def gen_junction_labels(pth_fn):
    pcl, bboxes0 = torch.load(pth_fn)
    corners = {}
    for obj in bboxes0:
        corners_8 = Bbox3D.bboxes_corners(bboxes0[obj], 'Z', False)
        corners[obj] = (corners_8[:, Bbox3D._yneg_vs, :] +
                        corners_8[:, Bbox3D._ypos_vs, :]) / 2.0
        #Bbox3D.draw_bboxes(bboxes0[obj], 'Z', False)
        #Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(corners[obj].reshape([-1,3]), bboxes0[obj], 'Z', False)
        connect_num = cal_connection_label(corners[obj])
        import pdb
        pdb.set_trace()  # XXX BREAKPOINT
def preprocess_cfr(ceilings_org, walls_org, obj):
    Z is up, Y is thickness
    A ceiling is good:
      (1) not contains multiple rooms:
        cover no other ceilings
      (2) >= 3 edge walls
    A edge wall of a ceiling:
      In three points of the wall cenline: two corners and centroid
      at least two are on an edge of ceiling
    assert ceilings_org.ndim == walls_org.ndim == 2
    dis_threshold = 0.07
    if ceilings_org.shape[0] == 0:
        return ceilings_org
    if walls_org.shape[0] == 0:
        return np.zeros(shape=[0, 7], dtype=np.float32)

    #Bbox3D.draw_bboxes(walls_org, 'Z', False)
    #Bbox3D.draw_bboxes(ceilings_org, 'Z', False)
    ceilings = ceilings_org.copy()
    ceilings, keep_ids0 = clean_repeat(ceilings)
    walls = walls_org.copy()
    cn = ceilings.shape[0]

    ceilings[:, 2] = 0
    walls[:, 2] = 0
    walls[:, 5] = 0

    ceil_corners0 = Bbox3D.bboxes_corners(ceilings, 'Z')
    ceil_corners = np.take(ceil_corners0, Bbox3D._zpos_vs, axis=1)
    ceil_corners[:, :, 2] = 0

    ceiling_cens = ceilings[:, 0:3]
    wall_cenlines = Bbox3D.bboxes_centroid_lines(walls, 'X', 'Z')

    good_ceiling_ids0 = []
    bad_small_ids = []

    for c in range(cn):
        # (1)
        ceil_c = ceilings[c:c + 1].copy()
        ceil_c[:, 3:6] += 0.2
        mask_overlap = Bbox3D.points_in_bbox(ceil_corners.reshape([-1, 3]),
                                             ceil_c).reshape([cn, 4])
        mask_overlap = mask_overlap.all(1)
        num_overlap = mask_overlap.sum() - 1
        ol_ids = np.where(mask_overlap)[0]
        ol_ids = [i for i in ol_ids if i != c]
        #if any_overlap:
        #  area_ol = np.product(tmp[ol_ids,3:5], axis=1).sum()
        #  area_c = np.product(ceilings[c,3:5])
        #  area_ol_rate = area_ol / area_c
        #  import pdb; pdb.set_trace()  # XXX BREAKPOINT
        #  pass
        if Debug and 0:
            print(f'ceiling, contain {num_overlap} other celings')
            box_show = np.concatenate([walls_org, ceilings_org[c:c + 1]], 0)
            Bbox3D.draw_bboxes_mesh(box_show, 'Z', False)
        if num_overlap > 1:
        #if num_overlap >0:
        #  bad_small_ids += ol_ids

        # (2)
        edge_wall_num, winc_state = is_edge_wall_of_ceiling(
            wall_cenlines, ceilings[c], walls_org)
        if edge_wall_num >= 3 or (edge_wall_num == 2 and
                                  (winc_state == 3).all()):

    #good_ceiling_ids1 = [i for i in good_ceiling_ids0 if i not in bad_small_ids]
    good_ceiling_ids1 = keep_ids0[good_ceiling_ids0]
    good_ceiling_ids1 = np.array(good_ceiling_ids1).astype(
    rm_num = cn - good_ceiling_ids1.shape[0]

    bad_ceiling_ids = np.array(
        [i for i in range(cn) if i not in good_ceiling_ids1]).astype(np.int32)
    new_ceilings = ceilings_org[good_ceiling_ids1]

    if Debug and rm_num > 0:
        print(f'{cn} -> {good_ceiling_ids1.shape[0]}')
        box_show = np.concatenate([walls_org, ceilings_org[good_ceiling_ids1]],
        Bbox3D.draw_bboxes_mesh(box_show, 'Z', False)
        if rm_num > 0:
            box_show = np.concatenate(
                [walls_org, ceilings_org[bad_ceiling_ids]], 0)
            Bbox3D.draw_bboxes_mesh(box_show, 'Z', False)
        import pdb
        pdb.set_trace()  # XXX BREAKPOINT
    return new_ceilings
def preprocess_doors(doors0, walls, door_thickness=0.18):
    door_n = doors0.shape[0]
    if door_n == 0:
        return doors0
    wall_n = walls.shape[0]
    walls_1 = walls.copy()
    # (1) Find the coresponding wall of each door
    # (1.1) Get the four top lines of each door
    door_corners = Bbox3D.bboxes_corners(doors0, 'Z')[:, 0:4, :]  # [d,4,3]
    door_lines0 = np.take(door_corners, Bbox3D._lines_z0_vids,
                          axis=1)  # [d,4,2,3]
    door_lines1 = door_lines0.reshape(-1, 2, 3)
    # (1.2) Get the centroid lines of each wall
    wall_cen_lines = Bbox3D.bboxes_centroid_lines(walls_1, 'X', 'Z')

    # (1.3) Get the intersections_2d between lines and walls
    # A door matches a wall means: there are two top lines of the door, which are
    # intersected with the wall centroid line.
    dw_ints = lines_intersection_2d(door_lines1[:, :, 0:2],
                                    wall_cen_lines[:, :, 0:2], True, True)
    dw_ints = dw_ints.reshape(door_n, 4, wall_n, 2)  # [d,4,w,2]
    tmp0 = (1 - np.isnan(dw_ints)).sum(3)  # [d,4,w]
    door_mask0 = tmp0.sum(1) == 4
    door_matched0 = door_mask0.sum(1).reshape(-1, 1)

    # (1.4) Sometimes on door can match two walls. Remove the confused one by:
    # The right wall should not contain any corners
    dc_in_wall_mask = Bbox3D.points_in_bbox(door_corners.reshape(-1, 3),
                                            walls).reshape(door_n, 4, wall_n)
    dc_in_wall_mask = np.any(dc_in_wall_mask, axis=1)
    bad_match = (door_matched0 > 1) * dc_in_wall_mask
    door_mask = door_mask0 * (1 - bad_match)

    door_ids, wall_ids = np.where(door_mask)
    success_num = door_ids.shape[0]

    # (2) Pick the failed door ids
    wall_num_each_door = door_mask.sum(1)
    fail_match_door_ids = np.where(wall_num_each_door != 1)[0]

    walls_good = walls[wall_ids]
    yaws = limit_period(walls_good[:, -1], 0, np.pi / 2)

    intersections_2d = []
    for i in range(success_num):
        door_idx = door_ids[i]
        cids = np.where(tmp0[door_idx, :, wall_ids[i]])[0]
        ints_i = dw_ints[door_idx, cids, wall_ids[i]]
        intersections_2d.append(ints_i.reshape(1, 2, 2))
    if len(intersections_2d) == 0:
        return np.empty([0, 7])
    intersections_2d = np.concatenate(intersections_2d, 0)

    doors_centroids_2d = np.mean(intersections_2d, 1)
    doors_length = np.linalg.norm(intersections_2d[:, 0] -
                                  intersections_2d[:, 1],
    doors_length -= door_thickness * np.sin(yaws * 2)

    doors_new = doors0[door_ids].copy()
    doors_new[:, 0:2] = doors_centroids_2d
    doors_new[:, 3] = doors_length
    doors_new[:, 4] = door_thickness
    doors_new[:, 6] = walls_good[:, -1]

    if DEBUG and fail_match_door_ids.shape[0] > 0:
        show_all([doors0[fail_match_door_ids], walls])
        #for dids in fail_d_ids:
        #  fail_w_ids = np.where(door_mask[dids])[0]
        #  show_all([doors0[dids].reshape(-1,7), walls[fail_w_ids].reshape(-1,7)])
        import pdb
        pdb.set_trace()  # XXX BREAKPOINT

    if DEBUG:
        show_all([doors0, doors_new, walls])
    return doors_new
def add_exta_cam_locations(cam_fn, show=False):
    parsed_dir = os.path.dirname(cam_fn)
    walls = read_object_bbox(parsed_dir, 'wall')
    if walls.shape[0] == 0:
        return cam_fn
    walls = world2cam_box(walls)
    #Bbox3D.draw_bboxes(walls, 'Y', False)
    wall_corners = Bbox3D.bboxes_corners(walls, up_axis='Y').reshape([-1, 3])
    walls_min = wall_corners.min(0)
    walls_max = wall_corners.max(0)
    offset = 0.1
    step = 2
    tmp = np.ceil((walls_max - walls_min + offset * 2) / step) + 1
    x_locs = np.arange(0, tmp[0]) * step + walls_min[0] - offset
    y_locs = np.arange(0, tmp[1]) * step + walls_min[1] - offset
    y_locs = [(walls_min[1] + walls_max[1]) / 2.0]
    z_locs = np.arange(0, tmp[2]) * step + walls_min[2] - offset

    cam_pos = read_cam_pos(cam_fn)
    cam_num = cam_pos.shape[0]
    cam_locs0 = cam_pos[:, 0:3]
    extra_cams = []
    for x in x_locs:
        for y in y_locs:
            for z in z_locs:
                loc = np.array([[x, y, z]])

                # check if any wall is close to this loc
                dis = np.linalg.norm(loc - wall_corners, axis=1)
                dis_min = dis.min()
                if dis_min > 2:
                    # this loc is useles

                # check if any cam close to this loc already
                dis = np.linalg.norm(loc - cam_locs0, axis=1)
                dis_min = dis.min()
                if dis_min > 1.5:
                    cam_new = loc

    back_cam = np.array([0, 1, 0, cam_pos[0, -3], cam_pos[0, -2], 10])
    if len(extra_cams) > 0:
        extra_cams = np.concatenate(extra_cams, 0)
        cam_pos_new = []
        for loc in extra_cams:
            cam_forwards = [[1, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, -1]]
            for i in range(4):
                #if i==0:
                #  valid = loc[0] < walls_min[0]
                #elif i==1:
                #  valid = loc[0] > walls_max[0]
                #elif i==2:
                #  valid = loc[2] > walls_min[2]
                #elif i==3:
                #  valid = loc[2] > walls_max[2]

                valid = True
                if valid:
                    forward = np.array(cam_forwards[i])
                    cam_new_i = np.concatenate([loc, forward, back_cam],
                                               0).reshape([1, 12])

        cam_pos_new = np.concatenate(cam_pos_new, 0)
        cam_pos_new = np.concatenate([cam_pos_new, cam_pos], 0)
        cam_pos_new = cam_pos

    cam_fn_new = os.path.dirname(cam_fn) + '/cam'
    np.savetxt(cam_fn_new, cam_pos_new, fmt='%.5f')
        f'add_exta_cam_locations org cam num: {cam_num}, new cam num: {len(extra_cams)} \n{cam_fn}'
    save_cam_ply(cam_fn, show)
    save_cam_ply(cam_fn_new, show)
    return cam_fn_new
def find_close_walls(walls):
    walls: [n,7]
    show = False
    if show:
        walls0 = walls.copy()

    corners = Bbox3D.bboxes_corners(walls, 'Z')  # [n,8,3]
    cen_lines_x = Bbox3D.bboxes_centroid_lines(walls, 'X', 'Z')  # [n,2,3]
    cen_lines_y = Bbox3D.bboxes_centroid_lines(walls, 'Y', 'Z')  # [n,2,3]
    n = walls.shape[0]

    dis_x0 = vertical_dis_points_lines(
        corners.reshape([-1, 3])[:, 0:2], cen_lines_x[:, :,
                                                      0:2]).reshape([n, 8, n])
    dis_x_ave = dis_x0.mean(1)  # [n,n]
    dis_x_max = dis_x0.max(1)  # [n,n]
    inside_x_ave = dis_x_ave / (walls[:, 4].reshape([1, n]) * 0.501 + 0.01)
    inside_x_max = dis_x_max / (walls[:, 4].reshape([1, n]) * 0.8 + 0.03)
    inside_x_mask = (inside_x_ave < 1) * (inside_x_max < 1)

    dis_y0 = vertical_dis_points_lines(
        corners.reshape([-1, 3])[:, 0:2], cen_lines_y[:, :,
                                                      0:2]).reshape([n, 8, n])
    dis_y_ave = dis_y0.max(1)  # [n,n]
    dis_y_max = dis_y0.max(1)  # [n,n]
    inside_y_ave = dis_y_ave / (walls[:, 3].reshape([1, n]) * 0.515 + 0.03)
    inside_y_max = dis_y_max / (walls[:, 3].reshape([1, n]) * 0.55 + 0.05)
    inside_y_mask = (inside_y_ave < 1) * (inside_y_max < 1)

    inside_mask = inside_x_mask * inside_y_mask
    # inside_mask[i,j] is True means walls[i] is inside of walls[j]


    remain_mask = np.array([True] * n)
    for i in range(n - 1):
        for j in range(i + 1, n):
            if inside_mask[i, j] or inside_mask[j, i]:
                if inside_mask[i, j] and inside_mask[j, i]:
                    # (A) If inside with each other, merge two close walls
                    walls[j] = merge_2close_walls(walls[i], walls[j])
                    remain_mask[i] = False
                elif inside_mask[i, j]:
                    # (B) If one is inside another, remove the inside one
                    remain_mask[i] = False
                elif inside_mask[j, i]:
                    remain_mask[j] = False
    walls_new = walls[remain_mask]
    rm_n = np.sum(remain_mask)
    print(f'clean close walls {n} -> {rm_n}')

    if show:
        show_boxes = walls0
        show_boxes[:, 2] -= 0.2
        show_boxes = np.concatenate([show_boxes, walls_new], 0)
        Bbox3D.draw_bboxes(show_boxes, 'Z', False)
        import pdb
        pdb.set_trace()  # XXX BREAKPOINT

    return walls_new