文件: dynamics.py 项目: acoat/vacumm
def coriolis_parameter(lat,
    """Get the coriolis parameters computed at each latitude


        - **lat**: Latitude or a variable with latitude coordinates.
        - **gravity**, optional: Gravity.
        - **fromvar**, optional: If True, lat is supposed to be a MV2
          array with latitude coordinates.

    # Latitude
    if fromvar:
        if not cdms2.isVariable(lat):
            raise VACUMMError('lat must a MV2 array because fromvar is True')
        latv = lat * 0
        lat = lat.getLatitude()
        if lat is None:
            raise VACUMMError(
                'lat must a MV2 array with a latitude axis because fromvar is True'
        if cdms2.isVariable(lat): lat = lat.asma()  # 2D axes
        if lat.shape != latv.shape:
            if len(lat.shape) == 2:
                latv[:] = N.ma.resize(lat, latv.shape)
                yaxis = latv.getOrder().index('y')
                new_shape = len(latv.shape) * [1]
                new_shape[yaxis] = latv.shape[yaxis]
                tile_shape = list(latv.shape)
                tile_shape[yaxis] = 1
                latv[:] = N.tile(lat[:].reshape(new_shape), tile_shape)
        latv = lat if not N.ndim(lat) else lat[:]

    # Compute
    f0 = 2 * N.ma.sin(N.pi * latv / 180.)
    # f0 *= 2*N.pi/(24.*3600.)
    f0 *= 2 * N.pi / (86164.)  # 86164 = sidereal day....

    # Format
    if N.isscalar(f0): return f0
    f0 = MV2.asarray(f0)
    if not fromvar and isaxis(lat) and f0.ndim == 1:
        f0.setAxis(0, lat)
    return format_var(f0, 'corio', format_axes=format_axes)
def coriolis_parameter(lat, gravity=default_gravity, fromvar=False, format_axes=False):
    """Get the coriolis parameters computed at each latitude


        - **lat**: Latitude or a variable with latitude coordinates.
        - **gravity**, optional: Gravity.
        - **fromvar**, optional: If True, lat is supposed to be a MV2
          array with latitude coordinates.

    # Latitude
    if fromvar:
        if not cdms2.isVariable(lat):
            raise VACUMMError('lat must a MV2 array because fromvar is True')
        latv = lat*0
        lat = lat.getLatitude()
        if lat is None:
            raise VACUMMError('lat must a MV2 array with a latitude axis because fromvar is True')
        if cdms2.isVariable(lat): lat=lat.asma() # 2D axes
        if lat.shape!=latv.shape:
            if len(lat.shape)==2:
                latv[:] = N.ma.resize(lat, latv.shape)
                yaxis = latv.getOrder().index('y')
                new_shape = len(latv.shape)*[1]
                new_shape[yaxis] = latv.shape[yaxis]
                tile_shape = list(latv.shape)
                tile_shape[yaxis] = 1
                latv[:] = N.tile(lat[:].reshape(new_shape), tile_shape)
        latv = lat if N.isscalar(lat) else lat[:]

    # Compute
    f0 = 2*N.ma.sin(N.pi*latv/180.)
    # f0 *= 2*N.pi/(24.*3600.)
    f0 *= 2*N.pi/(86164.) # 86164 = sidereal day....

    # Format
    if N.isscalar(f0): return f0
    f0 = MV2.asarray(f0)
    if not fromvar and isaxis(lat) and f0.ndim==1:
        f0.setAxis(0, lat)
    return format_var(f0, 'corio', format_axes=format_axes)
    def _format_var_(vv, name, mask=None, prefix=True, suffix=True, templates=None,
        htemplates=None, attributes=None, single=True, **kwargs):

        # Some inits
        ist = name.startswith('t')
        name = name[1:]
        if prefix is True:
            prefix = 'Temporal ' if ist else 'Spatial '
        elif not prefix:
            prefix = ''
        kwargs['copy'] = 0

        # Aways have a list
        if isinstance(vv, tuple):
            vv = list(vv)
            single = False
        elif not isinstance(vv, list):
            vv = [vv]
            single = True
        elif single:
            single = len(vv)==1
            single = False
        dual = len(vv)==2
        if templates is not None and not isinstance(templates, (list, tuple)):
            templates = [templates]*len(vv)
        if htemplates is not None and not isinstance(htemplates, (list, tuple)):
            htemplates = [htemplates]*len(vv)
        if attributes is None:
            attributes = ({}, {})
        elif not isinstance(attributes, (list, tuple)):
            attributes = [attributes]*len(vv)

        # Long_name
        long_name = prefix
        if name=='avail':
            long_name += 'availability'
        if name=='count':
            long_name += 'count'
        elif name=='mean':
            long_name += 'average'
        elif name=='std':
            long_name += 'standard deviation'
        elif name=='bias':
            long_name += 'bias'
        elif name=='rms':
            long_name += 'absolute RMS difference'
        elif name=='crms':
            long_name += 'centered RMS difference'
        elif name=='corr':
            long_name += 'correlation'
        elif name=='hist':
            long_name += 'histogram'

        # Type change
        if 'count' in name:
            dtype = 'l'
            dtype = None

        for i, v in enumerate(vv):

            # From template or not
            hvar = v.ndim==2 # Histogram-like variables: first axis = bins
            hist = htemplates and hvar
            if templates is not None:

                # From axis (sstats)
                if isaxis(templates[i]):
#                    if hvar and not ist:
#                        v = N.ma.transpose(v) # time first, not bins
                    var = MV2.asarray(v)
                    var.setAxis(0, templates[i])
#                    try:
#                        var.setAxis(int(hist), templates[i])
#                    except:
#                        pass
                    if hist:
                        var.setAxis(1, htemplates[i])

                 # From variable (tstats)
                        var = (htemplates if hvar else templates)[i].clone()
                        var[:] = v.reshape(var.shape)
                var = MV2.asarray(v)
            del v

            # Type
            if dtype:
                var = var.astype(dtype)

            # Mask
            if mask is not None:
                func = N.resize if var.size!=mask.size else N.reshape
                var[:] = MV2.masked_where(func(mask, var.shape), var, copy=0)

            # Attributes
            # - id and long_name
            var.id = attributes[i]['id']+'_'+name
            var.long_name = long_name
            if suffix and isinstance(suffix, basestring):
                var.long_name += suffix
            # - single stats
            if name in ['mean', 'std', 'hist', 'min', 'max']:
                if "units" in attributes[i]:
                    var.units = attributes[i]['units']
                if suffix is True and "long_name" in attributes[i]:
                    var.long_name += ' of '+attributes[i]['long_name']
            # - dual stats
            elif name in ['bias', 'rms', 'crms']:
                for attr in attributes: # loop on both variables attributes
                    if "units" in attr and not hasattr(var, 'units'):
                        var.units = attr['units']
                    if suffix is True and "long_name" in attr and var.long_name==long_name:
                        var.long_name += ' of '+attr['long_name']
            vv[i] = var

        if single:
            return vv[0]
        return tuple(vv)
文件: stats.py 项目: jfleroux/vacumm
    def _format_var_(vv, name, mask=None, prefix=True, suffix=True, templates=None,
        htemplates=None, attributes=None, single=True, **kwargs):
        if name=='tstd':
        # Some inits
        ist = name.startswith('t')
        name = name[1:]
        if prefix is True:
            prefix = 'Temporal ' if ist else 'Spatial '
        elif not prefix:
            prefix = ''
        kwargs['copy'] = 0

        # Aways have a list
        if isinstance(vv, tuple):
            vv = list(vv)
            single = False
        elif not isinstance(vv, list):
            vv = [vv]
            single = True
        elif single:
            single = len(vv)==1
            single = False
        dual = len(vv)==2
        if templates is not None and not isinstance(templates, (list, tuple)):
            templates = [templates]*len(vv)
        if htemplates is not None and not isinstance(htemplates, (list, tuple)):
            htemplates = [htemplates]*len(vv)
        if attributes is None:
            attributes = ({}, {})
        elif not isinstance(attributes, (list, tuple)):
            attributes = [attributes]*len(vv)

        # Long_name
        long_name = prefix
        if name=='avail':
            long_name += 'availability'
        elif name=='mean':
            long_name += 'average'
        elif name=='std':
            long_name += 'standard deviation'
        elif name=='bias':
            long_name += 'bias'
        elif name=='rms':
            long_name += 'absolute RMS difference'
        elif name=='crms':
            long_name += 'centered RMS difference'
        elif name=='corr':
            long_name += 'correlation'
        elif name=='hist':
            long_name += 'histogram'

        # Type change
        if 'count' in name:
            dtype = 'l'
            dtype = None

        for i, v in enumerate(vv):

            # From template or not
            hvar = v.ndim==2 # Histogram-like variables: first axis = bins
            hist = htemplates and hvar
            if templates is not None:

                # From axis (sstats)
                if isaxis(templates[i]):
#                    if hvar and not ist:
#                        v = N.ma.transpose(v) # time first, not bins
                    var = MV2.asarray(v)
                    var.setAxis(0, templates[i])
#                    try:
#                        var.setAxis(int(hist), templates[i])
#                    except:
#                        pass
                    if hist:
                        var.setAxis(1, htemplates[i])

                 # From variable (tstats)
                        var = (htemplates if hvar else templates)[i].clone()
                        var[:] = v.reshape(var.shape)
                var = MV2.asarray(v)
            del v

            # Type
            if dtype:
                var = var.astype(dtype)

            # Mask
            if mask is not None:
                func = N.resize if var.size!=mask.size else N.reshape
                var[:] = MV2.masked_where(func(mask, var.shape), var, copy=0)

            # Attributes
            # - id and long_name
            var.id = attributes[i]['id']+'_'+name
            var.long_name = long_name
            if suffix and isinstance(suffix, basestring):
                var.long_name += suffix
            # - single stats
            if name in ['mean', 'std', 'hist', 'min', 'max']:
                if "units" in attributes[i]:
                    var.units = attributes[i]['units']
                if suffix is True and "long_name" in attributes[i]:
                    var.long_name += ' of '+attributes[i]['long_name']
            # - dual stats
            elif name in ['bias', 'rms', 'crms']:
                for attr in attributes: # loop on both variables attributes
                    if "units" in attr and not hasattr(var, 'units'):
                        var.units = attr['units']
                    if suffix is True and "long_name" in attr and var.long_name==long_name:
                        var.long_name += ' of '+attr['long_name']
            vv[i] = var

        if single:
            return vv[0]
        return tuple(vv)
def change_loc(var, toloc, axes=True, squeeze=True):
    """Change location specifications of a variable and its axes

    It affects the id, the standard_name and the long_name when they are defined.




        >>> change_loc(sst, 'u').id
        >>> change_loc(sst, 't', squeeze=True).id


    # Squeeze physloc
    if not isinstance(squeeze, basestring):
        if squeeze:
            squeeze = get_physloc(var)
            squeeze = None

    # Change attributes
    # - get
    specs = change_loc_specs(
        standard_name=getattr(var, 'standard_name', None),
        long_name=getattr(var, 'long_name', None),
    # - set
    var.id = specs['id']
    for att in 'standard_name', 'long_name':
        if att in specs:
            setattr(var, att, specs[att])
    # - cf name
    if hasattr(var, '_vacumm_cf_name'):
        var._vacumm_cf_name = change_loc_single(var._vacumm_cf_name,

    # Change axes and grid attributes
    if axes and cdms2.isVariable(var) or cdms2.isGrid(var):

        # Axes
        # - usual
        for meth in 'Longitude', 'Latitude', 'Time', 'Level':
            if hasattr(var, 'get' + meth):
                axismet = getattr(var, 'get' + meth)  # var.getLongitude
                if axismet() is not None:
                    change_loc(axismet(), toloc, squeeze=squeeze)
        # - 2d axes
        if cdms2.isVariable(var) and isaxis(var) and var.ndim > 2:
            for i in -1, -2:
                change_loc(var.getAxis(i), toloc, squeeze=squeeze)

        # Grid
        if cdms2.isVariable(var) and var.getGrid() is not None:
            change_loc(var.getGrid(), toloc, squeeze=squeeze)

    # Reference attribute
    set_loc(var, toloc)

    return var
def format_axis(axis,
    """Format a MV2 axis according to its generic name


        - **axis**: A :mod:`numpy` or :mod:`MV2` variabe.
        - **name**: Single or list of generic axis names. It should be one of
          those listed by :attr:`CF_AXIS_SPECS`.If None, it is guessed
          with :func:`match_known_axis`.
        - **force**, optional: Overwrite attributes in all cases.
        - **nodef**, optional: Remove location specification when it refers to the
          default location (:attr:`DEFAULT_LOCATION`).
        - **axes2d_<param>**, optional: <param> is passed to
          :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.misc.create_axes2d` for 2D axes.
        - **recreate**, optional: Force recreation of axes using either

        - Other parameters are passed as attributes.


        >>> axis1d = format_axis(array1d, 'lon')
        >>> axis2d = format_axis(array2d, 'lon_u', axes2d_iid = 'xi',  axes2d_jid = 'xi', recreate=True)


    # Guess best generic name from a list
    if name is None: return axis
    if isinstance(name, (list, tuple)):
        for nm in name:
            if match_obj(axis, nm):
                name = nm

    # Check specs
    if name is None:  # guess it
        name = match_known_axis(axis)
        if not name:
            if mode == 'warn':
                warn("Can't guess CF axis name")
                return axis
            elif mode == 'silent':
                return axis
                raise KeyError("Variable does not match any CF axis")
    elif name not in CF_AXIS_SPECS:
        if mode == 'warn':
            warn("Generic axis name not found '%s'." % name)
            return axis
        elif mode == 'silent':
            return axis
            raise KeyError(
                "Generic axis name not found '%s'. Please choose one of: %s" %
                (name, ', '.join(CF_AXIS_SPECS.keys())))
    specs = CF_AXIS_SPECS[name]
    # - merge kwargs and specs
    for key, val in kwargs.items():
        if val is None or key not in specs: continue
        # Check type
        if not isinstance(val, list) and isinstance(specs[key], list):
            val = [val]
        # Set
        specs[key] = val
        del kwargs[key]

    # Always a MV2 axis (1D or 2D)
    axis._oldid = axis.id
    kwaxed2d = kwfilter(kwargs, 'axes2d_')
    if not isaxis(axis) or recreate:
        if len(axis.shape) == 1:
            axis = cdms2.createAxis(axis)
            xy = specs['axis'].lower()
            kwaxed2d[xy] = axis
            axis = create_axes2d(**kwaxed2d)
            return axis
    axis2d = len(axis.shape) == 2

    # Apply specs
    # - merge kwargs and specs
    for key, val in kwargs.items():
        if val is None or key not in specs: continue
        # Check type
        if not isinstance(val, list) and isinstance(specs[key], list):
            val = [val]
        # Set
        specs[key] = val
        del kwargs[key]
    # - remove default location
    if nodef:
        for att in 'id', 'long_name', 'standard_name':
            #            sname = stype+'s'
            if att not in specs: continue
            if get_loc(specs[att], att) == DEFAULT_LOCATION:
                specs[att] = [no_loc_single(specs[att][0], att)]
    # - id
    if force or axis.id.startswith('variable_') or axis.id.startswith('axis_'):
        axis.id = specs['id'][0]
    # - attributes
    for att, val in cf2atts(specs,
                            exclude=['axis'] if axis2d else None,
        if force or not getattr(axis, att, ''):
            setattr(axis, att, val)
    # - store cf name
    axis._vacumm_cf_name = axis.id

    # Sub-axes for 2D axes
    if axis2d and format_subaxes:
        format_axis(axis.getAxis(-1), specs['iaxis'])
        format_axis(axis.getAxis(-2), specs['jaxis'])

    return axis
文件: cf.py 项目: jfleroux/vacumm
def change_loc(var, toloc, axes=True, squeeze=True):
    """Change location specifications of a variable and its axes

    It affects the id, the standard_name and the long_name when they are defined.




        >>> change_loc(sst, 'u').id
        >>> change_loc(sst, 't', squeeze=True).id


    # Squeeze physloc
    if not isinstance(squeeze, basestring):
        if squeeze:
            squeeze = get_physloc(var)
            squeeze = None

    # Change attributes
    # - get
    specs = change_loc_specs(toloc, squeeze=squeeze,
        standard_names = getattr(var, 'standard_name', None),
        long_names = getattr(var, 'long_name', None),
    # - set
    var.id = specs['names']
    for att in 'standard_name', 'long_name':
        if att+'s' in specs:
            setattr(var, att, specs[att+'s'])
    # - cf name
    if hasattr(var, '_vacumm_cf_name'):
        var._vacumm_cf_name = change_loc_single(var._vacumm_cf_name, 'name', toloc,

    # Change axes and grid attributes
    if axes and cdms2.isVariable(var) or cdms2.isGrid(var):

        # Axes
        # - usual
        for meth in 'Longitude', 'Latitude', 'Time', 'Level':
            if hasattr(var, 'get'+meth):
                axismet = getattr(var, 'get'+meth) # var.getLongitude
                if axismet() is not None:
                    change_loc(axismet(), toloc, squeeze=squeeze)
        # - 2d axes
        if cdms2.isVariable(var) and isaxis(var) and var.ndim>2:
            for i in -1, -2:
                change_loc(var.getAxis(i), toloc, squeeze=squeeze)

        # Grid
        if cdms2.isVariable(var) and var.getGrid() is not None:
            change_loc(var.getGrid(), toloc, squeeze=squeeze)

    # Reference attribute
    set_loc(var, toloc)

    return var
文件: cf.py 项目: jfleroux/vacumm
def format_axis(axis, name, force=True, recreate=False, format_subaxes=True,
    nodef=True, **kwargs):
    """Format a MV2 axis according to its generic name


        - **var**: A :mod:`numpy` or :mod:`MV2` variabe.
        - **name**: Single or list of generic axis names. It should be one of
          those listed by :attr:`GENERIC_AXIS_NAMES`.
        - **force**, optional: Overwrite attributes in all cases.
        - **nodef**, optional: Remove location specification when it refers to the
          default location (:attr:`DEFAULT_LOCATION`).
        - **axes2d_<param>**, optional: <param> is passed to
          :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.misc.create_axes2d` for 2D axes.
        - **recreate**, optional: Force recreation of axes using either

        - Other parameters are passed as attributes.


        >>> axis1d = format_axis(array1d, 'lon')
        >>> axis2d = format_axis(array2d, 'lon_u', axes2d_iid = 'xi',  axes2d_jid = 'xi', recreate=True)


    # Guess best generic name from a list
    if name is None: return axis
    if isinstance(name, (list, tuple)):
        for nm in name:
            if match_obj(axis, nm):
                name = nm

    # Check specs
    if name not in GENERIC_AXIS_NAMES:
        raise KeyError("Generic axis name not found '%s'. Please choose one of: %s"%(
            name, ', '.join(GENERIC_AXIS_NAMES)))
    specs = AXIS_SPECS[name]
    # - merge kwargs and specs
    for key, val in kwargs.items():
        if val is None or key not in specs: continue
        # Check type
        if not isinstance(val, list) and isinstance(specs[key], list):
            val = [val]
        # Set
        specs[key] = val
        del kwargs[key]

    # Always a MV2 axis (1D or 2D)
    axis._oldid = axis.id
    kwaxed2d = kwfilter(kwargs, 'axes2d_')
    if not isaxis(axis) or recreate:
        if len(axis.shape)==1:
            axis = cdms2.create_axis(axis)
            xy = specs['axis'].lower()
            kwaxed2d[xy] = axis
            axis = create_axes2d(**kwaxed2d)
            return axis
    axis2d = len(axis.shape)==2

    # Apply specs
    # - merge kwargs and specs
    for key, val in kwargs.items():
        if val is None or key not in specs: continue
        # Check type
        if not isinstance(val, list) and isinstance(specs[key], list):
            val = [val]
        # Set
        specs[key] = val
        del kwargs[key]
    # - remove default location
    if nodef:
        for stype in 'name', 'long_name', 'standard_name':
            sname = stype+'s'
            if sname not in specs: continue
            if get_loc(specs[sname], stype)==DEFAULT_LOCATION:
                specs[sname] = [no_loc_single(specs[sname][0], stype)]
    # - id
    if force or axis.id.startswith('variable_') or axis.id.startswith('axis_'):
        axis.id = specs['names'][0]
    # - attributes
    for att, val in cf2atts(specs, exclude=['axis'] if axis2d else None, **kwargs).items():
        if force or not getattr(axis, att, ''):
            setattr(axis, att, val)
    # - store cf name
    axis._vacumm_cf_name = axis.id

    # Sub-axes for 2D axes
    if axis2d and format_subaxes:
        format_axis(axis.getAxis(-1), specs['iaxis'][0])
        format_axis(axis.getAxis(-2), specs['jaxis'][0])

    return axis