def diff(y, x):
    """Return the symbolic derivative, dy/dx, as an Expr.
    However, you probably want to simplify the results with simp.
    >>> diff(x * x, x)
    ((x * 1) + (x * 1))
    >>> simp(diff(x * x, x))
    (2 * x)
    if y == x: return ONE
    elif not y.args: return ZERO
        u, op, v = y.args[0], y.op, y.args[-1]
        if op == '+': return diff(u, x) + diff(v, x)
        elif op == '-' and len(args) == 1: return -diff(u, x)
        elif op == '-': return diff(u, x) - diff(v, x)
        elif op == '*': return u * diff(v, x) + v * diff(u, x)
        elif op == '/': return (v * diff(u, x) - u * diff(v, x)) / (v * v)
        elif op == '**' and utils_lpw.isnumber(x.op):
            return (v * u**(v - 1) * diff(u, x))
        elif op == '**':
            return (v * u**(v - 1) * diff(u, x) +
                    u**v * Expr('log')(u) * diff(v, x))
        elif op == 'log':
            return diff(u, x) / u
            raise ValueError("Unknown op: %s in diff(%s, %s)" % (op, y, x))
def expr(s):
    """Create an Expr representing a logic expression by parsing the input
    string. Symbols and numbers are automatically converted to Exprs.
    In addition you can use alternative spellings of these operators:
      'x ==> y'   parses as   (x >> y)    # Implication
      'x <== y'   parses as   (x << y)    # Reverse implication
      'x <=> y'   parses as   (x % y)     # Logical equivalence
      'x =/= y'   parses as   (x ^ y)     # Logical disequality (xor)
    But BE CAREFUL; precedence of implication is wrong. expr('P & Q ==> R & S')
    is ((P & (Q >> R)) & S); so you must use expr('(P & Q) ==> (R & S)').
    >>> expr('P <=> Q(1)')
    (P <=> Q(1))
    >>> expr('P & Q | ~R(x, F(x))')
    ((P & Q) | ~R(x, F(x)))
    if isinstance(s, Expr): return s
    if utils_lpw.isnumber(s): return Expr(s)
    ## Replace the alternative spellings of operators with canonical spellings
    s = s.replace('==>', '>>').replace('<==', '<<')
    s = s.replace('<=>', '%').replace('=/=', '^')
    ## Replace a symbol or number, such as 'P' with 'Expr("P")'
    s = re.sub(r'([a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)', r'Expr("\1")', s)
    ## Now eval the string.  (A security hole; do not use with an adversary.)
    return eval(s, {'Expr': Expr})
 def __init__(self, op, *args):
     "Op is a string or number; args are Exprs (or are coerced to Exprs)."
     assert isinstance(op, str) or (utils_lpw.isnumber(op) and not args)
     self.op = utils_lpw.num_or_str(op)
     self.args = map(expr, args)  ## Coerce args to Exprs