}", url)
            url_next = url + "&StartIndex=" + str(start_index + page_limit) + "&Limit=" + str(page_limit)
            url = url + "&StartIndex=" + str(start_index) + "&Limit=" + str(page_limit)
            log.debug("ADDING NEXT URL: {0}", url_next)

    # use the data manager to get the data
    result = dataManager.GetContent(url)

    total_records = 0
    if result is not None and isinstance(result, dict):
        total_records = result.get("TotalRecordCount", 0)

    dir_items, detected_type = processDirectory(result, progress, params)
    if dir_items is None:

    # add paging items
    if page_limit > 0 and media_type.startswith("movie"):
        if url_prev:
            list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem("Prev Page (" + str(start_index - page_limit + 1) + "-" + str(start_index) +
                                         " of " + str(total_records) + ")")
            u = sys.argv[0] + "?url=" + urllib.quote(url_prev) + "&mode=GET_CONTENT&media_type=movies"
            dir_items.insert(0, (u, list_item, True))

        if start_index + page_limit < total_records:
            upper_count = start_index + (page_limit * 2)
            if upper_count > total_records:
                upper_count = total_records
            list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem("Next Page (" + str(start_index + page_limit + 1) + "-" +
                                         str(upper_count) + " of " + str(total_records) + ")")
            u = sys.argv[0] + "?url=" + urllib.quote(url_next) + "&mode=GET_CONTENT&media_type=movies"
            dir_items.append((u, list_item, True))

    # set the Kodi content type
    if content_type:
        xbmcplugin.setContent(pluginhandle, content_type)
    elif detected_type is not None:
        # if the media type is not set then try to use the detected type
        log.debug("Detected content type: {0}", detected_type)
        if detected_type == "Movie":
            view_type = "Movies"
            content_type = 'movies'
        if detected_type == "Episode":
            view_type = "Episodes"
            content_type = 'episodes'
        xbmcplugin.setContent(pluginhandle, content_type)

    # set the sort items
    if page_limit > 0 and media_type.startswith("movie"):
        xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(pluginhandle, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_UNSORTED)
        setSort(pluginhandle, view_type)

    xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItems(pluginhandle, dir_items)
    xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(pluginhandle, cacheToDisc=False)

    # send display items event
    display_items_notification = {"view_type": view_type}
    send_event_notification("display_items", display_items_notification)

    if (progress != None):
        progress.update(100, i18n('done'))

def getContent(url, params):
    log.debug("== ENTER: getContent ==")

    media_type = params.get("media_type", None)
    if not media_type:
        xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(i18n('error'), i18n('no_media_type'))

    log.debug("URL: {0}", url)
    log.debug("MediaType: {0}", media_type)
    pluginhandle = int(sys.argv[1])

    settings = xbmcaddon.Addon()
    # determine view type, map it from media type to view type
    viewType = ""
    media_type = str(media_type).lower().strip()
    if media_type.startswith("movie"):
        viewType = "Movies"
        xbmcplugin.setContent(pluginhandle, 'movies')
    elif media_type == "musicalbums":
        viewType = "Albums"
        xbmcplugin.setContent(pluginhandle, 'albums')
    elif media_type == "musicartists":
        viewType = "Artists"
        xbmcplugin.setContent(pluginhandle, 'artists')
    elif media_type == "musicartist":
        viewType = "Albums"
        xbmcplugin.setContent(pluginhandle, 'albums')
    elif media_type == "music" or media_type == "audio" or media_type == "musicalbum":
        viewType = "Music"
        xbmcplugin.setContent(pluginhandle, 'songs')
    elif media_type.startswith("boxsets"):
        viewType = "Movies"
        xbmcplugin.setContent(pluginhandle, 'sets')
    elif media_type.startswith("boxset"):
        viewType = "BoxSets"
        xbmcplugin.setContent(pluginhandle, 'movies')
    elif media_type == "tvshows":
        viewType = "Series"
        xbmcplugin.setContent(pluginhandle, 'tvshows')
    elif media_type == "series":
        viewType = "Seasons"
        xbmcplugin.setContent(pluginhandle, 'seasons')
    elif media_type == "season" or media_type == "episodes":
        viewType = "Episodes"
        xbmcplugin.setContent(pluginhandle, 'episodes')
    log.debug("ViewType: {0} media_type: {1}", viewType, media_type)

    # show a progress indicator if needed
    progress = None
    if (settings.getSetting('showLoadProgress') == "true"):
        progress = xbmcgui.DialogProgress()
        progress.update(0, i18n('retrieving_data'))

    # use the data manager to get the data
    result = dataManager.GetContent(url)

    dirItems = processDirectory(result, progress, params)
    if dirItems is None:

    # set the sort items
    setSort(pluginhandle, viewType)

    xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItems(pluginhandle, dirItems)
    xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(pluginhandle, cacheToDisc=False)

    # send display items event
    display_items_notification = {"view_type": viewType}
    send_event_notification("display_items", display_items_notification)

    if (progress != None):
        progress.update(100, i18n('done'))

def promptForStopActions(item_id, current_possition):

    settings = xbmcaddon.Addon()

    prompt_next_percentage = int(settings.getSetting('promptPlayNextEpisodePercentage'))
    play_prompt = settings.getSetting('promptPlayNextEpisodePercentage_prompt') == "true"
    prompt_delete_episode_percentage = int(settings.getSetting('promptDeleteEpisodePercentage'))
    prompt_delete_movie_percentage = int(settings.getSetting('promptDeleteMoviePercentage'))

    # everything is off so return
    if (prompt_next_percentage == 100 and
            prompt_delete_episode_percentage == 100 and
            prompt_delete_movie_percentage == 100):

    jsonData = download_utils.downloadUrl("{server}/emby/Users/{userid}/Items/" + item_id + "?format=json")
    result = json.loads(jsonData)

    if result is None:
        log.debug("promptForStopActions failed! no result from server.")

    prompt_to_delete = False
    runtime = result.get("RunTimeTicks", 0)

    # if no runtime we cant calculate perceantge so just return
    if runtime == 0:
        log.debug("No runtime so returing")

    # item percentage complete
    percenatge_complete = int(((current_possition * 10000000) / runtime) * 100)
    log.debug("Episode Percentage Complete: {0}", percenatge_complete)

    if (prompt_delete_episode_percentage < 100 and
                result.get("Type", "na") == "Episode" and
                percenatge_complete > prompt_delete_episode_percentage):
            prompt_to_delete = True

    if (prompt_delete_movie_percentage < 100 and
                result.get("Type", "na") == "Movie" and
                percenatge_complete > prompt_delete_movie_percentage):
            prompt_to_delete = True

    if prompt_to_delete:
        log.debug("Prompting for delete")

    # prompt for next episode
    if (prompt_next_percentage < 100 and
                result.get("Type", "na") == "Episode" and
                percenatge_complete > prompt_next_percentage):

        next_episode = get_next_episode(result)

        if next_episode is not None:
            resp = True
            index = next_episode.get("IndexNumber", -1)
            if play_prompt:
                next_epp_name = "%02d - %s" % (index, next_episode.get("Name", "n/a"))
                resp = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(i18n("play_next_title"), i18n("play_next_question"), next_epp_name, autoclose=10000)

            if resp:
                next_item_id = next_episode.get("Id")
                log.debug("Playing Next Episode: {0}", next_item_id)

                play_info = {}
                play_info["item_id"] = next_item_id
                play_info["auto_resume"] = "-1"
                play_info["force_transcode"] = False
                send_event_notification("embycon_play_action", play_info)
def promptForStopActions(item_id, current_possition):

    settings = xbmcaddon.Addon()

    prompt_next_percentage = int(settings.getSetting('promptPlayNextEpisodePercentage'))
    play_prompt = settings.getSetting('promptPlayNextEpisodePercentage_prompt') == "true"
    prompt_delete_episode_percentage = int(settings.getSetting('promptDeleteEpisodePercentage'))
    prompt_delete_movie_percentage = int(settings.getSetting('promptDeleteMoviePercentage'))

    # everything is off so return
    if (prompt_next_percentage == 100 and
            prompt_delete_episode_percentage == 100 and
            prompt_delete_movie_percentage == 100):

    jsonData = download_utils.downloadUrl("{server}/emby/Users/{userid}/Items/" + item_id + "?format=json")
    result = json.loads(jsonData)

    if result is None:
        log.debug("promptForStopActions failed! no result from server.")

    prompt_to_delete = False
    runtime = result.get("RunTimeTicks", 0)

    # if no runtime we cant calculate perceantge so just return
    if runtime == 0:
        log.debug("No runtime so returing")

    # item percentage complete
    percenatge_complete = int(((current_possition * 10000000) / runtime) * 100)
    log.debug("Episode Percentage Complete: {0}", percenatge_complete)

    if (prompt_delete_episode_percentage < 100 and
                result.get("Type", "na") == "Episode" and
                percenatge_complete > prompt_delete_episode_percentage):
            prompt_to_delete = True

    if (prompt_delete_movie_percentage < 100 and
                result.get("Type", "na") == "Movie" and
                percenatge_complete > prompt_delete_movie_percentage):
            prompt_to_delete = True

    if prompt_to_delete:
        log.debug("Prompting for delete")

    # prompt for next episode
    if (prompt_next_percentage < 100 and
                result.get("Type", "na") == "Episode" and
                percenatge_complete > prompt_next_percentage):

        next_episode = get_next_episode(result)

        if next_episode is not None:
            resp = True
            index = next_episode.get("IndexNumber", -1)
            if play_prompt:
                next_epp_name = "%02d - %s" % (index, next_episode.get("Name", "n/a"))
                resp = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(i18n("play_next_title"), i18n("play_next_question"), next_epp_name, autoclose=10000)

            if resp:
                next_item_id = next_episode.get("Id")
                log.debug("Playing Next Episode: {0}", next_item_id)

                play_info = {}
                play_info["item_id"] = next_item_id
                play_info["auto_resume"] = "-1"
                play_info["force_transcode"] = False
                send_event_notification("embycon_play_action", play_info)