def test_wgan_cost(backend_default):
    Set up a Wasserstein GANCost transform and make sure cost and errors are getting
    computed correctly.
    be = backend_default
    cost = GANCost(func="wasserstein")
    y_data = be.iobuf(5).fill(1.)
    y_noise = be.iobuf(5).fill(2.)
    output = be.iobuf(1)
    expected = be.iobuf(1)
    delta = be.iobuf(5)

    # fprop for discriminator cost
    output[:] = cost(y_data, y_noise)
    expected[:] = be.sum(y_data - y_noise, axis=0)
    tensors_allclose(output, expected)

    # bprop for wasserstein cost
    delta[:] = cost.bprop_data(y_data)
    assert allclose_with_out(delta.get(), 1.)

    delta[:] = cost.bprop_noise(y_noise)
    assert allclose_with_out(delta.get(), -1.)

    delta[:] = cost.bprop_generator(y_noise)
    assert allclose_with_out(delta.get(), 1.)
def test_cpu_randomstate():
    # run 1
    be = gen_backend(backend='cpu', rng_seed=100)

    a = be.empty((3, 3))
    be.make_binary_mask(a, keepthresh=be.rng.rand())
    x0 = a.get()
    be.make_binary_mask(a, keepthresh=be.rng.rand())
    x1 = a.get()

    # run 2, using reset
    be.make_binary_mask(a, keepthresh=be.rng.rand())
    y0 = a.get()
    be.make_binary_mask(a, keepthresh=be.rng.rand())
    y1 = a.get()

    del (be)

    # run 3, using a new backend
    be = gen_backend(backend='cpu', rng_seed=100)

    a = be.empty((3, 3))
    be.make_binary_mask(a, keepthresh=be.rng.rand())
    z0 = a.get()
    be.make_binary_mask(a, keepthresh=be.rng.rand())
    z1 = a.get()

    # check equality
    assert tensors_allclose([x0, x1], [y0, y1], rtol=0., atol=0.)
    assert tensors_allclose([x0, x1], [z0, z1], rtol=0., atol=0.)
    del (be)
def test_gradients(backend_tests, custom_args):
    test_idx, f, flag, dim = custom_args

    # backend_tests fixture will parameterize over cpu, gpu, and mkl
    # backends as well as float16 and float32
    # pull the be and dtype from the actions of the fixture
    be = NervanaObject.be
    dtype = be.default_dtype

    # tensors
    tensors = gen_backend_tensors([np, be], [dim] * 5, [flag] * 5, dtype=dtype)

    # compare function value and gradient
    numpy_func_val = call_func(f, np, tensors[0])
    backend_func_val = call_func(f, be, tensors[1])
    numerical_gradient = get_numerical_gradient(f, tensors[0])
    ad = get_audiff_gradient(f, be, tensors[1])
    autodiff_gradient = ad.get_grad_asnumpyarray(tensors[1])

    # TODO: stricter test to fix numerical issues
    assert tensors_allclose(numpy_func_val, backend_func_val, rtol=1e-2, atol=1e-2)
    assert tensors_allclose(numerical_gradient, autodiff_gradient, rtol=1e-02, atol=1e-3)

    # cleanup diff tree
    dtype = None
    be = None
def test_modified_gan_cost(backend_default):
    Set up a modified GANCost transform and make sure cost and errors are getting
    computed correctly.
    be = backend_default
    cost = GANCost(cost_type="dis", func="modified")

    y_data = be.iobuf(5).fill(1.)
    y_noise = be.iobuf(5).fill(2.)
    output = be.iobuf(1)
    expected = be.iobuf(1)
    delta = be.iobuf(5)

    # fprop for discriminator cost
    output[:] = cost(y_data, y_noise)
    expected[:] = -be.sum(be.safelog(y_data) + be.safelog(1-y_noise), axis=0)
    tensors_allclose(output, expected)

    # bprop for modified cost
    delta[:] = cost.bprop_data(y_data)
    assert allclose_with_out(delta.get(), -1. / 1)

    delta[:] = cost.bprop_noise(y_noise)
    assert allclose_with_out(delta.get(), 1. - 2.)

    delta[:] = cost.bprop_generator(y_noise)
    assert allclose_with_out(delta.get(), -1. / 2.)
def test_wgan_cost(backend_default):
    Set up a Wasserstein GANCost transform and make sure cost and errors are getting
    computed correctly.
    be = backend_default
    cost = GANCost(func="wasserstein")
    y_data = be.iobuf(5).fill(1.)
    y_noise = be.iobuf(5).fill(2.)
    output = be.iobuf(1)
    expected = be.iobuf(1)
    delta = be.iobuf(5)

    # fprop for discriminator cost
    output[:] = cost(y_data, y_noise)
    expected[:] = be.sum(y_data - y_noise, axis=0)
    tensors_allclose(output, expected)

    # bprop for wasserstein cost
    delta[:] = cost.bprop_data(y_data)
    assert allclose_with_out(delta.get(), 1.)

    delta[:] = cost.bprop_noise(y_noise)
    assert allclose_with_out(delta.get(), -1.)

    delta[:] = cost.bprop_generator(y_noise)
    assert allclose_with_out(delta.get(), 1.)
def test_gradients(backend_tests, custom_args):
    test_idx, f, flag, dim = custom_args

    # backend_tests fixture will parameterize over cpu, gpu, and mkl
    # backends as well as float16 and float32
    # pull the be and dtype from the actions of the fixture
    be = NervanaObject.be
    dtype = be.default_dtype

    # tensors
    tensors = gen_backend_tensors([np, be], [dim] * 5, [flag] * 5, dtype=dtype)

    # compare function value and gradient
    numpy_func_val = call_func(f, np, tensors[0])
    backend_func_val = call_func(f, be, tensors[1])
    numerical_gradient = get_numerical_gradient(f, tensors[0])
    ad = get_audiff_gradient(f, be, tensors[1])
    autodiff_gradient = ad.get_grad_asnumpyarray(tensors[1])

    # TODO: stricter test to fix numerical issues
    assert tensors_allclose(numpy_func_val,
    assert tensors_allclose(numerical_gradient,

    # cleanup diff tree
    dtype = None
    be = None
def test_cpu_randomstate():
    # run 1
    be = gen_backend(backend='cpu', rng_seed=100)

    a = be.empty((3, 3))
    be.make_binary_mask(a, keepthresh=be.rng.rand())
    x0 = a.get()
    be.make_binary_mask(a, keepthresh=be.rng.rand())
    x1 = a.get()

    # run 2, using reset
    be.make_binary_mask(a, keepthresh=be.rng.rand())
    y0 = a.get()
    be.make_binary_mask(a, keepthresh=be.rng.rand())
    y1 = a.get()


    # run 3, using a new backend
    be = gen_backend(backend='cpu', rng_seed=100)

    a = be.empty((3, 3))
    be.make_binary_mask(a, keepthresh=be.rng.rand())
    z0 = a.get()
    be.make_binary_mask(a, keepthresh=be.rng.rand())
    z1 = a.get()

    # check equality
    assert tensors_allclose([x0, x1], [y0, y1], rtol=0., atol=0.)
    assert tensors_allclose([x0, x1], [z0, z1], rtol=0., atol=0.)
def test_gan_cost(backend_default):
    Set up a GANCost transform and make sure cost and errors are getting
    computed correctly.
    be = backend_default
    cost = GANCost(cost_type="dis", original_cost=False)

    y_data = be.iobuf(5).fill(1.)
    y_noise = be.iobuf(5).fill(2.)
    output = be.iobuf(1)
    expected = be.iobuf(1)
    delta = be.iobuf(5)

    # fprop for discriminator cost
    output[:] = cost(y_data, y_noise)
    expected[:] = -be.sum(be.safelog(y_data) + be.safelog(1 - y_noise), axis=0)
    tensors_allclose(output, expected)

    # bprop for modified cost
    delta[:] = cost.bprop_data(y_data)
    assert np.allclose(delta.get(), -1. / 1)

    delta[:] = cost.bprop_noise(y_noise)
    assert np.allclose(delta.get(), 1. - 2.)

    delta[:] = cost.bprop_generator(y_noise)
    assert np.allclose(delta.get(), -1. / 2.)
def test_edge_cases_mkl(backend_pair_mkl):
    Test several edge cases related to min/max bin, and rounding.

    Also test backend dump_hist_data functionality.
    nm, nc = backend_pair_mkl

    # edge case test
    np_ref = dict()
    inputs = [
        ("edges", np.array([2 ** -48, 2 ** 15], dtype=np.float32)),
        ("rounding", np.array([2 ** 5, 63.99998856, 2 ** 6, 2 ** -3, 2 ** -4,
                               0.11262291, 92.22483826], dtype=np.float32)),
        ("fp16 rounding", np.array([45.21875], dtype=np.float16))
    for tag, inp in inputs:
        np_ref[tag] = ref_hist(inp)
        for be in [nm, nc]:
            be_inp = be.array(inp)
            be_hist = be_inp.hist(tag)
            assert tensors_allclose(np_ref[tag], be_hist), tag + str(be)

    # dump_hist_data test
    for be in [nm, nc]:
        be_hist_data, be_hist_map = be.dump_hist_data()
        for tag, inp in inputs:
            be_data = be_hist_data[be_hist_map[tag]]
            assert tensors_allclose(np_ref[tag], be_data), tag + str(be)
def test_edge_cases(backend_pair):
    Test several edge cases related to min/max bin, and rounding.

    Also test backend dump_hist_data functionality.
    gpuflag = (check_gpu.get_compute_capability(0) >= 3.0)
    if gpuflag is False:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Device does not have CUDA compute capability 3.0 or greater")
    ng, nc = backend_pair

    # edge case test
    np_ref = dict()
    inputs = [
        ("edges", np.array([2**-48, 2**15], dtype=np.float32)),
             [2**5, 63.99998856, 2**6, 2**-3, 2**-4, 0.11262291, 92.22483826],
        ("fp16 rounding", np.array([45.21875], dtype=np.float16))
    for tag, inp in inputs:
        np_ref[tag] = ref_hist(inp)
        for be in [ng, nc]:
            be_inp = be.array(inp)
            be_hist = be_inp.hist(tag)
            assert tensors_allclose(np_ref[tag], be_hist), tag + str(be)

    # dump_hist_data test
    for be in [ng, nc]:
        be_hist_data, be_hist_map = be.dump_hist_data()
        for tag, inp in inputs:
            be_data = be_hist_data[be_hist_map[tag]]
            assert tensors_allclose(np_ref[tag], be_data), tag + str(be)
def test_edge_cases_mkl(backend_pair_mkl):
    Test several edge cases related to min/max bin, and rounding.

    Also test backend dump_hist_data functionality.
    nm, nc = backend_pair_mkl

    # edge case test
    np_ref = dict()
    inputs = [
        ("edges", np.array([2**-48, 2**15], dtype=np.float32)),
             [2**5, 63.99998856, 2**6, 2**-3, 2**-4, 0.11262291, 92.22483826],
        ("fp16 rounding", np.array([45.21875], dtype=np.float16))
    for tag, inp in inputs:
        np_ref[tag] = ref_hist(inp)
        for be in [nm, nc]:
            be_inp = be.array(inp)
            be_hist = be_inp.hist(tag)
            assert tensors_allclose(np_ref[tag], be_hist), tag + str(be)

    # dump_hist_data test
    for be in [nm, nc]:
        be_hist_data, be_hist_map = be.dump_hist_data()
        for tag, inp in inputs:
            be_data = be_hist_data[be_hist_map[tag]]
            assert tensors_allclose(np_ref[tag], be_data), tag + str(be)
def test_edge_cases(backend_pair):
    Test several edge cases related to min/max bin, and rounding.

    Also test backend dump_hist_data functionality.
    gpuflag = (check_gpu.get_compute_capability(0) >= 3.0)
    if gpuflag is False:
        raise RuntimeError("Device does not have CUDA compute capability 3.0 or greater")
    ng, nc = backend_pair

    # edge case test
    np_ref = dict()
    inputs = [
        ("edges", np.array([2 ** -48, 2 ** 15], dtype=np.float32)),
        ("rounding", np.array([2 ** 5, 63.99998856, 2 ** 6, 2 ** -3, 2 ** -4,
                               0.11262291, 92.22483826], dtype=np.float32)),
        ("fp16 rounding", np.array([45.21875], dtype=np.float16))
    for tag, inp in inputs:
        np_ref[tag] = ref_hist(inp)
        for be in [ng, nc]:
            be_inp = be.array(inp)
            be_hist = be_inp.hist(tag)
            assert tensors_allclose(np_ref[tag], be_hist), tag + str(be)

    # dump_hist_data test
    for be in [ng, nc]:
        be_hist_data, be_hist_map = be.dump_hist_data()
        for tag, inp in inputs:
            be_data = be_hist_data[be_hist_map[tag]]
            assert tensors_allclose(np_ref[tag], be_data), tag + str(be)
def test_gpu_randomstate(device_id):
    # run 1
    be = gen_backend(backend='gpu', rng_seed=100, device_id=device_id)
    a = be.empty((3, 3))

    a[:] = be.rand()  # gpu rand
    x0 = a.get()
    x1 = be.rng.rand(3, 3)  # host rand
    a[:] = be.rand()  # gpu rand
    x2 = a.get()
    be.make_binary_mask(a, keepthresh=be.rng.rand())
    x3 = a.get()

    assert len(be.context_rand_state_map) == 1 and len(
        be.context_rand_state_alive) == 1
    for ctx in be.context_rand_state_alive:
        assert be.context_rand_state_alive[ctx] is True

    # run 2, using reset

    a[:] = be.rand()
    y0 = a.get()
    y1 = be.rng.rand(3, 3)
    a[:] = be.rand()
    y2 = a.get()
    be.make_binary_mask(a, keepthresh=be.rng.rand())
    y3 = a.get()

    assert len(be.context_rand_state_map) == 1 and len(
        be.context_rand_state_alive) == 1
    for ctx in be.context_rand_state_alive:
        assert be.context_rand_state_alive[ctx] is True

    del (be)

    # run 3, using a new backend
    be = gen_backend(backend='gpu', rng_seed=100, device_id=device_id)
    a = be.empty((3, 3))

    a[:] = be.rand()  # gpu rand
    z0 = a.get()
    z1 = be.rng.rand(3, 3)  # host rand
    a[:] = be.rand()  # gpu rand
    z2 = a.get()
    be.make_binary_mask(a, keepthresh=be.rng.rand())
    z3 = a.get()

    # check equality
    assert tensors_allclose([x0, x1, x2, x3], [y0, y1, y2, y3],
    assert tensors_allclose([x0, x1, x2, x3], [z0, z1, z2, z3],

    del (be)
def test_slicing(fargs_tests, backend_pair_dtype):
    dims = fargs_tests[0]

    gpu, cpu = backend_pair_dtype
    dtype = gpu.default_dtype

    array_np = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, dims).astype(dtype)
    array_ng = gpu.array(array_np, dtype=dtype)
    array_nc = cpu.array(array_np, dtype=dtype)

    assert tensors_allclose(array_ng[0], array_nc[0], rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(array_ng[-1], array_nc[-1], rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(array_ng[0, :], array_nc[0, :], rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(array_ng[0:], array_nc[0:], rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(array_ng[:-1], array_nc[:-1], rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(array_ng[:, 0], array_nc[:, 0], rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(array_ng[:, 0:1],
                            array_nc[:, 0:1],
    assert tensors_allclose(array_ng[-1, 0:],
                            array_nc[-1:, 0:],

    array_ng[0] = 0
    array_nc[0] = 0

    assert tensors_allclose(array_ng, array_nc, rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
def test_slicing_mkl(fargs_tests, backend_pair_dtype_mkl_32):
    dims = fargs_tests[0]

    mkl, cpu = backend_pair_dtype_mkl_32
    dtype = mkl.default_dtype

    array_np = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, dims).astype(dtype)
    array_nc = cpu.array(array_np, dtype=dtype)
    array_nm = mkl.array(array_np, dtype=dtype)

    assert tensors_allclose(array_nm[0], array_nc[0], rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(array_nm[-1], array_nc[-1], rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(array_nm[0, :], array_nc[0, :], rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(array_nm[0:], array_nc[0:], rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(array_nm[:-1], array_nc[:-1], rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(array_nm[:, 0], array_nc[:, 0], rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(array_nm[:, 0:1],
                            array_nc[:, 0:1],
    assert tensors_allclose(array_nm[-1, 0:],
                            array_nc[-1:, 0:],

    array_nc[0] = 0
    array_nm[0] = 0

    assert tensors_allclose(array_nm, array_nc, rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
def test_gpu_randomstate(device_id):
    # run 1
    be = gen_backend(backend='gpu', rng_seed=100, device_id=device_id)
    a = be.empty((3, 3))

    a[:] = be.rand()  # gpu rand
    x0 = a.get()
    x1 = be.rng.rand(3, 3)  # host rand
    a[:] = be.rand()  # gpu rand
    x2 = a.get()
    be.make_binary_mask(a, keepthresh=be.rng.rand())
    x3 = a.get()

    assert len(be.context_rand_state_map) == 1 and len(be.context_rand_state_alive) == 1
    for ctx in be.context_rand_state_alive:
        assert be.context_rand_state_alive[ctx] is True

    # run 2, using reset

    a[:] = be.rand()
    y0 = a.get()
    y1 = be.rng.rand(3, 3)
    a[:] = be.rand()
    y2 = a.get()
    be.make_binary_mask(a, keepthresh=be.rng.rand())
    y3 = a.get()

    assert len(be.context_rand_state_map) == 1 and len(be.context_rand_state_alive) == 1
    for ctx in be.context_rand_state_alive:
        assert be.context_rand_state_alive[ctx] is True


    # run 3, using a new backend
    be = gen_backend(backend='gpu', rng_seed=100, device_id=device_id)
    a = be.empty((3, 3))

    a[:] = be.rand()  # gpu rand
    z0 = a.get()
    z1 = be.rng.rand(3, 3)  # host rand
    a[:] = be.rand()  # gpu rand
    z2 = a.get()
    be.make_binary_mask(a, keepthresh=be.rng.rand())
    z3 = a.get()

    # check equality
    assert tensors_allclose([x0, x1, x2, x3], [y0, y1, y2, y3], rtol=0., atol=0.)
    assert tensors_allclose([x0, x1, x2, x3], [z0, z1, z2, z3], rtol=0., atol=0.)

def test_hist(nbin_offset_dim_dtype_inp, backend_pair):
    Compare the nervanagpu and nervanacpu hist implementation to the reference
    implementation above.

    Parameterized test case, uses pytest_generate_test to enumerate dim_dtype_inp
    tuples that drive the test.

    (nbins, offset), dim, dtype, (name, inp_gen) = nbin_offset_dim_dtype_inp

    gpuflag = (check_gpu.get_compute_capability(0) >= 3.0)
    if gpuflag is False:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Device does not have CUDA compute capability 3.0 or greater")

    ng, nc = backend_pair
    ng.set_hist_buffers(nbins, offset)
    nc.set_hist_buffers(nbins, offset)

    np_inp = inp_gen(dim).astype(dtype)
    np_hist = ref_hist(np_inp, nbins=nbins, offset=offset)
    for be in [ng, nc]:
        be_inp = be.array(np_inp, dtype=dtype)
        be_hist = be_inp.hist(name)
        assert tensors_allclose(np_hist, be_hist)
def test_hist(nbin_offset_dim_dtype_inp, backend_pair):
    Compare the nervanagpu and nervanacpu hist implementation to the reference
    implementation above.

    Parameterized test case, uses pytest_generate_test to enumerate dim_dtype_inp
    tuples that drive the test.

    (nbins, offset), dim, dtype, (name, inp_gen) = nbin_offset_dim_dtype_inp

    gpuflag = (check_gpu.get_compute_capability(0) >= 3.0)
    if gpuflag is False:
        raise RuntimeError("Device does not have CUDA compute capability 3.0 or greater")

    ng, nc = backend_pair
    ng.set_hist_buffers(nbins, offset)
    nc.set_hist_buffers(nbins, offset)

    np_inp = inp_gen(dim).astype(dtype)
    np_hist = ref_hist(np_inp, nbins=nbins, offset=offset)
    for be in [ng, nc]:
        be_inp = be.array(np_inp, dtype=dtype)
        be_hist = be_inp.hist(name)
        assert tensors_allclose(np_hist, be_hist)
def test_vs_numpy(backend_tests, custom_args):
    test_idx, f, flag, dim = custom_args

    # backend
    be = NervanaObject.be
    dtype = be.default_dtype

    # tensors
    tensors = gen_backend_tensors([np, be], [dim] * 5, [flag] * 5, dtype=dtype)

    # compare function value and gradient
    numpy_func_val = call_func(f, np, tensors[0])
    backend_func_val = call_func(f, be, tensors[1])

        assert tensors_allclose(numpy_func_val,
    except AssertionError:
        # xfail for gpu backend on TITAN XP platforms
        if isinstance(NervanaObject.be, NervanaGPU):

            if os.getenv("PLATFORM"):
                platform = os.getenv("PLATFORM")
                if os.path.exists("/usr/bin/nvidia-smi"):
                    cmd = '/usr/bin/nvidia-smi -q | grep "Product Name" | tail -1 | cut -f 2 -d \':\' | \
                           cut -f 2,3 -d \' \''

                    gpu_info = subp.check_output(cmd, shell=True)
                    gpu_info = "unknown"

            if gpu_info == 'TITAN Xp\n':
                platform = "TITANXP"

            if platform == 'TITANXP':
                pytest.xfail(reason="xfail issue #854 with {} PLATFORM".format(
                assert tensors_allclose(numpy_func_val,
def hist_helper(nbin_offset_dim_dtype_inp, be):
    (nbins, offset), dim, dtype, (name, inp_gen) = nbin_offset_dim_dtype_inp

    be.set_hist_buffers(nbins, offset)

    np_inp = inp_gen(dim).astype(dtype)
    np_hist = ref_hist(np_inp, nbins=nbins, offset=offset)

    be_inp = be.array(np_inp, dtype=dtype)
    be_hist = be_inp.hist(name)
    assert tensors_allclose(np_hist, be_hist)
def edge_cases_helper(be):
    np_ref = dict()
    inputs = [
        ("edges", np.array([2**-48, 2**15], dtype=np.float32)),
             [2**5, 63.99998856, 2**6, 2**-3, 2**-4, 0.11262291, 92.22483826],
        ("fp16 rounding", np.array([45.21875], dtype=np.float16))
    for tag, inp in inputs:
        np_ref[tag] = ref_hist(inp)
        be_inp = be.array(inp)
        be_hist = be_inp.hist(tag)
        assert tensors_allclose(np_ref[tag], be_hist), tag + str(be)

    # dump_hist_data test
    be_hist_data, be_hist_map = be.dump_hist_data()
    for tag, inp in inputs:
        be_data = be_hist_data[be_hist_map[tag]]
        assert tensors_allclose(np_ref[tag], be_data), tag + str(be)
def test_batched_dot_mkl(backend_pair_bench_mkl):
    np.set_printoptions(threshold=8192 * 4, linewidth=600,
                        formatter={'int': lambda x: "%2d" % x, 'float': lambda x: "%2.0f" % x})

    nm, nc = backend_pair_bench_mkl

    dtype = np.float32  # np.float16 or np.float32

    X = 100   # Batch Size
    N = 32   # Minibatch Size
    C = 1536  # Input  Features
    K = 768  # Output Features

    cpuI, cpuE, cpuW = setup_test_data(X, N, C, K, dtype)

    ncO, ncB, ncU = run_batched_dot(nc, cpuI, cpuE, cpuW, X, dtype)
    npO, npB, npU = run_batched_dot(np, cpuI, cpuE, cpuW, X, dtype)
    nmO, nmB, nmU = run_batched_dot(nm, cpuI, cpuE, cpuW, X, dtype)

    assert tensors_allclose(npO, nmO, rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(npB, nmB, rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(npU, nmU, rtol=0, atol=1e-3)

    assert tensors_allclose(npO, ncO, rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(npB, ncB, rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(npU, ncU, rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
def batched_dot_helper(be):
    np.set_printoptions(threshold=8192 * 4,
                            'int': lambda x: "%2d" % x,
                            'float': lambda x: "%2.0f" % x

    dtype = np.float32  # np.float16 or np.float32

    X = 100  # Batch Size
    N = 32  # Minibatch Size
    C = 1536  # Input  Features
    K = 768  # Output Features

    cpuI, cpuE, cpuW = setup_test_data(X, N, C, K, dtype)
    npO, npB, npU = run_batched_dot(np, cpuI, cpuE, cpuW, X, dtype)

    if "GPU" in str(be.__class__):
        if be.compute_capability > (5, 0):
            ngO, ngB, ngU = run_batched_dot(be, cpuI, cpuE, cpuW, X, dtype)
            assert tensors_allclose(npO, ngO, rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
            assert tensors_allclose(npB, ngB, rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
            assert tensors_allclose(npU, ngU, rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
        ncO, ncB, ncU = run_batched_dot(be, cpuI, cpuE, cpuW, X, dtype)
        assert tensors_allclose(npO, ncO, rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
        assert tensors_allclose(npB, ncB, rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
        assert tensors_allclose(npU, ncU, rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
def test_batched_dot_mkl(backend_pair_bench_mkl):
    np.set_printoptions(threshold=8192 * 4,
                            'int': lambda x: "%2d" % x,
                            'float': lambda x: "%2.0f" % x

    nm, nc = backend_pair_bench_mkl

    dtype = np.float32  # np.float16 or np.float32

    X = 100  # Batch Size
    N = 32  # Minibatch Size
    C = 1536  # Input  Features
    K = 768  # Output Features

    cpuI, cpuE, cpuW = setup_test_data(X, N, C, K, dtype)

    ncO, ncB, ncU = run_batched_dot(nc, cpuI, cpuE, cpuW, X, dtype)
    npO, npB, npU = run_batched_dot(np, cpuI, cpuE, cpuW, X, dtype)
    nmO, nmB, nmU = run_batched_dot(nm, cpuI, cpuE, cpuW, X, dtype)

    assert tensors_allclose(npO, nmO, rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(npB, nmB, rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(npU, nmU, rtol=0, atol=1e-3)

    assert tensors_allclose(npO, ncO, rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(npB, ncB, rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(npU, ncU, rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
def test_batched_dot(backend_pair_bench):
        threshold=8192 * 4, linewidth=600, formatter={"int": lambda x: "%2d" % x, "float": lambda x: "%2.0f" % x}

    ng, nc = backend_pair_bench

    dtype = np.float32  # np.float16 or np.float32

    X = 100  # Batch Size
    N = 32  # Minibatch Size
    C = 1536  # Input  Features
    K = 768  # Output Features

    cpuI, cpuE, cpuW = setup_test_data(X, N, C, K, dtype)

    ncO, ncB, ncU = run_batched_dot(nc, cpuI, cpuE, cpuW, X, dtype)
    npO, npB, npU = run_batched_dot(np, cpuI, cpuE, cpuW, X, dtype)

    if ng.compute_capability > (5, 0):
        ngO, ngB, ngU = run_batched_dot(ng, cpuI, cpuE, cpuW, X, dtype)

        assert tensors_allclose(npO, ngO, rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
        assert tensors_allclose(npB, ngB, rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
        assert tensors_allclose(npU, ngU, rtol=0, atol=1e-3)

    assert tensors_allclose(npO, ncO, rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(npB, ncB, rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(npU, ncU, rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
def test_vs_numpy(backend_tests, custom_args):
    test_idx, f, flag, dim = custom_args

    # backend
    be = NervanaObject.be
    dtype = be.default_dtype

    # tensors
    tensors = gen_backend_tensors([np, be], [dim] * 5, [flag] * 5, dtype=dtype)

    # compare function value and gradient
    numpy_func_val = call_func(f, np, tensors[0])
    backend_func_val = call_func(f, be, tensors[1])

        assert tensors_allclose(numpy_func_val, backend_func_val, rtol=1e-2, atol=1e-2)
    except AssertionError:
        # xfail for gpu backend on TITAN XP platforms
        if isinstance(NervanaObject.be, NervanaGPU):

            if os.getenv("PLATFORM"):
                platform = os.getenv("PLATFORM")
                if os.path.exists("/usr/bin/nvidia-smi"):
                    cmd = '/usr/bin/nvidia-smi -q | grep "Product Name" | tail -1 | cut -f 2 -d \':\' | \
                           cut -f 2,3 -d \' \''
                    gpu_info = subp.check_output(cmd, shell=True)
                    gpu_info = "unknown"

            if gpu_info == 'TITAN Xp\n':
                platform = "TITANXP"

            if platform == 'TITANXP':
                pytest.xfail(reason="xfail issue #854 with {} PLATFORM".format(platform))
                assert tensors_allclose(numpy_func_val, backend_func_val, rtol=1e-2, atol=1e-2)
def test_reshape_separate_mkl(fargs_tests, backend_pair_dtype_mkl_32):
    dims = fargs_tests[0]

    mkl, cpu = backend_pair_dtype_mkl_32
    dtype = mkl.default_dtype

    array_np = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, dims).astype(dtype)
    array_nc = cpu.array(array_np, dtype=dtype)
    array_nm = mkl.array(array_np, dtype=dtype)

    if (dims[0] % 2) == 0:
        reshaped_nc = array_nc.reshape((2, dims[0] // 2, dims[1]))
        reshaped_nm = array_nm.reshape((2, dims[0] // 2, dims[1]))

        assert tensors_allclose(reshaped_nm, reshaped_nc, rtol=0, atol=1e-6)
def test_reshape_separate_mkl(fargs_tests, backend_pair_dtype_mkl_32):
    dims = fargs_tests[0]

    mkl, cpu = backend_pair_dtype_mkl_32
    dtype = mkl.default_dtype

    array_np = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, dims).astype(dtype)
    array_nc = cpu.array(array_np, dtype=dtype)
    array_nm = mkl.array(array_np, dtype=dtype)

    if (dims[0] % 2) == 0:
        reshaped_nc = array_nc.reshape((2, dims[0] // 2, dims[1]))
        reshaped_nm = array_nm.reshape((2, dims[0] // 2, dims[1]))

        assert tensors_allclose(reshaped_nm, reshaped_nc, rtol=0, atol=1e-6)
def test_vs_numpy(backend_tests, custom_args):
    test_idx, f, flag, dim = custom_args

    # backend
    be = NervanaObject.be
    dtype = be.default_dtype

    # tensors
    tensors = gen_backend_tensors([np, be], [dim] * 4, [flag] * 4, dtype=dtype)

    # compare function values
    numpy_func_val = call_func(f, np, tensors[0])
    backend_func_val = call_func(f, be, tensors[1])

    assert tensors_allclose(numpy_func_val, backend_func_val, rtol=1e-2, atol=1e-2)
def test_vs_numpy(backend_tests, custom_args):
    test_idx, f, flag, dim = custom_args

    # backend
    be = NervanaObject.be
    dtype = be.default_dtype

    # tensors
    tensors = gen_backend_tensors([np, be], [dim] * 4, [flag] * 4, dtype=dtype)

    # compare function values
    numpy_func_val = call_func(f, np, tensors[0])
    backend_func_val = call_func(f, be, tensors[1])

    assert tensors_allclose(numpy_func_val, backend_func_val, rtol=1e-2, atol=1e-2)
def test_reshape_separate(fargs_tests, backend_pair_dtype):
    dims = fargs_tests[0]

    gpu, cpu = backend_pair_dtype
    dtype = gpu.default_dtype

    array_np = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, dims).astype(dtype)
    array_ng = gpu.array(array_np, dtype=dtype)
    array_nc = cpu.array(array_np, dtype=dtype)

    assert array_ng.is_contiguous

    if (dims[0] % 2) == 0:
        reshaped_ng = array_ng.reshape((2, dims[0] // 2, dims[1]))
        reshaped_nc = array_nc.reshape((2, dims[0] // 2, dims[1]))

        assert tensors_allclose(reshaped_ng, reshaped_nc, rtol=0, atol=1e-6)
def test_reshape_separate(fargs_tests, backend_pair_dtype):
    dims = fargs_tests[0]

    gpu, cpu = backend_pair_dtype
    dtype = gpu.default_dtype

    array_np = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, dims).astype(dtype)
    array_ng = gpu.array(array_np, dtype=dtype)
    array_nc = cpu.array(array_np, dtype=dtype)

    assert array_ng.is_contiguous

    if (dims[0] % 2) == 0:
        reshaped_ng = array_ng.reshape((2, dims[0] // 2, dims[1]))
        reshaped_nc = array_nc.reshape((2, dims[0] // 2, dims[1]))

        assert tensors_allclose(reshaped_ng, reshaped_nc, rtol=0, atol=1e-6)
def test_slicing_mkl(fargs_tests, backend_pair_dtype_mkl_32):
    dims = fargs_tests[0]

    mkl, cpu = backend_pair_dtype_mkl_32
    dtype = mkl.default_dtype

    array_np = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, dims).astype(dtype)
    array_nc = cpu.array(array_np, dtype=dtype)
    array_nm = mkl.array(array_np, dtype=dtype)

    assert tensors_allclose(array_nm[0], array_nc[0], rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(array_nm[-1], array_nc[-1], rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(array_nm[0, :], array_nc[0, :], rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(array_nm[0:], array_nc[0:], rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(array_nm[:-1], array_nc[:-1], rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(array_nm[:, 0], array_nc[:, 0], rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(array_nm[:, 0:1], array_nc[:, 0:1], rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(array_nm[-1, 0:], array_nc[-1:, 0:], rtol=0, atol=1e-3)

    array_nc[0] = 0
    array_nm[0] = 0

    assert tensors_allclose(array_nm, array_nc, rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
def test_slicing(fargs_tests, backend_pair_dtype):
    dims = fargs_tests[0]

    gpu, cpu = backend_pair_dtype
    dtype = gpu.default_dtype

    array_np = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, dims).astype(dtype)
    array_ng = gpu.array(array_np, dtype=dtype)
    array_nc = cpu.array(array_np, dtype=dtype)

    assert tensors_allclose(array_ng[0], array_nc[0], rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(array_ng[-1], array_nc[-1], rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(array_ng[0, :], array_nc[0, :], rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(array_ng[0:], array_nc[0:], rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(array_ng[:-1], array_nc[:-1], rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(array_ng[:, 0], array_nc[:, 0], rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(array_ng[:, 0:1], array_nc[:, 0:1], rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
    assert tensors_allclose(array_ng[-1, 0:], array_nc[-1:, 0:], rtol=0, atol=1e-3)

    array_ng[0] = 0
    array_nc[0] = 0

    assert tensors_allclose(array_ng, array_nc, rtol=0, atol=1e-3)
def test_copy_transpose(shape_inp, backend_pair_dtype):
    Parameterized test case, uses pytest_generate_test to enumerate dim_inp
    tuples that drive the test.

    shape, (name, inp_gen) = shape_inp
    ng, nc = backend_pair_dtype
    np_inp = inp_gen(shape).astype(nc.default_dtype)
    ndims = len(shape)

    axes = [None] + list(itt.permutations(range(ndims), ndims))
    for be, ax in itt.product([ng, nc], axes):
        be_inp = be.array(np_inp)
        np_trans = np.transpose(np_inp, axes=ax)
        be_trans = be.zeros(np_trans.shape)
        be.copy_transpose(be_inp, be_trans, axes=ax)
        assert tensors_allclose(np_trans, be_trans)
def test_hist_mkl(nbin_offset_dim_dtype_inp, backend_pair_mkl):
    Compare the nervanamkl and nervanacpu hist implementation to the reference
    implementation above.

    Parameterized test case, uses pytest_generate_test to enumerate dim_dtype_inp
    tuples that drive the test.

    (nbins, offset), dim, dtype, (name, inp_gen) = nbin_offset_dim_dtype_inp

    nm, nc = backend_pair_mkl
    nm.set_hist_buffers(nbins, offset)
    nc.set_hist_buffers(nbins, offset)

    np_inp = inp_gen(dim).astype(dtype)
    np_hist = ref_hist(np_inp, nbins=nbins, offset=offset)
    for be in [nm, nc]:
        be_inp = be.array(np_inp, dtype=dtype)
        be_hist = be_inp.hist(name)
        assert tensors_allclose(np_hist, be_hist)
def test_hist_mkl(nbin_offset_dim_dtype_inp, backend_pair_mkl):
    Compare the nervanamkl and nervanacpu hist implementation to the reference
    implementation above.

    Parameterized test case, uses pytest_generate_test to enumerate dim_dtype_inp
    tuples that drive the test.

    (nbins, offset), dim, dtype, (name, inp_gen) = nbin_offset_dim_dtype_inp

    nm, nc = backend_pair_mkl
    nm.set_hist_buffers(nbins, offset)
    nc.set_hist_buffers(nbins, offset)

    np_inp = inp_gen(dim).astype(dtype)
    np_hist = ref_hist(np_inp, nbins=nbins, offset=offset)
    for be in [nm, nc]:
        be_inp = be.array(np_inp, dtype=dtype)
        be_hist = be_inp.hist(name)
        assert tensors_allclose(np_hist, be_hist)