def process_roi(self, index): """ special for batch: manage the log file, make sure an exception closes it """ print 'Setting up ROI #%04d ...' % index, sys.stdout.flush() self.setup_roi(index) if self.outdir is not None: logpath = os.path.join(self.outdir, 'log') if not os.path.exists(logpath): os.mkdir(logpath) outtee = tools.OutputTee(os.path.join(logpath,'.txt')) else: outtee=None print 'Processing...' sys.stdout.flush() try: self.process() finally: if outtee is not None: outtee.close()
def main(args=None): if os.path.exists('kill'): raise Exception('Kill this job') if args is not None: stage = args.stage[0] nocreate = False # Was True, but only important to run the creation for large data sets else: # if called directly, may create stage = os.environ.get('stage', 'create') nocreate = False stage = stage.split('_')[0] if stage != 'create' and stage != 'monthly': print 'Not creating a model: assume data validated' return pointlike_dir = os.environ.get('POINTLIKE_DIR', '.') skymodel = os.environ.get('SKYMODEL_SUBDIR', '.') stream = os.environ.get('PIPELINE_STREAM', '-1') absskymodel = os.path.join(pointlike_dir, skymodel) if args is not None else '.' if args is not None: tee = tools.OutputTee(os.path.join(absskymodel, 'summary_log.txt')) current = str([:16] print '\n%s stage %s stream %s model %s ' % (current, stage, stream, absskymodel) if 'CUSTOM_IRF_DIR' not in os.environ and os.path.exists( os.path.expandvars('$FERMI/custom_irfs')): os.environ['CUSTOM_IRF_DIR'] = os.path.expandvars('$FERMI/custom_irfs') rc = dataset.validate(absskymodel, nocreate=nocreate, quiet=False) print 'Data is validated' if rc else 'NOT validated' if args is not None: tee.close() if not rc: raise Exception('Failed to validate data')
def main(args): """ """ def fixpath(s): if os.path.exists(s): return s r= s.replace('/a/wain025/g.glast.u55','/afs/slac/g/glast/groups') assert os.path.exists(r), 'paths do not exist: %s or %s' % (s,r) return r pointlike_dir=fixpath(args.pointlike_dir) # = os.environ.get('POINTLIKE_DIR', '.') skymodel =fixpath(args.skymodel) # = os.environ.get('SKYMODEL_SUBDIR', sys.argv[1] ) stream_id = stagelist = args.stage if hasattr(stagelist, '__iter__'): stagelist=stagelist[0] #handle local or from #piperaise Exception('killing this sequence!') absskymodel = os.path.join(pointlike_dir, skymodel) def make_zip(fname, ext='pickle', select=None): """fname : string name of a folder containing files to be zipped """ if os.path.exists(fname+'zip') and \ os.path.getmtime(fname) < os.path.getmtime(fname+'.zip'): print 'Not updating %s' % fname+'.zip' return if select is not None: ff = glob.glob(os.path.join(absskymodel, select)) else: ff = glob.glob(os.path.join(absskymodel, fname, '*.'+ext)) if len(ff)==0: print 'no files found to zip in folder %s' %fname return if len(ff)!=1728 and fname=='pickle' and not stagelist.startswith('addseeds'): raise Exception('Stage {}: Found {} pickle files, expected 1728'.format(stagelist, len(ff))) print 'found %d *.%s in folder %s ...' % ( len(ff),ext, fname,) , with zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(absskymodel, fname+'.zip'), 'w') as z: for filename in ff: z.write( filename, os.path.join(fname,os.path.split(filename)[-1])) print ' zipped into file' %fname def create_stream(newstage, job_list='joblist.txt'): print 'Starting stage %s' % newstage ps = stream.PipelineStream() ps(newstage, job_list=job_list, test=False) next = print 'next: {}'.format(next) if not args.test: tee = tools.OutputTee(os.path.join(absskymodel, 'summary_log.txt')) if os.path.exists(str(stream_id)): print 'Abort since detected file with stream name' raise Exception('Abort since detected file with stream name') if stream_id!=-1: streamInfo(stream_id, absskymodel) os.chdir(absskymodel) # useful for diagnostics below current = str([:16] print '\n%s stage %s stream %s model %s ' % (current, stagelist, stream_id, absskymodel) if os.path.exists('failed_rois.txt'): failed = sorted(map(int, open('failed_rois.txt').read().split())) print 'failed rois %s' % failed raise Exception('failed rois %s' % failed) t = stagelist.split(':',1) if len(t)==2: stage, nextstage = t else: stage,nextstage = t[0], None ss = stage.split('_') stage = ss[0] stage_args = ss[1:] if len(ss)>1 else ['none'] next_stage = stagedict.stagenames[stage].get('next', None) # always update the pickle for the ROIs, if changed make_zip('pickle') if stage=='update' or stage=='betafix': logto = open(os.path.join(absskymodel,'converge.txt'), 'a') qq=pipe.check_converge(absskymodel, tol=12, log=logto) r = pipe.roirec(absskymodel) q = pipe.check_converge(absskymodel, tol=12 , add_neighbors=False) open('update_roi_list.txt', 'w').write('\n'.join(map(str, sorted(qq)))) if stage_args[0]!='only' and stage_args[0]!='associations': if len(q)>1: if len(qq)> 200: create_stream('update') else: create_stream('update', job_list='$SKYMODEL_SUBDIR/update_roi_list.txt') else: model_name = os.getcwd().split('/')[-1] create_stream('finish' if model_name.find('month')<0 else 'finish_month') elif stage=='sedinfo': make_zip('sedinfo') make_zip('sedfig','png') elif stage=='create' or stage=='create_reloc': # always do one more stream after initial if nextstage is None: create_stream('update_full') # always start an update elif stage=='diffuse': make_zip('galfit_plots', 'png') make_zip('galfits_all') elif stage=='isodiffuse': make_zip('isofit_plots', 'png') make_zip('isofits') elif stage=='limb': make_zip('limb') #elif stage=='finish' or stage=='counts': elif stage=='tables': names = 'ts kde'.split() if stage_args==['none'] else stage_args if 'ts' in names: if not os.path.exists('hptables_ts_kde_512.fits'): healpix_map.assemble_tables(names) modelname = os.getcwd().split('/')[-1] check_ts.pipe_make_seeds( modelname, 'seeds_ts.txt') if next_stage is not None: create_stream(next_stage) elif 'hard' in names: healpix_map.assemble_tables('hard') modelname = os.getcwd().split('/')[-1] check_ts.pipe_make_seeds( modelname, 'seeds_hard.txt') if next_stage is not None: create_stream(next_stage) elif 'mspsens' in names: healpix_map.assemble_tables(names, nside=256) # assume nside elif 'all' in names: print 'Finished tables_all' else: print 'Unexpected table name: {}'.format(names) elif stage=='ptables': names = ['tsp'] healpix_map.assemble_tables(names) elif stage=='pulsar': healpix_map.assemble_tables(['pts']) elif stage=='seedcheck': key = stage_args[0] print 'Processing seedcheck with key %s' % key make_zip('seedcheck' , select=None if key=='none' else 'seedcheck_%s/*' %key) if key=='pgw': # processing a month seedcheck.SeedCheck().all_plots(); create_stream('update_seeds') elif stage=='sourcefinding': raise Exception('place holder -- will call code for inclusive template ts maps') else: # catch fluxcorr, any others like # also perhaps start another stage if os.path.exists(stage): make_zip(stage) if next_stage is not None: job_list = stagedict.stagenames[next_stage].get('job_list', 'job_list') create_stream(next_stage, job_list) else: print 'stage %s not recognized for summary'%stage if not args.test: if nextstage: create_stream(nextstage) tee.close()