    assert gmm.pi_k.shape == (
        n_cluster,), 'pi_k should be numpy vector of size'.format(n_cluster)

    assert iterations > 0 and type(
        iterations) == int, 'Number of updates should be positive integer'

    assert type(ll) == float, 'log-likelihood should be float'

    print('GMM for toy dataset with {} init converged in {} iteration. Final log-likelihood of data: {}'.format(
        i, iterations, ll))

    np.savez('results/gmm_toy_{}.npz'.format(i), iterations=iterations,
             variances=gmm.variances, pi_k=gmm.pi_k, means=gmm.means, log_likelihood=ll, x=x, y=y)

    # plot
    fig = Figure()
    fig.ax.scatter(x[:, 0], x[:, 1], c=y)
    # fig.ax.scatter(gmm.means[:, 0], gmm.means[:, 1], c='red')
    for component in range(n_cluster):
        a, b, angle = compute_elipse_params(gmm.variances[component])
        e = Ellipse(xy=gmm.means[component], width=a * 5, height=b * 5,
                    angle=angle, alpha=gmm.pi_k[component])

# GMM on digits dataset
# We fit a gaussian distribution on digits dataset and show generate samples from the distribution
# Complete implementation of sample function for GMM class in gmm.py
import pickle

from PIL import ImageFont, ImageDraw, Image

from utils import Figure

TEXT = "0123456789."

fnt = ImageFont.truetype("FreeMonoBold", 100)


for c in TEXT:
    bbox = fnt.getbbox(c, "1")
    shape = (bbox[0] + bbox[2], bbox[1] + bbox[3])
    im = Image.new("1", shape)
    d = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
    d.text((0, 0), c, font=fnt, fill=(1,))
    FIGURES[c] = Figure(shape, list(im.getdata()))

with open("figures.dat", "wb") as f:
    pickle.dump(FIGURES, f)
# im.show()