def __main(self): '''Main function which setups the whole login page''' curses.curs_set(0) self.__setup_layout("", "") key = 1 email = "" password = "" utils.set_title(self.__stdscr, "LOGIN") utils.show_status_message( self.__stdscr, "Please read login instructions before logging in!!", time_to_show=2) while key != ord('q'): # If the key is e then make the email box active if key == ord('e'): email = self.__edit_box(email, "*" * len(password), self.__y_start + 1, self.__x_start + 2) # If the key is p then make the password box active elif key == ord('p'): password = self.__edit_box(email, "*" * len(password), self.__y_start + 5, self.__x_start + 2, isPass=True) elif key == ord('l'): # Authenticate self.__authenticate(email, password) # Show login instructions elif key == ord('i'): Instructions(self.__stdscr) # This is to refresh the layout when user resizes the terminal self.__set_values() self.__setup_layout(email, "*" * len(password)) self.__stdscr.refresh() key = self.__stdscr.getch() sys.exit()
def __authenticate(self, email, password): '''To Authenticate using IMAP Server''' # Show the authenticating message utils.show_status_message(self.__stdscr, "Authenticating....", isLoading=True) try: email = email.strip() password = password.strip() self.__is_valid(email, password) # Authenticate using email and password, it throws exception if something went wrong IMAP(email, password) # Store in .bashbird directory cred = Credentials() cred.store_credentials(email, password) utils.show_status_message(self.__stdscr, "Authentication Successful", time_to_show=1) # Show main menu after authentication is completed main_menu = Main_Menu(self.__stdscr) except Exception as e: utils.show_status_message(self.__stdscr, str(e), time_to_show=3)
def __set_confirm_email_bar(self): '''Setup confirm email bar''' h, w = self.__stdscr.getmaxyx() rectangle(self.__stdscr, h - 4, 0, h - 1, w - 2) title = " Confirm sending email ".upper() self.__stdscr.attron(curses.A_BOLD) self.__stdscr.addstr(h - 4, 1, title) self.__stdscr.attroff(curses.A_BOLD) self.__display_bottom_bar_menu() while 1: key = self.__stdscr.getch() if key == curses.KEY_UP and self.__curr_confirm_index != 0: self.__curr_confirm_index -= 1 elif key == curses.KEY_DOWN and self.__curr_confirm_index != len( self.__confirm_menu) - 1: self.__curr_confirm_index += 1 # TODO: Do the functionality according to choice of user elif key == curses.KEY_ENTER or key in [10, 13]: if self.__curr_confirm_index == 0: # Send mail using SMTP class and go back # TODO: Check if subject or body is not empty # Show sending mail status message utils.show_status_message(self.__stdscr, "Sending email....", isLoading=True) try: self.__check_validation() # Authenticate smtp = SMTP(self.__email_from, self.__pass) receiver_emails = self.__email_to.split(';') data = smtp.add_attachment( self.__subject, self.__body, self.__attachments.split(';')) smtp.send_email(receiver_emails, data=data) # Show mail sent successfully message utils.show_status_message(self.__stdscr, "Mail sent Successfully", time_to_show=1.5) self.__is_mail_sent = True # Quit from smtp server smtp.quit() except Exception as e: utils.show_status_message(self.__stdscr, str(e), 2) self.__set_default_screen(self.__title, isMain=True) break self.__display_bottom_bar_menu()
def __download_attachment(self): '''To download attachments in mail''' try: utils.show_status_message(stdscr=self.__stdscr, msg="Downloading File.....", isLoading=True) msg = self.__imap.download_attachment(self.__index) utils.show_status_message(self.__stdscr, msg, time_to_show=3) except Exception as e: utils.show_status_message(self.__stdscr, str(e), time_to_show=2)
def __set_confirm_email_bar(self): '''Setup confirm email bar''' try: h, w = self.__stdscr.getmaxyx() self.__stdscr.clear() self.__set_email_list(isConfirm=True) while 1: key = self.__stdscr.getch() if key == curses.KEY_UP and self.__curr_confirm_index != 0: self.__curr_confirm_index -= 1 elif key == curses.KEY_DOWN and self.__curr_confirm_index != len( self.__confirm_menu) - 1: self.__curr_confirm_index += 1 # TODO: Do the functionality according to choice of user elif key == curses.KEY_ENTER or key in [10, 13]: if self.__curr_confirm_index == 0: utils.show_status_message(self.__stdscr, "Deleting email....", isLoading=True) try: num = self.__imap.delete_email(self.__num - self.__arr_position) # Set the new mail count self.__num = num main_list_length = len(self.__main_list) # Update the array self.__main_list.pop(self.__arr_position) if main_list_length - 1 == self.__arr_position: self.__curr_position -= 1 self.__arr_position -= 1 # Show mail sent successfully message utils.show_status_message( self.__stdscr, "Mail deleted Successfully", time_to_show=1) except Exception as e: utils.show_status_message(self.__stdscr, str(e), 2) self.__set_email_list() break self.__set_email_list(isConfirm=True) except: utils.show_message(self.__stdscr, "Something went wrong! Press 'q' to go back")
def __set_main_layout(self): '''To setup the main layout of page with scrollable behaviour''' try: key = 0 arr_start = 0 # Initially setup the list to get maximum mails that can be shown on single page self.__display_list = self.__main_list self.__max_len = self.__set_email_list() # Loop until key is 'q' while key != ord('q'): key = self.__stdscr.getch() # If the key pressed is up if key == curses.KEY_UP and self.__arr_position != 0: self.__curr_position -= 1 self.__arr_position -= 1 # if the current position becomes -1 then show previous page. if self.__curr_position == -1: arr_start = arr_start - self.__max_len self.__curr_position = self.__max_len - 1 # IF the key pressed is down elif key == curses.KEY_DOWN: if self.__arr_position != len(self.__main_list) - 1: self.__curr_position += 1 self.__arr_position += 1 # It the current position becomes max_len then show next page. if self.__curr_position >= self.__max_len: arr_start = self.__arr_position # Again reset the current position self.__curr_position = 0 # If d is pressed elif key == ord('d'): self.__set_confirm_email_bar() # Load next 50 emails elif key == ord('f'): self.__fetch_emails() # When enter is pressed elif key == curses.KEY_ENTER or key in [10, 13]: # Show the email info component which will show details of email EMAIL_INFO( self.__stdscr, (self.__num - self.__arr_position, self.__main_list[self.__arr_position]['Subject'], self.__main_list[self.__arr_position]['From'], self.__main_list[self.__arr_position]['Date']), self.__imap) # Calculate the end of display list arr_end = min(arr_start + self.__max_len, len(self.__main_list)) # Show the email list self.__display_list = self.__main_list[arr_start:arr_end] self.__max_len = max(self.__set_email_list(), self.__max_len) # Show the message if there are no more mails fetched if self.__is_end: utils.show_status_message( self.__stdscr, "No more emails available to fetch!!", time_to_show=2) self.__is_end = False except Exception as e: msg = "Something went wrong! Press 'q' to go back" utils.show_message(self.__stdscr, msg)