	def get_outbox(self, owner_userid, glob, limit, offset):
		Gets a list of a user's sent messages.

		@param owner_username: User to get messages for.
		@type owner_username: String

		@param glob: Dictionary of options (count_only, order_by, order_dir)
		@type glob: Dictionary

		@param limit: Maximum number of messages to return
		@type limit: Integer

		@param offset: Position to start returning messages
		@type offset: Integer
			owner_userid = validation.cast_integer(owner_userid, 'owner_userid')
			if glob.has_key('order_by'):
				validation.oneof(glob['order_by'], ('message_id', 'to_username', 'subject', 'body', 'status', 'date_updated'), 'order_by')
			if glob.has_key('order_dir'):
				validation.oneof(glob['order_dir'], ('asc', 'desc'), 'order_dir')
			limit = validation.cast_integer(limit, 'limit')
			offset = validation.cast_integer(offset, 'offset')
		except errors.ValidationError, ex:
			return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
	def rotate(self, image_id, direction):
		Rotates an image.  The newly rotated image will be stored in media_binaries.
		Also see:
			- L{crop} for cropping an image.
			- L{normalize} for auto-balancing the contrast of an image.
			- L{remove_filters} for removing filters from an image.
		@param owner_username: Username
		@type owner_username: String
		@param media_id: Media ID
		@type media_id: String
		@param direction: Direction to rotate image. Either ('cw' or 'ccw') for
		clock-wise or counter-clock-wise.
		@type direction: String
		@return: New Image ID
		@rtype: (Deferred) String
			image_id = validation.cast_integer(image_id, 'image_id')
			validation.oneof(direction, ('ccw', 'cw'), direction)
		except errors.ValidationError, ex:
			self.log.warning("Validation failure: %s" % str(ex))
			raise errors.APIError, str(ex)
    def set_account_album_permission(self, owner_userid, perm_type, flag,
		Sets the permissions on a user's account for albums.

		@param owner_userid: userid of the Owner username
		@type owner_username: Int

		@param perm_type: Type of permission being set (view/comment)
		@type perm_type: String

		@param flag: Permission state - one of (0, 1, 2, 3)
		@type flag: Integer

		@param groups: New group access list, if appropriate
		@type groups: List/tuple
            owner_userid = validation.cast_integer(owner_userid,
            validation.oneof(perm_type, ('view', 'comment'), 'perm_type')
            flag = validation.cast_integer(flag, 'flag')
            groups = validation.sequence(groups, 'groups')
        except errors.ValidationError, ex:
            return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
    def get_complete_list_with_relations_owner(self, owner_userid, glob, limit,
		Get *all* tags for owner_username's images and mark any that
		match the glob.

		@param owner_username: Owner of the account
		@type owner_username: String

		@param glob: A complex dictionary of limits for the user_images table
			see Glober.py for more details.
		@type glob: Dictionary
        valid_sorts = {
            'title-asc': ("t1.tag_name", "asc"),
            'title-desc': ("t1.tag_name", "desc"),
            'date_asc': ("date_added", "asc"),
            'date_desc': ("date_added", "desc"),
            'count-asc': ("cnt_images", "asc"),
            'count-desc': ("cnt_images", "desc"),
            'recent': ("last_used", "desc")
            owner_userid = validation.cast_integer(owner_userid,
            validation.required(glob, 'glob')
            limit = validation.cast_integer(limit, 'limit')
            validation.oneof(sort, valid_sorts.keys(), 'sort')
        except errors.ValidationError, ex:
            return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
    def set_image_permission(self, owner_userid, image_id, perm_type, flag,
		Sets the flag and groups for a specific perm type (view, tag, etc)

		@param owner_userid: Userid of the user who owns the image
		@type owner_userid: Integer

		@param image_id: ID of the image
		@type media_id: Int

		@param perm_type: Permission being set
		@type perm_type: String

		@param flag: Permission value
		@type flag: Integer

		@param groups: (optional) groups to be added if flag = 2
		@type groups: List
            owner_userid = validation.cast_integer(owner_userid,
            image_id = validation.cast_integer(image_id, 'image_id')
            validation.oneof(perm_type, ('view', 'tag', 'comment', 'print',
                                         'download', 'geotag', 'vote', 'blog'),
            flag = validation.cast_integer(flag, 'flag')
        except errors.ValidationError, ex:
            return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
	def set_image_permission(self, owner_userid, image_id, perm_type, flag, groups):
		Sets the flag and groups for a specific perm type (view, tag, etc)

		@param owner_userid: Userid of the user who owns the image
		@type owner_userid: Integer

		@param image_id: ID of the image
		@type media_id: Int

		@param perm_type: Permission being set
		@type perm_type: String

		@param flag: Permission value
		@type flag: Integer

		@param groups: (optional) groups to be added if flag = 2
		@type groups: List
			owner_userid = validation.cast_integer(owner_userid, "owner_userid")
			image_id = validation.cast_integer(image_id, 'image_id')
			validation.oneof(perm_type, ('view', 'tag', 'comment', 'print', 'download', 'geotag', 'vote', 'blog'), 'perm_type')
			flag = validation.cast_integer(flag, 'flag')
		except errors.ValidationError, ex:
			return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
	def get_list(self, owner_userid, auth_userid, include_public_tags=0, order_by="tag_name", order_dir="asc"):
                Returns a flat list of tags. Each item in the list is a dictionary. Each
                dictionary having the following elements:

                        - tag_name
                        - cnt_images

                @param browse_userid: browse_userid (the user to find tags for)
                @type browse_userid: Int

                @param auth_userid: auth_userid (the logged in user making the request)
                @type browse_userid: String

                @param include_public_tags: Whether to show only tags used by this user, or everyone's tags on his photos
                @type include_public_tags: Boolean

                @param order_by: One of ('tag_name', 'cnt_images')
                @type order_by: String

                @param order_dir: One of ('asc', 'desc')
                @type order_dir: String

                @return: List of tags
                @rtype: List
                        owner_userid = validation.cast_integer(owner_userid, 'owner_userid')
                        if auth_userid:
                                auth_userid = validation.cast_integer(auth_userid, 'auth_userid')
                        validation.oneof(order_by, ('tag_name', 'cnt_images'), 'order_by')
                        validation.oneof(order_dir, ('asc', 'desc'), 'order_dir')
                except errors.ValidationError, ex:
                        return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
	def get_complete_list_with_relations_owner(self, owner_userid, glob, limit, sort):
		Get *all* tags for owner_username's images and mark any that
		match the glob.

		@param owner_username: Owner of the account
		@type owner_username: String

		@param glob: A complex dictionary of limits for the user_images table
			see Glober.py for more details.
		@type glob: Dictionary
		valid_sorts = {
			'title-asc': ("t1.tag_name", "asc"),
			'title-desc': ("t1.tag_name", "desc"),
			'date_asc': ("date_added", "asc"),
			'date_desc': ("date_added", "desc"),
			'count-asc': ("cnt_images", "asc"),
			'count-desc': ("cnt_images", "desc"),
			'recent':("last_used", "desc")
			owner_userid = validation.cast_integer(owner_userid, 'owner_userid')
			validation.required(glob, 'glob')
			limit = validation.cast_integer(limit, 'limit')
			validation.oneof(sort, valid_sorts.keys(), 'sort')
		except errors.ValidationError, ex:
			return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
    def get_featured_media(self,
		Get the list of featured media for a user, ordered by date added desc

		@param owner_username: the user to fetch the list for
		@type owner_username: String

		@param order_by: The database ordering. one of 'owner_username', 'media_id', 'date_added', or 'random'
		@type order_by: String

		@param order_dir: The database ordering direction. one of 'asc' or 'desc'
		@type order_dir: String

		@param offset: The starting row of the return set
		@type offset: Integer

		@param limit: The max number of rows to retreive
		@type limit: Integer

		@return: [
					media_id: MEDIA_ID,
					date_added: TIMESTAMP,
					owner_username: OWNER_USERNAME
					title: TITLE,
					description: DESCRIPTION 
		@rtype: List of dictionaries
            owner_userid = validation.cast_integer(owner_userid,
            if auth_userid:
                auth_userid = validation.cast_integer(auth_userid,
                ('owner_username', 'media_id', 'date_added', 'random'),
            if order_dir:
                validation.oneof(order_dir, ('asc', 'desc'), 'order_dir')
            offset = validation.cast_integer(offset, 'offset')
            limit = validation.cast_integer(limit, 'limit')
        except errors.ValidationError, ex:
            return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
    def check_feature(self, username, feature):
		See if a user account has a particular feature enabled

		@param username: The username we are checking
		@type username: String

		@param feature: one of the account constants from constants.py
		@type feature: String
		@return: 1 if the feature is enabled for the user, 0 if not
		@rtype: Integer
        self.log.debug("checking if user %s has %s enabled" %
                       (username, feature))

        # valid username?
        username = validation.username(username)

        # valid feature?
        validation.oneof(feature, self.valid_features, "feature")

        # immediately return true for reserved names
        if username in self.app.api.users._cfg_invalid_usernames.split():
            return 1

        # get their account info
        self.log.debug("getting account info for %s" % username)
        d = self.app.api.users.get_account_info(username)

        # check the feature
        def check(account_info, feature):
            if account_info.get("account_status", {}).has_key(feature):
                enabled = account_info.get("account_status",
                                           {}).get(feature, 0)
                enabled = account_info.get("account_type", {}).get(feature, 0)
            if enabled:
                # they have the feature
                self.log.debug("user %s has %s enabled" % (username, feature))
                    enabled = int(enabled)
                    return enabled
                    return 1
                # they have the feature
                self.log.debug("user %s has %s disabled" % (username, feature))
                return 0

        d.addCallback(check, feature)
        return d
    def get_tag_list(self, auth_userid, owner_userid, limit, offset, sort,
		Returns a flat list of tags. Each item in the list is a dictionary. Each
		dictionary having the following elements:
			- tag_name
			- cnt_images

		@param browse_username: browse_username (the user to find tags for)
		@type browse_username: String
		@param auth_username: auth_username (the logged in user making the request)
		@type browse_username: String

		@param limit: Max number of tags to return
		@type limit: Integer

		@param sort: Tag sort order
		@type order_by: Integer
		@param offset: Offset of tags to start at
		@type offset: Integer
		@param count_flag: Flag to return only a count
		@type count_flag: Boolean
		@return: List of tags
		@rtype: List
        valid_sorts = {
            'title-asc': ("t1.tag_name", "asc"),
            'title-desc': ("t1.tag_name", "desc"),
            'date_asc': ("date_added", "asc"),
            'date_desc': ("date_added", "desc"),
            'count-asc': ("cnt_images", "asc"),
            'count-desc': ("cnt_images", "desc")

            owner_userid = validation.cast_integer(owner_userid,
            if auth_userid:
                auth_userid = validation.cast_integer(auth_userid,
            limit = validation.cast_integer(limit, 'limit')
            offset = validation.cast_integer(offset, 'offset')
            validation.oneof(sort, valid_sorts.keys(), 'sort')
        except errors.ValidationError, ex:
            return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
	def get_tag_list(self, auth_userid, owner_userid, limit, offset, sort, count_flag):
		Returns a flat list of tags. Each item in the list is a dictionary. Each
		dictionary having the following elements:
			- tag_name
			- cnt_images

		@param browse_username: browse_username (the user to find tags for)
		@type browse_username: String
		@param auth_username: auth_username (the logged in user making the request)
		@type browse_username: String

		@param limit: Max number of tags to return
		@type limit: Integer

		@param sort: Tag sort order
		@type order_by: Integer
		@param offset: Offset of tags to start at
		@type offset: Integer
		@param count_flag: Flag to return only a count
		@type count_flag: Boolean
		@return: List of tags
		@rtype: List
		valid_sorts = {
			'title-asc': ("t1.tag_name", "asc"),
			'title-desc': ("t1.tag_name", "desc"),
			'date_asc': ("date_added", "asc"),
			'date_desc': ("date_added", "desc"),
			'count-asc': ("cnt_images", "asc"),
			'count-desc': ("cnt_images", "desc")

			owner_userid = validation.cast_integer(owner_userid, 'owner_userid')
			if auth_userid:
				auth_userid = validation.cast_integer(auth_userid, 'auth_userid')
			limit = validation.cast_integer(limit, 'limit')
			offset = validation.cast_integer(offset, 'offset')
			validation.oneof(sort, valid_sorts.keys(), 'sort')
		except errors.ValidationError, ex:
			return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
	def create_archive(self, owner_userid, media_ids, image_size):
		Creates a .zip file the user can download.

		@param owner_userid: Owner of the images.
		@type owner_userid: Integer

		@param media_ids: List of images to be added to the archive.
		@type media_ids: List
			owner_userid = validation.cast_integer(owner_userid, 'owner_userid')
			if not isinstance(media_ids, (list, tuple)):
				media_ids = [media_ids]
			valid_sizes = ["ORIGINAL"] + display_sizes.keys()
			validation.oneof(image_size, valid_sizes, "image_size")
		except errors.ValidationError, ex:
			return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
    def set_attr(self, owner_userid, set_id, key, value):
		Changes an attribute on a set.

		@param set_id: Set ID
		@type set_id: Integer

		@param key: Value to be changed
		@type key: String

		@param value: New value
		@type value: String
            set_id = validation.cast_integer(set_id, 'set_id')
            validation.oneof(key, self.valid_set_attrs, 'key')
            value = validation.string(value)
        except errors.ValidationError, ex:
            return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
    def get_featured_media(
        self, owner_userid, auth_userid, order_by="date_added", order_dir="desc", offset=0, limit=10
		Get the list of featured media for a user, ordered by date added desc

		@param owner_username: the user to fetch the list for
		@type owner_username: String

		@param order_by: The database ordering. one of 'owner_username', 'media_id', 'date_added', or 'random'
		@type order_by: String

		@param order_dir: The database ordering direction. one of 'asc' or 'desc'
		@type order_dir: String

		@param offset: The starting row of the return set
		@type offset: Integer

		@param limit: The max number of rows to retreive
		@type limit: Integer

		@return: [
					media_id: MEDIA_ID,
					date_added: TIMESTAMP,
					owner_username: OWNER_USERNAME
					title: TITLE,
					description: DESCRIPTION 
		@rtype: List of dictionaries
            owner_userid = validation.cast_integer(owner_userid, "owner_userid")
            if auth_userid:
                auth_userid = validation.cast_integer(auth_userid, "auth_userid")
            validation.oneof(order_by, ("owner_username", "media_id", "date_added", "random"), "order_by")
            if order_dir:
                validation.oneof(order_dir, ("asc", "desc"), "order_dir")
            offset = validation.cast_integer(offset, "offset")
            limit = validation.cast_integer(limit, "limit")
        except errors.ValidationError, ex:
            return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
	def set_attr(self, owner_userid, set_id, key, value):
		Changes an attribute on a set.

		@param set_id: Set ID
		@type set_id: Integer

		@param key: Value to be changed
		@type key: String

		@param value: New value
		@type value: String
			set_id = validation.cast_integer(set_id, 'set_id')
			validation.oneof(key, self.valid_set_attrs, 'key')
			value = validation.string(value)
		except errors.ValidationError, ex:
			return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
	def update_status(self, to_userid, message_id, status):
		Updates the status of a received message (read/replied to).

		@param to_username: User who received the message
		@type to_username: String

		@param message_id: Message to be updated
		@type message_id: Integer

		@param status: New status for the message
		@type status: Integer
			to_userid = validation.cast_integer(to_userid, 'to_userid')
			message_id = validation.cast_integer(message_id, 'message_id')
			validation.oneof(status, (0, 1, 2), 'status')
		except errors.ValidationError, ex:
			return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
    def set_album_permission(self, owner_userid, album_id, perm_type, flag,
		Sets the flag and groups for a specific perm type (view, tag, etc)

		@param owner_userid: User who owns the album
		@type owner_userid: Int

		@param album_id: ID of the album
		@type album_id: String

		@param perm_type: Permission being set
		@type perm_type: String

		@param flag: Permission value
		@type flag: Integer

		@param groups: (optional) groups to be added if flag = 2
		@type groups: List
        owner_userid = validation.cast_integer(owner_userid, "owner_userid")
        album_id = validation.cast_integer(album_id, 'album_id')
        validation.oneof(perm_type, ('view', 'comment'), 'perm_type')
        flag = validation.cast_integer(flag, 'flag')
        group_list = []
        group_val = "{}"
        if groups:
            for g in groups:
                validation.integer(g, 'group_id')
            group_val = "{%s}" % ', '.join(group_list)

        d = self.app.db.query(
			SELECT zoto_update_album_permission(
				%s, %s, %s, %s)
			""", (owner_userid, album_id, perm_type, flag, group_val))
        d.addCallback(lambda _: (0, "success"))
        d.addErrback(lambda _: (-1, _.getErrorMessage()))
        return d
    def get_list(self,
                Returns a flat list of tags. Each item in the list is a dictionary. Each
                dictionary having the following elements:

                        - tag_name
                        - cnt_images

                @param browse_userid: browse_userid (the user to find tags for)
                @type browse_userid: Int

                @param auth_userid: auth_userid (the logged in user making the request)
                @type browse_userid: String

                @param include_public_tags: Whether to show only tags used by this user, or everyone's tags on his photos
                @type include_public_tags: Boolean

                @param order_by: One of ('tag_name', 'cnt_images')
                @type order_by: String

                @param order_dir: One of ('asc', 'desc')
                @type order_dir: String

                @return: List of tags
                @rtype: List
            owner_userid = validation.cast_integer(owner_userid,
            if auth_userid:
                auth_userid = validation.cast_integer(auth_userid,
            validation.oneof(order_by, ('tag_name', 'cnt_images'), 'order_by')
            validation.oneof(order_dir, ('asc', 'desc'), 'order_dir')
        except errors.ValidationError, ex:
            return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
	def set_album_permission(self, owner_userid, album_id, perm_type, flag, groups):
		Sets the flag and groups for a specific perm type (view, tag, etc)

		@param owner_userid: User who owns the album
		@type owner_userid: Int

		@param album_id: ID of the album
		@type album_id: String

		@param perm_type: Permission being set
		@type perm_type: String

		@param flag: Permission value
		@type flag: Integer

		@param groups: (optional) groups to be added if flag = 2
		@type groups: List
		owner_userid = validation.cast_integer(owner_userid, "owner_userid")
		album_id = validation.cast_integer(album_id, 'album_id')
		validation.oneof(perm_type, ('view', 'comment'), 'perm_type')
		flag = validation.cast_integer(flag, 'flag')
		group_list = []
		group_val = "{}"
		if groups:
			for g in groups:
				validation.integer(g, 'group_id')
			group_val = "{%s}" % ', '.join(group_list)

		d = self.app.db.query("""
			SELECT zoto_update_album_permission(
				%s, %s, %s, %s)
			""", (owner_userid, album_id, perm_type, flag, group_val))
		d.addCallback(lambda _: (0, "success"))
		d.addErrback(lambda _: (-1, _.getErrorMessage()))
		return d
	def set_attr(self, album_id, owner_userid, key, value):
		Changes an attribute for an album.

		@param album_id: ID of the album being modified
		@type album_id: Integer

		@param owner_userid: User who owns the album
		@type owner_userid: Integer

		@param key: Name of the attribute being set
		@type key: String

		@param value: New attribute value
		@type value: String
			album_id = validation.cast_integer(album_id, 'album_id')
			owner_userid = validation.cast_integer(owner_userid, 'owner_userid')
			validation.oneof(key, self.valid_album_attrs, 'key')
		except errors.ValidationError, ex:
			return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
	def set_attr(self, owner_userid, image_id, key, value):
		Sets an attribute of an image.
		@param owner_username: Username
		@type owner_username: String
		@param media_id: Image ID
		@type media_id: String
		@param key: Field to set. One of ('title', 'description', 'date', 'camera_make', 
						'camera_model', 'fstop', 'exposure_time', 'focal_length', 
						'iso_speed', 'rotate_bit', 'flash_fired', 'lat', 'lng', 'alt')
		@type key: String
		@param value: Value to set field to.
		@type: String

		@return: Nothing
		@rtype: Nothing
		owner_userid = validation.cast_integer(owner_userid, 'owner_userid')
		image_id = validation.cast_integer(image_id, 'image_id')
		validation.required(key, 'key')

		validation.oneof(key, self.attr_fields.keys(), 'key')

		if key == 'date':
			validation.isodatetime(value, 'date')
		if key == 'lat' or key == 'lng':
			value = float(value)
		if key == 'title':
			value = utils.check_n_chop(value, 30)

		self.log.debug("setting image [%s] [%s]=>[%s]" % (image_id, key, value))
		return self.app.db.runOperation("""
				select zoto_image_set_attr(%s, %s, %s, %s)
				""", (owner_userid, image_id, key, utils.sql_escape(value)))
    def get_complete_list_with_relations(self, auth_userid, owner_userid, glob,
                                         limit, sort):
		Get *all* tags on owner_username's images and mark
		any that match the glob
		@param owner_username: The user's tags we care about
		@type owner_username: String

		@param auth_username: The logged-in user that is trying to get the tag list
		@type auth_username: String

		@param glob: A complex dictionary of limits for the user_images table
				see Globber.py for more details
		@type glob: Dictionary

		@return: List of Dictionaries including tag_name, image_count, is_related (boolean)
        valid_sorts = {
            'title-asc': ("t1.tag_name", "asc"),
            'title-desc': ("t1.tag_name", "desc"),
            'date_asc': ("date_added", "asc"),
            'date_desc': ("date_added", "desc"),
            'count-asc': ("cnt_images", "asc"),
            'count-desc': ("cnt_images", "desc"),
            'recent': ("last_used", "desc")

            owner_userid = validation.cast_integer(owner_userid, 'owner_id')
            limit = validation.cast_integer(limit, 'limit')
            if auth_userid:
                auth_userid = validation.cast_integer(auth_userid,
            validation.required(glob, 'glob')
            validation.oneof(sort, valid_sorts.keys(), 'sort')
        except errors.ValidationError, ex:
            return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
	def get_image_tags(self, owner_userid, image_id, tag_type='owner'):
		Gets list of tags for image

		@param owner_username: Image onwer username
		@type owner_username: String

		@param media_id: image id
		@type media_id: String

		@param tag_type: oneof("owner", "public", "all") filters private tags
		@type tag_type: String

		@return: List of Tags
		@rtype: List

			owner_userid = validation.cast_integer(owner_userid, 'owner_userid')
			image_id = validation.cast_integer(image_id, 'image_id')
			validation.oneof(tag_type, ('owner', 'public', 'all'), 'tag_type')
		except errors.ValidationError, ex:
			return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
	def set_account_album_permission(self, owner_userid, perm_type, flag, groups):
		Sets the permissions on a user's account for albums.

		@param owner_userid: userid of the Owner username
		@type owner_username: Int

		@param perm_type: Type of permission being set (view/comment)
		@type perm_type: String

		@param flag: Permission state - one of (0, 1, 2, 3)
		@type flag: Integer

		@param groups: New group access list, if appropriate
		@type groups: List/tuple
			owner_userid = validation.cast_integer(owner_userid, 'owner_userid')
			validation.oneof(perm_type, ('view', 'comment'), 'perm_type')
			flag = validation.cast_integer(flag, 'flag')
			groups = validation.sequence(groups, 'groups')
		except errors.ValidationError, ex:
			return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
	def get_complete_list_with_relations(self, auth_userid, owner_userid, glob, limit, sort):
		Get *all* tags on owner_username's images and mark
		any that match the glob
		@param owner_username: The user's tags we care about
		@type owner_username: String

		@param auth_username: The logged-in user that is trying to get the tag list
		@type auth_username: String

		@param glob: A complex dictionary of limits for the user_images table
				see Globber.py for more details
		@type glob: Dictionary

		@return: List of Dictionaries including tag_name, image_count, is_related (boolean)
		valid_sorts = {
			'title-asc': ("t1.tag_name", "asc"),
			'title-desc': ("t1.tag_name", "desc"),
			'date_asc': ("date_added", "asc"),
			'date_desc': ("date_added", "desc"),
			'count-asc': ("cnt_images", "asc"),
			'count-desc': ("cnt_images", "desc"),
			'recent':("last_used", "desc")

			owner_userid = validation.cast_integer(owner_userid, 'owner_id')
			limit = validation.cast_integer(limit, 'limit')
			if auth_userid:
				auth_userid = validation.cast_integer(auth_userid, 'auth_userid')
			validation.required(glob, 'glob')
			validation.oneof(sort, valid_sorts.keys(), 'sort')
		except errors.ValidationError, ex:
			return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
    def get_image_tags(self, owner_userid, image_id, tag_type='owner'):
		Gets list of tags for image

		@param owner_username: Image onwer username
		@type owner_username: String

		@param media_id: image id
		@type media_id: String

		@param tag_type: oneof("owner", "public", "all") filters private tags
		@type tag_type: String

		@return: List of Tags
		@rtype: List

            owner_userid = validation.cast_integer(owner_userid,
            image_id = validation.cast_integer(image_id, 'image_id')
            validation.oneof(tag_type, ('owner', 'public', 'all'), 'tag_type')
        except errors.ValidationError, ex:
            return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
	def get_methods(self, profile):
		@param profile: Either 'zapi' or 'papi'
		@type profile: String
		Returns a list of available ZAPI Methods for documentation purposes. This
		will be a list of dictionaries, organized like this::
		1. List
		 - Dictionary
		   - 'name': '<name of argument>'
		   - 'methods':
		     - List
		       - Dictionary
		       - 'name': '<name of method>',
		       - 'summary': '<description of method>',
		       - 'args': 
		         - List
			   - Dictionary
			     - 'name': '<High level name for arguments>',
			     - 'doc': '<text describing arguemtn>',
			     - 'default': '<default value, if any>',
			     - 'is_last_arg': <true if this is the last argument in list>,
			     - 'is_required': <true if this arguement is required>
		self.log.warning("here inside get_methods")
		validation.oneof(profile, ('zapi', 'papi'), 'profile')
		if not self.methods.has_key(profile):
			# Assemble in dictionaries, then sort into lists
			module_dict = {}
			for api_name in dir(self.app.api):
				api = getattr(self.app.api, api_name)
				self.log.warning("processing api: %s" % api.__class__.__name__)
				self.log.warning("api summary: %s" % api.__class__.__doc__)
				if hasattr(api, 'enable_zapi') and api.enable_zapi:
					module_dict[api_name] = {'name': api_name, 'summary': api.__class__.__doc__, 'methods': {}}
					for attrname in dir(api):
						if attrname.startswith('xmlrpc_'):
							method = getattr(api, attrname)
							self.log.debug("method contents: %s" % method)
							self.log.debug("checking %s %s" % (api_name, attrname))
							if hasattr(method, '_zapi_desc') and hasattr(method, '_zapi_args'):
								method_name = method.func_name.replace('xmlrpc_', '')
								temp_args = deepcopy(method._zapi_args)
								for arg in temp_args:
									self.log.debug("arg_type: %s" % pformat(arg['type']))
									self.log.debug("API: %s" % api.__class__.__name__)
									self.log.debug("method: %s" % attrname)
									self.log.debug("arg: %s" % arg['name'])
									arg['type'] = self._clean_attr(arg['type'])
								info = {'summary': method._zapi_desc,
										'name': method_name,
										'args': temp_args,
										'is_last_arg': 0

								if info['args']:
									info['args'][-1]['is_last_arg'] = 1

								module_dict[api_name]['methods'][method_name] = info
			# Now to sorted lists
			module_list = []
			for module in module_dict.values():
				if len(module['methods'].values()) == 0:
				methods = module['methods'].values()
				methods.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a['name'], b['name']))
				module['methods'] = methods
			module_list.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a['name'], b['name']))
			self.methods[profile] = module_list
		return self.methods[profile]
    def get_methods(self, profile):
		@param profile: Either 'zapi' or 'papi'
		@type profile: String
		Returns a list of available ZAPI Methods for documentation purposes. This
		will be a list of dictionaries, organized like this::
		1. List
		 - Dictionary
		   - 'name': '<name of argument>'
		   - 'methods':
		     - List
		       - Dictionary
		       - 'name': '<name of method>',
		       - 'summary': '<description of method>',
		       - 'args': 
		         - List
			   - Dictionary
			     - 'name': '<High level name for arguments>',
			     - 'doc': '<text describing arguemtn>',
			     - 'default': '<default value, if any>',
			     - 'is_last_arg': <true if this is the last argument in list>,
			     - 'is_required': <true if this arguement is required>
        self.log.warning("here inside get_methods")
        validation.oneof(profile, ('zapi', 'papi'), 'profile')
        if not self.methods.has_key(profile):
            # Assemble in dictionaries, then sort into lists
            module_dict = {}
            for api_name in dir(self.app.api):
                api = getattr(self.app.api, api_name)
                self.log.warning("processing api: %s" % api.__class__.__name__)
                self.log.warning("api summary: %s" % api.__class__.__doc__)
                if hasattr(api, 'enable_zapi') and api.enable_zapi:
                    module_dict[api_name] = {
                        'name': api_name,
                        'summary': api.__class__.__doc__,
                        'methods': {}
                    for attrname in dir(api):
                        if attrname.startswith('xmlrpc_'):
                            method = getattr(api, attrname)
                            self.log.debug("method contents: %s" % method)
                            self.log.debug("checking %s %s" %
                                           (api_name, attrname))
                            if hasattr(method, '_zapi_desc') and hasattr(
                                    method, '_zapi_args'):
                                method_name = method.func_name.replace(
                                    'xmlrpc_', '')
                                temp_args = deepcopy(method._zapi_args)
                                for arg in temp_args:
                                    self.log.debug("arg_type: %s" %
                                    self.log.debug("API: %s" %
                                    self.log.debug("method: %s" % attrname)
                                    self.log.debug("arg: %s" % arg['name'])
                                    arg['type'] = self._clean_attr(arg['type'])
                                info = {
                                    'summary': method._zapi_desc,
                                    'name': method_name,
                                    'args': temp_args,
                                    'is_last_arg': 0

                                if info['args']:
                                    info['args'][-1]['is_last_arg'] = 1

                                    method_name] = info

            # Now to sorted lists
            module_list = []

            for module in module_dict.values():
                if len(module['methods'].values()) == 0:
                methods = module['methods'].values()
                methods.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a['name'], b['name']))
                module['methods'] = methods
            module_list.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a['name'], b['name']))

            self.methods[profile] = module_list

        return self.methods[profile]