def nearestOn2(point, points, closed=False, radius=R_M,
                              LatLon=LatLon, **options):
    '''Locate the point on a polygon closest to an other point.

       Distances are approximated by function L{equirectangular_},
       subject to the supplied I{options}.

       @param point: The other, reference point (L{LatLon}).
       @param points: The polygon points (L{LatLon}[]).
       @keyword closed: Optionally, close the polygon (C{bool}).
       @keyword radius: Optional, mean earth radius (C{meter}).
       @keyword LatLon: Optional (sub-)class for the closest point
                        (L{LatLon}) or C{None}.
       @keyword options: Optional keyword arguments for function

       @return: 2-Tuple (I{closest}, I{distance}) of the closest point
                on the polygon and the distance to that point.  The
                I{closest} as I{LatLon} or a 2-tuple (lat, lon) if
                I{LatLon} is C{None}.  The I{distance} is the
                L{equirectangular_} distance between the I{closest} and
                reference I{point} in C{meter}, same units as I{radius}.

       @raise LimitError: Lat- and/or longitudinal delta exceeds
                          I{limit}, see function L{equirectangular_}.

       @raise TypeError: Some I{points} are not C{LatLon}.

       @raise ValueError: Insufficient number of I{points}.

       @see: Functions L{equirectangular_} and L{nearestOn3}.
    a, b, d, _ = nearestOn4(point, points, closed=closed, **options)
    ll = (a, b) if LatLon is None else LatLon(a, b)
    return ll, degrees2m(d, radius=radius)
    def nearestOn3(self, points, closed=False, radius=R_M, **options):
        '''Locate the point on a polygon closest to this point.

           Distances are approximated by function L{equirectangular_},
           subject to the supplied I{options}.

           @param points: The polygon points (L{LatLon}[]).
           @keyword closed: Optionally, close the polygon (C{bool}).
           @keyword radius: Optional, mean earth radius (C{meter}).
           @keyword options: Optional keyword arguments for function

           @return: 3-Tuple (I{closest}, I{distance}, I{angle}) of the
                    closest point (L{LatLon}) on the polygon, the distance
                    and the compass angle to the I{closest} point.  The
                    I{distance} is the L{equirectangular_} distance
                    between this and the I{closest} point in C{meter},
                    same units as I{radius}.  The I{angle} from this to
                    the I{closest} point is in compass C{degrees360},
                    like function L{compassAngle}.

           @raise LimitError: Lat- and/or longitudinal delta exceeds
                              I{limit}, see function L{equirectangular_}.

           @raise TypeError: Some I{points} are not C{LatLon}.

           @raise ValueError: Insufficient number of I{points}.

           @see: Functions L{compassAngle}, L{equirectangular_} and
        a, b, d, c = nearestOn4(self, points, closed=closed, **options)
        return self.classof(a, b), degrees2m(d, radius=radius), c
    def nearestOn3(self, points, closed=False, radius=R_M, **options):
        '''Locate the point on a polygon closest to this point.

           Distances are approximated by function L{equirectangular_},
           subject to the supplied B{C{options}}.

           @param points: The polygon points (L{LatLon}[]).
           @keyword closed: Optionally, close the polygon (C{bool}).
           @keyword radius: Optional, mean earth radius (C{meter}).
           @keyword options: Optional keyword arguments for function

           @return: A L{NearestOn3Tuple}C{(closest, distance, angle)}
                    where C{distance} is the L{equirectangular_} distance
                    between this and the C{closest} point in C{meter},
                    same units as B{C{radius}}.  The C{angle} from this to
                    the C{closest} point is in compass C{degrees360},
                    like function L{compassAngle}.

           @raise LimitError: Lat- and/or longitudinal delta exceeds
                              B{C{limit}}, see function L{equirectangular_}.

           @raise TypeError: Some B{C{points}} are not C{LatLon}.

           @raise ValueError: Insufficient number of B{C{points}}.

           @see: Functions L{compassAngle}, L{equirectangular_} and
        a, b, d, c, h = _nearestOn5(self, points, closed=closed, **options)
        return NearestOn3Tuple(self.classof(a, b, height=h),
                               degrees2m(d, radius=radius), c)
def nearestOn2(point, points, closed=False, radius=R_M,
                              LatLon=LatLon, **options):
    '''DEPRECATED, use function L{sphericalTrigonometry.nearestOn3}.

       @return: ... I{closest} as I{LatLon} or a 2-tuple (lat, lon)
                without the height if I{LatLon} is C{None} ...
    a, b, d, _, h = _nearestOn5(point, points, closed=closed, **options)
    ll = (a, b) if LatLon is None else LatLon(a, b, height=h)
    return ll, degrees2m(d, radius=radius)
def perimeterOf(points, closed=False, adjust=True, radius=R_M, wrap=True):
    '''Approximate the perimeter of a path or polygon.

       @param points: The path or polygon points (C{LatLon}[]).
       @keyword closed: Optionally, close the path or polygon (C{bool}).
       @keyword adjust: Adjust the wrapped, unrolled longitudinal delta
                        by the cosine of the mean latitude (C{bool}).
       @keyword radius: Optional, mean earth radius (C{meter}).
       @keyword wrap: Wrap lat-, wrap and unroll longitudes (C{bool}).

       @return: Approximate perimeter (C{meter}, same units as I{radius}).

       @raise TypeError: Some I{points} are not C{LatLon}.

       @raise ValueError: Insufficient number of I{points}.

       @note: This perimeter is based on the L{equirectangular_}
              distance approximation and is ill-suited for regions
              exceeding several hundred Km or Miles or with
              near-polar latitudes.

       @see: L{sphericalTrigonometry.perimeterOf} and
    pts = LatLon2psxy(points, closed=closed, radius=None, wrap=False)

    def _degs(n, pts, closed):  # angular edge lengths in degrees
        i, m = _imdex2(closed, n)
        x1, y1, _ = pts[i]
        u = 0  # previous x2's unroll/wrap
        for i in range(m, n):
            x2, y2, _ = pts[i]
            w = wrap if (not closed or i < (n - 1)) else False
            # apply previous x2's unroll/wrap to new x1
            _, dy, dx, u = equirectangular_(y1,
                                            x1 + u,
            yield hypot(dx, dy)
            x1, y1 = x2, y2

    d = fsum(_degs(len(pts), pts, closed))
    return degrees2m(d, radius)
def nearestOn3(point,
    '''Locate the point on a polygon closest to an other, reference point.

       Distances are approximated by function L{equirectangular_},
       subject to the supplied B{C{options}}.

       @param point: The other, reference point (L{LatLon}).
       @param points: The polygon points (L{LatLon}[]).
       @keyword closed: Optionally, close the polygon (C{bool}).
       @keyword radius: Optional, mean earth radius (C{meter}).
       @keyword LatLon: Optional (sub-)class to return the closest
                        point (L{LatLon}) or C{None}.
       @keyword options: Optional keyword arguments for function

       @return: A L{NearestOn3Tuple}C{(closest, distance, angle)}.  The
                C{distance} is the L{equirectangular_} distance between
                the C{closest} and reference B{C{point}} in C{meter}, same
                units as B{C{radius}}.  The C{angle} from the reference
                B{C{point}} to the C{closest} is in compass C{degrees360},
                like function L{compassAngle}.  The C{height} is the
                (interpolated) height at the C{closest} point.

       @raise LimitError: Lat- and/or longitudinal delta exceeds the
                          B{C{limit}}, see function L{equirectangular_}.

       @raise TypeError: Some I{points} are not C{LatLon}.

       @raise ValueError: Insufficient number of B{C{points}}.

       @see: Functions L{equirectangular_} and L{nearestOn5}.
    a, b, d, c, h = _nearestOn5(point,
    r = LatLon3Tuple(a, b, h) if LatLon is None else \
              LatLon(a, b, height=h)
    r = NearestOn3Tuple(r, degrees2m(d, radius=radius), c)
    return _xnamed(r, nearestOn3.__name__)
def equirectangular(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, radius=R_M, **options):
    '''Compute the distance between two points using
       the U{Equirectangular Approximation / Projection

       @param lat1: Start latitude (C{degrees}).
       @param lon1: Start longitude (C{degrees}).
       @param lat2: End latitude (C{degrees}).
       @param lon2: End longitude (C{degrees}).
       @keyword radius: Optional, mean earth radius (C{meter}).
       @keyword options: Optional keyword arguments for function

       @return: Distance (C{meter}, same units as I{radius}).

       @see: Function L{equirectangular_} for more details, the
             available I{options}, errors, restrictions and other,
             approximate or accurate distance functions.
    _, dy, dx, _ = equirectangular_(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, **options)
    return degrees2m(hypot(dx, dy), radius=radius)
def nearestOn3(point, points, closed=False, radius=R_M,
                              LatLon=LatLon, **options):
    '''Locate the point on a polygon closest to an other, reference point.

       Distances are approximated by function L{equirectangular_},
       subject to the supplied I{options}.

       @param point: The other, reference point (L{LatLon}).
       @param points: The polygon points (L{LatLon}[]).
       @keyword closed: Optionally, close the polygon (C{bool}).
       @keyword radius: Optional, mean earth radius (C{meter}).
       @keyword LatLon: Optional (sub-)class to return the closest
                        point (L{LatLon}) or C{None}.
       @keyword options: Optional keyword arguments for function

       @return: 3-Tuple (I{closest}, I{distance}, I{angle}) of the
                closest point (L{LatLon}) on the polygon, the distance
                and the compass angle to the I{closest} point.  The
                I{closest} is an instance of I{LatLon} or a 3-tuple
                (lat, lon, I{height}) if I{LatLon} is C{None}.  The
                I{distance} is the L{equirectangular_} distance between
                the I{closest} and reference I{point} in C{meter}, same
                units as I{radius}.  The I{angle} from the reference
                I{point} to the I{closest} is in compass C{degrees360},
                like function L{compassAngle}.  The I{height} is the
                (interpolated) height at the I{closest} point.

       @raise LimitError: Lat- and/or longitudinal delta exceeds
                          I{limit}, see function L{equirectangular_}.

       @raise TypeError: Some I{points} are not C{LatLon}.

       @raise ValueError: Insufficient number of I{points}.

       @see: Functions L{equirectangular_} and L{nearestOn5}.
    a, b, d, c, h = _nearestOn5(point, points, closed=closed, **options)
    llh = (a, b, h) if LatLon is None else LatLon(a, b, height=h)
    return llh, degrees2m(d, radius=radius), c
    def __init__(self, latlons, closed=False, radius=None, wrap=True):
        '''Handle C{LatLon} points as pseudo-xy coordinates.

           @note: The C{LatLon} latitude is considered the pseudo-y
                  and longitude the pseudo-x coordinate.  Similarly,
                  2-tuples (x, y) are (longitude, latitude).

           @param latlons: Points C{list}, C{sequence}, C{set}, C{tuple},
                           etc. (I{LatLon[]}).
           @keyword closed: Optionally, close the polygon (C{bool}).
           @keyword radius: Optional, mean earth radius (C{meter}).
           @keyword wrap: Wrap lat- and longitudes (C{bool}).

           @raise TypeError: Some I{latlons} are not C{LatLon}.

           @raise ValueError: Insufficient number of I{latlons}.
        self._closed = closed
        self._len, self._array = points2(latlons, closed=closed)
        if radius:
            self._radius = radius
            self._deg2m = degrees2m(1.0, radius)
        self._wrap = wrap