def updateSellsBeer(sellsBeer, oldBeer, oldBar): sellsBeerRepo = SellsBeerRepo.SellsBeerRepo() if sellsBeerRepo.duplicate_entry( sellsBeer.getBeername(), sellsBeer.getBarname()) and ( not oldBeer == sellsBeer.getBeername() or not oldBar == sellsBeer.getBarname()): raise Error("Duplicate Entry") if (not oldBeer == sellsBeer.getBeername() or not oldBar == sellsBeer.getBarname()): date_N_days_ago = curdate = str(str(date_N_days_ago).split()[0]) inventoryRepo = InventoryRepo.InventoryRepo() result = inventoryRepo.getInventory(sellsBeer.getBarname(), sellsBeer.getBeername(), curdate) if len(result) == 0: startQuantity = 100 #update inventory for current date for the new beer inventoryRepo = InventoryRepo.InventoryRepo() inventoryRepo.insertIntoInventory(sellsBeer.getBarname(), sellsBeer.getBeername(), curdate, startQuantity, startQuantity) sellsBeerRepo = SellsBeerRepo.SellsBeerRepo() return sellsBeerRepo.updateSellsBeer(sellsBeer, oldBeer, oldBar)
def insertSellsFood(sellsFood): sellsFoodRepo = SellsFoodRepo.SellsFoodRepo() if sellsFoodRepo.duplicate_entry(sellsFood.getFoodname(), sellsFood.getBarname()): raise Error("Duplicate Entry") sellsFoodRepo = SellsFoodRepo.SellsFoodRepo() return sellsFoodRepo.insertSellsFood(sellsFood)
def insertWithoutClose(self,sql,vals): try: self.cursor.execute(sql,vals) except mysql.connector.Error as err: self.close() raise Error(err.msg) self.mydb.commit() return "Success"
def updateSellsFood(sellsFood, oldFood, oldBar): sellsFoodRepo = SellsFoodRepo.SellsFoodRepo() if sellsFoodRepo.duplicate_entry( sellsFood.getFoodname(), sellsFood.getBarname()) and ( not oldFood == sellsFood.getFoodname() or not oldBar == sellsFood.getBarname()): raise Error("Duplicate Entry") sellsFoodRepo = SellsFoodRepo.SellsFoodRepo() return sellsFoodRepo.updateSellsFood(sellsFood, oldFood, oldBar)
def deleteShifts(shifts): billsRepo = BillsRepo.BillsRepo() transcations = billsRepo.getBillsByBartenderAndDate( shifts.getBartender(), shifts.getDate()) if not variable.isEmptyArray(transcations): raise Error( "Bartender has transcations during the shift, please delete them before trying to delete shift" ) shiftsRepo = ShiftsRepo.ShiftsRepo() return shiftsRepo.deleteShifts(shifts)
def updateShifts(shifts, oldBar, oldBartender, oldDate): bartenderRepo = BartenderRepo.BartenderRepo() bartenderArray = bartenderRepo.getBartender(shifts.getBartender()) if variable.isEmptyArray(bartenderArray): raise Error("Bartender does not exist") #pattern 5 shiftsRepo = ShiftsRepo.ShiftsRepo() items = shiftsRepo.getShifts(shifts.getBartender(), shifts.getDate()) if len(items) != 0 and (not (shifts.getBartender() == oldBartender) or not (shifts.getBar() == oldBar) or not (shifts.getDate() == oldDate)): raise Error("Bartender can only have one shift on a given date") barRepo = BarRepo.BarRepo() barArray = barRepo.getBar(shifts.getBar()) if variable.isEmptyArray(barArray): raise Error("Bar does not exist") datetime_object = datetime.strptime(shifts.getDate(), "%Y-%m-%d") if str(calendar.day_name[datetime_object.weekday()]) != str( shifts.getDay()): raise Error("Day does not match date") if shifts.getStart() >= shifts.getEnd(): raise Error("shifts hour error: start time cannot be before end time") operatesRepo = OperatesRepo.OperatesRepo() if not operatesRepo.shift_during_operating_hours( shifts.getStart(), shifts.getEnd(), shifts.getBar(), shifts.getDate()): raise Error("bar does not operate during that shift") if barArray[0].getState() != bartenderArray[0].getState(): raise Error("bartender cannot live in a different state than the bar") billsRepo = BillsRepo.BillsRepo() transcations = billsRepo.getBillsByBartenderAndDate( shifts.getBartender(), shifts.getDate()) for each in transcations: if not (shifts.getStart() <= each.getTime() and each.getTime() <= shifts.getEnd()): raise Error( "Bartender has transcations during the current shift that need to be deleted or updated before trying to update this shift" ) shiftsRepo = ShiftsRepo.ShiftsRepo() return shiftsRepo.updateShifts(shifts, oldBar, oldBartender, oldDate)
def insertOperates(operates): barRepo = BarRepo.BarRepo() if not barRepo.bar_exists(operates.getBar()): raise Error("bar does not exist") dayRepo = DayRepo.DayRepo() if not dayRepo.day_exists(operates.getDay()): raise Error("day does not exist") operatesRepo = OperatesRepo.OperatesRepo() if operatesRepo.duplicate_entry(operates.getBar(), operates.getDate()): raise Error("Duplicate Entry") if not (operates.getEnd() <= "24:00" and operates.getStart() < operates.getEnd()): raise Error("Invalid hours provided") datetime_object = datetime.strptime(operates.getDate(), "%Y-%m-%d") if not calendar.day_name[datetime_object.weekday()] == operates.getDay(): raise Error("Day does not match date") operatesRepo = OperatesRepo.OperatesRepo() return operatesRepo.insertOperates(operates)
def deleteOperates(operates): #check if any bartenders at that bar on that date have shifts when bar is not open shiftsRepo = ShiftsRepo.ShiftsRepo() shifts = shiftsRepo.getShiftsForBar(operates.getBar(), operates.getDate()) for s in shifts: if s.getStart() < operates.getStart() or s.getEnd() > operates.getEnd( ): raise Error( "Deleting these operating hours would result in bartender(s) having shift when bar is closed. Please update Shifts table first." ) #check if any bills at that bar on that date have a time when bar is not open billsRepo = BillsRepo.BillsRepo() bills = billsRepo.getBillsByBarAndDate(operates.getBar(), operates.getDate()) for b in bills: if b.getTime() < operates.getStart() or b.getTime() > operates.getEnd( ): raise Error( "Deleting these operating hours in bill(s) would result in a time stamp when bar is closed. Please update Bills table first." ) operatesRepo = OperatesRepo.OperatesRepo() return operatesRepo.deleteOperates(operates)
def insertBills(bills): barRepo = BarRepo.BarRepo() if not barRepo.bar_exists(bills.getBar()): raise Error("bar does not exist") bartenderRepo = BartenderRepo.BartenderRepo() if not bartenderRepo.bartender_exists(bills.getBartender()): raise Error("bartender does not exist") drinkerRepo = DrinkersRepo.DrinkersRepo() if not drinkerRepo.drinker_exists(bills.getDrinker()): raise Error("drinker does not exist") datetime_object = datetime.strptime(bills.getDate(), "%Y-%m-%d") if not calendar.day_name[datetime_object.weekday()] == bills.getDay(): raise Error("Day does not match date") billsRepo = BillsRepo.BillsRepo() if billsRepo.duplicate_entry(bills.getBillId()): raise Error("duplicate entry") operatesRepo = OperatesRepo.OperatesRepo() if not operatesRepo.time_during_operating_hours( bills.getTime(), bills.getBar(), bills.getDate()): raise Error("Bar is not open during that time") shiftsRepo = ShiftsRepo.ShiftsRepo() if not shiftsRepo.time_during_shift(bills.getTime(), bills.getBartender(), bills.getBar(), bills.getDate()): raise Error( "Bartender does not have shift at the bar and/or on that date and/or during that time" ) # if not float(bills.getTaxPrice()) == round(float(bills.getItemsPrice())*0.07,2): # raise Error("Tax is not 7 percent of the items price") # if not float(bills.getTaxPrice()) + float(bills.getTip()) + float(bills.getItemsPrice()) == float(bills.getTotalPrice()): # raise Error("Incorrect total price") # billsRepo = BillsRepo.BillsRepo() # if not billsRepo.check_items_price(bills.getBillId(), bills.getItemsPrice()): # raise Error("Price of all the items doesn't match the total of the corresponding transactions") # bills.setTaxPrice(0) # bills.setItemsPrice(0) # bills.setTip(0) # bills.setTotalPrice(0) billsRepo = BillsRepo.BillsRepo() return billsRepo.insertBills(bills)
def query(self,sql_query,Obj): try: self.cursor.execute(sql_query) myresult = self.cursor.fetchall() except mysql.connector.Error as err: self.close() raise Error(err.msg) result = [] columns = tuple( [d[0].decode('utf8') for d in self.cursor.description] ) for row in myresult: result.append(dict(zip(columns, row))) final_results = [] for item in result: obj = Obj() final_results.append(obj) self.close() return final_results
def insertSellsBeer(sellsBeer): sellsBeerRepo = SellsBeerRepo.SellsBeerRepo() if sellsBeerRepo.duplicate_entry(sellsBeer.getBeername(), sellsBeer.getBarname()): raise Error("Duplicate Entry") startQuantity = 100 #update inventory for current date for the new beer date_N_days_ago = curdate = str(str(date_N_days_ago).split()[0]) inventoryRepo = InventoryRepo.InventoryRepo() inventoryRepo.insertIntoInventory(sellsBeer.getBarname(), sellsBeer.getBeername(), curdate, startQuantity, startQuantity) sellsBeerRepo = SellsBeerRepo.SellsBeerRepo() return sellsBeerRepo.insertSellsBeer(sellsBeer)
def updateOperates(operates, oldDate, oldBar): barRepo = BarRepo.BarRepo() if not barRepo.bar_exists(operates.getBar()): raise Error("bar does not exist") dayRepo = DayRepo.DayRepo() if not dayRepo.day_exists(operates.getDay()): raise Error("day does not exist") operatesRepo = OperatesRepo.OperatesRepo() if operatesRepo.duplicate_entry( operates.getBar(), operates.getDate()) and (not operates.getBar() == oldBar or not operates.getDate() == oldDate): raise Error("Duplicate Entry") if not (operates.getEnd() <= "24:00" and operates.getStart() < operates.getEnd()): raise Error("Invalid hours provided") datetime_object = datetime.strptime(operates.getDate(), "%Y-%m-%d") if not calendar.day_name[datetime_object.weekday()] == operates.getDay(): raise Error("Day does not match date") #check if any bartenders at that bar on that date have shifts when bar is not open shiftsRepo = ShiftsRepo.ShiftsRepo() shifts = shiftsRepo.getShiftsForBar(operates.getBar(), operates.getDate()) for s in shifts: if s.getStart() < operates.getStart() or s.getEnd() > operates.getEnd( ): raise Error( "Update would result in bartender(s) having shift when bar is closed. Please update Shifts table first." ) #check if any bills at that bar on that date have a time when bar is not open billsRepo = BillsRepo.BillsRepo() bills = billsRepo.getBillsByBarAndDate(operates.getBar(), operates.getDate()) for b in bills: if b.getTime() < operates.getStart() or b.getTime() > operates.getEnd( ): raise Error( "Update would result in bill(s) would result in a time stamp when bar is closed. Please update Bills table first." ) operatesRepo = OperatesRepo.OperatesRepo() return operatesRepo.updateOperates(operates, oldDate, oldBar)
def insertShifts(shifts): bartenderRepo = BartenderRepo.BartenderRepo() bartenderArray = bartenderRepo.getBartender(shifts.getBartender()) if variable.isEmptyArray(bartenderArray): raise Error("Bartender does not exist") shiftsRepo = ShiftsRepo.ShiftsRepo() items = shiftsRepo.getShifts(shifts.getBartender(), shifts.getDate()) if len(items) != 0: raise Error("Bartender can only have one shift on a given date") barRepo = BarRepo.BarRepo() barArray = barRepo.getBar(shifts.getBar()) if variable.isEmptyArray(barArray): raise Error("Bar does not exist") datetime_object = datetime.strptime(shifts.getDate(), "%Y-%m-%d") if str(calendar.day_name[datetime_object.weekday()]) != str( shifts.getDay()): raise Error("Day does not match date") if shifts.getStart() >= shifts.getEnd(): raise Error("shifts hour error: start time cannot be before end time") operatesRepo = OperatesRepo.OperatesRepo() if not operatesRepo.shift_during_operating_hours( shifts.getStart(), shifts.getEnd(), shifts.getBar(), shifts.getDate()): raise Error("bar does not operate during that shift") if barArray[0].getState() != bartenderArray[0].getState(): raise Error("bartender cannot live in a different state than the bar") shiftsRepo = ShiftsRepo.ShiftsRepo() return shiftsRepo.insertShifts(shifts)
def insertTransactions(transactions): if int(transactions.getQuantity()) <= 0: raise Error("Invalid Quantity") billsRepo = BillsRepo.BillsRepo() bill = billsRepo.getBillArray(transactions.getBillId()) if len(bill) == 0: raise Error( "No bill has been created for this transaction. Please insert a bill and try again." ) bill = bill[0] transactionsRepo = TransactionsRepo.TransactionsRepo() if transactionsRepo.duplicate_entry(transactions.getBillId(), transactions.getItem()): raise Error( "item is already a transactions for the current bill please use update to change amount of the item" ) if transactions.getType() == "food": barFoodRepo = BarFoodRepo.BarFoodRepo() if not barFoodRepo.barFood_exists(transactions.getItem()): raise Error("Food does not exist") sellsFoodRepo = SellsFoodRepo.SellsFoodRepo() if not sellsFoodRepo.bar_sells_food(bill.getBar(), transactions.getItem()): raise Error("Bar doesn't sell the food") sellsFoodRepo = SellsFoodRepo.SellsFoodRepo() price = sellsFoodRepo.get_price(bill.getBar(), transactions.getItem()) if transactions.getType() == "beer": beerRepo = BeerRepo.BeerRepo() if not beerRepo.beer_exists(transactions.getItem()): raise Error("Beer does not exist") sellsBeerRepo = SellsBeerRepo.SellsBeerRepo() if not sellsBeerRepo.bar_sells_beer(bill.getBar(), transactions.getItem()): raise Error("Bar doesn't sell the beer") sellsBeerRepo = SellsBeerRepo.SellsBeerRepo() price = sellsBeerRepo.get_price(bill.getBar(), transactions.getItem()) inventoryRepo = InventoryRepo.InventoryRepo() #gets all inventory from date and after for a bar and beer results = inventoryRepo.getInventoryForToday(bill.getBar(), transactions.getItem(), bill.getDate()) if len(results) == 0: raise Error("no inventory found for the bar") #see if can update inventory inventoryRepo = InventoryRepo.InventoryRepo() #gets all inventory from date and after for a bar and beer results = inventoryRepo.getInventory(bill.getBar(), transactions.getItem(), bill.getDate()) if len(results) == 0: raise Error("no inventory found for the bar") #see if violates pattern results[0].setEndQuantity( int(results[0].getEndQuantity()) - int(transactions.getQuantity())) if int(results[0].getEndQuantity()) < 0: raise Error("Violates Pattern 4: not enough inventory") for r in range(1, len(results)): results[r].setStartQuantity(int(results[r - 1].getEndQuantity())) results[r].setEndQuantity( int(results[r].getEndQuantity()) - int(transactions.getQuantity())) if int(results[r].getEndQuantity()) < 0: raise Error("Violates Pattern 4: not enough inventory") #doesn't violate pattern 4 inventoryRepo = InventoryRepo.InventoryRepo() #gets all inventory from date and after for a bar and beer results = inventoryRepo.getInventory(bill.getBar(), transactions.getItem(), bill.getDate()) #update inventory results[0].setEndQuantity( int(results[0].getEndQuantity()) - int(transactions.getQuantity())) inventoryService.updateInventory(results[0], results[0].getDate(), results[0].getBar(), results[0].getBeer()) for r in range(1, len(results)): results[r].setStartQuantity(results[r - 1].getEndQuantity()) results[r].setEndQuantity( int(results[r].getEndQuantity()) - int(transactions.getQuantity())) inventoryService.updateInventory(results[r], results[r].getDate(), results[r].getBar(), results[r].getBeer()) transactionsRepo = TransactionsRepo.TransactionsRepo() transactionsRepo.insertTransactions(transactions) #update bills billsRepo = BillsRepo.BillsRepo() bill = billsRepo.getBill(transactions.getBillId()) items_price = float(transactions.getPrice()) bill.setItemsPrice(items_price + float(bill.getItemsPrice())) bill.setTaxPrice(round(float(bill.getItemsPrice()) * 0.07, 2)) bill.setTotalPrice( float(bill.getItemsPrice()) + float(bill.getTaxPrice()) + float(bill.getTip())) billsService.updateBills(bill, bill.getBillId()) return "success"
def updateTransactions(transactions, oldBillId, oldItem): if int(transactions.getQuantity()) <= 0: raise Error("Invalid Quantity") transactionsRepo = TransactionsRepo.TransactionsRepo() if transactionsRepo.duplicate_entry( transactions.getBillId(), transactions.getItem()) and ( not transactions.getBillId() == oldBillId or not transactions.getItem() == oldItem): raise Error("Duplicate Entry") billsRepo = BillsRepo.BillsRepo() bill = billsRepo.getBillArray(transactions.getBillId()) if len(bill) == 0: raise Error( "No bill has been created for this transaction. Please insert a bill and try again." ) bill = bill[0] transactionsRepo = TransactionsRepo.TransactionsRepo() trans = transactionsRepo.get_transaction(oldBillId, oldItem) if len(trans) == 0: raise Error("no transcation found") trans = trans[0] if transactions.getType() == "food": barFoodRepo = BarFoodRepo.BarFoodRepo() if not barFoodRepo.barFood_exists(transactions.getItem()): raise Error("Food does not exist") sellsFoodRepo = SellsFoodRepo.SellsFoodRepo() if not sellsFoodRepo.bar_sells_food(bill.getBar(), transactions.getItem()): raise Error("Bar doesn't sell the food") if transactions.getType() == "beer": beerRepo = BeerRepo.BeerRepo() if not beerRepo.beer_exists(transactions.getItem()): raise Error("Beer does not exist") sellsBeerRepo = SellsBeerRepo.SellsBeerRepo() if not sellsBeerRepo.bar_sells_beer(bill.getBar(), transactions.getItem()): raise Error("Bar doesn't sell the beer") # sellsBeerRepo = SellsBeerRepo.SellsBeerRepo() # price = sellsBeerRepo.get_price(transactions.getBar(), transactions.getItem()) # if not price*int(transactions.getQuantity()) == transactions.getPrice(): # raise Error("Incorrect price") inventoryRepo = InventoryRepo.InventoryRepo() #gets all inventory from date and after for a bar and beer results = inventoryRepo.getInventory(bill.getBar(), transactions.getItem(), bill.getDate()) if len(results) == 0: raise Error("no inventory found for the bar") #number of the beer trying to sell # transactionsRepo = TransactionsRepo.TransactionsRepo() # quantity = transactionsRepo.get_quantity(transactions.getBillId(), transactions.getItem()) quantity = int(transactions.getQuantity()) - int(trans.getQuantity()) #see if violates pattern results[0].setEndQuantity(int(results[0].getEndQuantity()) - quantity) if int(results[0].getEndQuantity()) < 0: raise Error("Violates Pattern 4: not enough inventory") for r in range(1, len(results)): results[r].setStartQuantity(results[r - 1].getEndQuantity()) results[r].setEndQuantity( int(results[r].getEndQuantity()) - quantity) if int(results[r].getEndQuantity()) < 0: raise Error("Violates Pattern 4: not enough inventory") #doesn't violate pattern 4 inventoryRepo = InventoryRepo.InventoryRepo() #gets all inventory from date and after for a bar and beer results = inventoryRepo.getInventory(bill.getBar(), transactions.getItem(), bill.getDate()) #number of the beer trying to sell # transactionsRepo = TransactionsRepo.TransactionsRepo() # quantity = transactionsRepo.get_quantity(transactions.getBillId(), transactions.getItem()) #update inventory results[0].setEndQuantity(int(results[0].getEndQuantity()) - quantity) inventoryService.updateInventory(results[0], results[0].getDate(), results[0].getBar(), results[0].getBeer()) for r in range(1, len(results)): results[r].setStartQuantity(results[r - 1].getEndQuantity()) results[r].setEndQuantity( int(results[r].getEndQuantity()) - quantity) inventoryService.updateInventory(results[r], results[r].getDate(), results[r].getBar(), results[r].getBeer()) #update transaction transactionsRepo = TransactionsRepo.TransactionsRepo() transactionsRepo.updateTransactions(transactions, oldBillId, oldItem) #remove all item price from bill bill.setItemsPrice(float(bill.getItemsPrice()) - float(trans.getPrice())) #update bills items_price = float(bill.getItemsPrice()) bill.setItemsPrice(items_price + float(transactions.getPrice())) bill.setTaxPrice(round(float(bill.getItemsPrice()) * 0.07, 2)) bill.setTotalPrice( float(bill.getItemsPrice()) + float(bill.getTaxPrice()) + float(bill.getTip())) billsService.updateBills(bill, bill.getBillId()) return "success"