def greedy_best_first(board, heuristic):
    an implementation of the greedy best first search algorithm. it uses a heuristic function to find the quickest
    way to the destination

    :param board: (Board) the board you start at
    :param heuristic: (function) the heuristic function
    :return: (list) path to solution, (int) number of explored boards

    frontier = PriorityQueue()
    node = Node(board)
    frontier.add(node, heuristic(node.data))

    explored = []
    while frontier.has_next():
        node = frontier.pop()

        if node.data.is_solved():
            return node.path(), len(explored) + 1

        for move in node.data.legal_moves():
            child = Node(node.data.forecast(move), node)
            if (not frontier.has(child)) and (child.data not in explored):
                frontier.add(child, heuristic(child.data))


    return None, len(explored)
def a_star(board, heuristic):

    :param board: 要解决的游戏
    :param heuristic: 选择的启发函数
    :return: 返回的解的路径

    frontier = PriorityQueue()
    node = Node(board)
    frontier.add(node, heuristic(node.data) + len(node.path()) - 1)

    explored = []

    while frontier.has_next():
        node = frontier.pop()

        if node.data.is_solved():
            return node.path()

        for move in node.data.legal_moves():
            child = Node(node.data.forecast(move), node)
            if (not frontier.has(child)) and (child.data not in explored):
                             heuristic(child.data) + len(child.path()) - 1)
            elif frontier.has(child):
                child_value = heuristic(child.data) + len(child.path()) - 1
                if child_value < frontier.get_value(child):
                    frontier.add(child, child_value)


    return None
def a_star(board, heuristic):
    solves the board using the A* approach accompanied by the heuristic function

    :param board: board to solve
    :param heuristic: heuristic function
    :return: path to solution, and number of explored nodes

    frontier = PriorityQueue()
    node = Node(board)
    frontier.add(node, heuristic(node.data) + len(node.path()) - 1)

    explored = []

    while frontier.has_next():
        node = frontier.pop()

        # check if solved
        if node.data.is_solved():
            return node.path(), len(explored) + 1

        # add children to frontier
        for move in node.data.legal_moves():
            child = Node(node.data.forecast(move), node)
            # child must not have already been explored
            if (not frontier.has(child)) and (child.data not in explored):
                             heuristic(child.data) + len(child.path()) - 1)
            # if the child is already in the frontier, it can be added only if it's better
            elif frontier.has(child):
                child_value = heuristic(child.data) + len(child.path()) - 1
                if child_value < frontier.get_value(child):
                    frontier.add(child, child_value)


    return None, len(explored)