def accept_files(files,start_date,stop_date,gti=None,months = False): """Decide what subset of files should be accepted based on start_date,stop_date and gti. Intended for use by get_data; there should be no reason to use it on its own, and it may have counterintuitive results if you do. start_date and stop_date are datetime objects. gti is a Gti describing time ranges that should NOT be accepted. """ if not hasattr(files,'__iter__'): files = [files] if gti is None: gti = Gti() files = np.asarray(files) mask = np.array([True]*len(files)) for i,f in enumerate(files): toks = os.path.basename(f).split('_') l = toks[0] mult = 100 if months else 1 d = MyDate(*yyyymmdd_to_date(int(toks[1])*mult + months).timetuple()[:6]) if d<start_date or (gti.minValue()<(utc_to_met(*(d+timedelta(0,1,0)).timetuple()[:6])) and gti.maxValue()>(utc_to_met(*(d+timedelta(0,1,0)).timetuple()[:6]))): mask[i] = False d2 = eval('d.add_%s()'%l) if d2>stop_date or (gti.minValue()<(utc_to_met(*(d2-timedelta(0,1,0)).timetuple()[:6])) and gti.maxValue()>(utc_to_met(*(d2-timedelta(0,1,0)).timetuple()[:6]))): mask[i] = False try: gti.combine(merge_gti(files[mask])) except IndexError: pass return mask,gti
def _get_bins(self): """Set up the time bins for the light curve.""" start, stop = self.factory_kwargs['tstart'], self.factory_kwargs[ 'tstop'] if type(self.timebin) == type(1): bin_edges = np.arange(start, stop + 1, 86400 * self.timebin, dtype='float') elif type(self.timebin) == type(''): if self.timebin == 'day': self.timebin = 1 return self._get_bins() elif self.timebin == 'week': self.timebin = 7 return self._get_bins() elif self.timebin == 'month': bin_edges = np.array([start], dtype='float') date = MET(start).time date += datetime.timedelta( monthrange(date.year, date.month)[1], 0, 0) while utc_to_met(*date.timetuple()[:6]) < stop: bin_edges = np.append(bin_edges, utc_to_met(*date.timetuple()[:6])) date += datetime.timedelta( monthrange(date.year, date.month)[1], 0, 0) if bin_edges[-1] < stop: bin_edges = np.append(bin_edges, stop) else: raise ValueError('''%s is not a valid time binning: must be "day", "week", "month", or an integer number of days.''') else: raise TypeError('Keyword argument "timebin" must be\ an int or a string.') return np.array(zip(bin_edges[:-1], bin_edges[1:]))
class LightCurve(object): """A class to handle building light curves. The standard procedure is to first perform a fit for the background parameters, and then use refit a small subset of those parameters (generally only normalization parameters for one or a few sources) for each subinterval. The background fit is performed using all the data for the full period covered by the light curve, including all all catalog point sources within a given radius, and leaving all spectral parameters for all point sources and diffuse backgrounds free. The same set of sources is then used as background for the subinterval fits. For each source in each time bin, save the flux with upper and lower error bars, log likelihood at four points (the background fit values, the maximum for the interval, and plus and minus 1 sigma), and the TS. For cases where the lower flux error bar overlaps 0, or where the TS is less than the specified threshold (5 by default), the lower flux value is set to zero, and the upper to an upper limit (95% confidence by default). """ defaults = dict(bg_interval=(utc_to_met( 2008, 8, 4), utc_to_met(*[:3])), refit_radius=2, refit_flux=0, index_free=False, free_mask=None, timebin='month', ts_threshold=5, upper_limit_confidence=.95) def init(self): self.factory_kwargs = ROIFactory.defaults.copy() self.factory_kwargs.update( dict(emin=150, tstart=self.defaults['bg_interval'][0], tstop=self.defaults['bg_interval'][1], use_weighted_livetime=True, irf='P6_v7_diff', catalogs=['gll_psc18month_uw11b.fits'], minROI=12, maxROI=12, exp_radius=30)) self.roi_kwargs = dict(fit_emin=[150, 150], fit_emax=[2e5, 2e5]) self.catalog_kwargs = dict(free_radius=8, prune_radius=.1) self.fit_kwargs = dict(method='minuit', tolerance=.0001, fit_bg_first=True, use_gradient=True, error_for_steps=False) def __init__(self, skydir, **kwargs): """Create and set up a LightCurve. Parameters: bg_interval: tuple [(239500801, today)] Start and stop times in MET for the background fit. Also determines the full range of the light curve. The default ending value is 0:00 of the current day, in UTC. refit_radius: float [2.] refit_flux: float [0.] free_mask: array(Bool) [None] Sources within |refit radius| of the central source and with fluxes >= |refit_flux| will have their flux parameters left free in the fits for individual time bins. If provided, |free_mask| overrides the mask determined by |refit_flux| and |refit_radius|. index_free: Bool [False] If true, all spectral parameters for the central source will be left free in the fits for the individual time bins timebin: string or int ['month'] The size of the individual time bins for the light curve. An integer specifies the length of a bin in days. A string can be one of 'day', 'week', or 'month', indicating bins of one day, one week, or one *calendar* month. ts_threshold: float [5] TS below which to calculate an upper limit for a source in a given time bin. upper_limit_confidence: float (0-1.) [.95] Confidence level for upper limit calculations """ self.init() self.skydir = skydir d = self.defaults.copy() for kw in [ self.factory_kwargs, self.catalog_kwargs, self.roi_kwargs, self.fit_kwargs, d ]: for k, v in kw.items(): kw[k] = kwargs.pop(k, v) self.__dict__.update(d) if kwargs: print('\n'.join(['Unrecognized kwargs:'] + ["\t%s" % k for k in kwargs.keys()] + [''])) self.bins = self._get_bins() self.bg_roi = self.background_fit() if self.free_mask is None: self.free_mask = self._get_free_mask() self.names = [' ', '_') for ps in self.bg_roi.psm.point_sources[self.free_mask] ] self.nfree = self.free_mask.sum() = np.empty( ( self.bins.shape[0], #axis 0 = time bins self.nfree, #axis 1 = free sources 10) #axis 2 = values , dtype='float') def _get_bins(self): """Set up the time bins for the light curve.""" start, stop = self.factory_kwargs['tstart'], self.factory_kwargs[ 'tstop'] if type(self.timebin) == type(1): bin_edges = np.arange(start, stop + 1, 86400 * self.timebin, dtype='float') elif type(self.timebin) == type(''): if self.timebin == 'day': self.timebin = 1 return self._get_bins() elif self.timebin == 'week': self.timebin = 7 return self._get_bins() elif self.timebin == 'month': bin_edges = np.array([start], dtype='float') date = MET(start).time date += datetime.timedelta( monthrange(date.year, date.month)[1], 0, 0) while utc_to_met(*date.timetuple()[:6]) < stop: bin_edges = np.append(bin_edges, utc_to_met(*date.timetuple()[:6])) date += datetime.timedelta( monthrange(date.year, date.month)[1], 0, 0) if bin_edges[-1] < stop: bin_edges = np.append(bin_edges, stop) else: raise ValueError('''%s is not a valid time binning: must be "day", "week", "month", or an integer number of days.''') else: raise TypeError('Keyword argument "timebin" must be\ an int or a string.') return np.array(zip(bin_edges[:-1], bin_edges[1:])) def _get_free_mask(self): """Determine which sources to leave free in the individual fits""" diffs = np.degrees([ ps.skydir.difference(self.skydir) for ps in self.bg_roi.psm.point_sources ]) fluxes = np.asarray([m.i_flux() for m in self.bg_roi.psm.models]) return np.logical_and(diffs < self.refit_radius, fluxes > self.refit_flux) def background_fit(self): """Perform a fit over the full time range.""" kw = self.factory_kwargs.copy() kw['tstart'], kw['tstop'] = self.bg_interval f = ROIFactory(**kw) mapper = lambda x: FermiCatalog(x, **self.catalog_kwargs) roi = f(self.skydir, catalog_mapper=mapper, **self.roi_kwargs)**self.fit_kwargs) return roi def fit(self, start, stop, return_likelihood=False): """Perform a fit over the specified interval.""" fact_kw = self.factory_kwargs.copy() fact_kw['tstart'], fact_kw['tstop'] = start, stop fit_kwargs = self.fit_kwargs.copy() fit_kwargs['fit_bg_first'] = False f = ROIFactory(**fact_kw) mapper = lambda x: FermiCatalog(x, **self.catalog_kwargs) roi = f(self.skydir, catalog_mapper=mapper, **self.roi_kwargs) #roi.set_parameters(self.bg_roi.parameters().copy()) ll_0 = roi.logLikelihood(self.bg_roi.parameters().copy()) for m in roi.bgm.models:[:] = False for m in roi.psm.models:[:] = False for ps in roi.psm.point_sources[self.free_mask]:[0] = True roi.psm.models[0].free[1] = self.index_free**fit_kwargs) if return_likelihood: return roi, ll_0, roi.logLikelihood(roi.parameters()) else: return roi def build_light_curve(self): """Construct the light curve.""" for i, bin in enumerate(self.bins): roi, ll_0, ll_1 =*bin, return_likelihood=True) #Not saving individual model parameters for now, but might want to pars = roi.parameters() hi_errs = (10**(pars + roi.get_free_errors()) - 10**pars) lo_errs = (10**(pars - roi.get_free_errors()) - 10**pars) ts = np.array( [roi.TS(which=int(x)) for x in np.where(self.free_mask)[0]]) if self.index_free: index = 10**pars.pop(1) index_hi, index_lo = hi_errs.pop(1), lo_errs.pop(1) dfluxes = 10**pars dflux_hi_errs = hi_errs dflux_lo_errs = lo_errs ifluxes = np.array([ m.i_flux(error=True, two_sided=True) for m in roi.psm.models[self.free_mask] ]) iflux_hi_errs = ifluxes[:, 1] iflux_lo_errs = ifluxes[:, 2] ifluxes = ifluxes[:, 0] iflux_hi = ifluxes + iflux_hi_errs iflux_lo = ifluxes - iflux_lo_errs ulimit_mask = (iflux_lo <= 0) | (ts < self.ts_threshold) for j in np.where(ulimit_mask)[0]: ulimit = self.upper_limit(roi=roi, which=j, confidence=.95) iflux_hi[j] = ulimit iflux_lo[j] = 0 ll_plus1sigma = roi.logLikelihood(np.log10(hi_errs)) ll_minus1sigma = roi.logLikelihood(np.log10(lo_errs))[i] = np.vstack([[bin[0]] * self.nfree, [bin[1]] * self.nfree, ifluxes, iflux_hi, iflux_lo, [ll_0] * self.nfree, [ll_1] * self.nfree, [ll_plus1sigma] * self.nfree, [ll_minus1sigma] * self.nfree, ts]).transpose() def upper_limit(self, **kwargs): """Compute an upper limit on the source flux, by the "PDG Method" This method computes an upper limit on the flux of a specified source for a given time interval. The limit is computed by integrating the likelihood over the flux of the source, via Simpson's Rule, up to the desired percentile (confidence level). As such, it is essentially a Bayesian credible interval, using a uniform prior on the flux parameter. Note that the default integral limits are determined assuming that the relevant parameter is the normalization parameter of a PowerLaw model. For other models, especially PowerLawFlux, the limits should be specified appropriately. Arguments: roi: ROIAnalysis [None] ROIAnalysis object for which to compute the limit. If None, limit will be calculated for the full time interval covered by the light curve (i.e., using the background fit). which: integer [0] Index of the point source for which to compute the limit. confidence: float [.95] Desired confidence level of the upper limit. integral_min: float [-15] Lower limit of the likelihood integral *in log space*. integral_max: float [-8] Upper limit of the likelihood integral *in log space*. simps_points: int [10] Number of evaluation points *per decade* for Simpson's rule. """ kw = dict(roi=None, which=0, confidence=0.95, integral_min=-15, integral_max=-8, simps_points=100) for k, v in kw.items(): kw[k] = kwargs.pop(k, v) if kwargs: for k in kwargs.keys(): print( "Invalid keyword argument for LightCurve.upper_limit: %s" % k) if kw['roi'] is None: roi = self.bg_roi else: roi = kw['roi'] params = roi.parameters().copy() ll_0 = roi.logLikelihood(roi.parameters()) def like(norm): roi.psm.models[kw['which']].p[0] = norm return np.exp(ll_0 - roi.logLikelihood(roi.parameters())) npoints = kw['simps_points'] * (kw['integral_max'] - kw['integral_min']) points = np.log10( np.logspace(kw['integral_min'], kw['integral_max'], npoints * 2 + 1)) y = np.array([like(x) * 10**x for x in points]) trapz1 = integrate.cumtrapz(y[::2]) trapz2 = integrate.cumtrapz(y)[::2] cumsimps = (4 * trapz2 - trapz1) / 3. cumsimps /= cumsimps[-1] i1 = np.where(cumsimps < .95)[0][-1] i2 = np.where(cumsimps > .95)[0][0] x1, x2 = points[::2][i1], points[::2][i2] y1, y2 = cumsimps[i1], cumsimps[i2] #Linear interpolation should be good enough at this point limit = x1 + ((x2 - x1) / (y2 - y1)) * (kw['confidence'] - y1) roi.psm.models[0].p[0] = limit uflux = roi.psm.models[0].i_flux() roi.logLikelihood(params) return uflux def save(self, outfile=''): """Save results to a fits file.""" if outfile == '': if type(self.timebin) == type(int): timebin = '%iday' % self.timebin else: timebin = self.timebin name = self.bg_roi.psm.point_sources[self.free_mask][0].name outfile = ('%s_light_curve_%i_%i_%s.pickle' % (name, self.factory_kwargs['tstart'], self.factory_kwargs['tstop'], timebin)) file_ = open(outfile, 'w') bg_data = dict( parameters=self.bg_roi.parameters(), logl_0=self.bg_roi.logLikelihood(self.bg_roi.parameters()), bg_interval=self.bg_interval, bg_roi_radius=(,, bg_free_radius=self.catalog_kwargs['free_radius'], roi_dir=(self.bg_roi.roi_dir.ra(), self.bg_roi.roi_dir.dec())) dict_ = dict(, bg_data=bg_data, names=self.names) cPickle.dump(dict_, file_) file_.close() def plot(self, outfile=''): """Make a nice plot of a light curve. If outfile == '', make up a name; if outfile is None, don't save.""" #Check to make sure the data exists try: assert ([0, 0, 0] is not None) except AssertionError: print( 'No data yet! Must run build_light_curve before we can plot.') xlo =[:, 0, 0].astype('float') xhi =[:, 0, 1].astype('float') x = .5 * (xlo + xhi) for i in xrange([1]): name =[0, i, 2] if outfile == '': outfile = '%s_lightcurve_%i-%i.png' % ( name.replace(' ', '_'), self.factory_kwargs['tstart'], self.factory_kwargs['tstop']) y, yhi, ylo =[:, i, 3:6].astype('float').transpose() #mask = (y>1e-11)&(ylo<y)&~np.isnan(ylo) mask = ylo > 0 ax = pl.gca() ax.plot([xlo[mask], xhi[mask]], [y[mask]] * 2, color='r', linewidth=1) ax.plot([x[mask]] * 2, [ylo[mask], yhi[mask]], color='r', linewidth=1) nmask = ~mask ax.plot([xlo[nmask], xhi[nmask]], [yhi[nmask]] * 2, color='k', linewidth=1) ax.set_xbound(xlo[0] - 86400, xhi[-1] + 86400) ticks = ax.get_xticks() labels = [] labels = [MET(t).time.isoformat()[:10] for t in ticks] ax.set_xticklabels(labels) pl.title('Light Curve for %s' % name) ax.set_ylabel(r'Flux (10^-6 ph cm^-2 s^-1)') if outfile is not None: pl.savefig(outfile) pl.delaxes(ax)
color='r', linewidth=1) nmask = ~mask ax.plot([xlo[nmask], xhi[nmask]], [yhi[nmask]] * 2, color='k', linewidth=1) ax.set_xbound(xlo[0] - 86400, xhi[-1] + 86400) ticks = ax.get_xticks() labels = [] labels = [MET(t).time.isoformat()[:10] for t in ticks] ax.set_xticklabels(labels) pl.title('Light Curve for %s' % name) ax.set_ylabel(r'Flux (10^-6 ph cm^-2 s^-1)') if outfile is not None: pl.savefig(outfile) pl.delaxes(ax) if __name__ == '__main__': start, stop = (utc_to_met(2008, 8, 4), utc_to_met(2010, 8, 1)) roi_dir = SkyDir(250.745, 39.810) lc = LightCurve(roi_dir, tstart=start, tstop=stop, bg_interval=(start, stop), refit_radius=1, timebin=7) lc.build_light_curve() lc.plot()
class ROIFactory(SpectralAnalysis): """Subclass of SpectralAnalysis as an ROIFactory, using SavedData __init__ args: tstart: start of the time range of interest (MET) tstop: end of the time range of interest (MET) __init__ kwargs: Any valid kwargs for SpectralAnalysis (see docstring for SpectralAnalysis.__init__) data_dir: Directory in which to look for saved data products (defaults to $DATA_DIR, if defined) diffdir: Directory containing diffuse model files catdir: Directory containing catalogs catalogs: Catalogs to use """ defaults = dict( roi_dir = None, exp_radius = 20, zenithcut = 105, thetacut = 66.4, event_class = 3, conv_type = -1, binsperdec = 4, tstart = utc_to_met(2008,8,4), tstop = utc_to_met(*[:3]), recalcgti = False, emin = 200, emax = 2e5, use_weighted_livetime = False, lt_phibins = 0, mc_src_id = -1, mc_energy = False, irf = 'P6_v3_diff', psf_irf = None, CALDB = os.environ['CALDB'], background = '1FGL', maxROI = 10, minROI = 5, quiet = False, verbose = False, data_dir = (os.environ['DATA_DIR'] if os.environ.has_key('DATA_DIR') else '/phys/groups/tev/scratch1/users/Fermi/data'), diffdir = (os.environ['DIFF_DIR'] if os.environ.has_key('DIFF_DIR') else '/phys/groups/tev/scratch1/users/Fermi/data/galprop'), catdir = (os.environ['CAT_DIR'] if os.environ.has_key('CAT_DIR') else '/phys/groups/tev/scratch1/users/Fermi/catalog/'), catalogs = ['']) def init(self,**kw): d = self.defaults.copy() for k,v in d.items(): d[k] = kw.pop(k,v) if kw: print("ROIFactory unrecognized kwargs:", '\n'.join(['\t%s'%k for k in kw.keys()]), '\n') self.__dict__.update(d) = SavedData(self.tstart,self.tstop,binsperdec = self.binsperdec,data_dir = self.data_dir) def __init__(self,**kw): self.init(**kw) SpectralAnalysis.__init__(self,,**kw) def __call__(self,skydir,**kwargs): catalogs = kwargs.pop('catalogs',self.catalogs) diffdir = kwargs.pop('diffdir',self.diffdir) return self.roi(roi_dir = skydir, catalogs = [os.path.join(self.catdir,cat) for cat in catalogs], diffdir = diffdir, **kwargs)