def gdal_8bit_rescale(infile, outfile, overwrite=False): """ Rescale to 8 bit the input image. Uses gdal_translate. :param infile: Path Image to scale :param outfile: Path Scaled image :param overwrite: Bool Overwrite if output file already exist :return: Path Scaled raster file name """ error = None if validate_file_exists(outfile) and not overwrite: logging.warning( f"8Bit file already exists: {}. Will not overwrite") return error else: options_list = ['-ot Byte', '-of GTiff', '-scale'] options_string = " ".join(options_list) gdal.Translate(str(outfile), str(infile), options=options_string) if not validate_file_exists(outfile): error = f"ERROR: Could not scale {str(outfile)}" logging.error(error) return error
def gdal_8bit_rescale(tile_info: TileInfo, overwrite=False): """ Rescale to 8 bit the input image. Uses gdal_translate. :param tile_info: TileInfo Image to scale :param overwrite: Bool Overwrite if output file already exist :return: Path Scaled raster file name """ error = None infile = tile_info.last_processed_fp outfile_name = Path(str(infile.stem).replace(f"_{tile_info.dtype}", "_uint8.tif")) \ if str(infile.stem).endswith(f"_{tile_info.dtype}") \ else f"{str(infile.stem)}_uint8.tif" outfile = tile_info.parent_folder / tile_info.image_folder / tile_info.prep_folder / outfile_name if validate_file_exists(outfile) and not overwrite: logging.warning(f"8Bit file already exists: {}. Will not overwrite") return outfile, error else: try: options_list = ['-ot Byte', '-of GTiff', '-scale'] options_string = " ".join(options_list) gdal.Translate(str(outfile), str(infile), options=options_string) except: error = f"ERROR: Could not scale {str(outfile)}" return Path(outfile), error
def rasterio_merge_tiles(tile_list, outfile, overwrite: bool = False): """ Merge in a single tif file, multiples tifs from a list. :param tile_list: list List of Path to images to merge. :param outfile: Path Path to merged image :param overwrite: bool :return: Path Merged raster file name """ error = None if validate_file_exists(outfile) and not overwrite: logging.warning( f"Merge file already exists: {}. Will not overwrite") return Path(outfile), error try: # Open all tiles. sources = [ for raster in tile_list] except rasterio.errors.RasterioIOError as err: logging.error(err) return Path(outfile), err # Merge mosaic, out_trans = merge(sources) # Copy the metadata out_meta = sources[0].meta.copy() # Update the metadata out_meta.update({ "driver": "GTiff", "height": mosaic.shape[1], "width": mosaic.shape[2], "transform": out_trans }) # Write merged image with, "w", **out_meta) as dest: dest.write(mosaic) if not validate_file_exists(outfile): error = f"Could not merge image {outfile.stem}" logging.error(error) return Path(outfile), error
def gdal_split_band(im_name, img_file, xml_file, overwrite: bool = False): """ Split multi band file into single band files. :param img_file: ImageInfo Image :param xml_file: Path Path to xml :param overwrite: bool Overwrite files if they already exists. :return: List of written files. """ list_band_order, err = get_band_order(str(xml_file)) error = [] list_band_file = [] if err is None: for elem in list_band_order: out_filename = Path(f"{im_name}_{img_file.stem}_{elem}.tif") out_filepath = img_file.parent / out_filename if validate_file_exists(out_filepath) and not overwrite: logging.warning( f"{elem} file already exists: {}. Will not overwrite" ) continue else: band_num = list_band_order.index(elem) + 1 band_option = f"-b {band_num}" options_list = ['-of GTiff', band_option] options_string = " ".join(options_list) gdal.Translate(str(out_filepath), str(img_file), options=options_string) if not validate_file_exists(out_filepath): err = f"Could not write singleband image {str(out_filepath)}" error.append(err) logging.error(err) list_band_file.append(out_filepath) else: error.append(err) logging.error(err) return list_band_file, error
def _check_repost_unsent_values(self): if not utils.validate_file_exists(_DB_FAILED_WRITES): return utils.v_print('Had values which were not successfully sent.') all_sent_ok = True for data in self._load_locals(): if self._connection_ok: utils.v_print(f"ReSending dropped data: {data}") self._write_remote(data) else: all_sent_ok = False self._write_local(data) if all_sent_ok: print('Successfully pushed, all previously failed db writes, to server.') os.remove(_DB_FAILED_WRITES)
def __init__(self): # Configure if utils.validate_file_exists(_CONFIG_FILE_NAME): config = utils.get_json_from_file(_CONFIG_FILE_NAME) else: utils.validate_can_write_file(_CONFIG_FILE_NAME, should_del_after=True) self._configure_sensor(_DEFAULT_SENSOR_CONFIG) config = self.first_time_setup(_DEFAULT_SENSOR_CONFIG) self._configure_sensor(config) # Populate properties based on config self._data = utils.DataCapture() self.humidity_baseline = config['humidity']['baseline'] self.humidity_gas_quality_ratio = config['humidity'][ 'quality_weighting'] self.gas_baseline = config['gas']['ambient_background'] self.__cpu = config['cpu'] self.__cpu['smoothing'] = []
def rasterio_merge_tiles(image_info: ImageInfo, overwrite: bool = False): """ Merge in a single tif file, multiples tifs from a list. :param image_info: ImageInfo Image :param overwrite: bool :return: Path Merged raster file name """ error = None p = re.compile('R\wC\w') outfile_name = p.sub('Merge', str(image_info.tile_list[0].stem)) + ".tif" outfile = str(image_info.parent_folder / image_info.image_folder / image_info.prep_folder) / Path(outfile_name) if validate_file_exists(outfile) and not overwrite: logging.warning(f"Merge file already exists: {}. Will not overwrite") return Path(outfile), error try: # Open all tiles. sources = [ for raster in image_info.tile_list] # Merge mosaic, out_trans = merge(sources) # Copy the metadata out_meta = sources[0].meta.copy() # Update the metadata out_meta.update({"driver": "GTiff", "height": mosaic.shape[1], "width": mosaic.shape[2], "transform": out_trans}) # Write merged image with, "w", **out_meta) as dest: dest.write(mosaic) except: error = f"Could not merge image {image_info.image_folder}" return Path(outfile), error
def gdal_split_band(image: ImageInfo, overwrite: bool = False): """ Split multi band file into single band files. :param image: ImageInfo Image :param overwrite: bool Overwrite files if they already exists. :return: List of written files. """ list_band_order, err = get_band_order(str(image.mul_xml)) error = [] infile = image.merge_img_fp list_band_file = [] if err is None: for elem in list_band_order: out_filename = f"{image.merge_img_fp.stem}_{elem}.tif" out_filepath = image.parent_folder / image.image_folder / image.prep_folder / Path(out_filename) if validate_file_exists(out_filepath) and not overwrite: logging.warning(f"{elem} file already exists: {}. Will not overwrite") continue else: band_num = list_band_order.index(elem) + 1 band_option = f"-b {band_num}" options_list = ['-of GTiff', band_option] options_string = " ".join(options_list) try: gdal.Translate(str(out_filepath), str(infile), options=options_string) except: error.append(f"Could not write singleband image {str(out_filepath)}") list_band_file.append(out_filepath) else: error.append(err) return list_band_file, error
# # del a_ds assessment_splitter(assessment_data, destination_filename, a_buckets, i) print('done!') if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='v0.1.9') parser.add_argument('-p', '--patient_data', help='the location and name of the patient data csv file') parser.add_argument('-a', '--assessment_data', help='the location and name of the assessment data csv file') parser.add_argument('-b', '--bucket_size', type=int, default=500000, help='the number of patients to include in a bucket') args = parser.parse_args() if args.bucket_size < 10000: print('--bucket_size cannot be less than 10000') exit(-1) utils.validate_file_exists(args.patient_data) utils.validate_file_exists(args.assessment_data) try: split_data(args.patient_data, args.assessment_data, args.bucket_size) except Exception as e: print(e) exit(-1)
def tile_list_glob(base_dir: str, mul_pan_glob: List[str] = [], mul_pan_str: List[str] = [], psh_glob: List[str] = [], extensions: List[str] = []): """ Glob through specified directories for (1) pairs of multispectral and panchromatic rasters or (2) pansharp rasters. Save as csv and/or return as list. :param base_dir: str Base directory where globbing will occur. :param mul_pan_glob: list of str List of list of patterns linking multispectral and panchrom. rasters. Patterns are a two-item list: (1) glob pattern to reach multispectral raster (excluding extension); (2) pattern to panchrom. raster from multispectral raster, e.g.: ["**/*_MUL/*-M*_P00?", "../*_PAN"]. :param mul_pan_str: list of str List of list of string sections that identify multispectral and panchrom. rasters inside filename, e.g. [['-M', '-P'],["_MSI", "_PAN"]]. :param psh_glob: list of str List of glob patterns to find panchromatic rasters. :param extensions: list of str List of extensions (suffixes) the raster files may bear, e.g. ["tif", "ntf"]. :return: list of lists (rows) containing info about files found, output pansharp name (if applies) and more. """ assert len(mul_pan_glob) == len( mul_pan_str ), "Missing info about multispectral and panchromatic images" # Reorganize mul/pan glob and str info as list of lists each containing a tuple. # e.g. [('Sherbrooke/**/*_MUL/*-M*_P00?', '../*_PAN'), ('-M', '-P')]. See pansharp_glob()'s docstring for more info. mul_pan_info_list = [[tuple(mul_pan_glob[x]), tuple(mul_pan_str[x])] for x in mul_pan_glob] os.chdir(base_dir) # Work in base directory import logging.config out_log_path = Path("./logs") out_log_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) logging.basicConfig(filename='logs/prep_glob.log', level=logging.DEBUG)"Started") base_dir_res = Path(base_dir).resolve( ) # Resolved path is useful in section 2 (search for panchromatic). glob_output_list = [] # 1. GLOB to all multispectral images in base directory using inputted pattern. Create generator from glob search. ################################################################################ for mul_pan_info, ext in product( mul_pan_info_list, extensions ): # FIXME: if list is empty, Nonetype will cause TypeError mul_glob_pattern = mul_pan_info[0][0] + "." + ext # FIXME: there may be compatibilty issues with glob's case sensitivity in Linux. Working ok on Windows. # More info: mul_glob = base_dir_res.glob(mul_glob_pattern) # Loop through glob generator object and retrieve xml in multispectral folder for mul_xml in tqdm(mul_glob, desc='Iterating through multispectral xml' ): # mul_raster being a Path object mul_rel = Path(mul_xml).relative_to( base_dir_res) # Use only relative paths from here image_folder = mul_rel.parents[1] mul_rel = Path(mul_xml).relative_to(base_dir_res / image_folder) err_mgs = [] length_err = "Check absolute path length. May exceed 260 characters." if not validate_file_exists(image_folder / mul_rel): err_mgs.append(length_err) # get tile list from xml lst_mul_tiles = get_tiles_from_xml(mul_xml) # 2. Find panchromatic image with relative glob pattern from multispectral pattern ################################################################################ pan_glob_pattern = mul_pan_info[0][1] + "/*." + ext # assume panchromatic file has same extension as multispectral pan_glob = sorted( (image_folder / mul_rel.parent).glob(pan_glob_pattern)) if len(pan_glob) == 0: missing_pan = f"The provided glob pattern {pan_glob_pattern} could not locate a potential" \ f"panchromatic raster to match {mul_rel} in image folder {image_folder}." logging.warning(missing_pan) err_mgs.append(missing_pan) continue # Replace string that identifies the raster as a multispectral for one identifying panchromatic raster pan_best_guess = str([1][0], mul_pan_info[1][1]) # Guess the panchromatic image's path using directory from glob results above. This file may not exist. pan_best_guess_rel_path = (pan_glob[0].parent.resolve() / pan_best_guess).relative_to( base_dir_res / image_folder) # Make a list of strings from paths given by glob results above. pan_str = [] for potential_pan in pan_glob: # Resolve paths to avoid path length problems in Windows, # i.e. discard all relative references (ex.: "mul_dir/../pan_dir") making path longer pot_pan_dir = potential_pan.parent.resolve() pot_pan_rel = pot_pan_dir.joinpath( / image_folder) pan_str.append(str(pot_pan_rel)) # Get closest match between guessed name for panchromatic image and glob file names pan_rel = Path( get_close_matches(str(pan_best_guess_rel_path), pan_str)[0]) if validate_file_exists(image_folder / pan_rel): lst_pan_tiles = get_tiles_from_xml(image_folder / pan_rel) else: no_panchro_err = f"Panchromatic xml not found to match multispectral xml {mul_rel}" logging.warning(no_panchro_err) err_mgs.append(no_panchro_err) continue # Check both mul and pan lists are the same length. if len(lst_mul_tiles) != len(lst_pan_tiles): xml_err = f"The number of tiles in multispectral and panchromatic xmls do not match for image {image_folder}." logging.warning(xml_err) err_mgs.append(xml_err) continue process_steps = ['psh'] if len(lst_mul_tiles) > 1: process_steps.append('merge') elif len(lst_mul_tiles) == 0: xml_err = f"Could not find any tile in xmls for image {image_folder}." logging.warning(xml_err) try: with rasterio_raster_reader( str(mul_xml.parent / Path(lst_mul_tiles[0])) ) as src: # Set output dtype as original multispectral dtype dtype = src.meta["dtype"] except rasterio.errors.RasterioIOError as e: logging.warning(e) continue logging.debug(f"\nMultispectral: {mul_rel}\n" f"Panchromatic: {pan_rel}\n" f"Multispectral datatype: {dtype}\n") # Determine output path p = re.compile('_M\w\w') output_path = Path(p.sub('_PREP', str(mul_rel.parent))) output_prep_path = Path(base_dir) / image_folder / output_path output_prep_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) if not output_prep_path.is_dir(): raise ValueError(f"Could not create folder {output_prep_path}") if dtype != 'uint8': process_steps.append('scale') mul_tile_list = [ Path(base_dir) / image_folder / mul_rel.parent / Path(elem) for elem in lst_mul_tiles ] pan_tile_list = [ Path(base_dir) / image_folder / pan_rel.parent / Path(elem) for elem in lst_pan_tiles ] im_name = get_img_name_from_img_folder( str(image_folder).split('/')[0]) # create new row and append to existing records in glob_output_list. img_info = ImageInfo(parent_folder=Path(base_dir), image_folder=image_folder, im_name=im_name, prep_folder=output_path, mul_tile_list=mul_tile_list, pan_tile_list=pan_tile_list, mul_xml=mul_rel, pan_xml=pan_rel, mul_pan_info=mul_pan_info, process_steps=process_steps, dtype=dtype) glob_output_list.append(img_info) mul_pan_pairs_ct = len(glob_output_list) f"Found {mul_pan_pairs_ct} pair(s) of multispectral and panchromatic rasters with provided parameters" ) # 3. Find already pansharped images with a certain name pattern ################################################################################ if psh_glob: # if config file contains any search pattern, glob. for psh_glob_item, ext in product(psh_glob, extensions): psh_glob_pattern = psh_glob_item + "." + ext psh_xml_glob = base_dir_res.glob(psh_glob_pattern) for psh_xml in tqdm( psh_xml_glob, desc="Iterating through already pansharped images"): psh_rel = Path(psh_xml).relative_to( base_dir_res) # Use only relative paths image_folder = psh_rel.parents[1] psh_rel = Path(psh_xml).relative_to(base_dir_res / image_folder) if validate_file_exists(psh_xml): lst_psh_tiles = get_tiles_from_xml(psh_xml) else: no_xml_err = f"No XML file found in {psh_xml}" logging.warning(no_xml_err) continue process_steps = [] if len(lst_psh_tiles) > 1: process_steps.append('merge') elif len(lst_psh_tiles) == 0: xml_err = f"Could not find any tile in xmls for image {image_folder}." logging.warning(xml_err) try: with rasterio_raster_reader( str(psh_xml.parent / Path(lst_psh_tiles[0]))) as src: psh_dtype = src.meta["dtype"] except rasterio.errors.RasterioIOError as e: logging.warning(e) continue # Determine output path output_path = Path( '_'.join(str(psh_rel.parent).split('_')[:-1]) + '_PREP') output_prep_path = Path(base_dir) / image_folder / output_path output_prep_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) logging.debug(f"\nPansharp image found: {psh_rel}\n") if psh_dtype != 'uint8': process_steps.append('scale') im_name = get_img_name_from_img_folder( str(image_folder).split('/')[0]) psh_tile_list = [ Path(base_dir) / image_folder / psh_rel.parent / Path(elem) for elem in lst_psh_tiles ] img_info = ImageInfo(parent_folder=Path(base_dir), image_folder=image_folder, im_name=im_name, prep_folder=output_path, psh_tile_list=psh_tile_list, dtype=psh_dtype, psh_xml=psh_xml, process_steps=process_steps, mul_pan_info=psh_glob_pattern) glob_output_list.append(img_info) psh_ct = len(glob_output_list) - mul_pan_pairs_ct f'Found {psh_ct} pansharped raster(s) with provided parameters') return glob_output_list
def tile_list_glob(base_dir: str, mul_pan_glob: List[str] = [], mul_pan_str: List[str] = [], psh_glob: List[str] = [], extensions: List[str] = [], out_csv: str = ""): """ Glob through specified directories for (1) pairs of multispectral and panchromatic rasters or (2) pansharp rasters. Save as csv and/or return as list. :param base_dir: str Base directory where globbing will occur. :param mul_pan_glob: list of str List of list of patterns linking multispectral and panchrom. rasters. Patterns are a two-item list: (1) glob pattern to reach multispectral raster (excluding extension); (2) pattern to panchrom. raster from multispectral raster, e.g.: ["**/*_MUL/*-M*_P00?", "../*_PAN"]. :param mul_pan_str: list of str List of list of string sections that identify multispectral and panchrom. rasters inside filename, e.g. [['-M', '-P'],["_MSI", "_PAN"]]. :param psh_glob: list of str List of glob patterns to find panchromatic rasters. :param extensions: list of str List of extensions (suffixes) the raster files may bear, e.g. ["tif", "ntf"]. :param out_csv: str Output csv where info about processed files and log messages will be saved. :return: list of lists (rows) containing info about files found, output pansharp name (if applies) and more. """ assert len(mul_pan_glob) == len( mul_pan_str ), "Missing info about multispectral and panchromatic images" # Reorganize mul/pan glob and str info as list of lists each containing a tuple. # e.g. [('Sherbrooke/**/*_MUL/*-M*_P00?', '../*_PAN'), ('-M', '-P')]. See pansharp_glob()'s docstring for more info. mul_pan_info_list = [[tuple(mul_pan_glob[x]), tuple(mul_pan_str[x])] for x in mul_pan_glob] os.chdir( "/home/valhass/Projects/preprocess-gdl/") # Work in base directory # TODO: test execution of import logging.config out_log_path = Path("/home/valhass/Projects/preprocess-gdl/logs") Path.mkdir(out_log_path, parents=True, exist_ok=True) # out_log_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) logging.basicConfig(filename='logs/prep_glob.log', level=logging.DEBUG)"Started") base_dir_res = Path(base_dir).resolve( ) # Resolved path is useful in section 2 (search for panchromatic). if out_csv != "": out_csv = CsvLogger(out_csv=out_csv, info_type='tile') glob_output_list = [] # 1. GLOB to all multispectral images in base directory using inputted pattern. Create generator from glob search. ################################################################################ for mul_pan_info, ext in product( mul_pan_info_list, extensions ): # FIXME: if list is empty, Nonetype will cause TypeError mul_glob_pattern = mul_pan_info[0][0] + "." + ext # FIXME: there may be compatibilty issues with glob's case sensitivity in Linux. Working ok on Windows. # More info: mul_rasters_glob = base_dir_res.glob(mul_glob_pattern) # Loop through glob generator object and retrieve individual multispectral images for mul_raster in tqdm(mul_rasters_glob, desc='Iterating through multispectral images' ): # mul_raster being a Path object mul_raster_rel = Path(mul_raster).relative_to( base_dir_res) # Use only relative paths from here print(mul_raster_rel) image_folder = mul_raster_rel.parents[1] mul_raster_rel = Path(mul_raster).relative_to(base_dir_res / image_folder) err_mgs = [] length_err = "Check absolute path length. May exceed 260 characters." if not validate_file_exists(image_folder / mul_raster_rel): err_mgs.append(length_err) # 2. Find panchromatic image with relative glob pattern from multispectral pattern ################################################################################ pan_glob_pattern = mul_pan_info[0][1] + "/*." + ext # assume panchromatic file has same extension as multispectral pan_rasters_glob = sorted( (image_folder / mul_raster_rel.parent).glob(pan_glob_pattern)) if len(pan_rasters_glob) == 0: missing_pan = f"The provided glob pattern {pan_glob_pattern} could not locate a potential" \ f"panchromatic raster to match {mul_raster_rel}." \ f"Skipping to next multispectral raster..." logging.warning(missing_pan) err_mgs.append(missing_pan) continue # Replace string that identifies the raster as a multispectral for one identifying panchromatic raster pan_best_guess = str( mul_pan_info[1][0], mul_pan_info[1][1]) # Guess the panchromatic image's path using directory from glob results above. This file may not exist. pan_best_guess_rel_path = (pan_rasters_glob[0].parent.resolve() / pan_best_guess).relative_to( base_dir_res / image_folder) # Make a list of strings from paths given by glob results above. pan_rasters_str = [] for potential_pan in pan_rasters_glob: # Resolve paths to avoid path length problems in Windows, # i.e. discard all relative references (ex.: "mul_dir/../pan_dir") making path longer pot_pan_dir = potential_pan.parent.resolve() pot_pan_rel = pot_pan_dir.joinpath( / image_folder) pan_rasters_str.append(str(pot_pan_rel)) # Get closest match between guessed name for panchromatic image and glob file names pan_raster_rel = Path( get_close_matches(str(pan_best_guess_rel_path), pan_rasters_str)[0]) print(pan_raster_rel) if not validate_file_exists(image_folder / pan_raster_rel): no_panchro_err = f"Panchromatic raster not found to match multispectral raster {mul_raster_rel}" logging.warning(no_panchro_err) err_mgs.append(no_panchro_err) continue # 3. Define parameters for future pansharp (and more), now that we've found mul/pan pair. ################################################################################ try: raster = rasterio_raster_reader( str(image_folder / mul_raster_rel) ) # Set output dtype as original multispectral dtype except rasterio.errors.RasterioIOError as e: logging.warning(e) continue dtype = raster.meta["dtype"] logging.debug(f"\nMultispectral image: {mul_raster_rel}\n" f"Panchromatic image found: {pan_raster_rel}\n" f"Multispectral datatype: {dtype}\n") # # Determine output path p = re.compile('_M\w\w') output_path = Path(p.sub('_PREP', str(mul_raster_rel.parent))) output_prep_path = Path(base_dir) / image_folder / output_path output_prep_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) if not output_prep_path.is_dir(): raise ValueError(f"Could not create folder {output_prep_path}") process_steps = ['psh'] if dtype != 'uint8': process_steps.append('scale') p = re.compile('_R\wC\w') mul_xml_name = Path(p.sub('', str(mul_raster_rel.stem)) + '.XML') mul_xml = Path( base_dir) / image_folder / mul_raster_rel.parent / mul_xml_name if not validate_file_exists(mul_xml): no_xml_err = f"No XML file found in {mul_xml}" logging.warning(no_xml_err) err_mgs.append(no_xml_err) continue # create new row and append to existing records in glob_output_list. tile_info = TileInfo(parent_folder=Path(base_dir), image_folder=image_folder, mul_pan_patern=mul_pan_info, mul_tile=mul_raster_rel, pan_tile=pan_raster_rel, prep_folder=output_path, dtype=dtype, process_steps=process_steps, mul_xml=mul_xml) # row = [str(base_dir), str(mul_raster_rel), str(pan_raster_rel), dtype, str(output_psh_rel), pansharp_method, # str(output_cog_rel), err_mgs] # glob_output_list.append(tuple(row)) glob_output_list.append(tile_info) out_csv.write_row(tile_info) mul_pan_pairs_ct = len(glob_output_list) f"Found {mul_pan_pairs_ct} pair(s) of multispectral and panchromatic rasters with provided parameters" ) # 4. Find already pansharped images with a certain name pattern ################################################################################ if psh_glob: # if config file contains any search pattern, glob. for psh_glob_item, ext in product(psh_glob, extensions): psh_glob_pattern = psh_glob_item + "." + ext psh_rasters_glob = base_dir_res.glob(psh_glob_pattern) for psh_raster in tqdm( psh_rasters_glob, desc="Iterating through already pansharped images"): try: raster = rasterio_raster_reader( str(psh_raster) ) # Set output dtype as original multispectral dtype except rasterio.errors.RasterioIOError as e: logging.warning(e) continue psh_dtype = raster.meta["dtype"] psh_raster_rel = Path(psh_raster).relative_to( base_dir_res) # Use only relative paths image_folder = psh_raster_rel.parents[1] psh_raster_rel = Path(psh_raster).relative_to(base_dir_res / image_folder) # # Determine output path output_path = Path( '_'.join(str(psh_raster_rel.parent).split('_')[:-1]) + '_PREP') output_prep_path = Path(base_dir) / image_folder / output_path output_prep_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) # output_cog_rel = psh_raster_rel.parent / (psh_raster_rel.stem + "-" + psh_dtype + "-cog" + psh_raster_rel.suffix) logging.debug(f"\nPansharp image found: {psh_raster_rel}\n") p = re.compile('_R\wC\w') mul_xml_name = Path( p.sub('', str(psh_raster_rel.stem)) + '.XML') mul_xml = Path( base_dir ) / image_folder / psh_raster_rel.parent / mul_xml_name if not validate_file_exists(mul_xml): no_xml_err = f"No XML file found in {mul_xml}" logging.warning(no_xml_err) continue process_steps = [] if psh_dtype != 'uint8': process_steps.append('scale') tile_info = TileInfo(parent_folder=Path(base_dir), image_folder=image_folder, psh_tile=psh_raster_rel, prep_folder=output_path, dtype=psh_dtype, process_steps=process_steps, last_processed_fp=Path(base_dir) / image_folder / psh_raster_rel, mul_xml=mul_xml, mul_pan_patern=['None']) glob_output_list.append(tile_info) out_csv.write_row(tile_info) psh_ct = len(glob_output_list) - mul_pan_pairs_ct f'Found {psh_ct} pansharped raster(s) with provided parameters') return glob_output_list