文件: template.py 项目: perryhau/Mole
 def prepare(self, escape_func=cgi.escape, noescape=False):
     self.cache = {}
     enc = self.encoding
     self._str = lambda x: utils.touni(x, enc)
     self._escape = lambda x: escape_func(utils.touni(x, enc))
     if noescape:
         self._str, self._escape = self._escape, self._str
 def prepare(self, escape_func=cgi.escape, noescape=False):
     self.cache = {}
     enc = self.encoding
     self._str = lambda x: utils.touni(x, enc)
     self._escape = lambda x: escape_func(utils.touni(x, enc))
     if noescape:
         self._str, self._escape = self._escape, self._str
    def set_cookie(self, key, value, secret=None, **kargs):
        ''' Add a cookie. If the `secret` parameter is set, this creates a
            `Secure Cookie` (described below).

            :param key: the name of the cookie.
            :param value: the value of the cookie.
            :param secret: required for secure cookies. (default: None)
            :param max_age: maximum age in seconds. (default: None)
            :param expires: a datetime object or UNIX timestamp. (defaut: None)
            :param domain: the domain that is allowed to read the cookie.
              (default: current domain)
            :param path: limits the cookie to a given path (default: /)

            If neither `expires` nor `max_age` are set (default), the cookie
            lasts only as long as the browser is not closed.

            Secure cookies may store any pickle-able object and are
            cryptographically signed to prevent manipulation. Keep in mind that
            cookies are limited to 4kb in most browsers.
            Warning: Secure cookies are not encrypted (the client can still see
            the content) and not copy-protected (the client can restore an old
            cookie). The main intention is to make pickling and unpickling
            save, not to store secret information at client side.
        if secret:
            value = utils.touni(cookie_encode((key, value), secret))
        elif not isinstance(value, basestring):
            raise TypeError('Secret missing for non-string Cookie.')

        self.COOKIES[key] = value
        for k, v in kargs.iteritems():
            self.COOKIES[key][k.replace('_', '-')] = v
    def set_cookie(self, key, value, secret=None, **kargs):
        ''' Add a cookie. If the `secret` parameter is set, this creates a
            `Secure Cookie` (described below).

            :param key: the name of the cookie.
            :param value: the value of the cookie.
            :param secret: required for secure cookies. (default: None)
            :param max_age: maximum age in seconds. (default: None)
            :param expires: a datetime object or UNIX timestamp. (defaut: None)
            :param domain: the domain that is allowed to read the cookie.
              (default: current domain)
            :param path: limits the cookie to a given path (default: /)

            If neither `expires` nor `max_age` are set (default), the cookie
            lasts only as long as the browser is not closed.

            Secure cookies may store any pickle-able object and are
            cryptographically signed to prevent manipulation. Keep in mind that
            cookies are limited to 4kb in most browsers.
            Warning: Secure cookies are not encrypted (the client can still see
            the content) and not copy-protected (the client can restore an old
            cookie). The main intention is to make pickling and unpickling
            save, not to store secret information at client side.
        if secret:
            value = utils.touni(cookie_encode((key, value), secret))
        elif not isinstance(value, basestring):
            raise TypeError('Secret missing for non-string Cookie.')

        self.COOKIES[key] = value
        for k, v in kargs.iteritems():
            self.COOKIES[key][k.replace('_', '-')] = v