def test(): print('enter test') log_fpath1 = utool.get_app_resource_dir('utool', 'test_logfile1.txt') log_fpath2 = utool.get_app_resource_dir('utool', 'test_logfile2.txt') utool.start_logging(log_fpath1, 'w') func1() func2() utool.stop_logging() print('\n\n') print('This line is NOT logged') print('\n\n') utool.start_logging(log_fpath2, 'w') print('This line is logged') utool.stop_logging() log1 = utool.read_from(log_fpath1, verbose=False) log2 = utool.read_from(log_fpath2, verbose=False) target1 = utool.unindent(''' <__LOG_START__> logging to log_fpath=%r [test][func1]enter func1 [test][func1]exit func1 [test][func2]enter func2 [test][func2][func1]enter func1 [test][func2][func1]exit func1 [test][func2]exit func2 <__LOG_STOP__>''' % log_fpath1).strip() target2 = utool.unindent(''' <__LOG_START__> logging to log_fpath=%r [test]This line is logged <__LOG_STOP__>''' % log_fpath2).strip() output1 = remove_timestamp(log1).strip() output2 = remove_timestamp(log2).strip() try: assert target1 == output1, 'target1 failed' assert target2 == output2, 'target2 failed' builtins.print('TEST PASSED') except AssertionError: builtins.print('\n<!!! TEST FAILED !!!>') builtins.print('\ntarget1:') builtins.print(target1) builtins.print('\noutput1:') builtins.print(output1) builtins.print('\ntarget2:') builtins.print(target2) builtins.print('\noutput2:') builtins.print(output2) builtins.print('</!!! TEST FAILED !!!>\n') raise
def get_flann_fpath(dpts, cache_dir='default', cfgstr='', flann_params={}, use_params_hash=True, use_data_hash=True, appname='vtool', verbose=True): """ returns filepath for flann index """ if cache_dir == 'default': if verbose: print('[flann] using default cache dir') cache_dir = utool.get_app_resource_dir(appname) utool.ensuredir(cache_dir) flann_cfgstr = get_flann_cfgstr(dpts, flann_params, cfgstr, use_params_hash=use_params_hash, use_data_hash=use_data_hash) if verbose: print('...flann_cache cfgstr = %r: ' % flann_cfgstr) # Append any user labels flann_fname = 'flann_index' + flann_cfgstr + '.flann' flann_fpath = normpath(join(cache_dir, flann_fname)) return flann_fpath
def test_akmeans(full_test=False, plot_test=False, num_pca_dims=2, data_dim=2, nump=1000): import numpy as np from vtool import clustering nump = nump dims = data_dim # 128 dtype = np.uint8 print('Make %d random %d-dimensional %s points.' % (nump, dims, dtype)) # Seed for a determenistic test np.random.seed(42) data = np.array(np.random.randint(0, 255, (nump, dims)), dtype=dtype) num_clusters = 10 max_iters = 2 ave_unchanged_thresh = 0 ave_unchanged_iterwin = 10 flann_params = {} cache_dir = utool.get_app_resource_dir('vtool', 'test_cache') utool.ensuredir(cache_dir) # Test precomputing dx2_label, centers = clustering.precompute_akmeans(data, num_clusters, max_iters=max_iters, cache_dir=cache_dir) # internal names datax2_clusterx, centroids = dx2_label, centers if plot_test: clustering.plot_clusters(data, datax2_clusterx, centroids, num_pca_dims=num_pca_dims) assert centers.shape == (num_clusters, dims), 'sanity check' assert dx2_label.shape == (nump, ), 'sanity check' # Test regular computing if full_test: dx2_label, centers = clustering.akmeans(data, num_clusters, max_iters=max_iters) assert centers.shape == (num_clusters, dims), 'sanity check' assert dx2_label.shape == (nump, ), 'sanity check' if False: # other test (development) import pyflann flann_lib_inst = pyflann.flann flann_class_inst = pyflann.FLANN() flann_class_inst.build_index(data) return locals()
def test_file_hash(): resdir = utool.get_app_resource_dir('utool') test_fpath = join(resdir, 'lorium_ipsum.txt') if not utool.checkpath(test_fpath, verbose=True, n=100): utool.write_to(test_fpath, lorium_text) hash_ = utool.get_file_hash(test_fpath) target_hash_ = b'\xd1Y\xe5\xa2\xc1\xd8\xb8\nS\xb1?\x16\xfe\xc5\x88\xbd\x9e\xb4\xe3\xda' print(repr(hash_)) print(repr(target_hash_)) assert hash_ == target_hash_
def render_latex_text(input_text, nest_in_doc=False, appname='utool', verbose=None): """ testing function """ import utool as ut if verbose is None: verbose = ut.VERBOSE dpath = ut.get_app_resource_dir(appname) # put a latex framgent in a full document print(input_text) pdf_fpath = ut.compile_latex_text(input_text, dpath=dpath, verbose=verbose) ut.startfile(pdf_fpath) return pdf_fpath
def ensure_model(model, redownload=False): try: url = MODEL_DOMAIN + MODEL_URLS[model] extracted_fpath = ut.grab_file_url(url, appname='ibeis_cnn', redownload=redownload, check_hash=True) except KeyError as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'model is not uploaded', iswarning=True) extracted_fpath = ut.unixjoin(ut.get_app_resource_dir('ibeis_cnn'), model) ut.assert_exists(extracted_fpath) return extracted_fpath
def compute_distinctivness(vecs_list, species="zebra_plains"): """ hack in distinctivness """ from ibeis.algo.hots import distinctiveness_normalizer cachedir = ut.get_app_resource_dir("ibeis", "distinctiveness_model") dstcnvs_normer = distinctiveness_normalizer.DistinctivnessNormalizer(species, cachedir=cachedir) dstcnvs_normer.load(cachedir) dstncvs_list = [dstcnvs_normer.get_distinctiveness(vecs) for vecs in vecs_list] return dstncvs_list
def compute_distinctivness(vecs_list, species='zebra_plains'): """ hack in distinctivness """ from ibeis.algo.hots import distinctiveness_normalizer cachedir = ut.get_app_resource_dir('ibeis', 'distinctiveness_model') dstcnvs_normer = distinctiveness_normalizer.DistinctivnessNormalizer( species, cachedir=cachedir) dstcnvs_normer.load(cachedir) dstncvs_list = [ dstcnvs_normer.get_distinctiveness(vecs) for vecs in vecs_list ] return dstncvs_list
def get_cached_vocabs(): import parse # Parse some of the training data from fname parse_str = '{}nC={num_cent},{}_DPTS(({num_dpts},{dim}){}' smkdir = ut.get_app_resource_dir('smk') fname_list = ut.glob(smkdir, 'akmeans*') fpath_list = [join(smkdir, fname) for fname in fname_list] result_list = [parse.parse(parse_str, fpath) for fpath in fpath_list] nCent_list = [int(res['num_cent']) for res in result_list] nDpts_list = [int(res['num_dpts']) for res in result_list] key_list = zip(nCent_list, nDpts_list) fpath_sorted = ut.sortedby(fpath_list, key_list, reverse=True) return fpath_sorted
def find_tomcat(verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET): r""" Searches likely places for tomcat to be installed Returns: str: tomcat_dpath Ignore: locate --regex "tomcat/webapps$" CommandLine: python -m ibeis find_tomcat Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from ibeis.control.wildbook_manager import * # NOQA >>> tomcat_dpath = find_tomcat() >>> result = ('tomcat_dpath = %s' % (str(tomcat_dpath),)) >>> print(result) """ # Tomcat folder must be named one of these and contain specific files fname_list = ['Tomcat', 'tomcat'] #required_subpaths = ['webapps', 'bin', 'bin/'] required_subpaths = ['webapps'] # Places for local install of tomcat priority_paths = [ # Number one preference is the CATALINA_HOME directory os.environ.get('CATALINA_HOME', None), # We put tomcat here if we can't find it ut.get_app_resource_dir('ibeis', 'tomcat') ] if ut.is_developer(): # For my machine to use local catilina dpath_list = [] else: # Places for system install of tomcat if ut.WIN32: dpath_list = ['C:/Program Files (x86)', 'C:/Program Files'] elif ut.DARWIN: dpath_list = ['/Library'] # + dpath_list else: dpath_list = ['/var/lib', '/usr/share', '/opt', '/lib'] return_path = ut.search_candidate_paths(dpath_list, fname_list, priority_paths, required_subpaths, verbose=verbose) tomcat_dpath = return_path print('tomcat_dpath = %r ' % (tomcat_dpath, )) return tomcat_dpath
def find_tomcat(verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET): r""" Searches likely places for tomcat to be installed Returns: str: tomcat_dpath Ignore: locate --regex "tomcat/webapps$" CommandLine: python -m ibeis find_tomcat Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from ibeis.control.wildbook_manager import * # NOQA >>> tomcat_dpath = find_tomcat() >>> result = ('tomcat_dpath = %s' % (str(tomcat_dpath),)) >>> print(result) """ # Tomcat folder must be named one of these and contain specific files fname_list = ['Tomcat', 'tomcat'] #required_subpaths = ['webapps', 'bin', 'bin/'] required_subpaths = ['webapps'] # Places for local install of tomcat priority_paths = [ # Number one preference is the CATALINA_HOME directory os.environ.get('CATALINA_HOME', None), # We put tomcat here if we can't find it ut.get_app_resource_dir('ibeis', 'tomcat') ] if ut.is_developer(): # For my machine to use local catilina dpath_list = [] else: # Places for system install of tomcat if ut.WIN32: dpath_list = ['C:/Program Files (x86)', 'C:/Program Files'] elif ut.DARWIN: dpath_list = ['/Library'] + dpath_list else: dpath_list = ['/var/lib', '/usr/share', '/opt', '/lib'] return_path = ut.search_candidate_paths( dpath_list, fname_list, priority_paths, required_subpaths, verbose=verbose) tomcat_dpath = return_path print('tomcat_dpath = %r ' % (tomcat_dpath,)) return tomcat_dpath
def find_tomcat(verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET): r""" Returns: str: tomcat_dpath CommandLine: python -m ibeis.control.manual_wildbook_funcs --test-find_tomcat python -m ibeis --tf find_tomcat Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from ibeis.control.manual_wildbook_funcs import * # NOQA >>> tomcat_dpath = find_tomcat() >>> result = ('tomcat_dpath = %s' % (str(tomcat_dpath),)) >>> print(result) """ import utool as ut import os fname_list = ['Tomcat', 'tomcat'] if ALLOW_SYSTEM_TOMCAT: # Places for system install of tomcat if ut.WIN32: dpath_list = ['C:/Program Files (x86)', 'C:/Program Files'] else: dpath_list = ['/var/lib', '/usr/share', '/opt', '/lib'] if ut.DARWIN: dpath_list = ['/Library'] + dpath_list else: dpath_list = [] priority_paths = [ # Numberone preference is the CATALINA_HOME directory os.environ.get('CATALINA_HOME', None), # We put tomcat here if we can't find it ut.get_app_resource_dir('ibeis', 'tomcat') ] required_subpaths = [ 'webapps', 'bin', 'bin/', ] return_path = ut.search_candidate_paths(dpath_list, fname_list, priority_paths, required_subpaths, verbose=verbose) tomcat_dpath = return_path print('tomcat_dpath = %r ' % (tomcat_dpath,)) return tomcat_dpath
def learn_visual_words(annots_df, taids, nWords, use_cache=True): """ Computes visual words >>> from ibeis.model.hots.smk.smk import * # NOQA >>> ibs, annots_df, taids, daids, qaids, nWords = testdata() >>> words = learn_visual_words(annots_df, taids, nWords) """ vecs_list = annots_df['vecs'][taids].as_matrix() train_vecs = np.vstack(vecs_list) print('Training %d word vocabulary with %d annots and %d descriptors' % (nWords, len(taids), len(train_vecs))) cache_dir = utool.get_app_resource_dir('smk') words = clustertool.cached_akmeans(train_vecs, nWords, max_iters=100, use_cache=use_cache, cache_dir=cache_dir) return words
def reset_local_wildbook(): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.control.manual_wildbook_funcs --test-reset_local_wildbook Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from ibeis.control.manual_wildbook_funcs import * # NOQA >>> reset_local_wildbook() """ import utool as ut try: shutdown_wildbook_server() except ImportError: pass ut.delete(ut.unixjoin(ut.get_app_resource_dir('ibeis'), 'tomcat'))
def test_akmeans(full_test=False, plot_test=False, num_pca_dims=2, data_dim=2, nump=1000): import numpy as np from vtool import clustering nump = nump dims = data_dim # 128 dtype = np.uint8 print('Make %d random %d-dimensional %s points.' % (nump, dims, dtype)) # Seed for a determenistic test np.random.seed(42) data = np.array(np.random.randint(0, 255, (nump, dims)), dtype=dtype) num_clusters = 10 max_iters = 2 ave_unchanged_thresh = 0 ave_unchanged_iterwin = 10 flann_params = {} cache_dir = utool.get_app_resource_dir('vtool', 'test_cache') utool.ensuredir(cache_dir) # Test precomputing dx2_label, centers = clustering.precompute_akmeans(data, num_clusters, max_iters=max_iters, cache_dir=cache_dir) # internal names datax2_clusterx, centroids = dx2_label, centers if plot_test: clustering.plot_clusters(data, datax2_clusterx, centroids, num_pca_dims=num_pca_dims) assert centers.shape == (num_clusters, dims), 'sanity check' assert dx2_label.shape == (nump,), 'sanity check' # Test regular computing if full_test: dx2_label, centers = clustering.akmeans(data, num_clusters, max_iters=max_iters) assert centers.shape == (num_clusters, dims), 'sanity check' assert dx2_label.shape == (nump,), 'sanity check' if False: # other test (development) import pyflann flann_lib_inst = pyflann.flann flann_class_inst = pyflann.FLANN() flann_class_inst.build_index(data) return locals()
def test_pygist(): print('[pygist] Testing pygist') # Ensure you have test data print('[pygist] Ensuring testdata') datafile = utool.grab_file_url(TEST_MODEL_URL, appname='utool') test_image_dir = utool.grab_zipped_url(TEST_IMAGES_URL, appname='utool') imgpaths = utool.list_images(test_image_dir, fullpath=True) # test image paths outdir = utool.get_app_resource_dir('pygist') # where to put results # Run pygist on test images print('[pygist] Running tests') test_results = pygist.test(imgpaths, outdir=outdir, datafile=datafile) # Print results target_results = [-1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1] assert target_results == target_results, 'results do not match' print('test_results = %r' % (test_results,)) print(utool.list_str(list(izip(imgpaths, test_results)))) return locals()
def compute_forgroundness(fpath1, kpts1, species='zebra_plains'): """ hack in foregroundness """ import pyrf import vtool as vt from os.path import exists # hack for getting a model (not entirely ibeis independent) trees_path = ut.get_app_resource_dir('ibeis', 'detectmodels', 'rf', species) tree_fpath_list = ut.glob(trees_path, '*.txt') detector = pyrf.Random_Forest_Detector() # TODO; might need to downsample forest = detector.forest(tree_fpath_list, verbose=False) gpath_list = [fpath1] output_gpath_list = [ gpath + '.' + species + '.probchip.png' for gpath in gpath_list ] detectkw = { 'scale_list': [1.15, 1.0, 0.85, 0.7, 0.55, 0.4, 0.25, 0.1], 'output_gpath_list': output_gpath_list, 'mode': 1, # mode one outputs probimage } results_iter = detector.detect(forest, gpath_list, **detectkw) results_list = list(results_iter) # NOQA probchip_list = [ vt.imread(gpath, grayscale=True) if exists(gpath) else None for gpath in output_gpath_list ] #vtpatch.get_warped_patches() fgweights_list = [] kpts_list = [kpts1] for probchip, kpts in zip(probchip_list, kpts_list): patch_list = [ vt.get_warped_patch(probchip, kp)[0].astype(np.float32) / 255.0 for kp in kpts ] weight_list = [ vt.gaussian_average_patch(patch) for patch in patch_list ] #weight_list = [patch.sum() / (patch.size) for patch in patch_list] weights = np.array(weight_list, dtype=np.float32) fgweights_list.append(weights) fgweights = fgweights_list[0] detector.free_forest(forest) return fgweights
def vim_grep_project(pat, hashid=None): import vim import utool as ut ut.ENABLE_COLORS = False ut.util_str.ENABLE_COLORS = False if hashid is None: hashid = ut.hashstr27(pat) print('Grepping for pattern = %r' % (pat,)) msg_list = ut.grep_projects([pat], verbose=False, colored=False) fname = 'tmp_grep_' + hashid + '.txt' dpath = ut.get_app_resource_dir('utool') fpath = ut.unixjoin(dpath, fname) #pyvim_funcs.vim_fpath_cmd('split', fpath) vim_fpath_cmd('new', fpath) text = '\n'.join(msg_list) overwrite_text(text) vim.command(":exec ':w'")
def test_pygist(): print('[pygist] Testing pygist') # Ensure you have test data print('[pygist] Ensuring testdata') datafile = utool.grab_file_url(TEST_MODEL_URL, appname='utool') test_image_dir = utool.grab_zipped_url(TEST_IMAGES_URL, appname='utool') imgpaths = utool.list_images(test_image_dir, fullpath=True) # test image paths outdir = utool.get_app_resource_dir('pygist') # where to put results # Run pygist on test images print('[pygist] Running tests') test_results = pygist.test(imgpaths, outdir=outdir, datafile=datafile) # Print results target_results = [-1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1] assert target_results == target_results, 'results do not match' print('test_results = %r' % (test_results, )) print(utool.list_str(list(izip(imgpaths, test_results)))) return locals()
def index_data_annots(annots_df, daids, words, with_internals=True): """ Create inverted index for database annotations >>> from ibeis.model.hots.smk.smk import * # NOQA >>> ibs, annots_df, taids, daids, qaids, nWords = testdata() >>> words = learn_visual_words(annots_df, taids, nWords) >>> with_internals = True >>> invindex = index_data_annots(annots_df, daids, words, with_internals) """ vecs_list = ensure_values(annots_df['vecs'][daids]) flann_params = {} cache_dir = utool.get_app_resource_dir('smk') wordflann = nntool.flann_cache(words, flann_params=flann_params, cache_dir=cache_dir) _daids = ensure_values(daids) idx2_dvec, idx2_daid, idx2_dfx = nntool.invertable_stack(vecs_list, _daids) invindex = InvertedIndex(words, wordflann, idx2_dvec, idx2_daid, idx2_dfx, _daids) if with_internals: invindex.compute_internals() return invindex
def testdata_coverage(fname=None): """ testing function """ import vtool as vt # build test data kpts, vecs = vt.dummy.get_testdata_kpts(fname, with_vecs=True) # HACK IN DISTINCTIVENESS if fname is not None: from ibeis.algo.hots import distinctiveness_normalizer cachedir = ut.get_app_resource_dir('ibeis', 'distinctiveness_model') species = 'zebra_plains' dstcnvs_normer = distinctiveness_normalizer.DistinctivnessNormalizer(species, cachedir=cachedir) dstcnvs_normer.load(cachedir) weights = dstcnvs_normer.get_distinctiveness(vecs) else: kpts = np.vstack((kpts, [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0])) kpts = np.vstack((kpts, [0.01, 10, 1, 1, 1, 0])) kpts = np.vstack((kpts, [0.94, 11.5, 1, 1, 1, 0])) weights = np.ones(len(kpts)) chipsize = tuple(vt.iceil(vt.get_kpts_image_extent(kpts)).tolist()) return kpts, chipsize, weights
def purge_local_wildbook(): r""" Shuts down the server and then purges the server on disk CommandLine: python -m ibeis purge_local_wildbook python -m ibeis purge_local_wildbook --purge-war Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from ibeis.control.wildbook_manager import * # NOQA >>> purge_local_wildbook() """ try: shutdown_wildbook_server() except ImportError: pass ut.delete(ut.unixjoin(ut.get_app_resource_dir('ibeis'), 'tomcat')) if ut.get_argflag('--purge-war'): war_fpath = find_or_download_wilbook_warfile(ensure=False) ut.delete(war_fpath)
def testdata_coverage(fname=None): """ testing function """ import vtool as vt # build test data kpts, vecs = vt.dummy.get_testdata_kpts(fname, with_vecs=True) # HACK IN DISTINCTIVENESS if fname is not None: from ibeis.algo.hots import distinctiveness_normalizer cachedir = ut.get_app_resource_dir('ibeis', 'distinctiveness_model') species = 'zebra_plains' dstcnvs_normer = distinctiveness_normalizer.DistinctivnessNormalizer( species, cachedir=cachedir) dstcnvs_normer.load(cachedir) weights = dstcnvs_normer.get_distinctiveness(vecs) else: kpts = np.vstack((kpts, [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0])) kpts = np.vstack((kpts, [0.01, 10, 1, 1, 1, 0])) kpts = np.vstack((kpts, [0.94, 11.5, 1, 1, 1, 0])) weights = np.ones(len(kpts)) chipsize = tuple(vt.iceil(vt.get_kpts_image_extent(kpts)).tolist()) return kpts, chipsize, weights
def compute_forgroundness(fpath1, kpts1, species="zebra_plains"): """ hack in foregroundness """ import pyrf import vtool as vt from os.path import exists # hack for getting a model (not entirely ibeis independent) trees_path = ut.get_app_resource_dir("ibeis", "detectmodels", "rf", species) tree_fpath_list = ut.glob(trees_path, "*.txt") detector = pyrf.Random_Forest_Detector() # TODO; might need to downsample forest = detector.forest(tree_fpath_list, verbose=False) gpath_list = [fpath1] output_gpath_list = [gpath + "." + species + ".probchip.png" for gpath in gpath_list] detectkw = { "scale_list": [1.15, 1.0, 0.85, 0.7, 0.55, 0.4, 0.25, 0.1], "output_gpath_list": output_gpath_list, "mode": 1, # mode one outputs probimage } results_iter = detector.detect(forest, gpath_list, **detectkw) results_list = list(results_iter) # NOQA probchip_list = [vt.imread(gpath, grayscale=True) if exists(gpath) else None for gpath in output_gpath_list] # vtpatch.get_warped_patches() fgweights_list = [] kpts_list = [kpts1] for probchip, kpts in zip(probchip_list, kpts_list): patch_list = [vt.get_warped_patch(probchip, kp)[0].astype(np.float32) / 255.0 for kp in kpts] weight_list = [vt.gaussian_average_patch(patch) for patch in patch_list] # weight_list = [patch.sum() / (patch.size) for patch in patch_list] weights = np.array(weight_list, dtype=np.float32) fgweights_list.append(weights) fgweights = fgweights_list[0] detector.free_forest(forest) return fgweights
def get_unofficial_package_hrefs(nocache=None): """ Downloads the entire webpage of available hrefs, or returns a cached copy """ if nocache is None: nocache = FORCE cachedir = ut.get_app_resource_dir('utool') try: if nocache: raise Exception('cachemiss') all_href_list = ut.load_cache(cachedir, 'win32_hrefs', 'all_href_list') page_str = ut.load_cache(cachedir, 'win32_hrefs', 'page_str') print('all_href_list cache hit') return all_href_list, page_str except Exception: print('all_href_list cache miss') pass # Read page html headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'} print('Sending request to %r' % (UNOFFICIAL_WEBURL, )) req = urllib2.Request(UNOFFICIAL_WEBURL, None, headers) page = urllib2.urlopen(req) page_str = encrypted_lines = list( filter(lambda x: x.find('onclick') > -1, page_str.split('\n'))) print('Read %d encrypted lines ' % (len(encrypted_lines, ))) # List of all download links, now choose wisely, because we don't want # to hack for evil #line = encrypted_lines[0] def parse_encrypted(line): """ <script type="text/javascript"> // <![CDATA[ if (top.location!=location) top.location.href=location.href; function dc(ml,mi){ var ot=""; for(var j=0;j<mi.length;j++) ot+=String.fromCharCode(ml[mi.charCodeAt(j)-48]); document.write(ot); } function dl1(ml,mi){ var ot=""; for(var j=0;j<mi.length;j++) ot+=String.fromCharCode(ml[mi.charCodeAt(j)-48]); location.href=ot; } function dl(ml,mi){ mi=mi.replace('<','<'); mi=mi.replace('>','>'); mi=mi.replace('&','&'); setTimeout(function(){ dl1(ml,mi) }, 1500);} // ]]> </script> #start = line.find('javascript:dl') + len('javascript:dl') + 2 #end = line.find('title') - 4 #code = line[start: end] #mid = code.find(']') #left = code[0:mid] #right = code[mid + 4:] #ml = left #mi = right """ _, ml, mi, _ = parse.parse('{}javascript:dl([{}], "{}"){}', line) mi_ = mi.replace('<', '<').replace('>', '>').replace('&', '&') #ml_ = eval('[' + ml + ']') ml_ = eval(ml) href_ = ''.join([chr(ml_[ord(michar) - 48]) for michar in mi_]) href = ''.join([UNOFFICIAL_WEBURL, href_]) return href all_href_list = list(map(parse_encrypted, encrypted_lines)) print('decrypted %d lines' % (len(all_href_list))) ut.save_cache(cachedir, 'win32_hrefs', 'all_href_list', all_href_list) ut.save_cache(cachedir, 'win32_hrefs', 'page_str', page_str) return all_href_list, page_str
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import utool from os.path import exists, join, realpath (print, print_, printDBG, rrr, profile) = utool.inject( __name__, '[grabmodels]', DEBUG=False) #DETECTMODELS_DIR = realpath(join(dirname(__file__), 'rf')) DETECTMODELS_DIR = utool.get_app_resource_dir('ibeis', 'detectmodels') MODEL_DIRS = { 'rf': join(DETECTMODELS_DIR, 'rf'), } MODEL_URLS = { 'rf': '' } def assert_models(): for model_dir in MODEL_DIRS.values(): assert exists(model_dir), ('model_dir=%r does not exist' % model_dir) def ensure_models(): utool.ensuredir(DETECTMODELS_DIR) for algo, model_dir in MODEL_DIRS.items(): if not exists(model_dir): download_model(algo, model_dir) assert_models()
def get_unofficial_package_hrefs(nocache=None): """ Downloads the entire webpage of available hrefs, or returns a cached copy """ if nocache is None: nocache = FORCE cachedir = ut.get_app_resource_dir('utool') try: if nocache: raise Exception('cachemiss') all_href_list = ut.load_cache(cachedir, 'win32_hrefs', 'all_href_list') page_str = ut.load_cache(cachedir, 'win32_hrefs', 'page_str') print('all_href_list cache hit') return all_href_list, page_str except Exception: print('all_href_list cache miss') pass # Read page html headers = { 'User-Agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0' } print('Sending request to %r' % (UNOFFICIAL_WEBURL,)) req = urllib2.Request(UNOFFICIAL_WEBURL, None, headers) page = urllib2.urlopen(req) page_str = encrypted_lines = list(filter(lambda x: x.find('onclick') > -1, page_str.split('\n'))) print('Read %d encrypted lines ' % (len(encrypted_lines,))) # List of all download links, now choose wisely, because we don't want # to hack for evil #line = encrypted_lines[0] def parse_encrypted(line): """ <script type="text/javascript"> // <![CDATA[ if (top.location!=location) top.location.href=location.href; function dc(ml,mi){ var ot=""; for(var j=0;j<mi.length;j++) ot+=String.fromCharCode(ml[mi.charCodeAt(j)-48]); document.write(ot); } function dl1(ml,mi){ var ot=""; for(var j=0;j<mi.length;j++) ot+=String.fromCharCode(ml[mi.charCodeAt(j)-48]); location.href=ot; } function dl(ml,mi){ mi=mi.replace('<','<'); mi=mi.replace('>','>'); mi=mi.replace('&','&'); setTimeout(function(){ dl1(ml,mi) }, 1500);} // ]]> </script> #start = line.find('javascript:dl') + len('javascript:dl') + 2 #end = line.find('title') - 4 #code = line[start: end] #mid = code.find(']') #left = code[0:mid] #right = code[mid + 4:] #ml = left #mi = right """ _, ml, mi, _ = parse.parse('{}javascript:dl([{}], "{}"){}', line) mi_ = mi.replace('<', '<').replace('>', '>').replace('&', '&') #ml_ = eval('[' + ml + ']') ml_ = eval(ml) href_ = ''.join([chr(ml_[ord(michar) - 48]) for michar in mi_]) href = ''.join([UNOFFICIAL_WEBURL, href_]) return href all_href_list = list(map(parse_encrypted, encrypted_lines)) print('decrypted %d lines' % (len(all_href_list))) ut.save_cache(cachedir, 'win32_hrefs', 'all_href_list', all_href_list) ut.save_cache(cachedir, 'win32_hrefs', 'page_str', page_str) return all_href_list, page_str
def view_app_files_dir(back): print('[back] view_model_dir') utool.view_directory(utool.get_app_resource_dir('ibeis')) pass
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import logging import utool as ut import six from os.path import exists, join, realpath (print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__, '[grabmodels]') logger = logging.getLogger('wbia') # DETECTMODELS_DIR = realpath(join(dirname(__file__), 'rf')) DEFAULT_DETECTMODELS_DIR = ut.get_app_resource_dir('wbia', 'detectmodels') DETECTOR_KEY_RF = 'rf' MODEL_ALGO_SUBDIRS = { DETECTOR_KEY_RF: 'rf', } MODEL_URLS = { DETECTOR_KEY_RF: '', } def _expand_modeldir(modeldir='default'): """ returns default unless another path is specified """ if modeldir == 'default': modeldir = DEFAULT_DETECTMODELS_DIR return modeldir
browser = webdriver.Firefox() fp = browser.firefox_profile fp.set_preference("browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk", "application/exe") fp.set_preference("browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk", "application/exe") fp.set_preference("", False) fp.set_preference("browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk", "application/binary") fp.set_preference('', 2) fp.set_preference('', dldir) else: #install32 = normpath(r'C:\Program Files (x86)') #chromepath = normpath(r'\Google\Chrome\Application') #chromeexe = join(install32, chromepath, 'chrome.exe') import utool DRIVER_URL = '' chromedriverexe = utool.get_app_resource_dir('utool') + '/chromedriver.exe' if not utool.checkpath(chromedriverexe): utool.grab_zipped_url(DRIVER_URL, appname='utool') print(type(chromedriverexe)) print(chromedriverexe) #chromedriverexe = normpath(r'C:\Users\joncrall\local\PATH\chromedriver.exe') browser = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=chromedriverexe) weburl = '' browser.get(weburl) source = browser.page_source def clean_package_names(pkgname_list): clean_list = []
def delete_detection_models(back): print('[back] delete_detection_models') utool.delete(utool.get_app_resource_dir('ibeis', 'detectmodels')) pass
def delete_global_prefs(back): print('[back] delete_global_prefs') # TODO: Add are you sure dialog? utool.delete(utool.get_app_resource_dir('ibeis', 'global_cache')) pass