def find_pos_augment_edges(infr, pcc, k=None): """ # [[1, 0], [0, 2], [1, 2], [3, 1]] pos_sub = nx.Graph([[0, 1], [1, 2], [0, 2], [1, 3]]) """ if k is None: pos_k = infr.params['redun.pos'] else: pos_k = k pos_sub = infr.pos_graph.subgraph(pcc) # TODO: # weight by pairs most likely to be comparable # First try to augment only with unreviewed existing edges unrev_avail = list(nxu.edges_inside(infr.unreviewed_graph, pcc)) try: check_edges = list( nxu.k_edge_augmentation( pos_sub, k=pos_k, avail=unrev_avail, partial=False ) ) except nx.NetworkXUnfeasible: check_edges = None if not check_edges: # Allow new edges to be introduced full_sub = infr.graph.subgraph(pcc).copy() new_avail = ut.estarmap(infr.e_, nx.complement(full_sub).edges()) full_avail = unrev_avail + new_avail n_max = (len(pos_sub) * (len(pos_sub) - 1)) // 2 n_complement = n_max - pos_sub.number_of_edges() if len(full_avail) == n_complement: # can use the faster algorithm check_edges = list( nxu.k_edge_augmentation(pos_sub, k=pos_k, partial=True) ) else: # have to use the slow approximate algo check_edges = list( nxu.k_edge_augmentation( pos_sub, k=pos_k, avail=full_avail, partial=True ) ) check_edges = set(it.starmap(e_, check_edges)) return check_edges
def add_annotmatch_undirected(ibs, aids1, aids2, **kwargs): if len(aids1) == 0 and len(aids2) == 0: return [] edges = list(zip(aids1, aids2)) from ibeis.algo.graph import nx_utils as nxu # Enforce new undirected constraint edges = ut.estarmap(nxu.e_, edges) aids1, aids2 = list(zip(*edges)) am_rowids = ibs.get_annotmatch_rowid_from_undirected_superkey(aids1, aids2) idxs = ut.where([r is None for r in am_rowids]) # Check which ones are None aids1_ = ut.take(aids1, idxs) aids2_ = ut.take(aids2, idxs) # Create anything that is None am_rowids_ = ibs.add_annotmatch(aids2_, aids1_) # Use the other rowid if found for idx, rowid in zip(idxs, am_rowids_): am_rowids[idx] = rowid return am_rowids
def demodata_infr(**kwargs): """ kwargs = {} CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.graph.demo demodata_infr --show python -m wbia.algo.graph.demo demodata_infr --num_pccs=25 python -m wbia.algo.graph.demo demodata_infr --profile --num_pccs=100 Ignore: >>> from wbia.algo.graph.demo import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.algo.graph import demo >>> import networkx as nx >>> kwargs = dict(num_pccs=6, p_incon=.5, size_std=2) >>> kwargs = ut.argparse_dict(kwargs) >>> infr = demo.demodata_infr(**kwargs) >>> pccs = list(infr.positive_components()) >>> assert len(pccs) == kwargs['num_pccs'] >>> nonfull_pccs = [cc for cc in pccs if len(cc) > 1 and nx.is_empty(nx.complement(infr.pos_graph.subgraph(cc)))] >>> expected_n_incon = len(nonfull_pccs) * kwargs['p_incon'] >>> n_incon = len(list(infr.inconsistent_components())) >>> # TODO can test that we our sample num incon agrees with pop mean >>> #sample_mean = n_incon / len(nonfull_pccs) >>> #pop_mean = kwargs['p_incon'] >>> print('status = ' + ut.repr4(infr.status(extended=True))) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>>, groupby='name_label') >>> ut.show_if_requested() Ignore: kwargs = { 'ccs': [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5]] } """ import networkx as nx import vtool as vt from wbia.algo.graph import nx_utils def kwalias(*args): params = args[0:-1] default = args[-1] for key in params: if key in kwargs: return kwargs[key] return default num_pccs = kwalias('num_pccs', 16) size_mean = kwalias('pcc_size_mean', 'pcc_size', 'size', 5) size_std = kwalias('pcc_size_std', 'size_std', 0) # p_pcc_incon = kwargs.get('p_incon', .1) p_pcc_incon = kwargs.get('p_incon', 0) p_pcc_incomp = kwargs.get('p_incomp', 0) pcc_sizes = kwalias('pcc_sizes', None) pos_redun = kwalias('pos_redun', [1, 2, 3]) pos_redun = ut.ensure_iterable(pos_redun) # number of maximum inconsistent edges per pcc max_n_incon = kwargs.get('n_incon', 3) rng = np.random.RandomState(0) counter = 1 if pcc_sizes is None: pcc_sizes = [ int(randn(size_mean, size_std, rng=rng, a_min=1)) for _ in range(num_pccs) ] else: num_pccs = len(pcc_sizes) if 'ccs' in kwargs: # Overwrites other options pcc_sizes = list(map(len, kwargs['ccs'])) num_pccs = len(pcc_sizes) size_mean = None size_std = 0 new_ccs = [] pcc_iter = list(enumerate(pcc_sizes)) pcc_iter = ut.ProgIter(pcc_iter, enabled=num_pccs > 20, label='make pos-demo') for i, size in pcc_iter: p = 0.1 want_connectivity = rng.choice(pos_redun) want_connectivity = min(size - 1, want_connectivity) # Create basic graph of positive edges with desired connectivity g = nx_utils.random_k_edge_connected_graph(size, k=want_connectivity, p=p, rng=rng) nx.set_edge_attributes(g, name='evidence_decision', values=POSTV) nx.set_edge_attributes(g, name='truth', values=POSTV) # nx.set_node_attributes(g, name='orig_name_label', values=i) assert nx.is_connected(g) # Relabel graph with non-conflicting names if 'ccs' in kwargs: g = nx.relabel_nodes(g, dict(enumerate(kwargs['ccs'][i]))) else: # Make sure nodes do not conflict with others g = nx.relabel_nodes( g, dict(enumerate(range(counter, len(g) + counter + 1)))) counter += len(g) # The probability any edge is inconsistent is `p_incon` # This is 1 - P(all edges consistent) # which means p(edge is consistent) = (1 - p_incon) / N complement_edges = ut.estarmap(nx_utils.e_, nx_utils.complement_edges(g)) if len(complement_edges) > 0: # compute probability that any particular edge is inconsistent # to achieve probability the PCC is inconsistent p_edge_inconn = 1 - (1 - p_pcc_incon)**(1 / len(complement_edges)) p_edge_unrev = 0.1 p_edge_notcomp = 1 - (1 - p_pcc_incomp)**(1 / len(complement_edges)) probs = np.array([p_edge_inconn, p_edge_unrev, p_edge_notcomp]) # if the total probability is greater than 1 the parameters # are invalid, so we renormalize to "fix" it. # if probs.sum() > 1: # warnings.warn('probabilities sum to more than 1') # probs = probs / probs.sum() pcumsum = probs.cumsum() # Determine which mutually exclusive state each complement edge is in #'pcumsum = %r' % (pcumsum,)) states = np.searchsorted(pcumsum, rng.rand(len(complement_edges))) incon_idxs = np.where(states == 0)[0] if len(incon_idxs) > max_n_incon:'max_n_incon = %r' % (max_n_incon, )) chosen = rng.choice(incon_idxs, max_n_incon, replace=False) states[np.setdiff1d(incon_idxs, chosen)] = len(probs) grouped_edges = ut.group_items(complement_edges, states) for state, edges in grouped_edges.items(): truth = POSTV if state == 0: # Add in inconsistent edges evidence_decision = NEGTV # TODO: truth could be INCMP or POSTV # new_edges.append((u, v, {'evidence_decision': NEGTV})) elif state == 1: evidence_decision = UNREV # TODO: truth could be INCMP or POSTV # new_edges.append((u, v, {'evidence_decision': UNREV})) elif state == 2: evidence_decision = INCMP truth = INCMP else: continue # Add in candidate edges attrs = { 'evidence_decision': evidence_decision, 'truth': truth } for (u, v) in edges: g.add_edge(u, v, **attrs) new_ccs.append(g) # (list(g.nodes()), new_edges)) pos_g = nx.union_all(new_ccs) assert len(new_ccs) == len(list(nx.connected_components(pos_g))) assert num_pccs == len(new_ccs) # Add edges between the PCCS neg_edges = [] if not kwalias('ignore_pair', False):'making pairs') pair_attrs_lookup = { 0: { 'evidence_decision': NEGTV, 'truth': NEGTV }, 1: { 'evidence_decision': INCMP, 'truth': INCMP }, 2: { 'evidence_decision': UNREV, 'truth': NEGTV }, # could be incomp or neg } # These are the probabilities that one edge has this state p_pair_neg = kwalias('p_pair_neg', 0.4) p_pair_incmp = kwalias('p_pair_incmp', 0.2) p_pair_unrev = kwalias('p_pair_unrev', 0) # p_pair_neg = 1 cc_combos = ((list(g1.nodes()), list(g2.nodes())) for (g1, g2) in it.combinations(new_ccs, 2)) valid_cc_combos = [(cc1, cc2) for cc1, cc2 in cc_combos if len(cc1) and len(cc2)] for cc1, cc2 in ut.ProgIter(valid_cc_combos, label='make neg-demo'): possible_edges = ut.estarmap(nx_utils.e_, it.product(cc1, cc2)) # probability that any edge between these PCCs is negative n_edges = len(possible_edges) p_edge_neg = 1 - (1 - p_pair_neg)**(1 / n_edges) p_edge_incmp = 1 - (1 - p_pair_incmp)**(1 / n_edges) p_edge_unrev = 1 - (1 - p_pair_unrev)**(1 / n_edges) # Create event space with sizes proportional to probabilities pcumsum = np.cumsum([p_edge_neg, p_edge_incmp, p_edge_unrev]) # Roll dice for each of the edge to see which state it lands on possible_pstate = rng.rand(len(possible_edges)) states = np.searchsorted(pcumsum, possible_pstate) flags = states < len(pcumsum) stateful_states = states.compress(flags) stateful_edges = ut.compress(possible_edges, flags) unique_states, groupxs_list = vt.group_indices(stateful_states) for state, groupxs in zip(unique_states, groupxs_list): #'state = %r' % (state,)) # Add in candidate edges edges = ut.take(stateful_edges, groupxs) attrs = pair_attrs_lookup[state] for (u, v) in edges: neg_edges.append((u, v, attrs))'Made {} neg_edges between PCCS'.format(len(neg_edges))) else:'ignoring pairs') import wbia G = wbia.AnnotInference._graph_cls() G.add_nodes_from(pos_g.nodes(data=True)) G.add_edges_from(pos_g.edges(data=True)) G.add_edges_from(neg_edges) infr = wbia.AnnotInference.from_netx(G, infer=kwargs.get('infer', True)) infr.verbose = 3 infr.relabel_using_reviews(rectify=False) # fontname = 'Ubuntu' fontsize = 12 fontname = 'sans' splines = 'spline' # splines = 'ortho' # splines = 'line' infr.set_node_attrs('shape', 'circle') infr.graph.graph['ignore_labels'] = True infr.graph.graph['dark_background'] = False infr.graph.graph['fontname'] = fontname infr.graph.graph['fontsize'] = fontsize infr.graph.graph['splines'] = splines infr.set_node_attrs('width', 29) infr.set_node_attrs('height', 29) infr.set_node_attrs('fontsize', fontsize) infr.set_node_attrs('fontname', fontname) infr.set_node_attrs('fixed_size', True) # Set synthetic ground-truth attributes for testing # infr.apply_edge_truth() infr.edge_truth = infr.get_edge_attrs('truth') # Make synthetic verif infr.dummy_verif = DummyVerif(infr) infr.verifiers = {} infr.verifiers['match_state'] = infr.dummy_verif infr.demokw = kwargs return infr