class FeaturedContent(blocks.StructBlock): heading = blocks.CharBlock() body = blocks.RichTextBlock() post = blocks.PageChooserBlock(required=False) show_post_link = blocks.BooleanBlock(required=False, label="Render post link?") post_link_text = blocks.CharBlock(required=False) image = atoms.ImageBasic(required=False) links = blocks.ListBlock(atoms.Hyperlink(required=False), label='Additional Links') video = VideoPlayer(required=False) class Meta: template = '_includes/organisms/featured-content.html' icon = 'doc-full-inverse' label = 'Featured Content' classname = 'block__flush' value_class = FeaturedContentStructValue class Media: js = ['featured-content-module.js']
class ContentImage(blocks.StructBlock): image = atoms.ImageBasic() image_width = blocks.ChoiceBlock( choices=[('full', 'full'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')], default='full',) image_position = blocks.ChoiceBlock( choices=[('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], default='right', help_text='Does not apply if the image is full-width', ) text = blocks.RichTextBlock(required=False, label='Caption') is_bottom_rule = blocks.BooleanBlock( required=False, default=True, label='Has bottom rule line', help_text='Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.' ) class Meta: icon = 'image' template = '_includes/molecules/content-image.html' label = 'Image'
class SnippetList(blocks.StructBlock): heading = blocks.CharBlock(required=False) body = blocks.RichTextBlock(required=False) has_top_rule_line = blocks.BooleanBlock( default=False, required=False, help_text=('Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of ' 'snippet list.') ) image = atoms.ImageBasic(required=False) actions_column_width = blocks.ChoiceBlock( label='Width of "Actions" column', required=False, help_text='Choose the width in % that you wish to set ' 'the Actions column in a snippet list.', choices=[ ('70', '70%'), ('66', '66%'), ('60', '60%'), ('50', '50%'), ('40', '40%'), ('33', '33%'), ('30', '30%'), ], ) snippet_type = blocks.ChoiceBlock( choices=get_snippet_type_choices, required=True ) show_thumbnails = blocks.BooleanBlock( required=False, help_text='If selected, each snippet in the list will include a 150px-' 'wide image from the snippet\'s thumbnail field.' ) actions = blocks.ListBlock(blocks.StructBlock([ ('link_label', blocks.CharBlock( help_text='E.g., "Download" or "Order free prints"' )), ('snippet_field', blocks.ChoiceBlock( choices=get_snippet_field_choices, help_text='Corresponds to the available fields for the selected ' 'snippet type.' )), ])) tags = blocks.ListBlock( blocks.CharBlock(label='Tag'), help_text='Enter tag names to filter the snippets. For a snippet to ' 'match and be output in the list, it must have been tagged ' 'with all of the tag names listed here. The tag names ' 'are case-insensitive.' ) class Meta: icon = 'table' template = '_includes/organisms/snippet-list.html'
class ImageText2575(blocks.StructBlock): heading = blocks.CharBlock(required=False) body = blocks.RichTextBlock(required=False) image = atoms.ImageBasic() links = blocks.ListBlock(atoms.Hyperlink(), required=False) has_rule = blocks.BooleanBlock(required=False) class Meta: icon = 'image' template = '_includes/molecules/image-text-25-75.html'
class FeaturedMenuContent(blocks.StructBlock): draft = blocks.BooleanBlock( required=False, default=False, label='Mark block as draft', help_text='If checked, this block will only show ' 'on our sharing site (Content).') link = Link(required=False, label="H4 link") body = blocks.RichTextBlock(required=False) image = atoms.ImageBasic(required=False)
class ResourceList(blocks.StructBlock): heading = blocks.CharBlock(required=False) body = blocks.RichTextBlock(required=False) has_top_rule_line = blocks.BooleanBlock( default=False, required=False, help_text='Check this to add a horizontal rule line above this block.' ) image = atoms.ImageBasic(required=False) actions_column_width = blocks.ChoiceBlock( label='Width of "Actions" column', required=False, help_text='Choose the width in % that you wish to set ' 'the Actions column in a resource list.', choices=[ ('70', '70%'), ('66', '66%'), ('60', '60%'), ('50', '50%'), ('40', '40%'), ('33', '33%'), ('30', '30%'), ], ) show_thumbnails = blocks.BooleanBlock( required=False, help_text='If selected, each resource in the list will include a ' '150px-wide image from the resource\'s thumbnail field.' ) actions = blocks.ListBlock(blocks.StructBlock([ ('link_label', blocks.CharBlock( help_text='E.g., "Download" or "Order free prints"' )), ('snippet_field', blocks.ChoiceBlock( choices=[ ('related_file', 'Related file'), ('alternate_file', 'Alternate file'), ('link', 'Link'), ('alternate_link', 'Alternate link'), ], help_text='The field that the action link should point to' )), ])) tags = blocks.ListBlock( blocks.CharBlock(label='Tag'), help_text='Enter tag names to filter the snippets. For a snippet to ' 'match and be output in the list, it must have been tagged ' 'with all of the tag names listed here. The tag names ' 'are case-insensitive.' ) class Meta: label = 'Resource List' icon = 'table' template = '_includes/organisms/resource-list.html'
class InfoUnit(blocks.StructBlock): image = atoms.ImageBasic(required=False, ) heading = HeadingBlock(required=False, default={'level': 'h3'}) body = blocks.RichTextBlock(blank=True, required=False) links = blocks.ListBlock(atoms.Hyperlink(), required=False) class Meta: icon = 'image' template = '_includes/molecules/info-unit.html'
class ImageText5050(blocks.StructBlock): heading = blocks.CharBlock(required=False) body = blocks.RichTextBlock(blank=True, required=False) image = atoms.ImageBasic() is_widescreen = blocks.BooleanBlock(required=False, label="Use 16:9 image") is_button = blocks.BooleanBlock(required=False, label="Show links as button") links = blocks.ListBlock(atoms.Hyperlink(), required=False) class Meta: icon = 'image' template = '_includes/molecules/image-text-50-50.html'
class ImageInset(blocks.StructBlock): image = atoms.ImageBasic() image_position = blocks.ChoiceBlock(choices=[('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], default='right') is_image_decorative = blocks.BooleanBlock(required=False, label='Image decorative') image_width = blocks.ChoiceBlock(choices=[(170, '170px'), (270, '270px')], default=270, label='Image Width', help_text='Default is 270px.') text = blocks.RichTextBlock(required=False) is_bottom_rule = blocks.BooleanBlock(required=False, default=True, label='Bottom Rule') class Meta: icon = 'image' template = '_includes/molecules/image-inset.html' label = 'Image inset'
class SnippetList(blocks.StructBlock): heading = blocks.CharBlock(required=False) body = blocks.RichTextBlock(required=False) image = atoms.ImageBasic(required=False) snippet_type = blocks.ChoiceBlock( choices=[ ( m.__module__ + '.' + m.__name__, m._meta.verbose_name_plural.capitalize() ) for m in get_snippet_models() ], required=True ) actions = blocks.ListBlock(blocks.StructBlock([ ('link_label', blocks.CharBlock( help_text='E.g., "Download" or "Order free prints"' )), ('snippet_field', blocks.ChoiceBlock( choices=[ ( m._meta.verbose_name_plural.capitalize(), getattr(m, 'snippet_list_field_choices', []) ) for m in get_snippet_models() ], help_text='Corresponds to the available fields for the selected' 'snippet type.' )), ])) tags = blocks.ListBlock( blocks.CharBlock(label='Tag'), help_text='Enter tag names to filter the snippets. For a snippet to ' 'match and be output in the list, it must have been tagged ' 'with all of the tag names listed here. The tag names ' 'are case-insensitive.' ) class Meta: icon = 'table' template = '_includes/organisms/snippet-list.html'
class FeaturedContent(blocks.StructBlock): heading = blocks.CharBlock(required=False) body = blocks.RichTextBlock(required=False) category = blocks.ChoiceBlock(choices=ref.fcm_types, required=False) post = blocks.PageChooserBlock(required=False) show_post_link = blocks.BooleanBlock(required=False, label="Render post link?") post_link_text = blocks.CharBlock(required=False) image = atoms.ImageBasic(required=False) links = blocks.ListBlock(atoms.Hyperlink(required=False), label='Additional Links') video = blocks.StructBlock([ ('id', blocks.CharBlock( required=False, label='ID', help_text='E.g., in "",' ' the ID is everything after the "?v=".')), ('url', blocks.CharBlock(required=False, label='URL', help_text='You must use the embed URL, e.g., ' '' 'JPTg8ZB3j5c?autoplay=1&enablejsapi=1')), ('height', blocks.CharBlock(default='320', required=False)), ('width', blocks.CharBlock(default='568', required=False)), ]) class Meta: template = '_includes/molecules/featured-content.html' icon = 'doc-full-inverse' label = 'Featured Content' classname = 'block__flush' class Media: js = ['video-player.js']