class NSDataReaderRandom(object): def __init__(self): self.ch_num = 8 self.signal = [] self.data_time = [] self.fs = 500 # 数据生成速度无法达到500采样 self.repeat_timer = RepeatingTimer(0.1, self._read_data) def start(self): self.repeat_timer.start() def _read_data(self): data = (10 * np.random.randn(400)).tolist() self.signal += [ data[i:i + self.ch_num] for i in range(0, len(data), self.ch_num) ] self.data_time.append(time()) def get_ns_signal(self, duration=None): signal = np.array(self.signal) return signal[-duration:, 0:-1] if duration else signal[:, 0: -1] # remove label column def get_head_settings(self): return { 'sample_rate': self.fs, 'channel_list': ['FP1', 'FPz', 'FP2', 'AF3', 'AF4', 'F5', 'F3', 'F1'] }
def __init__(self): # self.address = '', 9889 # 有线 # self.address = '', 9889 # QAAS_Bridge wifi self.address = '', 9889 self.socket = socket.socket() self.socket.settimeout(15) self.repeat_timer = RepeatingTimer(0.02, self._read_data) # 循环时间应<0.02 self.signal = [] self.data_time = [] self.count = 0 self.endTime = 0
def __init__(self): self.is_playing = False self.vol =["main"]["volume"] self.is_working = False self.queue = [] self.stopped = True self.queue_pos = 0 self.shuffle = False self.worker = RepeatingTimer(5, self.player_function) self.worker.start() self.output = output.Output() self.set_output_device(["main"]["output_device"]) self.player = None
def calculate_sharpness_video_capture( self, cv_video_capture: CVVideoCapture, frame_start=0, frame_end=None, batch_size=200, gray_scale_conversion_code=cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY, progress_tracker: CVProgressTracker = None): frame_count = int(cv_video_capture.get_frame_count()) if frame_end: cv_video_capture.set_position_frame(frame_start) frame_count = min(frame_end - frame_start, frame_count) frame_count = max(frame_count, 0) if progress_tracker: progress_tracker.running = True frame_sharpness_ctype = multiprocessing.Array('d', frame_count) progress_value = multiprocessing.Value('d') progress_value.value = 0 lock_video_capture = RLock() worker_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count() task_per_worker = int(frame_count / worker_count) args_list = [ (task_per_worker * i, task_per_worker * (i + 1), frame_start, frame_count, batch_size, self.kernel_x, self.kernel_y, frame_sharpness_ctype, cv_video_capture.file_handle, progress_value, lock_video_capture, gray_scale_conversion_code) for i in range(0, worker_count - 1) ] args_list.append( (task_per_worker * (worker_count - 1), frame_count, frame_start, frame_count, batch_size, self.kernel_x, self.kernel_y, frame_sharpness_ctype, cv_video_capture.file_handle, progress_value, lock_video_capture, gray_scale_conversion_code)) processes = [ Process(target=_calculate_sharpness_video_capture_worker, args=arg_tuple) for arg_tuple in args_list ] def update_progress_tracker(): progress_tracker.progress = progress_value.value progress_timer = RepeatingTimer(0.5, update_progress_tracker) if progress_tracker: progress_timer.start() if progress_tracker: progress_tracker.running = True for p in processes: p.start() for p in processes: p.join() if progress_tracker: progress_timer.cancel() progress_tracker.complete() return np.array(frame_sharpness_ctype)
class NSDataReader(object): def __init__(self): # self.address = '', 9889 # 有线 # self.address = '', 9889 # QAAS_Bridge wifi self.address = '', 9889 self.socket = socket.socket() self.socket.settimeout(15) self.repeat_timer = RepeatingTimer(0.02, self._read_data) # 循环时间应<0.02 self.signal = [] self.data_time = [] self.count = 0 self.endTime = 0 def start(self): self.socket.connect(self.address) self._read_header() self.repeat_timer.start() def _read_header(self): self._send_command_to_ns(3, 5) sleep(0.1) # get basic information self.BasicInfo = self.socket.recv(1024) code = int.from_bytes(self.BasicInfo[4:6], byteorder='big') req = int.from_bytes(self.BasicInfo[6:8], byteorder='big') size = int.from_bytes(self.BasicInfo[8:12], byteorder='big') if code == 1 and req == 3 and size == 28 and len(self.BasicInfo) == 40: # self.Bsize = int.from_bytes(self.BasicInfo[12:16], byteorder='little') # self.BEegChannelNum = int.from_bytes(self.BasicInfo[16:20], byteorder='little') # self.BEventChannelNum = int.from_bytes(self.BasicInfo[20:24], byteorder='little') # self.BlockPnts = int.from_bytes(self.BasicInfo[24:28], byteorder='little') # self.BSampleRate = int.from_bytes(self.BasicInfo[28:32], byteorder='little') # self.BDataSize = int.from_bytes(self.BasicInfo[32:36], byteorder='little') # self.BResolution = struct.unpack('<f', self.BasicInfo[36:40])[0] (self.Bsize, self.BEegChannelNum, self.BEventChannelNum, self.BlockPnts, self.BSampleRate, self.BDataSize, self.BResolution) = struct.unpack_from('<iiiiiif', self.BasicInfo, 12) self.pattern = '<h' if self.BDataSize == 2 else '<i' self.ch_num = self.BEegChannelNum + self.BEventChannelNum # self.T = self.BlockPnts / self.BSampleRate / 2 self._send_command_to_ns(2, 1) self._send_command_to_ns(3, 3) def _read_data(self): while True: data_head = self.socket.recv(12) if len(data_head) != 0: break size = int.from_bytes(data_head[8:12], byteorder='big') data = bytearray() while len(data) < size: data += self.socket.recv(size - len(data)) data = [ i[0] * self.BResolution for i in struct.iter_unpack(self.pattern, data) ] self.signal += [ data[i:i + self.ch_num] for i in range(0, len(data), self.ch_num) ] self.data_time.append(time()) def stop_data_reader(self): self._send_command_to_ns(3, 4) self._send_command_to_ns(2, 2) self._send_command_to_ns(1, 2) sleep(0.1) self.repeat_timer.cancel() self.socket.close() def get_ns_signal(self, duration=None): signal = np.array(self.signal) return signal[-duration:, 0:-1] if duration else signal[:, 0: -1] # remove label column def get_head_settings(self): channel_list = [ 'FP1', 'FPz', 'FP2', 'AF3', 'AF4', 'F5', 'F3', 'F1', 'Fz', 'F2', 'F4', 'F6', 'FC5', 'FC3', 'FC1', 'FCz', 'FC2', 'FC4', 'FC6', 'C5', 'C3', 'C1', 'Cz', 'C2', 'C4', 'C6', 'CP5', 'CP3', 'CP1', 'CPz', 'CP2', 'CP4', 'CP6', 'M1', 'M2' ] # 35 ch return {'sample_rate': self.BSampleRate, 'channel_list': channel_list} def _send_command_to_ns(self, ctrcode, reqnum): a = 'CTRL' cmd = a.encode(encoding="utf-8") cmd += ctrcode.to_bytes(2, 'big') cmd += reqnum.to_bytes(2, 'big') cmd += (0).to_bytes(4, 'big') self.socket.sendall(cmd)
def __init__(self): self.ch_num = 8 self.signal = [] self.data_time = [] self.fs = 500 # 数据生成速度无法达到500采样 self.repeat_timer = RepeatingTimer(0.1, self._read_data)
def test_optical_flow_video_capture( self, cv_video_capture: CVVideoCapture, distance_limit, frame_acceptance_np: np.ndarray, frame_start=0, frame_end=None, batch_size=200, gray_scale_conversion_code=cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY, progress_tracker: CVProgressTracker = None): frame_count = int(cv_video_capture.get_frame_count()) if frame_end: cv_video_capture.set_position_frame(frame_start) frame_count = min(frame_end - frame_start, frame_count) frame_count = max(frame_count, 0) if progress_tracker: progress_tracker.running = True frame_acceptance_ctype = \ multiprocessing.Array('b', frame_acceptance_np.tolist()) progress_value = multiprocessing.Value('d') progress_value.value = 0 lock_video_capture = multiprocessing.RLock() skip_window_both_end = int(cv_video_capture.get_frame_rate()) # worker_count = 1 worker_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count() task_per_worker = int(frame_count / worker_count) args_list = [ (task_per_worker * i, task_per_worker * (i + 1), frame_start, frame_count, batch_size, distance_limit, self.feature_params, self.lucas_kanade_params, frame_acceptance_ctype, cv_video_capture.file_handle, progress_value, lock_video_capture, gray_scale_conversion_code, skip_window_both_end) for i in range(0, worker_count - 1) ] args_list.append( (task_per_worker * (worker_count - 1), frame_count, frame_start, frame_count, batch_size, distance_limit, self.feature_params, self.lucas_kanade_params, frame_acceptance_ctype, cv_video_capture.file_handle, progress_value, lock_video_capture, gray_scale_conversion_code, skip_window_both_end)) processes = [ Process(target=_test_optical_flow_capture_worker, args=arg_tuple) for arg_tuple in args_list ] def update_progress_tracker(): progress_tracker.progress = progress_value.value / worker_count * 0.7 progress_timer = RepeatingTimer(0.1, update_progress_tracker) if progress_tracker: progress_timer.start() if progress_tracker: progress_tracker.running = True for p in processes: p.start() for p in processes: p.join() print('[OpticalFlow] final pass') final_pass_ranges = generate_multiprocessing_final_pass_ranges \ (frame_acceptance_ctype, frame_count, task_per_worker, worker_count, skip_window_both_end) final_pass_arg_list = [ (range_i[0], range_i[1], frame_start, frame_count, batch_size, distance_limit, self.feature_params, self.lucas_kanade_params, frame_acceptance_ctype, cv_video_capture.file_handle, progress_value, lock_video_capture, gray_scale_conversion_code) for range_i in final_pass_ranges ] final_pass_processes = [ Process(target=_test_optical_flow_capture_worker, args=arg_tuple) for arg_tuple in final_pass_arg_list ] def update_progress_tracker_final_pass(): progress_tracker.progress = 0.7 + progress_value.value / worker_count * 0.3 progress_value.value = 0 if progress_tracker: progress_timer.function = update_progress_tracker_final_pass for p in final_pass_processes: p.start() # for p in final_pass_processes: p.join() if progress_tracker: progress_timer.cancel() progress_tracker.complete() return np.array(frame_acceptance_ctype, dtype=np.bool_).copy() pass
class audioPlayer(object): def __init__(self): self.is_playing = False self.vol =["main"]["volume"] self.is_working = False self.queue = [] self.stopped = True self.queue_pos = 0 self.shuffle = False self.worker = RepeatingTimer(5, self.player_function) self.worker.start() self.output = output.Output() self.set_output_device(["main"]["output_device"]) self.player = None def get_output_devices(self): """ Retrieve enabled output devices so we can switch or use those later. """ devices = output.Output.get_device_names() return devices def set_output_device(self, device_name): """ Set Output device to be used in LibVLC""" log.debug("Setting output audio device to {device}...".format( device=device_name, )) try: self.output.set_device( self.output.find_device_by_name(device_name)) except: log.error("Error in input or output devices, using defaults...")["main"]["output_device"] = "Default" def play(self, item): self.stopped = True if self.is_working == False: self.is_working = True if item.download_url == "": item.get_download_url() log.debug("playing {0}...".format(item.download_url, )) if hasattr(self, "player" ) and self.player != None and self.player.is_playing: self.player.stop() self.player = stream.URLStream(item.download_url) if == -1: log.debug("Error when playing the file {0}".format( item.title, )) pub.sendMessage("change_status", status=_("Error playing {0}. {1}.").format( item.title, e.description)) self.stopped = True self.is_working = False return self.player.volume = self.vol / 100 pub.sendMessage("change_status", status=_("Playing {0}.").format(item.title)) self.stopped = False self.is_working = False def next(self): if len(self.queue) > 0: if self.shuffle: self.queue_pos = random.randint(0, len(self.queue) - 1) else: if self.queue_pos < len(self.queue) - 1: self.queue_pos += 1 else: self.queue_pos = 0[self.queue_pos]) def previous(self): if len(self.queue) > 0: if self.shuffle: self.queue_pos = random.randint(0, len(self.queue) - 1) else: if self.queue_pos > 0: self.queue_pos -= 1 else: self.queue_pos = len(self.queue) - 1[self.queue_pos]) def stop(self): self.player.stop() self.stopped = True def pause(self): self.player.pause() if self.stopped == True: self.stopped = False else: self.stopped = True @property def volume(self): return self.vol @volume.setter def volume(self, vol): if vol <= 100 and vol >= 0:["main"]["volume"] = vol self.vol = vol if self.player != None: self.player.volume = self.vol / 100 def play_all(self, list_of_items, playing=0, shuffle=False): if list_of_items != self.queue: self.queue = list_of_items self.shuffle = shuffle self.queue_pos = playing[self.queue_pos]) def player_function(self): """ Check if the stream has reached the end of the file so it will play the next song. """ if self.player != None and self.player.is_playing == False and self.stopped == False and len( self.player) - self.player.position < 50000: if self.queue_pos >= len(self.queue): self.stopped = True return elif self.queue_pos < len(self.queue): self.queue_pos += 1[self.queue_pos]) def playback_error(self, event): pub.sendMessage( "notify", title=_("Error"), message= _("There was an error while trying to access the file you have requested." ))