def __init__(self):

        self.A = None
        self.P = None
        self.Q = None

        self.H = None
        self.R = None

        self.olrState = OnlineLinearRegression()  #state
        self.olrMeasurement = OnlineLinearRegression()  #measurement

        self.x = None
        self.z = None
    def __init__(self):
            accept the data in a matrix format
        self.olrState = OnlineLinearRegression()  #state
        self.olrMeasurement = OnlineLinearRegression()  #measurement

        self.x = None
        self.z = None

        self.xhat = None
        self.yhat = None
        self.P_yy = None
        self.P_xy = None
        self.Phatx = None
    def __init__(self):

        self.A = None
        self.P = None
        self.Q = None

        self.H = None
        self.K = None
        self.R = None

        self.olrState = OnlineLinearRegression()  #状态估计
        #self.olrMeasurement = OnlineLinearRegression() #测量估计

        self.x = None
        self.z = None
class TimeDifference:
    This implementation is inspired by the description in the papers.

    Hamilton, J. D. (1994). Time series analysis. Chichester, United Kingdom: Princeton University Press.

    def __init__(self, d=1):
        self.mLR = OnlineLinearRegression()
        self.n, self.m, self.d = 0, 0, 0
        self.d = d

    def train(self, X):
        n, m = X.shape

        #set parameters
        self.n, self.m = n, m

        for indx in range(0, n - self.d):
            for ind in range(indx, n, self.d):

                if indx != ind:

                beg = ind
                end = ind + self.d

                if end >= n:
                    end = n - 1

                if beg == end:

                if end < (n - 1):
                    x, y = X[beg:end, ].flatten().reshape(
                        (1, self.d * m)), X[(end + 1), ]
                    self.mLR.update(x, y)

    def predict(self, y):

        yflat = y.flatten().reshape((1, self.m * self.d))

        theta = self.mLR.getA()
        ypred =, theta)

        return ypred
class UnscentedKalmanFilter:
    This is a simplification of the algorithm description paper on the subject.

    [1] Wan , E. A., & Merwe, R. (2000). The unscented kalman filters for nonlinear estimation. IEEE Adaptive Systems for Signal Processing, Communications, and Control Symposium, pp. 153-158.

    The paper made use of a feed forward network to predict the next measurement based on the immediate past measurement data. This implementation avoided the use of feed forward network to avoid the second system effects. Instead a recurvise linear regression was used to estimate the parameters.

    This paper made use of sigma matrix for each auto-coreelation between the present data and the past measurement. The mixing matrix results in a form of matrix factorization which was avoided in this implementation. In our solution, we have use vector as inputs to the recursive linear algorithm to avoid computational cost of matrix factorization.

        X is state
        Z is measurement

    [2] Julier, S. J. The scaled unscented transformation. Retrieved 06/15, 2017, from

    [3] Galanos, K. Recursive least squares. Retrieved 06/15, 2017, from

    def __init__(self):
            accept the data in a matrix format
        self.olrState = OnlineLinearRegression()  #state
        self.olrMeasurement = OnlineLinearRegression()  #measurement

        self.x = None
        self.z = None

        self.xhat = None
        self.yhat = None
        self.P_yy = None
        self.P_xy = None
        self.Phatx = None

    def init(self, X, Z):
            perform initial train on a batch to estimate initial parameter.
            X: states, Z: measurement
        #prepare z and z-1 for measurement
        for x, z in zip(Z, Z[1:]):
            xv, zv = x.reshape((1, len(x))), z.reshape((1, len(z)))
            self.olrMeasurement.update(xv, zv)

        #prepare state measurement
        for xk_1, xk in zip(Z, X):
            x, y = xk_1.reshape((1, len(xk_1))), xk.reshape((1, len(xk)))
            self.olrState.update(x, y)

        self.x = np.mean(X, axis=0)[np.newaxis]
        self.z = np.mean(Z, axis=0)[np.newaxis]

        self.H = self.olrState.getA()
        self.F = self.olrMeasurement.getA()

    def Wm(self, X, k=0, alpha=0.0001):
        tmplist = []
        L = X.shape[1]  #dimension of X
        start, end = 0, L
        lamda = (alpha * alpha * (L + k)) - L

        den = (lamda + L)
        for ind in range(start, end):
            if ind == start:
                if den < 0.00001:
                    tmp = 0.00001
                    tmp = lamda / den

                if den < 0.00001:
                    tmp = 0.00001
                    tmp = 0.5 / den


        tmparray = np.asarray([tmplist])

        indices = [0] * (L)
        return tmparray[
            indices].T  #convert a vector to a matrix and perform a transpose

    def Wc(self, X, k=0, alpha=0.001, beta=2):
        tmplist = []
        L = X.shape[1]  #dimension of X
        start, end = 0, L
        lamda = (alpha * alpha * (L + k)) - L

        den = (lamda + L)

        for ind in range(start, end):
            if ind == start:

                tmp = 0
                if den < 0.00001:
                    tmp = 0.00001
                    tmp = lamda / den

                tmp = tmp + (1 - (alpha * alpha) + beta)


                if den < 0.00001:
                    tmp = 0.00001
                    tmp = 0.5 / den


        tmparray = np.asarray([tmplist])

        indices = [0] * (L)
        return tmparray[
            indices].T  #convert a vector to a matrix and perform a transpose

    def sigmaXMatrix(self, X, k=0, alpha=0.0001):

        tmplist = []
        Xval = None
        L = X.shape[1]  #dimension of X sigma vector
        start, end = 0, (2 * L)
        Px =, X)
        lamda = (alpha * alpha * (L + k)) - L
        meanVec = X.reshape(
            (1, L))  # for single data point no need to estimate the mean
        for ind in range(start, end):
            if ind == start:
            elif ind < (end // 2):
                tvec = (L + lamda) * Px[ind, ]
                b = meanVec + np.power(tvec, 0.5)
                tvec = (L + lamda) * Px[(ind - L), ]
                b = meanVec - np.power(tvec, 0.5)

        return np.asarray(tmplist).T

    def update(self):
            update the parameter of the kalman filter
        #update prior

        zPos =, self.F)

        X = self.sigmaXMatrix(zPos)  # sigma matrix

        X = np.mat(X)

        wm = np.mat(self.Wm(X))

        wc = np.mat(self.Wc(X))

        xhat = X * wm

        tmm = (X - xhat)

        Phatx = wc * tmm.T * tmm

        yPos =, self.H)

        yX = self.sigmaXMatrix(yPos)  # sigma matrix

        wm_y = np.mat(self.Wm(yX))

        wc_y = np.mat(self.Wc(yX))

        Y = np.mat(yX)

        yhat = Y * wm_y

        tmm = (Y - yhat)

        P_yy = wm_y * tmm.T * tmm

        tmmy = (Y - yhat)

        tmmx = (X - xhat)

        H = np.mat(self.H)

        P_xy = wc_y * tmmy.T * H.T * tmmx

        self.xhat = xhat

        self.yhat = yhat

        self.P_yy = P_yy

        self.P_xy = P_xy

        self.Phatx = Phatx

    def predict(self, x, z):
            predict next state based on past state and measurement
        #make the inverse of the matrix stable
        K = np.linalg.pinv(np.nan_to_num(self.P_yy)) * self.P_xy  #kalman gain

        H = np.mat(self.H)

        nextstate = z * H

        error = self.sigmaXMatrix(x) - self.sigmaXMatrix(self.x)

        self.z = error * K * self.xhat.T
        self.z = np.mean(self.z, axis=0)[np.newaxis]

        self.Phatx = self.Phatx - (K.T * self.P_yy * K)

        self.olrMeasurement.update(self.z, x)  #( Z, Z[1:] )

        self.olrState.update(self.z, x)  # ( Z, X )

        self.H = self.olrState.getA()
        self.F = self.olrMeasurement.getA()

        return nextstate
    def __init__( self, p=1, q=1  ):
        self.mLR = OnlineLinearRegression()
        self.window = None # store some data point in memory

        #set parameters
        self.p, self.q  = p, q
class arma:
    This implementation is inspired by the description in the papers. This is the arma proccess.

    Hamilton, J. D. (1994). Time series analysis. Chichester, United Kingdom: Princeton University Press.


    def __init__( self, p=1, q=1  ):
        self.mLR = OnlineLinearRegression()
        self.window = None # store some data point in memory

        #set parameters
        self.p, self.q  = p, q

    def init( self, X):
        n, m = X.shape

        #white noise
        mean, std = 0, 1 
        self.error = np.random.normal(mean, std, size=self.q).reshape((1, self.q))

        mVal = max(self.p , self.q)
        if mVal + 1 > n :
            raise AssertionError("faulty matrix dimension as the error")

        y = X[-1].reshape((1, m)) #target prediction

        ind = n - 1
        pvec = X[ind-self.p: ind]
        qvec = self.error

        tvec = pvec.tolist()[0] +  qvec.tolist()[0]
        x = np.array ( tvec ).reshape((1, len(tvec)))

        self.mLR.update( x, y )  

        self.window = X

    def update ( self, x ):
        x: is a row vector

        #update the error

        theta = self.mLR.getA( )

        window = self.window

        n, m = window.shape

        mbias = np.ones((n, self.q))

        window = np.column_stack(( window, mbias))

        ypred = ( window, theta )

        error = self.window - ypred

        error = LA.norm(error, axis=1)

        ind = n 

        err = error[ind-self.q: ind]

        self.error =  np.array ( err ).reshape((1, self.q))

        #add element at back
        X = np.vstack(( self.window, x ))

        #remove element from front
        X = np.delete(X, (0), axis=0)

        self.window = X

    def predict ( self ):

        X = np.array (self.window )

        n, m = X.shape

        y = X[-1].reshape((1, m)) #target prediction

        ind = n - 1
        pvec = X[ind-self.p: ind]
        qvec = self.error

        tvec = pvec.tolist()[0] +  qvec.tolist()[0]
        yflat = np.array ( tvec ).reshape((1, len(tvec)))

        theta = self.mLR.getA( )

        ypred = ( yflat, theta )

        return ypred
class DiscreteKalmanFilter:
    This is based on the description in the paper

    Welch, G., & Bishop, G. An introduction to the kalman filter. Retrieved 06/15, 2017, from

    The equations presented can be described as
    xk = Axk-a + Buk-1
    P = APk-1A.T + Q

    all the variable names match the meaning in the paper.

    x: state

    z: measurement

    Caveat: The algorithm only work with the dimension of X and Z are equal.
In practice, we can pad with zero and select the specific column.

    Q cannot be observed directly and as such cannot be observed but can be randomized as bad choice may still give good result.
    def __init__(self):

        self.A = None
        self.P = None
        self.Q = None

        self.H = None
        self.R = None

        self.olrState = OnlineLinearRegression()  #state
        self.olrMeasurement = OnlineLinearRegression()  #measurement

        self.x = None
        self.z = None

    def init(self, X, Z):
            perform initial train on a batch to estimate initial parameter.
            X: states, Z: measurement
        #prepare xk and xk_1 for state
        for xk_1, xk in zip(X, X[1:]):
            x, y = xk_1.reshape((1, len(xk_1))), xk.reshape((1, len(xk_1)))
            self.olrState.update(x, y)

        self.A = self.olrState.getA()
        self.P = self.olrState.getCovarianceMatrix()

        #prepare z and x for measurement
        for x, z in zip(X, Z):
            a, b = x.reshape((1, len(x))), z.reshape((1, len(z)))
            self.olrMeasurement.update(a, b)

        self.H = self.olrMeasurement.getA()
        self.R = self.olrMeasurement.getCovarianceMatrix()

        n, m = self.A.shape
        self.Q = np.random.rand(n, m)

        self.x = np.mean(X, axis=0).reshape((1, X.shape[1]))
        self.z = np.mean(Z, axis=0).reshape((1, Z.shape[1]))

    def update(self):
            update the parameter of the kalman filter
        #update prior

        P = np.mat(self.P)
        R = np.mat(self.R)
        H = np.mat(self.H)

        z = np.mat(self.z)
        x = np.mat(self.x)

        tempM = (H.T * P * H) + R

        tmat = np.linalg.pinv(np.nan_to_num(tempM))  #ensure stability

        K = P * H * tmat

        self.x = x + ((z - (x * H)) * K.T)

        I = np.mat(np.eye(len(P)))
        self.P = (I - (K * H.T)) * P

    def predict(self, x, z):
            predict next state based on past state and measurement

        self.z = z
        nextstate =, self.A)

        #update posterior
        self.x = nextstate

        P = np.mat(self.P)
        Q = np.mat(self.Q)
        A = np.mat(self.A)

        self.P = (A * P * A.T) + Q


        self.olrState.update(x, nextstate)
        self.A = self.olrState.getA()

        self.olrMeasurement.update(x, z)
        #self.Q = self.olrMeasurement.getCovarianceNoiseMatrix()
        n, m = self.A.shape
        self.Q = np.random.rand(n, m)
        self.H = self.olrMeasurement.getA()

        return nextstate
######  Name: Kenneth Emeka Odoh
######  Purpose: An example of using the Recursive Linear Regression
from __future__ import division
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import sys
import os
from utils import OnlineLinearRegression

if __name__ == "__main__":
    X = np.random.rand(100, 5)

    olr = OnlineLinearRegression()

    y = np.random.rand(1, 5)
    x = np.random.rand(1, 15)
    print x.shape, y.shape
    olr.update(x, y)

    print "A"
    print olr.getA()
    print olr.getA().shape

    print "B"
    print olr.getB()
    print olr.getB().shape
    y = np.random.rand(1,5)
            load an existing file
        ispresent = os.path.exists(self.fileNameWithPath)

        if ispresent:
            module = cPickle.load(open(self.fileNameWithPath))  #get the model
            return module

        raise FileNotFoundError(
            "Attempting to load a module that was not saved!!!!")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    filename = "linear.pkl"
    mObject = OnlineLinearRegression()  #state

    fObject = FileManager(filename)  #save a model

    model = fObject.load()  #load a model

    X = np.random.rand(100, 2)

    for xk_1, xk in zip(X, X[1:]):
        x, y = xk_1.reshape((1, len(xk_1))), xk.reshape((1, len(xk_1)))
        model.update(x, y)

    print model.getA()
class DiscreteKalmanFilter:
    def __init__(self):

        self.A = None
        self.P = None
        self.Q = None

        self.H = None
        self.K = None
        self.R = None

        self.olrState = OnlineLinearRegression()  #状态估计
        #self.olrMeasurement = OnlineLinearRegression() #测量估计

        self.x = None
        self.z = None

    def init(self, X, Z):

        :param X: 状态矩阵 n×m
        :param Z: 观测矩阵 n×m

        for xk_1, xk in zip(X, X[1:]):
            x, y = xk_1.reshape((1, len(xk_1))), xk.reshape((1, len(xk_1)))
            self.olrState.update(x, y)

        self.A = self.olrState.getA()  #状态传输矩阵
        self.P = self.olrState.getCovarianceMatrix()

        #for x, z in zip(X, Z):
        #    a, b = x.reshape((1, len(x))), z.reshape((1, len(z)))
        #   self.olrMeasurement.update(a, b)

        self.H = np.mat(np.eye(X.shape[1]))
        self.R = np.mat(np.zeros(shape=(X.shape[1], X.shape[1])))

        n, m = self.A.shape
        self.Q = np.random.randn(n, m) * 100  ##这里Q是正太分布的

        self.x = np.array(X[-1]).reshape((1, X.shape[1]))
        self.z = np.mean(Z, axis=0).reshape((1, Z.shape[1]))

    def update(self, z_in):
        :param z_in:  输入的最新观测 1×m

        P = np.mat(self.P)  #噪声方差
        R = np.mat(self.R)  #噪声方差
        H = np.mat(self.H)

        z = np.mat(z_in)

        x = np.mat(self.x)

        x =, self.A)

        tempM = (H.T * P * H) + R

        tmat = np.linalg.pinv(np.nan_to_num(tempM))  #算出广义逆矩阵

        K = P * H * tmat  #kalman的kalman增益

        self.x = x + ((z - (x * H)) * K.T)

        I = np.mat(np.eye(len(P)))

        self.P = (I - (K * H.T)) * P  #更新P值
        return np.squeeze(np.array(self.x))[-1] + np.random.randn() * 100

    def predict(self, x, z):

        self.z = z
        nextstate =, self.A)
        nextmeasurement =, self.H)

        self.x = nextstate

        P = np.mat(self.P)
        Q = np.mat(self.Q)
        A = np.mat(self.A)

        self.P = (A * P * A.T) + Q

        self.olrState.update(x, nextstate)
        self.A = self.olrState.getA()

        #self.olrMeasurement.update(x, z)
        n, m = self.A.shape
        self.Q = np.random.rand(n, m)
        #self.H = self.olrMeasurement.getA( )

        return nextstate
 def __init__(self, d=1):
     self.mLR = OnlineLinearRegression()
     self.n, self.m, self.d = 0, 0, 0
     self.d = d
class ExtendedKalmanFilter:
    This implementation is inspired by the description in the papers.

    [1] Welch, G., & Bishop, G. An introduction to the kalman filter. Retrieved 06/15, 2017, from

    [2] Terejanu, G. A. Extended kalman filter tutorial. Retrieved 06/15, 2017, from

    The equations presented can be described as
    xk = f (xk-a, wk-1 )
    zk = h (xk, vk)

    x: state

    z: measurement

    all the variable names match the meaning in the paper.

    Q cannot be observed directly and as such cannot be observed but can be randomized as bad choice may still give good result.
    def __init__(self):

        self.A = None
        self.P = None
        self.Q = None

        self.H = None
        self.R = None

        self.W = None

        self.olrState = OnlineLinearRegression()  #state
        self.olrMeasurement = OnlineLinearRegression()  #measurement

        self.x = None
        self.z = None

    def init(self, X, Z):
            perform initial train on a batch to estimate initial parameter.
            X: states, Z: measurement
        #prepare xk and xk_1 for state
        for xk_1, xk in zip(X, X[1:]):
            x, y = xk_1.reshape((1, len(xk_1))), xk.reshape((1, len(xk_1)))
            self.olrState.update(x, y)

        self.P = self.olrState.getCovarianceMatrix()

        self.A = self.olrState.getA()

        #prepare z and x for measurement
        for x, z in zip(X, Z):
            a, b = x.reshape((1, len(x))), z.reshape((1, len(z)))
            self.olrMeasurement.update(a, b)

        self.H = self.olrMeasurement.getA()
        self.R = self.olrMeasurement.getCovarianceMatrix()

        n, m = self.A.shape
        self.Q = np.random.rand(n, m)

        self.x = np.mean(X, axis=0).reshape((1, X.shape[1]))
        self.z = np.mean(Z, axis=0).reshape((1, Z.shape[1]))

    def update(self):
            update the parameter of the kalman filter
        #update prior

        v = self.olrMeasurement.getCovarianceNoiseMatrix()
        w = self.olrState.getCovarianceNoiseMatrix()

        self.A = differentiate(f, self.A, self.x)

        P = np.mat(self.P)

        R = np.mat(self.R)

        W = np.mat(differentiate(f, self.A, w))

        H = np.mat(differentiate(h, self.H, self.x))

        V = np.mat(differentiate(h, self.H, v))

        z = np.mat(self.z)
        x = np.mat(self.x)

        val = int(math.fabs(V.shape[0] - R.shape[0])) or int(
            math.fabs(V.shape[1] - R.shape[1]))  # diffierence in dimension

        zeros = np.random.rand(1, V.shape[0])
        zeros = zeros.reshape((1, V.shape[0]))

        for ind in range(val):
            V = np.concatenate((V, zeros.T), axis=1)  #pad with zeros

        tmpM = (H * P * H.T) + (V * R * V.T)
        tmat = np.linalg.pinv(np.nan_to_num(tmpM))  #ensure stability
        K = P * H.T * tmat

        self.x = x + ((z - h(x * H.T)) * K.T)

        I = np.mat(np.eye(len(P)))

        self.P = (I - (K * H)) * P

        self.W = W

    def predict(self, x, z):
            predict next state based on past state and measurement

        self.z = z
        nextstate = f(, self.A))

        #update posterior
        self.x = nextstate

        P = np.mat(self.P)
        Q = np.mat(self.Q)
        A = np.mat(self.A)

        self.P = (A * P * A.T) + self.W * Q * self.W.T

        #extra details

        self.olrState.update(x, nextstate)
        self.A = self.olrState.getA()

        #self.A = differentiate(f, self.A, x)

        self.olrMeasurement.update(x, z)

        n, m = self.A.shape
        self.Q = np.random.rand(n, m)
        self.H = self.olrMeasurement.getA()

        return nextstate