def visualize_results(self, epoch): tot_num_samples = min(self.sample_num, self.batch_size) image_frame_dim = int(np.floor(np.sqrt(tot_num_samples))) """ random condition, random noise """ z_sample = prior.gaussian(self.batch_size, self.z_dim) samples =, feed_dict={self.z: z_sample}) utils_parent.save_images( samples[:image_frame_dim * image_frame_dim, :, :, :], [image_frame_dim, image_frame_dim], utils_parent.check_folder(self.result_dir + '/' + self.model_dir) + '/' + self.model_name + '_epoch%03d' % epoch + '_test_all_classes.png') """ learned manifold """ if self.z_dim == 2: assert self.z_dim == 2 z_tot = None id_tot = None for idx in range(0, 100): #randomly sampling id = np.random.randint(0, self.num_batches) batch_images = self.data_X[id * self.batch_size:(id + 1) * self.batch_size] batch_labels = self.data_y[id * self.batch_size:(id + 1) * self.batch_size] z =, feed_dict={self.inputs: batch_images}) if idx == 0: z_tot = z id_tot = batch_labels else: z_tot = np.concatenate((z_tot, z), axis=0) id_tot = np.concatenate((id_tot, batch_labels), axis=0) utils_parent.save_scattered_image( z_tot, id_tot, -4, 4, name=utils_parent.check_folder(self.result_dir + '/' + self.model_dir) + '/' + self.model_name + '_epoch%03d' % epoch + '_learned_manifold.png')
def visualization(log_path, data_path): ## Get working directory PATH = os.getcwd() ## Path to save the embedding and checkpoints generated # LOG_DIR = PATH + '/project-tensorboard/log-1/' LOG_DIR = PATH + log_path utils_parent.check_folder(LOG_DIR) ## Load data data = np.load(data_path + "/z.npy") # Load the metadata file. Metadata consists your labels. This is optional. Metadata helps us visualize(color) different clusters that form t-SNE # metadata = os.path.join(data_path,'/pos_index_cluster_predict.tsv') metadata = data_path + "/pos_index_cluster_predict.tsv" # Generating PCA and # pca = PCA(n_components=50, # random_state = 123, # svd_solver = 'auto' # ) # df_pca = df # data_pca = pca.fit_transform(data) # df_pca = df_pca.values ## TensorFlow Variable from data tf_data = tf.Variable(data) # tf_data = tf.Variable(data_pca) ## Running TensorFlow Session with tf.Session() as sess: saver = tf.train.Saver([tf_data]), os.path.join(LOG_DIR, 'tf_data.ckpt')) config = projector.ProjectorConfig() # One can add multiple embeddings. embedding = config.embeddings.add() embedding.tensor_name = # Link this tensor to its metadata(Labels) file embedding.metadata_path = metadata # Saves a config file that TensorBoard will read during startup. projector.visualize_embeddings(tf.summary.FileWriter(LOG_DIR), config)
def train(X, y, val_x, val_y, test_x, test_y, args, i): # Train the model train_input_fn = tf.estimator.inputs.numpy_input_fn( x={"x": X}, y=y, batch_size=args.batch_size, num_epochs=args.epoch, shuffle=True) # Evaluate the model and print results eval_input_fn = tf.estimator.inputs.numpy_input_fn(x={"x": val_x}, y=val_y, num_epochs=1, shuffle=False) # Test the model using test data from other cluster test_input_fn = tf.estimator.inputs.numpy_input_fn( x={"x": test_x}, y=test_y, batch_size=args.batch_size, num_epochs=1, shuffle=False) # Create the Estimator model_dir = "{}/convnet_{}_{}_{}_{}".format(args.result_dir, args.dataset, args.batch_size, args.epoch, i) utils_parent.check_folder(model_dir) mnist_classifier = tf.estimator.Estimator(model_fn=cnn_model_fn, model_dir=model_dir) mnist_classifier.train(input_fn=train_input_fn, steps=2000) eval_results = mnist_classifier.evaluate(input_fn=eval_input_fn) print("*********************eval************************") print(eval_results) test_results = mnist_classifier.evaluate(input_fn=test_input_fn) print("*********************test************************") print(test_results) return eval_results, test_results
def check_args(args): # --checkpoint_dir utils_parent.check_folder(args.checkpoint_dir) # --result_dir utils_parent.check_folder(args.result_dir) # --log_dir utils_parent.check_folder(args.log_dir) # --epoch assert args.epoch >= 1, 'number of epochs must be larger than or equal to one' # --batch_size assert args.batch_size >= 1, 'batch size must be larger than or equal to one' return args
def check_args(args): # --checkpoint_dir utils_parent.check_folder(args.checkpoint_dir) # --result_dir utils_parent.check_folder(args.result_dir) # --log_dir utils_parent.check_folder(args.log_dir) # --epoch assert args.epoch >= 1, 'number of epochs must be larger than or equal to one' # --batch_size assert args.batch_size >= 1, 'batch size must be larger than or equal to one' # --z_dim assert args.z_dim >= 1, 'dimension of noise vector must be larger than or equal to one' # --num_labels assert args.num_labels >= 1, 'number of labels must be larger than or equal to one' return args
def visualize_results(self, epoch): tot_num_samples = min(self.sample_num, self.batch_size) image_frame_dim = int(np.floor(np.sqrt(tot_num_samples))) z_sample = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=(self.batch_size, self.z_dim)) """ random noise, random discrete code, fixed continuous code """ y = np.random.choice(self.len_discrete_code, self.batch_size) y_one_hot = np.zeros((self.batch_size, self.y_dim)) y_one_hot[np.arange(self.batch_size), y] = 1 samples =, feed_dict={ self.z: z_sample, self.y: y_one_hot }) utils_parent.save_images( samples[:image_frame_dim * image_frame_dim, :, :, :], [image_frame_dim, image_frame_dim], utils_parent.check_folder(self.result_dir + '/' + self.model_dir) + '/' + self.model_name + '_epoch%03d' % epoch + '_test_all_classes.png') """ specified condition, random noise """ n_styles = 10 # must be less than or equal to self.batch_size np.random.seed() si = np.random.choice(self.batch_size, n_styles) for l in range(self.len_discrete_code): y = np.zeros(self.batch_size, dtype=np.int64) + l y_one_hot = np.zeros((self.batch_size, self.y_dim)) y_one_hot[np.arange(self.batch_size), y] = 1 samples =, feed_dict={ self.z: z_sample, self.y: y_one_hot }) utils_parent.save_images( samples[:image_frame_dim * image_frame_dim, :, :, :], [image_frame_dim, image_frame_dim], utils_parent.check_folder(self.result_dir + '/' + self.model_dir) + '/' + self.model_name + '_epoch%03d' % epoch + '_test_class_%d.png' % l) samples = samples[si, :, :, :] if l == 0: all_samples = samples else: all_samples = np.concatenate((all_samples, samples), axis=0) """ save merged images to check style-consistency """ canvas = np.zeros_like(all_samples) for s in range(n_styles): for c in range(self.len_discrete_code): canvas[s * self.len_discrete_code + c, :, :, :] = all_samples[c * n_styles + s, :, :, :] utils_parent.save_images( canvas, [n_styles, self.len_discrete_code], utils_parent.check_folder(self.result_dir + '/' + self.model_dir) + '/' + self.model_name + '_epoch%03d' % epoch + '_test_all_classes_style_by_style.png')
def train(self): # initialize all variables tf.global_variables_initializer().run() # graph inputs for visualize training results self.sample_z = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=(self.batch_size, self.z_dim)) self.test_codes = self.data_y[0:self.batch_size] # saver to save model self.saver = tf.train.Saver() # summary writer self.writer = tf.summary.FileWriter( self.log_dir + '/' + self.model_name, self.sess.graph) # restore check-point if it exits could_load, checkpoint_counter = self.load(self.checkpoint_dir) if could_load: start_epoch = (int)(checkpoint_counter / self.num_batches) start_batch_id = checkpoint_counter - start_epoch * self.num_batches counter = checkpoint_counter print(" [*] Load SUCCESS") else: start_epoch = 0 start_batch_id = 0 counter = 1 print(" [!] Load failed...") # loop for epoch start_time = time.time() for epoch in range(start_epoch, self.epoch): # get batch data for idx in range(start_batch_id, self.num_batches): batch_images = self.data_X[idx * self.batch_size:(idx + 1) * self.batch_size] batch_codes = self.data_y[idx * self.batch_size:(idx + 1) * self.batch_size] batch_z = np.random.uniform( -1, 1, [self.batch_size, self.z_dim]).astype(np.float32) # update D network _, summary_str, d_loss = [self.d_optim, self.d_sum, self.d_loss], feed_dict={ self.inputs: batch_images, self.y: batch_codes, self.z: batch_z }) self.writer.add_summary(summary_str, counter) # update G & Q network _, summary_str_g, g_loss, _, summary_str_q, q_loss = [ self.g_optim, self.g_sum, self.g_loss, self.q_optim, self.q_sum, self.q_loss ], feed_dict={ self.z: batch_z, self.y: batch_codes, self.inputs: batch_images }) self.writer.add_summary(summary_str_g, counter) self.writer.add_summary(summary_str_q, counter) # display training status counter += 1 print("Epoch: [%2d] [%4d/%4d] time: %4.4f, d_loss: %.8f, g_loss: %.8f" \ % (epoch, idx, self.num_batches, time.time() - start_time, d_loss, g_loss)) # save training results for every 300 steps if np.mod(counter, 300) == 0: samples =, feed_dict={ self.z: self.sample_z, self.y: self.test_codes }) tot_num_samples = min(self.sample_num, self.batch_size) manifold_h = int(np.floor(np.sqrt(tot_num_samples))) manifold_w = int(np.floor(np.sqrt(tot_num_samples))) utils_parent.save_images( samples[:manifold_h * manifold_w, :, :, :], [manifold_h, manifold_w], './' + utils_parent.check_folder(self.result_dir + '/' + self.model_dir) + '/' + self.model_name + '_train_{:02d}_{:04d}.png'.format(epoch, idx)) # After an epoch, start_batch_id is set to zero # non-zero value is only for the first epoch after loading pre-trained model start_batch_id = 0 # save model, counter) # show temporal results self.visualize_results(epoch) # save model for final step, counter)