def setupScreenShading(settings: inference.RenderSettings): shading = ScreenSpaceShading(device) shading.fov(settings.CAM_FOV) shading.ambient_light_color(np.array(settings.AMBIENT_LIGHT_COLOR)) shading.diffuse_light_color(np.array(settings.DIFFUSE_LIGHT_COLOR)) shading.specular_light_color(np.array(settings.SPECULAR_LIGHT_COLOR)) shading.specular_exponent(settings.SPECULAR_EXPONENT) shading.light_direction(np.array(settings.LIGHT_DIRECTION)) shading.material_color(np.array(settings.MATERIAL_COLOR)) shading.ambient_occlusion(1.0) shading.inverse_ao = False return shading
'vdb') else DATA_DIR_GPU datasetfile = os.path.join(data_dir, DATASETS[i]['file']) print('Open', datasetfile) renderer = inference.Renderer(renderer_path, datasetfile, material, camera) time.sleep(5) renderer.send_command("aoradius=%5.3f\n" % float(AO_RADIUS)) # create shading shading = ScreenSpaceShading(torch.device('cpu')) shading.fov(30) shading.light_direction(np.array([0.1, 0.1, 1.0])) shading.ambient_light_color(np.array(DATASETS[i]['ambient']) / 255.0) shading.diffuse_light_color(np.array(DATASETS[i]['diffuse']) / 255.0) shading.specular_light_color(np.array(DATASETS[i]['specular']) / 255.0) shading.specular_exponent(SPECULAR_EXPONENT) shading.material_color(np.array(DATASETS[i]['material']) / 255.0) shading.ambient_occlusion(AO_STRENGTH) shading.background(np.array(BACKGROUND)) # render each model for k, m in enumerate(MODELS): print('Render', m['name']) p = m['path'] outputName = os.path.join( OUTPUT_FOLDER, "%s.%s.mp4" % (DATASETS[i]['name'], m['name'])) writer = imageio.get_writer(outputName, fps=FPS) camera.currentYaw = 0 previous_image = None if p == MODEL_GROUND_TRUTH: renderer.send_command("aosamples=%d\n"% \
'masking': True }, ] UPSCALING = 4 device = torch.device("cuda") # create shading shading = ScreenSpaceShading(device) shading.fov(30) shading.ambient_light_color(np.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.1])) shading.diffuse_light_color(np.array([0.9, 0.9, 0.9])) shading.specular_light_color(np.array([0.02, 0.02, 0.02])) shading.specular_exponent(16) shading.light_direction(np.array([0.1, 0.1, 1.0])) shading.material_color(np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0])) shading.ambient_occlusion(0.0) shading.inverse_ao = False # Load models class SimpleUpsample(nn.Module): def __init__(self, upscale_factor, upsample, shading): super().__init__() self.upscale_factor = upscale_factor self.input_channels = 5 self.output_channels = 6 self.upsample = upsample self.shading = shading self.prev_input_channels = 6 def forward(self, sample_low, previous_warped_flattened):
class LossNetUnshaded(nn.Module): """ Main Loss Module for unshaded data. device: cpu or cuda opt: command line arguments (Namespace object) with: - losses: list of loss terms with weighting as string Format: <loss>:<target>:<weighting> with: loss in {l1, l2, perceptual, gan} target in {mask, normal, color, ao, all}, 'all' is only allowed for GAN weighting a positive number - further parameters depending on the losses """ def __init__(self, device, input_channels, output_channels, high_res, padding, opt): super().__init__() self.padding = padding self.upsample = opt.upsample assert input_channels == 5 # mask, normalX, normalY, normalZ, depth assert output_channels == 6 # mask, normalX, normalY, normalZ, depth, ambient occlusion #List of tuples (name, weight or None) self.loss_list = [s.split(':') for s in opt.losses.split(',')] # Build losses and weights builder = LossBuilder(device) self.loss_dict = {} self.weight_dict = {} self.loss_dict['mse'] = builder.mse() #always use mse for psnr self.weight_dict[('mse','color')] = 0.0 content_layers = [] style_layers = [] self.has_discriminator = False self.has_style_or_content_loss = False self.has_temporal_l2_loss = False for entry in self.loss_list: if len(entry)<2: raise ValueError("illegal format for loss list: " + entry) name = entry[0] target = entry[1] weight = entry[2] if len(entry)>2 else None if target!='mask' and target!='normal' and target!='color' and target!='ao' and target!='depth' and target!='all': raise ValueError("Unknown target: " + target) if 'mse'==name or 'l2'==name or 'l2_loss'==name: self.weight_dict[('mse',target)] = float(weight) if weight is not None else 1.0 elif 'l1'==name or 'l1_loss'==name: self.loss_dict['l1'] = builder.l1_loss() self.weight_dict[('l1',target)] = float(weight) if weight is not None else 1.0 elif 'tl2'==name or 'temp-l2'==name: self.loss_dict['temp-l2'] = builder.mse() self.weight_dict[('temp-l2',target)] = float(weight) if weight is not None else 1.0 self.has_temporal_l2_loss = True elif 'l2-ds'==name: self.loss_dict['l2-ds'] = builder.downsample_loss( 'l2', opt.upscale_factor, 'bilinear') self.weight_dict[('l2-ds',target)] = float(weight) if weight is not None else 1.0 elif 'l1-ds'==name: self.loss_dict['l1-ds'] = builder.downsample_loss( 'l1', opt.upscale_factor, 'bilinear') self.weight_dict[('l1-ds',target)] = float(weight) if weight is not None else 1.0 elif 'perceptual'==name: content_layers = [(s.split(':')[0],float(s.split(':')[1])) if ':' in s else (s,1) for s in opt.perceptualLossLayers.split(',')] self.weight_dict[('perceptual',target)] = float(weight) if weight is not None else 1.0 self.has_style_or_content_loss = True elif 'texture'==name: style_layers = [(s.split(':')[0],float(s.split(':')[1])) if ':' in s else (s,1) for s in opt.textureLossLayers.split(',')] #style_layers = [('conv_1',1), ('conv_3',1), ('conv_5',1)] self.weight_dict[('texture',target)] = float(weight) if weight is not None else 1.0 self.has_style_or_content_loss = True elif 'adv'==name or 'gan'==name: #spatial-temporal adversary assert target=='all' self.discriminator, self.adv_loss = builder.gan_loss( opt.discriminator, high_res, 26, #5+5+8+8 opt) self.weight_dict[('adv',target)] = float(weight) if weight is not None else 1.0 self.discriminator_use_previous_image = True self.discriminator_clip_weights = False self.has_discriminator = True elif 'tgan'==name: #temporal adversary, current high-res + previous high-res assert target=='all' self.temp_discriminator, self.temp_adv_loss = builder.gan_loss( opt.discriminator, high_res, 8+8, opt) self.weight_dict[('tgan',target)] = float(weight) if weight is not None else 1.0 self.has_discriminator = True elif 'sgan'==name: #spatial adversary, current high-res + current input assert target=='all' self.spatial_discriminator, self.spatial_adv_loss = builder.gan_loss( opt.discriminator, high_res, 5+8, opt) self.weight_dict[('sgan',target)] = float(weight) if weight is not None else 1.0 self.has_discriminator = True else: raise ValueError('unknown loss %s'%name) if self.has_style_or_content_loss: self.pt_loss, self.style_losses, self.content_losses = \ builder.get_style_and_content_loss(dict(content_layers), dict(style_layers)) self.loss_dict = nn.ModuleDict(self.loss_dict) print('Loss weights:', self.weight_dict) self.shading = ScreenSpaceShading(device) self.shading.fov(30) self.shading.ambient_light_color(np.array([opt.lossAmbient, opt.lossAmbient, opt.lossAmbient])) self.shading.diffuse_light_color(np.array([opt.lossDiffuse, opt.lossDiffuse, opt.lossDiffuse])) self.shading.specular_light_color(np.array([opt.lossSpecular, opt.lossSpecular, opt.lossSpecular])) self.shading.specular_exponent(16) self.shading.enable_specular = False self.shading.light_direction(np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0])) self.shading.material_color(np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0])) self.shading.ambient_occlusion(opt.lossAO) print('LossNet: ambient occlusion strength:', opt.lossAO) def get_discr_parameters(self): params = [] if hasattr(self, 'discriminator'): params = params + list(self.discriminator.parameters()) if hasattr(self, 'temp_discriminator'): params = params + list(self.temp_discriminator.parameters()) if hasattr(self, 'spatial_discriminator'): params = params + list(self.spatial_discriminator.parameters()) return params def discr_eval(self): if hasattr(self, 'discriminator'): self.discriminator.eval() if hasattr(self, 'temp_discriminator'): self.temp_discriminator.eval() if hasattr(self, 'spatial_discriminator'): self.spatial_discriminator.eval() def discr_train(self): if hasattr(self, 'discriminator'): self.discriminator.train() if hasattr(self, 'temp_discriminator'): self.temp_discriminator.train() if hasattr(self, 'spatial_discriminator'): self.spatial_discriminator.train() def print_summary(self, gt_shape, pred_shape, input_shape, prev_pred_warped_shape, num_batches, device): #Print networks for VGG + Discriminator import torchsummary res = gt_shape[1] if 'perceptual' in self.weight_dict.keys() or 'texture' in self.weight_dict.keys(): print('VGG (Perceptual + Style loss)') torchsummary.summary(self.pt_loss, (3, res, res), 2*num_batches, device=device.type) if hasattr(self, 'discriminator'): print('Discriminator:') if self.discriminator_use_previous_image: #2x mask+normal+color+ao input_images_shape = (16, res, res) else: # mask+normal+color+ao input_images_shape = (8, res, res) torchsummary.summary( self.discriminator, input_images_shape, 2*num_batches, device=device.type) @staticmethod def pad(img, border): """ overwrites the border of 'img' with zeros. The size of the border is specified by 'border'. The output size is not changed. """ if border==0: return img b,c,h,w = img.shape img_crop = img[:,:,border:h-border,border:h-border] img_pad = F.pad(img_crop, (border, border, border, border), 'constant', 0) _,_,h2,w2 = img_pad.shape assert(h==h2) assert(w==w2) return img_pad #@profile def forward(self, gt, pred, input, prev_input_warped, prev_pred_warped): """ gt: ground truth high resolution image (B x C=output_channels x 4W x 4H) pred: predicted high resolution image (B x C=output_channels x 4W x 4H) input: upsampled low resolution input image (B x C=input_channels x 4W x 4H) Only used for the discriminator, can be None if only the other losses are used prev_input_warped: upsampled, warped previous input image prev_pred_warped: predicted image from the previous frame warped by the flow Shape: B x Cout x 4W x 4H Only used for temporal losses, can be None if only the other losses are used """ B, Cout, Hhigh, Whigh = gt.shape assert Cout == 6 assert gt.shape == pred.shape # zero border padding gt = LossNetUnshaded.pad(gt, self.padding) pred = LossNetUnshaded.pad(pred, self.padding) if prev_pred_warped is not None: prev_pred_warped = LossNetUnshaded.pad(prev_pred_warped, self.padding) # extract mask and normal gt_mask = gt[:,0:1,:,:] gt_mask_clamp = torch.clamp(gt_mask*0.5 + 0.5, 0, 1) gt_normal = ScreenSpaceShading.normalize(gt[:,1:4,:,:], dim=1) gt_depth = gt[:,4:5,:,:] gt_ao = gt[:,5:6,:,:] pred_mask = pred[:,0:1,:,:] pred_mask_clamp = torch.clamp(pred_mask*0.5 + 0.5, 0, 1) pred_normal = ScreenSpaceShading.normalize(pred[:,1:4,:,:], dim=1) pred_depth = pred[:,4:5,:,:] pred_ao = pred[:,5:6,:,:] input_mask = input[:,0:1,:,:] input_mask_clamp = torch.clamp(input_mask*0.5 + 0.5, 0, 1) input_normal = ScreenSpaceShading.normalize(input[:,1:4,:,:], dim=1) input_depth = input[:,4:5,:,:] input_ao = None #not available # compute color output gt_color = self.shading(gt) pred_color = self.shading(pred) input_color = self.shading(input) generator_loss = 0.0 loss_values = {} # normal, simple losses, uses gt+pred for name in ['mse','l1']: if (name,'mask') in self.weight_dict.keys(): loss = self.loss_dict[name](gt_mask, pred_mask) loss_values[(name,'mask')] = loss.item() generator_loss += self.weight_dict[(name,'mask')] * loss if (name,'normal') in self.weight_dict.keys(): loss = self.loss_dict[name](gt_normal*gt_mask_clamp, pred_normal*gt_mask_clamp) loss_values[(name,'normal')] = loss.item() generator_loss += self.weight_dict[(name,'normal')] * loss if (name,'ao') in self.weight_dict.keys(): loss = self.loss_dict[name](gt_ao*gt_mask_clamp, pred_ao*gt_mask_clamp) loss_values[(name,'ao')] = loss.item() generator_loss += self.weight_dict[(name,'ao')] * loss if (name,'depth') in self.weight_dict.keys(): loss = self.loss_dict[name](gt_depth*gt_mask_clamp, pred_depth*gt_mask_clamp) loss_values[(name,'depth')] = loss.item() generator_loss += self.weight_dict[(name,'depth')] * loss if (name,'color') in self.weight_dict.keys(): loss = self.loss_dict[name](gt_color, pred_color) loss_values[(name,'color')] = loss.item() generator_loss += self.weight_dict[(name,'color')] * loss # downsample loss, use input+pred # TODO: input is passed in upsampled version, but this introduces more errors # Better: input low-res input and use the 'low_res_gt=True' option in downsample_loss # This requires the input to be upsampled here for the GAN. for name in ['l2-ds', 'l1-ds']: if (name,'mask') in self.weight_dict.keys(): loss = self.loss_dict[name](input_mask, pred_mask) loss_values[(name,'mask')] = loss.item() generator_loss += self.weight_dict[(name,'mask')] * loss if (name,'normal') in self.weight_dict.keys(): loss = self.loss_dict[name](input_normal*input_mask_clamp, pred_normal*input_mask_clamp) loss_values[(name,'normal')] = loss.item() generator_loss += self.weight_dict[(name,'normal')] * loss if (name,'ao') in self.weight_dict.keys(): loss = self.loss_dict[name](input_ao*input_mask_clamp, pred_ao*input_mask_clamp) loss_values[(name,'ao')] = loss.item() generator_loss += self.weight_dict[(name,'ao')] * loss if (name,'depth') in self.weight_dict.keys(): loss = self.loss_dict[name](input_depth*input_mask_clamp, pred_depth*input_mask_clamp) loss_values[(name,'depth')] = loss.item() generator_loss += self.weight_dict[(name,'depth')] * loss if (name,'color') in self.weight_dict.keys(): loss = self.loss_dict[name](input_color, pred_color) loss_values[(name,'color')] = loss.item() generator_loss += self.weight_dict[(name,'color')] * loss # special losses: perceptual+texture, uses gt+pred def compute_perceptual(target, in_pred, in_gt): if ('perceptual',target) in self.weight_dict.keys() \ or ('texture',target) in self.weight_dict.keys(): style_weight=self.weight_dict.get(('texture',target), 0) content_weight=self.weight_dict.get(('perceptual',target), 0) style_score = 0 content_score = 0 input_images =[in_gt, in_pred], dim=0) self.pt_loss(input_images) for sl in self.style_losses: style_score += sl.loss for cl in self.content_losses: content_score += cl.loss if ('perceptual',target) in self.weight_dict.keys(): loss_values[('perceptual',target)] = content_score.item() if ('texture',target) in self.weight_dict.keys(): loss_values[('texture',target)] = style_score.item() return style_weight * style_score + content_weight * content_score return 0 generator_loss += compute_perceptual('mask', pred_mask.expand(-1,3,-1,-1)*0.5+0.5, gt_mask.expand(-1,3,-1,-1)*0.5+0.5) generator_loss += compute_perceptual('normal', (pred_normal*gt_mask_clamp)*0.5+0.5, (gt_normal*gt_mask_clamp)*0.5+0.5) generator_loss += compute_perceptual('color', pred_color, gt_color) generator_loss += compute_perceptual('ao', pred_ao.expand(-1,3,-1,-1), gt_ao.expand(-1,3,-1,-1)) generator_loss += compute_perceptual('depth', pred_depth.expand(-1,3,-1,-1), gt_depth.expand(-1,3,-1,-1)) # special: discriminator, uses input+pred+prev_pred_warped if self.has_discriminator: pred_with_color =[ pred_mask, pred_normal, pred_color, pred_ao], dim=1) prev_pred_normal = ScreenSpaceShading.normalize(prev_pred_warped[:,1:4,:,:], dim=1) prev_pred_with_color =[ prev_pred_warped[:,0:1,:,:], prev_pred_normal, self.shading([ prev_pred_warped[:,0:1,:,:], prev_pred_normal, prev_pred_warped[:,4:6,:,:] ], dim=1)), prev_pred_warped[:,5:6,:,:] ], dim=1) input_pad = LossNetUnshaded.pad(input, self.padding) prev_input_warped_pad = LossNetUnshaded.pad(prev_input_warped, self.padding) pred_with_color_pad = LossNetUnshaded.pad(pred_with_color, self.padding) prev_pred_warped_pad = LossNetUnshaded.pad(prev_pred_with_color, self.padding) if ('adv','all') in self.weight_dict.keys(): # spatial-temporal discr_input =[input_pad, prev_input_warped_pad, pred_with_color_pad, prev_pred_warped_pad], dim=1) gen_loss = self.adv_loss(self.discriminator(discr_input)) loss_values['discr_pred'] = gen_loss.item() generator_loss += self.weight_dict[('adv','all')] * gen_loss if ('tgan','all') in self.weight_dict.keys(): #temporal discr_input =[pred_with_color_pad, prev_pred_warped_pad], dim=1) gen_loss = self.temp_adv_loss(self.temp_discriminator(discr_input)) loss_values['temp_discr_pred'] = gen_loss.item() generator_loss += self.weight_dict[('tgan','all')] * gen_loss if ('sgan','all') in self.weight_dict.keys(): #spatial discr_input =[input_pad, pred_with_color_pad], dim=1) gen_loss = self.spatial_adv_loss(self.spatial_discriminator(discr_input)) loss_values['spatial_discr_pred'] = gen_loss.item() generator_loss += self.weight_dict[('sgan','all')] * gen_loss # special: temporal l2 loss, uses input (for the mask) + pred + prev_warped if self.has_temporal_l2_loss: prev_pred_mask = prev_pred_warped[:,0:1,:,:] prev_pred_normal = ScreenSpaceShading.normalize(prev_pred_warped[:,1:4,:,:], dim=1) if ('temp-l2','mask') in self.weight_dict.keys(): loss = self.loss_dict['temp-l2'](pred_mask, prev_pred_mask) loss_values[('temp-l2','mask')] = loss.item() generator_loss += self.weight_dict[('temp-l2','mask')] * loss if ('temp-l2','normal') in self.weight_dict.keys(): loss = self.loss_dict['temp-l2']( pred_normal*gt_mask_clamp, prev_pred_normal*gt_mask_clamp) loss_values[('temp-l2','normal')] = loss.item() generator_loss += self.weight_dict[('temp-l2','normal')] * loss if ('temp-l2','ao') in self.weight_dict.keys(): prev_pred_ao = prev_pred_warped[:,5:6,:,:] loss = self.loss_dict['temp-l2']( pred_ao*gt_mask_clamp, prev_pred_ao*gt_mask_clamp) loss_values[('temp-l2','ao')] = loss.item() generator_loss += self.weight_dict[('temp-l2','ao')] * loss if ('temp-l2','depth') in self.weight_dict.keys(): prev_pred_depth = prev_pred_warped[:,4:5,:,:] loss = self.loss_dict['temp-l2']( pred_depth*gt_mask_clamp, prev_pred_depth*gt_mask_clamp) loss_values[('temp-l2','depth')] = loss.item() generator_loss += self.weight_dict[('temp-l2','depth')] * loss if ('temp-l2','color') in self.weight_dict.keys(): prev_pred_color = self.shading(prev_pred_warped) loss = self.loss_dict['temp-l2'](pred_color, prev_pred_color) loss_values[('temp-l2','color')] = loss.item() generator_loss += self.weight_dict[('temp-l2','color')] * loss return generator_loss, loss_values """deprecated""" def evaluate_discriminator(self, current_input, previous_input, current_output, previous_output): """ Discriminator takes the following inputs: - current input upsampled (B x 5 (mask+normal+depth) x H x W) - previous input warped upsampled (B x 5 x H x W) - current prediction with color (B x 8 (mask+normal+ao+color) x H x W) - previous prediction warped with color (B x 8 x H x W) All tensors are already padded Returns the score of the discriminator, averaged over the batch """ assert current_input.shape[1] == 5 assert previous_input.shape[1] == 5 assert current_output.shape[1] == 8 assert previous_output.shape[1] == 8 B, _, H, W = current_input.shape input =[current_input, previous_input, current_output, previous_output], dim=1) return self.adv_loss(self.discriminator(input)) def train_discriminator(self, input, gt_high, previous_input, gt_prev_warped, pred_high, pred_prev_warped): """ All inputs are in high resolution. input: B x 5 x H x W (mask+normal+depth) gt_high: B x 6 x H x W previous_input: B x 5 x H x W gt_prev_warped: B x 6 x H x W pred_high: B x 6 x H x W pred_prev_warped: B x 6 x H x W """ assert self.has_discriminator def colorize_and_pad(tensor): assert tensor.shape[1]==6 mask = tensor[:,0:1,:,:] normal = ScreenSpaceShading.normalize(tensor[:,1:4,:,:], dim=1) depth_ao = tensor[:,4:6,:,:] ao = tensor[:,5:6,:,:] color = self.shading([mask, normal, depth_ao], dim=1)) tensor_with_color =[mask, normal, ao, color], dim=1) return LossNetUnshaded.pad(tensor_with_color, self.padding) # assemble input input = LossNetUnshaded.pad(input, self.padding) gt_high = colorize_and_pad(gt_high) pred_high = colorize_and_pad(pred_high) previous_input = LossNetUnshaded.pad(previous_input, self.padding) gt_prev_warped = colorize_and_pad(gt_prev_warped) pred_prev_warped = colorize_and_pad(pred_prev_warped) # compute losses discr_loss = 0 gt_score = 0 pred_score = 0 if ('adv','all') in self.weight_dict.keys(): # spatial-temporal gt_input =[ input, previous_input, gt_high, gt_prev_warped], dim=1) pred_input =[ input, previous_input, pred_high, pred_prev_warped], dim=1) discr_loss0, gt_score0, pred_score0 = self.adv_loss.train_discr( gt_input, pred_input, self.discriminator) discr_loss += self.weight_dict[('adv','all')] * discr_loss0 gt_score += self.weight_dict[('adv','all')] * gt_score0 pred_score += self.weight_dict[('adv','all')] * pred_score0 if ('tgan','all') in self.weight_dict.keys(): # temporal gt_input =[ gt_high, gt_prev_warped], dim=1) pred_input =[ pred_high, pred_prev_warped], dim=1) discr_loss0, gt_score0, pred_score0 = self.temp_adv_loss.train_discr( gt_input, pred_input, self.temp_discriminator) discr_loss += self.weight_dict[('tgan','all')] * discr_loss0 gt_score += self.weight_dict[('tgan','all')] * gt_score0 pred_score += self.weight_dict[('tgan','all')] * pred_score0 if ('sgan','all') in self.weight_dict.keys(): # spatial-temporal gt_input =[ input, gt_high], dim=1) pred_input =[ input, pred_high], dim=1) discr_loss0, gt_score0, pred_score0 = self.spatial_adv_loss.train_discr( gt_input, pred_input, self.spatial_discriminator) discr_loss += self.weight_dict[('sgan','all')] * discr_loss0 gt_score += self.weight_dict[('sgan','all')] * gt_score0 pred_score += self.weight_dict[('sgan','all')] * pred_score0 return discr_loss, gt_score, pred_score
def run(): torch.ops.load_library("./Renderer.dll") ######################### # CONFIGURATION ######################### if 0: OUTPUT_FOLDER = "../result-stats/adaptiveIso2/" DATASET_PREFIX = "D:/VolumeSuperResolution-InputData/" DATASETS = [ #("Ejecta", "gt-rendering-ejecta-v2-test.hdf5"), ("RM", "gt-rendering-rm-v1.hdf5"), #("Human", "gt-rendering-human-v1.hdf5"), #("Thorax", "gt-rendering-thorax-v1.hdf5"), ] NETWORK_DIR = "D:/VolumeSuperResolution/adaptive-modeldir/" NETWORKS = [ #suffixed with and #("adaptive011", "adaptive011_epoch500"), #title, file prefix ("adaptive019", "adaptive019_epoch470"), ("adaptive023", "adaptive023_epoch300") ] SAMPLING_FILE = "D:/VolumeSuperResolution-InputData/samplingPattern.hdf5" SAMPLING_PATTERNS = ['halton', 'plastic', 'random'] HEATMAP_MIN = [0.01, 0.05, 0.2] HEATMAP_MEAN = [0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5] UPSCALING = 8 # = networkUp * postUp IMPORTANCE_BORDER = 8 LOSS_BORDER = 32 BATCH_SIZE = 8 elif 0: OUTPUT_FOLDER = "../result-stats/adaptiveIsoEnhance6/" DATASET_PREFIX = "D:/VolumeSuperResolution-InputData/" DATASETS = [ ("Ejecta", "gt-rendering-ejecta-v2-test.hdf5"), #("RM", "gt-rendering-rm-v1.hdf5"), #("Human", "gt-rendering-human-v1.hdf5"), #("Thorax", "gt-rendering-thorax-v1.hdf5"), #("Head", "gt-rendering-head.hdf5"), ] NETWORK_DIR = "D:/VolumeSuperResolution/adaptive-modeldir/" NETWORKS = [ #suffixed with and #title, file prefix #("U-Net (5-4)", "sizes/size5-4_epoch500"), #("Enhance-Net (epoch 50)", "enhance2_imp050_epoch050"), #("Enhance-Net (epoch 400)", "enhance2_imp050_epoch400"), #("Enhance-Net (Thorax)", "enhance_imp050_Thorax_epoch200"), #("Enhance-Net (RM)", "enhance_imp050_RM_epoch200"), #("Imp100", "enhance4_imp100_epoch300"), #("Imp100res", "enhance4_imp100res_epoch230"), ("Imp100res+N", "enhance4_imp100res+N_epoch300"), ("Imp100+N", "enhance4_imp100+N_epoch300"), #("Imp100+N-res", "enhance4_imp100+N-res_epoch300"), #("Imp100+N-resInterp", "enhance4_imp100+N-resInterp_epoch300"), #("U-Net (5-4)", "size5-4_epoch500"), #("U-Net (5-3)", "size5-3_epoch500"), #("U-Net (4-4)", "size4-4_epoch500"), ] # Test if it is better to post-train with dense networks and PDE inpainting POSTTRAIN_NETWORK_DIR = "D:/VolumeSuperResolution/dense-modeldir/" POSTTRAIN_NETWORKS = [ # title, file suffix to POSTTRAIN_NETWORK_DIR, inpainting {'fast', 'pde'} #("Enhance PDE (post)", "", "pde") ] SAMPLING_FILE = "D:/VolumeSuperResolution-InputData/samplingPattern.hdf5" SAMPLING_PATTERNS = ['plastic'] HEATMAP_MIN = [0.002] HEATMAP_MEAN = [ 0.05 ] #[0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0] USE_BINARY_SEARCH_ON_MEAN = True UPSCALING = 8 # = networkUp * postUp IMPORTANCE_BORDER = 8 LOSS_BORDER = 32 BATCH_SIZE = 4 elif 0: OUTPUT_FOLDER = "../result-stats/adaptiveIsoEnhance5Sampling/" DATASET_PREFIX = "D:/VolumeSuperResolution-InputData/" DATASETS = [ ("Ejecta", "gt-rendering-ejecta-v2-test.hdf5"), ] NETWORK_DIR = "D:/VolumeSuperResolution/adaptive-modeldir/" NETWORKS = [ #suffixed with and #title, file prefix ("Enhance-Net (epoch 400)", "enhance2_imp050_epoch400"), ] # Test if it is better to post-train with dense networks and PDE inpainting POSTTRAIN_NETWORK_DIR = "D:/VolumeSuperResolution/dense-modeldir/" POSTTRAIN_NETWORKS = [ # title, file suffix to POSTTRAIN_NETWORK_DIR, inpainting {'fast', 'pde'} #("Enhance PDE (post)", "", "pde") ] SAMPLING_FILE = "D:/VolumeSuperResolution-InputData/samplingPattern.hdf5" SAMPLING_PATTERNS = ['halton', 'plastic', 'random', 'regular'] #SAMPLING_PATTERNS = ['regular'] HEATMAP_MIN = [0.002] HEATMAP_MEAN = [0.05] USE_BINARY_SEARCH_ON_MEAN = True UPSCALING = 8 # = networkUp * postUp IMPORTANCE_BORDER = 8 LOSS_BORDER = 32 BATCH_SIZE = 4 elif 1: OUTPUT_FOLDER = "../result-stats/adaptiveIsoEnhance8Sampling/" DATASET_PREFIX = "D:/VolumeSuperResolution-InputData/" DATASETS = [ ("Ejecta", "gt-rendering-ejecta-v2-test.hdf5"), #("RM", "gt-rendering-rm-v1.hdf5"), #("Human", "gt-rendering-human-v1.hdf5"), #("Thorax", "gt-rendering-thorax-v1.hdf5"), #("Head", "gt-rendering-head.hdf5"), ] NETWORK_DIR = "D:/VolumeSuperResolution/adaptive-modeldir/" NETWORKS = [ #suffixed with and #title, file prefix ("regular", "enhance7_regular_epoch190"), ("random", "enhance7_random_epoch190"), ("halton", "enhance7_halton_epoch190"), ("plastic", "enhance7_plastic_epoch190"), ] # Test if it is better to post-train with dense networks and PDE inpainting POSTTRAIN_NETWORK_DIR = "D:/VolumeSuperResolution/dense-modeldir/" POSTTRAIN_NETWORKS = [ # title, file suffix to POSTTRAIN_NETWORK_DIR, inpainting {'fast', 'pde'} #("Enhance PDE (post)", "", "pde") ] SAMPLING_FILE = "D:/VolumeSuperResolution-InputData/samplingPattern.hdf5" SAMPLING_PATTERNS = ['regular', 'random', 'halton', 'plastic'] HEATMAP_MIN = [0.002] HEATMAP_MEAN = [ 0.05 ] #[0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0] USE_BINARY_SEARCH_ON_MEAN = True UPSCALING = 8 # = networkUp * postUp IMPORTANCE_BORDER = 8 LOSS_BORDER = 32 BATCH_SIZE = 4 elif 0: OUTPUT_FOLDER = "../result-stats/adaptiveIsoImp/" DATASET_PREFIX = "D:/VolumeSuperResolution-InputData/" DATASETS = [ ("Ejecta", "gt-rendering-ejecta-v2-test.hdf5"), #("RM", "gt-rendering-rm-v1.hdf5"), #("Human", "gt-rendering-human-v1.hdf5"), #("Thorax", "gt-rendering-thorax-v1.hdf5"), ] NETWORK_DIR = "D:/VolumeSuperResolution/adaptive-modeldir/imp/" NETWORKS = [ #suffixed with and #("adaptive011", "adaptive011_epoch500"), #title, file prefix ("imp005", "imp005_epoch500"), ("imp010", "imp010_epoch500"), ("imp020", "imp020_epoch500"), ("imp050", "imp050_epoch500"), ] SAMPLING_FILE = "D:/VolumeSuperResolution-InputData/samplingPattern.hdf5" SAMPLING_PATTERNS = ['halton'] HEATMAP_MIN = [0.002] HEATMAP_MEAN = [0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1] USE_BINARY_SEARCH_ON_MEAN = True UPSCALING = 8 # = networkUp * postUp IMPORTANCE_BORDER = 8 LOSS_BORDER = 32 BATCH_SIZE = 16 ######################### # LOADING ######################### device = torch.device("cuda") # Load Networks IMPORTANCE_BASELINE1 = "ibase1" IMPORTANCE_BASELINE2 = "ibase2" IMPORTANCE_BASELINE3 = "ibase3" RECON_BASELINE = "rbase" # load importance model print("load importance networks") class ImportanceModel: def __init__(self, file): if file == IMPORTANCE_BASELINE1: self._net = importance.UniformImportanceMap(1, 0.5) self._upscaling = 1 self._name = "constant" self.disableTemporal = True self._requiresPrevious = False elif file == IMPORTANCE_BASELINE2: self._net = importance.GradientImportanceMap( 1, (1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1)) self._upscaling = 1 self._name = "curvature" self.disableTemporal = True self._requiresPrevious = False else: self._name = file[0] file = os.path.join(NETWORK_DIR, file[1] + "") extra_files = torch._C.ExtraFilesMap() extra_files['settings.json'] = "" self._net = torch.jit.load(file, map_location=device, _extra_files=extra_files) settings = json.loads(extra_files['settings.json']) self._upscaling = settings['networkUpscale'] self._requiresPrevious = settings.get("requiresPrevious", False) self.disableTemporal = settings.get("disableTemporal", True) def networkUpscaling(self): return self._upscaling def name(self): return self._name def __repr__(self): return def call(self, input, prev_warped_out): if self._requiresPrevious: input =[ input, models.VideoTools.flatten_high(prev_warped_out, self._upscaling) ], dim=1) input = F.pad(input, [IMPORTANCE_BORDER] * 4, 'constant', 0) output = self._net(input) # the network call output = F.pad(output, [-IMPORTANCE_BORDER * self._upscaling] * 4, 'constant', 0) return output class LuminanceImportanceModel: def __init__(self): self.disableTemporal = True def setTestFile(self, filename): importance_file = filename[:-5] + "-luminanceImportance.hdf5" if os.path.exists(importance_file): self._exist = True self._file = h5py.File(importance_file, 'r') self._dset = self._file['importance'] else: self._exist = False self._file = None self._dset = None def isAvailable(self): return self._exist def setIndices(self, indices: torch.Tensor): assert len(indices.shape) == 1 self._indices = list(indices.cpu().numpy()) def setTime(self, time): self._time = time def networkUpscaling(self): return UPSCALING def name(self): return "luminance-contrast" def __repr__(self): return def call(self, input, prev_warped_out): B, C, H, W = input.shape if not self._exist: return torch.ones(B, 1, H, W, dtype=input.dtype, device=input.device) outputs = [] for idx in self._indices: outputs.append( torch.from_numpy(self._dset[idx, self._time, ...]).to(device=input.device)) return torch.stack(outputs, dim=0) importanceBaseline1 = ImportanceModel(IMPORTANCE_BASELINE1) importanceBaseline2 = ImportanceModel(IMPORTANCE_BASELINE2) importanceBaselineLuminance = LuminanceImportanceModel() importanceModels = [ImportanceModel(f) for f in NETWORKS] # load reconstruction networks print("load reconstruction networks") class ReconstructionModel: def __init__(self, file): if file == RECON_BASELINE: class Inpainting(nn.Module): def forward(self, x, mask): input = x[:, 0:6, :, :].contiguous( ) # mask, normal xyz, depth, ao mask = x[:, 6, :, :].contiguous() return torch.ops.renderer.fast_inpaint(mask, input) self._net = Inpainting() self._upscaling = 1 self._name = "inpainting" self.disableTemporal = True else: self._name = file[0] file = os.path.join(NETWORK_DIR, file[1] + "") extra_files = torch._C.ExtraFilesMap() extra_files['settings.json'] = "" self._net = torch.jit.load(file, map_location=device, _extra_files=extra_files) self._settings = json.loads(extra_files['settings.json']) self.disableTemporal = False requiresMask = self._settings.get('expectMask', False) if self._settings.get("interpolateInput", False): self._originalNet = self._net class Inpainting2(nn.Module): def __init__(self, orignalNet, requiresMask): super().__init__() self._n = orignalNet self._requiresMask = requiresMask def forward(self, x, mask): input = x[:, 0:6, :, :].contiguous( ) # mask, normal xyz, depth, ao mask = x[:, 6, :, :].contiguous() inpainted = torch.ops.renderer.fast_inpaint( mask, input) x[:, 0:6, :, :] = inpainted if self._requiresMask: return self._n(x, mask) else: return self._n(x) self._net = Inpainting2(self._originalNet, requiresMask) def name(self): return self._name def __repr__(self): return def call(self, input, mask, prev_warped_out): input =[input, prev_warped_out], dim=1) output = self._net(input, mask) return output class ReconstructionModelPostTrain: """ Reconstruction model that are trained as dense reconstruction networks after the adaptive training. They don't recive the sampling mask as input, but can start with PDE-based inpainting """ def __init__(self, name: str, model_path: str, inpainting: str): assert inpainting == 'fast' or inpainting == 'pde', "inpainting must be either 'fast' or 'pde', but got %s" % inpainting self._inpainting = inpainting self._name = name file = os.path.join(POSTTRAIN_NETWORK_DIR, model_path) extra_files = torch._C.ExtraFilesMap() extra_files['settings.json'] = "" self._net = torch.jit.load(file, map_location=device, _extra_files=extra_files) self._settings = json.loads(extra_files['settings.json']) assert self._settings.get( 'upscale_factor', None) == 1, "selected file is not a 1x SRNet" self.disableTemporal = False def name(self): return self._name def __repr__(self): return def call(self, input, prev_warped_out): # no sampling and no AO input_no_sampling = input[:, 0:5, :, :].contiguous( ) # mask, normal xyz, depth sampling_mask = input[:, 6, :, :].contiguous() # perform inpainting if self._inpainting == 'pde': inpainted = torch.ops.renderer.pde_inpaint( sampling_mask, input_no_sampling, 200, 1e-4, 5, 2, # m0, epsilon, m1, m2 0, # mc -> multigrid recursion count. =0 disables the multigrid hierarchy 9, 0) # ms, m3 else: inpainted = torch.ops.renderer.fast_inpaint( sampling_mask, input_no_sampling) # run network input =[inpainted, prev_warped_out], dim=1) output = self._net(input) if isinstance(output, tuple): output = output[0] return output reconBaseline = ReconstructionModel(RECON_BASELINE) reconModels = [ReconstructionModel(f) for f in NETWORKS] reconPostModels = [ ReconstructionModelPostTrain(name, file, inpainting) for (name, file, inpainting) in POSTTRAIN_NETWORKS ] allReconModels = reconModels + reconPostModels NETWORK_COMBINATIONS = \ [(importanceBaseline1, reconBaseline), (importanceBaseline2, reconBaseline)] + \ [(importanceBaselineLuminance, reconBaseline)] + \ [(importanceBaseline1, reconNet) for reconNet in allReconModels] + \ [(importanceBaseline2, reconNet) for reconNet in allReconModels] + \ [(importanceBaselineLuminance, reconNet) for reconNet in allReconModels] + \ [(importanceNet, reconBaseline) for importanceNet in importanceModels] + \ list(zip(importanceModels, reconModels)) + \ [(importanceNet, reconPostModel) for importanceNet in importanceModels for reconPostModel in reconPostModels] #NETWORK_COMBINATIONS = list(zip(importanceModels, reconModels)) print("Network combinations:") for (i, r) in NETWORK_COMBINATIONS: print(" %s - %s" % (, # load sampling patterns print("load sampling patterns") with h5py.File(SAMPLING_FILE, 'r') as f: sampling_pattern = dict([(name, torch.from_numpy(f[name][...]).to(device)) \ for name in SAMPLING_PATTERNS]) # create shading shading = ScreenSpaceShading(device) shading.fov(30) shading.ambient_light_color(np.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.1])) shading.diffuse_light_color(np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0])) shading.specular_light_color(np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])) shading.specular_exponent(16) shading.light_direction(np.array([0.1, 0.1, 1.0])) shading.material_color(np.array([1.0, 0.3, 0.0])) AMBIENT_OCCLUSION_STRENGTH = 1.0 shading.ambient_occlusion(1.0) shading.inverse_ao = False #heatmap HEATMAP_CFG = [(min, mean) for min in HEATMAP_MIN for mean in HEATMAP_MEAN if min < mean] print("heatmap configs:", HEATMAP_CFG) ######################### # DEFINE STATISTICS ######################### ssimLoss = SSIM(size_average=False) psnrLoss = PSNR() lpipsColor = lpips.PerceptualLoss(model='net-lin', net='alex', use_gpu=True) MIN_FILLING = 0.05 NUM_BINS = 200 class Statistics: def __init__(self): self.histogram_color_withAO = np.zeros(NUM_BINS, dtype=np.float64) self.histogram_color_noAO = np.zeros(NUM_BINS, dtype=np.float64) self.histogram_depth = np.zeros(NUM_BINS, dtype=np.float64) self.histogram_normal = np.zeros(NUM_BINS, dtype=np.float64) self.histogram_mask = np.zeros(NUM_BINS, dtype=np.float64) self.histogram_ao = np.zeros(NUM_BINS, dtype=np.float64) self.histogram_counter = 0 def create_datasets(self, hdf5_file: h5py.File, stats_name: str, histo_name: str, num_samples: int, extra_info: dict): self.expected_num_samples = num_samples stats_shape = (num_samples, len(list(StatField))) self.stats_file = hdf5_file.require_dataset(stats_name, stats_shape, dtype='f', exact=True) self.stats_file.attrs['NumFields'] = len(list(StatField)) for field in list(StatField): self.stats_file.attrs['Field%d' % field.value] = for key, value in extra_info.items(): self.stats_file.attrs[key] = value self.stats_index = 0 histo_shape = (NUM_BINS, len(list(HistoField))) self.histo_file = hdf5_file.require_dataset(histo_name, histo_shape, dtype='f', exact=True) self.histo_file.attrs['NumFields'] = len(list(HistoField)) for field in list(HistoField): self.histo_file.attrs['Field%d' % field.value] = for key, value in extra_info.items(): self.histo_file.attrs[key] = value def add_timestep_sample(self, pred_mnda, gt_mnda, sampling_mask): """ adds a timestep sample: pred_mnda: prediction: mask, normal, depth, AO gt_mnda: ground truth: mask, normal, depth, AO """ B = pred_mnda.shape[0] #shading shading.ambient_occlusion(AMBIENT_OCCLUSION_STRENGTH) pred_color_withAO = shading(pred_mnda) gt_color_withAO = shading(gt_mnda) shading.ambient_occlusion(0.0) pred_color_noAO = shading(pred_mnda) gt_color_noAO = shading(gt_mnda) #apply border pred_mnda = pred_mnda[:, :, LOSS_BORDER:-LOSS_BORDER, LOSS_BORDER:-LOSS_BORDER] pred_color_withAO = pred_color_withAO[:, :, LOSS_BORDER:-LOSS_BORDER, LOSS_BORDER:-LOSS_BORDER] pred_color_noAO = pred_color_noAO[:, :, LOSS_BORDER:-LOSS_BORDER, LOSS_BORDER:-LOSS_BORDER] gt_mnda = gt_mnda[:, :, LOSS_BORDER:-LOSS_BORDER, LOSS_BORDER:-LOSS_BORDER] gt_color_withAO = gt_color_withAO[:, :, LOSS_BORDER:-LOSS_BORDER, LOSS_BORDER:-LOSS_BORDER] gt_color_noAO = gt_color_noAO[:, :, LOSS_BORDER:-LOSS_BORDER, LOSS_BORDER:-LOSS_BORDER] mask = gt_mnda[:, 0:1, :, :] * 0.5 + 0.5 # PSNR psnr_mask = psnrLoss(pred_mnda[:, 0:1, :, :], gt_mnda[:, 0:1, :, :]).cpu().numpy() psnr_normal = psnrLoss(pred_mnda[:, 1:4, :, :], gt_mnda[:, 1:4, :, :], mask=mask).cpu().numpy() psnr_depth = psnrLoss(pred_mnda[:, 4:5, :, :], gt_mnda[:, 4:5, :, :], mask=mask).cpu().numpy() psnr_ao = psnrLoss(pred_mnda[:, 5:6, :, :], gt_mnda[:, 5:6, :, :], mask=mask).cpu().numpy() psnr_color_withAO = psnrLoss(pred_color_withAO, gt_color_withAO, mask=mask).cpu().numpy() psnr_color_noAO = psnrLoss(pred_color_noAO, gt_color_noAO, mask=mask).cpu().numpy() # SSIM ssim_mask = ssimLoss(pred_mnda[:, 0:1, :, :], gt_mnda[:, 0:1, :, :]).cpu().numpy() pred_mnda = gt_mnda + mask * (pred_mnda - gt_mnda) ssim_normal = ssimLoss(pred_mnda[:, 1:4, :, :], gt_mnda[:, 1:4, :, :]).cpu().numpy() ssim_depth = ssimLoss(pred_mnda[:, 4:5, :, :], gt_mnda[:, 4:5, :, :]).cpu().numpy() ssim_ao = ssimLoss(pred_mnda[:, 5:6, :, :], gt_mnda[:, 5:6, :, :]).cpu().numpy() ssim_color_withAO = ssimLoss(pred_color_withAO, gt_color_withAO).cpu().numpy() ssim_color_noAO = ssimLoss(pred_color_noAO, gt_color_noAO).cpu().numpy() # Perceptual lpips_color_withAO =[ lpipsColor( pred_color_withAO[b], gt_color_withAO[b], normalize=True) for b in range(B) ], dim=0).cpu().numpy() lpips_color_noAO =[ lpipsColor( pred_color_noAO[b], gt_color_noAO[b], normalize=True) for b in range(B) ], dim=0).cpu().numpy() # Samples samples = torch.mean(sampling_mask, dim=(1, 2, 3)).cpu().numpy() # Write samples to file for b in range(B): assert self.stats_index < self.expected_num_samples, "Adding more samples than specified" self.stats_file[self.stats_index, :] = np.array([ psnr_mask[b], psnr_normal[b], psnr_depth[b], psnr_ao[b], psnr_color_noAO[b], psnr_color_withAO[b], ssim_mask[b], ssim_normal[b], ssim_depth[b], ssim_ao[b], ssim_color_noAO[b], ssim_color_withAO[b], lpips_color_noAO[b], lpips_color_withAO[b], samples[b] ], dtype='f') self.stats_index += 1 # Histogram self.histogram_counter += 1 mask_diff = F.l1_loss(gt_mnda[:, 0, :, :], pred_mnda[:, 0, :, :], reduction='none') histogram, _ = np.histogram(mask_diff.cpu().numpy(), bins=NUM_BINS, range=(0, 1), density=True) self.histogram_mask += ( histogram / (NUM_BINS * B) - self.histogram_mask) / self.histogram_counter #normal_diff = (-F.cosine_similarity(gt_mnda[0,1:4,:,:], pred_mnda[0,1:4,:,:], dim=0)+1)/2 normal_diff = F.l1_loss(gt_mnda[:, 1:4, :, :], pred_mnda[:, 1:4, :, :], reduction='none').sum(dim=0) / 6 histogram, _ = np.histogram(normal_diff.cpu().numpy(), bins=NUM_BINS, range=(0, 1), density=True) self.histogram_normal += (histogram / (NUM_BINS * B) - self.histogram_normal ) / self.histogram_counter depth_diff = F.l1_loss(gt_mnda[:, 4, :, :], pred_mnda[:, 4, :, :], reduction='none') histogram, _ = np.histogram(depth_diff.cpu().numpy(), bins=NUM_BINS, range=(0, 1), density=True) self.histogram_depth += ( histogram / (NUM_BINS * B) - self.histogram_depth) / self.histogram_counter ao_diff = F.l1_loss(gt_mnda[:, 5, :, :], pred_mnda[:, 5, :, :], reduction='none') histogram, _ = np.histogram(ao_diff.cpu().numpy(), bins=NUM_BINS, range=(0, 1), density=True) self.histogram_ao += (histogram / (NUM_BINS * B) - self.histogram_ao) / self.histogram_counter color_diff = F.l1_loss(gt_color_withAO[:, 0, :, :], pred_color_withAO[:, 0, :, :], reduction='none') histogram, _ = np.histogram(color_diff.cpu().numpy(), bins=NUM_BINS, range=(0, 1), density=True) self.histogram_color_withAO += ( histogram / (NUM_BINS * B) - self.histogram_color_withAO) / self.histogram_counter color_diff = F.l1_loss(gt_color_noAO[:, 0, :, :], pred_color_noAO[:, 0, :, :], reduction='none') histogram, _ = np.histogram(color_diff.cpu().numpy(), bins=NUM_BINS, range=(0, 1), density=True) self.histogram_color_noAO += ( histogram / (NUM_BINS * B) - self.histogram_color_noAO) / self.histogram_counter def close_stats_file(self): self.stats_file.attrs['NumEntries'] = self.stats_index def write_histogram(self): """ After every sample for the current dataset was processed, write a histogram of the errors in a new file """ for i in range(NUM_BINS): self.histo_file[i, :] = np.array([ i / NUM_BINS, (i + 1) / NUM_BINS, self.histogram_mask[i], self.histogram_normal[i], self.histogram_depth[i], self.histogram_ao[i], self.histogram_color_withAO[i], self.histogram_color_noAO[i] ]) ######################### # DATASET ######################### class FullResDataset( def __init__(self, file): self.hdf5_file = h5py.File(file, 'r') self.dset = self.hdf5_file['gt'] print("Dataset shape:", self.dset.shape) def __len__(self): return self.dset.shape[0] def num_timesteps(self): return self.dset.shape[1] def __getitem__(self, idx): return (self.dset[idx, ...], np.array(idx)) ######################### # COMPUTE STATS for each dataset ######################### for dataset_name, dataset_file in DATASETS: dataset_file = os.path.join(DATASET_PREFIX, dataset_file) print("Compute statistics for", dataset_name) # init luminance importance map importanceBaselineLuminance.setTestFile(dataset_file) if importanceBaselineLuminance.isAvailable(): print("Luminance-contrast importance map is available") # create output file os.makedirs(OUTPUT_FOLDER, exist_ok=True) output_file = os.path.join(OUTPUT_FOLDER, dataset_name + '.hdf5') print("Save to", output_file) with h5py.File(output_file, 'a') as output_hdf5_file: # load dataset set = FullResDataset(dataset_file) data_loader =, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=False) # define statistics StatsCfg = collections.namedtuple( "StatsCfg", "stats importance recon heatmin heatmean pattern") statistics = [] for (inet, rnet) in NETWORK_COMBINATIONS: for (heatmin, heatmean) in HEATMAP_CFG: for pattern in SAMPLING_PATTERNS: stats_info = { 'importance':, 'reconstruction':, 'heatmin': heatmin, 'heatmean': heatmean, 'pattern': pattern } stats_filename = "Stats_%s_%s_%03d_%03d_%s" % (,, heatmin * 100, heatmean * 100, pattern) histo_filename = "Histogram_%s_%s_%03d_%03d_%s" % (,, heatmin * 100, heatmean * 100, pattern) s = Statistics() s.create_datasets(output_hdf5_file, stats_filename, histo_filename, len(set) * set.num_timesteps(), stats_info) statistics.append( StatsCfg(stats=s, importance=inet, recon=rnet, heatmin=heatmin, heatmean=heatmean, pattern=pattern)) print(len(statistics), " different combinations are performed per sample") # compute statistics try: with torch.no_grad(): num_minibatch = len(data_loader) pg = ProgressBar(num_minibatch, 'Evaluation', length=50) for iteration, (batch, batch_indices) in enumerate( data_loader, 0): pg.print_progress_bar(iteration) batch = importanceBaselineLuminance.setIndices(batch_indices) B, T, C, H, W = batch.shape # try out each combination for s in statistics: #print(s) # get input to evaluation importanceNetUpscale = s.importance.networkUpscaling( ) importancePostUpscale = UPSCALING // importanceNetUpscale crop_low = torch.nn.functional.interpolate( batch.reshape(B * T, C, H, W), scale_factor=1 / UPSCALING, mode='area').reshape(B, T, C, H // UPSCALING, W // UPSCALING) pattern = sampling_pattern[s.pattern][:H, :W] crop_high = batch # loop over timesteps pattern = pattern.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0) previous_importance = None previous_output = None reconstructions = [] for j in range(T): importanceBaselineLuminance.setTime(j) # extract flow (always the last two channels of crop_high) flow = crop_high[:, j, C - 2:, :, :] # compute importance map importance_input = crop_low[:, j, :5, :, :] if j == 0 or s.importance.disableTemporal: previous_input = torch.zeros( B, 1, importance_input.shape[2] * importanceNetUpscale, importance_input.shape[3] * importanceNetUpscale, dtype=crop_high.dtype, device=crop_high.device) else: flow_low = F.interpolate( flow, scale_factor=1 / importancePostUpscale) previous_input = models.VideoTools.warp_upscale( previous_importance, flow_low, 1, False) importance_map = importance_input, previous_input) if len(importance_map.shape) == 3: importance_map = importance_map.unsqueeze( 1) previous_importance = importance_map target_mean = s.heatmean if USE_BINARY_SEARCH_ON_MEAN: # For regular sampling, the normalization does not work properly, # use binary search on the heatmean instead def f(x): postprocess = importance.PostProcess( s.heatmin, x, importancePostUpscale, LOSS_BORDER // importancePostUpscale, 'basic') importance_map2 = postprocess( importance_map)[0].unsqueeze(1) sampling_mask = ( importance_map2 >= pattern).to( dtype=importance_map.dtype) samples = torch.mean( sampling_mask).item() return samples target_mean = binarySearch( f, s.heatmean, s.heatmean, 10, 0, 1) #print("Binary search for #samples, mean start={}, result={} with samples={}, original={}". # format(s.heatmean, s.heatmean, f(target_mean), f(s.heatmean))) # normalize and upscale importance map postprocess = importance.PostProcess( s.heatmin, target_mean, importancePostUpscale, LOSS_BORDER // importancePostUpscale, 'basic') importance_map = postprocess( importance_map)[0].unsqueeze(1) #print("mean:", torch.mean(importance_map).item()) # create samples sample_mask = (importance_map >= pattern).to( dtype=importance_map.dtype) reconstruction_input = ( sample_mask * crop_high[:, j, 0: 5, :, :], # mask, normal x, normal y, normal z, depth sample_mask * torch.ones( B, 1, H, W, dtype=crop_high.dtype, device=crop_high.device), # ao sample_mask), # sample mask dim=1) # warp previous output if j == 0 or s.recon.disableTemporal: previous_input = torch.zeros( B, 6, H, W, dtype=crop_high.dtype, device=crop_high.device) else: previous_input = models.VideoTools.warp_upscale( previous_output, flow, 1, False) # run reconstruction network reconstruction = reconstruction_input, sample_mask, previous_input) # clamp reconstruction_clamped = [ torch.clamp( reconstruction[:, 0:1, :, :], -1, +1), # mask ScreenSpaceShading.normalize( reconstruction[:, 1:4, :, :], dim=1), torch.clamp( reconstruction[:, 4:5, :, :], 0, +1), # depth torch.clamp(reconstruction[:, 5:6, :, :], 0, +1) # ao ], dim=1) reconstructions.append(reconstruction_clamped) # save for next frame previous_output = reconstruction_clamped #endfor: timesteps # compute statistics reconstructions =, dim=0) crops_high = [crop_high[:, j, :6, :, :] for j in range(T)], dim=0) sample_masks =[sample_mask] * T, dim=0) s.stats.add_timestep_sample( reconstructions, crops_high, sample_masks) # endfor: statistic # endfor: batch pg.print_progress_bar(num_minibatch) # end no_grad() finally: # close files for s in statistics: s.stats.write_histogram() s.stats.close_stats_file()
class LossNetSparse(nn.Module): """ Main Loss Module for unshaded data. device: cpu or cuda losses: list of loss terms with weighting as string Format: <loss>:<target>:<weighting> with: loss in {l1, l2, tl2} target in {mask, normal, color, ao} weighting a positive number opt: command line arguments (Namespace object) with: - further parameters depending on the losses """ def __init__(self, device, channels, losses, opt, has_flow): super().__init__() self.padding = opt.lossBorderPadding self.has_flow = has_flow if has_flow: assert channels == 8 # mask, normalX, normalY, normalZ, depth, ao, flowX, floatY else: assert channels == 6 # mask, normalX, normalY, normalZ, depth, ao #List of tuples (name, weight or None) self.loss_list = [s.split(':') for s in losses.split(',')] # Build losses and weights builder = LossBuilder(device) self.loss_dict = {} self.weight_dict = {} self.loss_dict['mse'] = builder.mse() #always use mse for psnr self.weight_dict[('mse', 'color')] = 0.0 TARGET_INFO = { # target name : (#channels, expected min, expected max) "mask": (1, -1, +1), "normal": (3, -1, +1), "color": (3, 0, 1), "ao": (1, 0, 1), "depth": (1, 0, 1) } content_layers = [] style_layers = [] self.has_discriminator = False self.has_style_or_content_loss = False self.has_temporal_l2_loss = False for entry in self.loss_list: if len(entry) < 2: raise ValueError("illegal format for loss list: " + entry) name = entry[0] target = entry[1] weight = entry[2] if len(entry) > 2 else None if target != 'mask' and target != 'normal' and target != 'color' and target != 'ao' and target != 'depth' and target != 'flow': raise ValueError("Unknown target: " + target) if 'mse' == name or 'l2' == name or 'l2_loss' == name: self.weight_dict[( 'mse', target)] = float(weight) if weight is not None else 1.0 elif 'l1' == name or 'l1_loss' == name: self.loss_dict['l1'] = builder.l1_loss() self.weight_dict[( 'l1', target)] = float(weight) if weight is not None else 1.0 elif 'tl2' == name or 'temp-l2' == name: self.loss_dict['temp-l2'] = builder.mse() self.weight_dict[( 'temp-l2', target)] = float(weight) if weight is not None else 1.0 self.has_temporal_l2_loss = True elif 'tl1' == name or 'temp-l1' == name: self.loss_dict['temp-l1'] = builder.l1_loss() self.weight_dict[( 'temp-l1', target)] = float(weight) if weight is not None else 1.0 self.has_temporal_l2_loss = True elif 'bounded' == name: if target != 'mask': raise ValueError( "'bounded' loss can only be applied on the mask") self.weight_dict[( "bounded", "mask")] = float(weight) if weight is not None else 1.0 elif 'bce' == name: if target != 'mask': raise ValueError( "'bce' loss can only be applied on the mask") self.weight_dict[( "bce", "mask")] = float(weight) if weight is not None else 1.0 elif 'ssim' == name: self.loss_dict['ssim'] = builder.ssim_loss( TARGET_INFO[target][0]) self.weight_dict[( 'ssim', target)] = float(weight) if weight is not None else 1.0 elif 'dssim' == name: self.loss_dict['dssim'] = builder.dssim_loss( TARGET_INFO[target][0]) self.weight_dict[( 'dssim', target)] = float(weight) if weight is not None else 1.0 elif 'lpips' == name: self.loss_dict['lpips'] = builder.lpips_loss( *TARGET_INFO[target]) self.weight_dict[( 'lpips', target)] = float(weight) if weight is not None else 1.0 else: raise ValueError('unknown loss %s' % name) self.loss_dict = nn.ModuleDict(self.loss_dict) print('Loss weights:', self.weight_dict) self.shading = ScreenSpaceShading(device) self.shading.fov(30) self.shading.ambient_light_color( np.array([opt.lossAmbient, opt.lossAmbient, opt.lossAmbient])) self.shading.diffuse_light_color( np.array([opt.lossDiffuse, opt.lossDiffuse, opt.lossDiffuse])) self.shading.specular_light_color( np.array([opt.lossSpecular, opt.lossSpecular, opt.lossSpecular])) self.shading.specular_exponent(16) self.shading.enable_specular = False self.shading.light_direction(np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0])) self.shading.material_color(np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0])) self.shading.ambient_occlusion(opt.lossAO) print('LossNet: ambient occlusion strength:', opt.lossAO) @staticmethod def pad(img, border): """ overwrites the border of 'img' with zeros. The size of the border is specified by 'border'. The output size is not changed. """ if border == 0: return img b, c, h, w = img.shape img_crop = img[:, :, border:h - border, border:h - border] img_pad = F.pad(img_crop, (border, border, border, border), 'constant', 0) _, _, h2, w2 = img_pad.shape assert (h == h2) assert (w == w2) return img_pad #@profile def forward(self, gt, pred, prev_pred_warped, no_temporal_loss: bool, use_checkpoints=False): """ gt: ground truth high resolution image (B x C x H x W) pred: predicted high resolution image (B x C x H x W) prev_pred_warped: predicted image from the previous frame warped by the flow Shape: B x C x H x W Only used for temporal losses, can be None if only the other losses are used use_checkpoints: True if checkpointing should be used. This does not apply here since we don't have GANs or perceptual losses """ # TODO: loss that penalizes deviation from the input samples B, C, H, W = gt.shape if self.has_flow: assert C == 8 else: assert C == 6 assert gt.shape == pred.shape # zero border padding gt = LossNetSparse.pad(gt, self.padding) pred = LossNetSparse.pad(pred, self.padding) if prev_pred_warped is not None: prev_pred_warped = LossNetSparse.pad(prev_pred_warped, self.padding) # extract mask and normal gt_mask = gt[:, 0:1, :, :] gt_mask_clamp = torch.clamp(gt_mask * 0.5 + 0.5, 0, 1) gt_normal = ScreenSpaceShading.normalize(gt[:, 1:4, :, :], dim=1) gt_depth = gt[:, 4:5, :, :] gt_ao = gt[:, 5:6, :, :] if self.has_flow: gt_flow = gt[:, 6:8, :, :] pred_mask = pred[:, 0:1, :, :] pred_mask_clamp = torch.clamp(pred_mask * 0.5 + 0.5, 0, 1) pred_normal = ScreenSpaceShading.normalize(pred[:, 1:4, :, :], dim=1) pred_depth = pred[:, 4:5, :, :] pred_ao = pred[:, 5:6, :, :] if self.has_flow: pred_flow = pred[:, 6:8, :, :] if prev_pred_warped is not None and self.has_temporal_l2_loss: prev_pred_mask = prev_pred_warped[:, 0:1, :, :] prev_pred_mask_clamp = torch.clamp(prev_pred_mask * 0.5 + 0.5, 0, 1) prev_pred_normal = ScreenSpaceShading.normalize( prev_pred_warped[:, 1:4, :, :], dim=1) prev_pred_depth = prev_pred_warped[:, 4:5, :, :] prev_pred_ao = prev_pred_warped[:, 5:6, :, :] if self.has_flow: prev_pred_flow = prev_pred_warped[:, 6:8, :, :] generator_loss = 0.0 loss_values = {} # normal, simple losses, uses gt+pred for name in ['mse', 'l1', 'ssim', 'dssim', 'lpips']: if (name, 'mask') in self.weight_dict.keys(): loss = self.loss_dict[name](gt_mask, pred_mask) loss_values[(name, 'mask')] = loss.item() generator_loss += self.weight_dict[(name, 'mask')] * loss if (name, 'normal') in self.weight_dict.keys(): loss = self.loss_dict[name](gt_normal * gt_mask_clamp, pred_normal * gt_mask_clamp) if torch.isnan(loss).item(): test = self.loss_dict[name](gt_normal * gt_mask_clamp, pred_normal * gt_mask_clamp) loss_values[(name, 'normal')] = loss.item() generator_loss += self.weight_dict[(name, 'normal')] * loss if (name, 'ao') in self.weight_dict.keys(): loss = self.loss_dict[name](gt_ao * gt_mask_clamp, pred_ao * gt_mask_clamp) loss_values[(name, 'ao')] = loss.item() generator_loss += self.weight_dict[(name, 'ao')] * loss if (name, 'depth') in self.weight_dict.keys(): loss = self.loss_dict[name](gt_depth * gt_mask_clamp, pred_depth * gt_mask_clamp) loss_values[(name, 'depth')] = loss.item() generator_loss += self.weight_dict[(name, 'depth')] * loss if (name, 'flow') in self.weight_dict.keys(): # note: flow is not restricted to inside regions loss = self.loss_dict[name](gt_flow, pred_flow) loss_values[(name, 'flow')] = loss.item() generator_loss += self.weight_dict[(name, 'flow')] * loss if (name, 'color') in self.weight_dict.keys(): gt_color = self.shading(gt) pred_color = self.shading(pred) loss = self.loss_dict[name](gt_color, pred_color) loss_values[(name, 'color')] = loss.item() generator_loss += self.weight_dict[(name, 'color')] * loss if ("bounded", "mask") in self.weight_dict.keys(): # penalizes if the mask diverges too far away from [0,1] zero = torch.zeros(1, 1, 1, 1, dtype=pred_mask.dtype, device=pred_mask.device) loss = torch.mean(torch.max(zero, pred_mask * pred_mask - 2)) loss_values[("bounded", "mask")] = loss.item() generator_loss += self.weight_dict[("bounded", "mask")] * loss if ("bce", "mask") in self.weight_dict.keys(): # binary cross entry loss between the unclamped masks loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(pred_mask * 0.5 + 0.5, gt_mask * 0.5 + 0.5) loss_values[("bce", "mask")] = loss.item() generator_loss += self.weight_dict[("bce", "mask")] * loss # temporal l2 loss, uses input (for the mask) + pred + prev_warped if self.has_temporal_l2_loss and not no_temporal_loss: assert prev_pred_warped is not None for name in ['temp-l2', 'temp-l1']: if (name, 'mask') in self.weight_dict.keys(): loss = self.loss_dict[name](pred_mask, prev_pred_mask) loss_values[(name, 'mask')] = loss.item() generator_loss += self.weight_dict[(name, 'mask')] * loss if (name, 'normal') in self.weight_dict.keys(): loss = self.loss_dict[name](pred_normal * gt_mask_clamp, prev_pred_normal * gt_mask_clamp) loss_values[(name, 'normal')] = loss.item() generator_loss += self.weight_dict[(name, 'normal')] * loss if (name, 'ao') in self.weight_dict.keys(): prev_pred_ao = prev_pred_warped[:, 5:6, :, :] loss = self.loss_dict[name](pred_ao * gt_mask_clamp, prev_pred_ao * gt_mask_clamp) loss_values[(name, 'ao')] = loss.item() generator_loss += self.weight_dict[(name, 'ao')] * loss if (name, 'depth') in self.weight_dict.keys(): prev_pred_depth = prev_pred_warped[:, 4:5, :, :] loss = self.loss_dict[name](pred_depth * gt_mask_clamp, prev_pred_depth * gt_mask_clamp) loss_values[(name, 'depth')] = loss.item() generator_loss += self.weight_dict[(name, 'depth')] * loss if (name, 'flow') in self.weight_dict.keys(): prev_pred_depth = prev_pred_warped[:, 4:5, :, :] loss = self.loss_dict[name]( pred_flow, #note: no restriction to inside areas prev_pred_flow) loss_values[(name, 'flow')] = loss.item() generator_loss += self.weight_dict[(name, 'flow')] * loss if (name, 'color') in self.weight_dict.keys(): prev_pred_color = self.shading(prev_pred_warped) loss = self.loss_dict[name](pred_color, prev_pred_color) loss_values[(name, 'color')] = loss.item() generator_loss += self.weight_dict[(name, 'color')] * loss return generator_loss, loss_values
class GUI(tk.Tk): MODE_LOW = 1 MODE_HIGH = 2 MODE_FLOW = 3 CHANNEL_MASK = 1 CHANNEL_NORMAL = 2 CHANNEL_DEPTH = 3 CHANNEL_AO = 4 CHANNEL_COLOR = 5 def __init__(self): tk.Tk.__init__(self) self.title('Dataset Viewer') self.input_name = None # members to be filled later self.pilImage = None self.tikImage = None self.current_high = None self.current_low = None self.current_flow = None self.dataset_folder = None self.last_folder = INITIAL_DIR self.entries = [] self.num_frames = 0 self.selected_time = 0 # root self.root_panel = tk.Frame(self) self.root_panel.pack(side="bottom", fill="both", expand="yes") self.panel = tk.Label(self.root_panel) = np.zeros((512, 512, 3)) self.setImage( self.panel.pack(side="left", fill="both", expand="yes") options1 = tk.Label(self.root_panel) # Input inputFrame = ttk.LabelFrame(options1, text="Input", relief=tk.RIDGE) tk.Button(inputFrame, text="Open Folder", command=lambda: self.openFolder()).pack() self.dataset_entry = 0 self.dataset_entry_slider = tk.Scale( inputFrame, from_=0, to=0, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, resolution=1, label="Entry", showvalue=0, command=lambda e: self.setEntry(int(e))) self.dataset_entry_slider.pack(anchor=tk.W, fill=tk.X) self.dataset_time = 0 self.dataset_time_slider = tk.Scale( inputFrame, from_=0, to=0, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, resolution=1, label="Time", showvalue=0, command=lambda e: self.setTime(int(e))) self.dataset_time_slider.pack(anchor=tk.W, fill=tk.X) inputFrame.pack(fill=tk.X) # Mode modeFrame = ttk.LabelFrame(options1, text="Mode", relief=tk.RIDGE) self.mode = tk.IntVar() self.mode.set(GUI.MODE_LOW) self.mode.trace_add('write', lambda a, b, c: self.updateImage()) tk.Radiobutton(modeFrame, text="Low", variable=self.mode, value=GUI.MODE_LOW).pack(anchor=tk.W) tk.Radiobutton(modeFrame, text="High", variable=self.mode, value=GUI.MODE_HIGH).pack(anchor=tk.W) tk.Radiobutton(modeFrame, text="Flow", variable=self.mode, value=GUI.MODE_FLOW).pack(anchor=tk.W) modeFrame.pack(fill=tk.X) # Channel channelsFrame = ttk.LabelFrame(options1, text="Channel", relief=tk.RIDGE) self.channel_mode = tk.IntVar() self.channel_mode.set(GUI.CHANNEL_COLOR) self.channel_mode.trace_add('write', lambda a, b, c: self.updateImage()) tk.Radiobutton(channelsFrame, text="Mask", variable=self.channel_mode, value=GUI.CHANNEL_MASK).pack(anchor=tk.W) tk.Radiobutton(channelsFrame, text="Normal", variable=self.channel_mode, value=GUI.CHANNEL_NORMAL).pack(anchor=tk.W) tk.Radiobutton(channelsFrame, text="Depth", variable=self.channel_mode, value=GUI.CHANNEL_DEPTH).pack(anchor=tk.W) tk.Radiobutton(channelsFrame, text="AO", variable=self.channel_mode, value=GUI.CHANNEL_AO).pack(anchor=tk.W) tk.Radiobutton(channelsFrame, text="Color", variable=self.channel_mode, value=GUI.CHANNEL_COLOR).pack(anchor=tk.W) channelsFrame.pack(fill=tk.X) # Shading self.shading = ScreenSpaceShading('cpu') self.shading.fov(30) self.ambient_light_color = np.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.1]) self.shading.ambient_light_color(self.ambient_light_color) self.diffuse_light_color = np.array([0.8, 0.8, 0.8]) self.shading.diffuse_light_color(self.diffuse_light_color) self.specular_light_color = np.array([0.02, 0.02, 0.02]) self.shading.specular_light_color(self.specular_light_color) self.shading.specular_exponent(16) self.shading.light_direction(np.array([0.1, 0.1, 1.0])) self.material_color = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) #[1.0, 0.3, 0.0]) self.shading.material_color(self.material_color) self.shading.ambient_occlusion(0.5) self.shading.background(np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0])) # Save tk.Button(options1, text="Save Image", command=lambda: self.saveImage()).pack() self.saveFolder = "/" options1.pack(side="left") def openFolder(self): dataset_folder = filedialog.askdirectory(initialdir=self.last_folder) print(dataset_folder) if dataset_folder is not None: self.dataset_folder = str(dataset_folder) print("New folder selected:", self.dataset_folder) self.last_folder = self.dataset_folder # find number of entries self.current_low = None self.current_high = None self.current_flow = None entries = [] for i in range(0, 10000): file_low = os.path.join(self.dataset_folder, "low_%05d.npy" % i) if os.path.isfile(file_low): entries.append((file_low, os.path.join(self.dataset_folder, "high_%05d.npy" % i), os.path.join(self.dataset_folder, "flow_%05d.npy" % i))) else: break print("Number of entries found:", len(entries)) self.entries = entries self.dataset_entry = 0 self.dataset_entry_slider.config(to=len(entries)) self.setEntry(0) else: print("No folder selected") def setEntry(self, entry): entry = min(entry, len(self.entries) - 1) self.dataset_entry_slider.config(label='Entry: %d' % int(entry)) if len(self.entries) == 0: self.current_low = None self.current_high = None self.current_flow = None else: self.current_low = np.load(self.entries[entry][0]) self.current_high = np.load(self.entries[entry][1]) self.current_flow = np.load(self.entries[entry][2]) self.num_frames = self.current_low.shape[0] self.dataset_time_slider.config(to=self.num_frames) print("Entry loaded") self.setTime(0) def setTime(self, entry): entry = min(entry, self.num_frames - 1) self.dataset_time_slider.config(label='Time: %d' % int(entry)) self.selected_time = entry self.updateImage() def setImage(self, img): self.pilImage = pl.Image.fromarray( np.clip((img * 255).transpose((1, 0, 2)), 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)) self.tikImage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.pilImage) self.panel.configure(image=self.tikImage) def saveImage(self): filename = filedialog.asksaveasfilename( initialdir=self.saveFolder, title="Save as", filetypes=(("jpeg files", "*.jpg"), ("png files", "*.png"), ("all files", "*.*"))) if len(filename) == 0: return if len(os.path.splitext(filename)[1]) == 0: filename = filename + ".jpg" self.saveFolder = os.path.dirname(filename) def updateImage(self): if self.current_low is None: # no image loaded self.setImage( return def selectChannel(img): if self.channel_mode.get() == GUI.CHANNEL_MASK: mask = img[0:1, :, :] * 0.5 + 0.5 return np.concatenate((mask, mask, mask)) elif self.channel_mode.get() == GUI.CHANNEL_NORMAL: return img[1:4, :, :] * 0.5 + 0.5 elif self.channel_mode.get() == GUI.CHANNEL_DEPTH: return np.concatenate( (img[4:5, :, :], img[4:5, :, :], img[4:5, :, :])) elif self.channel_mode.get() == GUI.CHANNEL_AO: if img.shape[0] == 6: return np.concatenate( (img[5:6, :, :], img[5:6, :, :], img[5:6, :, :])) else: return np.zeros((3, img.shape[1], img.shape[2]), dtype=np.float32) elif self.channel_mode.get() == GUI.CHANNEL_COLOR: shading_input = torch.unsqueeze(torch.from_numpy(img), 0) shading_output = self.shading(shading_input)[0] return torch.clamp(shading_output, 0, 1).cpu().numpy() if self.mode.get() == GUI.MODE_LOW: img = self.current_low[self.selected_time, :, :, :] img = selectChannel(img) img = img.transpose((2, 1, 0)) img = cv.resize(img, dsize=None, fx=UPSCALE, fy=UPSCALE, interpolation=cv.INTER_NEAREST) self.setImage(img) elif self.mode.get() == GUI.MODE_HIGH: img = self.current_high[self.selected_time, :, :, :] img = selectChannel(img) img = img.transpose((2, 1, 0)) self.setImage(img) elif self.mode.get() == GUI.MODE_FLOW: #img = np.stack(( # cv.inpaint(self.current_flow[self.selected_time,0,:,:], np.uint8(self.current_low[self.selected_time,0,:,:]==0), 3, cv.INPAINT_NS), # cv.inpaint(self.current_flow[self.selected_time,1,:,:], np.uint8(self.current_low[self.selected_time,0,:,:]==0), 3, cv.INPAINT_NS), # np.zeros((self.current_flow.shape[2], self.current_flow.shape[3]))), axis=0).astype(np.float32) img = np.concatenate( (self.current_flow[self.selected_time, 0:2, :, :], np.zeros((1, self.current_flow.shape[2], self.current_flow.shape[3]), dtype=np.float32)), ) img = (img * 10 + 0.5) img = img.transpose((2, 1, 0)) img = cv.resize(img, dsize=None, fx=UPSCALE, fy=UPSCALE, interpolation=cv.INTER_NEAREST) self.setImage(img)
class GUI(tk.Tk): CHANNEL_MASK = 1 CHANNEL_NORMAL = 2 CHANNEL_DEPTH = 3 CHANNEL_AO = 4 CHANNEL_COLOR = 5 CHANNEL_FLOW = 6 def __init__(self): tk.Tk.__init__(self) self.title('Dataset Viewer') self.input_name = None # members to be filled later self.pilImage = None self.tikImage = None self.num_frames = 0 self.selected_entry = 0 self.selected_time = 0 self.last_folder = None self.dataset_file = None self.hdf5_file = None self.dset_keys = [] self.dset = None self.mode = None # root self.root_panel = tk.Frame(self) self.root_panel.pack(side="bottom", fill="both", expand="yes") self.panel = tk.Label(self.root_panel) = np.zeros((512, 512, 3)) self.setImage( self.panel.pack(side="left", fill="both", expand="yes") options1 = tk.Label(self.root_panel) # Input inputFrame = ttk.LabelFrame(options1, text="Input", relief=tk.RIDGE) tk.Button(inputFrame, text="Open HDF5", command=lambda: self.openHDF5()).pack() listbox_frame = tk.Frame(inputFrame) self.dset_listbox_scrollbar = tk.Scrollbar(listbox_frame, orient=tk.VERTICAL) self.dset_listbox = tk.Listbox( listbox_frame, selectmode=tk.SINGLE, yscrollcommand=self.dset_listbox_scrollbar.set) self.dset_listbox_scrollbar.config(command=self.dset_listbox.yview) self.dset_listbox_scrollbar.pack(side=tk.RIGHT, fill=tk.Y) self.dset_listbox.pack(side=tk.LEFT, anchor=tk.W, fill=tk.X, expand=1) self.dset_listbox.bind("<Double-Button-1>", self.setDsetCallback) listbox_frame.pack(anchor=tk.W, fill=tk.X) self.selected_dset = None self.dataset_entry_slider = tk.Scale( inputFrame, from_=0, to=0, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, resolution=1, label="Entry", showvalue=0, command=lambda e: self.setEntry(int(e))) self.dataset_entry_slider.pack(anchor=tk.W, fill=tk.X) self.dataset_time = 0 self.dataset_time_slider = tk.Scale( inputFrame, from_=0, to=0, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, resolution=1, label="Time", showvalue=0, command=lambda e: self.setTime(int(e))) self.dataset_time_slider.pack(anchor=tk.W, fill=tk.X) inputFrame.pack(fill=tk.X) # Channel channelsFrame = ttk.LabelFrame(options1, text="Channel", relief=tk.RIDGE) self.channel_mode = tk.IntVar() self.channel_mode.set(GUI.CHANNEL_COLOR) self.channel_mode.trace_add('write', lambda a, b, c: self.updateImage()) tk.Radiobutton(channelsFrame, text="Mask", variable=self.channel_mode, value=GUI.CHANNEL_MASK).pack(anchor=tk.W) tk.Radiobutton(channelsFrame, text="Normal", variable=self.channel_mode, value=GUI.CHANNEL_NORMAL).pack(anchor=tk.W) tk.Radiobutton(channelsFrame, text="Depth", variable=self.channel_mode, value=GUI.CHANNEL_DEPTH).pack(anchor=tk.W) tk.Radiobutton(channelsFrame, text="AO", variable=self.channel_mode, value=GUI.CHANNEL_AO).pack(anchor=tk.W) tk.Radiobutton(channelsFrame, text="Color", variable=self.channel_mode, value=GUI.CHANNEL_COLOR).pack(anchor=tk.W) tk.Radiobutton(channelsFrame, text="Flow", variable=self.channel_mode, value=GUI.CHANNEL_FLOW).pack(anchor=tk.W) channelsFrame.pack(fill=tk.X) # Shading self.shading = ScreenSpaceShading('cpu') self.shading.fov(30) self.ambient_light_color = np.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.1]) self.shading.ambient_light_color(self.ambient_light_color) self.diffuse_light_color = np.array([0.8, 0.8, 0.8]) self.shading.diffuse_light_color(self.diffuse_light_color) self.specular_light_color = np.array([0.02, 0.02, 0.02]) self.shading.specular_light_color(self.specular_light_color) self.shading.specular_exponent(16) self.shading.light_direction(np.array([0.1, 0.1, 1.0])) self.material_color = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) #[1.0, 0.3, 0.0]) self.shading.material_color(self.material_color) self.shading.ambient_occlusion(0.5) self.shading.background(np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0])) # Save tk.Button(options1, text="Save Image", command=lambda: self.saveImage()).pack() self.saveFolder = "/" options1.pack(side="left") def openHDF5(self): dataset_file = filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir=self.last_folder, title="Select HDF5 file", filetypes=(("HDF5 files", "*.hdf5"), )) print(dataset_file) if dataset_file is not None: self.dataset_file = str(dataset_file) print("New hdf5 selected:", self.dataset_file) self.title(self.dataset_file) self.last_folder = os.path.dirname(self.dataset_file) # load hdf5 file self.hdf5_file = h5py.File(dataset_file, "r") # list datasets self.dset_listbox.delete(0, tk.END) self.dset_keys = list(self.hdf5_file.keys()) for key in self.dset_keys: self.dset_listbox.insert(tk.END, key) self.dset_listbox.selection_set(first=0) self.setDset(self.dset_keys[0]) else: print("No folder selected") def setDsetCallback(self, *args): items = self.dset_listbox.curselection() items = [self.dset_keys[int(item)] for item in items] self.setDset(items[0]) def setDset(self, name): self.selected_dset = name print("Select dataset '%s'" % (self.selected_dset)) self.dset = self.hdf5_file[self.selected_dset] self.mode = self.dset.attrs.get("Mode", "IsoUnshaded") print("Mode:", self.mode) # find number of entries entries = self.dset.shape[0] num_frames = self.dset.shape[1] print("Number of entries found:", entries, "with", num_frames, "timesteps") print("Image size:", self.dset.shape[3], "x", self.dset.shape[4]) self.entries = entries self.num_frames = num_frames self.dataset_entry_slider.config(to=entries - 1) self.dataset_time_slider.config(to=num_frames - 1) self.setEntry( self.selected_entry if self.selected_entry < entries else 0) def setEntry(self, entry): entry = min(entry, self.entries - 1) self.dataset_entry_slider.config(label='Entry: %d' % int(entry)) self.selected_entry = entry self.updateImage() def setTime(self, entry): entry = min(entry, self.num_frames - 1) self.dataset_time_slider.config(label='Time: %d' % int(entry)) self.selected_time = entry self.updateImage() def setImage(self, img): if img.dtype == np.uint8: self.pilImage = pl.Image.fromarray(img.transpose((1, 0, 2))) else: self.pilImage = pl.Image.fromarray( np.clip((img * 255).transpose((1, 0, 2)), 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)) if self.pilImage.size[0] <= 256: self.pilImage = self.pilImage.resize( (self.pilImage.size[0] * 2, self.pilImage.size[1] * 2), pl.Image.NEAREST) self.tikImage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.pilImage) self.panel.configure(image=self.tikImage) def saveImage(self): filename = filedialog.asksaveasfilename( initialdir=self.saveFolder, title="Save as", filetypes=(("png files", "*.png"), ("jpeg files", "*.jpg"), ("all files", "*.*"))) if len(filename) == 0: return if len(os.path.splitext(filename)[1]) == 0: filename = filename + ".png" self.saveFolder = os.path.dirname(filename) def updateImage(self): if self.dset is None: # no image loaded self.setImage( return def selectChannel(img): if self.mode == "DVR": mask = img[3:4, :, :] if self.channel_mode.get() == GUI.CHANNEL_MASK: return np.concatenate((mask, mask, mask)) elif self.channel_mode.get() == GUI.CHANNEL_COLOR: return img[0:3, :, :] elif self.channel_mode.get() == GUI.CHANNEL_NORMAL: return (img[4:7, :, :] * 0.5 + 0.5) * mask elif self.channel_mode.get() == GUI.CHANNEL_DEPTH: return np.concatenate([img[7:8, :, :]] * 3, axis=0) elif self.channel_mode.get() == GUI.CHANNEL_FLOW: return np.concatenate( (img[8:9, :, :] * 10, img[9:10, :, :] * 10, np.zeros_like(img[6:7, :, :]))) + 0.5 else: return else: # IsoUnshaded if self.channel_mode.get() == GUI.CHANNEL_MASK: if img.dtype == np.uint8: mask = img[0:1, :, :] else: mask = img[0:1, :, :] * 0.5 + 0.5 return np.concatenate((mask, mask, mask)) elif self.channel_mode.get() == GUI.CHANNEL_NORMAL: if img.dtype == np.uint8: return img[1:4, :, :] else: return img[1:4, :, :] * 0.5 + 0.5 elif self.channel_mode.get() == GUI.CHANNEL_DEPTH: return np.concatenate( (img[4:5, :, :], img[4:5, :, :], img[4:5, :, :])) elif self.channel_mode.get() == GUI.CHANNEL_AO: return np.concatenate( (img[5:6, :, :], img[5:6, :, :], img[5:6, :, :])) elif self.channel_mode.get() == GUI.CHANNEL_FLOW: return np.concatenate( (img[6:7, :, :] * 10, img[7:8, :, :] * 10, np.zeros_like(img[6:7, :, :]))) + 0.5 elif self.channel_mode.get() == GUI.CHANNEL_COLOR: if img.dtype == np.uint8: shading_input = torch.unsqueeze( torch.from_numpy(img.astype(np.float32) / 255.0), 0) shading_input[:, 1: 4, :, :] = shading_input[:, 1: 4, :, :] * 2 - 1 else: shading_input = torch.unsqueeze( torch.from_numpy(img), 0) shading_output = self.shading(shading_input)[0] return torch.clamp(shading_output, 0, 1).cpu().numpy() img = self.dset[self.selected_entry, self.selected_time, :, :, :] img = selectChannel(img) img = img.transpose((2, 1, 0)) self.setImage(img)